ata tte,, With Which is Incorporated The J3owmanville News .A. JAMES & SONS, Publiýher.s. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THIJIfSDAY, 1VIARCH 2Oth., 1924. $2.OfO a Year in Âdvance 5c a Copy DyaI Theatre BOWMAN VILLE MARCH 19-20 -May -McAVoyla "RHer Reputatcion" Wài Lloyd Hughes ýt moving mlodrama,, that sccr- big blit at Pantages, Theatra, 1orointo, a ýew waaks ago. MARCH 2-1-22 "lPioncer Trils" Cullan Landfis andI Alice Cal- Oaa of the finest outdoor picturas aven madep. 1 MARCH I21-22 Gloria Swans:,on la "Bluebaardl'e 8th Wife"ý MlARCH 26-27 "Jeahous iHusbaader" ring Jane Nevak, Erlne Wil-1 Ben Alaxander andI Bulli Montana playing to capacftyj business at f 'Tornto'e haadirig down town Theatras. MIARCH I28-29 n the Banks of The Waibiash"- Mary Canr, Burn Me2ttosh,1 ýe Evans, Jamesç Monison and Mary MacLanen. MARCII 31-APRIL 1 Polo Negni in "The Cheat" METHODIST S. S. ANNIVERSARY' Another fine treat is la store f or BowýmanivilIae citizens. The anni.- vensanry services in coanection with the MVethodist Sunday School will be held Sunday aext coaducted by a very ,popular preacher-Rav. .HI- oltI Youn , MV. A., B. D., p)astor aof Georg-e-st. Methodiet Church, Peter-1 boro. Alh -who can shouhd hear hlm, services a- il a. mi. andI 7 p. m. Open session of the Sundlay Sehool will be hel i in the church at 2.30 p. m Young men and boys' choirl m-111 lead the, 'inging at the eveningi service undar direction of Mn. T. W.l Stanley, orgaiest and choir 'director.ý A liberal offering le r-equested for! corne ieed cd improve ments. Publication ofBy-Law N\otice les hereby iven that a aBy-Lawvý wae asdb the ýMuniicipal Counciil of the- oprto of tlie Town ofBo- manville oathie Tiiirdl day Mlardli, 1924, rodigforthelissueof bntrsto 1the. amllinrt of ý2,SG0.27 for the purpose of exenin teWaterworks Systam îoni Thi rd Street ,,a nd Lami) Street la theý Town of0 'omnville andi for the c0on-1 itClt iofCret Pa1vement Sidewvalks! on Scgg diprosp(ct , Queen, Bee CI A venueý', Durhîam and Ontarjo§StreeteS ; ad C thaýt sciBy-Law was registerea in the eityOfc of the ,West Riding, of Dunham,,ii on thie iti day of Marci, Aymotion to quasli or setacde thre sine or aýny p)art thiereof, mulst be maide withiiin three onthe1, aften, the firet plb- lication of tus notice, andi cannot be mqade hratr DateS ait Bowimaniville the it day ofi M arci, 1924. 12-1Johni Lyle, Clrk EDITORIAL BRIEFS E-ve-ry Bowm-anvi1le citizen is in-1 terested .in-,thle informnation' we pub-l lishn on aniother page from the Town Egne'sreport to Council on the high coit of waterworks cntic tion. itwa a d.eci'ded surprise toi u3 an-d no ldoubt it will be co inanyý other citizens. We thinikit well, aye n'eCessýary that thlisinomtn should' be known to the ratepayers. Don't fail to read th, report and al1so the notice about corporationi dlebenituries over the signature of the Town Clerk, Fe-w people realize the diffieulty thbat an editor experiences in ob1Dtain-. ing sufficient Informnation for wrivîting1 a sketch or obituary of People 'who' die in tis Town or within 'the areai tt1dThe Sta.tesman ie supposed tol oer f êoursee,we Cali speak in a general ïsenise of such people as we have kniowý,n intîniately, but in writ- ing' an obituary there are so mal' facts and partiulars that we do10 not know that application ha'sofncs Sity to be mnade to sone prono personis for thlem. Rend the obit-ý uaries o-n another page of this week'sý paper and see what a hlost of informa - tion was necessary to prepare them1.1 A good planl is for sonne meberoý the family of dleceasedi to fuish 111Us with ail the data we r-equire immed-i iatelýy after the funeral. NOTICE TO CUSTOMIERS 1 H-aving. sold the grocery branch ofý oui, busýiness, ail accournts dlue C. M\. Ca'Twker & Son] for groc-eries up11 toi Mac12th mnuet be paid a fa shop at once and save furthier costs.1 C. M. Cawker & Son, Bowmanville.1 Distinctive-but flot expensive Nvew Things to Wecar in Spring AT PRICES WITHJN EVERY WOMAN'S REACH ON THE THRESHOLD 0F SPRING The spirit of Spring is in the air-wherever you look you will see sigus of newness, of vivifyinig freshness and change, and no- where more so than in. the stuinning. newý Fashions that are daily making their debut in Suits, Coats, Frocks, Gowns, Blouses, Skirts, and ail1 the delightful accessories to the the Spring mode are hlere. The new Dress Goods also contain many delightful materials displaying ail the newest shades, colorings and patterns. MEN'S SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATS Here you find Men's Ready-to-Wear Suits and Overcoats in the latest styles, unquestionable quality and workmanship and at remarkably low prices. If you are flot familiar with our values you milI be agreeably surprised. No trouble to show goods even if you are not just ready to buy. We cordiaily invite your inspection. We are sure you will enjoy seeing them. couach,Johnston & Cryderm-anp,) Bowmanville Phonei104 Limitea i -à-- DURHAMI CLUB'S ANNUAL v->' cces3ful Reunioin of It wae a happy -atlhering 'thatnmetý in the Y, M. C. A. Parlore, ColJlege Street, Toronto, on Thursday 1-een- ing-, March 1U, xhen the Durhami CFub entertained ihçir friends. From al! over Durhami County tbiey, came- Darlington, Clarke, ,a'rt-ýright and Manvers-sent their representatives, whNýlile the towns of P )wmianville ai-d Port H4ope also had iie'i7 contingents. Greetiags and gladunese prevailed, old miemnoies wýere recailed and old scenes lived over again. The commnitt 'ea in charge had! ar-1 rang,.ed a firet-class progianime. The Presid'ent, Dr.. James LHughes, tcok, us through thýe land of Burns ia picture and story, utlsonie of us 'weýre back naaini-n bonnie Scotland, and ila patriotic fervour we said, "Gae bring miy guid, auld harp aince n1air Gae bring ,-itfree and fast, Fori- malun sing anither Song 1 Ere a' miy glee be past; An' trou y e, as I sing, uy lads, The buirden o'ot ehall be Auld Scotlandi's nicht, an' Scotland's might, And Se>nt1land's bills for na". The Doctor took us through a veritable f airy land, whereý cot and castie, each hbad its place, and its attraction to its ain f10ol'. Piano solos were rendered by Miss-es Mclntyre and Palmer; sonige 1were sung by Miîîs rene H. Bray which -were much appreciated and a group of four songs also by M4r. iErnest Caldwellwh is oGne of our popular Singers. Our.I)own-, Mr. John D. Keanh ie rendIered in splendid voice and eye two of B -urns' songs: "0f a' the airts the wind can blnw"; an-d "My' Love is; like, a Red, Red Rose", while Secretary Yiellowlees cloeed thie Musical Part Off the pro- grain by, singîng "WxIll ye no corne Àba -,Agai?" teentire company joining inu the chorus, 1If they ýdo prsmised they are going to ietsomre ither nigh't. Mrs. Jean Blewett who was in thel aucjence, was invied to reci'te somne of be(r own poem1's and conI11piedI by gîving"Friedship , inher oýwn in- imitable way, an.d for -which eshe was Club.e an honorary i-tnber oif the During ',!lehebil f drref'resh- nments, nmany ïa hea-rt wsgladdelied as hands of oldi friends were extended and many a heart cheered 'Dy the recital of somte incident, which spoke of the days of long ago; and touiched as the namnes of somre who were gone were recalled and there naturally camne a longing "For a touch'of the vanished hand, The sound of a voice thlat iestill"1. It was an inepiring picture when the President lined uas ail up,arounid the- hall tbat we mgtsiag "Auid Lang Syne" and "God Save The King" as they ýhould be eung. Rev.i J. C. Wilson, seconded by Dr. D. J. Goggin presented hearty thanke to ai -who rendered any service in on nection with this annual gathering and it -was juet idniýiighbt as they separated and .said "Gýood Nightf" to each other. Truly, it was a very 'happy and succeseful reu.nion of folk fromi the Homeland. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Literar 'y Society meeting included i a numiber of interesting itemn-s on' Thursday. Piano eolos were ekil- fully playedl by Misses Isabel MMr tr nd Marguerite Armsirong. Miss BtyChabot g-ave an address on the Canadianl poet, Bliss Carmen. Mr. Jeif j-Lam-ontagne gave an aniiusing reading which was followed by the radling of an enjoyaible nuimber of, the School Paper. Work lias begun on tlý B. H. S. M0-agazine, the "Screech Oi fi".uSoreý c(omente from other papers o r mier nun-ibers f ollow: "St. Andrews Colleg-e Review" -A ver-y- creditable magazine for a two-' year old. You will notice amongi your exchianges that the double columan page is not as popular as the full pag-e, although iýt allows emnaller print. The "Arg-us"-A 'dandy lot ofi School spirit-Keep it Up. "Oakwood Oracle"-We can off er i no criticism.j "Vox Colleie"-We enjoyed youri magazine, especially the poemis'nnd s. Might we sugg-est th±bt ter paper woukcl make your maainn more attractive? "Vox. Lycei"-Anothetr excellent muagazine. ST. PATiRIC-K'S DAY AT ST. PAUL'S iOatede and Local Entertainers Put! onChive Progr-am. St. riýk's Day was fittingly oh- served in St. Paul'e Church Lecturel RPoan on Monday eveninig when a .good programn was presented to the large nuinher assembled R e V. D. W. Best, B. Ak., the minister, was inl charge of thie pro.grami and inter-1 spersed the numbecrs wý,itb somne humn- orous Irish tonies whvich kept the audience in good humnor. Mlise Margaret Aberneth y opened nh program wîth a fine piano solo whicýh was encored. M,ýis3 Belle Thonipson, Toronto, who le a splendid entertainer, gave "Mr.-H1arrigan at, the Shoe Store", an-d as an encore "Tit for Tïnt". The ifret named wa ralIish ,selec- tion and w-\as given a.s only an en- tertainer of Miss Thomips'on's ability coulà do. Another: equally go odj nunieber of her's ,vas "A Voice froini a fa-r Couintry" and. as an encore "Hle was t1here and so was V', Mr. R. M. Mit-chell delighited al with hie selections "Ireland" and "Moiher 0 Mine". Both received,1 much wzell desenved applause. 1 The Young Men's quartet-Mesers. Il. Hallîman, Alex. McGregor, F. Tucrknd W. Carruthrs-sang ]a sfringtimne selection and as an encêore! "Tebarefoot Trail". Mr. Samn Glanville, the "àu s i c Mater", and hie pupils: Mrs. M. A. Neal, Miýse elnYellowvlees and Mr. CalsCruhr gave a hm orous sketch which too)k eelic appearing in costu-mes that create.d m1uCb meïrriment. Mies Gertrude Petrie o f Port Hope, also, a charinrg elocutioniet, wonu much applause as she preseuted one of _Mark Twair.'s stories froin "Innocents Abroad", beîng- an inter- view of an Amercan th a Spanieli guidie. ;As an encore she gave "At,! the Theýatre". Her rendeinge of Williami Henry Druimmond'., "The Stove Pipe Efole" and "Little Bat-J týiete" were exceedingly well doneý adeveryone greatly appreciated the eicellni orkof thetw readïers. who so kindly favored wNith sucli in- teresting nurabers. on this occasion.: In the conteet of telling an Irish story Mrs. (Rev.> Geo. M'ýason re-, 'eeived the prize, and for singing.anj 1-rish song Mfiss Jean Ramsay was awarded firýt place. The ý accom- paniste -werýe Mrs. DI. W. Beet and Mrs. M. A. Neal. Dainty refreshinente in shamtrock decorated paper table napkins, pin-, aed with a tooth pick and accompan- 1 ied by a cup of bot coff ee, were ser- ved to aIl at the close of the pro- grami whei¶ a social haîf-hour wasl enjoyed in true Irish style. The room was decorated in green giving. it a real St. Patrick Day appearance. SILVER WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pooley Civeni a Pair of Easy Chairs. Mn. and Mrs. Richard Poohey were veny pheasnntly surpr-ised Saturd--. everniag, Marci 1.5, whaa several relatives met at their home to cale-i brate wivti themi the 25th anniver- sary of 'their marniaga.1 Phone maessages wena neceived and lettere of congratulation rend fromi soe una.ble to attend. The compay sat down to a danty suppen aad aIl enjoyad the good thinge providad. MUies Audrey Prout presanted a lovaly bouquet to the bri'de and this address w7as edb Mn. T. Evanson Prout: Dear Sister and Brother- We, your relatives, have gathered' to-night la your homne to enind yvou of n pleasant avent which took place 25 yenrs ago. We coultI not lest your scuver -wadding Pas-, without thinkiag ofthe nmany kiad acte ehown us la the past. Ia sickaess or trouble we have always hooked to youl andI you hava always'-eiieenaady to help, te chear or to comf ont us. Wa wieh in a quiet way to shara wvth you the iappinass of thie occa- sion andI would ask you to acceptl thase chairs -wîth our very sincera de-- sire that you mnay enjoy theni for manly years to comae. Mr. and Mrs. Pooley iatIe very pleasing replies and a very pheasant evaning wns speat la games and music. EIBENEZER As an uique ainti appropriate -winding up of the past saosahei cii ties of theLdis batsebi1l nd football teame w-ae the, oyster supper taid ban- quet hlId ln the echbool roo n uF'ridaiy eeinig we oeeWere laid for, aboxut 5.After the dsosiof large quaný1ti- leofthe, chýoice produict ofthie sea, seve o 1perfection unde(lr thie manage- menit of Pro f. Ga, s lheati chef.,' and mayothe fa ("mcot ribuLtionis to the exeive iof fa,tiic Sunday Sehool sup't. M.R. H. Osborn, waecali thle cha"ir aýnQ atprograrni wae givýen of mnisic iincludiiing munt songe, piano solos by MNrs. (C. \Worden and Mc1i\ise HazRel VLtuadte ,and a very clevrcalk talk by Mfr. Gleni Courrice, Toronito, together with a humorous a J'ee y 1the pastor, Rer. C. C. Wash31illgtonl. A fewv social game ani te Ntioal nthm n-h istory of tie commxunity... W. M. S. Aýuxiliariiy le holding a special service on Sundaty eveing, Marci r,,lathe la- tarests of Clheir work when Mr.J al Toronto, who luas had coneidarableex- perience la thie Mission fields of Mani- toba amox>g tha Ixdan s l to be praseat and -ive tba ,ldress. Miss St.. a_1a Peafounti anti Miss Louise Osborne visit-I ed Mrs. M. H. Stapiles, Orono.1 DURHAM COUNTY PEOPLE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Ontward Commends Oor Churchi's I rAlphia Pinch's 2n(, letterý from Socil Acivites.El pas;o, Texas, next week. Tha vey ecelen SudaySchol Mie-s GraJýe Williams, Toronto, bas Tha vrySulaý Shol een guast of M'iss HelenYelwes weekly îlluetrated paper for youngý Centre-st. peopfle-juet as popular by the wy ii.SalyLbMpeGoe with tei the he ,their couLisinene LbMfleý;oe and their aunts"-Iln itshading edi-vîsited Newcastle friands over the tonafl in) Ma1rch l5th issue pays Bow-J weekend, manville and other W'est Durhanm1Mr. and Abcrs.W. S, Percy and Mfise forlk this fine tribute undar thel iuth P'erey, Toronto, viited lbane hending "The Place of the Church". haLstwek ia lookîng over a recent issue of Mirs. A. L. iBnown, Chicago, bI, is Mhat excellent local papr The Bow-, viiting hier parente, ». and Mres. mnanville Canadian iStatesrnan wTe John Foster. w\ere imipressed wib hMe fact that the Mr. Anthur TrebiloocliX.Touto, Church holde a large place in the spent Sunday wih is parente, Mr. if e of that commuriiy. 0f course,!an Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. such a journal je largely devoted to the ordinary-, everyday -on bfth lrs. George Harris, Oshana,;vas peopïe, wicthough not of suffi-rec entgeto irsseMs dient imnportance to chronicle la the JamieýS Courtice, Scugog-et. mletropolitan dCaily, are neventhielees, Mrsc . W. M.Warnîca spart the ofcnsiderable initerest tLo those wbo we-n ihMr- and Mrs. R. G 11ive la the neighborhood. Rare are Dickiýneon and other relatives -,i Tor- a ffew of d theims ioted lainthis pap- onto. ecoverîng ona township (Darling- trv.D. AW. Herbant iloore, Ston) : -,thica, Nýev York, spent the week- An întereàtg meeting of anl Ep- end -withi Mr. andf Mre, N. E. '-'ould, w-orth Langue is hield. Elgint. A debate between two Epworth Citizens are pleaeed to, sue at Leagues is gai Mr . Maiia A chicken-pia supper le held, !busins gani Mn. ls. . on 4-s where evarybody has a good tirme. oerthe igcofie' t bs one1o. Tha Sunday School iSuperinta dent of the wintenJea i entertaias hie teachers and offlWereati Pleased to lawta isJa !hbi home; important bsnss i pryd of-erQMr. and M31-e. F. traneactad, andI a pleasant turnie en- S J. pry, is reýoverîng nicely fro qnaan joyeu. operatiopl for miastoide. iThe close of a series of evangelie- A t tle auction sale of th- late tic services le referred to, with thal T. A. Thomipson's household gQode statment tet ixty pereons were et Port Hope_ a sideboard cradi ed to converted. be 100 yeare oltI, sold for $75.011. Oaa- correspondtent calîs attentioný Ms. Dr.) William A. Whitu , Mis to the specýiaIIy fine sermon preachedj Mýarïon L. Phiillipe, New, York C(ity,. by the pastor on a revent etormyý andI Counicillon Geo. W. Jameýs, Bo0w- Surnday, when the attendance ya s manville, Ont., aere enjoying sea emaller than usual. (Good for the brýeazes in Atlantic City on Tresday preacher!>jt1his week, . Another correspondent e-xpresses, Rev. H. B. Kany sçn Moda himself as "Glad to sceesuch a gody n o n n chedo en Mo hie congragation at church hot Suntday". former parishoner. He au 0 at- AUl this inicates that the people teaded thaenionthly meetng of the fin the vicinity of Bowmanvile are Minemial Associatioi. very much interertedi the church Mtr. Louis LaBelle leftriday antI its work, and no doubt it ji verymorning for hie home in Mol(tnasal macwh the came ia other loCatesIfhig enjoyed a veýry -piensaint visit the Churcb antI<,ail hiinspir-es should ihbsbohradsse-nlw ha taken out of our country lufe it Mn. antI lMre J. 0, LilBelle,Bec -would leave cond(itions ný at1hen drnb and uninteestig. Theamar those wvho deprecate the 'l'le Merchanit of venice w Libe social features thaýt have been de-' pra-sented ini the Opera os on valo-ped ia coil-e flaces la connection1 Thursday andI Friday evecîlaigs, wish te churcheqS;tey hosd np their'Mardi 27 an! 2M. Plann pm ; at hands in plouc hiorror at the mention M titchalh's- Drug StLore on Fî iday, of tanmeetings, f owl auppers, con-i Marci 21, on cents, and othen entartainnrenits, andf Next meeting of Bowmaiville proteet that thase thinge are out of WAomen's Inistitute will be he'd Iat place in the house of God. They the homle of rs W. Adlams,Vie ane vany much like tbe dlisciples who P eidn, Weetmlounit, on Priday, asked tehe Mster to '%end the peoplea Maih 28 at3 P. nm. The prc 1ran aw\,ay" w'hen they were ihungny. j01i1 be la change of the Gandm a hans Jasus knew- a better way to treat andI an initereesting tima le expected. hungny f olks, ani gave themi a gootI The Mlethodist Choir assembled, on meal. lf tbe church dlous not intarest it.. Tbursalay avening et the home of the self la the social wvelfare of the President, Mnr. W. J. Bragg, MJ. 2. P., people there aia many parts of the1 andI Mrs.- Bragg, Egne.At the country whera nothing whatavill conclusion of the practice refi'resh- be supplied la the way of entertain- mlentes were servad by Mirs. Bragg ment, or perbape thie amnusemrents wiîî and bier assistants, after which the be of a questionable vaniety. It is nmenrbers sipent a very jolly social really a good thing that the church ho un. A he arty vote of thanike le giving so much attention to inno-mve by Dr. C. W. Slemion and sec- cent sýocî,al pleasures. Long mlay onded by Mn. W. B. Tapson wae ac- the old-faehiionied tan-meeting, thre corded flMn. and Mrs. Bragg for, the f owl supper, the deibate, and th, use of thair homne and the genanous concert hold sway!1 Let us get nid of hosýpitality. the idea that religion is insepairablyl Ochawa entertained over nig'ht the connected wjvth solemlnity and glooiii. *35 Bitisli hanvestens who carne to We help barvast the Nonthwest crope and menay mention la pascing that -wena, unwisely perLsuaded to hik-e to Rev. Dr. A. C. Crews le the edîtor of Otthiwa to appeal to Goveximien,. for The "nad and ai popular preach- -wonk. Hiking,.- 700 mniles at this coldi eýr in Bowmianville, season je 5a hcaarùns venture. 'Thev THE FAITHFUL NURSE By Marian Jones, 146 De Grasi St., t Toronto The world Grows better ya-ar byý year, because coma nurse ilalber lit- the ephare pute on bar aproni,grinsi andI singe, andI Ieaps on doing the sanie oltI thinge, taking tha temýps., giving- the pilla t e nmedy mnnkiind'sl ailumarous 111e; faeding the baby, an- s-wening belle, being polite witi a heant tint rabals. Loaging for home, and ail the whila wearing the oltI profeýssionial emile. Bleesing the ne-onbabies' firet breath, clos-, in- the ayes tint ara stillin deati takiig fie Mblme for the doctor'e% igtiakaes. Oh decar! What a lot ofi patience il, takas. Gioing-2 off duTy, at saeue o'chock; tired, discouragad, ;juet raady to dnop, but calletI hacki on special at seven-fiftaenr with woe in li er heart, not to ba sean. Men-1 iag andI avaning, nioon andI nigit, i juet doing it ovar, hopin- it'e niglit. Whea we lay do-wni our cape antI' cross the bar, dlean Lord, wil you >giva us juet oaa hittle star to wear la our crowa, with. the uniforme new la the great wnrd aboya, vwiere the bead nurse is You. Cobourg Sciool Board le asking] anl extra -$2000 tuis yenn. I Rer. James H'odgas, B. A., of Mia- nedlosa, Man., former pastor of Osh- awa Preýbyteriaai Chunci callatI on friande lai tuis iciaity. Mn.-Hotgs is n repras,,entiative of t haeHmeis- sion Board whîch le la session la Toronto. CARD 0F THANKS Mn. Thomas Barrie antI famnilyv, Newcastle, -wish to tinnk their friands andI neighbons for tiair tthougitful expressions of sympaty. Lso kindhy extandad to them in theirý receat bereavement. wera aaitertained at dinner at Jnc- obe & Hillyer's restaurant hera. Somne of the mien wvene naarly exhaasted Wben they reached hene. Ronds are vay bad f'or walkiag and niglits hv bean vary coltI. Those wivo par- sýuaded thuea men to attampt this very unwivIse hike in the tuncartaiin Mardi weather shoultI ba comn>tted to jail for lifa. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. Paul's Church-Rav, D) W. Beet, Minister. il a. m1.-Moraing Worship. 2.30 P. m.-Sund ay School antI Bible Chasses.' 7 p.n, -EveiagWorshIp. -Marlidahe Methodiests held a cýon- gregnlional meeting on March -12,1 whnthe church erected la 1906 wýýae dleclared free fnom dlebt. A Lup- paer was servadl, prograro rend r' ed andI 'the otgae dechanged.Mn C. W. RuthetIge, oaa of the oig-al inembars of the Qujartanly Bo,ýu who g-ava a vary interesting hi ory of the chanci, was prasented with ,,a beautifully engraved umnbrella as aa tokan of the congregation's apprccia- tion of hie long service. SHie miary Bowmnavhhe frit ndei.c wvea pleasad to great thair for uIer pastor, Rer. R. B. Kenny. of th~e. '-inb ernacha, Belleville, la the Metho ist Church, on1Sunday when ha prea;bî el two excellent carmons. Hic onia thema -was "The Ahmiighty God" an,1 hie cening subjact "The Hiddena My- stary". Boti sýermons carried 1h hp- fnl lassons of the, Truti and tha speni audliences which greeted !hîm wara highly pleased with hie earn ma es sag'-es. Missç Janay Mason tn "0 Haest in tha Lord" at the nior- inii service andI Mrs. T. W. Cawlter la the avening- sang "Fear ye no 0 Isnnal". The maie quartt- M1esers. Poîhard, Holgate, Shemon nad Tapson sanig that favorite song "A Little While", ail the siagersbin mnuch appraciated. £ No. 12