UN E. STEVICLEY be of Torono êhiro- will be in office on Street, Bowvmanyille, ýsday and Saturday 1evening. Phones; esidence 14ïW, 'OMETRY MITCHELL Optometrist by n. Eyes examin- latest imethods modern instru- L & CO. Retrists 92) Ont. ir Wall Paper pping Early a better, happier, ýautiful home this Corne in and ýr our newest walli -just in. You never! h alluring pat- varied designs. one is up-to-the- absoIutely correct -and the prices erate. per This Spring your selections le stocks'aré com- d the best of ser- be given you. T. Allen Bookstore. If tipil"lu-,Aw lt>Aim ou-ATa- i----- ÀwrrtT-w------- a% ncA PA1L INING I AND AERHAI'P I amn prepared to do ail kiads of paiiting, paperhan.ging and decora- tiag-. General contracting, Estini- ates given. Lewis E. Rowe, Elgini Street, North, Bowmanville,. P. 0. Box 55. 2-t DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Hlonor graduate ia Dentistry Taronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On-i tario. Office King--st., Bowmanvill.e. Office phone 40. House phone 22. oR. J. C. DEVITT '4raduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- manville. Office ýhours 9a. mi. to 6 p. i. daily except Sunday. Phone 9Qa. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity aad member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practice ia Ontario and the Dominion. Dentistry in ail its branches. Office -King-st., Bowmanville. Opposite 3ank of Montreal, Phone 301. j PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS (Formerly in Bowmanvilie,) now at 16 Yonge-st., stop- at Sumimerhill Ave., Toronto, Plàone Trinity 32,17w. We can stili give you our best services. Guaranteecd to fit and vworkmnanship at pre-war prices LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money to boan on Farm and Town Property Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 35.1. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRi-STER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to boan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King' Street, Bowmnanville Ontario. Phones: Offitc 102, House 279J. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Comnplete Motor or Horse Equipmenti Ail cails promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34 Branch Stors-Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embaînier and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- manville, Ont. 3-t BOUWMAL&N V lLbi, IVAKU 20, 19241 THE EDITOR TALKS Neyer mind if people~ under wrong impression or incorrect information or frorn whatever reason lie about you, criticize your conduct adversely and find fanit with everything you do., say nothing but go right on, re- turning gooçi for &'vil, for the best way to overcomre your enemies ja to be kind to them. To love those who hiate you is scientifie for love akes the sting out of hate and the malice out of revenge and when a favorable opportunity occurs seek an interview withi any who have unjusti- fiably traduced or belied you or your actions and calnly endeavor te effect an understanding. 0f late we have been writing much about how to win success and1 somie of its perils. We have good reason to knowý that our "Talks" have reached many, interesteçl readers. For this reason we present here the kind- red thoughts of some, to us, unknowni writer ia The Vouth's Conipanion Who Says a very great deal ia a very f ew' word on w'hat Succesz- really Inleans. Here is what he writes: Wihat is success? It is achievement. How do we mi-easure it? By the bene- fits that it confers. Wealth is not necessarily the measure of it, for a man mnay be successful and neyer ricli, or hie nay be rich and £ail of success. True success k smeasiured not by dollars but by service-and health, character, education and ini- dustry are tihe foundation Stones up- on which it rises. 4~* *;i The year 1924 is to be a memor- able one for the mem-bers of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Asso- ciation, the head office of whiclh is at 313 Manninig Chambers, Toronto. The annual meeting will be held la Toronto on June 5, 6 andi 7, Great interest attaches tLo his foregather- ing ofthe wekly publishers and eli- tors as eff orts are being made to se- cure a numnber of prominent speak- ers and forums will be contlucted as proved s0 very popular fest year a t Halifaxu. By this practical feat- ure maay subjeets and probleins of keeni interest to every newspaper muan wlll be discussed and a chance given for every miember to take part. Menibership in the C. W. N. A. pays1 high dividends and no publisher ofa weekly journal can afford to m'ýissothe, benefits of the Association. nce o tijiL now fi T. A. xpressed PRESBYTERY 0F WHITBY Nestleton Preslyerians Wish to Join Peterbore iPresbytery. Pres5,ytery of Whitby met ini Presbyteriani Church, Oshawa, on March 1 lth. Devotional exercises were led by Moderator. Rey. A. Mc. D. Haig, Ashburn. Bey. P. F. Gardiner, Pickering, gave an informing address on "Pýrob- lemis of Rural Church School". These Commnissioners to General Assemnbly were appointed: Rev. J. R. Fraser, Coluatiýbus,, Rev. P. F. Gardiner, Pick- ering, ministers; Messrs. James Wad- deli, Port Perry, Fred Cassie, Brougham, Eiders. Rev. P. F. Gardiner was appointed representative on, Bills and Over- turcs at Assemibly, and Rev. J. W. Rae, Orono, in samne capacity at Syni- od. CI.erk was requested to send a let- ter expressing Presbytery's sympathy to Mrs. A. Leslie whose late husbandl was former meniber of this Presby- tery and rendered splendid service in Newtonville for 17 years. Rey. E. Turkington miovk te ask Homie Mission committee for $4100 each for Ashburn and Dunharton. NestIeton congregation 'asked to be placed within the bounds of Petexrboro Presbytery. Referred te Revs. :D. W. Best and J. W. Rae, and Mr. Neil Yellowlees and Mr. Adolph Hlenry, eiders. Saibbath School report presented by Mr. Gardiner showed increase in en- rollment, attendance and contritbu- Lions. Encouraging Statistical Report -was presented by Bey. J .W. Rae. Opposed te O. T. A. Plebiscite or Referendum After discussion these important resolutions were passed unanimously: Presbytery of Whitby desires to go on record as being unanimnously in favor of continuance of present Ontario Temnperance Act, notwith-i staniding the difficulties and handicap under whîch the governmient labors in. its ever commnendable efforts to enforce the provisions of the Act. Presbytery of Wýhitby is 'aware that the people of Ontario by large l majorities have on five former oc- casions expressed theniselves la favor of abolitioln of the Liquor Traffic as far as it oan be accom.iplis,ýhed. 'Whereas considlering the short timne that the, Act has been in force and the great benefits tliat haive qccrued there- fromn, the further coutinuance of the said Act m-uld resuit ini stili greater achievements, the Presbytery deems a Plebiscite or Referendlum qcuite unneces- sary aýt the present time. "Thereýýfore the Pes oer f Whitby re'speotýfully SUggests thaàt before deter- mnining upon the advisability of bringing on a plebiscite or re.ferendum thie Gov- ernmient shoui ld)apoinit a select commit- tee to, secure the concensus of public opinion aend that copies of this resolution be sent to local mnembers andalso to the Preieur of the Province aad tleir sup- port be requestedl for the sanie on theG loor of the House". FESOLUTION R~E C-ILRCH UNION our 00- ha trust- ing Machines ýg and Repairing estimates given. no0 objeet. combe's trie ShJop Eest ef Standard Bank Day 63; Niglit 358w ast, Bowmanvijle LE HOLSTEINS DIE rd, Merch 1 3thi.-Ei.g9ht able bolstein cettle be- Ibert Stephens, who ne- two miles front towul, hn thbe pest two weekes ýase which hes se fer ir veterinary surgeons, an inspector fronm the Department et Ottawa. attlie la the sanie herd >nt suf eing froni the ice, and there is little rg theni. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medlist of TVinty Universityi Toronto. Four years ettending Phy-i sican and Surgeon at Mt. Carmeil Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Offlice and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMQN, M. D., C. M. Graduete of Trinity MVedicel College, Toronto, formenly of Enniskillen. Office andi Resitience, ]Yr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- menville. Phone 259. 44-t VETERINARY- ---- Dr. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day orý Night Calîs Proimnptly Atteaded ta. Office King-st. W., Statesman Block, Bowmanyille. Phone 243. AIUCTIONEERS THEO. NM. SLEMON Auctioneer Fan end bouse Sales e Specialty. Ternis modenate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197-r39. 1-tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 10 years' expenience in fanm, furni- ture and house auction sales, Ad- dress Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- chant, ing-st., Bowmianville, phone 111, box 3l. JOSEPH COULSON Licensed Auctioneer Vluator & Real Estate, Newcastle,, G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc mutted or the peoples opinion. Ea'rtunately, f ew instances of 'such a very sati nature occur as the ne- cent shooting in cold blood of a high- ly respected music teecher in Toron- ta on one of the busiest streets at middlay, in a case of grounidless jeal- ousy on the part of the father of Iwo littIe girl pupilis of the victini. Suîch a terrible tragedy -sets people think- ing why a man would commit such a i hgh crime as killing a man who never did hlmi or 1 any persan be- longing ta bu.i the slightest wrong. The only reasop suggesting itself is1 that the man who commnitted the crime head permitted an intruçier ta enter his mental home that brought into it thoughts of jeelousy, malice, hurt pride, hate, wounided feelings and imag-ipary revenge ns the climax. Suelh interleper wes probebly nour- isheti by listening ta his pleadings which insisted that resentment ta the extent of niurder was justifiable and under the pawer of tlbat sugges- tion the awful ýdeed was done. It was a great mistake ta admit evren the -suggestion of unfeithfulness on the part of his wife wÏthout a tittle of evidence into his thoughts, but once admitted the illigitimate be- ecala rpo-w. 1 ci-lie an t nu eiUlrvcC anid joy of bis own life ofl the members of two That first yielding ta the iof the satanic intruder j-, efor the aw-fui tragedyýý. Iden death of Mliss Ida ,f Cans)pbeliford!, oc.curred ýt and cane- n. j DON'T WANT REFERENDUMj Honorable G. H oward Ferguson, Premnierl of Ontario, Toronto. Honorable Sir:.-Thils resolution was adoptedi by unanimous standing vote in the Elizabethiville, Garden Hill and Can- ton Methodist Churches on Sunday, Mlarch 9, 1924. "Resolved thamt whilie we ex-ýpress our I sincere appreciation of the manuer inu which the 0. T. A. is being enforced, and especially do we appreciate the personal by Hon. W. T. Nickle, who by bis inde- fatigable efforts in bis capacity as at- torney general lias contributed muchi to the suiccss of the enforcemieat of this splendid piece of legisiation. Werespectfully urge that this act as i it now stands be given ample opportun- ity ro demionstrale is growing eficlencyl lur the curtailing and contrôlling 0fi the liquor traffic. We believe thec presentý law, which la reai "Governmcnt. Control", to be far superior to '-governmnen t sale", and trust it may continue bo have the active support of your Governmecnt. -We deprecate the desire on the part of a few b t put this Province to1 the unnecessary qxpense of anothier re-' frendumn so soon àfter the decisive votes of recent years but hiope thiat thie present1 act, strengtliened and safeguarded, re ceiving the hearty support of _rrg- Srnment may bccomie increasingly effect- Ive lu the regulation and final suppres-, sion of the evils of the liquor traffic". i W E seek the favor af a comparison -ask that you look at a Studebaker before buy- m ig a rival car. We'll reet aur' case an what yau find. * * * We are praducers of quality cars an a quantity basis. We use the finest meiterials that zmoney ca buy. Our labor is the creani of the induÉtry. We work ini $50,000,000 plants - 75% built siiace the w,,ar - which house the finest precision meachinery the world aff ords. By producing in great quantity, we eut manufac- turing costs. Under ordi- Compare Stiu zrary manufacturing candi- Cars at Tw tionis Studebakers could not bc sold withiia 25% more The chief difféei ta twice their price. baker and inavan, Ail Studebaker modela Studebaker proe are Timkea-equipped. Our quality cars in qua Liglit-Six lias more Tim- wn aua g ken beariags than eny other of t al uae/, in car selling within $1,500 of o qa uhtj its price. acc those who want We are oeo the vr quality is the 8eme. few buildera, cither in Eu- Sec a Studebaker rope or America, usiag is no finer car. crankshafts machined on al surfaces. It costs us $600,- 000 a year ta give you this. 'But it results la that smoothness of operation, that leck of vibration which characterizes oaly the most expeasive cars. We pay 15%1 more for many alloys to insure bet- ter than "comimercial rua" used in many cars et twice the pnice of Studebeker. We subject Studebaker cars ta 30,000 inspections. That requires 1,200 men. Woild's finest coachmnaking We build Studebaker bodies in the internationally test of nomllination in State Fonctions. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Mrs. Gea. C. Warren, fo;rnenly of Newcastle, writing froni Swif tCun- rent,Sask,., an. Febnuary 28, says: Please find eaclosed $2 for Canadian Statesman for 1924. We are al- ways glad ta receitve the home paper. We see by the pepers froni bath east and west of the severe saow stonm that Ontania hias lately suffered. We have had a splendid winter here 60 far, bave only hed about four weeks of reai winter weather to date. We wish you continued success. Mn. J. W. Scott, Listowel, writes ta correct a statement of ours in lest week's Statesman. He says he wes bora east of Bowmnville neer- ly opposite the residience of the late bon. John Simpson, Senator, now uccpipel b %Mr.'PT. C-.....,... r Li G H-i-six 5-Pass. 112-in. W. B. 40 H. P. Touring.......$1 5 Roadster (3-Pass.) M,44, Coupe-Roadster (2-Pass.) 1735 Coupe (5-Pass.).. . 1985 Sedan ........15 Phone 185 ýn the house )u'it on the site, FIRDST MORTGAGE on Improved Toronto property are the ideal securities for those w;tih money to invest SAFETY anld a RETURN of o-n your investment COLLECTIONS NMADE W f., orParticuIarsý 59 Vict( of the seres dca g ? h h e tbishet f BANK OF 1&OmItAL l]Cprtentative- peints in CAN&AA elsewhene, N,.,wi'TTAWA, the political centre of Canada, and pro- phetically des-gnated by the late Earl Gre the ossbl centre of the British Empire of the future, neveu- dreanied of the brillatnt destîny in store for ià when th'e Bank of Montreal estabIlshed a Branch there 8-, years aga. Canada at that time was ini many respects a terra incognIta, consisuing of haf a dozen provinces wit differing laws, tariFs and currencies. And Ottawa was only a Lively ittie lumber camp cAleti Byîown. Today Ottawa is flot only the naine of a beautiful city, but is aLso a synoriym focr the voice of a nation-like Dawning Street and the Quai d'Otsay. 'lne naine of the Bank of MIontreal, too, has enlarged in significance irn the intervening years. It is ruow recogizrd as the title of a nation. wide institution rankirig antong the Icdig anks of dthe world. BAINK 0F MONTREAL Established over 100> years Total Assets in cxcess of *6,5o,ooo. 000 famous Studebeker body building plants - for 72 years kaown all over the world as builders of the superlative la fine vehicles, Simple arithmetic Why Studebaker ca offer a quality car at prescrit Studebaker prices is simple arithmetic. We've cut manufacrng costs and that reflects itself in Studebaker prices. Remember, selling prices of ail cars are based o n maufacturers' casts, lebaer ith not on qualty of Materal, ýe Its Price That's why prices- vary oduces distinguished iantity for those who gainst producing cars in smail quantity, for *exclusiveness. Thte r ad compare. There FinAl eut what Studebaker lias ta offer. And you will own a Studebaker. * * *,: Ia 1919 the public paid $80,000,000 for Stude- bakers, la 1920 aven $100,000,000. la 1921 aven $120:,0,00.la 1922 over $155,000,000. In 1923, Every year the world turns more andi more ta Th nineig.oto STudebenierfrinscatco, s tebak3rscfrIstane, isdue but $3230a000. Ifrs odnucolysive"0 arisn on an "exclusive0,bsis, in-d st ea f 5000to $25woruca oerinore.sdt 2 e a arumr dec orbde Osur de c$tfr a.Ies sml poduc$2oper ar.la sgol odut inim ou. go tq $20 mmum.u Ifrswe wul asele"aur aers, we mouodharetas. a 5-Pass. 119-la. W. B. 50 Hl. P. Touring......$2000 Roadster (2-Piss.) , 1970 Coupe (5-Pass.) ..2665 Sedani........2 60 7- P as s. 12 6-in.VW. B. 6 0 EH.1P. Tounring. Speedster (5-Pass,) Coupe (5-PaýSs).) . Sedan 3665 (Ail prices f. o. b. WalkerviJie. Ont., exclusive o! taxes. Terms to meet your com'enience) $2425ý1 2550 3395 1~ Il ___________ a F. J. Mitchell Dominion Upright, Grand and Player Pianos Highest Awards London Paris Phiiladeiphia Chicago The Name bias been a synonymn for excellenec lu music-al ins;truments -Ilt j i In this district, instrumnents miay be seeni, by appoinl2ment, at the factor-y. Ma-ny purchasers take ad vnntage of. the deferred payments whîich are -willingly arranged to suit the convenience of customiers. For informiation write Box 353 or telephonie Nos. 86, 92 or 10.5 Bownianville sinîce Bowmanville Give Us a Hearing Fînd out what the world's largest quality car pro4ucer has to offer before deciding on any fine car eice between Stude. '.W. PICKARD THE WORLD'S LARGEST PRODUCER OF QUALITY AUTOMOBILES 9 1 1, ý - 1 1 ý 11, OSHAWA DOCTORS AGREE Pasteurization of Milk Agitati;on Oshawa having donned cityhood wantsi milk used by its city people pasteurlzed. Whiat mnedical men say: Pr. D. R. C'ameron, Oshiawat-"T.he pasteurization of milk is the only sale way". Dr. C. 0. Mýiller,Oshiawa-.-"It is an added salety and dloes nottkeay the nutritional value. 1 certaUInl favodr pasteurization and use. it for my owu,,t famlily". Dr. CGrant Berry, a local doctor says --"I amn greatly lu favor Of pasteurization of milk, and for a place the size of Oshi- awa, it is nearly an absolute necessity". Dr. D. S. fToig-"Pasteurization is a good thing, but 1 amrnfot in favor of en- forced pasteurization". Dr. F. J. Dnvn'n man who has any reason would know that pasteuriza- tion is a good thiing". Dr. H-. A. MacDoal-"I an in favor of the pasteuriation of milk"., Dr. F. B. Talbot, Chief of the ChLlId- ren's -Medical Departrment, S4aI-ssacutts and autihor of several books: "believe dangers lrom ithie ossibllity of sncbi epi- demie as scarlet lever, streptoccie, sore throat, etc., cani only be guaxrded against, -'. .- -telly t îts price is tllîs- l'- i