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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1924, p. 1

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0lu With Which is Incorporated The Eowmanville News BOWIMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MVARCI- 27thi., 1924. 7The Shop'That Leads ARE YOU THE MAN WHO WANTS A NEW SUIT FOR EASTER? You should ordier your outfit niow. See ir Suits and Men's Furnishings if you would be ip-to-clate and if you want a real bargain. We have sorne spiendclç bargains. Corne iand see '-hem and we wvill convince yuta tis to your interest to buy fromn us. We mulst tear out our soc at oince regardless of cost. G.N.TU TO t~~~~~ Bonni]&p-to-dateJabrahy J an~"id F hp Sýpecial LOCAL BIRD SANCTUARY ONTARIO PROHIBITION~ UNION CANi Spaigof the address t 'h Address By Sir Geo. E. Fester At Brilfi. Rotary Club Luincheoni on Friday Massey, Hall, E lest Thbe Reformier' suggests: -11 som-le respects Bomiiie cpossesses ai h jack Mnr Mr. J. L. Mor-den,' By John Elliott, B. A., London, Ont, dian CI Manage r of thie Jno. Maýï,cKay- Milihng -wa cO,, manuLf act[LU(e, of the faireouls This ia an attempt, soniewhat March Cream Of Barley n te oshl cappy, l'Il adit, to give thosewoeeng neccessities, bas taken a very ken ere flot privilegeti to be presýýenteCvolumnb interestL in wiid bird hlf e an-d is ýde- som-e idea of the great prohibition the C] veiolping- a bird sanctuary around bis convention beid in Masey Hall, things iii pond. Mr. Morden addressed Toronto, iast -week.- There waisaamli thle Rotarians , and am-ong other large attendance of wonn and muen the Kin things said, he hbad aiways had a from ail parts of Ontario, the inleni-whI-ich fondnresýs for the wild creatures. Il e for once being lrgely inthmao-BA. wxas 1ishinig 1up at Port Perry somne ity.alot years ago when an Indincm The spirit of unity -asvery ,manli- cm aroun.dwith a basketful of iddukfest. Ail differences 'astop1lcy nspect'O pr)ovine are be izat on. As was than one speaker altogether b were facing a cri 1is ai patient at Oshawa Hospita ehas been il for sonie time, He ny friends sincerely, hope she -wi' n be fully restor-ed to good lieaIl I i.J. K Beck'el spenàt thewekn Sale committee of twven-ty conaider the question jof forces was unanimi and the convention se anet ibusiness. The Ontario situatio hittiy considered. a Ilt A. is coming. It is n wbo,1 wants suchl- a vol the air and we had bel ed for it. We have t anl attitude of mmild ai] our people that has be a persistent insidious j the part of the liquor- remnedy for this isE Put the history of t]- and the real facts- of situation before the De ADIAN CLUB BANQUET iant Address by Rev. J. R. F'raser, Columibus, Ont. tidof tLhe series of Cai TRIP TO RIO Fine CounLr, 'e been ilitrocuce ok the o] Mr. R. A. rl for Ou. It is four proved iy assuni [val to Dri and ied qui d( haid 'p 1~ Couch, Johnston & Cryderman have opened out this week another choice lot of new SPRING COATS Also New,ý Spring Suits including the New Boyish Styles and a choice lot of New Ratine Dresses and beyond question the fln-est lot of Rjatines, 'Voiles, Crepes an-d Gingharns they have ever shown. Corne in and see the new goods and get an idea for re- plenishing your wardrobe. MEN'S SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATS H1ere you flnd Men's Ready-to-Wear Suits and Overcoats in the latest styles, unquestionable quality and workmanship and at rernarkably low jprices. If you are not f am~iliar with our values you mill be agreeably surprised. No trouble to show goods even if you are not just ready to buy. We cordfially inviteyrisection. WTe are sure you wilI en.ioy seeino, thern. Lanville un &k Cryderînan Phone 104 Limitea fshow us, are r, One of the man, Freportec question to tii straightfonward ons in Quebec w ires as given hv ï ence ini tne provinces. In Ontario being drunk çirrestek.nA ni. See, too, the allurament govarnnient sale, a ravani e r, t1he more me.n drink, I inney for the governesen ofe it. Picture a funnie which comes for the Queb ment four millions a yeai remenmber that somewhere, thirteen millions from- the the Peopfle goes in for drin] Sthat, trace i'c out, and get story. Sir George E. Foster'z which was a fittiag close vantion requires special With dlean voi-ca, perfect ar logical statement and a viio ýQUe-nce remnarkable fromn his seventy saventh year hc 'the tamiperance2 bistvry of fifty yaars, of wbich the evolutionlary outcome wa-I tieni. 'Sir George point'ed out traffic imuat be fought by as stro-ng- as public senti- "Iih oniet nit biiyand t,ý"u'M been a 'case of sunlstroke or beaf tur", and bitterly hostile to tseKul- jprostration in the Valley, anId that! ess on< lisb formy of gOýei'nent. Prom nig-hts aIl the year arounid were cool. faes nd 90 to1~2 oe aîfoftheeo isÎ they accountedl for by the trade, flacts andp190indo 1f1oontheaGuiff ofeMpeopl Dr, McCut- jon the -glebe decided to adopta wich brow ctinualyfoM ec t cdeainthat form of government miocelled after Ih east ýover lthe alley, On1the ai 'ol icm ad ene, eidd-wsO d' en wiýerthe ait ar, theaso, ýed an in ; that of England. The Wonld W ard n ih at i i e as Those whio which type of government was' to ucan con o h odru a~rest' or urvveandl'ed.beaith restoring qualities, of ýwhich Wubec with 1Canniness in expressingan op'in- you ber on evry hand the differ- j ion; a desire to get a't the facts ofi We were told Of 1manIy casso these twýýo I hings,; the mnatter of fact attitude;l nsthma, . 1er huats n the passion for fre.edomn; these char- even tubercuiosiswhç were posi- ace1 tc emtopeoiaei tively cured by the air of the VTalley. rieaed fer the A nglo-Saxoni, and the speaker The people seemed to be excep- uee h referred to "Punch" asý the m-edium ionally friendly and congenial, and s heIpiessly, thro ugh which the Britisher sees his ofteb1e lss hi ancn make hies- covn c'haracteristics pictured. cern seeingi- to be to get more on and the Th1 Lmte1 y ha-ve the screleation of the Anglo-Saxoni. Beyond locate there; miak-ing- additiîonal' chairs and the two inistruments of governmencjt; beauty pot ont of the, undevelope and be r was the single n n pats n b e ve, lnd, for every home in the Valley rnennessI who had the final word-the King. could only be described as a beauty .itr records the fact that on diff- ispot, adadte peanc of Sere-nt occalsionis England, in bier prosperity. b Of it- searcb for a king, 'had turnedC to 'Imagine if you can an area sayý tue produc- France, Scotland, Holiand and Gar-, from P fort Ho pe to Toronto, andà th mremay. Witb the samne tenacity with about as wide as from- Borwmanville' t. Think whicýh she holds to ber -Monarchy she to Hampton, dotted here ani there! ýlOut of adheres to the code by wbich she is' witb prosperous fruit and vegetabli e goveru- enable.d to rule the miillions, of ber farmis, the entrance to eachi plae r, but also, subýjects ,vithout resort to a tremen-, consýistingo idn ~vbn sonhwdu Ilitary cin-ibi-e. An individi dered with shriubs, palis and' florwers.ý pockets ofi uails or a aio'life usýt ha madie At the end of this drive you find ik. Foilovi up of grant principles coupled with iw,,ha-t -we would consider a iovely- the wholelthe wili-power to stand 'behiind theinm ,ulli-ilr cottage. These, are their! Nationhood is the bulwark of thelhms only mnucli more beautiful s address w1 dsfeeo.thiani 1en iposýsibly desnibe. o the con- At the conclusion of the address,1 Thle possibilities of finaucial suc- myentioi., a beartv vote of thanks -wns offaredcas hr1r loa neirebe ticuation, Rerv. Mr. Fraser, on motin by Mr. anjld cani oniy be realized by a per-j ~orous dlo- R. F. Aitchison, seconded by Mr. snlvst ueosfresgv a 1Man in I Oo. E. Chase. nmefiue to prove thaqt tbey *h adj 0 reviewed _________ paid for thaîr-Iantd wîtbi one year'sý e natural c1ops sprohibi- EDITORIAL BRIEFS Ona could go on indiefinitaly as, to that tne about the nead for and real benefit miust see it personaliy. rep Isaî1 of continuation schools in rural C.H.Msn Lumu j wii uýions remiote from higb achools sol at country boys and girls m'ay have siarn opportuniti es to those in cit-ý and towns, wa ae thiis w,,eek and -t davoting Our editorial apaca on 1e two to a very timeI2ý and excel- it article by R ev. Dr. Horton on e valuie of higher edlucation and Simportance of obtainling it dur- 1the years from 1Li to 21. We pe oery pacson interested 7w i l d the Editor Talks column this ýek and next. DO YOUR BIT îwmanivilie Amiat( Thiis wvas Mr. Young-'s firast to wnmanville and he broug'ht g-eJ ,s and good wishes fromi Georg -s ndlay ,School to this Sunday Schoo' îicbi -«',ere received and l Prr'tjOr oore 'retumnad a simuilar mes ae ntribjutions were about $350.OOý. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Nex't meeting o' SIWomen's Institutei the hom-e of Ms W IPresident, Wastmoun YMarchi 28 at 3 P. m It wiIl ba in charge of thi 1an'd an' interesting tii 'iJ.Vfl2j~ 431 $2.OO a

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