CHIROPRACTIC DR. DURWIN E. STECIÇ.LEY - ionor gra'duate of Toronto Chiro- practie Çollege wiil be in oftlce oni Temperance, Street, Bowilanvilie, Tuesday, rhursday and Sâturday afterno'on and evening. Phones: Office 141J; Residence 141W. OPTOMETRY R- M. MITCHELL Registered Optometrist by examination. Eyes examin- ed by the latest methbds and most modern instru- ments. R. M. MITCHELL & Go. Druggists & Optometrists Bowmnanville (Phonxe 92) Ont. Notice to reditors IN THEE ATE OF the Estate of MagrtSusan Thurstn, ofthe town ai Bowmnanville. in the County of Dur- bain, iarried womian, de1ceased. NOTICE is lhereby given pursuant toi Sec. 56 of Chap. 121, R. S. 0., that àjl persans liaving dlaimis or demnanda against the estate ofi the said Margaret Susan Thu-rstondad, wha dlied on lor aoutthe ssventeenth day of Feb- ruary, 1924, are u re to send by post. ,prepa-id or dlvrta the undersigned .êdinjistraitor The, Trusts and Giaarante Company, Limnited, Toronto, or tô thie uncer.sigfed B( 1. B. Simpso"ii, K. C, its, d'Saoicitar, on1 or 1before the twenty-fourth 9ay 0 f April. 1924, thuir christian andl surnamies antddrsc with frit par-1 ticuIars in wrilng of thair claimns, andj statemient of thir accounts and the nature of ith sýecurities (if any) heldi by thieni duy veiied hl y statutory de-ý claratiail. ANI) TAKE NOTICE that after the said 24th da-y of April, 1924, the said .Adrinisratar will procead to dstribute the assets ofi the sail deceasad among the parties eýntitledI thereto having regard, only ta the dlaimis ai which it shali thon have noticeý, and the said Adlnistrator1 will not be liable for said assets, or any part thereai. ta any persan or persans of wh5e aim notice s3hall nat have been recelved by it or lits said Slictor at the tuneiù fstieh distribution. Datad March 15th., 1924. The Trusts and Guavantee Company Limited, 1120 Utay Steet, Toronto. 3amecs J. Warren, .. E. B. Stacke,,. Prasideint. GnrlManager. D. B. Simpson, K. C., Bowmnanvllle, Ontaro Salitor, far the said Admnistrator. 12 3v' [H.D.Moses 1 ng Machin g and Repa estimates no object, les ldring given. ric Shop âst of' Standard Bank y 63; Night 358w t, Bowmanville PAINTI~NG AND PA1PERHANGING, 1 arn prepared to do al1 kinds of painting, paperhanging and decora- ting. General, contracting. Estim- ates given. Lewis E. Rowe, Elgin Street, North, Bowmanville, P. O. Box 55. 2't DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal Calleg-e of Dental Surgeons of On-ý taria. Office King-st., Bowmanville.î Office, phone 40. House phone 22. kiR. J. C. DEVITT' d-raduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, Iing-st. East, Bow- manvilie. Office bonis 9a. m. to 6 p. ni, daily except Sunday. Phone 90fa. flouse phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal Callege of Dental Surgeons. Licensed te practice in Ontario and the Dominion.i Deýntistry in ail its branches. Office -King-st., Bowmanville. Opposite 3a1nk of Montreal, Phone 301. PARISIAN LADIES' AND CENTS' TAILORS (Formarcily in Bawmnanvlla.> now ai 26 Yonge-st., stop ai Summerhll Ave., Toirania, Phane Trinity 31w We can tl give yau aur best services. Guaranteed ta fît anid workman"Sh.ip at pre.wsr prices LEGAL M. C. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. ýBARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY] monay ta boan an Farm and Town Praparty Royal Ban, Building, Bowmanville. Phone 35-1. W. F. WARD, B. A. BAR:IIISirER, SOLICITOR, NOTARYi Moniey ta loan. Bonds for sala.. Offices: Bienkley Block, King Street, Bwavle Ontaria., Phones: Offi<.,s 102. flouse 279J. FUNERAL DI RECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. CaaxpleoMotor or'Hors e Equipmenti BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 27,1924' THE EDITOR TALKS Why do wê talk Education sa much? Because it is a problemn of' grantest imrIortance. Every boy and girl, yaung mnan and young womn- an and every Parent is or ehould ha davoutly intarested in Edtscation. That it dloas coacara us al wilh nat ba denied. If paiticann would de- vote the timieanad thaug-ht ýta Euca- tian tbat they give ta pnrty pohtie this cauntry, and itLs whole population wouhd ba gaDinars. One of tha haest, ýmast taghflnad timi-ely articles on "Doas Edlucation Mýattar?" that wa have avar renad appears in the Christian Wark of Mrch 8, the aut- bar being Rev. Robert F. Hortan, D. D., and wae shall endenvor ta give ta aur raner-s n pretiy full synopsis of Dr. Hartoni's ý vws on, the importance of pr'aiding continuation on more ad- vancedi aducation for boys and girls ýwha finish the ordînary Public sechool curryiculumn. Lai us cand up ta the disýcussionI by stntiiùg that education je nat a luxuryý but a rani neceseity, ani-d that thea ast tingil in which re- trencbmient sho,(uld ha made is that ma'lsi ecssenitial thing, nationail edjuca- tian. Dr. Hroi niphnsizas ai the ha- gininiiiig of bis article tiba imiport- anceai' continuation sýcbaols simnilar te, ihasa we have in Canada saying thasa ara of special value and imi- portance toa aolescýents, n'ot ta, child- raun wha arIe provitieti for nmlply by the public or corulmi-on scirools. fIa righiY ciailas evary experiencad tencber i He hghar grade echoals -wilh ngi'ae, that the yasof -adoles- cence that coma haetween th e scho' age andfulliimaturity are iii many ways ti osi important yaars of aur livas, hecause it is in thosa yenrs that aur charactar takes a definite LOf-ar1 ant inlathesa fears Ille question is determ-ineti in whicb d(irection the chamelier shiail grýow. The trend aof aur tiiught and liii' in those ye-ars is generHly mniainati tathe end. Parants shoult Iknow, if they do not that 'tha criticai sixtaaenth yaar gen- eraliy, luinae way or another, set- ale a oy's coursýe la ifa. 0f course, somnetimais a gir laisesttieti enier, but for bath sexes these ye2hrs ai' adolescence sttla thaelifa Thýi-- is tha(, key note, to the elaim-y thitDr, Hirian makes. All clte prornptly attended to. 12At this pint Dr. Horton shail talk Bovuanvlle hons 10and34 i isown m1laste2rfuil imanner that je Branch Stors-Orono & Newcastle.a real pleasure ta follaw, his reasoni- ALAN . '*ILIAM ing is So Ilogical. HIe ays about the adolescent prio:The training and1 Embaumer and Funeral Directar. 1influence that came ta 1 us in 'thosel Cails given prompt and personal at- cr1iciyer etarm-ine »Vhpther we tention. No extra charge for dis- 'r going ta ha toleraint, im1 rtal tance. Phanas 58 or 159, Bow-laemned able ta allow for d1111er' manville, Ont. 3-t Lesof imathodl where tha aim i il ________________________ one, or ta be 4nitleranit, one-sided, Spg-headed,,. a id consequently îmi- DR. S. M. JONES pracetica le, hindirances ta the bair- Ostepat an Cbropaatr mni'aus eeopetof the lifo Osteoath ad Chîoprsacie-ty tand of aur cauntry. Thase 86 Sim-cae St. N., Oshiawa, over 14 ' tflyasdtriefrma f yïears' succassful pra,çtice. Examina- us whethler we are ta ha govarnedý tion Free Ut office. Fon24. -t througli hf e hy ideas, by tr-uthe, hy' Sprincpiesor meely by Mat. a necessiîties, by- seif-interest, by con-1 MEDICAL venien 1ceùý , byprejudI(ice. Tha setti e -j B. J.HAZLWOOD M. 1, C.M. men ade in thosýe years is hnrdly_ý B.~~~~~~~~~ J.HZEOOM .,C .e etred in the lataryer of flfe.1 Gold Madlalist of Trinity University, Moreavar, Wis la -, these yaars of Toronto. Four years attending Phy- adolescence thatE we becomae capaible sican and Surgeon at iMt. Carmail1 of lovnlty, wiceh is diha grantest gUt' Hiospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and ýto ien-loya.lty to leadelrs, elighýlt- Residence, Wellington Street, Bo- eneJdavotion ta aur caunitry, large-'1 mianville. Phone 108. m-iindled view,ýs of national affairs. In C. W.SLEMN, M.D., . M. those y-ears it is d1etermnined -whether C. W SLMONM. ., C M. we are ta ao m aware of aur place Graduate of Trinity Medical Collega, in the greant world of men and of the Toronto, f ornieriy of Enniskillen, nacassity ta thle warld of having lend- Office and Rasidance, Dr. Beith's, ership and 17allowing tlynl n former residerce on Church-st., Bow-, well. inanville. Phone 2-59. 44-t'** This is aona of Dr. Horton's vary strong presanitatioisý that will catch VETERINARY the sensýe and sutr the em'tians of Dr. F. T. îIGHE avytini ersan who read.' PrnhbIbyz few aof ns 1have ever grip- VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or 1lped the vital importance of thle ado-, Night Calîs 'romptl)'y Attaed (t.' ecn period of our youth as Dr.I Office King,-st. Wt., Stat,ýesm-an Block1atnfre t pnu ~e a Bowmanville. Phone 243. says: In thiose years t is daetermnined _________________________ wha liber we are liaoefaithiful f o- lowers and t heraýforec possible lead,-i AUCTÉONEE'RS ers, or unifaithful followers and- THE. . LEONthereýfare impaoýssible leaders; whathair THEO. NI.SLEMON we atat be malre partisans, marel Auctioneer fanntaics, marie egotiets, incapable ofl Fnrm and flouse Sales a Speciaity iaiy patriats whao say thay love'1 l'crmns nmoda.rate. Enni-ki.llen P. O their counitryý, but' h serve thir Phone 197-r3l. 1-tf cuntriyl the warst pasibe ay by msaigfor- the real oce 0 a JAMES BENNETT tional lifa thae mateil forues, the Autixicimae farcesý of weal'th and p'awer an id 10~~~~~ yar'eprec afrfrilinrigue. BFe' n eithiese ages of 10 cLiý;ýexprienc infar, frni ixtean and twenlty-one ,we taka ouri ilura and! bouse auctian salas. Ad- place in the ana setl or the othar; dress Jas. Bennett, Ha11rdware Mer- xe ither bacomie great cit-izenls, or chanit, Kinig-st, Bawmnnville, phone capable of .great cîtizenshipl, or weI 13,1, box 33. becomie just fhie power thaât ruins thel JOSEPH COULSON adolescen-usatt coefi, Licensed Auctioneer jatany rate thattaple, comest Valîator& Real Estate, -Newcastle, andi remlaincs for the l'est of bis lifa Ontario. 22-tf die chif elaent of is o wn edtuca- _________________________ tion, and ta get tha, pupil trainedl for Ssaf-eut-ation is, the ail-impiortant SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING tanlu ur daunýtry's ,,life. BOOKEE P!NG Camiplete Commercial an~d Ganeral mp,-rovement Courses. Studet ___________________ acceptad at anvy time. Goo.d vosi-I ICANADA BUSINESS COLLEEE Oshawa and Toronto E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc Honor raduat.e of Uaiva, rsity Of I Ta-ranlto Alcases given prompt anti care- F1-IRST MORTGAGES on 1Impraveti Taronto praperty ara the idleal securities foir thlosa with mainey ta livest SAFETY andi a RETURN of jO/) an, your inveýtmaiit COLLECTIlONS MADE Write foï Particulas THE EDITOR TALKS Only recently we urged ia this column the desiraibility of boys and girls wha pase from the public school at about 13 ta 15 yaare of age con- tinuing comae course of tudy 'or rendîng in any evant, sa wve be'rtihyl concur'in Dr. Horton's views as ex- presseti in this pnragrnph: Now there is oftan exprassed a very bitter disappoiutmaent ai the result of these fifty yenrs of elemaentary edu- cation. The bitter disappintpien-t fait is due, of course, ta the lapse thiat accurs in the casa of thesa boys and girls who have beau educateti in a -,ay* vup tafourta-en anti than tei eelucatian cuddenly stops. The~ simpl etruth le that 'whai you li'.ve leairneti up ta fourteen yau quita ea-,sily farýgat, and wbnt you do nat forget you eLisihy pervert. You have haarnad up ta thlea ge of fourtean how ta use your eyes and yaur brain in reading, in ariimieticý, and iu certain othar irect.ionis, but ut faurtean you have not iearnied wvha; ta rend or haw ta read, and yau have nat learneti iha gran,,tmeng of arithmeLtic ns a casmlie iaw, nor caulti yau. And whtis thaý use of learning ta rend ifou simpiy use that grant facýuity aof readinig ta allow the betting niews, ta rend about prize fight(s andl ta immiersa your mmd'i( in nîl that is comni nantiucd n Dr. lIar'on eLorr1ectly says that the very fau of i'raading has hecame ibe destruction of miultitudes ai' boys and girls. Aýnti what le the use of nr1itbmalltic if you aragoing -ta Use ibat fiaulii-yof calcýulatioi shliply for gam-bliing anti for, cheatilng? My- riadeU of boysý and girls use thecir aribma-c or otbîng ,(-]e. The cýonsaquance is t -hat, as the recuit ai' thae lemauitary education estahiieheti fifivyeyars ago in this country, wa haâve a very lJarge section of aur pouaininstruýcti. but not in the hanet aduc tiaughitjust enough ta absarb the basa anti the false, but not trainedt t recagnîza/ or ta lave 'the noble anti the trua. IIowv fewa thUeaare inib is aur baiovtti lati wýho cena sa'y withthe poat Of the linsi ýentLury: For rigarous teachers trainedti my y ou th Anti trimaiii thea lmpe anti fannet tire ire, Sbowed m( ne the highi white star of truth, Thcra bade mie gaze anti there as- pire. iOh, you ight weep for it! Thare shartiiy a smill percentage ai' boys anti g-iils wbio ]bava been tnugi that; tihare il h'Atiiy anain n huireti who kilows thiat ýr uih îisbattar. than gain, and that wc i isbatier than mub- ius. (Ta ha continueti) NEW IN MAGAZINE COVERS The Youth's Campnnion's Historicl Miiestona Cavers bave been appeair- igfor coma tidIe anti reprecent tiatic inicidenits. The remnaîning f Orty nlumübar In a yaar's issue bave takan on -a ne'w dtres-a caver 'at- iractiveiy arrangati in ratianti bhue. Thace cavais ara kno'wu as Citizen Buildars. Each oue carrnes an in- djividýual miessage of fifty ta seventy- five -words. They are variet inl chtracte-hum-tor anti philasaphy in vejrse anti proca-genarally froni theý pans ai' living e-e1etocs cburchman ant ilmen of business. Al ara halpfuil anti stimuhating. Par- anis, teacýhers anti ibrarians are lauti in their praise of ibis new featura. The aim ibat untierlies ih l etteièr ciiizenship.Y EASTERN HOUSE FIRE Historic BUitding Badly Damaged The other miorning whien many citi- zenis1 wera gettiiug reaaty for break- f'ast the fire alarmi struck, terror in- ta, manny ienrtc. Wa take pleasure in repraducing tfhis bsore sketch frami the Baowm-anviiie Correspondent ta tha O0rono News: The fire originatat inl the thirdI strybut the firaman delugtthe building anti kepi it thera. W(-,uuderstnnd there was insur-1 aïnca on the furniture andi alco on the buildling-,. Mr. George Trimibla e the ownar anti we arie informi the pcewsoccupieti by fiv- families.1 This olti historical tanemalnt is grtaci- unlhy g eitinig rnhiaer anti baautifuiliy las. in the day anti ganeration. ai' ihe Brodlias ih.wneasquite anim llpoeing atliewith ilis large bail roornoni ctle easî sid, ifh is well appoîn-teti kiiehain anti out hiouces ta thie sauth; uts billiard parior anid bar, lanti aiea goatitbhes antid ats wiata theý soutb ai' ibe mlati %was ituatati the larg-e bowlIing alley w ,i v as quite, aýn 'attraction anti braught considaer- 1 n)tiba ate towart i th bar par lt ai ihe pramises. As thare wais cou n- sitarale eamngin thosa tinys a1iong11 i»iy Stree tot h Sain (G. T~. R.) anti the inlke from the north pari ai'~~ ih-cutr - as a varýy couvan- ianit stopping place for thoca angng- at il l tailina of ibus1iees. Robait Brodia a propdniatar ai this tia eanti-,vas cucceeadatiby Thomas Erodie who came froîn Naw-i castie ta take charg-e, afterwrds moving up tawvn ta ihe building nowl c1aliati the Bowmian flouisa. Dant Jeffray ratheaaid Enstera flouse1 for n f ew1' aarS anti saveral athereý1 tniati t but ratie tcok a diffarrnt tara anti ana by ana gava if up s50 fur! as a pubiousýe waS capecaruad. Aýs iwas itunteti in n quietpart ai' tli-e tawýn it nad us regular patrons,- anti 1 if any aona gai avar the bound(-aà7ý for, a ;day or Utw4o it wnsa sïafare-1 tient nt i norrmnlcy returnlet,. Oc-U u-ýiaslaiithere wvoulti h a agala igh71t ant 1Uthe bal roora wouiti ha the cen-P tre ai' attractian, Vwhiie ,the supper1 woud aona of the hast, whie thell b>ar wu be fillet i wth thasa whO! caain ta basr inhe nusic ant ipob-h- ahiy ta get what -was gai;ýngc . Some- iý urnles the youang folkse u7,oul(d engageý tha 'aioo or ÉthaePinter moniths! anti rua a dancing school, anti with' ana institution anti another the aid1 Eastern flousa hati lis upc anti cowns la thosa that were caihed the gooti This simple miethod for youthful loveliness Millions have lear-ned this easy., natural way ýto keep that"Schoolgirl Complexion The baauty andi Charin that le pricaiess ta evary womian andtiiM mny hb a nd by ibis simple Ysneihod. Millions have fouti the secret of having and keeping coin- plaxions radiatîit andi hovely as a schiogîrl'c. A mnethod that you, tao, may empioy. Regularly do this Cleanisa the skia reguiarhy, au- tharitias say, ta keep yauir cam- piexion loveiy, radiant, youthful. But bewara of harsh cleansing miethotis. They injure skia. Wash thoroughly wvith Paimolîve Soap-each nighit ha- fore retiring. Rab the creainy, foamny attier watt inta the tiny pores. Rince - andi repent the washing. Then rince again. Thea-if skia lis dry-apply a litile cotti creami. That is al. Skia so careti for is nai injurati by cosmretice, by wiad and sual, or by dirt. The simpile, correct wvay Youi cannai finti a nýorc effec- Volume and e//l ciency produce 25c quality for 10e tiva benuty treatmeat. Becau se Palmnohiva Soap je blendeti of rare palm n nd olive ails-famious for mild but thorough cleansing quatities since the tinys af CQea- patra. And it is inexpensive. Just mnaka sure you get Palmoliva - - whjch is neyer sohd unwrnpped. Ait dealers have it. Gai, cama and fatiow this simple mathoti for a wa.Recuite wil surprise and encourage you. Remnemrber that arme, shoulders, throat naad this treatieant, taa. Lai Paîmolive do for your whole body what it doas for the face. THE PALMOLLVE COMIPANY 0F CANADA, LIMITED Winnipeg Toronto Montreal Palm and olive oils-nothing elser-kime Natufre's green color te Palmnolivé soap. 240Z~ Dn't Pay $ 1,400 or More for a car, withoùtlkno-wing what the leader Offers isn the f ine-car field Emade a canvass of mnany who bought rivale of Studebakers. We saiti, "Tell us ,why you ikati your car the beilter." The inajarity sa-it, "We titi not evea look ai the Stuieake."MaDsi af iham boughi new motels of the. car ihey 5wne-d before. Yei Stutebaker is a leader la the fine-car fieldi totiay. Studahaker builtis mare qualiiy cars than any oýther plant ia thje warld. Lasi year, 145,167 fine-car buyers paid $201,000,- 000 for Sýudc-bakar cars. Naarhy ibrea urnes as many as in 1920. ________ le it fair ta yourslf-or us-not ta le.ara the reasýors for tiistrenti? c'. 4L C Studebaker bu Eacts te o onsider Studehaker asseis are thani any ather p $9'0,000,000 -ail staketi on sniis-fying, baetter thpa Last year 145 others, huyers of high- car buyers paid grade caýrs. Studebakers. $50,000,000 ila-mateýra plan-ts ani quipfhnîn, of The demnand h wihich $32f000.000 bas been in the past three adÀdt tur*ing the pasi hive years. It 15 folly to bu $10,000,000 la bodiy plants without knowing ta giv e you superlative beauty, 125 experte who devote their whole trne ta eiudyiag betierments. Consitier Studebaker history. For 72 years this can-,ceiru hues stoot for high priacipies anti policies. For two generatioas, agntai al the worlt, ht belti first place iahrdan vehicias. Now for years isnanme and fumre hava been commnitteti ta lýý*ie attinirents lafine matai cars. If you only knew There le nio roorn here for dtaals ani compari- s;onsç. You wmil finti hem ail la Studebalker show- rooms.But aius dcit ame significant facis. LI1G H11T -S -iX 5-Pass. 112-mi. W. B. 40 H.P. Touring........$1465 Rodtr(3-Passc. . 1445 Caupe-Roac!ster (Z.Pass.) 1735 Coupe < Pss),. 1985 Seda.... .....2135 Thai lack of vibration, so coaspicuous in Stute- bakers, caste us $600.000 yearly in extra machining of cranik shafis. That maicthees sirength la vital parts cornes fromr the cactiiesi eteais - For coma we atiti 150/ to the quaitid price ta gai exactness la îhem. Thai Chase Mlohair, cused ila aur ciaseti cars, la matie from the safi fleece of Angora gants. Cotton or ortiinary woal, or a combination of bath, couiti reduce aur price $100 ta $150 par car; but it would sacrifice Studebaker qualiity Noie the bumpers, the steel truak, thc extra cord Itires, the asatomaier, the couriecy light on somne modela. Figure what ihey tdebakers wauld cost as xrs uijds more fine cars plant ini the worMd. 5,167 wise motor d $201,000,000 for has almost trebled eyears. iy a car in this class gwhat we give. The infinite care We emnploy -1,200 iaspac- tors ta make 30,000 inspec- tions of the material anti workmakncr.,hip la each Stutiebaker car - before ht leaves the facry. If yodf waat henuiy, fine uphalsiery, rich finish andi equipmanî, coasider that Stutehaker bas 1bat more experience in fine coach building than aay other axotor car maker. These are acis Yau should knaw. They ara in- duciag 150,000 par year ta choose Studahaker cars. Some sall ilder $1,500. Samne meet every require- nment in ire anti power and luxury. But the chacals are al! alika, cave la. size. The anme steaýis, tihe anme standards through-out. Every imrportÈant Stu.d- baker part reprasenis the hast we knowi. People have learnieti these Lfacis -hundretis af thousiantis of theýn. The damant for Stutiehakers ias almosi trebletOi i1n th-ret yaars. Invastigate the reascos. You wilî fiat thern by thescrs Theni, if you choose a rival car, we shail have natihing Imore ta oSay. SPECIAL -SIX 5-Pass. 119-in. W. B. 50 H. P. Roatister (2-Pass.> Coupe <5-Pass.) $2000 1970 2665 2860 B 1G - s1x -Ps.126-ïa. W. B. 60 H. P. Tauriig ......$2125 Speedster (5-Pass.) 2550 Coupe <5-Pass.) . 3395 Sedan........3665 Phone 185 Bo~rmanvi11e THE WORLD'S LARGEST PRODUCER OF QUALITY AUTOMý/OBILES Dom,-,in;on Urgt Grand and Player Pianos Highe-st Awards London Paris Philadeiphia Chicago since la this 'district, instr'umnts mbýny be scean, by nppaintmeat, at the faictory. -Many purcbnsars take ad vantngae of the deferreti paymnents ýwbich are williagly arranged ta suitthe c onvanietice of customaers. Foj7 information write Box 353 or teleplione Nos. 86, 92 or 105 B owmanville Cavypenter, Corntractor& Repairer Phone 206r4; Box 461 Bowmianville Estimates Fre 12-tf (AiU prices î. o. b. Walleerville, Ont., exclusive ot taxes. Ternis to meut your convenWeice> A» l.î?. PIKýARD The Name bac beau n«,%synoniyn fan excellence la musical instruments 1 3ee me mi IL-