WALL PAPERS PEOPLE WHO LIVE INSIDE THEIR HOMES Sunfless Bedroorn will radiate cheerfulness bright floral or cream-yellow paper. a Bleak Entrance Hall1 a richly colored rVolces welcome. ýe Dining Room-here one has a chance to e the attrýactiveness of the table with its ings. The wall should speak warrnth and ity. especialize in these kind of papers. Corne *them in the roll. You will know what buying andsave tirne and rnoney. Ail Papers Kept in Stock W. T. ALLEN 20 iBookstore Bowmanville About A New Bath Room? Before you start Spring Hlouse-cleaning, have ou considlered fitting up a ba-th room in your inn, rp is complete without it. Let us ive eon the cost. youý AIl work done promptly anid guaranteed to give satisf actîon. Let us look over your fuilace now, We mnay be in a position to save you considerable outlay later on, Greenaway P& E'"1lott Consulting Engineers day or night Bowmnanville loffat's Electric Ranges re the Speediest Heating Electric Ranges Made i Turn a switch on a Moffat Electric Range, in- tly, the wvires, coiled in the burner plate, be- tao heat. In no tirne, they are red hot! Without ption, the elements in Moffat Ranges are the est heating elements to be f ound on any range. Is this important? Decidedly! Any woman 's is valuable. She can't wait around for -heating elements. Slow\ý-heating elements in- ,se your monthly bills. Some slow-heating ele- ts may hold the heat a little longer af ter the dng has been dome. But what good is it then? Speed! Jt's a treat to watch Moffat Element up. On the snap of' the swîtch a faint pink es the black wire elements evenly all over the The pink intensifies and rapidly becomes a ving red. Full heat almost before you know Food can boil over or you can spill water on a rat element without doing the le ast bit of n. We will gladly dernonstrate this to you. The Moffat. Range is furnished with either .i or closed elements, but ?rom rigid tests we %v the open elements to be far the best. It will you to inspect the Moffat Range before buy- For sale at the People's Shop, where you get quality goods and service. THE HDOHP ries 192, 209, 359w. Bowmanville THURSDAY, MAROR 27th., 1924 GEORGE'S CHURCH, LETTER 0F GRATITUDE NEWCASTLE' TO NEWCASTLE~ CITIZENS r' Rev. E. R. James, Rector, Conducted Lenten Services. (Crowded out of iast issue) Rev. E. R. James, Rector, conduct-1 ed Lenten servicec, in St. George's Parish Hall on Wednesday affter-noo.ns at 4.15 and in the church at 7.30 p. in. Fridlay evenings. Three strikinig addresses were delivered by the Rector on Sunday last, the morning text being taken frbmn the Ist Chap- ter of31 tho book of Revelations l4th vers e'-"H-is eyes were as a flame of fire". This book, contains a wonderful and synibolic picture of the worship of 'Ieaven. The Lord Christ is represented as the Great High Priest robed in his priestly garment as wearing- the golden girdie of priestly lctivity. "lHis hend and lis hair w'ere -whte like wool", as representing the Ancient of Days, H1e who said "Before Abrahamn was I amn", contrasted with which were Ris eyes whîch were "as a flame of lire". The eyes of Christ-penetrating, boring into the very soul, ail-seeing -how humble should the thought, make us feel; hiow% ready tà cry "ýGodi be merciful Fo nme a sinner"; yet they are also aflamne with love-the eyes of the ail comipassionate One wýho gaýve Himiself for us; aflame With hope, for H1e neyer despairs of us, but always expects gre2at things Of us; aflamne with vitaliit, for He is t heLifiig the eneîgizing powýe, the source7,, of al srngh whose if e flows into us in s;acra1ment and pray- er,iii proportion as we arc able to re- The evening address was an ilIum- inaiting exposition of the 9thchapter of St. John's Gospel which describes the healling of the mian born blind an'd the developmient of his faith. Fromn the simple description f is Rescuer as, "a man thati, cle Jesus" he i.4 Iead to speali of Hlm asi aprophet, and then as of "one whdj isf of God" and finally reaches the cul- minating point in his faith in the words "Lord 1 believe". The Pharisees who cried, we see, were typical of miany church goers of every geineration who faîl into the grievous sin of spiritual pride and self -satisfaction. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH, NEWCASTLE Wellington Foster, Esq., Presents $1000 Bond For Rectory Upkeep To Advisory Board. (Crowded out of laEt issue) An event of great interest that gives pleasure to rnany and is most mnagnanimous and generous took place on Friday evening,, March 7th. Advisor- Board of the Anglican Church wvere cailed together in St. George's Rectoîy for the purpose of receiving a Bond for $1,000.00 to be known as'The Wellington Poster Memorial Fund" for the upkeep of the Rectory. Mr. David J. Gibson, People's Warden, îead an address while Mi. J. E. Matchett, Rector's Warden, read the gift deed, and Rev. E. R. James, th~e Rector, received the Bond on bebaîf of the church and its miemibers. Mlr. Foster said he was pleased that he couid (do this, as it was f ollowing up the John Farn- comib, the Oliver Wilmiot Sanford and the Vanduszen funds now at the church's disposal. Others who spoke in appreciation were Mrs. D. J. Gal- braith, Mr. W. H. Gibson, Miss Liz- zie Wilimot, Mir. C. R. Lovekin, Mrs. W. McýIlntosh, Mrs. H. Parncom~b and Mrs. Win. ja'miesoii. After a daintily served luncheon' the party bîroke up shortly before the tweif th hour. AD DRESS 0F ,,'CKNOWLEDGMEýNT Wellington Foster, Esq., Newcastle, Ontario Dear Mr. Foster,-It is with muchii pleasure that the Rector and Ward- ens of St. George's, Newcastle, leain of vour intention to presenti a long terni Bond for One Thousand Dollars to the Rector and Waîdens, the interest to be nsed for the re- pairs of tLhe Rectory. This gift shows your active sym- pathy in the work of the Churcl inl this, community aný1. your desire thati the Rectory would hbe kept, in a godc steof repair. We have miuch pleasure in accept- ing this generous gift and pray that! you mycon1tin1ue to be with us, and ýyour dear ones for years to corne and to help us with the aivic frp yeas. Yours very faithfuhly, David J. Gibson, People's Warden. Edward R. James, Rector Uewcstr, Mrh7h, 124. so blest, Lhat was best,1 This appreciative letter fromi- the British Harvesters and Emigrants' Union, to the citizens of Newcastle was received too late for insertio n in last week's issue. Mr. Williamn Les- lie wrote The Statesmnan as f ollows: By request I write to say that our advanceparty through the kindness of Dr. J. A. Butler, Reeve, gave us the use of the old Court Room. At 4.15 p. m. Monday, we arrived a lit- tie footsore, but in high spirits, to the bright littie village of Newcastle, Rev. J. Scott Howard sent us butter and tea and Mrs. Philp 'donated bread, which the boys appreciatedI very mucb. Rev. E. R. James and Rev. Gerrard Graliam, B. A., came in to find out the calibre of the men. They had a keen discusson with us on the econom-ic problenis of the wdy hich, when finishied, resulted in the best of triendship. To Major Dudley, Messrs. Cowan, Fisher, Me- Eacheru, Gerrod and -Mrs. Smith wel thank you for the kindness in giving us folods and sm-okes. Excuse mie if' 1 have missed any namnes. To the kindness of the citizens we exten'd the saine appireciation as handed out to the places 'preceding New- castle. Our pitrpose and our aims are not nserely for ourselves, but fori the citizens of this beautiful land, that ' we ~ have taken upon ourselves. t. march to Ottavva. We cannot find words to express our apprelciation asi st4ated above. Our diary will con- tain what has been written. There are 32 of us. NEWCASTLE FLOWER SHO0W The Complete Prize List. (Re7ýceivedl too late for last issue) A, very interesting and detai'led the Community Hall on St. Patrîck's Day appeared on last week's New- casAlç page and we no have pleas- ure in pîesenting the complete Prize List. Shamrok-Mrs. Cobbledick, Mrs. Jackson, Mis. Moise. Prim-trose, Best Speime-Mîýls. E. C. Beman 1, 2 and 3. Primula, Best 5eie i.E. C. Beman 1 and 2, Mrîs. J. ïE Philp. Begon1ia,' Best, any varietv-Mrs. Moise, Mrs. Chris Law, Mrs. J. Cob- biefdick. Tulip, Best Specimen-Mrs.M'lat-'. hew Binwçn, Mrs. Chris Law, Mis. Jas. Parker.1 Tulips, Best Collection, 4 Bloon-j Mis. Mathew Brown 1 and 3, Tomti Bîown. Hyacnth, whte-rs.J. E. Mat-I chett, Mus. Matt. Brown, Mus. Thos. Moffat.i ilpacinths, Cream-M-ýrs. Thornas! Moff at, Mis. J. C. Hancock ,Pied: Fligg.1 Hyacintbs, Pink-Miss Biacliýburn,, Miss Wiim-ot, Mus. C. Hancock. 1 Hyacinths, Blue-Miss Biackburn,j Mrs. J. E. Matchett, Mfis. T. W. Jackson.1 Hyacinths, Yellow-Mrs. Matt. 1 Brown 1 and 2, Frank Allia. Hyacinths, Lavender-Mrs. Mat-I hew Brown 1 and 3, Mis. T.Moffat. Hyacinth, Puiple-Mis. J. E. Màatchett, Mis. Mvathew Brown. Hyacýinths, Collection, 4 clors- Tomi Brown, Mus. Matt Brown, Mis. George Eilbeek. Naîcissus, Bes't Pot-M.irs. T. Mof- fat, TomiiBrown, Mrs. Mathew Brown. Daifodil, Best Pot-Mis. J. E. Mat- chett, Mis. Mofat, Mrs. Floyd Buti7 erGeranium-Mrs. E. C. Bemran,I Mis. Floyd Butier, Prank Aluin. Aspedestra-Mîrs. E. C. Beman, Mis. R. P. Butleâlr, Miss Wilmot. PamMisWilmot, Mis. Chus"' Law. Rujhber Plant-Mrs. E. C. Beman, Mis. George Eilbecli, Mis. Floyd Butler. Fein, Plumosa-Mýiss Wilmiot, Mis. George Eilbeck, Mis. Moise. Fein., A. O. V.-Mîs. Hancock,l Mrs. 'Jackson, Mis. Floyd Butler. Foliage, Specimen-Mis. J. E. M chtMrs. Jackson, Mis. R. P. Butler. Foliage, coll.-4 plants-Mis. J. E. Matchtt 1 and 3, MNis. Jackson. Collections8 plants-MîLs. Chuisj La1Ms. .E acet u.C bludkkMr. J acet r.Cb Bird 11ouses-Albeit Pearce, Adaîr Hancock, Kenneth Pearce. SHE FOUND THEM A MARVELLOUS REMEDYý What Mrs. Morneau Says of Dodd's Kidney PIs Quebec womani suffered fl-rn a com- plication of kidney troubles and found relief in Dodd's Kidney 'jlis Ste. Perpetue, P. Q. Mauch 4,1 (Special). The value of Dodd's Kid- ney Pis as a housebold uemredy is shown by the followiag statemient ofý TMis. E. Mdoineau, a wel-known rs- dent here. 11I have sufered for severai months! rîom rheumnatism, backache, pains tan! the head and cramps". Mis. 'Moineau' says3. "I took eight boxes of Dodd's Kidniey Pis and they have gueatlyý benefitted nme. I uecommiend themn to ahi those who sufer fromi kidney complaints, for I have found theni inarvellous. -You can tel! thers -who, sufer from- bad ki.dneys that they aIre veîy good". Dodd's Iidney Pis have become a family remedy ail over the world, be- canilhe people have tried them an'd found them good. Tbey are purely and sinipiy a kidney remýedly. They help backache, iheumiatismn, lum--bagoi, diahetes, beaiLt disease and urinary, troubles, NEWCASTLE MARKETS IN 1857 (From The Newcastle Recorder,.) These figures taken frorm The New- castle Recorder of March 26, 1857, make specially interesting reading, as do Mr. C. G. Arm-strong's comi- ments in Orono Newvs Items. Our dollar is about equal to 4s 2d in Eng- lisJ currency. Prices were much higher than usual just after the Crimnean War. Here are the quota- tions: Flour per Ilundred........ 7 6 Faîl Wheatý........ ....... 6 6ý Spring Wheat.......53 Oats................... 2 9 Barley ...................5 O Peas......................4 O Corn............... ...... 4 6 Potatoes................... 2 6 Butter, per lb ............. i Hay, per ton.............. 60 0 Straw, per load........... 10 O Beef, per hundred lbs........315 O Pork, per hundred Ibs 50 C MNutton, per lb .............O0 6 Cordwood1, per cord ........12 6 ORONO ITEMS (Fromi The News of Marcb l3th.) Other Oyono news on an inner p ag e. Miss -Malton of Toronto, is al guest at Mr, Arthur Beets Mis. Butc her, -Midfland, is visiting1 her dadghte, Mrs. Walter Dent. Mr. Chariey Ilooper, Oshawa, vis-1 ited his broth er Hary here recently.i Mis. A. Henry is ia Lindsay, lierý uncle, Dr.Mcpi, being seriously Mi. Mr. Harold E. Alun lbas bouglit Morre's biacksmînth business at New-ý MnAif Beal contemiplates remond- eling bhis residence on Park St. this spîiag. LMrs. Hutchison an-d Miss Helen Hutchisoni, Agincouit, are packing their furniture for shipment to that town. Orono Creamiey Co., has installed a new chura and pasteurizer of 1000 lbs. capacity, ia order to handle the output more rapidly. 01(d school chums andl friends of William < Bill) Lyness will read with regret of his sudden deatb at hisi home, Chicago,, on Maîch 12. Sorry to hear Robt. Fielding is in very poor health. H1e was in the hospital but is novw with his daughteî, Mis. H. W. Jewell, on the farm. Mrs. Bennie McAlpine died at her home near Lindsay t-da. Her husband is s'on of Dr. McAlpine. She leaves a young family of five children. e xp eriment- you uise Dr. hlase s Oint- net for Eezerna and Skmn Irrita- tiois. It relieves at once and giltdu- aly beals the skîn. SamLple box Dr. Chase, s )iitnenit free if you miention thiis gaper anid Send 2e. stanip for posta ge. 60,. a boxa]lýea1ers or Edmàans8on, Bates & Co., Lim2itiToronto. BR Give Her a Washing Machine Lessen the labor of house-cleaning by buy- ing your wif e a Wash- ing Machine. We have a fulliUne of: Hand Power Water -Power Electric Power 1/i imason & 'DaIes llardware Phone 145 Bwnnih lt'pays to use MARTI Nïb -SdENdOUR IOOZ PURE PAINT & VARNISHES For fveyPurpose -For Eve ry Surf tce Write to I{ezd Office, MOorreeI For Free Bookiet HIOME PAINTING MADE EASY' SOLO BY W. H. DUSTAN g3h Bowmanville Ont. It's the- Steady Savings That Count W EIGH the facts: 300 DOMINION STORES -over a Million Customers a week. Tremendous puîchasing power -tremnendous saviags, We get the business (growing bigger every day). You get the steady savings that keep you ligt-bearted anà puîse-heavy. PROVISIONS THAT WILL HELP YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS REAKFAST BACK BACON KRAFT CHEESE BACON, Canadl.an Peai'h -38C lb. - E --41C Machine Sliced, '1 (sliced)ý, lb. lb. - - - -31C' NEW CHEESE 2 LARD, A kCK BACON, lb. - , . .-.-2C No. 3 Pail - -49 Can.adian Peamn'l OLD CHEESE 9 LARDdrn (by' the piece), lb, 36c lb. - - - - 29e 20-lb. Tub -$3 9 EAT1 HORSESHOE, CLO VER LEAF or MAPLE LEAF (Sockeye)Ai SALMON', I lb. -40 ,/, P. - - -21 MORE FISH-FOR LESS MONEY B. C. PINK ~ KPE SALMON, 1 lb. 19C NAC.F' TIGER or BAGLE LBT C SALMON LBT (Choice Red), 22 ttin - 1 lb. - - ~ TTr.T c 'A~~~ lb.L - -JC 1-dî 'KS, 3 for -25c "R 25c & 43c ND SAR-25 S, 3for -25 BUY RICHME LLO PRODUCTS AND BE ASSURED O0F THE BEST RICHMIELLO RICHNIELLOBLKCCA TEA (Ceyhon IC BREAKFA/STb 19c SpCOCOly and Assam), lb. -79c COCQA, '/2 b.-19 pca RICHMELLO /*Prepaîed, 25 COFFEE, 3U 6c" ¼ib. -- -10e 2-lb. Pkts. tin 3c& 5 ITEMS THAT' MACARONI and SPAGHEETI, 2 for- - -29 pRIZE WINNING HONEY, 5-1b. Pail 69 DOM OULIN, MAPLE SYRUP No. 10 Pail db l (132 ozs) _ i .ft' DOMOULIN MAPLE SYRUPC Pint Bottle - WILL HELP YOU SHOP AND SAVE DOMOULIN AYLMER or MAPLE SYRUP «I RIVERSIDE Quart Bottle !'4c PEA S, '~ AUNT JEMIMA No. 4 size, 2 for -29c PANCAKE 1 eAYLMER or FLOUR _ _19C RIVERSIDE 29e ARROWROOT CORN, 2 for - BISCUITS AYLMER ROSE- (Thin or Oval) 9 BUD BEETS -25 lb.- - - - 29uc ASPARAGUS AYLMER or TIPS-- RIVERSIDE 18iC lb. ---,:49c lib Chocolate Bars are so good T-ERE are so many vari- Sold ineties-at Ieast one for every taste. -Just ask for Patter- ~J J son's and you'II get the best. TORONTO =-a ý 1