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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Mar 1924, p. 4

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rnd f ýd Stand, - 1923",> Society, ADDRESS .Fieid Score e & Son, Hampton R 1 96.5 rue, Bowmianville R 2 91 ïy, Hampton R R 1 78.5 rne Bowmanyille R, 4 84.5 Banner C Bin 60% of 40 % of Total Score Field Score Bin Score 86.5 57.9 34.6 92.5 71.5 5-.6. 28.6 83.2 87.5 47.1 35 82. 1 70 50.7 28 78.7 Watch Our Windows For Specials in Meats NOJ%0TIC E AHl accounts owing the giÉocery branch of our business which we have disposed of to Mr. W. G. Nelles, must be paid at once and save fur- ther costs. C. M. CAWKER & SO'N" Phone 64 Bowmanville New Goods Arriving Every Day at Tait's We sôld April Ist., wilien the store wîîrli b was closed for business. As soon as LadiE stock-taking is completed the store enter will be opened imimediately for bers business. The E. L. TYRONE M rs. Miss Ethel Skinner, Toronto, spent the the week-end with her parents, Mr. of Mv and Mrs. Levi Skinner... .Mrs. W. i Mc»nal, obourg,, visited at Mr. whi, W. Stewart's ... . Mr. and Ms Jas. McCartney of the Long Sault, have W sold their farim and moved into Mrs. wi'tl H. McIRoberts' bouse. A numiber of hot the young people enjoyed very sala pleasant evenings at Mr. Oslen'.s and appiE also Mr. 0. Virtue's, Wednesday andth Thursdlay evenings -of last ,we.k faili _____________fying HAMPTON At _______byr Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy spent Sunday P.,1 with MUrs. Chas. Williams, Bowman- Toas ville, brief A very interesting League ureet- choil ing was held Priday evening under, the1 the direction of the Social Vice- was PreidetMiss Bertha Sarg-ent. that The Bible reading -was given by Mi. TI Will White,;'Miss Dorotby Srnyth joini sang sweetly; the topie "The Bible in tionz ail the World" -was ably presented by th-e( Mis MeryKaterson; Miss Elsie rt Langmi-aid g ave a reading and Miss e'di Ruthi L. Johns and Dr. E. 'G. Kerslake ý,0to t played a vio lin duet "Mlelody in F", edý, accomipanied bIy Miss Helen Johns at Ladi the piano. by I A drama entitle-d"ara Made S. Ove?ý' will be given by Hampton a ha young people in the basement of the faci churcb on1 this Fridlay evening, and March 2801. The drama, w%ýhicýh is thos( Jin'Llre acsis both humorous and Sunc instuctve, Good music between the, thea acts. Admfission, adults 25c; helpi childien 1,5c.it 1 - the EBENEZER musi ited Mr.a friends. Mi-s. S. titize witl wish to inform the public that we have out, but are busy these days unpacking CHINA GOODS It goes without saying that the desigus are itiful and we want you to see them. Full lime of groceries always in stock. A RCHI E >T AIT1 ne 65 Bowmanville Motor Sales Now cady for Spring Business at West End Garage our new models-Chevrolet1 s-now ou Exhibition-nothir ket for comfort, convenience ýgnes Richiards, Oshawa, vi-verE anid Mrs. Ira Truli and othier ton, ... The manyv friends of Mil< G. Pickeil sinerely Sympa- ter; h l ber in her proionged ill- G. Many enquiries are being Mles! to wbvletbier the TorontVo Tap radial is likely to be soon gate tion ini com'ipetit'ion with thel seco nd heavy truck transporta- the, ých is miaking sucb destruc- spie: the roadbed on1 the higb11way hea, in ays .. . . Mr. Steve Silb- A *Mr. Chbas. Stainton have rms; Steve is getting a fe-w a ci 1to b.......Avery pleasaii n j joyable eveningl was bad on Ile y rý evening wben Epwortb ing sof Maple Grove visited the wbi( ,eagiie .... Several of oui tain ttended the S. S. Anniver- Bowmianville on Sunday and the servic!es conducted by 1-1 y 0 . . Rev 'T,',.1 ;eene fve and 1chargeý ýdlorveiy n anid menu commer d, cold roast tatoe, green rxg with delii SDpring sive Display of Fash minst Ili WOMEN AND MISSES UPSTAIRS SHOPPE Phone 25J C. S. MAAQcN EXCLUSIVE WEAR ~ iJ*LVAZ~IJ1NFOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Walk Upstairs Pay Cash Save Dollar& *a close an'otber , bad given pleasure to and entertainers. Dns, n- Reserve Thursdaý ing March 27 and 28 fç ;er-, of Venice" 'to be 1Opera House by tý students. Plan0 Marc.h 21, noon at Store. Admnission I Is. Wm. White of Newcastle, phonýed her sister, Mrs. Wrn. Gar- AMITIOUS MEN Julia streýt, Wednesday, asking _____ to cone there as ber busbandI suifered a stroke. His left side, $25.00 To $60.00 Weely armi are paralyzed. Mr. and Mis. ____ netw nt o ewatl a oi51ý tiol. Phone voices ections Auctioneera, thee Post Office, Enniskîllen in the County of Duriai TUESDAY, APRIL l5th A. D. 1924, at the bour of 2 o'clocl< i the afternoon, the following prop- erty, namely: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- 1tain parcel or tract ýof land and prei-1 sises situate, lying and beinig coin- n osed of the soutb three quarters of i enclance axtfhe afternoo Frank Walter coetribut Love Himi", i his usua 1 effective wa..... . On reb 30, Rev. C. C. W 1 speak at botbi servie 011o dealing particulaîl T. A. and -will uise ti llustrate mnany featur( rigservices. NESTLETON &rs. T. G. Wilson and dle -cecently visited Mi.rý 1Janetville . ... Mis. C. s, Mrs. Sam Crawford li,mr .Tnhns n0n+ si a e dura- orne in and consuit Mr. A. E. Luke, our man, and is well-known to the people of ýanville and vicinity. He has fully recovered -s recent ifless and is in a position to give advice on buying a new car or refitting ast year's one. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT s iu good shape to handle ail repairs. ýarts for Chevrolet and Ford, and a fulllinHe ýessories, gas, oiîs, etc., always on hand. ài line of Used Cars in open andc -ail prices. Easy terms if desired. Cars Washed and Polished ..A nunxhe S.David J. e may be other corn reniov- it you will rot be cornpletely ýd until -you bave used Hollo- Corn Remover. Statesman On the property is a large bouse, bank barri, bouse for 'hiîed help, d(rive shed, pig peri, heu bouse and otber' outbuildilngs. TERMS:-Ten per cent on day of sale. Balance, as per conditions of sale. For conditions of sale and further particulars apply to CLEAVER & CLEAVER, Bairisters, Burlington, Ont., Solici- tors for Mortgagee, or THEO M. SLEMON, Au tioneer. Dated this l2tb day of Marcb, A. D. 1924. 13-3 Apple Trees Plum Trees Cherry Trees Pear Trees We have at our Nurser- ies an unsold surplus of our High 'Grade Fruit Trees which, we off er at attractive prices for this Spring's delivery. 'f his is your opportun- ity to buy. PELHAM NURSERY CO Toronto Ont. 13-41 Can't Eat TOO Much Corbett's Bread Baked fresh daily-of a uniform goodness, delivered to you in the~ same sweet satisfactory state in which it leaves the oven. Corbett's High White Bread is making friends rapi 'dly. It will snuggle up to your appetite in quite friendly fash- ion if y0u allow it. WVe Seil Willard's Ice Cream Wedding Cakes a Specialty W. P. Corbett, (Successor to Thomas Tod) Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Garment Selected Until Wanted Rest Room on Samne Floo- Djudley's Specials Corn Beef Special This Week Fresh Picuic Hams ...........................12½1-c lb Home-Made Head Cheese .................15e Ilb One Moý'e Week of Selling off Lard at $3.25 per pail of 20 lbs. net Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowinanville Yý, ey , 1 ForImmiediate Selection Embracingz Every Important Phase 0f Spring Mode Interpreted in a Distinctive Manner. NEW ARRI VALS More New Coats, Suit s and Dresses for Women, Misses and Children Arrive at C. S. Mason's Upstairs Shoppe This Week We sold quite a ýnumber of ouir most exclusive garmnents last week. A our selection must at all times be kept up to a standard and we neyer seli the same style twice, we were forced to go into the market and proceure more new models in Coats, Suits ai-d Dresses, which will be 'in our Shoppe for your appf'oval this week. You are cordially iuvited to caîl, see and try on these garments wîthout any obligations whatever. 1

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