Newcastle ommuni ty Hall JedY, APril 2n,-d U'usical Treat under the auspices of Dur- iarnLodlge No. 66, 1A. F. & A. M. cs-The Toronto Masonie Maie Chorus- 80 Voices isted by Mr. Albert iJownin g and Miss -evenson, will repeat their program re- ýiven in Massey Alh Toronto. This is eyent that you can't afford tcý miss. ýerved1 seats-F. F. Morris, Bowýmanville, fillan, Orono, Frank Taw, Newtonville, H. han, Newc,,,astLle. Price 75c SCÂTTERED EVERY- WHERE-those children of other dy-e and woii-1 en now, with new respon-1 sîbilities and hiuterests and oniy,, occasional and acciden-J tai evidene c ominig to uis of; the work aceomplished ini the iouldling, of their lives. No dotât theyý themselve's have buried deep in th'eir hoarts and memories the sadl expei.iences, the failures andj griefs of elcih(ood, and haveý even folgoten the friendiy han'ds that lifted theni upý and sentthm n the irWa rejoîcing.. It is perhaps jusIL as well that it should be so, and though we mi-ay1 neyer hbear of gratitude or spokoen words of apprecia- tion, the ififfounces for good, started in their lives, the--11 pulse for better thingls, wl go on extending and incereas-J îing and adding immineasur- a'bly to the world'ýs progre ss and happiness. Worlker, be not discouraged--youdh is receptive, responsive. Seize tho opportunity, woary noti in weil-doinig, and ho surel that the resuits will be eter-1 n'11ai andabidjing. of good sense andi raunt 'ie is. Whiat has, too. We can lbr %v iilL 0INTÂARIO MAN DIES IN WINNIPEG,MA ceer-ge snrili Morropw ofOswa T1'e niany£friends of George sm-iithi Moro ill. regret to leara ,of ils w ~. vhich onrcii<n Thuar v.1 leasure being ting- U4è',jI or there is a sad- ber ofCh Sof thinga, anrd a-ýChjuvcýh, ýard thse oldi calen- Gerg iink what it reýily pa0r swiftness of tiare v~Mbs k of its rapidity presaiveI' ýreat until the nu- Mýasoajic ar were cbanged. mienibers had grown so a-A F. and a niew one also niac e.1. 0 not so' plentifui11~ 0mn] s-aiow thoy 1are w pon us. Many of ot., w deys wlien tiey cile of1 wvvliIbe iity. and hb e, sud e ofsil Gjarvin, A, lancock. j.oe fnien( Ho i il Ru] L'Vrs. Miss two C, anid )urtice n Ell usa ii to be seadl out raya of -ars a to otiers arouid W T. Hla ~iout the year aKib ri of days wel se- Grieve;ý Kujigl t; _______ arjonie Lned an optim-ist son. ýnion says tise true' The IN4wcatstI Tilt NEWCASTLE Mrs. Taylor is visiting relatives in' Toronto. Mr. C;. R. Carveth had business lan Toronito on MUoaday. Mr. John ii Ad[erson w\as homo fromn Toronto over Sunday. AMr. E,. C. Hoar made a business trip to Oshawia on Tuesday. The Picture Shiow on Saturday niglit was týhe ,best f~theseasýon. Mr. Geo. Singer has heen spending hie week -with frieuds la Beaverton.1 Mrs. P. F. LeG(resiýey is la Toronto spenidiag' a few dIays with her sister,l M vs. C. C. Gruibe. Extra Newcastle aew-s appears on pag-e thiree of this issue, c!rovd'ed out or rocecived too late for iast week's palper. The liortieultuLrai Society's Spring Flower Exhibition ths year surpass- ic ARC NEWCASTLE MissDrumond pontbMonday ati home. Dr. S. H. Corben yisit-ed lu Tor- 1onto over Sunday. Mr. Norn rToms, Oshawa, -was home over Suay. Mrs. Taylor hias beeni visiting withi relatives la Toronto. Mrs Anderson, Torouto, 15 visit- îng Mirs. R. P. Butler. Mr. Geoorgf Boniathan, Toronto,j wVa S'hom-e over Snunay. Ur. Frank Gibson lidicisposod and undetr the d(ocýtor's care. Miss Catharine AMachern, 'Gsi- awa, was home over Sunday, Mrs. Lockhavt and Miss Ethel Lockhart are visîting lu Toroato. Mr.'Hwd Tomis has returnod to Hlamilton after spending a f ew days at home. e,,d any- previous effort yet attemupt- Mr. Geog Feng, Trt, ed bthisliveorgaizaton.spent the week-end at Mrs. J. E. Mr. B. J. But"iels oigwt acet bi ml7out nïear Orono, where ho Mliss Eva Gnieves has returnedý has secured a Position w'ith the Pro- homne aftor speinig a few mionths in vinciai Foreatry Departmlent. theStts Me. Wilson MeManus bas engagod Mrs. Idl Thackray has returned witi Mr. D. j. Galbrait for the froni Toronto wiere sho has been season 'co ieip wiÂâth te iii andpunding the past'two iweeks. farni operatonsaut "BeLmont"'. lea(sed to report thratAir. Wmi. Ail coagratulante Mrs. E. C. Bemnani White, our popular butcher, is re- onsý iningte beautiful Chiester D. 1coveringfIrom i isrecenit ilînesa, 1Výase Challenge Cup for obtaingý Don't forget the concert in Cont- the most first prizes ut the Flower Hally 14 on Aprii 2, under the S hoavauspices of tie AMasonic Lodge.. Wie congratuLate the Sous of Enp'- isses Agnes and Nelle IMnan lard on leasing the former AMasonicasoM Th asadFai agn Hall in Pari'ker Block. Their recenl of Buffalo, arce spen.ding a f ew dayai At Homo there was a decidedly suc- la town ceýsaful function.intv21 Mr.Wm Bua ws aka udea Mr. and M is. 1D. Velieau, AMiss, lyr lUonTus n wihasver de at' Mary Mlar and Mn.E lverett Smith ly ll n Tesýaý wih asuvIc ahu of Oshawa, motor-ed, down aadi tack of appendici l and was taken pnSudyaMrThnCso% to Bomn iii ospitai. We wih1etSna t ~ hs isns bim aspeed recoery.Thre A. Y:.1P. -A. heid a St. Pat- him spedy rcovey. ick's Social lu the St. George's Sun-ý Mv. Sam Fuge has soidhils farm day Schooi on WVednesday evoninýg.j on Kingston Rond East, and is nOv- The pvogram-i consisýted of Irisi songq, %ng back to the city. This wil o chorusesland recitaos and atr d1istinct io2ss t h mnt y as ho w S erds refreshmlents were (sorved. is one or our best itîzens. lern ianyfinsluadeon Anoter ioner esientof us ewcastle, who have been anxiou'siyi district in th., pýrson of M'rSp. Mar- bpn and prýaying for the veoovery, tlin Frw, pass quetly ver orof Mas.Wesley TD. Bragg and whol the rea beonr onTueday Iner-fromi day to day haIve lanrail solicitude mont tkig phnce at Orono 0on been imaking enquiries regardinghier Thurday fteroon.lîlneseacwre saddened hoyon d meas- Congratulations wtoms Atth'owi une amen they ieaned on Tuesdey Brownl of Walton cottage, for that theAge of Death had calied standling at the head of the list of ber. Itwas Orly a fowv short weeks: pxize w unr nd capturinrg the agota a lajrge nuiniben of youngý lergest ut of prize maoney atpedàple of the -Metiodisýt Sunday the recent Flower Show of the Hor-2, S'chooi spent a very pleasant eveniugý ticultural Society. !at the home of MAr. anrd -Mrs. Braggý Mn. Fr,1ed Parker is mnoving,> to his, and dïaugiters and noure awho wo j neiV homle (onl the Lake Shore a'nd MrOI Atee lttie thought hat1, woul ho R Zobt 1Ridl isued 4hlm on tthehe iast ticie that imaay ,Tof thenI Dr. Fanncomb fanm. jas. Cýlar-k isl I ould ever s-e la this 1f e tirir kindil nioving to th? Burniani fan On the! ana thougbtful hostosa. Mir. uraggl Lako -,hor(, and -Mrs, Thos. Pow-ellî and (augh1tevYs, Mrs.Ho1ar-d Ala in succecing imii on theMcnu Miss Beýatrice and Mliss Grace haveý Li I. the dee2pest symiàpathy of a very largei MAany sniaii lots of apples a1re now ire of friendaLu i their griovous being ,shippýed out fro,,this centre 'bereavement. lrs. ,Bragg. as weii and aiong the largon sî'iipers are asevrymem]ber of t'le fa mily,1bas :Mn. Herry Jose2 who sent out a car; heen a very earnost and faithful' losd at week and M'Ar. A. A. Co0-i- emlber of the M1etho0diat Church, will and Mn. Frank Gibson who are takiig' an active and capable parc in prp nsone car iota. The ap-1tho church's mrany acti'vities and abel pies have ke-pt very satisfactoiY l ii1 o oei 1sed fo0rmne r sorgeMs. B. îltoise and lhon ciass 0fr se scu Theaoie Cioir Concert prom- boys cnnducted theý Sun(!y "on ry x-i nos to ho tie heiggest ovoant yu'[ put session this week. Master Wiliie TheTie)on in the Conmmunity Hall, anrd laiMcEacheru pnesided and aithougiho te yIsbm'thing nover before attellpIted(al ' yet reached uis teens lie hadi 7te 25, 1 in vicinity, the seats are aeliiig the sçhool well under eontrol. Du "was rapidiy anl"d we uuderstand thatL as Suipenîniitenideniit Grahi was absenit No. 1, fan east as Bo.21liviUle tickets have for the Uay wiicb ho sc-oion is, burt been asked for. Effortýs are beingi by his practico of calling upon tise saa nadetrosecure special train s- differeal classes to frequontiy take yeawa, uos ta ncforthoso froni a dis- charge of -the scicool, hoie s givingj1 tion thLne ,ie boys suad Iciris la their youti a ivistian Nerwcaustle frienda are deeply con-! splendid opportunity of f amillariziuig. hiniseif cerned over tis- evr tical -coadi-,tieniselves wi't the piatfornm posi-ý ids and tion of Ms W. D. Brsgg, wbo lhas to aa0 ftig troselves yut ýy misa- been vory illi! orome five weeks ual pracetîc-e to becoase future super- is sur- and as a conseqtleace ha ,beu veryf nednsadledr ugnnl pert G. miuci mnissed by tue çoa'gregation of Ti1rhsr a annl t lc (Rv)thseMethodiat Chisrch.She has had çe an vmln;s me of te ate uo Morpa the beat of doetots~' care aad two seea er akwe i aeW brothev nurses ave in atteadance and the Richard, bis sons, MnI. Aif. Stevensý,i sivt:ors, pyfnionao refand heMn. Ainold Jackson, nrow of GiiideUn, Mrs. faiiyý are earneety hoping thaqt she ~M.Ga ateuw o e, Ont. may hc restored to heaitis and* Swift Curreat, Sask, and Mv'. John mwodi tregtb (Se assd aay uesayWarren fnmda vervy efficient ardj Smwood strng. (he1ssed ayTusaymch prlzed orchestra and led the Cen nF. .)siuging lu these chool. Miss Adla C. . Mr. Pet Kenefick received e pleas- 'AlliaI was tlsen the pianliat wViirdposi- "ih t, ant surpiriso tiseotiser day-the vo- ,týion i e 'held for many yoars. i ceip'ytof' a letton from~ an old frieurd, Next Sunci-ya .11nssso wi fierai - r formonr citizen of Newcastle, ho -of special iutereet.L Mr. J.W ariuard' wbo was long- ago thought of as bey- Bradley wi'il conducit1 a reviow of the is from 1ing passed ta the "Great Bey-pndI", asi pat cuater',s iessons-from A ra - Mfani- no word or aews as to bis wý,here- him to Solonson, iilustrated by sonieý Cana- abouts lad neachod heve Pince hi eft Ispi'urdid atera D. R. Ncastlo 4,8 yeers ago. som-e of ii tilodist onodnrsdnt iiseebr Mn. Archiie GLenny presiderd ait ;Sun- "Dici" Heanessey, who wvith bisý League lest Monday nigbit. miss. Isaac peopleo resided near where Mnr. S.Bnde read trie seniptune lesson,! l'"; MIr. Jose now lives, and hlieft the old An iuterestîn'g feature waa ,sthe do-, d r.home town 48 yeers ago, andha bate Resol' ed 'tiat country lifo iS .yof travelied over iba.t of tise continent rfvhe4 iylilfe". The affirmia- C, Ga;l oti mnc ucuigts tive w-as abiy upheid by Messrs. Law-; Ld Mýrs. Yukon, whero ho was very sticesafu , nce Crydermian, Pay Bow\ýn and ni Dr., and la now mtking life easy- ut hisfKneiP dwri Iengtv s. Ris- fhomo 1lu ilWashintoa sirdie WweU chanIpioaed by Misses' e; Mr'. 1 iliian Clemlence, Minnie Selby andi f. and 1 Mr. William Buckley has been i Bertha Ca. Mn. Clarence Allin frs. R. 1niursiag avey sor.e oye; tihe resuit was a strict -vrand ipril turre 11kner; of an injuny- reeeivoed lat Tuesdhy Ikee. Thse judges -were Mr. A. A. ir. aand -while ireîping witi tise wood cutin'g ýColwiIl, AMns. Normanp le ada dl Mrs: ut DMn. ThomaÏqs Couch'is. Mvj. Couciý Miss Beniediect. Mr.I1 Çolwillinluas- d M rs. hjad Moesans. Grnja anad Buvley's f noundiiingthe decision paid a hî'gl Ju-lla' sawVing machine eniployed cutting! comIpime(nt to botir ides on thei Nusefie-oo,'emngwbchwa somle, mAiiner, deportmnent and courtesy. d; Miss material coataining nails froni an Huai jud'ical address wa, a neat Ïsud( Robert- old building. The oprator of tbej genuinely congnatulatory expressionl machine lai discarding such a piece of' of theo ight of tise three judgesi wood of considerabie length, thne-w and oft[ie audience ln goner-al and it back out of the way and il acc-was a wortiy exapiple for future cently it Mr. Buckley over tlise left judgl.-es in suci cases as youag poop1- , ve oye wile lho -%as pieMil- up an1otier ie's clebates wher'o the practice anid lui but gland to g. ýýitker er tise The e's nothnu t ap witl 1924 NEý'WCASTLE S. 0. E. B. S. ENTERTAIN Celebrate bPening or' New Lodge Room. Meier f lodigoWellington, io.19), Sons 'of Englind, togetherj with'teirladies and other nmenibors of thoir familles wore guests of Lodige Ncastie, No. 46, S. Ô. E. B. S., on1 Thursday evouing, Mardi 20, at a so- cial function heid in their iceceatly lieased lodge rdnms in Parkor's Block. Wives anid other memibers of the 'h'ousehoidts of the miartied 'pion an'd lady frieivis of the ;single mon were aiso guosts of the local lodge on this happy occasion, whilo a numnber of miemtbors fromi Lodge Woiverhamp-1 ton, Orono, and Lod'e Ne-ýto'n, Newvtonv Iile, were aiso prosont. Truly a vory pleasant evoI1ing- was spent iu progressive and noný-progressive gaofollowed by a shrort musical pyogrami and xefroshments. Mr. Ednipnd Thackr-ay, Past District Deputy, was chairnian 'during the program whou the visitors and home folks wero favored witb some fine selections by Ne-wcastlo Orchestra, Mr. and Mrvs. Chiarles Cowair, Mi's. J.1 C'asweii, Mr. Harold Allan and Mr. George Joues and with two char- açteristâc-og by Mr. Herbevrt Brer- ton of St. Geoýrge',s Church Choir:' "Givo Us This Day Our D)aIly Bead", and aýs aneco, "One TUch of NauUre Mýakes the Whole WrlKin". The vstr moved a vote, of than-ksý to the local brethren and foliowed it up hy sining "They Are Jolly Good Fell'ows'. MEFTH-ODIS'T CHURCH SERVICE Capital Sermon by Mr. Cecil Allun of Moedy Institute,,Chicago0. Mr. Cecil Alliai, son of M_1r. D. T. AliOro-no, and brothe-r of Mv. Harold Allia), Nenicastie, proacied li tie Mlethi'dist Chuilbohre on Sun- da)y norn 'ig sud ohvieasse r la the service. Mr. Allia has been purjisuing b 1iýs theoirogical stuioes fori thiree years ut the D. L. M2ody In- stitute, hg, and iow has ch'arge of a nion hurch lainthat re'at; cy It is his intention, wve believe,1 to go as a isýsionary to South Amuer-1 ica whe ho as fiished ils studiosi in Chicaqgo. Mr. Allan tooký as a text the first threo wov-ods Dof Iebrewýs 12 :2-"Lýooking- unto Jesus", speak. igon the secret ofsprta pro- graýss. Ho soundod the note of zeaTous1 evneiman'd spoke witih quiet butj ecnot conviction of hunianity's need ofioig steadfastiy at Jesus, the Saviour, Redeemner and Hope of itdi World. Pastor E. B. Cooke ilu- tnýo'duuced the oung prachrand al- so extondedi the officiai wiccoine of the Methodiat Churci of Nerwcastle to Mr. Harold Ailin who iras been ýo heipful to the church and commi-iun- ityý since ils com-iag to Our village. 11ev. E. B. Cooke alsio gavehils usual mlorning iilustrated taik to tihe juven- lie menibersý of tihe conlgregatlioný, spaigof the temperate and ab- stemî1ous hbabits of Daniiel and ils 'Hebrew associates, whii proved so benefici-i luin every waly. ! Mr. Cooke iiiustrated the injurlýous nat- uire of icohol by burniag sonie anrd denionstrated itsý harnful effect upon foocl digestion bsy its action ou 'the wieof 1an egg. 11ev. Mr. Cooko's Sunday nïornîrg juvenile taîks before the regular ser- mon, althoughi addresed to the boys, and girls are also keeniy eajroye'd by; the aflultÈ and prepave tise way as it were ila the courses of a spiritual feaist for the heavier food that f ol- Iows. THE NATIONAL RAILWAY 'The Montreal Gazette Sir Henry Tiorsiton niade it cea to thse Canadia Club of Montreal la bis iateresting address yesterday' that hoe is not tise kind of pessimist Who of two evlis chooses botis. Ho spoke la a muost optimiatie vola of the future of tise country upon whose' progros sad, developmient dependsi tise prosperity of the property he ably aud efficientiy manages. As the exponent of the operating end of the National Railway bis scope was circumïcribad, sinco tise equally ims- portant phase of policy belonga 40] tihe politicians, sud upon this latter aspect Sur Henry la COnI-pelled to silence sure in generul ternis. Tlrat la,ý penhapa, a reg-rettable limitation, since it la easy te conceoive of-econ- omdes possible under a mnanageaient free from tise tramniels inevitabiy associated with public owaership, but Sir Henry is enforcod to ho dumib upon muatters of policy. Ho has made substatiai headwvay towards dayýiigbt by co-ordnarting separutel disjointed lines, parng down ex- penses, and infusing a fine spirit of1 Ioyalt.y lu bis urniy of em-ipioye os. IHe~ reats is daini for patronage uponc service, a fuir position te, wlich no exception eari ho taioen, and if the s3ervice ho not efficient tise fault will i not be bis. The C. N. R. produced an operatiag. surplus of upwartls of Vwety million dollars lat your, aad Sir Henry holda bise hope that tise surplus wili reach thirty millions tuis year. Ho prons- ises, too, a considerubie reduction la capital outlay. The prospect of 0 osi is $2.00 a -and wc Subscritbe e-au, Oe rail- Srates ra Grocer C. M. ,ý , 1 1 Friday, March 28,--Jas. McCartney, lot 5, con. 9, D'arliugton, will sel] ail of his Farmi Stock, Iniple- mnents, etc. Sale at 1 p. ni. See bis. Theo. M. Slimon, Auclioneer Friday, March 28--Mr. Samnuel Fudge, lot l'O, con. 2, CIarke, 'will seil ail of hisc farmi stock, impie- monts, etc. For ternis and par- ticulars see bis. Sale at 1 o'clock Sharp. Jos. Coiuison, Auctioneer. Wednesday, April 9,-mr. C. A. Avery, lot 15, concession 9, Dar- lington, will seil his farmn stock, inipiements, etc. See bis. Sale at 1 P. 1m. Theo. M. Sionion, Auctioneer. Tuesday, April IS--There will be offoered for sale at the Post Oftlce,ý Enniskillen, 150 acres, lot 28,1 con. 8, Darlington, knowa as the McFadden farmi Saie at 2 p. ni. See posters and advt la next week's Statesman. Theo. MU. Slemnou, Auctioneer. When possible sond The. Statesman- reah u Thsday morning then it is protty sure to appear in that ve'ek's paper. J. W. Bradley See me about your fuel needs. Geo. Jameson -Harbingers of -Spring The-New Spring Footwear has arrived an'd mapny are already looking around for thie new things. Your inspection is invited any timie and we are sure wie have the gooçis that wiIl please the myost discriminating buyer, A few suggestions given blwwl give you some idea whiat we have j to off er.I Men's Black or Brown Caîf Boot as slsowu lan cut, with welt- ed soles sud rubber heels at Womren's l3rogue Oxfords, Black and Brown, with beavy welt soies $5.50 to $7.75 pair Black and Brown Clf Ox- $9.50 pair fonds for street or business use....... $4.50 to $5.00 pair Sanie shape la Oxfords in Black or Browni, $7.00, $7.50, $8.00 pair Black and Browa Boots, with round tocs, the kiad you alw'ys like froni $4.50 te $7,00 pair CashI Shoe Store Sandal effeets and cut out patteras ia atrap alippers ln patent leather ai-d hlack kid with iassd turne'd soles, extra good value.... ý. .$8.00 pair Low beel Slippers and Ox- fords in reai serviceable caif or kid . . . $5.0O to $7.50 pair Bowmanville And Other Commjunity Products (See large actvt. on page 3 R. WALTON IGO OD THINGS TO EAT The best is none too good for Our customners. That is why we insist on highest quality groceries, for they are cheapest in the long run. Eat more Bread and Buns made by 11 Baker & Grocer Newcastle 1~ Pa-:y Cash and Pay Less W. CLAUDE IVES WE SELL BROWN'S FAMOUS 100 per cent Pure Wholewheat COMMUNITY BREAD. H. S. BR5ITTOÊ-ýN, .1 to 3 p. iii., andi by appointmient. m Cal I have on hand a sup1y of the best SCRANTON COAL Stove or Nut size.