With Which is Incorporated The Bowxnanville News A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. $2.00 a Year Ini Advance siness As Usual Aithougli temporarily I handicapped by ouri- vl cent fire we are already in a position to "Say It With Flowers" All orders for Cut Flowers, Florali Designs, Plants, Bulbs or Shrubs will be given-t our usual prompt attention and courteous service. Prices always reasonable,, S. J.Jak n- EDITGR'S SPRING BOUQUET A minîster of one of the leadingý churches in the Bay of Quinte Con-1 femence writes: The Parsonage, April 4tli: Deak Mr. Jame:-l am writing to 'ackuocwledige recoipt Of c'opy ofJ your estim-able weekly paper and to teil you how geatly I appeciated youir id issluseudiug me 'fron tinte to time nuniberz, tint are of! speciai inte-re.st. I have rend manuy weekljy papers in mxy time, but ha-ce nlot seen n-c that so nearly nnnroa(eh-; & Sons 80 BowmnIltle Couch, Johnston MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. Paul's Chutrch-Rev. D. W.! Beet, Minister. il a. m.-"Profit! and Loss' 7 1p. im.-"Housoes ofý Lie. 230P. m.-Suuda(Iy Schýool adBible cass R v. J. E. Glover, B. A.,Whi comlipetiligý four years on the Sey- mourý circuit baIs received an invit'a- tioni toCalay Rev. C. D. Daniel Of, Hallburton bhas accopted a caîl to tile Seym-,our, circuit. Ail subi-oct to stLationiung cmit os my ideal of wbhat a newspaper Metbodist Clýhiurcb-Rev. S. C. shoulci be. Its wieekhy visitls to thle Moore, B. A., B. D., pastor. 11i . m homs f ti'p ople must bave a - -o, D 1. Norman, B. A.. B. D., of gIroat infýuence for good. I wisi Jap)an -wilh spe)aýk lu the itms of yoJu !oulti]uued p lrosperit'y in your the W. M'>. S. -Auxlliary. 2.3 0 P. In. womk. -Dr.Nomnwh address the Sun- day Scbooh. After the reguhar sýer-i vice on Suuday evoniug Dr. Norman BowLIýNG ALLEY NEWS Fîwili oelivem bis popuflar lecture on ________jJapan whore 1lie spent 24 yoars, il- Mo-nday evei, Aprl 7h, M.' ustrated !bY vory beautiful slows.- Artliur or, eeeyoKrry's Collection lu aid of bis work. ]Business Lone, Tomonto, brougi down a ickod toant of star bowiers I Owing to tbe continued ilîness of frot arr'sMajor Lone and, Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., pastbrý spent a pleasant evening at the Bah- of the AMethodist Churcli, services on nmorl Hote], Bowmanville boysi Sundny were again taken by Rev.i wo)Pth thmee gzqmes VANb a total of W. H. Sparo lunthe morning wlio 2783 >t o 259." The visitiug playors, brtioght to the congregation a veryj bnci a lot of baird luck. Aftor the helpful and practiai message. Miss games the loc-al boys entortamiue!he ilda Curtis sang a solo. The evon- viiosto a sumptuous luncheon lui ing service wns lu charge of Rev. S,, hýotel dining roomi. A returm jGeo. Masoni, wbo preaclied a very giewihh o laedluToronto on earnesiýt ad m prssvese"rmon oni Arl 9tb' The tenis:ïTootoý- The spirét of Selfsaciek"bae MesrsIlwks Davey, Gore, Bail, on san. 5 .2. Mis;s Leone Quinn, eVa!ndomlbit. Bowmn-taille-Geo. sanýg a solo vorei'cey. lad to Cee Callan, C. A. Smniti, H. L. Pearu, _Mu. Albert Hiiockluhie formrer, C. Osborne, J. B. Mitlhell. plae lu the choir. EDITORIAL BRIEFS We wero lu orror lu hast issue, Mi Fenton Stevens tolls us, lu statihr, tbat the laite Mrs. Jane Anu ArguE wîfe of1 Mr. R. Sproule, Orillia, -wa sister of Mr.H-aryý Argue, Solina We regret ourmi-istake. By au oversigltin lu mking up th paper lnst week the point "Welcomn Springtime" was omnitted. It ap pears in this issue. As stated las week the -womds are by Mr. T. A Bro'wn, Instructor of Miusic, in Ot taw,ýa Normal Scbool-a DaTigo ian, bytbe way. Their mauy friends wbo read tli great family journal wiil wish fo Dm. and Mrs. Neil S. MýlacD)oa1e am sounof Toronto a very pleasant M'e" ite-rranean cruise and safe retur: Dr. M'ýacDouiald's very interestinr i etter appears in this issue. Hop ho sends us a few more. Dr. Neil S. M,ýacDouaIds frst le- tom appar 1o page tvwo of this issu in -n ao vry interestiug reading Cet ont the cide' geographiv turin to Itlelmap of Eur-ope aud looý up the places lie mentiQusý. IHie seý ond lettor bas irrived and is ecer more interestlng thiani the first, de scribingI thoir visit to 'Monte Cr anid otheri famous Mfeditermanean cit tes. Dr. MaD "l s evidentlyï keeni observer and deseribesnie what lho, sees. FIGURES TH'AT TALK -Mr. W. E. Raney, whose figure, nudfuts are sl-on halh[enged. gives us, lu "The Toroulto Star., soeconvincing 0. T. A. argumients He takes -lie jails l the 12ý repore- senÏ,ttve C èountýy towný-s of Barrie, Bel-ilBrockville, Chiatham, Fort nuesNorb Ba, Ptemboro, Port Arthur anid Sudbmury, and contrasts the eommitmeuts for drun-kernesý fo U91,114 and 1922. 1913 .............2,364 19ý'14ýt.............c3,042 191229..............427 The 'city figures are not so eta.rt- hig, buti-i ey toî!l the samne story. Hom e tlioy are for- Toronto, Hamilton, Oýttawa. and Londo ý(n. 19 1 3....... 1. ....., 12.............,3 & Cryderman have opened out this week,, another choice lot of new SPRING COATS Also New Spring Suits includling the New Boyish Styles and a choice lot of New Ratine Dresses and beyond question the finest lot of Ratines, Voiles, Crepes and Ginghlams they have ever shown. Corne in and see the new goods andl get an idea for re- plenishhing your wardrobe. ,MFJN'S SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATS Here you find Men's Ready-to-Wear Suits and Overcoats in the latest styles, unquestionable quality and workmanship and at remnark,-ably low prices. If you are not f amiliar with our values youi will be agreeably surprised. No trouble to show goods even if you are not just ready to buy. We cordially invite your inspection. We are sure'you wifl enjoy seèeing them. Bêwmanvillîe Phone 104LiIe 1 DUTRHJAM riCLUB, TORONTO NJ tMetn Wednesday, April J& Ameeingi of the above Club wMIi lie hel nWdedyevening', l6tli utý S o'clock ut the residence of Col. Stewar,1 42 Heatbdaie RdI. (Car to Bathurst and St. Clair, go west oui biock thoni notb to Hoeathd.ie). An irterosting prýogram will ho render- ed!. Yoare cordlialhy ïinvited t t hc prosent. PIeuse uotify hosýte-se int- me.aeyif yeu eau aec.ept. J amries L. Hlugh es, Prvesichenit. Thos. Yel- low lees, Secretam.y, 676 Spadina Ave. Phono Coll. 6695. Roy13al'Theatre BOWMANVILLE Wednesday-Thursday, April 9-10 "His Childreýn's Chidren" 7ith Bobo Daniels, Dorotliy MacKail] Jamies Hennie and George Fawcett Friday.Saturday, April F1-12 Walter Hiers in "Pair week', Moenday-Tluesday, April 14.15 Personal Appeamauice of agr W*lson Formner leadiuge lady witbi Douglas FiàrbankLs, Wmi. S. Hart and Chiarles Rue, aIse presentiugil lier pesonalhy wýritten and directed picture, "'Inisiniuationl" Adisiýsion 35c». IMatinee MAoniday at 4 o'elock. A.d- mission 25e and 15e. Wed-nesday-Thursday, ApýriI 16-171 "The Next Corner" auid Dorotliy MacKaill j Promn the story and play by Kaitej Jordon Friday, April 1 sth, OrIy Douglas Pairbank's, Jr, in "Stepheni Stops Out"l Withi Theeýdore Roberts, Nonah Borry and Harry Myers1 Promn the storyv "The Grand Cross of thie Creseýent" by Richard Hlardliug D a vis. MatiuePFiday at 2.30 o'chock Saturday, April I9th, OnIy Gloria Swýausou lui) 'MY Anterican Wife" Witi Antonio Morenoanud Walter Long Matinee Saturday at 2.30 o'chock Monday-Tuesday, April 21-22 Pola Negri iu '"5bacows of Paris" Special rngSale A tT'VTTT T r,ý X TM M T T T T -7-'b CI -r' A -1ý T A T-ST-%TT TURKEY SURPRISES US CANTATA DELIGHTED VIMIY RIDGE ANNIVERSAR'?,Y ______________________ A U D IE N C E ___________i__________ r.1 By Chas. M. Bice, Lawyer, Denver, 1-Lard Byng entei-tains ait G'overntnent ni Colorado. 1 Choir Asked to Repeat It In Hou1se, Ottawa. es Generally to think of theý Turk is Nwate a.~~~~ toegne-o ismn h ard.3Vednesdap, the 9th of Ap il, be- M.t neircontempt frhsninch sce antata "From Olivet ing the eghth anniversary ofthe sins and short-comingsý.,1 to Calary wich 'the Methodist famous battie and capture by the ie He bas been a continuous eye-soe chir have been preparing for somne Canadiars of Vîmii-y RidIgeI , F Ex- et Europe, an~d yet heelias mnged weekjs was presenteci Friday evenling cellenuy, the Goverinor Gener, cele- ~ to hiold a very strategious poition l h cuci Somne who have, brated the occasion by enter aining stagainet ail effrt to disldge hirm. heard tais cantata before say it mwas 1at Governmen-t flouse, Ottaw, a dis-, A s was expected, lie sided with thespeUdIdly djone in this instaLnce and tinguished company of senior offic- it ruthless and barbarie Hun in the the director,31Mr.T. W. Stanley, and ers-, and we arýe proud to be rhle2 to i bretias nd e tliento an defeat his choir are deserving of haglietrecord that Our litie town oy 1ow- with bis oeinellgn adfr praise for their renditon of this very manville was represented Ci the midfhe ollage.excellent musical 'compositioni. Prev- pierson of Col. L. T. McLaiugh ni, C. is Wie aUh loped tliat this circui- jous to the cantatai a musical pro- M. G,,ý D. S. O . In the sr~îand or stance would end lis usurpations inl grain consisinig of a chorus "h s urmji of every-day, life, far-m- id European affairs, and drive hîm theLord" by Ivanohof; soe "He ed as , e a ways haveben fre n the Y- caross the Bosphorus. But it hal hJ FeOis'ok Huel yata hroso afae eodn n. no such efFect. Hie was able to hold Ms T edFlFok Fad1 ynuulhrr fYr" ecd 1g over the üther nations the threat c M . TW. Ciwker; solo, "When 1 ary mortals are apt to forgt t the e a great religious war, if bis demands survey the WVondrous Cross" (Hope)J de'ep de'ht of gratiude which in.a owe were refused, as le conrolîed tbe bY Ms.H. M. POoster; solo, "Baloy-1 to our gallant Camadin soldiec c for Mahommed religous organiî,zation ai- Ion" (Adams) by Miss Reta R. Cole,l thIe important part they play- ' and imost to a iman. A. T. C. M.- Suffice it to say every the saccrifices entailed, in the a 'heve- ,e But a revolution is now takiug eue amd aIl dditheir part wiell. ment of that great victory, fo r us, pl0ace in Turkcey that is hiable to liave The cautata was presented in teni for our country, for our Empie and Ya far-reacliing effect intlie years to senes anmithe soloissàwo took the î for civilization. But "Byrga of kcome, greater even than the Russian parts ith te choir were:AMrs. T. . Viimy" bas not f orgotten! Asa economnic revohution, for this one is Cawker, Miss Reta R. Cle, Messrs. soldier lie was cl]osely as-,sociated l ithb in reiiu is n oiia n cn .S alman; W. B. TapsonI Dr. C. them through the vicissitudes of - oical afterwards. W. SIemton, Geo. B. 'Chila , S. B.1 thosýe eveuitful years. Hle recoj nizes Io Those bebind the Turkisli revol- Léggott and R. M. Mitchell. their true worth, fte steadIfaatn 55 of tution are taking great cliances and We understand the choir aire toiproe the de-rotion to d,,-, to- a are ganibling inb destiny. If iW gie 1in u ieweastre Methodse gether with the indomnitable phit Y adnot heen formao eaiscrc Easter Mlonday evening. AUIl vichl assured thnemj of victor-y. He the Turkish Empire would have been jwho10enjjo good mus welh rendered knowvs and appyeciates the asi~ic wipd Out of existence by an outshoumldnot FOIl to bear the Bomian- they Were cailled uponi toma sac- raged Europe y-ears ago. Ville Choir. rifices which. alas! have left i tefc- The single~ hold tliat Turkey bad j_________ole traces upon many of th un, lu upon Europe wvas the former's as- COMPLETION 0OF RADIAL LIN.E impai"red healtb nd' lowered Y"aHity, s sociation ith the religion founded. -the natura resuit of thwoe W-ear i, by the illterate came ldriver of tue PROMISED NEXT YEAR ofusaabehrhi.AdByg Arbicdeseirt, Ive centuries atrOfViy show'is thlis app"reciaf : in 'in ~the founding of Clrist-ianity. Con- A deputation of civicreretabideretree olascaon stntinople, captured fi-e eunturies ti v'es from BwfanilOshawa aIand o esie t them, no ol aýiood ebaclk hy Turkish l'anatics, filled wit Whitoy waited1on 0Hon. Geo. P. CanaIanctzns uls re n .j the esayof islami-, ecam-e sacredil Gr-ahamMiiserOf Ril ays ad! tue co,,-rilde:sofLbygonie days To Y to the followers of Maiome,wli aas and Sir He-nry Touo, Col. McLug * tilowm numiber a couple of' m,11ifons, Preident of the Cnnolan National' i ewul "et spra ov-er the Near anld Far Easts, Ruiways, on WVednesday, April 2nd, offer Our feliitti'ons on ahs occas- eente tt'n dh, shed yAtce iu the forimer's offieat optawa, on We recognie that bis is a to lay1 bricnolewar record, an'd from tSh- sol- Contaninole s he esspoo of 'The miission cf the deputcitin was ios'pointf view, n enviab1 one, C uopnstitn yiet t1 tt es i he o y efore these of5,rihs the fac(ts n f hc eo bsoýhm prsrusof twvo continents;ie c ncncinwith houoono a nd on hudceinriatl roud. cpu a rare strategîcal psiion f Eaten Rila no bingreon-W etrust he ay long be spar 1. to it, had been in the possesin of te. strce btenTortt adBrh no he well-earoi d andlé tl alisin the world mwar,the latter mille, nauJ t o urge the comspletion e, e oos etwduo i * mwul ot have lasted one-hif teo hseeti uewt shti e- ý our grateful and gracious "vr timne it did. It was beld by tue;lay as possible. eigKgGo rey ureo to Turks. allies of G'ernyý, throughl Sir HenrY Thorntnhlu rplyir to of war service of inestimable ralue iLs aýssociation witbthe Arab'ýie re-1 the deputaton, statd that it would renlde-ed Ero Deo, Pro Reist Pro llon, be, impossle tLo comnplet t hu Ptia Wbe Grmnyand its aly were this yý,ear, 'buthli e the deflite defeated, the Cliristian mworld saidi: promise tuat earl in 1925 c-ould see, "A hst Europe w-ill hoe freed of the the rond between Toronto and Bow-' OA N TEWS unspeakalle Turk!" It surel ok-mnvhe noprtin ed that: way for a hrief time; and, BowmanUle was reprepsented on Eadthe 'Want Admývts.' sten the power of Islam began to assertiWeifl particularly at Downin'g the deputation by Mfayor T. S. IHol Reserve Friday, May 9th.,' orSt. Stret. ahomedas 'f Idiagatec, Reve M ü. JBElott, Councors Jehn's Spring *Bazaar. Particulars the aggresslvo element lu tliat landW. C. Caverly and J. W.Hyds. haer. eissuedI grave warninig. Mr. Thos Hill, Pontypool ,i vit ci Constantinople, tbey said, mnust - ADVICE TO0 FARMERS ing bis niiec,_e, Mr'is. S. G. e m ett, continue to fly the crescent fiag, or jChurch St. India would be bearld fromn. Ver-vý These paragraphs appear lit the Mrs. S. J. Hlenry is visiting bý er p ossessionof inst~esof ibeing a1 AgricltSual page of Tuesday's alur Mrs. J. Stanley :Ellie , ', t. Frace gaist nglnd audvic F e are hopîng for a bWee yari Mr. Norman WiVlimsTou-onto, versa Conistantânople remained inU ante Ian. l the meantime the1 pn Sunday witb bis pareuh ir. Ibe urk Armniadlbs of miany farmners have been ac-ý an.d Mrs, W. R. Williams. mnust mukale the b)est terms possible cmltig u i o-an ae We notice tbe Dl Tea car rriv- witb a power that badl long been beut threleastW submierge tbem. 0f ne.- tw Tuesdlay onU is c imuai on the îatter's extinction.i cessity tbe fariner must study econ- cnassmwa ale hnuul And now? Mus;tapha Komnalom at every turn and aidopt prac- MisEaJ Paisha, presidenit of the TurkisIl re- tices that lie had corne 'o regard as . W'sama resand rtend,tiheis publi, oneof to tbro or our ut-cbsolete. Reveýnueýs are dwiningi tdOsaafind n ttn h publicfoneoraltof thee ortefors.oWm.1Man- standing human developients, of the l as wîtuess the recent tunibhe i hlu1rlo the Lic iwn upheavais of the hast decade, defies price of eggs and tbe very iminient "ning. ail traditions-. The religious boadI danger of tbe samle thing 'happening Rev. E. A. Tonkin who is vi- iting of Islami lias been nhoished; thei to imik-tbe two produets tbat the bis daughters ýin, Toronto lias been. Caliphate, thiat ha'dr beon the re al M1ýiulisrer of Agriculture bas been adi- under the doctor's care but Îis lui- 1 ruher of Turkey for ail the centuries, vocntiug mwîtbc such ethlusiastic vigor. Proving,,. is ordeàed from tbe sacred places -Johnii Baker, Solina. Mrs. E. C. Southey and M and about Staniboul, as, a nuisance and I beieve there is far too ml-ucb Mrs. Tedl Southey wbo speuf the a danger toYounig Turkey. The rmonley spent by our Governmiients on wVinter lu Oshawa bave return d Ate sultanic places are abandDod, bar- agricultue. Tbey should take somne their residence ou Elgin Street emis are scnttered. Angora iSse tli m noney and 'buy up farms ahi Toiwn Council whiuch should have ýQat of Ille scivra- over tbe coutryput be best birainis met this wocek wilI bold its QUIî ihrl ad tt aebe of the agriuitural colleges on sein, meeting on tlie 1l4t inst. R'ate- ed.I rua themi on a strictiy business basis pa-yerýs, business of interest to you Recently the newv dictator of Tur-adso h amrwirelei ilb rnatd key delivered a long address ou the; wrong. They dare not do ht. It \,l M -iayor T S. Hlaei uB a jnecessity of modernizing Turkey in wouîdMbeoa Tor.e failure thann theaN every way. Shie is to be Western- Hom e Bak. T. W. elcau Mel N, Y., tjiis weekl representing 'ow- Ebran gi-ces wny to legisintive hawTs ____ of 37th District Rotarv Interna -ion- passed by i~ popular assembly. Con- I alhbeld lu Statter Hotel. cubiniage is to be obiteratedi. Mont LIQUOR RUNNERS CAUGHT Miss Myrtle Cole wbo li as býeen ogamy is tQ take the place of the F here ith bler mother, Mirs. E. Colo, hfleral provisions of nehoonce sacred Pased Through Bowmandule Becli Ave.,'couvaieciug 'Ince bier ilaw in sbis respect. The veil is dis- oeain a eu~e o Rs appnrig fom ontantinople nnd Mr, Neil Yellowlees was in1 Whit-1 MUemorial Hospital, Lindsay, t e A ng"ra. bby on Saturday and saw the arrested umtutoa ure-ntrinn Womn ae een eekng e eect gang referred tcý lu this despac ive franchise. Kemial Pasha lias front Oshiawa: 1Au ad-ct is ImUch mo111re oeffLetve been more revolutionar thain Len- 1-av,--iil6 11ft t2n- ýe pec re uod. 1pe ne., He lias struck at the root Osofa'Arl .-I fteated-wen p rices re(,uoi'atiesav-pl- the old religion of blis people, and df ed a group of rum-runniers, who, a'c- ised. W. Claud'e ives, Cash loci the mnillions wbo turned tbejr facesi cordin- to their owvn story tohd l Store, alw-ays quotes prices in bis Itowvard the holy Mecca under the ilhle Pol1ice Court yesterday, attempt- dt eas i nw i rc r rule of the abandoued Caliphate. jetooete"sason" for liquor1 îw SomwbreluAmba1hebeds isipmýents by rond betwç,eeni Morealways low-est-quality consider 3 ofMaomednsmistoh osali-au the Wiîidsor border. Ouly a i The marny young friends of ïiss ofbe; utiti sexre oydifiut o e ous u fomMotoa, h Fielen Cav\erly, nurse-ini-trainin. u 5c a Copy BOWMANVILLE, ONTý THURSDAYý APRIL 10th., 1924. So. 15-