N4D DEAD IN BARN COURTICE BOWMANVILLE, APRIL 10, 1924 ENNISKILLEN ______On Friday, April 11, at 8 p. ni., Mr. Geo. C. Preston whose funera Auxit Mary's Photograph Alum- HAMPTON took pIaZe in Osha>wa on Thursday 'ry (}Iank) Smith, 45 an olti-fashioned play-will be given April 8rd, bâti been for a numiber ci tge, and son of Mrs, Johin by the Ladies' Class of Ebenezer Consecration mieeting of the Y.P.L. 'years a resitient of this village wheré *rk Twnsip w~f u iiorfieb nool assisteid by Miss Os- 'was in charge of Mr. T. Salter in the hie rentiered invaluable service to tii irk Tonsip,. 'a 1foud orn,'Toronto, and others. Admis- absence o h is iepeiet urudn oiuiya os lVonday mornin in the sion 25c andi 20c. 1-1-2-w o h is iepeiet ulOTdn mnt shu _____employer. Topic was ably deait with by Rev. decorator. His wor-k was alwayý,,s oc hi snlyeEX=Reeve W. W. Jones; Mrs. George Baryton the finest quaiity. Here it a thai ephens, near Salem-, Dar- BURKETON anti Mr. T. Salter favoreti with a hie and Mrs. Preston tcok up theii When founti byv . League to-night (Thurstiay) at duet; readings were given by Dr.,E. residence in the early days of theil he unfortunate mnan's body 7.30 p. m1-. Missionary night in G. Kersiake anti Miss Louise Johns. wedded life, ant ihere their, famiily c1 behinti the horses, his face charge of 2nti Vice-President, Miss Alil memibers are requesteti to be si-x boys anti two girýls were raise< terrily brnedprasent next Friday evening for the Last faîl Mr. Pres'.on receiveti wor, srnibl bunedandi cut. Florence Avery. Collection ......ela ac ane ntesoso i g btinerl al ee cn-League last week was well attentieti eection Of officers. Ge fnr a Mtrin thnearlywiofte fire it is thought by a Readings were given by Mr. Robt Attend the olti-fashioneti play atiGnrlMtsadn rywrte iich ws under one of the Philp anti Miss Dina McKnight; Ebenezer on Friday nighlt. Ito gooi., the famlily mnoveti to Oshawa. Ti( ýt It seems aîniost a topie -was taken by Mr. BerttWater- camjnelas quofiteashockto ss find et t the barn which contain-' house; a very pretty quartette was' TYRONE cilhi leace, a arge nuno ib re es, 28 cattle anti otherl given by four of the girls... Mr. iw hmpatetid athe f'unal. Sy ell asý consitierable feeoti tii& Robert Philp entertaineti his Sunday Miss Lola Richards spent a fjw atiteng armhe fnel for n fir. n nqestwa[ eholClas s wek ant al report tinys with Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Souch, Preston anti famnily..This com. F. Morris Co's Unidertak-, a real enjoyable evening..Mrs. F. Bowmianville. Mr. anti Mrs. T. munityý extentis to Mrs. Wm. L. OkE s t. Bowmianville oMon Waterh'ouse spent a f ewtiays in Tor- Findley and Ola, Unionville, spent anti aily t ep ypty nte when the jury viewýe'd i onto visiting frients.. Sounds like Sunia at Mr. anti Mrs. Eti. Virtuels. sain ereaveet bymthy inetheio I emis fthýe vi the "Good 0O(11 Summer Timne" was' . Mrs. Haroldi Sknner spent a f e hussbanti anti father. Mr. , and Ljourneti to mleet April 14. here a gain to see everybody fixing up days with hier parents, Mr. andi MrMs .W oleat aiyo oltiHeny. . Lae, ewcsti.Mr.ant rotovisitei at Mr. Joseph Martin's. _______________ Mrs. Fred Moore, Bowmianville, sPen lt, .miss Elsie Oke anti Mv. ClarkE Sundayr with frientis... Miss Rosie Dorlanti, Toronto, spent the weeki Shortt, Bobcaygeon, is hoie 0on ac- end at thieir homes ... . Miss Mar; counit of illness. . .. Mr. Cecil Sarg-, Brunt, Oshawla, anti Miss LavernE ent anti Mr. Milton Virtue spent Orchiard spent Sun.day at their homeE dreati has purchaseiti Mr. R. Lindsay's League Wednestiay evening was in property at the West enti. KAMiss Hawkins, a returneci mission-chreoStVc-Psint Mi ary, will -ive an address in the -Inter- ead stn fe pnn x ests orf the W. M. S. Aux-iliary on that ea Bsiess e toupceon sor AND INEXPENSIVE Sunday morning, April lBth, on lber tbenefuici ssto a boy ogi w oth work with the Unitarians of -Alberta. lnfca oabyo ilwt ..Ann-,uail meeting- of Tyrone W. Public school education than $1,000, Oureusoitrs aveenjyed th pinie M. . was helti in the vestry April The affirmiativewa taken by Miss is 50 much we have ordered. more for, this 3rd. Officers electei for the coming the negativeabd MissLillian .amith 'erire: President-Mrs. H. Hilis tengtv yMs ila alc k:lst Vice dlo-M-ýiss F. Virtue, 2nd andi Mr. Jack Woodman. The Vi-ce o-Ms R. Hotigson, Rc. .utiges tcook somne time in tieciding Sect.-Ms. W Woden Cor Sety.it 23-18 in favor of the affirmative. sh Picnic Hams ........................121cIL et7M.WWoenCrety While the jutiges were engaged piano -Mrs.LW . GStewan.An easer-solos were perfectly given by Misses ked PienicIHamrs ....................._ ...15e lb. Cantata entitled "Crown Him King"1 May Werry anti Gladys Stainton. will be presenteti by the W. M. S. on Just passeti intio stock at Couch iSunday morning, April 2th. Johnston & Crytiermian's a big stock As the weather gets milder we are unable _______of (Men's anti Boys' Suits anti Over- lispàY HYDONcoats. No better gootis anti no bet- .inâ our fresh meats ini winclow snocor~ ne inYO - ter value anywhere. EASTER DANCE A dance will be gien under aus- -piees of Orono Athletie. Association oa Easter Montiay, April 2lst. Cl1if-ý foyd Young's 41-piece orchestra of T,§ro'to. 'Invitations will be issued sâort1ly for the above social event. M. A. JAMES - Steamship Tickets Tro Europe-Canatiian Pacifie, Whitel Star Dominion, Cunard, Arnerican.. A,ýsk for information. P'hone 63, Bowmanville. J, W. Bradley1 Newcafftir Canerai Insurance Agent Clerk of 2nd Division Court, Conr missioner. etc. I f ~ I j~ __________ -~ Ne SPRI(i YLÀ Now is the time to purchase that pair of s]ioes~ to go with your new Spring suit. You have been putting it off for a long time and now that the fine weather is here you vill want to get dressed up in something new. Our stock is complete with the best selection we could make and our prices are moderate. For men low shoes are in demand., For women a variety of styles in strap slippers and oxfords. Just a f ew of the many kinds we have are listed below Men's Brown Caif Oxfords witb plain toe anti creased. vamp, very smnart.............. .....$8.00 Black, andi hrowvn caîf oxfords in square toe, recetie tips....$7.50 Black anti brown round toe, welt sole, rubber heels..... ..... e $7.00 Best grade blaek or browvn sitie caî-f leatheir oxfords ........$5.oo Women's patent or kidi leather strap shoes, sandal eut-out pattern, $8.00 Grey anti log cahin suetie strap slippers, cuban heels......... $7.75 Patent or black kidi strap sîippers, in one or two strap pattern . .$5.50r Patent or kid stmrp slippers wvith rubber heels................ $4.50 30 pa ir special girls' shoes, 21/- to 5 size, in patent, one strap, round toe.. ...............3O Pay Cash and Pay Lessý W. CLAUDE IVES Cash Shoe Store Bowmanville Moto Show Saturday, April I2th Afternoon and evening at our Show Rooms, King St. West. We wil èxhibit the Superior Chevrolet made in seven diff er- ent models and The Oakland Six Cylinder 4-Brake Machine also in seven models. These two makes are the product of The General Motors Co. of Canada, and in them are contained more excellence in dura-. bility, finish, cheap mileage, general operation and well propor- tioned appearance, than usually found in cars the price of these, as the small cost is one of the wonders of these cars. Look them over on Show Day. Orchestra in Attendance SATURDAY, APRIL 12, AFTERNOON AND EVENING We have a repair sliop equipped with, conveniences for competent auto repairs in charge of well anti favor abiy known raen--Mr. Jos. Langmaiti, Vice-President of the Company, i8 General Manager, ably assisteti by Mr. A. E. Luke, Salesman. Mr. H. W. Boys anti Mr. John Living, miechanies. Chevrolet parts anti Ford parts carrieti in stock also ,Accessories, Tires, Oils anti Gasoline. We will take ilsedt cars as part pay oni new cars at reasonable mar ket value. W-e also wil have a limiteti number of useti cars %vell overhauleti to off er which will be worth the prices we ask. We invite you 'Io inspeet our Show Boomis. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED Telephone 188 Bowmanville King St. West ORDER THEM EARLY HOT XUNS For Good Friday. We'11 have them ready Thuirsday next-get them at the store or we deliver. TRY NEILSON'S' ICE CREAM-IT'S GOOD JACOBS & HILLYER Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville k