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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1924, p. 8

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IApril Showers LEAKY ROOFS BRANIFORD ROOFING Don't wait for the showers to corne. Get Ithat leakyx- roof reabaead of time- and sv Use un-necessary trouble. 0f course you wl Branýtford, Asphait Slates-best for every need Iin roofing. Brantford Roofing is SoId ini Bowmanville by ason & dIL' Illade .uowmanville Phone 145' What 20 PER CENT Redulction to Bûying Sale the Public. IT MEANS TO YOU $40.00 Suit $38.50 I $30M0 $283.50 $25-00 $20'.00 $1 8-00 " or Overcoat for ..-$32-00 .$.80 .$20.00 .$,00 .$164.00 Etc. - Etc. - Etc. IN BOYS' CLOTHING, IT MEANS1 $18-00 suit $15.00 I $12.00 $10.00 ýor Ove rcat for ....$14.40 46 £4..........$12.00 4é.$ 9.60 64 .$ 8.00 Etc. - Etc. - Etc. Childs Suits & Reef ers $9,00 $8.00 $7.00 $5.00 suit 46 for .................... $7.20 .c-.... .........$6,40 .$1.. ....... .... 5.60 .e.... ....... $4.00 It- Means $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.50 Hat Hat Shirt Shirt 1 Shirt1 for ..................$4.80 for ..................$4.00 for .....................-$3.20 for .....................$2.40 for ................ ....$2.00 Etc. - Etc. - Etc. It means anything you wish to buy at this Reduction April13rd to l4th ]Bownanville-Oshawa -JOHNSTON eS 3 doors east of Standard Bank ,- 11 - I1 The Ne>wcaýte In de piendei42nt THURSDAY, APRIL lOth., 1924 ýJ1 NEWCASTLE A WORTHY CITIZEN MOURNED. 9 Me . ibsoni is visiting hier huome William J. Moore in Meaford. ID, James Sm-ith was in Toronto T'he Death Angel has been makinigi on Thursday. more Vacant chrairs, having remlove'd Dr. S. H,. Corbea was a week-enid on Wed-nesday last, inaIthe closing Toronto visitor. hour of a fatef ni day in- the Mý'foore Mi ; race Smrith recently visited fai,,iy itralfeln a s Trondsoecently. --,7bsoy ieligade Torsnto frienGdonvle Trnoteemed citizen and business man ofi Mionss ese isnviielornotis vilge la the vnron of Williamn 11ev E. . Jmes rippd t jTor Il oore, soa of thie îaýe Samnuel W. onto on Thursday.Moe Mrs. Hiltz, Toroato, is guest ofi On the ten1thaniear of hisi Mrs. Frank Gibson. sister Aninie's decease, Apý,ril '2nd,1 Mie U C.Lakerecently visited 114, te lbrother pîussed to thýe great, Mrs W C Lkebeyond. Symptfomis of serionsa ia- Bowmavill frieds. ernal trouble began to mlanifest Mr. George Wright, Port Hope, themselves in a more marked degree1 visted firis in to~wn. about a year ago, but it was aot un-c 'Mrs. F. W. Bowein accompianied ti last Augusýt whien the suferer ex- her husband to Ottnwa. periened terrible Pains and as a M0. lArry Jose nmde a recent consequence underwent an ope2ation busýiness trip to Toronto. in B omaniville hospital, thiat theL Mr. Norun.ai Tomis, Oshawa, was m,'alignant nature of his dlisease wasr homle over ithe weekt-enid. >Jsovred. i Mrs4. F. W. Hawkidns has gone to This w-as on the ve-ry day whlea Nerwcastle and its frîends fromnea ~Walkerville whmeeshe willlve ndfr ee eebaia heoei Mrs. G. Ryn, Toronto, visited lieri of the New CHmu ay {ll; but ia parents, Mr. andMrs. YW. F. Th omas. the, is of it ail, th-ere was many Mrs. Harold Skinner receatly visit- an anxious thoughit for the xelfare ed hier Parents, Mr. endl Mrs. W. C. a nd condition of onaesshose housàe 1Lak1e. was so close by b'Lut wh-lo was unable Dr. Walton-Ball and soni, Toroatom tonhaeil any of the joyous avents rored down for the week-end at an fd etiitesof tcea and the follow- Harrs Lapse , ineg days. M1rs. GlIendlenning was called toü Af ter returning from the hospitel Toronto on Tuesd\ý.y by the death of in Seýptamlber7, lbeconitinuied when- Mrs. Wilkinsýoni. ever able to w-ork aàt lis trada, neyer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibson IDe- hppirthan whien dloing somieting trot, ich, ae vsitng is ate- for someIbod(y in his blacksmrith hp Mn. W Mi. H. G-ibsLn 's ahe Then in mid-witer he was compelled Miss H.Gds Mtcet shoeby failinig srceagth to keepttei tics acomadsA aetiedbyher house and fiinally to his býd, graýd-Lnal- 1roii, Toronto a opae y l;yý grow-ing wcaaker and( more cinac- cousin, Miss P. Tozier. 1iated, chýeerfully and reýzigne.dly Frîends will lie glad to leara that awitiag the end. lie wasconacloius Mi. Fraak ibson is nicaly recover-j to the, last and( during the whole timae ing from lreceait illn1ess. of his illness, isz every mwaatwa Congratuiltçis to Mr.ad Mrs. miniseced unto by Mis devoted wife. HoadAllia, Cli k 0,1o the birth The funeral on Saturdlay after- of a ovely baby daughter. noon mas the occasion of' a great uMrs. m Jmesngave a, mins_ heigof frindsand acquaint- cellneous showar on Tuasday after- cacas from the village and! ottier noon Sahonor of Miss RassieGibsonimmunities ýThaeàwas an estima- whosý airh-ge takas plaqcein April. ae tedneof-thrýee ud id n Doni't forget the Suppar alo 'nd naseily ag nme fr e tertainmneat on Easter Monda' y even-, g iean, en ho have a bsi- ing ýivaan by W. M. S. in Mthodlist nees daaags whihdSpea,or their We are peased tnhe1r th 2 M A.1red -memorias ofthe honorable char- %ce rc learil o hau tai act er of the father and of the son !John lord, Lake Shore, Shaws>, who who'f o1wdl usns n h undierwant an paatonfor- bladder nwlay la lis long last sceep. tro)uble l.Bi mnnl Hsia oniBsas places in the village were WVednas, ay last, is now convelecring diti,,, insdwnas he ua nîcal. clos Theenggemnt Mes assel ralse-rvice proceedecd. The three; The egaguProtestassn iitars of the village Gibson Yo21r. Ce"il F. Caunnopria-I tok part ia the service with Revý. E. cîpl o~th pbli scoo, bs ben13 Cooknla carge. Rer. Girard anoaetebans beng read n; la ,B , ,dr, St. GeorgesCurch by the rectop;R,,aIam,?.Ja.,ieredapryrondo Rer. E. R SJnmes Suny Eriptur. Rr. E. B. Cooke la bis Ms. Judd and Miss Judd, mother discourse spoke of the vailue ser-i anasister of a former geniai bank vices ceasd had raadered to the!- clark have, "Jîmmy" Judd, whila communît, .as a ctzea busi.ness pessig through Newceastle on Sua- man and as member of the Board of regular aftevnoon session of the UChmn ad which ha represeated Mekthodýist SalLat, uh School, hi le a year ago this coing Enser as n I thair car was undergoiag some need 0egete at the O E. A. Convention. ed Vvaars The ladies weîe very Dîuriag the service, Mr. Walter J. pleased w mith ail they saw and heerd., S Ricknr'd, Mvr. Harojd Allia, Mrs. M11s. S. Baskervile anad Miss Mînnrie Rerc. E. B. Cooke and Mrs. . Honi- Pearce took, charge of the school ad ey sang "Somie (%Y PIlUndvta. Mavs. J. E. Mnqtchett conductead the The casket vas cered aaid Rank- moatiy issonay pogrm. ù wth nmaay donations of lovely Charlas ,,Magani, of Newcastle, whofows from r1 elatives and deefly bas been confinied in the Cobourg sympethetic frieads. Amoag thel gnrol for the pnst to weeks, on a, sweet and mucte eidences of genuine charge of attemipt to do bodiy harm,esteelmind sorow were wvreaths was remnoved b the ,,uthor7itiPs to0 1from the Business Mlen of Newcastle; the asyium at WVhiuby on Sturday, the Board of Edluention andMao last. Maganawhile coafined la the pounisaîl and famnily, Bwavie paddceil at the thgas e Sprays from, the two fatherlessons offiielsa very bus;y timie, and before Volaey and Lynil, te Ladies' Aid of' hae was trtnnserred from is abode the MethôIst Church; the Papilloni had succeded ln pulliag out the iron Club, Bowmianvilie; Mv. Alfred Reid,jr grating ead tearing, the pnds from Bowmaviile; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver the boards. The celi wns disnrrang- TurjjlnrCobourg; Mrs. Ricr Kt- ed so bad1ly it was nweessry to ren- erson and Miss Mlary, Hemiptoni; Mr. ovate it thoroughly. and Mlrs. S. W. Holland and f emiI,, Oshlawa; Mlrs. C. B. Watts anld MissS NEWVCAITLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Mary, Toronto, and Mr. Haroldi Alliai.1 As the Board of Educetion bld Report for March, 1924 honored their coleuague la 1f e, theyý _____ ow honored hlmi in death.' Six jNewm emibers 23_; total numiiber of mamelrbars: Mr. M. Clark, Mr. S. Jose, mlenabers 282; books circuieted dur- M>,. J. Scott, M1ai. H. W. Dudfley, ing monthi non-fiction 62; ficoin lVr. Thos. Mfetan;d Mr. W. C. 9123); juvenile 287; total 1272 books.jLketda albaas hi Fines n overue boos $2.four , others, 1Mr. W. T. Jackson, Mr., Fine onovedue ook $251. Herbý. Hencock, _Mr. E. C. Hoar nnd j Cora, Butler, LbainMr. Geo. Gaines, cnrred armsful oft flowers. The eleventh mamber ofe LAKÇE SHORE, CLARKE the Board is Rer. E. B. Cooka. l Mr. and Mlrs Bruce Whiitaey,, visit- coleague were laid1 to 'iest> la St. ed et W. A.Adms Sunlday. Geo e0 cemetery in thie famrily plot, j Als. Harold Skinner, Tyronae, ,recent- Rer. E. R. Jamles, te Reato, meco-1 ly cud ct M. Wn. L-.,L's. paaied by ý Rer. E. B. Cooka, par- J. A. BUTLER, M.-D., C. M. Hlonor g-raduate of Triaity University Fellow of Trinity Medicai College Licentinta of the' Stete University of New Ye'k. -Metriculate of the Post- Graduete -Medicel School and Hos pital of New York and Fellow of Il~i TForonto Acaemy of Medicine. Officý -Mvs. McINaugltoni's Residence Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 n. in, l to 3 p. m., and by nppointmant av o I hv on hand a suppP, of the best SCRANTON COAL Stove or Nut size. See me about your fuel needs. Geo. Jamieson MapleSyrup The Maple Syrup season is here again and we have our usual early suPply of the very best goods produced in Quebec. Buy early and assure your~self of a real treat as we have special prices for the opening week. Imperial gallon .-..................... .......... 27 Quart gems, including gems ..................75e W~e also seli any* quantity you require in bulk Choice Japan Tea, regular 70c one week only 43c W. G.' NELLES hoe(Successor to C. M. Cawker & Son.) Poe62 Bo-wmanville Watch urWindows For Specials in Meats CLARKE JUNIOR FRESME ClreJunior Farmers' lImpr)ove- menit Association met la Council Chmb1 fNewc'Tastla Comm1-1unity Hall on, Thuirsdny evening-, April 3rd, wit hPrsdt Ewart G. Clanwence in t'ia cha-ir. This A>sociation is a naturel outcoma-l of the Shot'it Course,,é la A'giicultulre held i Newcasesl fIe pesit Winer nd mbreces the youag mnen who attendled ,the cla"'sss 11n ot1herswho dsr to joiei, and strive b)Y ail practicaiblae 1p1s to continuel thego work and to cuitivata, noLur1Il and briag to fruition the sacsIl of knowledg1e theat weve scat- trdduring the Shourt courses. M1r. F. C-. Paterson, Cý-oun1ty R1e- presante1ttiva of, Ontarl«o De-partmaant of Agr-icultrure, was presant to sug-1 gest, to counsal aad adisae. T'ha Aýsszociatio daidad to bold a oa-dy tock judgiag competifion on Apail l6'th, mninly for tha sn.yie rensons ýtbînt the Basabaýli Clubs go to Floridea or Taxeas bef ove the real sesncommences up North. Thay flfeaned to car-ry on a Profit-par-Acre Copaitonth, us ummar vwith atnsil- ae co-rra'., andpossioiy vwith potatoasý nelsýo. ,,y Iso dliscussad thae posý- sib)ilitLy which graw mbnto pIrobtability of e motor t np laJune-with picale and caýmping-ont fe'aturas-aither tîrnoug i rural V Wýestrn Ontarîlo or through tha N:ýiegera Prisuaand aicross into New York state, retur- iag byy of tha Roclahstar-Co>bourgý- Fe rry Lina. T he Asýs o ci atonb- senedýucationeal trip xvould bie ti ve!weli pent end wall worththa compratielysmil cash ntly a quired. Phone 64 BowmanrVille Now is the time to, secure fruit for maing Marmralade: iOranges, 2~ dozen for .............5 Grape Fruit, 13 for ..... ............ .......25 Lemons, per dozen ... ........ .............30 Large Size Punes, per l .................... 15c Figs, per lb ..... ..................................... iOC Variety of Plapits in bloom also Cut F1owers to order. 112IIARy PHONE 186 ALLIN NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Report for March-Names inOre Sen5ior Raom 1Sa. IV Class-Evn!es. Peaircýe, W le Lak.-,Chr'eTckyEln Cook, (ea lar abentfrom 2 e-x- Jr. IV-MBurney Cud, Ros yod) equel, Stnnley Grnham, Dorothy Riekard, Althea lean, (J ean, Parneli, MaJbelGrnr qul Aet Martin, Go)rd1on Laking,GlbtMc Enchera, FrankGey Reginald Roli,- inson, Lonnie -,Gibson,( sieCak Wilbert Griaheam nb:eni' from 2a- Senor 11-redButler, leanor Andrso, ary Jams, Geo-)rg e Alfaed Grvod, H lnLycett, Law- rce Gane,Ruby Nichýol, Aud- Mey McGuire. C, F. Cannon Principal Inter-Division Jr. II-Jassi Mcfaanae Mr Adair, Ruby Cowan, Chalrlie Parnell, Dunra hDudeyEVreIlnRickard, Muý-,rrny Butler, Rosa Cowa, Donald Cliflor'd, Aibiot lPeerce,7 Betty Gar- yoGeorge Wnion, Fred Thiomas, i Merion Riachi, Douglas Waiglt (ab- sent). Sa. 1T-Rasýsie Leke, Olga Pa.sker- yk, Jassie Vaé"nDusen, antCnwel Victor Locýkwood, Fred Couch, Voe Henin;ig, AlnSpencer, Wiilia Mc- Enchera, Hnold Coudli Jr., Il-Johin Ricknrdi, Mqry Brave- ton, David Gray, Veima Brown, Don-' aldî iVcEechera, Helena Hayes, Fred- CoeLewis Clark, Jamie Wrighit (absent), Tom- Spencerý, Billy Toms, Milton Brown, _Matro Mudrv. 1 Hattie A. Mason, 'ieacher.i Senior First lRoomn Bçty Mntgomeay, Adaiir Han- j cock, Irene Brereton, Edini Han- cock, Florence Spencer, Gordon Gev-1 yod, Mý_arie Hanaing, Hervy Coud, Fr']ed iAdeir, -Q"eorgel Grahinm, Aleie Williins, Annie Toffan, Gwnoy Willaims, Chnvlie Robinson, George Buckley, Billie Brunt, Huber~t And(er-- son, Marion Aidreed,/Jack Tom,ý Harold Brown, Lyle Moore, Lois Martin, MyrtIe Clarke, Hilierd Brown. Hazel Barrie, Tendher.1 ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D . ,M Gredunte of Tninity University, aise, of Royal Coliege Physiciens, Edin burg. Spacialty-Disases of wonî en and children. 0ffice--Parkar' Block, Newcastle. GOOD 1THINGS TO EAT The best is none too good for ' oui, customers. That is why We insist on highest quality groceries, for they are cheapest in the long run. Eat. more Bread and Buns made by H. S.4 B'RITTOe*'N, Baker & Grocer Newcaitle 40 1 rl NOTICE All acco-unts owing the grocery branch of our business.,which -we have disposed of to M, W. G. N;elles, must be paid at once and save fur- ther costs. C.M. CAW K ER& gSO 0N We Have the Best for the Least It is a big step in the right direction when you order your groceries from lis. Taste our Maple Syrup. Test our Cannied Goodes. Try our Bread and Pastry Flours. Get the best at our store. R.,ALO GrocerNewcastle

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