P'hone 144 KITCHENER UIflWT V flun iums Jessie T.* MaciSezie, teaciier. V 1\ '4,. novel. The rock, six miles in cir- j cumiference, rises 2,100 feet out ofWS CHO the sea. SA' CCO Th~e islands of Ischia and Capri S.1-Marion Rickard 87, Stan- lit g'uard the outer extremities of th0 ey RSrd.7 . Jr. IV-Winnifred Bay of Naples, while a chain l0f Rickar 5chi 4. lpin~ 9 nrountains engirdies it. On round- Ada Allin 77, Beatrite Crydrman 72, _______ -- ing Ischi' w-%e couId sec Vesuvius, the Allan Clemence 65, Clare Allin 65, 1 ' 1 _________________________________ rost celebrate'd volcano ln the woild, eiLab6,LweneAhtn 64, steam as a cloud covering the sum- Allin 71, Charles Ceenc 70, *Mor F . E s luitisy aled waycoumu of lan Andeton,47. Jwall-Ande les, a ferw days later, we' had a bet- Sr. Il-ean Coates 75, Garnectt ter view. We coul*d see the funicuiIar Rikkard 74, Ne'wton Ashiton 72,' Stan- CI k  1 àrailway to the top, the station on the ley Allin 64.~ Jr. IMary Clem- ha i M àgw ir,&%rim of thecrater andthe1 occasionial ence, Annie Allin, *ThIornton Ander- wa u nýehr eetw" II"a t C bursts of steam- from the inouth of on, *Ormsby Andersn. Sr 1-Rais- 1RANK Jones used o complain w -i-c uton hehrd rnent Walc th ocn.Vesuvius is to Naples sel 'Oa'tes. Primer-Ruth Cobble- F'about his f eet getting so hot hQw he aves valuabl Ct. )U SFFI1ENTY POTECEDscape in Japan--4he iofty back- the exaxinations.-ndfomwrtoelelirl as fyou aveFnkaboath e he wTr :) U FCETYPO ETD.ground of the picture, and the grand Florence E. Walkingtoiu, teacher. tnd fyou ail about the C.C.IL Tris presid1ing genius of the place. By ________and pavemeýnts. Cra.nk Hange-the wopderiui Po ~as o FieDeahAccdet, iailiv, day, it proudiy waves its Plume OfAYO One day when he f eit more tired, plant thiat responids to the sliig ,-aseod and Firkeand btnigAtctidendtbisfeet urt hiwors than pressure on' the pedals and mahes >u Cloud nog lnurne anrch o iead ih lisadhsfc ur i os hC.C.,M. run so smoothly, quietiy aplrc ie wto td1bo' < Repotof S. S .No. 21 f or Easter usalal, lie happened to sec a man go esy the nmost scenie harbors in the worlo, ecmnt'noe 7%hnr ips ldigb nabcce He would show you the strong, p nôta as o ho ltte uthowmuh hemoi~ in, heroky alnd ad'60%. Sr. IV-Earl Thompson 72., "Cycling- is f ar casier than walk- erful framnes of Engieh Seamiless the City spread out like an ý J.I-a'eI~eh8, Rying-," said Frank to h-iself. And taring-tbe br eit silv e ni rconi d to carry. heatre, "mnake il a thing of beauty I ardGer7QGoonGerall day long, -,hile lie was working w -1 utbcas ti on vrcl fand a joy oer. 66, Carlyle Ashton 64, . III- that thQught kept running tlirougli .tesakigenmlta a ,er consuIt us to-day, for to-morrow- .swdokdI.PeptMogsLui sho64An I Tefri i . Ilis mind. rain, snow and al kinds of weathe l'aunch drew alor-gMde. Mr. Morgan -Rena' Bradley 82, Fred Beech 80, htiiho h wyhmh h e ibo en ihisr wvas a passeng-er on the Lapland from Lloyd Thorupson 79, Bert Ashton'7OTbt i prootewaobrnli te uw ibnumfP-e-d lwthe ts n New York Vo Naples. We also saw Pelbert Martin 65, lyrtle Coarîing* dropped into a C.C.M. dea-ler's and profs aluinni.rale the caCt "~The Meteor", whic'h was, at one *, Arthur Trew-iu *. I--Muriel loQked over the different C.C.M. erclesa.ster h rake that coassan li SO me one of the priva'te launches of Thompson 76, Rowlan;d Tbonvpson mdlcosn reta u d oes ihtsnb r thng oe ran m ethe Kaiser; inoasit plies 'between 75, Eu'by Greer 68, Velma Bowin modls, booi n g oreethat syted once gty er hnth 1~syes M .uoite Carlo and Naples 'as a passen-. iSr. Pr.-Freda Bradley 79, Giadys lmineven r ay. ee ae d a iTe .C.-dae il l,,b alEsat ad nsraeeBrkes -,erstamr.Mati 7, ub Aam 7,Evely'n much easier tim1e and he's quit corn- to tell youa2ai1 about the C.C.M"N. and Bowmanville Naples is a centre of histoilu- InQeer 75. Jr. Pr.--Silas Tre-%wirn. i plaining. In fact, be's boasting uow. show you thie new~ models-the Staý terest, sowel mention oniy a f ew -Absenb through illness. ' about hqw finead rshpf(ïsic adteScalteSoti-ëc, fvii the plaeswierad.more eautifu ýrs. Frank L. Gilbert, teaucher. he sta rted Cyclihig. C.C.M. Fiyer, the Curved Bar iode] ______________________1___seonothe'city. ate ir e ade CED NEW .He also tells how quickly adeasilY Prices are $115 to $201 ower than setonoheCty_____,maeKERNNESh Cycles to work and home a-ain-how " peak" prices. A Big Doliar's v7 a short tour of the oldler and more_____ he saves the shoe leather 'be used to for every dollar you invest in a 1ç.ç - -' I Congested1 Part of~ the City. ' Mr. Ho-ard VauDyke bas gone fThe chief thoroughfare of Naples to Chicago, 111. i la Via Ronm exten'ding from the Bay Decision day is to lbe observed lun ,~,IIIto the heig;hts of C'apodim-onite. 'An-. qui-Suanday School on< April 27th. W is ~ w d e rother uoted 'highway ia the Chiaja, Miss Dorothy M Gregor sund aunt, W %ein front of which la the very pleas.. Miss,,J, McGrego *sidTo' uo ýing VillaNaine facing the sea. _ o iudTrno F TH BS M TEILSl is ocuted the Aguariumiý, one of Mr. H. F. Werry lbas sold bis Ford C ,LEtVE LAND- COL UMBIA-RED BJJD SESTHEBES MA ERILStli fiestrepsioris o inrin lf e and pprchased a w Chevr'9iet Suip- ~enet aks hebstfondtini n the world. Chief amiong the errPERFEC T-MvASSE Y j mn ae h es or-ain pecinieus -we o'bserved were the -Miss Marlou Oottinzlham, Oshawa, Md nÇnd OcouJly4s n Star-fish. visited her friernd, Mrs. Harold Md nCnd y' Fine-B. C. Fir--and Quebec Spruce A ýtpromienlundmarkhnear the ouutjoy. 'a CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR COMPANY, Lifbattd bet suesrcue hai4bor js thle castle Nuovo, a 1,1s- Mr'.'andi Mra. Win. tty 'Oshawa, Montreai, Toronto, WZE$9N,, Ont., Winnipeg, Van~couvr w8 suesrcue ba ri'hc Cha rlesof Amljou la e7ltheir, dcagt kaeso î lar~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chirles r Vùa'nie t(ofinrAa Ille l8th century-. 'hle Werry rectly.> ~~Mfes~IîIG&~~Incd~o~ ~s entt'auce to' this castle la through rs l .1bkn iii Also of C.C.Wt. JOYCYCES--~Hgrd, ayrutiig icycIos vering fi ne aclone of thie finest in the sister, Miss Canu alà Rev. E. A. Ton- 3ranà HardýW'Ood Filoorin-g is Mol4e dur- cîny. Fojr nany y.ears this castie kiu's, Bowriauville. atrythan any other, Éhteefore it is *asone of the resicdences of the Mris. George Scott and father 'Mr. ___________________________________ oring. tury, they havè occupie'd the ad- Mrs. WallaceScott, Enfield.  1 omiiil Dae o rBe erB rdGaed joining Royal 'Palace. - ev. R. A. Doive announceîd 'Su- onavleD lrFr Board PlainorBaeBo d aid Naples lbas one of the largeat day that he hope'd to havo Miss -Me- COLU BIA BIC CLE [somre walls and ceiing. opera bouses lu Jtaly, thle San Carlo lissa V. Thomas, Toronto, to spe'ajk E. Iy A l1l e RED BIRD BICYCLES )r8 Sshan isie timmae hebe T heatre. he on Easter Sunday.Dort& "' DI8,Sah ndinie îî nak te et crssth sretfrip te pea Editor and Mrs. M. A. James,, Mr. Next ort Greenaway & Effiott, ivsion St. ithe ~Gallery of UTniTerto 1. It i and Mrs . 5 . B. James, Bowmian- 'Bicycle anid Motor Cycle Repa.irs a.nd Accesseries, Phone 338, P. O. ple's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best a,)g-iofed fnely decorated plkoiR1 ville, ealled ou Mrs. A. L. Pascoe on enade aud arcade. Roofed in lu Wth Suuclay at home Of Mr. R. J. Luke. glass its crystai domle rises 2100feet ________ ' aliove the marbie pavemient. Along asonable and a square deal for every- its sides are cafes aud shops and in COURTICE the evening- music gives the place an se u.a dded charni.thbarcswa a Report of S. S. No. 8, Darlin'gton, FREE-io Much Finer Shav4 'e u.Ou visi to h bFaiswa aster examinatiýons. T o pas 4,50. moat iuteresting- one. l The a Sr. 1V-To pass 450t-Sadie Muirr ~d~Spani.sh fortresbuilt i hejl 587, Ruby Phair 568, Sani Gay 557., .ý1 liai] Co. Li ted century. lu the chapel we- s,,Aima Potter 553,' James H'a'co'ck l a e Sh v s Q i Bowmianville paýintinga ou wood by Correglio aud 430 (absent for two subjecta), Mad- ~Iuse Phones 228, 274, 218 Michael ugelo. The sculpture eline CourtJice 356., Jr. nIV-Ed*'ithion work of the castle was doue by Balson 575, ,Seeburx, Esïe.ry 505,M Bertonl. ' John Wilkins 467, Velma Ga 1y 457, 'Ir you were paid for puitting into words the perf ____________________________ Here we also vislted the dnen ac ons 3,Fru isa shave, you -voidproal efine it as the riv2.p Pb , n u _p fi, 419, Kenneth Walter 377.L Sr, III- ' of(