SALEM HAMP"TON You wViil finid it, a pleasure to make selections ifts frorn our spring stock of things that are and most apprecialted. e trink- will find her( ýday and pari e articles for this store your ALEX ELLIO T Bawmanville Olde Jeweiry Shomppe Ouar Sausages HAYDON1 rIs: Mr, and Mrs. Sargent, TY- 'siteI at Mrt. F. GitPos iD. E.1 ,)on, Ottaw-a, MIr. and Mrs. J. Einiskilien, -'\r, and Mr. H Solina, 1Mr.%L. AMeunitjoy, NeStie- Mr. Thos. slemnon's; Mr. and Mrsi ývn and ifamily haive moved toi ýn.. .. League service5 ont Sunday w'as splenldidly atteinded. Preusi-i ýk charge off the worsip iperiod.1 ;cil Siemo n took chiarge off th . Literary selecýtions wr yMrs. Elin Màounitjoy, Miss Ste-lia Mrs. Leslie Grahiani and Mr. C2. m usicail numbers lby -Mr. A i, Mr. F. Githr9, Mr. H. Ashton 1. L. Grahiam. Nýext meeting in, cf lst Vice-President, Mrs. Thier-ý ctjoy on11sunday vening. Cord- tationi is extende to atil .... We n1te Haydon Leagiue debaters ont l in the contest off theiter debaItes ld this last wînter 'ining eigh;It bocks, which were d by the- executive off the Bw eDistriet. Those m-ho d-serveý iors as debaters are: Mrs. Theýroni y, Mr. 1'. Glithro, Miss E. Coul-1 (I Mr. Bugene Beb..Senext for officers off League aind Schjool. TYRONE ndI Mrs. Earl C2ou1ter, Osha"%a, We 'make thern our-selves ai good. You will be sure1 are made fresh every day. 'AKFAST k we are ýst Bacon, Ruiby M. Bragg, teachier. ENFFELD Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W.Ayery, Ra'ýg- l an, at Mr. W. J. Omso';Mr- and Mr.~ .Paseoe, Broojklin, at Mr. G. Ormiston's; Mt. Fred Smith and Mrs.A. Smith at Bwm 'vUl;ny. and Mr- Johin MNcCu'lloeh and Mr. andc Mrs. ,.,e- Culloch in Toronto eety y mtr Some 30 to 40 people enjoyed themseVeS at1th1hom off Mr. -Wmr. Prescolt Fr1.ý day eveng, gusts off Miss Ma'vis Pros-J ot...Ladies' Aid wil mneet at Mrs. Fred( Smit'h's 3on W-esaMay 7, P'011 Calto be aulsweredl by a Spring -Mes- Mr. Johin Stinsonl passedi awaýy on! Thursdlay, April -'I, aged 77 years. IHo had sufferedl greatly froin rrheumiatismra Somel 8 years. Sunday bie was taken suddenlIIy worse and gradually grew% weaiker until thec end calm eflie lad lived here about 15 years. lie leaves to mu ls s is widlow, who was Miss B, CluIoIchrane, two daughters and Ci ve sons--Miton and Williamn in Detroit, lVihLaverne, Columbus, George and flarry who live near here. Tl)e funer- ai on Sunday was weIi attended *11ev. Ge'o. F. MeReKýnzie Offtciated. Relativei from a distance were: IN. W. Stinson, Detroit; Mr. antd Mrs. Jos. Stinson, Peterboro; -Mr. antd Mrs. McCiulloch, Miss Hap -,Miss Stinson, --%Ir. andMrs.Me. Gi, Pontypool; -Nyr. andi Mrs. Argue anid Mr. and -Mrs. Stacey, JanetvilUe; Mr. and Mrs. Brwomm, Nestleton. P'all-bearers were four sons and Geao. Cochrane' andc Win. MeGiII. MAPLE GROVE IVES' FOOT WEAR Spring Clearing Sale Ladies' and Chi*ldren's Goods Only May lst to May lOth We are celebrating this month from the 3rd to lOth what is known as National Shoe Week and is Canada wide. To increase business and give you extra service for your rnoney we are putting across a Special Clearing Sale. It is seldom you are given an opportunity swch as this at this seas- on of the year. HEowever it is better to get what you neyer expect than too ruch of what you want. We are going to sell you footwear that you want cheaper than you expected beca-use of a number of broken lines and left overs from last season. 10 ctays of value giving at prices cheaper than rnost wholesale prices are for the saine goods to-day. iRead the list. M~ark your needs and corne in wrth the cash. No gools on ap proval. Phone calîs sent C. 0. D. H-eel, patent leather strap slippers, values to $6.00 at CIearîng Price $3.89 pair 100 Pair Ladies' Strap Slip- pers and Oxfords, regular values $7.00 to $9.00 per pair, Clearing Price $4.49 BACON 17c LB. offering a Special in at ................. .. 30 Pair Women's Black Canvas One-Strap and Black Leather One- Strap Slippers with rubber heel lift, just the thing for a cheap house shoe. Special $1.39 per pair ciokens this Spring? t by getting -omie m Harry AllUn, Corn NESTLETON 50 Pair of Misses' Strap Slippers anid Oxfords, odd lines to clear $2.29 paÎr Slippers, black and brown, to clear at $1.89 per pair 25 pair Children's Strap Slippers, Black çand Brown ....$1.29 pair One table containing Oxfords and Strap Slippers for women, the odd sizes of different mnakes................ $2.89 per pair One table of Cbildren's (5 to 71/2) but.t<rn anLd lace boots, These are just a few of the many good values to be had, Pay Cash and Pay Less W. C L A UD)E I'VE S Cash Shoe Store Bowmanville Mountjo)y Phone 320r23 at the c was s of Ct -r of Si Mr. T. J. Hume off Avalon Farm, H-aTh.. ilton tow-nship, Ias sold a 4-year-oldi thorottghbred Ayýrshire o0w to thse On- tario Agricuiturai Coiege, Guelphs, for $~0. Thse 00w la to bie nsed for demon- stration purposes. For the finest assortment and new- est designs in Curtain Panels, Cur- tain Madras and Curtairi Nets, col- ored Velours and Sun-Fast Repps call at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. A CH-ILD'S PRAYER next Sunday ai wmcn bwais mucn apprec!aten. mwas ývery satisfactoryý-about visitors: Mnr. andl Mrs. W. A.> ryrone-, at Mr. N.,T E. Wright's; Mrs. Jas. Curtis, Haponit Paisoe's;'M r. and -Mrs. Joe (iiiiaily, Toronto, at Mn. H. G. Miss Majôrie Pasce, Hamp-lj* MUiss MrartMceT:ssock;Air. L. V. Hogan 1th1anld daugh-l ter,1 and M\r. and M\rs. L. c. ndldit Miss Mr oats U'rs. S -Brooks, Oshawa, at ian Va vft'; r. and Mrs. li.andi MrS. Ciar'leeVic, U. F. 0. AUCTION ,SALE 0f Household Furniture, Jamies ,Bennett, Auctioneer,' las re- ceiived instructions fromn MORS. SAMUELHCKS Cor. Queen & Scugog Sts. Bowtnanville to seli by aucti on the f oilloW1n SATURIDAY, MAY 3, 1924 In aditin tothie ist off housebiold1 effctslisedin last wekspaipethetse goo'd's wil also be olferýied lforSaIl: double-sae covered buggy9ý; double- sea:ted icutter: 1-20-egg incuba.,tor; one- horseplow; nuimbe(r of Leghorn hens. Sale~ at 1.30 p. mi. TEIRMS:-CASH M. A. JAMES AUCTION SALE: Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer, has received instructions froim K. MACLEAN to sel1 hy auetion on the premnises Kingston Roiad, East Bowmanville (West of Cemnetery) on FRIDAY, MAY 2nd following, farm stoeck, inpments, etc. 1 Bay Hoïseý 2 C'nws.Jrse- 'lfeaters; 1 B Kitchen Cupbc Quantity Odd Cj Qiuantity Firesw tools .and other to Mention. Sharp $15 and dit on ap- I Try Themn Once And You'II Want More JACOIBS & HJLLYER Succesorsa to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville THERE'S NONE B3ETTER THAN BRANTFORD ROOFING Don't wait for the showers to corne. Get that leaky roof repaired ahead of tirne and save unnecessary trouble. 0f course you will use Brantford Asphalt Slates-best for every need in roofing. Brantford Roofing is SoId in Bowmanville by Mason ,& DaIe's lhardware Phone 145 CREAM LOAF RAISIN LOAF BROWN LOAF You will finid them very delicious and appe- 1a Melotte Cream Separators Magnet Cream Separators Lister-Page Hand Milking Machines Local Dealer R. R. THER J-DuwVi'an..Lviiie 50 Pair Low and Medium 30 pair Gîrls' tizin MAY lst., 1924.ý il ý il