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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 May 1924, p. 5

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Neilson's Choco1ates 53c lb. Saturday 0OnlY To introduce Neilsoni's Chocolates which we are adding t'o our stock we are featuring them ,for Saturday Only at 53e lb in Ibulk. Try a pound of thesé- eficious sweets, GROWING IN POPULARITY The demand is increasing daily for CORBETT'S HIGH LOAF BREAD CORBETT'S BROWN BRE~AD CORBETT'S MALTAINA BROWN BREAD~ Wedding Cakes a Specialty Agents for WilIard's Ice Creain W. P. orbett (Successor to Thomas Tod) Baker and Confectioner Bowmanvllle 3EAR IN MIND VARIETY IS THE SPICE 0F LIFE When looking for variety in Cooked Meats in mind that we have the largest variety of Led Meats i town. They look very tempt- and you'll be sure to fipd soething to please -y appetite. P~hone your order day ahead for early de- .y next morn{ng. G.. A. Edmondst6ie' ne 21 Bowmianville Garden Yes, we have them in small packages or in Ç. Fresh in this spring from the best seed ses in the country. Government tested which res you of best results. Our good seeds no more than inferior grades. 'CIAL VALUES IN CHINA DINNER SETS If you're needing a new dinner set you can't st the tempting values found in our -wiudow week. r- )d tons of anothier lp and P' Ilrn,--,AI ýtrist by ýexamina- id by the lateet modetih instru-, CARD 0F WHANJCS Mrs Wi. S pry and farnily desire to thasik ail their friends -who in any wvayl helped by their kindness, gifts fiand sympathy during the illness and death of the former's son, Ciaton, for the floral offerin.gs and to Warl veterans, the Biind an.d others -Who attended the fiuneral at St, John's Church on Saturday. BOWMANVILLE, MAY 1st., 1924.1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Plan to bie inrBowmanville May 294th- bgday of sports. Shopj early wbile selecýtioris are biest at Ives' Spring Shoe Sale. Saturdlay onily-1 lbi. Neilson's Choco- lateS 5c- P. Corbett. Mr, and Mrs. Oco. E,'. Chase recently visitedCreulat. ives in Brighton. Mrs. Eber Knapp, Torontco, setthe -weeký-end wvith Mre. C. L. Browvn. Mr. Elwoodl Fenneil recently visitedl mr. and mrs. E. -w. Best, Brighiton. Mýies E, E. Hayoraf t spent the weelk- ICdIwith Mrs. J. 1L.raveWbty M .and ilMrs. E. R. Freemnl, WhIitby, spent thie wýeek-end with relatives here.j Buy a pound 0of Neilson's Chocolateýs for5e Saturday onlyý at WV. P. Cor- MUrs. (e. Wendell P. Wý'oodger andi Ru, Trto, recently visited M.ýrs. F. MUiss Evýelyn JoneseLbt, recent- ly visited her parents and other rela- tive-She. Miss Florence B-elîmanl attenlded the Summer MilhineryOpenings in Toronto onMoay Mr. Hlarley Percy, Toronto, spent the week-end w\ith bis parents, MNr. and Mrs. Thos. Percy. RoyalCrownDerby,, Peacock pattern, clearing this week at cost prices. Alex. Bl lot, Jeweler. Mr. Bud ehc is spend1ing a fewt day-s in Detroit with Messrs. Prower -Me- M1urtry and Ted Pethiick. Mr. and Mrs. A\. G. Wright and amn- ily, lHamilton, spetitheweek-end it bier mothier, . Thos. Tod. Mrs.R~chrd ragg, Sr., lhas returncd from pedigsi-x months witbh ler cie- ter, Mrs. 5. Bath, Pcei MISS Mileta 1Hoar, Brighiton,' Ont., spe(nt Easter holîdlays wvith Mrs. C.A. Wight and other friends hiere. Mr. and Mrs. H'alph Aires and daugb- ter, Cod1ringýton, Spent Easter at, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse ms eligo-t Mr. and Mrs. Chas. WVise and daughiter,-i Toronto, spent th1 weken with bert pa rents, Mr. âud Mrs. W. Wiicoxý. f Mrs.A. Edmiyondstone atnd Miss Pou- pard atte-nded the Sumrier Millinery openings in Toronto on Mondaly. Dr. anid Mrs. J. S. Somners, Toronto, spent the week-endi with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jackýson and other relaýtives. Ives' Sboe Store is celebrating Na - tional Shoe Week by offering great re- ductions in Ladies' and Chlldren's Shoca, Rev. A. S. Rogers, Sydney, N. 13., re- cently vislted hie uncle and ant, Mr. and Mýrs. J. Hl. Werry, and othier rela- tives bere. Tbe Salvationl Armny oficers are buslly e-ngageýd with the, Self-Denial fund. Tbiey expeet to call on friends ln towni and country. Mrs. Howard Dunlop and son Edwin, Ottawa, and Mrs. W. E. N. Sinclair, Oshawa, are vlsiting thieir miother, Mrs. Edwin .WordLcn. Mrs. UI..Tole will occupy at of Miss Raynes' house on WellingtonS. where sbê wlll bie $Ieased toceiefe fren .Phone.214. Ottawa, wbo i C '40N-'B'U jlumerous rela- I hurch.ccate ty gave us a b Rcv.ct E.R.J Rev ScttHowar( daughter of Mr. an ite Sbield Club Gibson to Cccii Fr ., 1924, ia St. of Mr. andc Mrs. Rc 8p. ro. sharp. Ont. Lfor. feed last seas'«- ment of 1H-O, ecd arrived ibis DEA er Grocer. liary ,wil meet STINSON.-At Eni an Shelter Sbower will be beld ln W1 IL Room on Friday, ;Nlay 2nd at Anale, n., wbere thé Coimml'tee wlll be Wilgrý ) receiv, donations. Refresli- MAY rvcd. ney, ave moncy by buying footwcar agcd1 IVE.S Ciearing Sale. SM]- .d Mrs. Mm. Qulck and M\r. and A.ril n> Quiic, Jr., motored to Tor- late .1 Sunday and visited Mi2r. Max OHA -lo is recovcring from a serlous April )f pneumnonia. the la id Mrs. Thos. H-ayman and Ruth year. 'urncd frein spcding tbe winter WAF atives ila Devonshire, England. Ae., ine out by the Minnedosa and Laur"I ýrd rougb weather. ward, 'arrie Martyn returncd on Tues-. WîI a ý visit witla Rochester relatives. Somner t, iMiss E. J. Hlooper, accompan- ville,( homne, and will visit ber niece, Wilgre W. Couchi and other relatives HIO] any friende will bu pleased trik, ii althiougb Mir. \W. B. Cou]cb kn, iz villes veteran dry goods mer- onto. 3stili conflned to bis 1bcdile is ,MEi satisfactory progress towards re"- dalih l'cwcler, offcrs ai Crown Der, s %vcek: Ôups ;cream anid pot $7.50 for igton, akawood, loved busband 0of niermneat la Bast IN MEN Manager Con- polian Life lin- Ina Soucb the past CCheris i s o f AMr . J.Often e of The Bow- "Pie o1 ýn ownied b%, Mr. Wý\hoc esidenit in Ne ýse and . ne uis CbLase ,of Rooms-2-Floral designs in Pinks, Blues and Grays, also in stripes, 10e, 12e ànd 15e per rol. g' Room-.AlI over patterns in Tans, Bluaes, greens with band borders, 30e per roll. rs-Floral designs in Blue, Old Rose, Fawns, 35e and 50e per roll. Borders to match. W. T. ALLEN Bookstore ' et., wbeai business HFaird so dear, tear; ved and lost coest. ndi Brothers. enar husband ion, wbo c- tine flicýs, melm iwhe(n %we nced a friend hlmn we11lwaV"ys could depenfI ohe~ ur iiv(s be soothied our pain g-ranit in be4ven we'll mcci again. Sad' l msecd by Wfeand Famiiy. 1 loving h mimry of Mrs. samnuel Liwbio paFseed away May 1, 1912. tlv/c ycre haIve aseouthe'arte stili sore iiiie goce eon we mis, lber more 1took Iber foritwai Hiewil in our beparts she livetb still. chery ays br smniling f-ace are lovely to rcî bad a kirnly m-ord for e'achi and die lvd by aLil. ri is the grave wheCc ourim-otiber le ýr is ti mmory wlicbi neyer shial et is the hole thlat aga'in wcebslal engtogetb r at Jesqus feet. afly mised by Hueband andi Family. , I /ý - Bowmanvflle LOCAL AND OTHERWISE TO LET Sec you in Bowýmanville May 24th-b1igt GARAGE TO RENT-Ap-Iply to Mrs time planned. Geo. E. Purdy Queen-st., Bowm-an-ville Miss Leola Miller speant the lholidlayài OSET RN-1af-8e-et, wit frend i Toont. owm anville on the Provincial Highway Mrs. R. L. Obon e s isiting Mrs, electrie light, garden and fruit. Suit Minnie Gowý%anlock, Lmbeth, Ont. able place for day man on farm. ApplJ Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Davidson, Oshawa,~ to Rt. R. Stevens, R. R. 3 Bowmanvilll spent Sunday at Mr. W. Gimnbltt's. Phone 175r3. 17-ti M',oney saved is nioney made. Iveî3 saves you money particitlarly during bia Sale, Mr. and(') Mrs. G. A. Gillispie bave re- WANTED tuirned £lrom slening the wintel' in Fiorida. GIRL WANTED-Frgeneral houlse "TeHome and Sehlool" will hold the Swovr. AplyowMars Al, E.8MCr2w4 monlthly illeeting on Wedmeeday, May Sle-tBwavle 82 7th., ait aquarteur to 4 o'ctôckU in Principal WANTED-A girl ror liouisehold dutieh Johnistoni'e Room. Mrs. Smyth, Super- at once, if possible. Apply to Mrs. Ge- initendenýt of til)e Hos)ital, ]bascosne Gray, Orie2ntal Hotel, box 58, Nwat to give a Health Tailk and Mrs. Challis 15-ti will givýe a report of the O. E. A. HomeL WANTED-A eook, vlio vwill wait er adSchool session held in Toronto Eàster tabile. References required. GoUe week.wagus. Apy to _Mrs. Robert J. Gil] We arpleae toreee a copy of Kingseton Road, Bowmianville, phonc "Tue F1ýresno fRepublican", Callfornia, 11r ~17-i this wekfrom 0o11r Vel l kown arwae WANTED-Life Company with Heaj mcatMr, . W.l. Dustan, who 'with Offie at Waterloo contempflates openiing Mrs. DuLstan baive ee spending the a1n agency at Bowmnanville. One re wite wththirsoli, Mr. W",.3,1- Dus- presentative wanted for this localitY tn. We uderstand -Mr.1and Mrs. lDust. Godopporiiesil-for rîght man witl atn ar e enjoying lif'e SO weIlli the District Office supervision and assistance sulnnyý Southl that thley do liotpupe Write P. O. o 17!,, Waterloo, Ont. 18-- retiring home til l nex t notb. Thenel eecd ofliers of the-------------------- Young Ladies' Bible Clss of theMehd ist snday Sehool ae Preýsiden1t-Miss 11lo. Rickard; VicedoMs Enid Souch; EGGS FOR HATCHING Sertry-M\iss Olive Muttdn;Asitn djo-Mliss Marjorie Plummei-r; Treasue- White Pekin Duck Eggs, fromn prizE Miss Grjace V. Trewin; ovnrMsin birds. $1,00 setting. 1. 1F. Pearce, phont ary C )1)ittee-Miss Ethel Hictks; Con- 268, Bownianville. 16-5wa yeo iiiigd r.É.Cl;Cnenor Wyandottes. setting eggs for sale, firsi- Lookýout d '4is au tton; (2ovenr class bre-eding. Mrs, T. Oslen, R. R. ý3 Social lo-,Mrs. W. T. Quinn. Bowmanville, phone 181-r5. 6t Memnbers of VIorei Nighingale FOR SL-WîePekin duck eggi Lodýge N'1o. 66, . . ).O..F., aaddtQ the for setting. Best market birds. AppIý M\ethodist Cuc on Sundlay frno Thos. Oslen, R. R. 5, Bowmianvillc. Phono about 2110 strong miarsballed by Bro. 181-5. 18-If Pery Williamis. Re-v. L3ro. S. C. Moore Barred Rockýs, bred to laty strain with not having sufficiently recovered frornaO. A. C. cockerels, 15, eggs $1.25; $8. U b-is rec9,(nt illnesýs to take the fnusrvce per 100. M. J. B. H-utchison, Hl«gh-st. hl"e was assistedf by Reýv. WV. 1H._spargo Bowmanvlle, phonie 23lr3. 18-iý in the !evotional service and Rev. Bro. W. WJns . D., precebed the ser- Black Larngsbaiis. are the most satis- mII,o'n o Breiotberboo"-aniid ail agreed factory sort to raise. 4J can spare9 that it was a miost appropriate address f ew settings from cehoice epecimewn for the occasion. On returning to the Geýorge Jamieson, N_1ewcastle, Ont. 15-4 Lodge Rtooni a vote of thanks was pass -______________ cd, 10 the preacher, choir, trustees on motion of Bros. A. L. Niehlîs and T. C. ARTICLES FOR SALE WVatch for particu.lars of May 24th prograni of sports in Bowmanville. PIGS FOR SALE-10 Wesn Pigo. Ap- ply R. L. Osborne, R. R. 4, Bowmnfville, Have you found sorne precious phone 136r2. 18-i treasure? STOVE FOR SALE-H-appy Thougi Pass it on. Range. Apply toWm Edger, Brown Have you s orne pefluliar pleasure? St., Bowmanville. 18-ti Pass it onl. FOR SA LE-Il'ive pure bred Yorkshirx For the heart growvs rich in giving, Pigs, bacon type, 8 weeks obd. Georg- ',t Ife ma.a. ii .J45À1.. iJU wJ.IUWvil4V, ,phoneA 2231r3. 18-1* HAY FOR SALE-Two staeks hay, contaîning 5 and 10 tons respectively. Ailan CampbeILl R. R, -9, BoWmanville, phone 183-r5. 17-2w CAR FOR SALE-liard Touring 1921, excellent condition, $285.00 Terms If required. Phone 185 or caîl at reeldence of A. -W. Piokard, King St. E., Bowman- ville. 13-Lf. FOR SALE-Tour own oboice of York- sbire Bacon Type Hogs, 6 wecks old. $7 per pair. Mrs. T. Oslen, R. R. 5, Bow- manvîlle, phone 181-r5. 16-tf FOR SALE-Two good work borees for sale, cbeap; ihree good milcb cows, juet renewed; three ducks and drake. H. M. Foster, R. R. 5, Bownianville. Phone 205-4. 15-tf. SAVES BABY CHICKS The system of a baby chick is a most delicate mechanism. Great care is needed. Proper food is most essential. We have made a special stucly of poultry raising and have been of great assistance in advising care and feed of young chicks. We have saved poultrymen hundreds of dollars. This accounts for the large sales we have in poultr~y foods annually. We buy in tont lots the de- mand is so great. Somne of the food we recommend inelude H-O Steam Cooked Chick Feed, Fui-O- Pep Starter, l'urina, Bowes' Solid Butter Milk, Wodehouse MjIk Mash, etc. Fulllline of Dixon's Poultry Remeclies, White Diarrhoea Tablets in stock. JARRY PHONE 136 and 1 ALLIN fflVWÂVUIL 'J'IF -> z -~ -'i Wvonderful Values In RESSESqý -, AM In order to make a quick clearance of the balance of our stock of this season's dresses we have assembled them in twvo lots and these wonderful values: LOT NO. DRESSES UP TO $20.00 FOR $9.95 In Taffetas, Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chene, Satin and Georgettes, in Navy, Black and B3rown only, sizes 16 to 4>0, for immediate clearance your choice at $9.9 5 LOT NO. 2 DRESSES UP TO $50.00 FOR $21.95 Another big special in Velvets, Canton Crepes, Lace, Satin, Georgette, Flat Crepe and Charmeuse. Satin, good styles and all the leading shades, .sizes 16 to 42 $2,9 D. & A. CORSET, DISPLAY This week we are featuring a special display of the famous D. & A. Corsets. See attractive display in our west window. S. W. Mason & Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-To-Wear Bowmanville Ontairin i -. OfTlEMPTING SALE it- Aye. CATSUPS and PICKLES - If your appetite needs a lîttie coaxing try some of these choice Pickles or Catsups which are specially priced for one week onlly: 1y Catsup, well known brands, qt. size .........25 . * Snider's Catsup, large bottie .... ..............25e Pickles, qt. size, best quality, sweet,.......... 55e 1'-t Pickles, qt. size, best quality, sour .............45e ;~Pickles, 8 oz. size, sweet.................... 30e S Pickles, 8 oz. size, in mustard ..................28e Crosse & Clackwell's Sweet MJixed Sour Chow g or Pickled Onions, each ......................39 th Do not overlook us wheni you need Garden S Seeds. ' We have a wonderful display of Seeds. W. G. NEv"LLES ze (Successor to C. M. Cawker & Son.) S Phone 62, 3owmanviîle Lovinig le the Letting go is Would you dou Pass -ais In Wall Paper This Week ;;g~ j 1 1

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