M. nChevaliat.,] 'ght Years I stiffe I)UIIICLmels coula 1.t siep dL night for worrying and the next day 1 would be so tired that my wurk was a burden to me. 1 be- gan using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and can say 1 amn now en- 1 tirely reli'eved of the nervousness frein whicsh I used to sufer, and things do not worry me as thley used to. 'Dr. Chase',, Ointment also re- lieved me of 'eczema on My armns, \r~ which had bothered me for three years. My house is never with~- out Dr. Chase's Medicjnesý," D.Chase's Nerve Food a box of 60 pRiis, ýdmnscsi, Bate & Co., L4td., Toronto WRECK Was Restored by LydiaE.. le Compound Icannaot epeak la E. Pinkham'a getable Coin- id has donc for If al l he good people werc clever, And aIl clever people were good, The -world would be nicer fthan ever We thought that it possibly could Do not suffer anathecr day h Itchung, Bedn or Protrud ng P'iles or icirmorrhoids. No surgical opieration rèquired. Dr. chase' Ointmencit will relieve youi at once and atfford lasting benefit. 60c a box; al deniers, or Edmanson, Dates & Cao, Lînitea,Toronto, Sample box free. -ý.- Il Il the cream IeIt in 1f gs- but our prices are light. Shocp at your nearest OMINION STORE and prove it. Our Own Bakery is equipped to produc the finest bakery products in Canada, Our Cake being particularly delightful. VRAPPED ]BREAD CHERRY CAKE f (full I 1/-lb. loaf) _5C (Worth 50C IL), lb. 2e~C 2 for - - - - 7ALENCIA CAXE 21 JLLY ROLLS 25 BRAND .-b. tin -36 BRAND -1b. tin -20c 70c WALRUS BRAND COHOE SALMON, Vsý-lb. tin, 2 for -25c CROSSED FISH SARDINES (irn olive ail or tomate sauce), 2 for U7c SHIRRIFF'S JELLY PQWDERS f (AI! flavors), 3 pkts. 29~FC RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY 79 SJAM, 4-lb, Glass jar79 15-0z. SEEDED and SEEDLESS 9~ RAISINS, 2 pkts. -9 ILLED PURE QUEBEC D QATS -5c MAPLEi SYRUP4! - - - -25C No. 10 tin - (srr 21l TER 25c nl, bs. -25 - - 14c MAPLE SUGAR Cake - - - - 79ci BOWMA,5NVILLýE, MAY Ist., 1924. DAWES REPORT ON RETRIBUTIONS By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., 4.L. B., Denver, Colorado. That w'hich the principal allied na- tions failed te do has been accomn- plished by the International Banking Alliance through ite. comrittee, seernin'gý,ly to the satisfaction of both sides in the g-reat World War. Ger- miany bas signified thé acceptance of the Dawe's Report, except she in- sists that the French army be with- drawu fromn the Ruh-r, a very just de- mand, if Germiauy is to psy the Re- tributions award. The Bankers' C'-onimittepe which' recently reported on reparations froni the Versailles treaty, went at the mnatter int1rusted to themi as a baiTking business proposition. They appeare.d as salvage-nien, namied by interestcd parties, tu go into a bankrupt plant, make iniventory of assets, and report to creditors whfit might be secured ou, of the estate by proper handling of it. IV was not required of the Dawes- 'lcKenna salvage board, that it face the lectorates of Gerrnany and France, or even to thinik of comin~g el-,ecti7ons i reach-ing its findings. Running, through- the report is the warning that ecenomically the war was too protracted for a victor ta corne ont of it, and as the war was world-wideI, 50 must the' greateri worild he called in to aid in he re- covery.1 Not by word or letter is the Unit- ed States governmient draiwn in to the rnatter, but if the unlirnited ac- cumnulations of this country in the last decade in gold and credits, as wcil as the natural resources of the republic behind thern aIl, were net in the minds of the banikers who made the reports, there would have been little use in makçing thein. The U. S. rpust go ta the aîd o! Germany, and through Gerrnany, of France and Belgiuni. In brie!, the great bank- iug bouses of Arnerica, .ith branches in Europe, must do the chief financ- ing for 'Germany as the first re- quisite or step ta put Germany on its feet again. Technicaliy we are eut of the League of Nations, and free of Eur- ope, having a separate treaty with Germany, and officially it dees net appear ikely that the U. S.'would be- corne a inember of the World Court veryr soon; but, economically, this countr is bound already ta Europe; and if the Dawes' recommendations are made practicable, it wiIl be tied still further to' the econernie chafri throu'gh the acceptance of German securities for Arnerican boans and credits. If America is te be repaid the $12,000,000,000 owed by E ' rope, a 'beginninz must be made through the rehabilitatien cf Gerrnany by Amern- car Gold. Gerniany is the key-debtor, not irectly te the U. S., because the Britishi navy saved this country frem invasion by Germany. If Germany iunable to pay reparations ta the Allies of Europe,' they cannot ex- pect ta meet their obligations te this country. The reports recommend that thel .main resel»ries e! Germany be pool- cd as security for foreign loans whieh are essential te the stabilizing o! Gerpiany's maonetary systein and f or- cigni credits. A newv bank of issue capitalized at $1 '.000,00,000 is ta be foruied to act as the allied fiscal agent, and an external boan of about haîf a billion dollars floated wt the German state-owned r-iway and other state monopolies, as the jsL.nctijJai OVVui. , Geriman taxes mnust be incrcased and the national budget 'balauced as a first requisite te restaration o! the Mark. Military occupation o! the Ruhr is frowned u.pon upon as an impedi- ment ta German bubiness. if France is ta continue Wnthe Ruhr, it should bc doue without -oettn o! German industry. mlettn In reading the Dawes report, one thing creps out upon moaet fevery page, the inter-relation e! nation with nation, and the dire necd o! world co-operation to ýbring back soething like stability. Germiany is the key-natien for the present, but the investigations mýide by the con-ý mittee and joint comnmittees on theý issues between Gemmany and France, reach out te ail the other nations, in- cluding aur '>wn. Not being a political body depen- dent on party approval, the Dlawes cemnnittee e-an aff ord te tace 'a broad graund and deiil withi the quea- tien as citizens and bankera of the. world. The installatIon of a world dc tator", is anc of the recominenda- Itiens of this striking report frein a committee that had the Chicago Banker at its head. Worlid business cannet be sta:bilized until exehanges arc stabilized, for the tuinbling of the mark, the râfble, the franc. and other symbolis o! vaLue of foreign coun- tries, we knew greatly affected thue1 Aloing itemis arc particularly apprepriate for you,.r 8priig Houseccean-ing,. CHIPS 25c GRI1P- RlT EPI .O TIK§Pkt. - - . R.N. 23. ALLLANR MS, 4-string 10c ba-s-.-.74 'ES LIN ES T<1' LUX (For fine - - -launering) c, JAle 19 Suiffered For Ten Years lAK A WALK AROUND~ With idne Troule 7hen y:ou're cri icizing others, Nov Sctia Man Too AAnd are fiLng- here and there Dodd' KiOry weaknandss can't bear; Dodds KîineyPin and Whena yo'reblaniing sorneone's Got Relief. IïLnn saneo ef *Mr. A. mMtihjin is N-,w Alla te Wa sturne that you went ýont To tak-e a walk around yourself. Wcrk gain.There's a lot of humnan failures Upper Grand Mira,, N. B. Aprîl 28 Inl the average o!f us ail, yeaurswiith kidney troul" says Mr. A. MeMulIin, who lives in this Place. "I tried ail kinds of medicine, u they diddnme no good. , bsladup for three months. I couldn't niove only -with crutches when I got upî from my bed. 1 used seven boxes of Dodd's Kid- ney Pis and 1 arn now able to do a considerable- lot of wor.k. I think by the time I have takcen a dozen boxes I shall be in good. health aun".1 Dodd's Kidney Pis are purely and simply a kidney remedy. Theyl strengthen the idneys and enableý them to dIo their ful work of strain- ing9 the impurities out of the blood.j Healthy kidneys make a healthy body. Ask yoair neighibors if Dodd'S Kid-j ney Pis do 'not make healthy kid- neys. ToSi Farmer's WivesT If thie r o ads are bad, manSr a prosperous farm- er's wife postpo ,.., buy- ing something "Ie ac- tually wants forherseif or fainily, until she can get to to wn. Later, the teamns will be busy. She won't be able to get tû town. Expeience shows S h e wilI buy 110w, if you give lier the chance. <Jal lier by Long Distance.Se will feel complimented. Know yottr stock, sa' you can answer lier qiies- A little experience will soon show you how it works. Don't judge by one or two attemipte. Try a dozen, i- telligently. Others do ht successfully. Why not you? Eve'ry Bell Telephone îsaa L:ong Distance Station. Canadian and Aînerican farmers, and al other line~s of industries. This may flot be adrnitteid by politicians who try to lay the w'hole blame on their opposing party 1s' policies; but they do noV iunderstand the relationship, or wilfully misre ipresent the situation. The world's gold is coming to this' 1 ountry, driven ii, a sense under an ecenomicle aw. The Ainericanl dol- lar is the world standard of currency, and its measiurenent as buyer an4d seller, depends te a great degree upon the amount cf gold hourded in this country. Il the nation wvith a depre'ciateid currency buys se mueh wheat on this side cf the AtLantic, it has to pay for it in a 'highiy apprecia.. ted dollar. To carry out the plans proposed by the flawes-MeKenna comnittee relative ta the payiment of repara- tienis, the gold of the Ui. S. muet be employed, and so this country is ex-. pected to participate freely in inter- national boans ta Germanv direct, but to Gerinan creiditors indrect, wehich are in turn debtors to the American nation. The proper financial equili- brium cannot be restorcd so long as one nation has nearly ahl the gold of the world. Toward the close of the Dawes report, are these words, whi'ch show that the spirit of revenge was dis- carded entirely and only the losses sustained were considered, to wit : -Witb these principles fixed and ac- cep)ted in that common good faith whvich is the foundation of aIl busi- ness, and the best safeguard for uni- versaI peace, the conimittee's recoin- mendations mnust be con'sidered flot as inflictin'g penalties, but a'S sg gesting mneans for assistingthec- emic recovery of -ail European - peoiples, anld the entry upan a new] period of happiness and prosperity unrnenaced by war". There miust be brought ta bear 'a universal consciousness opposed to war; sud this report wilil go far ta- wards creating such a desired men- tal state, The comrnjttee uneaxthed the fact, that over one and a halfj billion 'dollars had been sent eut cf« Germany ta avoid liability-a char- acteristie Hun trickc! AntI lots of grave sliortcornlngs In the short ones and the taîl; But w.hen weathink of ev'ils' Men sh ould lay uponl the cshelves, It's time that w'ail went ou To take a walk around ourevs Wc need s0 often in this life This balaning of scales, This seeing how miuch in us wlns And how miuch in us fis But before you judge anoter JuSt to lay- hirn on the shelf, It wvould be a splendid plan To take a walk around y ourself. Kiwanis Magýazine. AUNT'S BIG PROBLEM We are sure thausands af parents wll reid aour dear -Alntie'§ views on rural educationi and how,ý to keep children on the tarin. She writes thusly: It is indeed regretful that as mlany et the children of to-day are far frram eager ta become farinera-or farrner's ',vves, The educatianal systemn in the selhools may have a great deal -ta do wjth this. as very llttle 'of the instruc- tion, tends ta foster a love of country life and of agricuilturalt pursuits. But, wherever the fault niay lie, it is a tact that the chjîdren hanker atter tawa lite3 "with its gayeties and intoxicatng ex- cîtements, its tiares of light and gaudy pleasures, rather than ge to rernain an the land. [t is diflicult ta dind an antidate tar this regrettedi stsate af affairs, because, we do not reaiiy know where the troub- le bas its foundalýtionl. li is like being aware of an ailment yet ta be at a los ta understand the source froini which it was causQd. One c-annot cure aima- lady unleas the whole state of health is goad-unless one can finti the cause and banilsh it. Sn with the aldren wiha leave their farnm homes for schools and have na de- sire ta return to then. We feel we muct let therni have the advanced edu- cationi of the modern day. We do net wislh them ta be ignoraýnt, yet by edlu- cating them iithey sîo often Jose tieýir love j of th)e lhealthiy rural life. l/ay nat the tundainental fault lie right in the herne-farms thernselves? The boys, in mnany cases, have seen their, fatiter at bie seemingly endieses rournd of taskzs; they know he eschewed ail pleas- ureo, and when tbey were home ail thelr spare time was taken up wjth "chores";1 thesi the girls remember seeing thei mother continually slavlng with inade-, quat.e labor saving conveniences and she(ý bas becarne aid before her prime, taoo worni and too tired ta take any .lnter.st in bier daugixter's moderrideas. Away: fram home they meet other people Of their parent's ages and lesasîsavery in the home tarins; more labor oaving de- viceýs adaklted wben passi ble so that there would be turne fer ideasure, garnes and a chance ta develop the intellect; an encouragemeint in youLng 1people's !ave ot camipany; and, aise. the adapting of braina ta the work, sa that the children's educatlaTial powers rnight bc encouraged in the proper channel, I t1hik It mniglit help matters in thie respect. See what you can do ta improve your home. Tl"he Economy RENTEA H.3 is i~teIre number of cups it gvsper oud1- e'l'MsI r it. 0 l se MARTFIN -SêENOURF-%fl- WOOD-LACSTN Ar& no fo ri t eadOffic 0r rFree. ooklei HOME PA^INTING MADE EASY' SOLD BY W. H. DUSTAN Bowmanville I can be brave when danger cornes, l'ni willing to boast of that- But it takes more courage týhan i possese To appear in a lest yeax's hat. Cook's Regulating Comnpound A eafe, reUiab!8 rouaMîng inedicirv . Sold iii thQeG d e grees of strength--No. 1, 6ý1; No. 2, ;3; No. 3, 85 per box.! j $ Soild by ail druggists, or nt rpi on receipt of pric pampblet, A'ddreo: THECOOK MEICINE Co~. IRobr tqosI» l *of lm a iatcofàra"u i Ont. W OD The Great English Preparation. Tre~s and învigorates the wholeý nervous system.I makes ilew Blootý in eId Veins. Used for Nervou.v Debility, Mental and Brain Woirry, i Depondn *Loss of &nergtIv, Palpitation of PheHý1er, iv. in emoere. Price$2 pe.-box,3,p for $5.1 Sold bit ail druggists, or mailed lii plait, p,*g.an receipi tpriçe.' New pamphIdetrmaile*. 'oee*.TUEWOOD MEDICINE C.TRNOOT Frîends Tel rriends Z UTO O Stops ileadache F~yUna~Z OQ waa ickufy 8 oszxs f men and women depend oni thte littlc harm- hesu tablets for quick reHef froin Head-~ aches. Their fume ha. gone from frlsnd tc, frlend-fromn town to town-frorn coast toCoat. wherever ther, t headachee, therc seuld b. ZUTOO Tableta-thiey relieve t. 20 Unbftes.25 a box-M & II dealers o by aUpSpid B.N. liso Ce. ead. caSýIQue. SoId ini Bowmanville by Greenaway & Elliott and The Hydro $hop WE SELL l -1 jar i L il