:LLE, MAY lst., 1.9 BY Think It Ovier ARE YQU SUFFICIENTLY PROTECTED? In case of Fire, Death, Accident, Liability, etc., are you carrying enough Insurance? It's flot a case of how littie but how much can I aff ord to carry. Bâtter consuit us' today, for to-morrow- J. J. MASON & C.SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Pb-one 50 Bowmanville Wise Builder USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec Spruce m-ake- the best superstructure-.- B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the b est. coVering. Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring is more dur- able and sanitary than any other, therefore it is the best flooring. Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make bandsome walls and ceiling. Pilie Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. The People's Fuel and Lumber flepot is the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a s'quare deal for every- body. Cal and see us. McCelan& C., Limited King St. East Bowxnanville Office Phone 15 House Phonos 228, 274, 218 For Every Uîe Abourt the liuse For washin,,g f loors and ino,ý Ieum-washing woodwork and windows-for the many uses about the-house- SURPRISEl wears wel- washes well in any water and is soft on the hands. TOBIE, FORLONG & CO. INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS F. W. Sutoliffe President. M. C. Bogart,. Secretary. S. S. CONVENTION AT TYRUr b.PReýv.J. Percy Fletcher Render Il 0 Excellent Service-Delegates 0 Hospitably Entertained. 'ÉRANTFORD NE Il King St. E. Oshawa Phone 144 HAMILTON KITCHENER 1824-1924 Bay of Quinte Coniference 'Thie ferty-first annual session of the Bay cf Quinte Conference will be held in Picton, Metliodist Chutrcli, beginning Thursday, June 5, 1924, at 9 a . Oue- hundred years ago, August 25, 1824,1 the First Methodist Conference ini Canadia imet in Picton, then called Hla- lowell, line this will lie a centenary conference te be celebrated i n a "fltting manner. Programi of Conference, Manday, June 2 2.00 p. m.-Stationing Commiiittee meets in Presbyterian Cuci 2.00 p). m-Statistical (ommi-ittee mneets in Conference Churcli.' 5.00) p. m.-Probationers Record, of Standing C-ommnittee meets in Presby- terian Chuircli. Tuesday, June 3rd. 2.00 p. m- Ministerial session meets lu Coniference Church. 2.0 i. .-Lay Association mieets. 4.00 p. mi.-Thieological Union-Lecture -"Somre thouglits on the Atoniemet"- Rev. R. T. Richards, B. A., B. D. 6.00 p). .-Lay Association Banquet. Ad\(dress-"'How, to interest men in the work of the Chiurcli", Thos. E. Gold, Esq. Adres- 'oyWelfare", Judge Mott, Juvenile Court. Toronto. 8.00 p). m.-W. MN. S. Representative, Mrs. Stelîmnan Gay, Foxbore. Religions Educa-tioni-H-ev. Frank Langford, B. A. Evangellsm and Social Service--Rev. T. Albert Moore, D. D. Chairman-Ex- Mayor 3F, Newman. Wedniesdlay, June 4th 9.30 a. M.-H-istoric Excursion to OUd Hay Bay' Churcli. AdossRvS. D. Chown, D. D., General Superintendent, Rev. James Endicott, D. D). 7.00 p). im-District Financial Secretar- ies and Conference Treasurers meet. 8.00 p). ni-Veterans Mêetingr-Rev. S. J. $liorey, D. D., presidinig. Addresses- Ministel's Revs. H. _M.. Manning, Wm. Jolinston, B. Greatrix, S. Ferguson, S. Crookshainks, Francis Johinson. Laymen- J. A. Holgate, M. A. James, W. L. Payne, K. C., Jamies Boxall. Thursday, June 5th 9.00 a. m.-Ope.ning of Conference. Or- ganizatioxn, Roll Caîl by ballot. 11.00 a. ni.-Address by Rev. S. D. Cho-wn, D. D., General Superintendent. 2.00 p. m.-Worship., 2.l5.p. m.-Address of Welcome, Mayor H. Blakely. 2.30 p. m.-Generai Conference officers. 4.30 p. m.-Commnittees meet. 8.00 P. m.-Church Union night, Rev. MLCOîI1, -Maegillivray E-Mdatr Rev. J. WV. Graimi)D.iD., Charmnan- H W.AckherlmanEsq. F'riday, June 6th 9.00 a. mi.-Prayer and praise service, Rev. W. H. Bar-raclougli, B. A. 9.20P a. mi-Routine business. 11.0 0 a,. m.-Devotional hour, Bishop Hughes, M. E. Church, U. S. A. 2.00 p. m.-Worshipý 2.15 p. mn.-Reports of Com.,mittees, Summier and Wînter Scliools. 4.00) p. n.--Mernorial service. 8.00 'P. m.-Receptlon service. Reso- lution movedl by Rev. C. W. Barrett, seconded by IRev. F. E. Maiott, B1. -A., B. D. Saturday, June 7th 9.00 a. m.-Prayer and praise service, Rev. E. B. Cooke. 9.20 a. m.-Routlne business. j11.00 a. ni-Devotiorial hour, Bishop IHughes. 2.30 p. mr.--Ex.cursion to .A.bert College. '~ Monday, June 9th 9.00 a. m1.-Prayer and pais servit_-e,ý Rev,- W_. A. Billmer. 9.20 a. m.-.-Routine business, 11.00) a. m.-Devotionatl hour, Bisliopý j Huhes. Sunday, June thj [j9.30 a. m.-Coniference Churcli, Confer-ý ience Love-feaist, Rev. E. Farnsworti.i Hulies. Ordination Service-President. 7.00 p. m.-Evening service, Rev. Mal- J colin Gilvay D. D., Ex-M)derator.! decrnt. c f the Lord'sSu erPe- 3ý.b00p. m-udySchool, addiress lby Rev. Ernest Marston. 11.00 a. m.--Presbyterian Chutrcli, Rev. W. 1H. Clarke. 7.0 p. mn.-Prcpsb-yterýian Church, Bis- - h10p)Hughes. 11.(00:1a.1m. Bap1tisi Church, Rev. isat- ý ac Sel 7.00 p. lu.-Baptiat Çhurch, Rev. A. E. McCutclieon, B. A.?1. D. 7.00 p. mn.-Wellingtýn Clinrch, Rev Wesley Elliott. 11.00 a. m.Bom l Curcli, Rev. J. G. McK Xe e. 11.00 a. mCer .Valley Churcli, Rey. James Batstone. Will the leh e cnerned kindly~ take notice:- lsqt-Send to theý Secretary of C01-i ference,, W. S. EcByce, Brighiton, a cer- tîfied liat of I4ay Delegates, appointrment, On the Ceuference CommHitetes, and a1 cPY Of the resolutions toelbe referred to thefse commttees immuediately after thl A'-nnua,,l District Mee,2tinig. 2nd-Tlie billeting arrangements, will be On the Harvard Pln ie. lodging andj breakfast at the billet, dinner and sup- per elsewhiere at 50C per meal. A billet fee- of $300 for a private billet, aind $100 for a hotel billet wili be col- lPcted by the Financiai Secretary of the Dist rictcf 3rdJ-Wiil the Financial Secretaries o jDistricts sendi a list of those who havej Paid the illet fees, and will othors kind1- ly seýnd their namnes, addiresses and billet fees %to teSecrtairy cf tlie Billeting J Col" tte.Mr. A. E.' Calnan, Pictotn, lnot latoýr than Ma)y 26th. se tliat a billeti many lieprovidoti. 4ti-The H-istoric Excýursion to tle ' (ddd Hay Bay Churcl i pr steamer ~ BockillX, ill leave Picton at 9.30 a n., Wed(nesday, June th. Tickets 5Suc eachi. Dinner will lie sereod by thef Lde'Aid cf Ado011lhstoWn at the churcli krounds. Tickets 50c. 1 Rev. R. Arthur WIattamn, resideniti Rev. W. S. Boyce, B. A., B. D., Socrietziryi LAVM4EN'S ASSOCIATION eof tne j.vnnsaers antd Laymen whn cwlll take a proininent part in th( program are: Rev. S. D. Ohown, D D,, General Superintendent of th( nMethodist Chureh of Canada, Rev James Endicott, D. D., Rev. T. Alberi Myoore, D. D., Bey. Frank Langford Bishop Hughes of M. E. C'hurtih, U 2S. A., Rev. Malcolm MacGillivrn-ay, D 13.D, Ex-Mýloderator, R~ev. J, W. Gra. ham, D. D., Mr. Thos. E. G-old and Jndge Mott of Toronto JuvenilE Court, beside a number of worthy brethreu of aur own c.onference. Billeting arrangements will be on the Harvard Plan: Lodgiug and sbreakfast at the billet, and dinnez and tea elsewhere te bc preeured by the delegate for 50c eaeh. A Billet Fee of $3.00 for a private billet will be collected by the Financial Sec- retaries of the Districts, an'd a billet fee of $1.00 'for those. who pro-vide for themnselves at the hotels. The Program Committee is taking good care to xnake the conference interesting and te keep the expense se low that it will flot be g-re-ater than other years to those who attend. Yet in the very nature of things there will bo some eicpense attached to 1some of the talent that will be hrought, and some of the features that are in keeping with a centenary conference. Will the Chairmen of Districts and Journal Secretaries of Districts kindly send to t'he -onlerenee sec- retary, W. S. Boy~ce, Brighton, Tht eertified lists of Lay Delegates with their addresses; 2nd-List of Minis- ters and laYmen elec.ted te the var- ious conference comiittees; 3rd-A list of the resoluýtions *passed in the District meeting te be referred te these various committees. The full prograrn, both of Minis. 'terial Sessions, Lay Association, and General Sessions will be given in greater detail noxt week. Presidont's address is Rev. R. Arthur Whattam, Coiborne, Ont. Remember that th e Secretary is Rev. W. S. Boyce, B. A., B. D., Brighton, Ont. NE WTON VILLE <Crowded ont of last issue., Mr. Cecil Bnirley is bnsy laying the fountiation cf bis new garage. The stork paiti an officiaI visit te MIr.1 and Mrs. A. Redknaps and left them a bounicing baby boy. The Methodist League has, been enjoy- ing most wonierfnl prosperity through aý campalgn for new members. Sunday, April 13, Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Bnrley lad their litile son Eric Fred-1 orick, christened iu the Presbyterian Chiurcli. The managers of the Commnnity Hall i have purchased a piano for our hall froni The Dominion Organ & Piano C., Bow- manville. The Leagne was cfýîed under two captaius, Miss Hilda Wallace, captain ef the "Blueýs" and Miss E. Penswardeýn, captain cf the "Roda", and ove-r twe lundrei auswerel to the Rell Cal Tues- day eveningý. it is somne lrne since your vaînable journal containei anyI news fromi New- tonville,, so lu order te let the public kneow that Newtonville is still on the rnap, yonr scribe is seutiing the following items of uewsý: Splendid prograns have been given liv the two aides on alternate weeks, Tues-1 day's pregrain by the "*Roda". Special mentin should bho matie cf the muasici rendeed [IltheWesloyville. Orchestra, I aIthe, play entitleti "The Making of the Flag". Friday evening, .&prll 18, over two hniuredl friends of Mr. anti Mrs. Cec:il Ferguson met iu the Comrnnity Hlall te bld themn farewell, boýfore leaviug for their ncw" home at Burton, wliere Mr.r Ferguson lias starteti a geera store. With Bey. G. Graham, Pr-eabyterian minister in the chair, a gooti programý of music anid song was given. Thisadat-: dress was' reati by Miss IsabeJ Laing' anti a well filleti purse presentedti t Mr- and Mrs. Ferguson by Mliss Annis P2er-' warien: To Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 1='erilusÔfl Dear Frients-We are hore on a c- casion which cannot but give uis mn'ýýglic feelings of regret aadt pleasure. Regret i because we are losing geoti neigliboraý anti frienda; pleasure lu cur belief that you are rnaking, a meve that will prove beoiilto you anti yeuir frn. h la a pleasure te remenbler that altheugh we cannet in future spoak cf yoni as a niglibor we can alwaya cotnt yen as a, frieni, anti the disatansce between ns wiIl flot lie se great that we cannot have miany opportunities of keeping alive that feeling of intereat anti affection betweon, uis. You beave us te live amiong people who will lie largely strangers to von, buti etrangers becemie acquaintances, antli auaintances soon be-corne fientis, anti whîle yuur circle- will lie large., we feel' that it cannot weaken the frientishîp) thai has been forgeti between us. Frieuti- slip cannot lie bouglit or acît-it must lie maie. Yon hiave the power te makze friends wherever yen go, for character makesfrienis, ni fiotimke life, worti living. You crywith you au ssêt greýater thanwathti respect aud friendlship cof every, neighibor. Dur-1 ing thie year~s youi both hiave resitietiï IIore , wehv orne teow anitr-- spect yon as wholesomne frientis anti we recegnize that lu yonr tieparture we will re-el your loas keenly. both ini the duýrci aud social life. But our very beat wisi- I an 1 j u yschlorltocf wanil and Darlington met in aninual convention lu Tyrone Chuircl-i on Thursdlay after- Jnoon. Principal F. J. Groait, PrIesidonlt, of Hatmpton, prsiedtrougiouit the ses-_ sions. Heoextendod a wel"comne and hopod a"ll wou'ld get the inispiration and hel1p which suich a gaitlierinig should f ur- uish. The- worslip )period cf Éth atternioon) seýssion "wa]s conducted i l a briglit help- l majnner by Mr. Milton Sanderison, theý suly3ing pso f Tyrone Circuiit. MIrs. C'. A. Wight, \Nho lias lb-en socetay-teasrerfor thle 1past twelve yerand who0lias give'n immcli time and labIor -Vo this work, prseteavery cempilete(illtraedchart report. 0 w_- inig teo thor dtis sheluias had te pass the lionor on to aniother,). As a resp'onse te the, roîl1cali thoso achols spoddthodeeatsstandl- ing<_: MthlodIiat, re1sbitian and Salv-ý tien Arm11y, omile bnzr Manipton, Tyron,EdaMaple Goe Enn Ii sklilen,>BaseLinel, Uni on, Haý'ydon, Salen i and Zion. Re-ports feor Efd L'ong Sauli anld EBurkoton, woregiven by the Secreta'ry'. Bwm ille Agia had (1net reportod te toÉ ecl try Th, total enroliment rprtdwas 2I, 839.8 1had beenladdtd t e churcli momberl-,sip )during theyea r. $04 lad ho sent by 10) sdîols te th, n tairio Religious Educational Association. Miss P. _M. Jw l ad receivetivery satifutory reports of tilementary work froni nine ch onet of the, ihte Mdajor R. J. Gili respontied for the Bloys' work, and Miss Aýura Osborne gv splendid report ofilie, AMissionar'y De- parmet. The, otlgivings was,, $877,adecrease of $1.3-heeahools liad net reporteti. Re"v. \W. W.Joues, B. PD., Hampton, gave a )good report cf the Te-acher Train- ing _\Nork whic ws discuissed by a iinmber presen'.1t. Mdiss Eve ln Brout sang_ a ver'y sweet solo 'Be týstili and kuow that I amnGo" accompanmied 1by 'lier sister Florene ,on thie pialno. Ms.J. E. Ellioti galve a very interesting report of the, last sesg- sion of th)e Ontario Religions, Council at On acecouint of th, oîes f Rev. Mr. Madden, the O. U. IE. ,vas rpeett by Rey. J, Percy Fletche.r who is a naivof Darlington township, and wvho lias lad nuicli epeieceluSunday Scliool work. Ilis ades was on "GaeiSchools" andf deaIt withi th, Seven Divisions iu the life cf a boy Or a girl, in a very cmosneandi practicail manner. l1e also coniductedl th, PRound Table Coniference when many difficulties wore presexrted a nd aýnswe-r- -t - Better Stock VOR the sarne extpenditure of time, energy and iLfed, you -et biggeir returns on ptire-bred cattle tta onsrbsok fyune iaca ept improve your stock, con:sult the local Manager ol STANDARD SERVICE is #ssu,.i.Ily Pr.duncrs' Sec tSTAN DARDBAK Or CANADA. B 3! ~walanviIle I3sarjdi, ackstoc)c Branch, e-av'stle md Nçwtouville Branche-i = J. Scott MontLe-omery, Mn The Car That Tackles Every Job When a mani needs a car for xnany jobs hie turns înstinctively to the Ford touring car. Priinarily, the Ford tour- ing is a fanily car and as such hlas estab- lished a splendid reputation for service and de-. pendability. But its uselul- ne'ss does flot end và *V P there. You wiIl N. matier ieordris find the Ford 'theveresr touring doing '. srice~ every job that cars have ever been used for-rnak- ing the quick run to toýNm on urgent errands-taking produce to market and supplies back home- doing everythiug, in fact, that a util- ity car is called upon f0 do. And it does thern Al quickly, eco- Snomically çind vhere you satisfactorily. A your car' rvice sta- real car for work Lat, Ford recreation. F. 0. B. Ford, O-ntario $445. Tiaxes extra, Elecfric slori,, and ighting eq7uiPmýjd $85 e-xim. See Any Authorized Ford Dealer CARS - T' RU 'C K R. CTO 'I The teah1ur w oa mostplea tsanilt adhappy social fuinction, the lad1ies eriga splendjid reýpasi t o whIich every-one did! full justie. Rev. E. T. COtton, Phi. B., Pastor of th, Chrs(a 'hulrchi, Ohwconduct- ed the worship ptriod at theý evening session. Miss H faycraft p)reented thle report of the nioina.ting cPommittee which wa 1s adoptd 1and the f'ollowvingofflicers wr elected for the, ensuing year. Hlonora±ry President-Principal 3F. J. Groat, Hampton; Pre'siden1t-Mr. Elgin R. Taylor, (Solina), Enniskillen R.71 R. 1; lst Vice o-r.A.sT'. Stainton1,(in) Hamlpton R>. R. 1 ; 2 nd(jVie d-Ms EfeRutledge,(a. ) omnil C. -A. Wigh1t, omnile irn Divsin-MssF. M. Jewell,Bo an vile-ouing People's FDivision, B'os- Major Rz. 'J. 011, Bwanile ounlg P 1oles ivision, cGirls-Mýrs. PBlake Courtice, Couirtice; Aduit Dvso r W. ýj.oQr, BnililieHonia J)epaýrt- mient-Mrs. S. T. H1oar, R. R. 5. Bow- manville; Teatcher Tann-e.W. \W. Jone's, B. D., glam1pton; Miýjssionary- Mr.Hilton Peters, Hrampton; Tem,,per- ane is attie Ohone,(Eeneer ,I Mr. M.L Sandel(rson Pi~ntdte re- port of the Rsltin'Cmmte iouisness of the Tempeýrance, situation, of th~ mporanceof tceher training; also a heaýrty ot of thanks t" 'o ite people of ryrone for thieir eeoshopt~t aIl of whîch were lieartity 17pprved,à The ,new ofices wre fort--ally ito duced to, the convention biy President1 $rut aller which, Miss fltaR.Coe Bomnilfavored wýith a ,jspj1lnId soo isMlrdColueaccompa n yling1 hier. Mrs. pletcher mwho acconpaied lie husband, andcl who lias had( considerable eperience in clildren's work, kindly a. dlressed t he conventi1on fr a few min- litesephszigthe 'observane 0 f special dlays, especially Children's week which 1q isthe llrst wein My Rev*. Mr. Fletcher gave a very coIn- plirehensive address on -Child Life", the, rsnsibu lity'vrestinig on the parents, and the, home anid the need of adopting new il ne"th1ode in carrying out the Old plan 0of wlnnlng the world for Christ. It was decided tô lhold the next Con- Vention at Zion. This really splendid (,onvention was closed with thie Bene- diction by Rv Mr. Cotton. For ASn Headache Necu ralg1,a Rem{s Lumtago Colds aI-~Accept Only a " 5 Bayer packag whihcntansproven dirctions H1andy Byr boxeý:s of 12 tablets Aiso botAs f2! and 100-Druggists Aspirin is tbe trade mark (registered in Oamada) of Bayer Mannfact ure of Mono- acetieacldeste Sa i~v l Soothe baby's moîst easily chafed sid W'itji S"S Try the Drug Store0 First Your Drugggist is flore tliai a merchant. BIAý y OF To Ail Thele Questions Do Astoria Shoe,3 Fit? They do.e, il they keep their shape? TI'ey will. Does Astoria lead in style? Alwa. Are the2y macle of best material? They ae Cain I bny -Astpria Shees aileaiding âtores everywhere? You cen ICOPELAND SHOE STORE Real. Plumbing Real Heating Real Service The Firni' of Efficient and Speecly Service Greenaway & Eliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville