DARLINGTON COUNtCIL ýA MEDITERRANEAN CRU! SE i ON BOARD S. S. LAPLAND T own Hall, Hampton, April @6, 1924. .1 riilembes tpre sent, Reeve W. 1ou-3Y Dr Neil S. MacDonald, Toronto h i Minutes werçeread and aPi)poved. Latter Nuimber Four TH R D Y MA ls.P Dý. Mtton compviained 0of aflgeau- aanfe conition of 2 over-head eHl~ n We set sail froïn Naples at 5 Caniadiain Ntina y. clerlç to liotify o'vloek in the evening. One of the M.N.R. Supt. ottniI ihso C.NI.ll 0kinocmlitt .ousadn lhso a voyage NEWCASTLE FÂSHIONABLE WEDDID N.. Irmvllrong re dra ptiag t o 1. 2through the Mediterranean lafthe an~d 21, Co01. . p assage through the Straits of Mes- Mr. Lohn--uck.ey is at Mr. Wm, Bona AI 1neItdprte iihv opr îa owevýer, after a strGruo'us LSt.G CluTl-Geio tunty f 5eig har beor an acio viit n aplswe eteto tle -Mr.. J. McC'onnlachie visited wLth City doors on Easteýr Alu4eday taffei 1utiL- f 1,,in J)ti(lijfl- :1l"- ieiol vsi in Na le, w w re too tied friends recenItIy. piesns of 1ail ages and i'lboth s isotaiten ru increa1Se Of ratos on Port a nd s1eepy to remain on deck very Dr. Batil 11otored1 doxvn fromi Toronitolwines te afariaýge ceremoniy Ilpeteepoe ysem . jate. We are planning to e for, the wee-end.CeeuF Cannen. Prili 1pai of\u ofucitl dcddt ateanpcnMouant Etna and fiaming Stromlboli Mijss Gay acetToronto, was IPubIlic eh'ool and 1Miýss ese aLn egierni 7 te 111. on our retuirn cruise. home over Sfnda.. Gibsen Mili-ho. - dntwa istuced e rdr rige A day's sail brought us into Mr.SmBnta iie oot t 1t (ockcil s Mrs. Dr. Fai îrnfor (rchaýrerdgeat Once. Gek aes oon h bs frlends lasi eet.church erlganlist, piayed fithe Grt eoncl k watr.T nMwohsa r. Cordon Ege spenIt Eaister at li strainis 0 oflhegrins Bridi 2 l'to'cloc'k ktudanay31Cledge of Greek IListory at ail, hmein iPeterb)oro. "Hleriecomles lteBe, the love] 4Il met as court or 1,eVIsieln. there la probably no im-ore interest- Mr ifrdTlrmnpntfnayttebiewle uteaie Il. Cjr9 ' aimi for i lgd damn- .r.Cior irimnS lltý r ui itlLt) le as 3 age te his herse ressing apeahte in- voyage iin te world than the sail Mlr.J. E. M.ýatchett's. churcleanO,ýlin1g ont her fathecr's ar bis premises was laid on table for f urther Up the Aegean Sea towards Athens. MlissBýlanche Couch1is11 iS tSsîilg tin teoke lc nfrn ftea eonii ieration. Every littie island, every cape, every Il: S. Brltion's store. eotnl n arcieyatr A.Olrders rawnonTraurn er: bay lhas its bistory, but to-day few Mýr, Voiney Meene speint a few da3 sandii-coiore'd si ihht h .&. harp graei, 923.... .....$ habitations are seen n the coast WDi Toronteored.seknatemth n are l. H. oore, Ibregkýing rnads ... 1.7D5 along ointei ai A, '-. Bruni, ieamning _ ... _ 2_.00 iexcept t e occasionai hut of a fisher- 1Mrs. Emmila Benaihan is visiting vwith queit of Ae1ian eaty Rýoses, JohnMartp, ~ovelin-fow .,. 1209 an or the *ornre of a bili ouse- herdaugiersin orone.lbide nd roomwereunaiend Çhajs. A. Blaiv"ar, read wtork i.. "t Mrs.W. G. HaY. Toronto, witi e e.E .Jms h tercel 320 thk,... kee. e- Mrý 1,nut le imarriage serivie atssistedi I Joh Alwonh, oad-1r.400 ikee.mteMs rn ent.Sc-Ott Ho\,and1. rl' aformer r Iecter. Ad hrroad wvork ...........4.00 We anchored in Phaieron Bay-1 Mn"I. George lFenning, Toronto, spen oeri ibsen, irothier Of the briý WelyAdanis, gravel, F1923 ý. 0 0 t h othl-laus h nietS'a a r .E.Mths. Mr. JctAustin. elcied .(ïas wý E. Andlenson, gravel, t h1923 sPrau, h ncet sn3.00l(ï1- -L C.W ldot, rvl,12 5.01 iîiLrbour of Athens and stila hu y Mr. anid Mr. obent nI;uey and tamli- AFe heceremiony a recep-tii L. C.Pacbnaig roads . .40 port for simalier steamers. Athens d1 ec. thie brides parets, and dter ýs.,\A, Nortlucott, b)reakling roa:ds . 5.80iwNvs forced to depend so much on Mr n r.CamnadMs .cpes slwr e cneti n jaos rosjabnaln1oah. the security of ber seaport~ that al- Rutieerford, Torento, Sundatyed wmith new anlld lhappy estte of thte olv' \e(ultgl grtcs q.) huhthe city was five miles £romn frienids. 0couple, fuily ttILncnd b y hastil: 1 1 er MeCu Tgh11,reaklgorodsn9:20athohghplacardsithebride and groom eriý Levi skinner, breakling roads ,.. .60 P'raeus the walls were bulit to em- Mrs. T.NM.gar ibs nd auter rs. via CP.R. for. Ottawýa te sp W. G. Wottoni, hreaking roadis ,. 2.811 brace the port. friends sunday. Mway Io oriand iiand emin a fr c. 'W. Woodiey, brealing roadls~ 13.210ýt flotad n eni ii Wmi. PresCeoti, b)reaking9 roadls . 1.60 We landed by tender at Phaieron, M.ad r.Gardiner, Orono, aire it the hiome of thte grooml's paL'ril Aian Clanipheil, statute lab)or, 1923 160.00 a motor drive of four miles over a dormicild in Mr. MatthewV Brown's r,1si- tand Mrs. Re'ss Canlen. Russell -IlV.caghliin,brg rondls 17.001 finely paved road, shaded by pnm dnce, Ededstlh oard of Education ga""ve PT Chas. R. Fournd, breaiting ronds,.. 1 2000 Ç.w.Wodey bigetibe . 8'3trees, broug-ht us to classic Atnens. M. and MNrs. Johin 1Keever, Oshawva, 'zannon)j a tiwO day's ex,,tensioci britigetiiiil)r - c cis* were E-aster week gue-sts Of lher birother', idays, fer whihe I and his b'ritf Ojtario BridIge Co.,,> roadt drags 63:60 As wo drew fiear the city thle domin-MnLeC bedek vrygrate-ful, but flot more se il MuniipalWerl, blnits1.98 atling positioDn of the Acropolis be- Junst beave yeur suit or dress ai or- bryodby n girls whlo by m. A. jantes & Sons, in,,,camemoe.ndmoe..p.e...eleta5.te75ndy orclanngor jof thleir mates arriage andi F) r. Fenguson, atteuîding j os. cremr n oeapaet efotltitifrelalfg ~Ada4ms* famlily................ 18.7,5 prot-ceeded at on-ce to the Sacred pFreýssing-reaisenal)e raieýs. 1- t-îis enjeyed twýy long haippy datys Hospial, are EUy 11(1 Mrjore Mcjýenzij 1y eu1t offdeers in theimfýlry sapini Bom-niieBsitl cn of Rock. Te'j' oplialso contains ises Bty n"Mr reMtelie Me_ý tnday andTueLsdayi. Amur,,! Aderson ................40.0 Isut cint Aroos heta-hve re>turned -(lteToroniote fter visitn ________ A. Millson, Advaîvoe S. S- ... .,. 000ufcito interest to lure the a Iir siste-r, Màrs. H T. S.1BiLttnl. Noble 1IMetcaif, Adlvance S. S. 6 1 où. ) o veler but scattereil about its base Miss Sanderson bais returned te bier ORONO ITEMS J. J. 'srith, Adlvance S. S. 19 ... 100.00i are numyerous rermains of classie schiool dluties afterseniher Ese Comiil adjeurrned te Satturdsay, Mytaqiy 'i n ieprsra iholidiays ai hier homeu in Wroxeter. From The News of April2 M, ntai0 a. nm. aiiutali iepeevt W. . LLN, and carefully maintained. Mrj Mr s.J nesnSmtM. Ms B. J. BiaIl. Terente, sper TW. R. p Cl rk. he th mctand mrs. Jamnes Sihii, Jr., and Mn'vI. ter withihe,,.sjýiter, Msae Tonsip lek TeParthenon, therfe%; t Ge-orgýe Jamiieson metoruid te Toronto on .. .Mn.' and Mrs. Fred CosbT buailding of ail tuéc, stands on the Tedy spent thbe holidaiyi Mn1. W. 'Corr TIiEIR GOLDEN WEDDING Acropolis,- haviing stood intact Beyv. Manson D:oyle, Tforonto will . Mr James Huier hias beeni confi Ithrough 2,000 ears until destroyed' preacb atL i theLagun mvrryseï-thed(las nesuit of alt)sel.... 10r an Mr. illam renawy Prtvices in thie Mthodisi Churchi on Sun- Reta C'arveth Foeteit her bný Mr aci-Ms.Wilim renasy Prtby the Turks i-n 1687. dalýy, MaAithrM. C. R'.Carvth.... Mn. a.l'it( H-opie, Recipients of Many FcneelO iiel ek Viiiol tM.l.F),, 1-andene Gifts. I iere also are -the Erectheum-an orcveneet ecsieiizn as'utnai M. R ete X h r e w a n m r e s p p r s e c u p e e x q u i s i t e t e m p l e w i t b a p o r c h s u p . . H o e l f r c l e h'ng r e'ui eA -t b e-ee aie Durhm onM vetal add o re.Lal odnLowrn -ailuei ter l, )ive andil adýs Richlards and iTa t erunty es nt porerted.svdcoy im ages of six vsalMai-IeCultelleon hIome 'fronm Toront tht Bofsterani011 1 pMr. byand ttÀ rs. Wm'.il aight, AnL>L21ihan Mn. iaidlMns. wl-,ens-the Poyla h epeo h ,ý, ,sr.. r Propyea, te Teple o uhe IUe nienayservýices on May Il wood aund _Miss LouiseC iwa, T hala neenway ort Hope, wentheylWiiigiess Victory, the Temple of aind 1,Bey. Manson Do f tTrno ihrltie q. Agnlm were eut visiiing Mn. iandlMns. J3n ici- Appolo anid many other meinentoes i h ehds hnh aea ee Torontoe was in >iow;n ngtai bison ai Pot Britini of the Ihigb civiization of the Ani- r Chto i r tandtOrclcstra, sha, i ltn e- caefrmMAf. APÀe, Mr. tand Mrs. Diekînisen knew vthatiden- Greka.1 mlty all on Menay Bh tet an.. is FeraB Moaday was ih Greenaway'sGolden I Mn.J. sceti Mentgomeryspent the- onit, tdbe iinM, e We di dy and hadl invitod a number - We next visiteti the Areopagus, orl week-end ntai Caningli aind waý S a-oe oia...e.Thly walv\%ts ,ii frientds toecelobrate the big event. asHlIaittemre cm olicma iedhoeby -Mrs. -have oiiryte Pont Pennyai Presboyiery Mlee ahddauhtrmBttyeh Moda. .. .Meal enis)undY, Sýet-v wonoasseied honbrieMarsHilani-ra adbderoomniof 50 yeiirs arnlved, and . fspending the »ast week tere.ve of W.C.T. I'.UibehedOn . ~hy .1or onainIy taken bI Srrie. ,Ths saocyplateau echdjRev. M.and Mns. E. LB. Cooke enter- 1_ - , 1 O~iO og . 0.(O. F.. 4 ir. Ben D-ickiiinsen acied as chair1nan, by a fight of fifteen ruined steps, tained 1iheni1(,s eoEf et Le ag-ue ai paradete Pibtra~Cuc - kii in a very liapyl spechexlaned ; 1 .,. Pasoniage Menday evenling. Most en-I evenîngý, Ma y th .. . .Mr. J. W just why tey liadtmt te and ewnin therock. Forme-rly, i1 d dIfa lnIii ro hrl eall9da on \Mn. jobi iekiinsen te read a nwas the meeting place of the Court econtests A datinty tlnch wans serve.ab ad tiIC.A.Cunmng, apiYiopriie Zfidreýsa. of Justice-a lbody of aged men and -A vote of tanks 'wans given Mn. and vîsîte'dtenfaeroeEste The h.pp)y couple wero epresented wvith, obe iiestesurm utbr rs. Cooiýe anil dautghterl. . .I. . Bey. Principial 1. T. Taylor, god l.d leIled iss nOil ma SqOffiwers itynÉ ci- naî.aw.i .n i M.Johnston, echirmnn0f tiiýMis- ida ilpeci b Peb canes,, abouquets oe hs r Cburcb Sunday o Ti mornting,.....y 4î- unid Miss TItema Gonwy a grand-: plateau where the Apostle Paul Chur1ýl lToh onte, fpneached inewaieGmb nowv convlesc.qent, was'ne, dauilgbhite r,. eth younig ladies didtheIir I ephed to tbe Athenians about thei Mýethiodiet Churicb Sundaiy nmorning'nnd o et a n part xee1ngywel and thetir kinidtrue God and converted Dionysius r even1iln, and ai lakein afiernloon in "n t eof lS lbornwasnesnt wone i prseeiig te ift cetanlyad others te cbristianîty. thineeethe lissienanyof hrsctnt.in': A.by A,_-\_J. Siaples tand Oak Sel) touOhed the heanis eotf ripets.B bsa ie nwide1fChit rusîee IHenni C M. eongt 1%n. A itonThompi;son andMr. Ixn t lýjAt the base of the Acropole laissil) n -ay andasud lila heanilane Union, ha bouý- ifroni Thornpson, brotihes et Mrs. Genwy the Temple of Bacchius where W ~ahoudîg n smpth forniecueieClineief~mr laite chas. iîreseýniod tcle Fridlai doubi]eleith a a in h rms fAce rahdvgorouls and l-irngs-rretoeiadriecepic of landsonie cha:irs. producecihe mesofAcin iins a asriceI 10.0. } ildani Pulic Sçhselln 11rGrenwa i rpl sidthtGrec-ce. ]It would seat 17,000 Msin1adoraiedb-isSniee sppnt Faterliday i thel 'words taiIedclim t e express isgat-people, The front rows wore re- Wilson duini astorate, et ber fa(ther, setv oeMiss Buchaa tuidc for the hnk i is scrwed for the priests and state off Rév., -J. C. ilsoniet ihe Metilhoisi Forest, 7Miss Groom-is iOhw,3 fnienels on ibis hpp vent in dte v'scials. while the seat in the centre was ICh rch , ctl t elecied 1thase. new ofil- Fsirai Bowmmvilie atMi, lhthssirr i the o, d ý_for the priest Dionysius. 1 Presittani Minnie Peare; ý,iil a rl oi desecti.M on Gtirod; rg;nist -Tý-rjice M .s.IinLOný te ses, is Ibrother-iti-4ia rew-t;s of the 1last hftiy yaars wast as Contirnuing our journey, we visita&W.E Bmn,1o)ha ee heefi obi. FieiIngwo is in poolbe pleas ertome as he was tl, but he r theStadiuni, the sceno of the Pana- 0ient111 pninrltendi(ent for. severat l eas peei with is daughien, Mrs lsh d te hnk inthaign ts go I ftlaomtcgames. -It is situated in a 1ptasi, :and the,, irls oet Ille Bandare pilatn- i1boumne Wight. of thein great kindnliesz sud was more, natural aniphitheatre in the billside. in"g te o liheir niesryadsn 01an i pr ite b(bthhl "'s iTh, -seats were of marbîs aud had tea n the Sr. S om aura fe-NEWCASTLE SCHOOL RE: good wif e. accomooation fry50,00 A etglP oetlithe eveaingwas ieacmoaio o 000 People., If yvuit an ouIr suit, dress or ceat ergec e uee tebrdsmis tThis magnill'cent building was re-rclened n pssd e aitve it ai Orientatl Inter-Division, 'Publie SI fîittyyears ago, Mrs. Lespranca, whio tored to somietbing of its original fliiMon ays ad I will neiunn tienm names in order of menit: Jr. itnadje a very happy speech whlch wasigra)ndeur in 1906 by a Greel ~r rdy.L'yall Cordoun, Bowmvlanville.bnr-.-haleane, wîrdi appreciatedl. Kmr oor--ri Prel Ari excellent muiisical progra.ru %vas chant of Alexandra. We also vis-!r___________________ Lard, Jessie Miafarlane, M eontributei by Miss Thielmla Greenaway, ited the prison of Socrates, the Rinchi, (Rurby Cowan, Betty Ga 2u3ss MaLrlon ,Tbemjpsoni, Miss N,,ormiaiTem-ple of Jupiter, the academy of of the Greek characteristiks. equai. Pass-George Walton,i T3kljiison, Mns. Dickinison, Miss Ruthb Art and the Museum. - olute curiosity is a trait which ist reatb Dudley. Rosa Cowan) - BapleLon, Miss Enia i ,Ils n Moîsssn >sBs iokinson, 'Willians taid The Traveuier cannot hielp but ha fond in the modemr as well as ln the Albert Pearce, Mary Adlair, Dc M.eoGreena wa, su f n.an impressed with the fact that Greece ý ancient Greek., St. Paul's gihe atl Wright, Donald Clifford, Fred1 tIrs. Gneeinzway sp)olte very feeiugîy et if, was the culmination of all the Old; the Hellenes of his day that they as, Murray ButlJer. Sr. 11-H 011e liigb i steeni in whicb bIis parents World culture. Greece centred ini were always "seeking some narw l-Olga -Paskaryk Bessie Lake, ïw;me ,sceomiiglgiy ld lu the commuiiiniiy se Athans and Athens centred iu the, thing" might as jiustly ha levelled at tor Lockwood, Jessie VanI Oy-, hai nigh t d ishi-ei gnrmcent Acur'opolis. those of our own time. A crowd Pass-Allan Spencer, Garnet gUts which haibeauireseeti-ten. At the prescrit thime Greece bas ai collected , in Athens more quic1dywell, Violet Renning, Floyd B- ~eaIse tbanked _Mn. and Mlrs. Dickînison I'great prublem' iu bandling the1 th-an iu any other city we have vis-r Harold Ç.ouch. FaJl-Willia Me 011 rge pirtya ier oe stln( Gekan rmnairfuga fo ted 80 far. If we bargained with eru, Fred *Couch. Jr. il-Hon as_-id that ie ho t that as bis failier hiafi Asia Minor. Thora are 1,s50oo00 a taxi driver, or stoppe!d to deali Mary Brereton. Pass-f(David aiihai words w ere inaýdequaie'tei of sucb refugees ia Greece' tp-day with a street vender, sever.al persons John Rickard> aqual, Velma E axp~ssjus ho muh tay ppreiaad 50000hei'g n Ahen. wuidsur toha istnig or iooking Fred Coi-wan, ami-aWright, t eaxpen oitergnnli a dainy luch ,a00A0omaeui by n an nterreerold uetob isei toItin ïlduesssohwn theln. nyI iiuwi Acmaidb n itrrtr n Hayes, Tom Spenc~er, Donald enved, which watS providedFi y fthe aud a Greek priest Who could also The Greek tries te hoe very friand- Kacheru. Fi-ei Clark~, rz;3ess i aud a mesi enioyabjle, time na tseWvwretsorton Brown, Billy Toms. s;ient bx aý;Il, resent. A large weed'Lg speak E-nglish, we visited ogD teely. ewr only tallking t u fatvars pari Of the taible decorations, refug-ee c1ips.-Luit etora e;e I gide a f ew minutesý when he allad attie A. Mason, te, and when tile 0 anie uereý seia1lighi11 somne 500 famnilles, averaging fivet told u ts ail about bis family an-d bis it matie a fine siglit. TI)e- bouse wvas1 persons tei a family, makîng in ah ofYirs nl returu hba expected us . a-ise very prettily eortfo fr [thooc-,i'i A GREAT C N E ûasion, audMn. isud M nBeDilnon 2,500 in this camp. 1 eti i oebngo u uies ~ enfihFoiiii)limenit,,(lon Iibiewyt euetitoterltiemksit fospitality te the Groek is net a opir rc tha, everytlyln.-wais arrangefi te mlakl home buitotheimsoW-te. WkeaIi- ne'ely a duty; it ila adeligbt. They a oua rc tinIy was. 50 mados i' ý one ba sby hort iset o aSunid ayo- utof1ei 1y 1h.kndad heGeeaiMoor do n-et s'ea ow ,bver jid it.". His educated a n.d cared for, they are I Froii Norway's Seas comnîents on the type of the bard , lso being trained industrially 50so r i were very favorable and ha express- that tbey may ha saif-supportiîg. J. 'B .radley 1T'SEMI!LsIW red a hope that the British Friesian Several of our party visited tbese Cattle Society will ha able to import 'homes.-.rasî a number 3,1 sucb higli produiiars frçnm A drive aloug soeaocf the narroiw General Inalara.nc. Agen The Stirngtî-maker. Canada to ix4ptove the utility value streetes ad a visit to the native lark of 2sii Divis-Ion CouriCO= Sc$<l:i & Bowfle- Xronto, Ont,. 3ý of British Friesian lierds. Greelk bazaars, revealalul te us soe "nî aLer-~ç .24. NG jMEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. 1 te ihej Graduate of ý'rinity University, alîo onbyof Royal C Miege Physiclans, Edin. aX, t burg. Speciailty-Diseases of wom- rwcasti ean and cbildnen. Office-Parker'â unetBlock, Nawcastle. rncomh, J. A. BUTLER, M,. D., C. M. jlol Houer, graduate ef Trinity University ly Eas- Fellow of Trnity Medical Collage (3f the ,Liceutiaiseof -the Stalte University ofI ni, sud New York, Matniculate of the Post- ýi MtGraduate Medical Sehool sud Hos- -d lu ia pil of New York sud Fellow of tha )Sas sd Toronto Academny of Medicine. Offlo, aTh)e i- %-lrs. McNaughtou's Rasidence I tIwhleNecastle. Hours--8 to 10 a. m., hiutd1to 3 p. ni., and hy appointaient Mp, doe and Tubj t 1eeh Sealed tenders wifllha received by I t youug the undlersignad trustees for thel ]y nmad( erectien of a new school bouse fori tiedSchool Section No. 1, Darlingtoa, sud1 tumu by No. 23, Clarke,(2/ miles est ofj adata Bo-wm-auville on thbe Provincial High- LaS, Mn. wy) up to noon on Saturday, Mayý nicpi3, 1924. ofhl- Plans and specifications may ho se-eu W. C. Ashtou's, lot 1, Broken' Front Darlington. holiday The lowest or any tender n.ot; 1air et necessarîly acceptaed. F. B. Loveksn W. J. S. Ricloerd[ W-. C. Ashton, Secretary., 24th R. R. 4, Bowriianvilie, Trustees. t Eas . Staiples ruish's. iie-lte GOOD CUOKE! S is cheaper than wood and is, Sthe equal to the best Coal, Ii ~n~have a suuply of the best Toronto,' n13 froni Coke obtainabje. g' pjur- SRural 11, Tor- Highest grade of Anthra- Sý- cite always on hand. ting on 16, viîî1G Muab eo. Jamesoln Foronito, S'indayNewcastle lI H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcastle Let U.9 Deliver Your Groceries will male your daily meals a huge swccess for the housewif e. Consider our quality-compare our prices, Then you'11 trade here. RWALTON Gocer Neiff tde 'eently a O. eDress Event I0o1 byi -eO tta dn 'Cain ~U b 4I II MnI A. abouit ai Mi.of the Season .ickaby. S.~ Mason's UDitairs Shoppe offers you an opportunity of securirig a real higli dihj, ýI class dress for the pricê of an ordinary one. We have decided to offer the women and Mel- misses of Bowmanville andi vicinity for nine days oniy, their choice of 25 distinctly ii- PORT dividual models, made by Canada's highest class mnanufacturers of exclusive dresses.r chool,' Every garment new this season, inaterials are Imported Georgette, Crepe-.Satin, Fiat mj-I 'Crepe, Rossanara Crepe, Poiret Twills, Tricoine and Broodella's Tai1ored and JainDressy Modeis. Sizes 14 to 44, nio two garments alike. (Dun-i - igasU LARGE WOMEN'S DRESSES 'o Iinported Georgette, coffee -wth beads tonmatch. Picot1 Cas- edged pleated panais. Regu- >wnl lar Price $46.00, ýa- SALE PRICE $35.00_ ,rey, I eautifui modal lu Navy li- >wn, porterd Canton, trimmied witb Ioens steel boudsansd pleated pan- Me- ais, Regulan Price $43.75, Mil- SALE PRICE $35.00 baer. Anotbier vary ricb dross lu Navy Imported Canton, trim- med with beads, ploats and self covered brttons, Regýu- Jar Pnice $43.75, SALE PRICE $35.00 or A particularly heautiful dress of xtr bavy nich Crepe- wil backr Satin, self trimmed lu a f panais and soif covered but- tn.Regular Price $42.50, SALE PRICE $32.50 istie Stout Lady's Dresa of heavy IImponted Biack Crepe, tnini- med with black boads and ploats, long sleeves, Reg,- th lar Pnice $43.50, SALE PRICE $31.00 this lanI MISSES' AND WOMEN'S an s Cocoa. Canton C repae, em- Pla broiderad in gold sud browa witb plaated apron front and 8? b'ack. Regular Price $32.50, SALE PRICE $25.00 Very exclusive tniportad Ruat Crepe, beautifuliy beaded lun eolored heada andl eniroïd- amy, Regular Price $35-00, SALE PRICE $26.50 Black Fla.t Crape, boyish forni, vary smart model, -- Regular Price $22,50, SALE PRICE $18.00 WaIk jpstaiir* Pay Cashs Save IDollars WOMEN & MISSES' UPSTAIRS ' EXCLUSIVE SHOPPE BOWMANVILLE C. S. Mason MISSES' AND WOMEN'S A very cic modal of Import- ed Charmeuse Crepe in sand, trmnmed witb delft bina, bnaided ini gold sud emal peari buttons ut the V-neck-. Regular Price $36.50, SALE PRICE $27.50 Black Satin Crepe Dresa, tnlmed wth touch of blue and iowe onside, Regular Pnice $33.50, SALE PRICE $24.85 Pearl Grey Dreas with tha new long aleeves, enîbrol-der- ed oruament in front of waist, wristlets of ailiver sud blue. Regulan Price $30.00, SALE PRICE $23,50 Boyish Form Gocoa, limport- ed Crepe Dress, very smiart. Regulan Priýce $26.50, SALE PRICE $22.50 Extra Smiart Boyiabi Form Dresaý of Importerd Black Crepe, with the newý long aboyaes, trimmed witb white w%ýool embroidery sud pearl heads, Rogular Price $33.50, SALE PRICE $24,85 New Green Imported Crape, ilemstitclhing, trimmed, con- vertible collai,, tbe nOta long sleeves, Regular Pnîce $24,49 SALE PRICE $19,50 Black Canton Crepe, four circular flounces hound with silk moire, Reguiar $22.50, SALE PRICE $18.00 Nina only, Poiret Tw\ill, Tnicotine sud Sports Flaunel Dresses, Regelai, $10 to $$29, SALE PRICE $5 TO $22.00 Rest R.onm On Sasse IIo.r Phone 25J e. t,. TRUE ECONOMY You wîil find it true economy to si?î1pa this store. We speciaulize in Groceries, ..Bakingan Conf ectionery. hop at and