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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1924, p. 1

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M. A. JAME~S & SONS, Publishers. i~n With Which is Incorporated The Bowmanville News BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAVY, JUNE eCth., 1924 il $2.OO a Year In Advanee 5e aCopy No. 23 Gladiolus Bulbs Dd Mix~ture.50c ciozen SIL VIA 50c per dozein lt Flowers always in .k Wedding and ieral orclers promptly J. Jackmran x& $ons FIoristu ne 80 Bowmanville Royal T heatre B0WAMAN VILLE Wednesdayw~Thursday, June 4-5 " T'le Love Bandit" Friday-Saturday, June 6-7 "The Breaking Point" Ey Mary Roberts lRinehart with Nita Naldi, Patsy Ruath Miller, Alatt. Moore and George Fawcett. Monday-Tuesday, June 9-10 Gloria Swnnson in "The Humming Bird" "The Hlumm-ing Bird" soars to the 'heights of swift .thrilling melodrama. And Gloria iu a novel boy-adgr Apache role is miagnificient. Wednesday-Thurday, june 11-12 "The Hoosier Scheolmaster" with Jane Thomras and Henry Hull. Ye who like action and thrill should net miss this great picture. Friday-Saturday, June 13-14 /"Tiger Love" Mondi e'Tl Eusday, June 16-17 Code of the Sea" RECRJJITS WANTED Durham Regt. %vill go to camp on Junie 10 to Port Rlope; also to Belle- ville on June 16th., to take part in~ the U. E. L. çelebration on June 16, returning- home Junle l8th. Comrpany headquarters open eveîy ~nig W. J. Hoar, Major. W. D. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Annual District meeting of West D~urham Women's Institute, will beý held at Newtonville on Thursday, June 12th at 2 p. mi. J Miss E. Reytrolds, Mrs. J. R. Cooper~ Dist Pres. District Sec'y.-Treas. EMPLOYEES' FAR GEO. W Rtetireient From G Receivés Mai Oshawa, Ont., Jun ering of the emip1eý eral Motors of Cana theur show roomis at [ay evening Mr. Geo, announced his retire ive participation in t ompany 'after thit, ervice. Mr. E. W.' chairman of the gatl d the purpose of S:i om'munit3ý sifging, Laughlin, president rs, for a f ew words. Mr- McLaughlin e- is Pleased tha>t after Fithful service giver, ie was about te retir uill and friendship of niPloyees of the coi e t c s i c s c e c h o n MAPLE GROVE nl Reserve June 5th and 6th for e:i Maple Grove an-niversary, further gu paiticulars next week, h Mliss Viola Stevens and Mir. Ray-Pl Imoi-d Snowden recently visited ec fiiends at UzýbridYe . .. . Mr. and i G IMis. Gib. Crosby and efauglter Hel- Of en, Uxbridge. visited at Mi. R. R. No Stevens'.. Miss Mabel Stevens visited L, ber boither Lorne, la town ... Mr. " and Mis. D. H. Contes and son, Dr.ba Llyn Ceates, Brantf ord, motored down last Saturday and visited her brother and sisters for a f ew houirs sta ...Maple Grove Young People ye journeyed to Zion on Monday even- îng and pîesented their play "What ria, dothit Pof'i" ad reeive man eos doth~~~ ~~~~ itPoi" nieeiemin compliments.1 n Clearing Ladies' Suits Is'Your C George that hi ne anc, 1 that t] of 251 cluded He hie made bis f aie CEMENT AND ,EWELL TO 7MaLAUGHLIN .eneral Motoi-s- BEAUTIFICATION 0F HOME GROUNDS A. H. Tonilinson, Associate Prof essor of Horticulture, O. A. College, t, Guelph. ýn-J A meeting was held in St. Paul's in ISeheol Roomn on -Monday evexning ýn- when MIr. A. H. Tomlinsôn, B. S.A. in -- Asociale Professor of Horticulture ýt- of the Ontario Agriciutural. College, he Guel'plr, gave an address on Landsl,-, of cape Gardening. Dr. N. J. Baldwin, as wlio recently purchased the Les- ýc coôibé property, occupied the chair. er The speaker sai'd: c- The miatter of beautification ef t home surroundingis is uppermost to- Ifday beeiause of the incîéasing inter- Ifest taken in better hom~e cond itions fofr everybody, thus we findi more plants being growvn in the house as d elasob ellishments being ai- de ranged outsicïe. &p planting around ea homne it 's a miatter of bringing O bout b armlony, beauty, shade, col- d oiprtctin and variety. The 'scheme ay be large or smal ibut ~ whtéve 15done should be - ýdone r. wlth eýnethougrht and cure. whether fit beasim-ply planting a tree or bring- e ig bou agarde n sebeme with n wellprepared plan. Great pleasure ' sfund in laYing out one'a ow%n ý place perhaps more se than hiring a1 pciist athugh e'ven with the lat- Y ter one's own tastes and ideas should. 8 be considered. In other words iln e laying out homne grounds the results< 7- should show,ý the personality of the d owners. y It is worth wbile to seek -Informa- e tion as well as use one's ownpoe -of observation. No scheme sbould be brought about 'which means ant over amount of bard work unless there is plenty of nieney te provide for labor. Home beautification shoulcie not be a burden but a pleasure. Itr is truce there is work but usually worka wortb while always brings the cor- t responding pleasure and satisfac- i tion. Theife are tbings te ýbe thought of and should the bouse be of myark- t( ed architectural appearance a -gardeno should, be arrange:d accoîdingly; at0 rleast. the iinediate ,environsaof te1e SONS GUESTS 0F ROTARIANS SUNDAY DINNER profitable evnts the Rotarians have held since the club was oîgnntiizedl in The "Special Sundlay Di:nnersT Bowmianville was the banýquet on which were serv7ed by Mr. A. J. Friday night at the Bowmian House Wadhamis at the Balmtoral H,_'21 last -when the fathers were hosts te their summn-er, were se well patronized and sons and other boys of the commun- se much enjoyed that he is ar,i1oune- ity. The guest list nunlbeîed over ing a similar treat this year, com- fifty young sturdy Canadians and mencing next Sunday. If ycu have you neyer saw a prouder lot 'of fath- net tested the menu put up by this ers than those who had their sons opular hotel try it next Sunclny. "out for the night". The ministers Dinner, servýecd at 12.30. 75c. of tJhe town were aIse among the lu- Menu: vite'd guests. su After ail had done full justice te Smao l pea the bountiful repast, which included Tmt aCea such extras for the boys as oranges, Meat bananas, apples, candies, chewing Roast Turkey and Jelly gurn and chocelate bars, President Sirloin of Beef Meal and Dressing Tom Holgate welcomed the guests in Vegetables these very appropriate words: Boiled and MUashed Potatoes We have had this g'athering te Asparagus Green Onions showv the boys of oui comiunity that' Dessert we are really intierested in them. The Deep Apple Pie and Ice Creai boy is loominz large on the horizon Rhubarb Pie Lemon Pie a-, worthy of Qur attention. The! Strawberry Shortcake and Ice Cream wreckage left from the war, with its Ta ofe ooMj tangled confusions and econoic sys- Ta ofe oeMl temns need real true oncoming iti -__________________ zens, as neyer before. The boys here te-day become the man-~Power Of t-- MNSESADCUC morrow and must f11l the vacancies ~NSESAD HUCE wNhich will be caused by oui removal. Ai~t a late hour Wednesday niglit Destiny waits for every youth and, the Stationing Committee of the Bay the boys of to-day muust bel made ,;of strong hearts sibiIitý dredf day so "Wber There Juvc of adu te inmg and t] that tI est Asç ruw. and bo that a ivstîy sible ýd ;o rce f! the1 operati ber with m ined. oui increased( -vie the me we reap te- gh sjiali fnil luency la t] in.., 1 w c, is an uiwunr unircIe in sess on at JPicton l'ad net announced th z first draft of stations. Methodist Cburcb, Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., pastor. Sunda7 Services will be conducted as fo lows : 11 a. m.-Rev. W. H. Spargo; 2.30 J p. m.-Sunday Sehool>; 7.00 p i.- Rev. Geo. -Mason. St. PauI's Church, Rev. D, W. Best, minister. il a. in-.-"Day of Rest and Gladness", 7 p. mi.- "Broken Likhts and the I'gher Friendship". 2.30 P. m.-Suuýday School and Bible Classes.I the balance of OUr~ suits to en, anice--and that's why you n fui suits now at tels us to sacrifice a complete clear- buy these beauti- 25%/0OFF NEW DRESSES 0F CREPES, VOILES AND RATINE, ETC ... A very special showing of New Dresses that have just corne to hanci featuring embroidered Voiles, Crepes, Ratine. Ail are made in the styles that will be most popular for this season and in designng these you will find rnany new and effective littie touches of becorning beauty. Truly splendid choice with exclusiveness throughout the entire range, We bought them at a barigaîn and have rnarked thern accordîngly. SPECIAL SHOWING PLEATEb~ SKIRTS In Wool Crepe and Silk Crepe, newest shad'es, Pleates guaranteed to hold tbeir shape. Be sure to see these skirts. Ail Ladies' Coats Selling at GreatlyîReldu&èed Prices MEN'S DEPARTMENT Two Holiday Specials We are featuring for the holiday Men's G-'rey Worsted Suits for $18.50. Boys' Suits wth 2 pair paiits $7.88. Straw Hiats just in, newest styles, all new as we completely sold out last season. Ph4 il & Cryderman., on~e 104 Limiteu SCIENTIFIC PALMIST HERE FOR FEW DAYS Have your hanid reaid by scientfic palmist (lady), -who has read the hands of n-iany distinguislied people, also for hospitals and specialists. Here for few days. Balmoral Hotel, Room 7, hou'rs 10 a. ni. to 9 p). m. Verms $1L0.OO.23-1w New dressesfof Crepes,. Voiles and Ratines just ilaced on display. A really wonderful selection. Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman. SPECIAL OFFER The Canadian Statesmn will be sent to a new subscriber to Jan. 1, 1925, for $1.00 Princess BUL BUL The Parisian Nightingale A Couiic Operetta in 2 Acts Under Aurspices Orone o rticult- uvral ScisÎty in the OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY, JUNE 1,3TH ý 404-PEOPLE-40, In Sulo, Chorus~, Duet, Dancing Wenderful Stage Setting, Gor. geous Costumes. Special Scenery. Admissioni 50c; Chil<lren Rush Seats 25c Do&rs open at 7.30, play at 8.15 sharp. Plan of hall opens at Mitchell's Drug Store, Saturday, Juine 7th. a1c1 1 iorinalgaluen snOula. sepratd omewhat from ntr istic or -wild flower garden. Should anc entrance te a buildin, be quite formiai it is wise te plan the formai types of shruýbs or cori fers. The latter are particuiniî worth wbile te correspond with sue coluans, balustrades and steps, a] though certain shrubbery are aise value. To relieve a very formai en trance, or even a very plain affaii the -plarfting of cîfrabers sheuld b, considered, overcrowding choul neyer be done. Any architectura f eature shouid be visualized. Iti unwise te crowd planting around. building te bide the foundation, un less the latter be exceptionaliy ugi; In the lawn itself, if the bouse bh formaI and close te the road, straigi or geomnetrical paths iay be made Formai beds ay be arrang-ed bi should there be plenty of rooni, ever with a building of marked architect ure, then an open larwn would be wisc and planting at the bounçl'aries-. Should a formaI garden be requli- ed and the setting is such that this may be featured then a special de- sign ma be put into use, such as a rose, p.onoy or Iris garden. Stat- uary or -water mnay be an added font- uie. Every place needs its own special attention. No set system should be foilowed. The gardelz sbeuld be ar-ranged according te the setting and, as said previously, the persouality of the owner. The material to plant is varied. Ontario has bundreds of native species which are well worth considering; also exetie or fereigun material or recent horticultural introductions mnay bc made use of. For shade trees where there is plenty of roomn, the native white elms, naple, beech, bircb, tulip, Trees of tLhis type shouid be planted Basswood and Oaks mmy be pianted. not less tban thirty-five or sixty feet apart. Each trea should be n speci. mien, whether in a row or planted on a lawn. Native everigreens for effect and vindbreaks are White Spruce, Hem- ock, White and Red Pines, aise Ce- dai. Wild fiowers of Ontario, es-1 pecially Orchids, Trilliums, Primulas, HIepaticas, Adder's Tongue, Aconite, ?erennial Asters and naany other beautiful species aie of surpnssing beauty and mmy be given a place w'here shade and moisture prevTail. undigen eus s.hiubs, particularly High Bush Crmiiberry, Burning Bush (Euonym eus), Witch Hazel and oth- ershould be planted. For shady place,. there is nothing better than oui native Royal and Ythei feins. New types of varieus plauting mnaterial have become very populnr and lu trees Norway red sud reen Maples, aIse Japanlese Maiden- Hairtree, Culleaf, Maple, Cuileaf Birch, etc., aie worth while. Exotic vergreens as Blue Spruce, Silver Fir Abies <Joncolor), Japanese Yew Taxus cuspidata> Swiss Juniper and cyraa.id Codai are amonget thlTe beat. (Gentinued next week.) al- nit ýli- ily of 0n- ir, Business £of Xputrs donat (First letter of each word speli dedie; B-O-Ï-)ford Then here's te oui boyhood its gold andu and its gray, of ti The stars of its wint-er, the dews of its May,Se And wheni we have done with our life last l lasting toys pt Deai Father, take care of tl y chld- ren, THE BOYS. re be ntschifspeaker uotarian Taylor j unVi-bon lUtL andu the sermion oy tue Id Statten oTronto, who is so weîî Paster contaiu.ed a special message -a nd'tf.,vOra.bly knowu as a leader in te Fathers aud Sons, most 1apprô- i~bos'wok_ He bîougbt a stirring pri, base on words freom th a 6th a and an appealinz message which wâs Chap. ef Ephesianis-"ChîldIreni obey n- an inspiration to bis Youuger listeners your Parents". Solos were weil Y.; aud a stimulus te the, eIder mem- sung by Mesrs. C. S. Hallmab aud e bers of bis uine i tto .M Mitchell sud a quarte, by t ba a magetlc personalty sud the1 Messrs. Pollard, Helgate, Sieýmon e. h.appy facut fatig i esg nd Tapson sud choruses by the maie it across by relating stories of persoual corudr direction of Mi. T. W. n exerienýcessud observations wbich Stanley, organist. There wss a - lifts bis audiences to a higher apre large congregation. 3e ciaton f te wonu4èrfLui possibilities of the boy. He counselled theai to OBITUARY r-have fnîtb in thearselves, bave high .s ideals sud ever picture béfore theai Chr 1ialine Keyes Martin, Bowmanville tihe success they wisb to attainuas men_____ Ls of the future. Christine Keyes Martin was born The thanks of the club was voted iu Kingston, Ontario, the daugh'er of te Mi. Statton for bis won'derfui ad- Thomas and Helen Keyes of that n ýdress by Dr. J. C. flevitt on behaîf of city.' At an esrly age, she showed 1the 4-nembers. promise of a good voice, whilh de- i Tbe progai f or the evening was velopeid into a full, rich contralto. e eset ack Kent, eontiibutedj on the concert platferni and was sýTeve1rai11 selecetions at the piano and contralto soloist of Emamanuel Con.- > Alen u5gt fvore th gaherng'gregationial Churcb, Erskin Pr--sby- h ibavclsl bl h on terian sud St. James Metholist blads showed their dada they didn't Churches, Montreal, sud St. Paul's have te take second place te thera insu Sdeam tet Mtbit ohmn Jamesisnging. At the closelChurces, Kingston, as well as so)me theËn gues. expressed the thauks efl of the princip~al churches of Port- theguetsfor the entertainaient of !and,. Oregon, sud Tacoma, Washiug- the evening by proposing thr.ee rous- ton. in-g ches for the Retariaus, the Fifteen yeaîs ago Mi. Miitin * ige u h îe' bought "Craignairu", and moved bis S Shrt anddressea ere se mae byfamuly te Bownaville. Mis. Mai- Shot adrsse, ereals radebytin always took an active inter.ýst iRev. C. C. Washington, Qourtice, sud lu the weîk of St. John's Cburch- as J. S. Wannn, Y. M. C. A., Iustiuct- weli as in the Hospital sud o her or, Lindsay. chairtable -work. « During the evening the Rotarian Keuneth, the ônly son, was k E'ed Agony Quartet, composed of Messrs. at St. Julian and froa that, 1lira. Bob Aitchison, Doîf Nichoils, Bob Maitin's healtb failed. From last >Gill sud Capt. Dickinson, favoied the August ber condition bas been sýer- gathering with a touchiug littie ditty, ions, lier strength giadjpnlly fai _ng wbich for harmony was only equ'mlled till May 20th last, wbeu she pa sed by midnight maraiuders on the back a wny. yard fence. After a brief service at the h-use Rotarian Dave Merrison contribut- for the relatives, the funeral t -ok ed bis. usual goed service throughout place frorn St. Johnsn Chuicb te the evening by presiding at the Bowmanviiie Cemnetery. piano. The pali-bearers were the thiee President Tom congratuilated Ro- sons-in-law of the deceased, John tmran~Ji Deit fo th huerheHavercreft Bthrgnyne, Arthu~r E. had rought biaseltfosudthe lub byleMac Giegor sud Haod . Cla,ýke; bad rouht imslf nd he lubbyCharles Mun.dell, a nephew, ad Dr. being elected Vice-President of theJoipecrndD.To B e. Ontario Dental Association at it s Mis. Martin beaves lier hu-sband, convention duri ng the past week. W. HT. Martin, aud threo davghitecs, Mrs. A. E. MacGregûor, Toro,-.to,, VANSTONE'S MILL CLOSEID l'rs. Harosld F. Clarke, London, On-t., WEDNlESDAY AFTERNOONS and Mis. John Haverroft ~Burgo\ ne, Toronto, six grandcbîldren, and foui Mr. F. C. Vanstone announces that sisteis, Mis. j. D. Thonipson, Ms the. Mill will be cbosed en Wednesday W. E. Mundel, Kingston, Mrs. afternoonis during June, July and Holiand White, Hamailton, and Miss August. 22-2w Hannah Keyes, New York City. copy No. 23 $2.ûû a Year In Advance 5c a

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