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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1924, p. 2

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OPTOMETRY PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING R. M. MITCHELL Regisj2red Optomletrist 'by examina- Iamn pt-epared te do ail kinds cf .Î.n. >Eye mnd yteîtest painting, paperhanging and~ decora- methods and meost modern instru- ting. Ceneral contracting. Estim- ïnets .atos given. Lewis E. Rcwo, Elgin R.ontsTHEL Street, North, Bowmanville, P. O. Druggiats & Optometrists BowmanvilIe *(Phone 92) Ont. Building Contractors Plastering and concrete work a szpeeiàity. Blucking Mlachine and large square tirnbers suitable for rais- ing' housesý. Now is the time to get your chimineys repaired and ashes re- moved and other simall jobs at- tended to. ,e Plowing dlone ither by hour or day. We are also open to do Team- î ing. Phone Thos. Martin 206-r5. H. D. Moses Carpenter, Contractor & Itepairer Box 461 Phone 206r4 Bowmanville Estimates Free 12-tf Everything Electrical Buibs Raniges I-Jaters Fixtures Washing Machines Wiring and Repairing Free estimates given. Distance no object. Lacombe's Electrie Shop Tw-vc DDOrs East of Standard Bank Phones: Day 63; Night 358w ~Kin g St. East, l3owmanville POe-ULTRY WIANTED I arn prepared to buy your f owl at a good high price for them. Don't seil your poultry until you have first got rny prices. I can make you real rnoney for your fowl. Send me a card phone collect and I cail f or them. 15 1. STIEN or wil Whitby 23-3m WRIGLEYS After Every Meal Lp Io ai- cleanser e mouth as wellas DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Hlonor graduate la Dentistry Toiente University. Craduate cf the Royall College cf Dental Surgeons cf On-i tairie. Office.King-st., Bowmaavilhe.' Office phono 40. bouse phono 22.1 UjR. J. C. DEVITT ldraduateocf Royal Dental Cohiego, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- manivilie. Office heurs 9a. ni. te 6 p). i'. daily except Suniday. Phono 90Oa. bouse phono 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Hlonor Craduate of Toronto Uni- versity and miemnber of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed te practice lai Ontario and the týominioni. Dentistry in ail its branche.9ffice -King-s-t., Bowmanville. Opposite 3ank of Montreal, Phono 301. PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS (FoerorinlaBowrp5Inville,) new at 1262 Yonge-st., stol) at Sumnijerýil11 Ave., Toronto, Phono Trinity 3217W. We can still gi've you pur best services. Guararnteed te fit and workmanship at pre-war prices LEGAJ. M. G. V. COULD, B. A., LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY moey te lcan on Faim anti Town Pîoperty Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRiSTER, SOkICITOR, NOTARY Money te boan. Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleak<hey Block, King Street, Bo)wmanvihle Ontario. Phonos: Offitc 102, bouse 279J. FUNERAL ))IRIECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipmeiit Ail cails promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowinaiville phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-Orono & Newcas.tle. -ALAN M. WILLIAMS Eibalmer and Funeral Director. Calis given prompt and personal at- tention, No extra charge f or dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- manvilie, Ont. 3-t MIEDICAL B. J. ]HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M, Gold Medalist of Trinity University Torqito. Four years attending Phy- zican and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Pesidence, Wellingt'*on Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. WV. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Téronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office anvd Residence, Dr. Beitlh's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- manvilleD. Phono 259. 44-t CHIROPRACTIC DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY' Hanor graduate of Toronto Chiro- practic College will be in office on Temporance Street, Bowmanville, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon and evexning. Phones: Office 141J; Residence 141W. VETERINARY~ - - Dr. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night Cails Promptly Attended te. Office King-st. W., Statesman Block, Bowmianville. Phone 243. AUCTIONEERS THEO. M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Speciaity. Termis moderate. Enniskillen' P. 0. Phone 197-r3. r-tf JAMES BJlýNNETT - Auctic.neer 10 years' experience in faim, furni- ture 'and house aucetion sales. Ad- dlress Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- chant, King-st., Bowmanviile, phono 131, box 33. JOSEPH COULSON Licelnsed Auctioneer Valuator & Real Estato, Newcastle, Ontario. 22-tf SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING BOOKEEPING Complete Commercial and General Improvement Courses. Students a cceptod at any time. Good posi-1 tions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE Oshiawa and Toronto VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc IHonor G-raduate cf University of Toronto Ail casee given prompt and care- fui attention. OF[ICE !IAIN-ST. HA~MPTON Phone 129-15 BOW-MANvILLE, JUNE Sth., 1924. THE EDITOR 'FALKS This is the season cf the yeaýr wherl thoýusandls cf studlents, mlaie and fe- miare gradý(uatinig from seh-ools. coîleges and universities and are soor te re-ceive anl oThiarl parchaseýnt stat- ing teracademic sýtand1ing ini theli almla mater at thle conclusýi of theli coursýe cf kud. tis. the turlling poinitil, -m anyayounig h1f e or the en1tryv to a choseni profession or some coc f the wrn's aay caýlhings and activities, >o that whule it maiy be the end c-f school attondan.ce maci o the ectiIonaýl institutions hli what they cai Commiencement Day atho enid cf tho schiool year when the degrees, diplomas, ucertîficadtesý prizes, etc., arye anuc and d;is- tributed to the grdutes gii' them thleir Dopartmiental or officia stanidinit in the course comlploted sc that while it is the end cf their schoo] cusit is; oftea t'ho commiiý,-een: period ini thoir iife-work, or it imay .e,' as is often the case, tho first stepplingi-stonie to sonie' definite ob- jective higher up. One such studleat who hiad obtain- ed ber, B. A. Degroo a yeaî ago and bas speat --e year in posýt-gradluate esac work, in a letter tiiga i nterestod friend cf haviag secured a responsible position on the staff cf a higb h elol wlites thusly: "My only ýTouble now is, OanI live up~ to th(' expectations cf the principal xvho adicvised hbis Board te engage nme? It wili require great effort I know, bu, 1 think I1 shail like th,- or and shahl strive my verýy best te givo satisfac2bion te both the princýipal and the Board cf Educ¶a1tiop". With 'a resolution form11ed cf that character, there en be very littie doubt but that success will be achieved andi expectations îe-alizedl. Tory few poisons fail to succeed' in winning their objective, who put forth their supreme effor- put their if e and seul as we sny-'- into their work. It will net only surprise ourselves, but arso mnany otherswh are interested in us, to .see wha- wo can acccmplish -by exeit- ing oui veiy hes't endeavors, devoting cur tîme and putfing oui talents and kwegeinto faitbful action te win, the fufluÏlment cf Our amblition. In]-- dustry, persevorance and intelligent- ly directed effort are a trinity that seldomi fail to spehi success, It is always a very g-reat hýelp la any endeavor te haýve faith in One's self-to expeet great thing-s cf your- self.- In ouirecnttalk on Optimi- îsmï we tried te ,how wvhat a help th'at quality laý to every young per- soni. Faith is an, op-imist bocause it sees th~eway eut. F.eur or doubt is a pessimîist. It cannot see the wayý ahoad and hesitates hpeause net' coniscicus cf boing able te cope witll the uncertain thus rend,,eing suc- cess less sure or p)roblemaiýticl.l Faith opens the dloor cf abiiity anl guides the pozsessor te a suFcceSSful issue. Thenai, the habit cf expecting great tings-acecomipiishmeints- frcmn oui work calîs eut the hest effort th'lat we can, put into it Hcw true, is the axici-n that "He wýho chumas constantly with Faîth flnds la it the dýivine messonger sent te guidiel usz into thje port cf Suceùesa." You miay be assured that you cainnot try wi-h the doetermin-dtion which ach- ieves uiess you actually beliove you are geing to obtain that for whýich ycou are -wcrking. You must have impliuit faith i n yeur ability te win cut -when you put your very best endeavor into ycur job. If you were to ask the greal mon cf the world how they won their positions wcuid you expect them te say through their parents' efforts, or thoso of their teachers or of some clever friènci or neigh'Jor? -No0, of course, you ivquld1 net. Rut Von would expeet them te say they woni their position or success by their owni personal offerts, industry, persever- ance, concentration and faith la the - ultimate outcome cf their commion- sense and inteiligontly directed acti- vities. Once again, we remark, it is woîk that wins, baicked up by aj faith la yeur own ability to over-j coin( every handicap, obstacle or op - position. "Lives of g-roat mon ail remind us that we can inake oui ives sublime". Bold courage, faith in perseverance and dettrmnination to suceeed will get y-ou ta theo winniing, p)ost. whist we helieve we cani do that we acccmplisb. Every aîtist, ar-tizan, pnechanic, workmnan or prufessional man or wemian must possess faith in his or hor ability te succec-d or botter net enter upon jphat lino of ""1k" Wo set eut in this Talk te.off r encouragement te students o. vn school or c'olleg-e. In closing we de- sire te impiess on every student the' PASSING 0F A GOOD WOMAN Mis. W. Harry Brimaco)mbe, ~Bowipanv:ille. There passed te rest qoa MonýdO[Y, May 26, Casszie Stephéns, levo'd wife cf Mr~. W. bairy BrimiacemhO, who for over two yeaîs has suffea'od fromi creepiag paralysis, the lest year being almeost entirehy hoîples. Sho was bora lan Bay dle Verde, Newýfouaidhandc, being a eaughter cf the late Mi. 1and1Mis. John Ste-phiens cf that place. Siace her marriage o hier ncw bereaved hubad n Octuber 190W8, she bhas îesided la Bo-wmanvilhe where alt whe were acquainted ýwith hier kaew hier te be .a veryv sincore Christian and coe 'whose aimi was te ive a g-oed and use- fui if e. 1 The funeral teck place fîrom "Ro0secholine"', Sug og-st, on Thurs< dlay aftoraoon, service being con- du ctod by Rev. D. W. Best, B. A., miinister qf St. Paul's Preshyterian, Chiuich. 1 The paîl-bearers were: Messrs. W. T. Allen, A. L. Nicholîs, C. A. Johanston anti Lawvy Crydermian andi the fluwei-beaîers were: Messîs. KW. HI. Weod, Ross Stutt, Ahex. C. llad- dy and Leonard Henry. The floral efferings were veîy b'eautiful among them being a hoving tribute in the f orm 'cf a basket ped- esýtal shower cf fifty-two Premium anti Columbia roses, each flower typllng each year sbee had lvtfroni husband, mnother, sîster-in-law and1 biother-in-haw; wreath, Mi. and Mis. W. Oscar LaBelle and La)ura cf Edmonton, Alta; sheaf cf -wheat, Mis. Ratcliff; gspray, the Rateliff childien; sprays, Mis. N. T. Lyon, 'Mr. and Mis. W. T. Greenaway, -Mr. an'd Mi-s. A. Goheen, Mviss M. A Brimaomibe, Mis. S. Creenaway, Mr. and Mis. Chas. butchinsen, Mis. Robt. Moore, Mi. W. T. and Miss Allen, Capt. Fishier, Lieut. MvacCil- livray* and Cenirades cf the Salvation Armyv, Womien's Association and Junior Missienary Society cf St. Paul's Churchi, and miany ethors. Besides her husband sho beaveis te mouin hber loss co sister, Mis. Jas. Lockyear, Bay de Veide, Newfound- lanBd. Among, the relatives attending were: Mi. M'alter ýil. Lyon, J. P., and Mis. Lyon ,Mrs. Chas. Hutcbi- inson, _Mis. May Rateliff and dlaughter Carnet, Miss Ella Duan, Toronto; Mi. Williami Brimaiconbe and Miss Mar.y A. Brimaconibe, Mis. A. Coheen, Oshawa; Mi. and Mis. W. T. Creenaway and Miss Greta. CGeenaway, Port Hope; Mi. and Mis. Thos. McCill, Enniskillen; Mis. Richard Asýhton, Hay-don. DEATH 0F MR. F. TALLING bis miany eld Bcwmianville frieads will be sorry tc beain cf the ýleat~h cf Mr'. Frank Talliag a Lt Vancouver, B. C., wbo died on Tbuisda'y, M'ay 29th., agefl GG Deceased had been ia 111 heahbfor '18 monthis. 1Vr. Tahing was bora la Bcwmianville and' wont to Osaw;a in184 and teck a position as foroman cf the Ontario M1alleable Works Hoe was a mcost capable and industrious workm,n cf a quiet and retiring dlisposition and a good citizeýn. He, with hbis f aimily, left Oshawa fifteen years agp. There survives, buii, Mis. Talliag, three1 sons, Ch.arles, Vancouver; Maî.shaîl1j Bruce, Calgary; andl R. W\., Whitby,i aned a daughter, M-s.(I1) raLes Angeles, Cal. Mis.t Richard White, Milton, is a ssitor, and the late Rev. Dr. _Marshall P. Taihing of Toronto, was an elder brother. INDUCTION AT PORT PERRY Whitby PrèÊýbytery mt la Port Ferry on May 28th and inducteti Rev. A. A. Thornley into the Port Ferry charge. Ho was formerly locat4d at Shelbeurne. Rev. A. McD. Haig, Ashibuin,1 Moderator of the Piesb'ytery pre8id-1 od. The Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Osh-' awa, cenducte&dovotienal exorcises1 and preached thé sermon.4 Rev. J. R. Fraser, Columbus, offer-1 ed induction prayer and a'ddîessed thé cengregation, while Rev. J. W. Rae, Orono, addiessed the Minister. A gouýd attendance cf mombers cf' the conigiegation was presont. At the 'close cf 1the induction a îecep- tien was held and zrefreshnients soi- yod.- ç ISN'T IT TRUE? importance of continuing te ho a student through hlf e.' Spend a fair portion of youî spare timec eveninga,, iii reading geood, useful, helpful, ini- structive b5ks or othor informative literature. We know a youn, man not yet of age who sinco graduation fromi schooi has taken two courses in, night schools besidles filling a rospon- sible Position in a business firm in tho city and he enjoys if e among young, people ia chuîch societies and other org-anizations. Such young poisons leave the world bettor than they f ound it. CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE EXECUTIVE MEETING Archie Tait Elected President. At the Maly meeting of the Exe- cutive of Bowmanviile Chamnber of Commeec those present were M1essîs General Johin Hug-hes, Archie Tait, C. S. Hahîman, C. Aý. C1e, .M Hardly, M. A. Neal, Dr. G. C. Bon- nyqaistie,, D. R. Morr)iýison. Abýsen- teeýA were: Messrs. T. H. Knight, F. F. Moîris, G. E. Chase, Major R. J. Cii, cGeo. al Officersý were elected as followýs: Prýesidlet-Archlie Tait. A commi--ittre of Messrs. Tait, Camipbell and Hardy wa appointed te strike the working coimmittees. it wvas decide.d rnot to affiliate with the Associated Boards of Trade. The resignation of H. C. Durgin as Bandmiaster of C. of ýC. Band was eead an.d a commiiittee cf Messrs. Neal, hae Hardy and Tait; was ap- pointed to confer wýýithi the band and find the cause cf trouble in thîs or- g-an1izeýtion. Messrs. Hardy,, Bonnyc vastie andi Tait are to see, that the signboard at the fountaîiif is painted. Secretary -was instructedl to write Town Counceil expressing- disapproval cf C. of C. in reg-ard te signs orected at east and west approacýhes te the town. Town Ceunceil will aise beý asked w1Lat action it proposes te rake re- garding establishing Tourists' Camip on Raynes property leased by the town. Publicity, Transportation and Commiunication Commnittee will inter- vie-w Bell Telephone Co. with a view te having more cenvenient hours for paying phono accounts. Question cf socuring iemibers in C. cf C. for coming year was discus- sed andi comimittee of Messrs. Tait, Hardy-v and Cawker wili report next m-eeting,. President Tait was instructed 'to see if any miembers electeci on thie executive were not going -to act this year. BOWMANVILLE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Annual meeting of Bewmanville Womien's Institute1 was held at the homie cf Mis.* A. E. Manning, Ontario Street, on Friday afiernoon. Miss E. M. Weekes, the Secretary, pro- sented a splendid report of the woîk done during the past year: miemiber- ship 55; 12 mneetings lheld; attend- ance 433; pirograims consisted of ad- dresses by Mis. Florence Smyth, Sup- erintendent cf the Hospital, Miss ICidd cf the Dominion Canners, Brighton, and many papers by the money by homne-made cooking boothms, birthday cake, by sorvinz at the Bowlers' tournamient and by collec- tions at the mieetinùgs.. Delégates wore sent te the Provincial Conven- tien;: had a homie-made cooking booti by which $125 was aisod for the Hospital bazaar; by sending- bale cf new ciothing and linen te the Childlren's Sheher at Port Hope and a similar one to the Hospital at JMatheson, had helped pay a hospital, bill for a poor family and hias been one cf four societies hielping roid a Rest Room lii the town, an.d by giv- ing two siiver sets te thie Hospital. The Roll Cail for, the year show\,ed five members piesent at every meet- ing and 7 present at il meeting-s. Three miembet's have passed away during the year-1,,rs. W. G. Rob- hins, Mrs. W. G. _Mutton, and Mrs. Go! Frank. Treasuier's report showed total re- ceipts including- the Rest Roobm andi Momioriai Funds4to ho $537.13. Ex- penditures $1701.01. Th, fficers vere nearly ail re- eiected as f ullows: President-Mrs. W. B. Pollard; lst Vice do-Mis. W. J. Chailis; 2nd vice-Mis. W. Adames; Secretaiy-T-easurer-4Mis-g Edhth M. Woekes; District Diîector -Miss E. E.Hayciaft. Piarfist-- Mrs. John A. Guin. Auditors-Ms3.' E. R. Bounsail, Miss E. E. Haycîaft. Directors-Mrs. W. B. Pinch, Mis. T. C. Je-vell, Mis. John Morris, Mis. ýF. Jackmian, Mrs. L. Johlow. Sic-k Gommittee-Mrs. J. J. Lord, Mis. F. L. Byam, Mrs. W. Davidson. j Repiesentatives te annual meeting at Newtonville on tlhursday, June 12th-Mrs. F. Jackman, Mrs. Harry Allia, Mrs. L. Jollow. Alternates- Mrs. J. T. Hooper, Mis. E. R. Bounsaîl, Mis. M. A. Balson. Next meeting at Mia,. T. C. Jew- eil's on Friday, June 27thi, when Solina knstituate is oxpecteti to visit this branch. - BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL. ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the. best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I employ no cemetery caretakers as agents prefering tao sel my own goods thus saving the. purchaser the. agent's commission. ~A caîll olicitedI. Phone 32 F. H. BOUNSALL or BowmanvilIe 26W Box 941 GREAT DEM AND FOR lý McCLARY ELECTRIC RANGES Don't sw,,elter over a hot stove this summer. Enjoy your work by having a McClary Electric Range installed now in your kitchen. Free dernonstration gladly given. Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowrnanville SAVES BAIBY CHICKS J The system of a baby chick is a most delicate mechanisrn. Great care is needed. Proper food is most essential. We have made a speeciaI study of poultry raising and have been of great assistance in advising care and feed of young chicks. We have saved poultrymern hundreds of dollars. jThis accounts for the large sales we have in poultry foods annually. We buy in ton lots the de- mand is so great. Some of the food we recommend include 11-0 Steam Cooked Chick Feed, Ful-O- jPep Starter., Purina, Bowes' Solld Butter Milk, Wodehouse Milk Mash, etc. Full une of Dixon's Poultry Remedies, White Diarrhoea Tablets in stock. HÏARRY PHONE 1848 and ALLIN BOWMÀN VILLE It's No Secret Thernany thousands of people who have been our customers during the past fifty years know that the secret of our business success has been built around that little word "QUALITY". To get the best quality meats we buy only young stock from the best feeders in the district. That's why so rnany people say "It'Il be good if you buy it at Cawker's." C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bownianville Phone 81 'ElectricBulbs Tungstein First Quaity Bulbs 25, 40 and 60 Watts 2p5c each OR 4 f or $1.00 Better lay in a stock now at these special prices. Mason& Dale's Hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville 71

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