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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1924, p. 8

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OBITUARY A gloom of sadness wa§ cast oveý our commriunity on Mondý morning May 26;th, when word wvýs eceiveo of the death, ini the late liours oý Sunnday nig-ht, at Bown3r-ialvjîîe Gen eral Hlospital, of Mary Jiihe Billett lelçoved wife of Albert E, Billett oj Darlington township, after anil inresý of about five weeks. The late Mrs. Billett, whose maidý en name was, Mary Jane Alister, waî jiorn i11 the year 18'85 and was mari ried in 1910 in Verulam township, Victoria county, where she spent ail lier life until 4 years ago the f amily iivec4 to Bowmanvilie andi later to Hampton. Deceased was a mrembei of the .ýnlIican church~ unll coming ta IHampton she boecam-e a mniber of the Metbodist church and a nmernber of the W. M. S. Being of a yeny quiet diLsposition she took very littie part inin ~y publie affairs. She pos. sessed a very kind, chrietian and mlotferly spirit an'd was aiways faith- fulin iiber home and out of it. She Ioved her home better than any place else, ami the comforts and hettermient of ber fainily were ai- ways on her minci. Deceased will be sadly missed, not only front thit home but by ail those of 'the com- miunity who associated, with her. The weaith of floral tributes bore testimony of the esteein'hI which she was hel.d. Left to nmourn the loss of a loving wife and mother, beside the soniow- îng husbalid are three children, rired- enick~ James and Retta Muriel and a littie babe of. a few weeks. She is also surviveti hy ten brothers, Thomn- as andi Henry Akister of Fenelon Falls, Frank and Ernest of Sunder- land, John, James, Charles, Jacob, HEerbert and Irving of White Bear, Sask. One brother George lost bis life in thegreat wan. The funeral was held on, We d hes- day from the family residence ta St. Peter's cemetery, Verulamn, by mot- or. The funerai service at thel home was con ducte'd by Rev. W. W. Jones at 9 a. nm., when a large num-1 ber, of sorrowing friends and neigh-ý bons gathered to pay their Iast Te-ý spect. The pall..bearers at the home 'werel Messrs. Fred Ellis, Howard Cole, Geo. Carr, Leslie Brooks, Bert Stev- enis and Jno. Shackleton, v/hile the flower-bearers were Me ssrs. Enqeh Stevens, W. T. Perritt, Wm . Daîdge. andi Heniry Cinyton. Upon arriving at the cemetery ati1 2.30 p. mi., the funerai was met by, an extremelir large gatherin.- of sor-1 oeow;ing- relatives, frierids and -old reighbors. The service ini the ch{rch and ati the gratve were r-tducted 'by Rev. M. àlaconachie of Lindsay. The pall- bearers ait the cemetery wene four j4rothers and two nephews of the de- zaseci whlle the flower bearers were the former pal beaners at the home. Besides the floral tributes from oÈber friends were wreatbs froinM 1r.1 anti 2Mrs. C. H. Codiçin, Miss Irenel Aklister, Toronto, andi the near neiglibors; sprays, Hampton W. M. S. Retta's S. S. Class andi Miss Sergant, Miss Susie Johnson, Mn. and Mrs. Tu~dor, Eowmanvifle; Bowmianvillee lass. The greatest sympathy is extended te, Mr. Billett and famiiy in their very sad bereavement. CARIP 0F THANKS Mr. Albert E. Billett and family, Hampton, wish to extend their sin- ?eere thanks to their many friends for the kindness and sympathy showii Èhem ni their necent bereavement, for car services, andi the heautiful floral tribtites sent. 4'hey also wish te, show their appreciation to the matron and the nurses of the Hos-. pital for their kindl services during ber~ recent iilness an.d ail those who sent fldwers to the hospitai, also to thein neigihors who gave such kindly assistance in the bouse and on the faim. NOTICE OF COURT 0F REVISION Muncipality *of Newcastle Talke notice that the court of Revisionn will sit et Cofl C han,,. n N"T.ICxFrr. Providence Faers' Cllub mvli meet. at the home of Mn. andi Mis. W. Ç. Ashton on Tmesday evening-, June 1Oth. Gooti progînnýi will beé provided. Ladies are nequesteti to' bring thein baskets.i O. R. Bragg, R. K. Squair, President1. Secîetary.1 COUNSEL TO GO TO ENGLAND Corporation Counsel Geany, K. C., -W. N. Tilleyý, K. C., anti A. C. 'Me- ,Master, K. C., the city's counsel in Ithe street îailîay arbitiation case, y wili leavTe to-morai for London, 01 Englanti, vuhene the appeal .wili be nangueti before the jutlicnl coititee 9' aI the pnivy colincil. Me Li.N. W. fRovellIL K.C., anti Frank McCaithy, r* street nraiiwny counsel, have alreadiy yleft fon Engianti. Sir John Sin-on,' thLl- eEgihcounnfbi illi aiso appeaLi -for the conipan.-Globe. 2 CUTHBERT WELL PLEASED 1 Bownmanville bas alunays hiat the neputation for being the home of gooti sportsm-ianiship, so that it is on- ly naturel that yisiting athletes shouiti express themselves as beiag deiigbted wiîth tîeatment accortiet thenmi wheneven they came to "The Town That Satisfles". Here's a let- tenThe Statesman neceiveti froni John' Cuthbert,. 40 Cartien Street, Guelph, irbo mon the 10-mile mara- thon roati race at Bowuanvilie on May 24th ant i mii represent Canada ia the Olympic gamnes thîs sumnier. Dear Sî,-Wonid yon ýbe kinti enougb to thank the 'Bowmanvilie Amrateur Athletic Association, thru yonn valuable paper,, that 1 can only speak meli of theni on their ircîl con- contincteti race on May 24tb. Hop- ing this mneets irith your approval. 1 remain, yours faithfuliy. (,Siganec) John Cuthbert. FOOTBALL Thurstiay eveniing a 1meeting m as beIti af those interesteti in F ootball in Bowmanville at the near af Hann'n store. Bownýmanille Football Club iras ooganizeti mith the foliowming afficens: Presitent-Di. C. W. Siemion IViece-Presiient--Dr. J. C. Devitt ISeretar-Treasue-C. E. Hann, On 'Tuesday evening 'anothen meeting iras helti at which repiesent-t atives froin Solina anti Enniskllen Clubs weîe present anti theDarling- ton Football A.ssociation mas fornmedt îýitb the following oficers:1 Piesîtent-Elias Ashtona Vice-President-R, Bates Secretary-Trisuier--C. E. Ha.nn b Executive Committee-Soiinn, W, ii T. Baker; Enniskillen, Boy lMcil; ,) Bownman-ville, Arthur -Frise. Foliring nchiedule wns drawnvi: j June '-S oina at Ennis-kilken, June 14--Ennisk-.Ilem at Bo-wmanville, t June 2 1-Boirmanivilie- at Sauina 1v Jonc 28-,Sauna at floimanvill c July 2-Bowmanville at iinniskillen July 5-Enniskilien at Sauina, e Games ta be calicti at 6.30 P. nm. e 'IL MILK-BORNE DISEASES s The diseases canrieti by iilk aree among the miost formidable affecting t( the hum-an race. Tyýphoiti Fever, ti Scarlet Feven, Dipbthcnia, Septic fi Soie Throat, anti Tubeicuiosis. t We have alieady shoira that imulk al is a coinpîete foodi for human beings, I)X it is alSO eqUaily a complete foodi for ti bacteria both innocent anti dis- pq case bearing, anti not only pý becomnes n menas of trans- iý mission but also a M 1n~oe+, ls cariers, mune, the l for suc- is typhoiti niilk-borne takes the y' swarni in tastedo îingtýOn 10r hoid dur-. ýr b'as Pape rs ABLY PRICED >apers of endur- ýr mlk-b( en anc serionis, mays il Jpwards EOZEMI ment for EczemaCoshremvsar aibeais the skin. ChaseS s"i,e~ f""5 i, Li.; ted, Toronto. The Newvca-stlge Inçtependit THURSDAY, JUNE 4th., 1924 NEWCASTLE ---- ----0 - 1 NEWCASTLE CHl.RCHES Yonng.People's League on Mon- dÎay eveniag ia, charge oI Missîona.ty Department when most excellent views iill be presenteti on the Ja- panese people anti their enstoins. Methodlist Church, Ber. E. B. Cooke, PastQi, '11.00 a. ni.--Service cancellleti.' 2.30 P. m.-Snnday School. 7.00 p. m.-Service in charge af the Young People's Leagne. NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOQLS Naines of iiortler of ntenitmhbm ni .Report for,. Mlay-iames la order af menit: Senior Division Sr. IV Class-Charles Tlhackiay, Er'nest Peaîce, Eileen' Cooke, Willieý Lake, Rae Clark. an Pa, ci,- its taste or ap- Si. JII-Fred Butler, John Maclýai- occun, fnom la- mace, Mary Jamies, Eleanor Ander- g the cama, or son, Boy Joncs, George GaieHl Sfroni those en Lycett, Alfredi Gairoti amec 1handling the Gaines, Audrîey MeiGuine, Ruby Nich-. ýzing does not oIns. C. F. Cannon Principal. ýorne outbieaksi Intermediate Division sam-etimes ex- Houons 7 5 % -Evelyn Richard, the mik i Chanlie Parnell, Duiseath Dudiley, Infectpd £romi Douglas Wright, Jessie Macfanlane. Pans 60%-Rosa Coman, Ruby -n of alnmilk Cowan, Alêert Pearce, Betty Garrad, e incinde in its Fred Thomas, Marion Rinch, Mary niedical super- Adain. engageti in the Beloir 60% -Geo. Walton (asway) ýng of mlk orI Donald Cliffouti, Murray B utler. ion of ail milkiSu. II-Honors-Bessie Lake, Vic- tion. 1tor Leckwoti. John Spencer.1 Pass-Olga Paskanyh, Violet Heu.- ning, Wlle MEachiern, Jessie Van- SDusen, Harolti Cauch, Gainet Ca-: SYo ar aeDot well. exp eriment- Beloir 60% Fred Couch, Ailan nr~g nwlf>nSpencer. temase:s oinit- Jr. 11-Honons--Jamlie Wright,I idSkin Irrita- John Richard, Mary Breretan. i tonce and gradu- Samnpie box Dr. Pass-Daviti Gray,, Veilma Brown. you iention this Below 60%-Donald Mc4Eachern,i Dr o5ag .0.a Fred Çowean, Milton >Brcmn, Tom1 son Bte C.,SpncrBilly Toma, Lewis Clark, Mis. Samiuel Bonathan is seriously iii at ber home here. _Mi. ant iMus. D. Vallenu, Oshailwa, are visiting in town. M iss Leta Mitchell, Portsmouth, i's iitin te se s Lake. MisRiieati of North Bay, is gest afMs.P. T. LeGîesley. Mis.AllentBrown anti littie son, Port Hope, are visiting frientis in town. Mr. E. Pool, Tononto, wns Suindaiy gulest of Mr .and Mrs. J. Anderson Mis.* Dyeî, Port Hope, was guest of her2 brother, Mu. A. Elswonth this w (-ek. Mis. Vesta Gi'bson bas netuined home fron Toronto whene she spent the Winten. Mr. anti Mis. Milton Wight, Pro- ,vidence, were Sundayý guests of Mis. John Richard. Our Lawn Bowling- Club openeti the season by a friendly game Tues.' dlay aftennoon. iý sa',Enna Rowland bas moveti froI-0 Miss, Chapple's bouse to the roonis aven R.. Walton's gnoceiy. Mr. anti 1Ëln. P. E. Bratiburýy, Toronto, motoreti bere and spnt th week-end iith Newcastle fiientis Provincial Premier Ferguson anti Hon. G. S. Henry were visitons ati Commiuaity Hall on a necent visit here. M.Aia McLean Howardi, Toron- to, spent the week-end witm his par- ents, Bey. J. Scott Howard ant iMrs Howard. Mis. J. E. Binch underwent a ser- ions openation in Bowmanville Hos- pital on Monday which we h1-ear was quite succensful. Sunclay evening- when Mi. George Clarke was driving home, an auto struck the rear of bis buggy, wîeck- ing it anti thiowing out the occu- pants. Amicable settiement is like- Iy. Occupalits were not seniously injiireti. Messis. Tom Colwili anti Jini Armnour of Toronto, are spentiing thein vacation on the farrm of M1r.t W. H. Peance anti using some afI theii spane time to caîl on many oft 2onm's olti acquaintances of Clarkea ati D'alington.t A former residlent, Mi. John Kel- c ey, Durbani, visiteti here on Suntiay,s t being flfty years since Mr. Kelley was teller in the Standard Bank hene inden the mnnageîship of the late ký K. Allena. Needless ta say _Mn. Kelley sair many chages sinc e bisn time hene, anti was able ta locatec veny f ew persons that wene then resi-p dents of Newcastle. tl 'Tîuth is strangci than fictionf as b evidentoti by a local happening. Some s ight yeans ago Mis. Herbent Buownu13 ast ber wedding nring irbhile doing 9 ome gardtening anti although diligent t] eanch was matie it mas not discover- t i. Aftenwantis the Browns vaca-b cd the primises, which in thlkmean- tin-w bas been occupieti by diffcient tl famibies, but in the course of events ti [mie Bio'wns retuirledti their formier bteanti one day' las -hweek vhileP Mis. Browniras xvônldng ini bei gar- tl en she font ber lost ring aftcî a0 enioi afeig-ht yeans an4 'it -iras ap- aîently nne 'the ewor5ê"%br its lIg O rest in mnother earth.-on a NEWCASTLE NMETHODISTS CongregationaI Meeting a F~ine Success. Newc-as-tle Methodist Chuîch hel its annuai congregationai meeting c Th'ursday evening i Sunday Schoc Roonis, witb a veny large attendanc nearly every family being represent ed andi in many, cases whole familie were there. Great entliusiasij eharacterized the meeting and tii li*veliest interest in ail affains 4of th church. Much credit is due to Mr. 'J. W~ Bradley andi Mr. Geo. P. Rickar<d Comimittee appointed by Quaricerli Board, for the careful plans an compiete arrangements made foi caîrying out the evening's prograr whicb proceeded sa very amoothl: anti agneeahiy. 1'heir sub-committe( of ladiesý, Mrs. Normnan Aluin, Mrs. J Cobbledick, Mis. Wm. Parnell and< Miss 0. Warren, also deserve mnuci praise fon the efficient inanner in -which they pianned andi served lunch ta the whole assembleti con- gregation. Mr. J. W. Bradley opened the meeting and after a f ew clean ex- planiatory remanks requested Rey. E. B. Cooke to take the chair. The whole work dof the year; ail phases of it in evýery departmnixt was reviewed, and waile report~s wene being given by officials of ~Boards andi etery an- ganization in connection with the church, the people listenedl with the keenest aýtentiôn. Suggestions ve1remadie and heip. fui erîiticisms aoffered. Mr. A. A. Colwill, Recordiug Stewardf reported f or the Qtiarterly Officiai Board. Neyer ini the history of the church, so far back as his meaiory went, dur. inz bis own tenure of office and ini the tintes of his predecessors, bati s recordiag steward sncb reason to ap- pear before a. congregation witb sucii feelings af jo$r, and gladness and gratitude to God as hie now expen- The adoption of the Budget Sys- teni of producing a revenue and1 of meeting the financial obligation~s of the church in respect of the P>astoral allowaxice, the connexionai fuinds anti the uipkeep andi maintenance of the chiurch property bad proved entinely juccessful. The people have been liberai in hein offerings; ail accounts of every kind hati been paid andi thene was a nice surplut st sart the year which commi-enced, on, May lst. Eveny de- aprtment of tVbuchurch was in a flourishing ' Qri'tion. Çhurch at- tendance thrnghout the year hati been unusually rda.nge; the mnember- siip had iteen iwjcneaseti by sixty- omie by-letter of transfer, but the grenter numbher comirig in thnough the League and Sunday School. The spiritual life of the people bas been raised tp a higher plane ai-d the Xingtiom of God strengtheneti by he èannest andi incessant ministra- tions of love andi helpfulness on the part of the pastor, Rev. E. B. Cooke, andi by the joyous tievotion and thoughtful ee-oý,peration anti wealtb f brigbt suggestions in the intereat f eveny phase of the wonk, on the art of Mrs. ooe, the pastor's wife. When Mr. <'oiwili announceti the cetion of the Officiai Boardi at its Febnuary meeting, in inviting Rey. E. B. Cooke andi Mrs. Cooke ta nre- mnn a third year, the congregation nanifesteti its appxoval by sueh. igorous andi prolonged applause and lapping of hands that it was soxhe Âme be-fore he coulti go on speaking; ind if there wene sonne blushes on iecheeks of Mr. Cooke and hb's stimaâble partner by neason cf ail -ie ecominnis that were bestowed, ipan thein, they were honest b-iush- ýs; anti if some heant throbs wene ne-1 ,ealet ini their countenancesa at th, nention of woîk, well tione anti sin- îrely appreciateti, the people knew' ind understooti andi were proud of Iern. The# were the intensi.fieti )use beats of warm andi loving ieaifts. Othen reports weîe subnmitted as olIows :-The Trustee Board by Mr. 1R. Perce; the Pansonage Coin- nittee and endotwmeiit fund by Mn. eco. P. Rickard; the Budget Funti >ý Mis. W. F. 1Rickard, treasurer of he Finance Committee; Organizeti 'lses of thte Sunday Schooi: Sun- hine Class b y Miss Miaule Selby; 3usy Bees Glass by Miss Marjorie ones; Unity Class by Miss Grace 3ragg; Welcome Glass by M.Ea quartet, Mr. Mark Allia, Mr. W. F. Rickard antid Misses Hattie Mason and Etna Rigkarti, The~ whale as- sembly also joineti in singing "God be with yoi tili we imeet again" andi "Fraise Goti from wironi all blessings flow."1 Sanie facts anti figures gleaneti f nom the reports are: Total contiib- utians ta Budget $2,838.76; money naiseti by congregation thnough al channels for ail purposes ciosely appîaxixnating $5,000. 00; conti-ibut- eti te Genenal Missions $550.00, a slight falling off from the high peak reachedti ir years aga. On sanie Sundays the total atten- tiance at Sunday School equalleti one-fourmth the entire population af the villa0p The Ê1iurch bas five choirs-tlie regular arganizeti choir of bass, tenor, alto anti soprano voices; a maie choir, a ladies' chair, an inter- mediate choir whicb sings once eveny second Suntiay anti the Junior choir which sang last Suntiay evening. Chiltireý enrollet ini the juvenile atteudanc'e clans numben 70 wlth an average attentiance of 45 at chnrch every Sunntay. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate cf Trinity University, aise of Royal Gollege Physicians, Edtin- burg. Speeialty-Diseases of wom- en anti chiltiren. Ofrice-4>arI<ýr'ê Block, Nemcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Houai gratinate of Trnity Univèrsity Fellow of Tiinity Medical College Licentiate of the State University of Newr York, Matnictilate of the Post- Graduate Medical School anti Hos- pi'tal of Newv York anti Fellow of the Toýronto Academy cf Metiicine.ý Office -Mis. MeNaughton's Residence.1 Newcastle. Hous-8 ta 10 a. ni., 1 to- 3 p. ni., anti by appaintment J. W. Bradley Newca&stle GêaneraI Insurance Agent Gleik of 2nd Division missioner, etc. Court, Con- GOOD COKE is cheaper thani wood anid is the equal to the best Coal. Il have a suuply of the hest Coke obtainable. High est grade of Anithra-. cite always on hand. Geo. Jamieson Newcastle PRINCESS ZARA Charming Operetta Delighted Large Audiýence. The operetta "Pnincess Zara" was rpresentet inl the Comimunîty Hall, Il Newcastle, Tujesday evening, June 3, and, proved a signai suc'cess. This charingl littie peretta tells theý jstory of the aged king, who is about' jto resiga bis throne in favon of bis Bbeautiful 'daughter, Princess Zain. He is -wnineti of disaster, sbouid the Princess comue to the throne, but King ai Court do not heed warning an-d make prepanatians for th cnoa tion. The Kiagn expresýses bis con- tenipt 'foi witches and superstitions, and the wýitcbes guidled by Giewsom plan to wreak their vengeance upon bum. The Prince woos anti wins the Princess,' but as soon, as the latter isi crowned the witch's cuise begins ta work. The Queen fong-ets ail thatl bias happeneti before the corotiation, oriders the King andi Prince ta be sent to the kitchen as cooks- anti places baif the household under sentence of death. At last, through the'inter- vention,.of Queen Butterfly andtihte Fainies, the speil iS hioken. Zain asks the King's pardon, anti ail is 1happiness once a.gain. The title noie iras sunig andi acteti in a most effectiv'e nitnner b-y Miss Gladys Matchett who inade a channi- ing anti beautiful Princess; she was a1,,ly supparteti by ,Mr. R. Walton la the noIe of Prince Florizel, anti the part of the King iras excellently enacteti by Mn. L. Tlwmnas. Mis. Wm. Jamieson, sang deligitfully the paît of the Queen Butterfly, anti she anti ber gnoup of gliteiing fairies was one of the veiy attractive features af the play. Another striling fieatuîe was the group of iritelmes in their ted anti black gains led by Mrs. R.iGîb- ,son. The chonuses wene brightly sung ,the dialogue, cleven aand amius- ing, anti the pictuiesque anti colon- fui costumnes of the courtiers anti lad- ies ia waiting atideti much to the g.eneral effect.ý The noie of the frtn aiti of honor wias sung ly Miss Jaiiie Singer Ail of those taking part arne ta be congratulateti upon the success of thie enteitainmnt. Mns. W. H. Anderson acteti as director anti the pianist ias Miss Sadie B'en- nett. IL TRUE ECONOMY You will find it true economy to shop at tiol1ery. H. S. BRITTOIN, this store. Confec Baker & Grocer Newcastle Let Us Deliver Your Groceries The freshest vegetables, the finest canned goods, the most appetizing fruits-groceries that will make your daily meals a huge success for the housewif e. Consider our quality-cornpare our prices. Then you'Il trade here. R.WALTON"ý« Grocfr -Newcastle nm- .jl FARMERS! ARE YOU INITERESTED IN DRAINING YOUR~LAND? Tile Drain~age is not an experim ent on land but an establishied money-nmaking investrnent for you. Ontario has about 300 ditching machines in operation and the United States has thousands. I have a ditching machine and arn ready to help you drain your land. ýCorne and talk it over. A. W.PIN CH Drainage Conitractor R. R. 2 Newé'stle.-Ot GeqeraI Agenit Wanted THE CROWN~ LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY has an open- iag 'for an amblitus andi aggressive man to act as its General Agent in this district. Office supervision and assistance will be giron. To a man with ability who can get r,ýsults this off ers a splendid opportunity for fluan ciai success anti atvimucenent. Ail coirespondence wiil be strictly confidential.I Apply to J. S. Stsees, Supt., 59 Yonge St., Toronito.I 23-2 t g. 't- ~ '-y t n ý -Juat Received ANOTHER CHOCE SHIPMENT 0F Pearneal ]Breakfast Bacon 17c pound PURE LARD 20 lb Pail only $3.25 .Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, Ho'use 272 Bowmanville Ont. 1

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