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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1924, p. 1

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~fl~4 With Which is Incorp( M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT.,. TH 12th., 1924. $2.00 a Year In Advane 5c a Copy BOX PLANTS cks, per boxc......15e ers, per box .....15e ery, per box ......15c iies, per box ....15e ýut Flowers always. in k. Wedding and ýeraJ orders promptly J. Jacknr & Sons 1FIorists me 80 Bowma BENEFIT 0F TILE DR~AINAGE At the last ses1ion of the Ontario Legislature the Tile Drainage Act wis , m ended m-aking provision to hielp farniers who desire to tile drain their farn-s. Townships may borrowl up to $200.000 for this purpose an.d a loan of $2000 may be made to an owner of 100 acres to be applied to cost of draining-. Paymnent.s coer a terni of 20 years. Ujnited States bas thousands of ditching machines ini use while Ontario has about 300 in operation at .present. Farmers in this district are very fortunate in having- a machine available for this jxurpose and is doing excellent work., Cet i. coimmunication with A. W. Pinch, R. R. 2, Newcastle, if you are interested in tile drainin. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Wedncesday-Thuraday, June 11-12 "Thne Iloosier Schooimaster" with Jane Tho.mas n Henry Hull. Ye wbo like action and thrill shoiild not mi%,s this great picture. Fridlà -Saturday, June 13-14 ay"Tiger Love" Monday-TuesdIay, .hsne 16-17 m~ortgage SaVe Under and byý virtue s of the powers containedi in a certain niortgea ge which wi 1 be prodlucedl at thie lime of sale , tiiere will be offered for sale by ilUBILIC A-UCTION by Theo. MU. Slemoti, Auction- eer, at the premises herinafter mien- tioned, on TLursdaîy, the 10th dany of july 1924, t the hour of two o'clock in the afteiinoon the following property: TIhe north 7', feet of lot numnbeir 10 fronting on Deech Avenue and the Con- cession Road as lad down on a plan of lots in the towu of Bowmvranville in the County of Durhami, registered by one John 1NcClung in the ltegistry Office for the Registry Division of the West Rid- ta,- of the Cotinty of i3urhamn, and being a part of original township lot flamber eleven i n the irst concession of the township of Darlington, now forning part of the town of Bowmaxnville afore- said. The property lias a frontage of 13 feeti on Beecb Avenue and 132 feet on Con- cession Street, On the property is a beautiful brick dwelling bouse In excellent repaît. The main portion Is a two-storey brick house 23' x 16' and 27' x l1' and 14' x 15'; and a one-storey frme addition Il' x 14'. A celiar le under ait this brick portion. It lias also a stable which can be used as a garage, fronthng on Concession Street, 20' x 27'. The bouse contains 8 rooins and a bathroom c&ntaining a three-piece set. Town water and sewer are laid on.1 The property wiil be sold subject t.o a reoerved biS.a For terms ad conditions of sale apply to the undersigned Solicitor. D. B. SIMPSON, K. C., EDITORIAL report of W. ig is condiensei MINISTERS AND CIURCHES h MJethodist Suniday School wl yr commence at 10 a. mi. Sunday for the d summlier molnths. e St. Paul's Church, Rev. D). 'W. Best, f Minister. Il a. m.-"Yesterday -and To-morrow". 7 p. I.~-Ms- etakes". 12-1-Sunday School and1 Bia lass b Methodist Church, Rev. S. C. l- Moore, B. A.,, B. D., Pastor. .Sunday services: 10.00 a in.-S$unday School. 11.00 a. m.-Public Worship, the tPastor. 7.00 p. m.-Rev. Thos. 8Wallace, Newtonville. ' The C. Q. 1. T. meeting of Wed- nesaavnieht ooen, wih ahv LOCAL AND OTHERWISEt Read the ads. Lt pays. . Mrs, John Hlamlyu is visiting' rela- tives in Kingston and St. Vincent. Mr. and IMrs. Hlarry W. Foster re- cently visitedi relatives at Sonya and Lin(dsay. Mrs. Geo. Foster, Sonya, bas been visiting ,-Mr. and Ms. IH. W. Foster, Wellington Street. TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOL-S Sciool Report For May. oom1 1-Entrance Cas-ore- PupiIl will write their ý De- ,mental Exainiations July 2nd, 4th. oom 2--Jr. IV-Marie Valleau, ta Munday, Herbert Colffer, 'Z Vanstone, Novelda Berry, La Syn-ins, Marion Hamiilton, ron Hazewood, Nelda Lyle, m tinis The receiviî month the Go the me $1 a y bers to OS ltr for mVL45flCCV. THEO. M. SLEMON. Auctlineer. Dated June 'th., 1924. Mirs. Davidson and daughter, Los Angeles, Cal., are visiting ber brother, Mr. Albert Gilders, Welling- Mri.F hani, M Mary, ý and Mri Brighitoi of Mr. 3went, ~~ presîutiu cises. ýence of Paster he services in t Ce aring Suit s 'andl oomfortin.- who may find everyday tasks Anderson sang "Enough to Kr in, Mr. Miàson thoughtful serin Curtis san- as tis poliey of 'tresti goocis' compeis us to sacrïtice the balance of our suits to ensure a eompiete clear- ance-aqnd' that's why you may buy these beauti- fui suits noýw at 25% OFF NEW DRESSES 0F CREPES, VOILES AND RATINE, ETC ... A very sipecia1 showing of New Dresses that have just corne to hand featuring embroidered Voiles, Crepes, Ratine. Alil are mnade in the stylles that will be most popular for this season and in designing these you wil find many new and effective lîttie touches of beeoming beauty. Truly a splendid ehoice with exclusiveness throughott the entire range. We bought them at a bargain and have marked them aeeordingly. SPECIAL SHOWING PLEATED SKIRTS In Wooi Crepe and Silk Crepe, newest shades, Pleates guaranteed to hold their shape. Be sure to see these skirts. Ail Ladies" Coats Selling at GÏreEatly Reduced Prices MEN'S DEPARTMENT Two Holiday Specials We are f eaturing for the holiday Men's Grey Worsted Suits for $18.50. Boys' Suits with 2 pair pants $7.88. Straw' Hats just in, newest styles, ail new as we éompletely sold out last seasoDn. Coucli, John.ston & Crydermain, Bowmanvlll* Phonp 10~ Limitea 40oe, Joe Reynolds, f. S. Baker, 'Bowinan- L lar 110v Shop where you are invited te i shop. An advýt. is an invitation. se str ser SPECIAL OFFER The Canadian Statesman will be sent1 to a new subsoriber to Jan. 1., 192, for $1.00 Princess BUL BUL The Parîsian Nightingale A Comic Operetta in 2 Acts Uncler Auspices Orono Horticult- urai Society in the OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE FRIDAY, JUNE '13TH 40-PEOPLE-40 In Soelo, Choruis,~ Duet, Dancing Wonderf ai Stage Setting, Gor- geous Costumies. Special Scenery. Admission 50c; Chidren Rush1 Seats 25c Doors open at 7.30, play at 8.15 sharp. ,Jack Cur- It, Grace b5y, teachier. eDnard Jack- Hunri- e qual, eral anc held in WElDING Hoskn-Bajson d.ay ev by Rev Iof St. On the h( menimber ofî the iv oens nisieonary lie Uora, Amon;z the floral offerings from Praniptl:ý friends and neigh'lbors was a spray entered from the W. M. S. of Rowmanvilie wedditug Methodist Ghurch. ion Bas!l She leaves to mourn her passing stood in two sisters, Mrs. Kestle, widow of pa1ms, fi Rev. J. D. Restie of Exeter, sud wearing Mrs. (Rev.) W. H. Spargo of this chene g< taw n. carried Among the relatives atteuding- the roses a funeral were her nephew au4d niece, wearing Mr. and Mrs. R. J. F. Staples cf necklace. Toronto. sister of Rev. and Mrs. Sparga accompa.n- dies with ied the remains to Exeter an Satur-1 a basket diay the -interment taking place on littie ring Mouday iu Exeter Cemietery. B. D., of the ceren CARD 0F THANKS the dinin dinz sup: Rev. and Mrs. W. IL Spargo de- was pret sire ta thank their mmany friends for heart re the sympathy expressed ia kindly Later iu deeds, b-y flawers and in Other waYs Hoskîn h during the illnessanad death of their whcere thi sister. he recil sud cesi HICH SCHOOL TEACHERS eveniugt MEET AT OSHAWA the bride ________beautïiul About 60 of the Higli Scliool teachers of this district, knowni as the Port Hopel BASE Diistrict of the Secondary Schlfl Teaeh-ý ers' Federaition met in Oshawa on Sat-j nrday. Tea)che-rs were p-reýsent fron Peterboro, Cob)onrg, Port Hope, ,ow- Our Publ .....4l.. fl.,.. D . ..- f t bv1 . t. L., n-iz.,d at r. Pr.-Jiin Woodward, George ýa-Pulrdy and B4iIie Loughiman equal. vs Miss Mildred F. CoIe, teacher. es- No. on roll 560. Penny Bank ,es-. deposits $131.57. ind J. H. Jobnian, Principal. ny.______ _ lh HAMPTON nd Mrs. C. W. Souch gave a birthday de party on the Klng's birthdayJn ide 3, in hQnor cf lier mother, b4rs. A. d Hayes, who was 81 years aid. 'Ail ,dhad a. jonly time. Irt New dresses of Crepes, Voiles anmd irl Ratines just placed on display. A ~nreally wonderful selection. Couch, n:Johuston & Cryderman. rig ty W. D. WOMEN'S INSTITUT'E ar Annual District meeting of West to Durham Women's Institutle, will be d held at Newtonville on Thursd'ay, e-Jue X2th at 2 p. in. ýyMiss E. Reyriolds, Ma's. J. R. <oo er, Y. Dist Pres. District Sec'y.-Tr as. BASEBALI., RED 14TH Plan Drug Si News No. 21 .;W..w»omm ail

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