t I. e, et a a a S mina WEMONEY ON ALL YOUR GROCERIES ne ie" bargaîns neyer attract the thifty housewif e.Sh ops where she cau save monecy on her entire Grocery b,11. .at'swy a million and more shop regulaiy àt DOMII9N ORES evemy week sud are able ta miake a steady savýilg 0on of their graceries. Place your entire order this wveek at .îr nearest Dominioin Store sund note the savings you ma2ke. iors,;eshoe Salinon e b.1tn 3 5c D. S. L. CORIN 'FLAKES, 3 pkts. -29ic KELLOGG'S 8 BRPlAN ----20 WRlHiITE SWAN PANCAKE FLOUR? 2 plkts. for - e NZ BAKED EANS (with rk and Tom. u.ce). smnall, 15-0z.PkSED LEISS RAISi NS, 2 frà.ý MOUNTAIN CREST .7 CORN., is -7 F 1A i fQ~ -27e I PEAS, 2 tins -27 Kraft Cheese AYLMNER GOLDEN BANýî,TAM CORN C 2,4N E D .PTJMPKIN-- PEANUT BUTTEIý lb. - - - - XING'S FPLATE SARDINES, KIPPER SNACKS 3 tins - - - CHOICE, LARGE PRUNES, 2 ibs. SEEDL-ESS RAISINS, 2 lbs. 14e -.25C -29c -25c HEINZ BAKED BEANS (with 4cPark and Torr. 14CSauce), medium I1 TOY PAIL PEANUT BUTTER u 4-lb tiar, ASP. or STRAW. JAM-- C i-lb. jar HARVEST 9 RASPBERRY JAM 25C - - :35c NEW CHEESE 2k lb.- - - - - -2 BAYSIDE LOMDIC and G. G. PI. BMD1 C. C. SAUCE " 9 Bottie - - - - 23ct -20e - 15C -23c SPECIAL BLEND Ar- RICH-MELLO cbdI COFFEE, 1i1-.-'UCCO FFEE, VZ lu.JJC RICHMELLO 6C RITIEAl 7-9% COIFFEE, 1 lb. - RICMEALLO 7q RITEGOOD (for Beer ~ HIRE'S mnaking), small - - 90UC GINGER ALE RITEGOOD (for Beer t l HIRE'S makiig), large - - 441 £.U60 1ROOT BEER RITEGOOD STOUT 4~7 sud PORTER - -41A.IU 33c 33c Machine Sliced Bacon 29c 24 Wk; 5ELL eiL TO SA Tispy Gqood Shoes and Good Hosiery are necessary to every well dressed man, woman and child Caîl and see the following new lines: "Butterfly" Satin Sandal, price ...........$7,00 "Airedaleý" Sandal, price...................... $7.50 "Smnart Set" Sandal, price ... ......... ..... $5.50 Variety of Grey Sandals, price ....$5,00 to $7.00 Low Heel Patent Sandal, price ................ $2.50 GUARANTEED SILK HOSE Variety of Guaranteed Silkç Hose, Black, Brown, Polo, Nickle, Bbolink, Felbert, White and Grey, price.................. :*****"*85c PAIR NEWEST SHADES IN HOSIERY Sheli, Camiel, French Nude, New Nude, Orange, Price ......................... $1.25 to $1.75 Copeland Slioe Store 249J Bowmanville P. O. Box 443 -00O G( rMEX BOW'MANVILbE, JUNE 112th, 1924 I Saskatchewan farmer suffered f romý backache and stiffness in the joints and was reitored to, good health by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. Eddyside, Sask., Junre 9, (Special). "For about tirree years 1I'have suffered from backache sud stiffnes in my joints. I did not sieep well and had vemy littie appetite la the niornings. I taok two 'boxes- of Dodd's Kidney Pill,sud have found that they did me a lot of good". This statement is made by Mr. J. Jensen, well kuown in this place. Mm. Jeasen's troubles weme caused bY the kî-dneys. That's why he got] sucir prompt relief froni Dodd's Kidd uey Pis, for they set anly ou the kidneys. 'When tire kidaeys are not right, theY fail ta do their full work of straining ail tire impurities, ail tire 'seeds of disease, sud of tire biood. There eau be no pure blood if tire -kidireys are wroug. There eau be no good healthr unless tire blood is pure. Ask your neighbors if Dodd's Kid- ney Pis are nat tire savereiga rein- edy for sick kidneys. HORS E ROUTES PADDY B Tire Registered Percheron Stallion wilstnd irrougirout the comiag season at Thomas Gim-biett's Fanm, one mile east of Courtice Corners. I I I 1~ F 1N c c VI I 'J E T o L Il T N D J. D. Hogarth, salary as as- seerand equaliziug Union Scirool Sections.' 272.001 H. Ferguson, M. B., services Local Board of Heaith.. 118.50 Mme. S. G. Niddery, advance T. S., S. S. No. il ......100-00 Fred G. Smnithr, do, No. 13 100.001 A. Milîsan, do, No. 14 , ... 100.001 L. C Pascoe, do, Na. 15 . 100.00 J. J Smith, do, No. 19 .. 100.00 R. J. McKessock, do, No. 20 110,001 H. F. Osborne, do, No. 4 . . 150.00 Noble I. M1etcalf, dNo.6 200 LrtaD. Langmrai, Deb.2000 No. 16, S. S. No.' 3 .... 204-00 Couneil adjoumned ta Friday, June 13-, 1924. at the b'oum of 7.45 o clock p. ni. W. R. Aluin, Townhip Clerk. One great need of the world ta- iay is for less bigotry and more chrarity for other people's opinions. Rays' Suits with 2 pairs pantis foQr >nly $7.88-1 rosi bargain. Coucir, rohnston & Cryderman.1 Try the Drug Store F;rst Your Druggist fa mnore thau - --a .-rcant. w .Z- The Fînr the Tea the richer the flavor. A most' interestiug and pleasant afternoon .as spent by the Women's Iustitute of Nestleton, at the haine of MUrs. S.Mcuhln South Nest- leton, Wedne'sday, June 4Ith. Visitors from bath Janetville and Blackstock institutes were present and gave helpful sugestions. Janetvllle lad- les extending- the Nestieton Institute ani invitation ta j oin with theni in their July meeting on the second Thursday at the home of MUre. Han- uah, which -was cordially accepted. A. splendid prograni was readered after' which a deliciaus lunch served by aur hostess, Mrs. M1ýcLaughiin, asslst- ed by ber daughter, -Mrs. Roy Taylor of Blackstack, and _r.Wle Bresen. There wvere f orty ladies KEDRON NEWS Mr. T. Scatt has purchased a new automobile. M~r. and _Mrs. Nesbitt visited their daug'hter, Mmrs. Black, Guelph. Mrs. Luke Robinson passed aw-,ýay [June 4th., after a long, illness. Mm. Everett Shortridge, Brooklin, visited at Mr. A. D. VanDyke's. Miss Ruth Lander, Oshawa, was guest of M1ýiss Giadlys Crossînan. Misses Marion and Eva Routley, Broaklin, visited Mrs. W. N. Hoski'n Mrs. J. E. H. Davis was called ta Guelph recentiy ta see hem fathem, Mr1 J. Nesibitt, who is critically ill. 1 Ladies' Aid met althtie home oft Mrs. H. L. Pascoe on Wednesday af- temnoon, June 4th. An excellent progmain was given. Sunday, June lSth Rev. Dr A. C. Cre-ws, Toronto, Editor of Suuday School Publications, is expected ta preach at 2.80 and 7.30 p. ni. Mr .and Mms. G. VanDyke, Dam- liugtou, Mr. 'and Mrs, Cecil Jeffem-y, Maple Çrove, Mms. J. Brauud anld Mme. 5. Trevail, Oshawa, Miss Me-t Keuzie, Mrs. Osborne and Miss Aura Osborne, Ebenee, recent guests at MmlI. Jesse Atnott's. COURTICE Report of S. S. No. 8, Darlington, for May:b Sm. IV--Sam Gay, James Hancock,a Ruby Phair, Aima Patter, Sadier Muir.a Jr. IV-Sceburn Essery, Veimat Gay, Edith Balson, Fergus Xinsmau,c John Wilkns, Jack Comnish.d Sr. I1-Mona Kinsinan, KeanethrÈ Petersan, Mildmed Brock, Gardon Brown, Howard Peterson, Harry1 Gay, W~ilie Bickie, Beatrice Allin,E William Everson, John Termy. e Jr. III-Gladys Brock, Annie 'Wil-n kins, Gladys Bickie, Douglas Court-a ice, Archie Muir, Clame Courtice,a Keunetir Essery, Norrian Walter, s Bernard Hepworth, Wiilie Rizneck. I Clara E. Wiiliamson, iteacirer. Sr. Il--Jack Gay,.Marioni Courtice,u Cleve Kinsinan, Walter Shortt, EvaN Courtice, Lamna Barber, Gerald Pet- erson, Elsie 'Courtice, Robert Court- ice, Nora ~Adams, Helen Wilkins, Jr. Il-Dora Rizneck, ýGwýendolynp Hepworth, Mary Konapacki, RayI Terry, Guelda Trimbie, Curtis Gear- ing. 1t Sm. I-Ro'bert Barber, Wqlfred t Brown, Bernice Gay, George Shortt,P Elva Kinsman ,Alce Rizneck, Lin- i cQîn Bailey, Harry Bickle, Mabel ti Walter, Doris Triarible. ti Jr. 1-Florence Wilkins, Editir Al- lia, Sadie Allia, Arvilla Trim'ble. e 1Sm. Pr.-Talbert Gearing, Bruce U Muir, Ross Baison, Marion Courtice, sl ElcJon Essery, Claude Grahami, Irene a( Nichais, Max Nichais, Wiliie Nichais. Leuta J. Pierson, teacher. WJ HE SUFFERED FOR T THREE YEARSH 1 DARLINGTON COUNCIL Town Hall, Hampton, May 31, 1924. Regular meeting of council heid thîs day; menrbers ail presenit; Reeve tCourtice pmesiding. Minutes of -iast regular meeting, also of special mneeting were read,ý approved and signed. , S D. B3. Sinipson, K. C., ou behaif of Trustees of Union S. S. No. 1, Dar- lington, and S. S. No. 23, Clarke, me- quested council ta paiss a, by-law-% to is- sue debentures for $8000.00, payable in 10 annual instalments, for pur- pose of building a new school house and furnishing the samie. Application was received and by-law will be con-' sidered at an adjourned meeting ta be held on Friday, Jiine 13, 1-924, at the hour of 7.415 p. ni. At 2 o'clock p. m., counicil me- solved itseif into a Court of Revision, wheni several ijnar adjuetnrents weref made amiouutin-g to $8,50.00 lu a re-J duction on an assessinentof2,3- 1241.00. Business of court bein comrpieted, regulàr order of business -,was taken Up.1 Wn-i. Prescott coriplained as tai watee on rond at lots 32 and 33, con. 7. Referred ta Coun. Pascoe, with, power toa a't. Bart Mothersili, Oshawa, presented a petition 'on behaîf of 6 ratepayers in, the Township of Darlington asking for the formation of Union Schiool Section with certain ratepayers re-~ siding in Township of East Whitby;, new school house ta he built an 1lot 4, con. 1, in Towniship of East Whit- by. A petition haviug been presented by 32 ratepayers of S. S. No. 4 in the Township of Darlinglton agaiust the formation of a new Union Schooli section. Caunicil dîd not favori granting the prayer of the petitionersj but should matter be referred ta ar-i. bitration, R. E. Osborne was ap- pointed as arbitrator on behaîf of the I Torwnship of Darlington. M. W. Crook ciainwd that one of l' bis caws hiad sustained injuries whiie crassing an alleged defective cuivert, andc asked for damages. Laidaon!, table for further consideration. Counicil decided ta proceed w4th buildinL, new cemrent eu ierts atli Hampton, cen. lot 18, con. 5, atl Power's, lot 19 ,con. 1, and Darch'e at. lot 8, con. 8. Ia regard ta complaint of overhead t bridges at lots 20 aud 21. aird lots, 22 aud 23, C. N. R., suggested that ar- rangemrents might be mnade to putl an extra tempoary crossing over 1 their track- over which hea_-vy nia- y chiaery could be handled. Council f 1 decided to ask for fur-ther informa-i r tion bef ore granting their approval.i Ia regard ta watercourse at lots i 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22, con. 3, C. N.! é R. have taken action~ unçlerthe Ditch- 1t s and Watércourses Act, anrd have9 1 nrotified ail parties eoncerned Vo m'tir at lot 21, con. 3, on June 1L2, 1924, S at the hour af 2 o'clocic. p. ni., ta see if arrangements, for settiement mray he arrived at. Counicil decided ta place warkmen ou new cemeut cuverts anc bridges under the Workmen5s C znenrsatianfJ Aact, estimiated cost of laor , i r $1200.00. 1t 1A resolution was passed sud copies a ordered forwarded te, the Hon. the c Prime Minister; Hon. Geo. P. Gra-1 1- binm, Minister of Railwaye and Can- als; Hon. Chas. Stewart, Miaister of 0) thre 'Interior, and 'to Secretary On- î : tario Municipal Electrie Association, t protesting'agaiust parliament grant- a ng incorporation ta The Confedera- 0 ;iou Canial and Power Company for the purposes asked for. 1 ( Jas. D, Hogarth, assessor, present- t ed hie report as ta the Equaliziug of i e Union School Section wvith the Tovtn- I t slrip of Clarke and Mauvers. Reports Il adopted. ti Local manager of Hydro-Electric Po-wer Coniission at Oshawa, for-i t] warded iist of their custoniers lu the ftl Toownrshup of Darlington. Filed. fd Orders graated on Treasurer were:r H. Allia, attendiag lanterns.$ .5 F'. VonGunten, shovelling S suow...................1.20g a.C. Snowden, teanring 1v ,cuivert tube ....... 250m Wm. Essery, ehovelliag snow 4:20 L.D. Simipson, do.......... 4.60 Mrs. E. J. Burk, gravel 1923 4.75, ' H. E. Rundie, shovellingY suow...........5.00 L Milton Sleinon, d 6.00 Cecil D. Pascoe, do........ 6.()o P C.F. Corden, do ..6.40 le 'hos. White, use of field for P r.oad....................10.00nP bhos. White, shavelliug snaw 12.409 la Tas. Cam-eran, do.......... 15.80 I l. Wilcox, teairiing steel P BEAUTIFUL, CALIFORNIA Mr. Lornie Creeper, Monterey, 1Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B3. Creeper, Horaey Street, Bowman- ville, under date of Miay 28, 1924, wýrites a very interesting letter des- criptive of the scenery, the fruitlands and other attractions of that south- ern country fromi which vie are per- raitted to publish these excerpts : ! We arrived home Sunday niglit fromi San Francisco and San Jose. Left Los Angeles on Wedresday and spent the remiainder of the tine up north. It was real hot dlow-vn south, The naval oranges wvere ail out in bloom-. They are more like other fruits in their bearing; they have their blossomi season and fruit ripens Iater in the summiier. Valen- cias have bossoms, green fruit and ripe fruit on at ail! times. The fragrance of the blossom-s filled the whole valley. Even ini the heart of the siali cities it was as Ftrong as riglit in the orange groves thei-tselves. We went over to Catalina Island for a day and liked it so well we stayed three. It is a very beautriful place owned by George Wrigley, the Chew- ing Gumi man. The island lie s ahout 30 miles off the coast and south of Los Angeles. The trip is1 very înteresting every step of thel way. As the steamer leaves the Los ,Yhgeles dock, proceeding thru the channel .to the sea, a man announces ail places of historicai importance, ai- s0 the m'anufacturing places and their annual output. The Pacific fleet -was in the Bay and we passed very close to themi in winding our way thru. Our trip from the mainiland to thre island was very pleasant. *TheIre was much pecuhiar sea-lif e to look at. The sharks were lying lazily on the sur- face with their back-fins above water and as we camne close ta thein they would slowly move away. iProbabîy the most interesting thing were the flying-flsh. 1 had heard of their preseirce in the. waters ar'ound the south seas but neyer ex- pected to see themi off the southeru California coat. But there they wvere and they really do fly, too. rhey would rise out of thre water 8 or 4 feet, as our steamer friglitened them, and they ,yould continue to fly yver the surface for as f ar as 100 feet and then dive out of sight. -As we drew nearer the island, nany large motor-~boats came out ta neet us .and they are very f astý boats, too. They say one goes 40 miles an hour. They camne bound- ing towards us like a pack of lýai- ful animals throwinz the surf in ail directions. Then they wQuld re- urn to the island, as though they were breaking the newsv of our ar- riai, and thea dash back to our teamer again. Tiis they did until we had docked. When we docked we took the glass-bottom boat and followed the hore line of the island and saw the tudersea animal and plant 14f e. Gold fslr were nearly as large as auckers in Bo-wrTinanville (E<arber's Çreek> and there was an abundance of big plants as large as lilac bushes. Tihese are alled "Iodine Keip", fr'om n which all our iodine is obtained. Then a man dove off the aide of our boat and swami down under comi- 'ng right up close to our glass like he fish di'd.,1He had his eyes open Ill the tume and stayed under! for ver two minutes. The island is, quite weli developed. Good highways are under construc- ion, some of thren~i ?lready complet- ýd. I rose early one morning and Ëook a walk up thru the Avalon Val- ly which is devoted ta fig, planta- ons. Had a talk with one of the -rowers and hé said he had been on Voe island for'i V2 years and during -at turne it hadn't rained enough to lampen one's ciothes. For this sason they have irrigation. The limate 's a little warmer than in outhern California and ithe sun rines ail the 'day long. They have, -ooddrinking water, ail modern con- 7eniences and cable communication vith the mainland. Four movie companies were on thel land talving pictures--Cecil De [illes, Buster Keaton, Fox and asky. DeMilles had about 200 sople in his company and the icture a ivigh-c1aîs play is ta be tiown as "Feet of Clay" when com- Leteld. They of ten change the iaes, though.« Buster Keaton was aking a comredy whrich took in a ne sketch of the ieland jpoast, sup- m>sed to e SuthAfrica!1 i no excuse f or you not nlow.: Corne early.ý sale. owning and enjoying a car This is a genuine bargain HAVE YOUR CAR PAINTED Our expert artist who has had years of ex- perience in painting cars wilI give you a first-class job in every particular. Not only will you go away proud that your car looks as good as new, but you wiIl be happy that it cost so littie. WE WILL WASH YOUR CAR What's worth doing is wvorth doing' right. You'Il find that we know how to wash your car to perfection. Just run your car in our garage when you need it wâshed. CHlADBURtN MOTOR CO. Phone 177 Bowmanville 'i J.D.KE "L THMA RE - Hnmawc ,152e îis the finest, therefore is alwaya more delictousý than ordinary tea. Try Lt. Bsonda THIS, bank providesseifcltes for th~e sl and purchase of Goverr,nent anrd other bonds, [nvestors are invited to censcuit. our localmaae who will be pleased to arrange any such transactIQcna STAN A P AN K - H. W, Lapp, Managoe * E. A. Prestoný,UfMaraes' J. Scott MoatgomeryMaeiu Bowmnauville Branch, '31ackstock Banh ecaieand Newtonville Branches Protect Yuý"ur Home With Toronto Asphait Roofing Made from pure wool and pure asphait. Tor- onto Asphait Roofings supply the ideal solution to every roofing problem-safety.--beauty- economy. We have it in rolis and siates. ny Ceai Now Lehigh Valley Anthracite "The Co al That Satisfies" This is the month to fill your coal bins for next winter. We have a splendid guality of ail sizes now ready for immediate delivery. J. A. HOLGATE & SOj"N Phone 153 Bowmanville USEDCARS We are sacrificing ail used cars we now have în. stock at unheard of values. You wiil actually be surprised at the really low prices we have plac- ed on these autos for quick clearance. There is 1 1 Then Mr. John Jenson Used Dodd's Kidney Pis. 1