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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1924, p. 7

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rATXflA4ATflTTI T o'. Provrua Knebabî deserves the Me PREE BABY BOOKS Write te The Borden Co. Limited, Montreat. for two Baby Weihare Bocks. JUNE 12Vli., 1924 headeid, but the younger womien are, breaking away frein this custoni, SCEYMiss H,'awin said she feit it a great ONARY pSOvIEege o b lite W. M. S. repre- - entative ameongst these people, omi page 6) %lien she wýent out seven years ago 1j Lin- i t'oo'- hours of travel te reacli the J.4K sect .ion Of Alberta where these peo- y's paper on "The pie had settled. Sinice thiat time ýxceilent. the raiway has been built and al of the Women's these backward conditions are chang- of the Methodist ed. Everything is booming, changes sthe "Young Lad- are being made, anll she feit thiat cemposed Of the everythîng haýýd to mnove faster te churcli. keep up with the speed in that West- this Society is te ern Colony. 1issonary Society 'hurcli in its work Wednesday Evenig Torts of Christian Dr. E. A. Tetten conducted devo- ývangelization of tional exercises and offereed prayer. d ciidren, te ar- Mrs. C. C. Washinglton, Courtice, ýVom-en Missionar- gave a Bible reading. Mrs. Van- or other special Aistine sang- a beautiful solo and i or Home Feids; Mrs. Crawford read a very excellent for the work of paper- on P-rayer. Miss Elizabeth C. Hawkja toid of the dîfficulties of bAuxiliary can Making, Ukranlians inte (3risti'aa t the Vital Link. CanadiaWs. Severai siides were shown. 'A choir quintette sang 'de- Af ternoon lightfuily. xercises, were ia Thursday Morning ýs Way and Jack- D .ppreciation frein votionai exercises were in aekawledingcharge of Mrs. B, M. Warnica, Bow- ssent by the W. nanille, and Mrs. Lane. Ini place re'adc. of Scripture reading iany heipful Wei«mere-Passage's Of sc4iPtire were given byý Welcmere-the ladies. Study flook-China's tia Stewardship real revolution-was iatrodueed by said "We are liv- ÏlVr s. Richardson, Madoc District. a new day as re- The synopsis given shouid help te 'iment." Many create an interest in China and lier swere givea for people as givea us in our Study Book n ia Christian for 1924. iy bands are re- Eeto fOfcr lurne this year. lcincfOfcr eart feor here is Honorary President-Mrs. A. W. id of endeavour. Grange, Napanee. splendid method Honora'ry Viece-Presid ents--Mrs. in g-iving. In A. R. Campbiell, Mrs. (Dr.) Harris- ýeh systematici on,-Keene. crificial giving. Honorary Treasurer-Mrs. Jas. n of to-day, lie Kendry, Peterbloro. 't us. Mafy we President-Mrs. W. H. Ashton, ind faithfulness Camipbellford. all if e andi ser- lst Vice-President-Mrs. J. W. of the manifoldi Roberts. ut of a total of 2nd Viece-Presidien$.-Mrs. G. W. Brandi 149 are Hamiond.11 ian Stewardship, 8rd Vice-President-Mrs. Geo. 1of these 58 re-1 Jackson, Port Perry. 4 enrolled as Recerding Secretary-Mrs. C. A. Callery. Corresponding Secretary-Mrs. R. for Women G. La-wor, R. A. Osliawa, gave a Treasurer-_Mýrs. (Dr.) Irvine, Port Vloaey Thouglits Hope. en.,,Mission Circle and Band Secretary ,re taxeti on our -MJrs. M. E. Wilson, Camnbray. . ýh funds'like our Mission Circle and Bandl Treasurer ere would bc -r (Dr.) Day. carry on God's, Supt. Chiristian Stewardiiip-Mýrs. give of our ail, F. W. White, Welconie. , strengtli and Strangers' Secretary-Mýrs-. J. ïcate our child- Laird. give liberally te Invitation frein Oshawa Auxiliary, ple who have te te hold the Branch meeting at that d 's work' like te place next year, was gr-atefully ac-1 -e ithers. With cepted. t us aIl say TepeaceAt-l Righ~t My~ d ~ke This resolution was enéîdorsed te lie eh Cor. Sec. re- ferwarded te Premier Ferguson and S. the A~ttorney General Of Ontario .6162 that; That we see ne reason for thie .....1451 riepeal of the Ontario Temiperance ictitat we are utterly epposed te S63 aay attempt te initerfere with the Îes were orgn said Act and would strongly urge the 1better efrein of the saine andi taken . 1935! if aecessary further legislation te- S5361 ward that endi. ...... 73 Thursday Afternoon d a poem frein Devotional exercises -wver e i n .ry appropriate. charge of Mr s. J. G. Sis 'andiMs Laird, Whitliy, H. K. Denyes. gave a very Question Drawer was cenducted >t of this aewer by Mrs. Hammond aand Mýrs. Roberts. Y for Our space. Mlrs. Kendry, Retiriag E ranch-Treas- teport urer, was presented witli a beautiful .enirt bouquet froin efficers and superin- mesners tendents of the Brandi in recegni- :hurch ..29-4 tien of her long and faitiful years of 62 service. spitals . 182 MUrs. (Rev.) F. W. White was -ap- mes.1152 peinteti Coaference representative. ucted ... 30 Appointed delegates to 0 ad f Ilis......1128 Managers-Mrs. J. K. Moore, Mrs. Stilliman Gay and Mrs. ,Geo. Ham- igh, ort ope, Courtesy Ceinittee presented a gh, ort opehighly appreciative resolution expres- ing paper on sing gratitude te local Auxiliary for While." This tlie cordial weicoxne te liestesses for the chiaracter: kinti entertainnient and te ail who naiists, states- hati contnibutedti t prograis -andti t ,e unite in lsay- Mr. Wilson of Daily Guide for gen- with its teaci- erous pcgie their reports. Aês Ceeu i s h oly e eae, we carry with us- ýelightful Ceilesoystht memeries of our sejoura with youi meais foo'he in your beautiful town of 'lui anti on i afol' in ale. Session closett by singing solution is in"God ble witli you tili we mieet again". ard Shaw W%ýith This telegrain was sent f rei.x Con- ,deciares that ference at Picton. or sixty years "The Centenary Bay Conference sees ne -way cengratulates, and greets the eie'ct Vlume and rodue .25c qualit for 1oc plexin onlveiy, radiant, yeuthful. But beware of harsh cleansing methotis. They injure skia. Wash thoroughly with P'almolive Soap--each night ha- fore retiring. Rub the creamy, foamy lather -weill nte the tiny pores. Rinse - andà repeat the' washing. Then rnse again. Thea-if skin is dry-apply a littie cQld creain. That is all. Skia se careti for is net injureti by cosmnetics, by wind anti suri, THE PALMOLIVE COMPANYOF CANADA, LIMITED Winnipeg Toronito Montggul 'relm and .11w eile-@;OIfwe L.gu gIvur's green <*1.7 1 Palréskve . F. J. Mîtche l DISTRIBUTOR Dominion Upright, Grand and Player Pianos Highest Awards 'I London Paris Philadeiphia Chicago The simple, correct way Youi caninot finti a more efflec- tive beauty tre atineat. Because Paimolive Soap is blentied of rare palmn anti olive oils-famlouis fer inilti but therougli cleansing quat.. ities sinice the days of Cleopatra. And it is iaexpensive. Use it for the bath, too. Take ne chances. Palmolive is never solti upwrapped. Get i froi n ~y dealer. Then for one week try titis easy method. Yeu will have causse for deligw C"ven This is why you see prettierN Complexions, today ~ Womep have learned this simnple way to keep Youthlul loeliness The prettier complexions you ce everywler, tday; are due te one thing: Weraea have learneti that it is lnnecessary te sacrifice yeuthifti Ioveliness te the passing years. This simple treatnt lias madie ht possible foýr millions of wemen te keep yotith, charin. The secret Ia yours, too, if yu wil. Juit try this Cleajise the skida regularly, au- thorities Say, te keep your corn-

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