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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1924, p. 8

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I ar Bargaïins If you want a good cheap car corne an-d see me. I have Ford and Chevrolet Cars in good running shape. As iow as $100.00 Ask for a dlemonistration. Only-a f ew left so dlon't delay. A. E. LUKE Phone 9j72J Bowmanville, Drawer J '~1 Special Values Tomato Plants Asters Verbenas 2 Boxes 25c ARCHIE TAIT 65 Bowmanville j The New atstle ýIndfepe&nderit THURSIIAY, JUNE l2th., 1924, NEWCASTLE Mrs. J. Middleton is visiting witb friends in Toronito. The summier cottag-es at the lake ire fast filing up. Mrs. George Staples is visiting withi Mrs. Colin Staples ut Salexa. MHr. and Mrs. Samuel ýýculthorpe visited Mxr. and Mrs. W. R. Green- awýay, Hampton, on Sunday. Mýr. and Mrs. Donald McLaughlin, Toronto, have rented and mioved into Mr. Wmi. Buekley's large brick. Mr. and Mrs. Flanigan of Toronto, have rented "Apple Blossomi-" fromn Màiss Helen Farncom'b and moved in. Mrs. Burrows bas returned to lier home at the lake, having spent the w"inter wth ber daugbter in the city. Mý!ev.Iad Mms R. T. Davison of Hope, visited ber people, Mrs. Ricb- ard Warren and family last week- end, _Mr. Gavin Davidson of Wroxeter, and Mr. L. McILaughýlin of Oshawa, were Sun.day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Richard. Dr. McCoýh of Toronto, and Mr. Normian S. Choate of "Belmont", Port Hope, were week-end guests of Dr. Walton-Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Rewan Sims and family have leased "Longwood" fromi Dr. Walton-Ball and paid a visit of inspection over the week-end. The Misses Breen received a visit over the week-end from their brother Aïr. Jerry Breen, T~oronto, .accom- paýnied by _Mrs. Breen and Mr. and ,JU , y, jie. i r. H. R. Pearce accompanied the 'c lar Blragg Maie Quartette out te Mr. bir nus on Tuesday, June 3, and as- nu.i d theni in a literary way in put- thm on the program for their annual e iay School anniversa.ry. s. (Rev.) Alan McEvoy and te bter Helen, motored over from sur] NEWCASTLE Mrs. L. M. Fisher was a recent vis- itor, to Toronto. Mrs. Frank Bennett is visiting friends, in Toronto. Reeve Butler is attending Counties' Counceil at Cobourg. Miss Gladys Jackson is visitingý friendIs in Hlag-ersville. Attendj anniversary at Leskard Sunday an .d Wednesday next. See advt. Miss Lou. Bonathan, Bowm-anville, visited ber brother, Samuel Bonatlian last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ragen, Tor- onto, spent the week-end guests of Mr. John Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. William Jackson are visiting their daugliter, Mrs. P. Brown, at Rochester. Mr. W. Foster returned borne from Toronto this week, fully recovered from bis recent ilîness. A numnber of Newcastle people were in Cobourg on Tuesday in con- nection with the Jones .vs. Bennett law case. Mvr. Arnold PQster, Leeds, Eng- land, spent the week-end guest of Mr. and MrS. Thos. Gibsoxn at "The Towers". -Miss Mabel Brown, Toronto, 'P'nt the week-end with her parents , Mv. and Mrs. Robert Brown, Bently Cot- Alex. MeNeil, Mrs. sons, Haydon, spent and Mrs. Robert Cottage. 19111Y eSteemle4 citi7zen, r..ý celebrated blus 92idý LESKARD Anni4ersary services will be held as follodws: On Sundlay, June 15, sermons will be pveacbed at 2.30 and 7.30 p. in. by Rev. E. B. Cooke, New- castle. Music by the Sunday School an'd Mr. and Mrs. Swýarbrick, Kendal. On Wednesday, June 18, a strawberry and creamr festival will be held on church --rounds at 5 p. m. followed by a good programn by talent fromý Lindsay, Orono and Kenidal. Admis- sion 50c, children 25c. Rev. A. K. Edmison, J. Th'ompson, Pastor. Supt. LADIES' BOWLING CLUB Thé Ladies' B 'owling Club bas been reorganized and the followingi officers were elected for tbe season of 1924: Presidnt-MIýrs. James Pbilp Vice-President-Mrs. J. E. Matcbettý See'y.-Treas.-Mi-s. Robert Gibson Skips-MIýrs. (Dr.) J. A. Butler and, MIrs. Hugh Gibson.11 Anyone wisbing to join the Club! may do so, by providing their owni bewls and paying a fee of $1.00 per annum to the See'y.-Treas. DRAGOQNS, ATTENTION! The Third Dragoons -will camp in Peterboro froni June l9th te June 17th", "B" Squadron, under the' command of Major H. Powell will assemble at Pontypool Armourîes on June l8th. Clotbing will be issued out at Orono the afternoon of the lSth, by tbe Quarter Master Sergt.. The pay for men and herses is the H. Powell, Major. Commanding Officer B Squad4ron 3rd Dragoons. .D., C. M. Drsity, algo ans, Edipù 5 fwom~ Watch Our Windows FOR Saturday Specials Step in any time and have a dish of Neilson's Ice Cream. JACOBS & HILLYER ýI Luuesos lA> unisties Kley . JHowman vile FARMERS! ARE YOU INTERESTED IN DRAINING YOUR LAND? Tile Drainage is not an experiment on land but an established money-making investrnent for you. Ontario has about 300 ditching machines in operation and the United States has thousands. I have a ditchiiig machine and amn ready to help you drain your land. Corne and talk it over. A. PINCH Drainage R. R. 2 Newcastle Contractor Ont. If you are y ave a pair of >WardCo pend a ohin Doug-las of pansies a sonme of the 's it is his ie mneinbers SFPQCI RT1 NG3 Women's Sandals are much in demand. We have them in Patent Leather at $4.50 to $6.75 per pair. Children's Sandals in Patent Leather, smiok- ed Elk and Brown Caif $2.00 and $2.25. TRAVELLING GÔODS Suiteases $1.75 to $7.50 Club Bags $4.50 to $6.75 in imitation leath- er. $9.00 to $20.00 in real leather. CLAUDE IVES ' Bowmùanville Mr. Jackson wbo witbhbis wife and son bas been occupyîing the summner home of his brother-in-law, Mr. George Bull the past pionth, ha.s bougb.t a piece of land at Newcastle- on-the-lake from Mrs. Mallery f Bewmanville. He bas also purchas- ed from Mr. HoweIl Rowland tbe home on the fermer James Adanis' farm and had it removed to his ne-wly acquired property wbere Mr. Win. Uennings is now converting it into a model summer home. A serious motor accident happened on Fri.day evening last, wbile Mr. Alex. Davidsoni, Tbird bine, wýas returning home, wben at the corner of Mill and Manvers Streets, bis car turned completely over, landing right side up but comýpletely wrecked. ~r Davidson fortilnately was thrown clear and when belp arrived w%,,as un- conscions beside the car. Dr. But.- ler was on the seene in a few min- utes, anfd after admiinistering- "F'irst Aid" Lad the patient renioved to bis borne, where we understand be is miaking- favorable progress. The cause of tbe acci*dent bas not been determined. Mr. and M,,. David- son wisb te thank the people for their kindness in belping their son on the nigýbÏ of the accident. a Electric Ranges e eciuinned h-v the ELECTRIC CI that made yc of experience u Des bas produe( oas aiv ston LIMITED ne. The making of tric stove ade. All ;his stove. (Some iwws crowclectout.) NEWCASTLE CHURCHES Rev. mr. mcLeod, West IIii, wlli oe- cup'y Presbyterian pulpit next sunday while Bey. Girard Grah~am will preach in WVest Hill. Metbodist Çhurcb, Re,. E. B. Cooke, paster.' 11.00 a. m.-Rev. AK. Edmisop ,B. A. 2.30 p. ni -Sunday Scbool. 7.00 p. ni- Rev. A. K. Edmnison, B. A. Mendayj evening-Younz People's League.* Wednesday evening-Prayer service. 1 to 3 p. m., andi ey appointment J. WX.. Bradley Newca.tie Gênerai Insurance Agent Clerk of 2nd Division Court, Coir naisioner. etc. GOOD COKE is cheaper than wood, and is the equal to the best Coal. I have a suuply of the best Coke obtainabile. Highest grade of Anthra- cite always on hand, Geo. Jamieson rs a APPlY to J. TRUE ECONOMY You wiIl find it true econoniy tQ shop at this store. We specialize in, Groceries, . .Baking and Confectionery. HI. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcastle Let Us Deliver' Your Groceries The fre-shest veg"etables, the flnest canned goods, the most appetizing( fruits-groceries that wilI make your daily meals a huge success for the housewife. Considar Qur quality--compare our prices. Then you*I1 trade here. Grocer RWALTON Newcastle The following merchants: A. lait Mason & Dale E. F. Weekes Jacobs & Hillyer 'W. J. Dudley A, L. NichoIIs .A. Elliot Jury & Lovel W. J. Bagneli F. Knox Moffatt Motor Sales Hann's Haberdashery Harry Hooey C. S. Mason li ho YOU for a Rioyal Theatre StoIre . rE 0 1. WIill give with each $1.00 cash purchase 30c worth of Theatre Tickets good at R( Theatre. You save 30c on each $1.00 Cash ?iurchase. rk

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