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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1924, p. 1

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1~ LA With Which is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. ýLXX. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVJLLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 17th., 1924. $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy N.2 Summer Flowers at Reas onable Price.s. Whatever the occasion -a joy or a sorrow-you can best express your joy or syinpathy by, sending flowers. S. J. Jackman & Sons, Florists, Phone 80. BowMaýnville ée m more plegted than ev&-r. The New SJýring Style show tinier 15leata m~ed in groups. Toc meet t, vogue fer matching &ad related garme-ntz WC have the nov fics in laal the bright Spning coloffi. 'W. eeoomend Liv.insto" 4& 6*o pleated skirts because the, plotin ia guaranteed to stay lu pleat. Tii. skirts havo full hip sizo and contin>- noua spare facngs that will net lp. EXCURSION TO Niagara Falis Undei. Auspices Sons cýf Englandt Wednesday, JuIy 23, Train leaves Bowmanville at 7.43 a. ., iaCanadian Pacifie Rail- s.mvaway. Fares: Aduits............ ........ $4.05 Cilren................... $2.15 See Excursion bis for further particulars Corne andi join the crowd. Tickets obtainable from: R. Harding, Thos. Haighton, Chas. Herring, H. Richards, F. W. Bate- man. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES General sympathy la f elt in thi Bay Conferene with- Rev. A. D, Waite of Actinolite on the death oý his youn_, wif e in~ a Toronto Hos p ital after a serious double opera ton. During July the congregations oi the Methodiat Churcb end Si Paul's Church worship together. A il a. m. in St. Paul's Church, sermoi subject "True and False Religion" at 7 p. in., in the Methodiýt- Churcli 1Sermnon, subi ect "The Life-givini River". Rev. D. W. Beat wil' preach. Methodiat Sunday Scboc at 10 a. m. St Paul'a Sunda;3 Schooi at 12 o'clock noon The congregation of t&.e Metro. politan Methodist Church, Toronto gave a farewell picnie to Rev. J. E' Griffith who is resumingý the regula: work of the ministry at Biackstock. On behaîf of the board and congre- gation, Dr. J. T. Wardie etgfford, the senior, minister, presentesd Mr, Griffith with a purse of three hun- dred dollars, expreÉsing thefir appre. ciation of his miiUistry among th, young people for the three years, and wishing him continued succesa lu hiq new field. The miembers of the League Presented hini with an ar. tistic readiug lamp; the young men' s clubs, «nd .the C. G. I. T. groups 'expressed their esteemn of Mr. Griffith in gifts of a gold watch chain, Loid cuf linka and a Duefolc peni 'It was with aincere regret the Metropolltan Church bade Mr. Griffith good-bye, but they aiso re- joieed with him that Mra. Griffith's heaith had improved enough for themn to return to parsonage life. ,We will flot attempt to describe or list, here the wonderful values we are giving ail this month in goods that wvill keep you cool during thehot weather. Bargains th~roughout the store include: Voiles and Ratines, Silk and Canton Crepe Dresses, ail new this season, and reduced in price to make quick clearance. Balance of Ladies' Suits and Coats going at wonderful sa-vings. Voile Dress Goods have also been marked dowvn in price. Special sh-owing of Sleeve and Sleeveless Sweaters. New Golf Socks for Children. SUMMER NIEEDS FOR MEN Here it's Jfuly-Well nigh mid-summer-the, season's logical buying time for Summer Suits and Haberdashery. We have light weight Suits, cool underwear, Sport Shirts, Ties and Hosiery at valuýýs which make it meal economy to buy -now. e f f t a .1 ~1 r PUPILS WIN PRIZES Morgan Lunney Takes Highest Marks at Entr.ance Examinations The entrance resuits published on page 3 of ýthis issue show that only trwo failed in forty-two who tried from Bowmanville Public School. This is certainly a praiseworthy re- cord for-the students and their I ecePrincipal J. IL Johnston-,1 Fifteen of these students also Ob- tained honoris. The Punlic School Board awards prizea each year to the- apil securing the highest total at taie Entrance Exams. Morgan Lunney, son of Mr. and Mr. Clinton Lunney, Silver-st., flot only obtained the highest marks in hia lass, but also in this district. AltIhough the figures are not obtain- able wve were given jto understand Morgan set an exceptionally high record. Nelson Jackman, son of Mr. and Mrs. iFrank Jackman, also secured the, Board's award for getting the higlýest marks in Arîthmetic, be- side securinz honors. His brother Fred was also in the honor list and siater Eva among those who passed.! The parents of these bright childreni may justly bc protud of this record [fromn one family. Bowmanville Women's Canadian Club offered prizes soi-n time ago to the first two students standing highest in the year's work in Cana- Promotion E r S. S. NO. 1(), DARLINGTON Promotions Eainations of S. S. No. 10, Dalington. * H-onora 75%, 'Pasa 60%. Jr. IV to Sr IV-Dorothy Hoar 91%*, Mary Ründie 82%*. Jr. III, to Sr. I'I-Albert Rundie 73%. Sr. Il to Jr. ILI-Chri3ta Olse-n, 78%*, Gordon Brent 77%*. 'Jr. II to Sr, Il-Lloyd Hoar 79 % John Rundie 72%, Harold T.abb 70%. Tena M. Ferguson, teacher. j ENFIELD Report of Promotion Examinat ions for S. S. No. 15, Dariington, En- field, Entrauce-Merle Aahton. Sr. III te Jr. IV-*Eiva Fergus- on, "Norman Stinson, Amy Ashton, Verna Ormiston. Jr. III to Sr. III1-*Bessie Pascoe, Grace Niddery, Evelyn Stinson.- Sr. II to Jr. I-Leslie Cochrane. Jr. II to Sr. I~Jc Ashton, Ivan Cochrane, Norman' Niddery, Vera Stinson. ;Sr. I to J'r. II-1-Helen Stark. Sr. Pr. to Fîrst-Frank Niddery, t dian History., Jim Devitt, son of V elma Stinson. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt, won firat *-Hcnors. -prize and Morgan Lunney, second Rena F. Bentham, teacher. Sprize in this conteat. r PROVIDENCE Report of June examinations in ROTRY LUBBAH HUSE~.S. No. 5, Darling-ton, names iu order of menit: Boys andc girls of the town are Entrance Cias-*Eva Darch. Igreatlv elated since the Bowman- Sr. III to Jr. IV Class-I'Ruth Iville Rotary Club lias erected a Luxton, Ferne Crago, Florence Simp- mnuch-needed bath bouse at Bow- son. iimanville-on-the-Lake, on the east Sr. II tée Jr. IlI-*H-arry Farrow. aide of the piers. The building, Jr. Il to Sr. II-,"Howard Wight, 10x24 ft., is of frame and has 12 *rHelen Smaie, *Gerald Osborne, dressrýng rooma, six on each ide, Frank Woolner, Lelaud Crago, Stuart eachi room is 5x4 ft and is equîpped Crago, Maude Ruiter (rec.) wiLfh a bench an(! three nails. The I to Jr. Il--Jean Wight. west ide of the buildi-ng is for girls Jr. I to SrX 1-Myrtie Ruiter, and the eat aide for boyýs. A comn- Jack Crago. bination toilet lias also been erected, To Sr. Pr.--Wesley Luxton, Ron- close to the bath hounse. The build- aid Crag-o. ing-S were consirucedllunder the sup- To Jr. Pr.-Al.ice Luxtcon. Hughi ervision of Morris 'Taublyn witji bis Smaie, Viola Frances. assistants, Geo. Varcoe and Wm. Alice G. Werry, Teacher. Luxton. Mýonday night the Rotarians had aiMPE RV bee at the lake when they gave the 1________OV bath bouse its first coat of paint.i Report of Promnotion Exains, S. S. President Tom Holgate in bis ice- No. 6, Darlington, namnes in order of creami suit superintended the job, merit: whlie Geo. Chase an'd Alex. Ed- To Sr. IV-Vera Trimible, Corsina mondatone were voted týhe champion Samia. slab-dab paint slingers of the party. Jr. IV-Wm. Laird, Marion Snow- Altbougih the bath bouse ia ai- -den, Eteika Trimble. ready being well patronized daily Sr. Ilîl-Ellen Gimbiett, Carl the officiai opening- of the building Gimblett, Vernon Trîmble, May will not take place until Wednesday Freenian. afternoon, July 23ýrd, wben the Jr. III-Dorothy Stevens (hion), Rotarv Club wilI hold a picnic at Elsie Samis, Alfred Laird (rec.) the beach and complete the painting. Sr. II-Lavonue Trimbie, Wilfred The offiiai dress on thîs occasion Ald'worth. will be bathing suits, paint brushea Jr. Il-Betty Snowden, Leslie These buildings are for thle freel 1-Lfoyd ýMetcalf, George Semer- use of the citizens of-the cominiunityscesGorna omscl. wbo patronize tbe lake. Tables Sr. Pr.-Aiex. Chobotar. and ýbenches uncler well sbaded trees Jr. Pr.-Isabel White, Mîldred are close ait band wbicb now makes Snowden. this beach an idleai spot for picnica. Ruby A. Lancaster, teucher. SALEM TWO OWMAVILL CITZENS Promotion examinations for S. S. ADDRESS ORANGEMEN AT N.9 alutn OSHAWASr. III to Jr. IV Clas-Bari Fow- 1er, Sidney Elcombe. BowrnanviI1o Fif e and Drum Band' Sr. Il to Jr. III-*Helen MelDon- W'on First Prize. aid, William Cowling, Stanley Cowl- ing, Leslie Welsh, Rets Conughan Saturday'a Orange Waik at Osh- rec>, Violet Strutt (rec.) awa was a splendid succes s ud the Jr. II to Sr. Il-RPoss Richards, $owmanvilie Orange Ledge sud the Doris Collacott, Olive Morden, Mere- True Blue Ladies witb their pnetty dith Little, Edgar Cator, Bert Fos- parasols beaded by Sam Hlenningsy ter, Elmer Strutt (rec.) Firat Prize Pife and Drum Bauid'at- Sr. I to Jr. II-5eMa-riau Honey, tracted a large share of attention *Beatriu Cator, Lç9rne FoaterP, And- the Bowmanville Band winniug Firat rey Cowling, Alfred Young (rec.> Pnize for the best fife, and drum. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr,-*Pearl Con- naghan, *Flossie. Connaghan, *Lîlyj Orange Lodges were in the grand Morden, *Marie Colacott, John parade from Port Hlope, Cavan, Foeter. Miiibrook, Juuetviiie, Pontypool, To Jr. Pr-*Willie Darch, *Mandy Lotus, Cartwright, Blackstock, Connaghan, *Thelma Little. Purpie Hill, Long Sault, Orono, Bow- *...Heners. mauville, Enniakillen, Oakwood, Ruby M. Bragge teacher. Vn10-.... TZ.,.f... f TlT 4 u! - vaientig, Lidauy, vvmLuy, Utica, Port Perry, and Osbawa's owu four lange sud splendid Lodges. At one o'cleck a procession formed up uti the City Hall Square ou Centre Street ,and after parading the prin- cipal streets proceýeded te Alexandra Park wbere Mayor W. T. Trick offi- ciaily welcomed the visitiug Orange Lodges sud addresses were giveu by General John Hlughies, P. G. M., Eat Ontario, W. D. McPhersou, P. G. -M., cf, Toronto; Dr. James Moore, Brooklu; Dr. T. E. Kaiser, Oshawa; and Major F. H. Bounail of Bowmanville. Durnug the afternoon a prog-ram of races open teO iraugemen and their families was run off; Kingston sud Oýsaa played a Central Ontario League garne won by the Lîmestone playens; Orono arnd Oshawa Moltors staged a Durhamanud Ontario In- termaediate Leugue basebali game;. while lu the seuth end of the park two softball gaies betweeu Toronto and Oshîawa teama were played. It was estimated thut between three sud four theueuîîd meni, women and childreu were lu the parade, whiie over 10,000 witnessed the parade. ZION Resuit of Pomoion Exanis, S. S. 12, Mitcheil's Corners, Daliugtou; names lu orden of menit: To Jr. IV-*Ruth Fice, Gladys China, George Chant, Myrtie Pierce. Sr. III (a)-Mabel Flintoif, Glane Flintoif. (b)-Bernice Stainton, Elsie China, Tom Sobil, Helen Scott, Mary Cameron. Jr. 11I-Rublph Glaspeil, Pearl Flintoif, Luthen Pascee.' Sr. Il (a)-Victor Bowins. (b) - "Nelson Fice, Fraak Sobil, Gerry Glapeil. Jr. Il-*Violet Lamb, May Sobil, Mary Chinu, Elleen Stainton Beryl Giaspeli, Deris Fice. Jr. 1-*Jimmie Neemis, Charlie Chian, Gerald Balson, Morley Flin- toif., Sr. Pr.-Allen Chant, Harvey Bai- sou. Jr. Pr. (a)-*Amy Alldîed, 5Earl Gottfried, Rets Flintoif, Harold China, Alvin Aildred. (b>-*Johu Stainton. Theda Taylor. *-Honours. Lyda 1. Taylor, teacher. Florence E. Wai'kingtou, teacher. TYR-ONE Jr. V to Sr. V-Fred Goodman, Kathleen Gibbs. Succesaful Entrunce Pupils-Le- verne Burgess (honora), Kathleen M1cCullough, Leon Moore, Frank Hatheriy, Arthur Richards. - Sr. III te Jr. IV-Annie Gardiner, Eleanor Thompacu, Ivan Smith. Jr. III te Sr. llI-Earl Goodman, Irene Camneren, Clarence Goodman. Sr. Il te Jr. III--Fred Taylor, Teddiv Woodyard, Lerna Hooper, Alice Thonipson. ' Jr. I1 te Sr. I-,Myrtie Brooks, Ffraucis Thompson, Carson Keeler, Edua Cameron, Clarence Hatherly. Jr. UI--'Lorne Aunis, Helen Trimm, Beruice Sheckleton, Adelside Aunts, Viola Keeler. 1 Sr. Pr. te Jr. I--Jack Gi'bbs, Nins Hodgson. Jr., Pr. te Sr Prý.-Jack Trimm, Eva Coliacutt. To Jr. P'r.-Donald Thempacu, Florence Campbeil. Jr. Pr. (a)-Douglass Keeler, Charlie Henry. Mabel L. Wight, teacher. COURTICE Report of June Promotion Exat-' mnations, S. S. No. 8, Darlington: Fromi Jr. IV te Sr. IV Glass: To pass 330 marks-Edith Baison 439, Sceburn Essery 405, Jack Clonnish 396, Johin Wilkins 382, Fergus Kina- man 376, Velma Gay 157. Sr. 111 te Jr. IV. To puass830 miarks-Mena Kinsman 429, Howard Peterson 4,05, Beatnice Allin 399, Gordon Brown 392, «Willie Bickle -7,_ enet Peterson ý48; Mildred. Brock 345, Harry Gay 832, William, Everson 305 (rec ,) Jr. M Ite Sr,. III;To pas s 80 marks-Willie Rizneck 439, Clare, Courtice 428, Gladys Bickle 424, Giadys, Bnock 422, Annie Wilkins1 420, Archie Muir 380, Norman Walter 369, Douglas Courtice 83U, Kennetb Easery 330. ' Clara E. Williamson, teucher. Junior Division Sr. Il te Jr. MII. To puas 330 marks-Jack Gay 445, Marion Tre- vail 409, Gerald Peterson 377, Cleve Finsman 376, Eva Courtice 373, N~ora Adams 366, Walter Shortt 353, Robert Gourtice 345, Helen Wilkins 330, Veina Found 307 (nec.) Jr. II te Sr. IL To jasa 210 manks--Dora Rizneck 291, Mary Konopacki 277, Gwendolyn Hep- wortb 275, Guelda Trimble 251. Sr. I te Jr. II. Te pasa 210 narks-Wilfred B-rown 288, Robent Barber 286, Lincoln Bailey 275, Ber- nice Gaqy 268, Elva K-insman 266, A.lice Rîzneck 251, George Sbortt 242, Ilarry Bickle 229.» Jr. I to Sr. I-Sadie Ailin, Fier- ence Wilkins, Edith ýAllin, Ar-villa Trimble. Sr. Pr. te Jr. I-Taibert Gearing, Ross Balson, Bruce Muir, Claude Graham, Eldon Essery.C Jr. Pr. te Inter. Pr.-Esie' Oke, oy Washington, Raymond Barber, Audrey Trevuil, Elsie Brock, Deibert Baîley, Ruth Nichols, Pearl Kon- pueki. Louta 1- Pierson. teacher. n e TI IR G Ji A B -c-iI r-,ini Couch., nýriîice Elmnentary Piano-Dorothy Rick- ard, Honors. ~Pu-,ilýs of Misa Annie A. Witliams, Solina: Intnoductory Piano-George Wer- ry, Honora. 1 Introductory Pianto-Arn-ott Van- Neat, lst Ciasa Honora. LONG SAULT Promotion Examinations in Long Suit Scbool, S. S. No. 13, Darling- ton; names in order of mer't: Jr. IV to Sr. IV Class- Sidney Sinith (terra werk), Gordon Cowl- ing (term work.) Sr. III to Jr. IV- Freddie Smith, Stuart Hooey (rec.) Jr. III to Sr. III-Harvey Smith (term work), Ruth Farrell. Sr. II te Jr. 111-Kathleen Dudley (honora), -Marg-aret Johnaten. Jr. Il to Sr. IT-Laura Dauvy. Sr. I to Jr. Il-Grace Fanrreli, Gludys Smith, Grace. Smith, Ag-gie Hooey, Augustus Johuston. Eileent Doble, teacher. HAMPTON Report of-S. S. No. il for June term, names in order cf iment Forn 1 4 subjects H. S,-:*Mary Niddery, *Mary Jebson. Entr ance te High School-:*Fran. ces Joues, *Grace Hocken, *Wallulce Horn, *Wilfred Smale, Ivan Steph- ens, Rowena Stepheans.. To Jr. IV-*Raymond -,urns, *Wiifrid Greenawuy, Murjorieý Pas- cee, Grace Hasting, ,Marjorie Mur- tir. To Si. III-*Roy Hocken, Dr othy Smyth, *Lena Gay, *'Be2trice Jones, *Helen Virtue *]jiljifl Jeb- son, Ethel ýStephen, Norman Clem- ens, Gordon Wakely, Kennetb Pet- ley (rec.) To6J4. I-*Jessie Knox, *Elinor Sykes, Retta Billett, Stanley Cowl- ing, Ma-rgery Niddery, Sidney Mar- tin, Tim Bute (nec), Vera Sbal-,e- ton (rec). To Sr. II-Forence Bu.rns, E-niest Horn, Elias Greenarway, G - rd on Hocken, Helen Knox, Ethel 'FWz-k-ely. To Jr.I-Mri Cryden-nian, Elwood Shackleton, Nelson Ro bina. To Sr. Pr. Clars A--Jackson ry Ted. Johns, Euri Wakely, Austin Bunron. To Pr. Clasa B-Olga Coýýling, Harold Martin, Violet Petley, Ber- netta Bute, Bloyd Wilcox. --Honors. F. J. Groat, B. M. Sargent, teach'ers Miss Audrey Trinble, stu'eut from Miss Cochrane'a Business Cel- lege, Bowmanville, has completeci the necesaary requiremente in the Itr mediate Course lu the Stenographic work. Miss Trimble will conti nue bhia study in the advanced line, when the college re-opeus. Studexvts who bave been succesaful iu pauelng- the examinations lu the Intermer i ate Course in Bookkeeplng are Messrs. red Humphrey, Eaul Byam, and Roey Carter Nanses arranged! ac- cording to menit. SPECIAL TO CORRESPONDENTS- Plea-se senti weekly ruewa budgets flot later thun Mouday for neit issu s we print on Tue&dgy, N t 'j ALL S5UMMER GOODS GREATLY REDUCED Couch, Johnston & Cryderma n, SBowmanvllle Phone 104 Limlteci RESULTS 0F MUSIC EXAMS f 1ixarinations Toronto ConservatoryofMszid snimmer Examninations ai Bowmanville. SOUTH DARLINGTON Pupils of Mr. T. W. Stanley, Bow- manville. Report of Promotion Exaniinations A. T. C. M., Piano-Miss -Marion of S. S. No. 3, Darlington,. namies ln Orchard, honors. order of menit: Intermiediate Piano-Miss Flor-. Sr. IV 'CIass-Hazel Love (Hon.>. ence Morris. Jr. IV -Joseph Kush, Edward Junior Piano-Miss Irene Hailman Foley, Florence Bennett. Primary Piano-Charlie cawke Sr. III-Leah Bell (Hon.>, Frank honora.e, Lane. Intermediate School Pianc-M,ýiss Jr. II-ýIva Foley (Hon.>, Ethel Grace Caverly. Hopps, Dorothy Rundie, Greta Lane, Primary School Piano-Miss Dor.. Freda Attree (Rec.), Blosa Campbell othy James. (Rec.), Lewis Rundie (Rec.> A. T. C. M., Singing-M;iss Mildred Sr. II-Ronald Love, Walter F'. Cole. Blackburn, Eileen Morphy. Intermediate Sînging-Miss Mar- Jr. II-Gordon Campbell. guerite Joness, Miss Hilda Curtis, Sr. I-Forence Foley, Bessie Miss Marion Orchard. Blackburn~. Junior History-Miss Viola Brown Jr. 1-Edith Dalziel. lat Classi Honors. Pr.-Norah Wood, Aloysius Kush, PrimaryRudiments-Miss Mildred Eunice Lane, Wiibur Blackburn, F. Cole, honora. Juniors-Winnie Gibson, Annie Kush, Hazel Hoppa. Pupils of Misjs Mary D, Souch, A. E. Idella Du ndas, teacher. T. C. M., A. Ô. C. M., Hampton.' fJunior Grade-Ruby Clatwýorthy, SHAWS SÇOOLHampton, pass. _________HOO Primary Grade- .-Isobel Wilson, Nestieton, hanors. Entrance-Marion Ric 'kard (Ijon- Elemèntary Grade-Muriel Moore, ors), Stanley Rîciçard.>, Enniskilien, honors. Jr. IV to Sr. IV Class-mWinnifred Iritroductory- Grade-Elsie Allun, Rickard (h), Phyllis Ciemence (h), Bowmanvilie, lst clasa honors;ý Mur-. Beatrice Cryderman (h), Lawrence iel Baker, Solina, honora; Geo. Me- Ashton (h), Keir Lamb, John Ash- Cpztcheon, Burketon, honora; L'illian ton, *'AIda Allun, *Clare Allin, *A1- Jebson, Hampton, honora. ian Clemence. Jr. 111 to S-,. III-Moriand An- Pupils of Miss Gwendolyn Wil- derson, Oswaid Anderson, *S.adiel liamns, Bowmanvllle. Allin, *ÇCharles Clemenýe. Junior Pian of orte--Isobel McMur- Sr. Il to Jr. II-Jean Coates (b>, try, honora, Phyllia Challis, 1 onors. Garnett Rickard, Newton Ashton, Elementary Pianof orte- -Ivelyni *Stanley Allin. oke oos olyOe Jr. l to Sr. Il---Mary Ciemnence, kehoraMoey k. Annie Allun. Pupils of Miss Velma E. Sta1ples, Sr. I to Jr. II-Rus'ell Coates (h), A. T. C. M., Bowmanvilie: Thoruton Anderson, Ormsby Ander- JuirPaoBenc .gell. son. Primiary Piano-Doris Jarntieson, Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.-Ruth Cobble- Gladys Jamiesoni. dick.- H-H.onora. freai u rn tý Pupils of Mrs. L. M. Fisher, New-. *-Absent fr0xmsbt 0rmo-castle: ed on terin work PiaI innpPpr, 1

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