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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1924, p. 2

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OPTOMETRY DENTAL BOMA_ýNVILLE, JULY 17, 1924. THE EDITOR TALKS DURHAM COUNTY BOY_________________________ R. M. MITCHELLDR CBON ATL Registered Optometrist ly examina- D . On.pge.S r. Mllettsays tion. Eyes exanined 'by the latest Hlonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto, THE EDTOIR TALKS say this, net to inspire the public - xnethods and rnost modern instru- University. Graduate of the Royal 1____ md -with dreaid, but to bring a megI- ments. College of Dental Surgeons of On- Goo'd health is one of life's great-1 sage of hope by indicating how The R. M MITHELL& co taro. ffic Kin-st. Bowanvile.est blessings and yet very f ew per- calamity may be averted-epcal Druggists & Optomttrists Office phone 40. House phone 22. sons living but who injure thieir in the treatment of the youing-anS i ecT ht I Bowmanville (Phone 92) Ont. V.v .DVT health dailÎj through their stoimachls. how, by cleansing the blood andý,1 Lraduate of Royal Dental College, The adage that "Man is made or un- building the bodiy anew, the mniseriee ni Bw ade at the table" is 99 per cent of the scourge (cancer) may be con-' Petier Martin& Son, Toronto, Office, King-st. EasBw truth and yet, knowing the supreme trolled and cured.............. ninil.Office hours 9a.,n.ta N ot G oldenin by10 rn.daiy ecep Suday Phne mprtance of righ iigb riglit The author says a sh~ort trial will Buildng Cntracors )Oa. oasephone00b.eating, the virtue (;f seif-denial seenis place the purifying qualities of lem-1d n Blding adContrat ork a os hn 0.ta desert Most 'of us three tims aday on-juice beyond dispute. There will speialy.DR. R. E. DINNIWELL at the table and very frequently at quickly corne a feeling of freshness M Bpcaly the dessert part of the mal. Dr. ta the whole body, beause the blood BlcigMachine and large Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- AddlingLon Bruce finds enough er- is being cleansed. The frame will sqar tmbrssutalefo ris erit ad emerofRoalColeerors of living ta enaible himta write he warmned by the removal of- the The merchant who fails to ing hauses. of Dental Surgeons. Licensed te one article a day for puiblication in poisonswic have clogged the or- eak w" Jtsalto -No- isý the time ta get your 1practice in Ontario and the Dominion. pr i' et lt o chiney reaird ad ahes~e-Denisty i ai it brnchs, ffiP. great syndicate of daily newspap- gans. More muscular po'wer will 'be invdadoIlrsaijb t Kn-tBwavle poieers, telling readers whet ta eat and given ta every limb and More alert- golden sales slip past lis medd tre ma. ob %anKing-st., Bowmanle1. Opst what no tet eat and what habits of ness ta the mind because functions store. This lost busins tene' ta 3nk f onrea, hon 31. living ta adopt under certain candi- and senses are being freed from the osete ohsc meto We are now prepared ta build- - ---- tiens and what ones ta discard or 'burdens which brought lethargy an'd oset rt h cm tii cancerete silos. Get aur prices.1 avoid. Dr. Bruce i0 anly one of an depression. clown street or, by the mnail We are also open tea(do Team PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS'I armay of medical writers who are Lemon-juice will cleanse the frame ' order route, to the big city mng. Pone Ths. Matin 20-r5. TILORStelling people haw ta live and act from the soles of the feet ta the -"?str. ta prolong life an.d live in ease and crown of the head-even the eye-str . S(Formerly in Bownianville,) now a 1262 comfort and enjoy if e to the fulleat sight is improved by this marvelous -~~ Yonige-st>, stop) al Summrerhill Ave. measure. Almost every writer Qn cordial, *and they will be happier ALLIN F. ANNIS A. LL. Pol r fe upie afn Toronta, Phone Randatph 5197. health reform is an enthusiast or a homes in which it is habitually takenBP1 pearotnsurieteid H . . M S(le e cati stili give. you our best services. faddist along some particular line or as an important part of the daily Wha has entered into partnership ta h od hybuh 1nih Guarariteed to fit and workmanship at dietar'y schedule. In the following dietary. in the prïetice of law wthGardon unseen" from a catalogue ca-n be seen pre.war prices paragraphes we review or summaiize*** D. Canant, Oshawa. Mr. Annis is and examined in the local store! Carpenter, Contractor & the very lateet heaith propaganda or Most of us sufer, says the author,f Sehool and Victoria Colleg-e, Un*iver-Teiyubungplcwhtou Ssystem of heaith-reform thgt 'has fram gastric troubles: lemonjie' iyo aat n sad alhv. AVRIIGi h Repairer LEGAL caet1s ea tadi you are the cure. Nearly alI cbiren are Law Schaal. He is a son of Mxr. have.adian T ItSmaNGw invfThe Box 461 Phonie 206r4 M. G. V. cGOULD, B. A., LL. D. turned into a cornbined futraiseiyrdteitsie ftoeArthur W. Annis, Tyrone. woecmuiyt arsoe BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTA,.RY and vegetarian with a few Almond dblitating parasites. Lemon-juice Bowmnanville money ta boan on Farm and Town nuts added for dessert. will cure piles; white bouls, sores andi Th<ttsinbsfu instecr Praperty Royal Bank Building, * 41* Thewaunds Wl I promptry yieldtta the Estimates Free Bowmanville. Phone 351. ,Nature'.s Way: Its Rebuilding magic o. this9 natural disinfectant. PW AVLEBY'HM isulto ofay ter aprp- W2t . F. WARD, B. A. Power" is a new ,book in a health It will cure rheumatism, gut, as- NOSD B TRNC lseinW tDuhm 1-fseries just off the press of Watts & thma and bronchitis. It will break KIWANIANS BARRiSTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Ca., London, and selle at a shilling- down diabetes by changing the char- Areauin asdotd tth Money ta kcan. Bonds for sale. 50 pages. The author ie Mr. Reddie acter of the blood. It is te cure gA reeylu nche3 aopeetingofe Offices - Bleakley Block, King ~~~Mallett, The Ancharage, Teign- for influenza, catarrh and other i-rglrwel ucenmeigo OStrees, Blemaie Bok, ing mouth, Devon, England. This is flammatary troubles. It wl rn the Downtown Kiwais Club, held in Most Folks Shop Where They r Strnets. OfR man10 , uI e On7a9. N . 3 o w au e' a eis e lf o te a i i ll te rin- the' bal room aof te King Edward Everything Pomes-O-----02 oue 70.No:. 1ftNatures yWAMas of les. wlfea teancan h vt1Hotel, Toronto, supporting the Bow- Invited là Shop Healih without Medicine" b as reach- Itisawea mei assofcn manville school project, proposed by ed cicultio of91,00. No.2 iser adsd c b m in case o cnthe Provincial Governmehit ta be es- ed ALDRETR "a crcul aion o 91,000. o. eraandsupia. Weeits 'tablished on the plan af a similar in- Issued by Canadian W'eekly Newýspaper8 Associato FUNERAL DIR1ECTnRS "Na ýtrets ay: Cota Ofand anifaîçi purposes praperly under- stitution' at Shawbridge, Quebec. IHead Office: Toronto, Canada CanerFt.etMOfRaIotcaueO. staad, how soon wauld the wailing of It will take the place of the Indust- F. F. te Motror Hrse CO. i sae sickly children be assuaged, hoW rial Schol for Boys at Mimi o, and 13;ilbsCmlt oo r os qîmn~ All f these books present ideas gladly would men and wmen meet s>milar institutions.e All calîs promptly attended te. Iwbich will certainly astonish if nat the labor of the day! (Pretty large Ki'wanian S.Th pon utnd Ranges Private Ambulance. convince the public. A relative in dlaim, eh? Ed.) the ropsitonidealnc oint _________________________________ Bowmnanville phones 10 and 34 Liverpool bas kirfly sent us Nos. 2 the proepostthatthen ovi n ent i apon- Heaters Branch Stores-Orono & Newcastle. and 3 and we. shall endeavar ta iv ou edersame ideascta id in ber e is Mr. Malett's recipe for in2 each service club ta constructa Fixtues AL M.WILourS eerlms. mea sugan ain sm making the fruit-liquor which he re- building ta 'be a r-al honje for-boys. Wahn ahns Embalmer and Funeral Director. may be expected. sonne very radical onedsevrytogl:TkaThbuligwudb andafr Washng M chins ilCalis given prompt and personal at- changes in diet. The author says: heaped table-spoonful or more of cur- the club, which bulIt it, and it was Wirin andReparing tention. No extra charge for dis- "Go ta Nature. She has neither airlsirants or Sun-Maid, seedles,- raisins, stated that if twa dollars were con- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- nor fashions, wbileseunodbr place in a colandêr and stream under tributed by every, Ontario Kiwanian Free estimates givren. manville, Ont. 3-t secrets 2enierously in the benefitsthe cold water tap or spout for a the praiect -would be feasible. The ____________________ which are immediately bestowed. minute ta dlean; then place in a cup Government would equip each home'T Distane no ojeetor bowl and add the juice af a lemon. and pay for its upkeep. M IYstnc 10obec."In hi's introduction hie says: Thir- Let stand aver night, and upon rlsing, The president; Walter Bolus, oe- MEDICAL teen years have elapsed since I pub- sip this lîquid, afterwards tborough- cupied the chair.-Telegram.,W p B. J HAZLEOOD, . D., . rd.licly declared my conviction that the Iy masticatin£r the whole or part of Aýfl B.J.HALEOO, . .,C.M abuse of food is tbe cause of nearly the remaining fruit. Wben using L hG:bi Medaimet of Trinity University al aur badily ils, tbatNature's in- orane an lemon jno seetwoonges H e re E1ectrcToront. Fourgyean attendin Phy- hretpowers are capable ofcombat- ta one alemon juiwe two oraengs -- . . IlospitalastPoftttbdrgdEKs. Office and tentions been supparteçi by facts; jice, shauld aiea be sipped an retir- THIS MEANS NEW SHOES AND HOSER Phoneos., s fSan ad B n Reside,,e, Wellingtonr Street, Bw- w at have been-their effeta on the ,ig. Pne:Day 63; Night 358w taanville. Phonie 108. minds of the cammunity? ** King St. East, Bawimarlvill, C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M.** That aur readersinay gatheir a MedcalColeg, 1I tate the truth, he says, when fuller coniception of the Mallett daily ~~~Graduate of Trinity MdclClee say that 1 could neyer have dre'a-deayuo esni vrg ofEnisilen e o schaninmeiae esoneTe e nant i When making out the list of requiremeto O fi a nrodnto f r e Dof .Enn eiien d o! s c n m i di t e po s a health w e sum m ariz e the m enu for R l c o i r ffiera'Residence Yrh.,Bet's its appeal, nr that se vast a mass o! each ineal: Prepare over-night as your vacation ue sure tlac Shoes an( fna r m er re Pde nce on C h r9s. , 4 o - t ie t m o y th ue p u r h plom e çeen S r1 ed a bv e the ruit- iquor and S a le o f W a ll P a p e rs o h i t n a k a t r t e o e a d S o ma vll. P on 5. 4t Evd nly t e pu lc ha o g e n Peel- and-pip water. On rising" sp 0 1t e ls . A d m r .a t r t e o CHRPATCwaiting for the inspiration a! a the beverage and masticate the fruit. Fromn Store where you will fin,-d the finest ral-lges fSpr CHIRORACTI great idea and being shed upon them Et wholewheat bread, at least oneSoe wehv eers n.Yu ilte DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY they have welcomed it with a fervo;- day stale, cut thick, toasted or not, 5eprriup a s which amazes me. My message spread an it butter, and honey or 5cprol WadShew avee s wnYuwi fd Honor graduate of Toronto Chura- brings amneioration ta mankind if mrildfoliow with some sultani-, nteeatatv he4h aea r en Tperac le Seet omniiein ih muiybeau n nqat etued inatrciveshd ew Yor S hos. Bu practicCohleg wili be in office on only in its warninig that Nature cani- as, muscatels or Sun-Maid raisins Iniso ,1 n orsosa hi tr fyuwn ob nsye Temperance Steett (seediesin)PanisaandwewgratkdSAl- Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday trusting ta substitutes for food is mondlefshndg fwith aried Aple, or J a hs trei ouwn tib aferoo ad vnig. Phre:cetan a epuisedwihterrible juice of an orange or lenion. Raw 12 roils of a pattern. I amn prepared to buy Office 141J; Residence 141W.-cnsequences. At the sametime, vegetables play be atninta f Sial o n ooTe o ilwn svrlpiso oir pnce for tea. VETERINAR abled ta direct the wandering and ta or China te.cag. Drnwtr -tom ch ousosaddeses. W aete yoric fol the a good highR give hope ta the despairing through About il a. n. eat an apple, soIte with and without tmatchmo sosan rses e Dr. F. T. TIGHE ithe assurance that Nature, altho n- oago h rnelmni.ucin ams every conceivable shade and( oo VETERINAY SURGEO, Day iexorable ta disobeçience, wili actual oreIane, or terorgelmon juce, lyhn ha ilapa t o stee VETERINARY SURGEON. Day Or ly rebuild the bodie.9 o! thoseZwo pe-n-i aero li od borders, ntigta ilapa oyui.h krm l Don' sel you poutry Night Cals Promptly Attended ta. live conformabîy vwith reaon. water-a tumbler full, sipped slow- raoal rcs unitil you have first got My office Ring-st. W., Statesman Block, This mnueh iâ taken from the pre- For lncheona cholor stak, o Ircs can make y avli. Pmoe23 face and reads like a patent medi- cut from a joint, lean and plain,. pnces mcie circular, but the author bas poult.ry, or a lightly boiled or poached TJ real money for your fowl. CIOERStnothing ta meil but bis books and egg, with muscatels or'raisins or raw 0v .~ 4le Corne and see our wonderful style dislyi p1e ewt h pbi a ieN -eetables, ta include parsley and footwear before going on your holidays. Itur hnet etr elhadga carrot when possible, drees-Boos anid Stationery Sd m a card or THEO. M. SLEMON tureaintaincta This is our reason igiblmnjieadoIe al; B ooknyI p o en ml e t a d 1 W il raand AH u coeaesr p cil for giving free publicity ta hi thleor- suice f whoew eat bread and but-uvll phon c~llet ad J wil Fam ad HnseSals aSpeiaiy.les, M~ost extremely radical tbough te r. caîl for them Ternis moderate. Enniskilleni P. O. they be. Phn*97r. *fl * 'If tea at four or five o'clock is Copeland Shoe Stor Phone 1 or gr3.ed1-tattaken bread witb butter and honey JAMES BENNETTWetefrgatd that ehGwith sonie drink before eating. 29 Amctoneer cases reported in "Cancer: A word Dinner at night eat fruit suchi as Poe29 .0 of Hope in considering its causes,Bwmnie 10 years' experience in farm, furni- coto n ue r eun n rapes, aranges, apples, grape-fruit, B wnnil I. ~iIE N dres. Jas.Bennett, Hardware M r vland pbcue reviceinegiang d esrd rw ra n utr 1 T ENture and bouse auction sales. Ad. sa we feel that we are performing mashed bananas, suitanas, muscatels----------------- drssJa. enet, adwreMer-a alalepuli srvce«raisins, withi a few grated Aimonds______________ Bowmavill phn e publicivy ta seine parts of hs r h etmaa o ucen Phone 81. Whitby 131, box 33. tbooke.r nhebietintrodusction ta thn' bsente hs ncea trCancrtin te O etrgdik h jie !a giv en prompt and care- The Canadian' Statesman DepeRd pon t oot -~- i o n r Greenaway & Elliott AU ase atetin.is$2.00aO a ig s"just asgod I as 195 Lisgar-st. Toronto> Heating Experts and Comulting Engineers OICE MAIN-ST. HAMPTON -a.nd worth it. 0c" MJSO Phone L1keide 980 j Phe 1 j Mphone 129-15 Subscribe To-day SOTEUScot&Iwe oot.ON $5lI Sct o4,'orno n 35 f "I ,~r Y

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