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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1924, p. 3

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DOMINION MATCHES 3 FOR 25e -FRESH BULK LARD 16c LB. CHOICE BANANAS 39c DOZEN RICHMELLO 5< T F-4, . --75 PATRICIA TOILET SOA,>, 5 bars - -2k< BON AMI (Cake #f or Powder>, 2 fox -a KIPPER SNACKS _25C BRUNSWICK SARDINME, 4 fol &SC JLATE Ib. -- -9C 3POTrED 2&< S, 3 for- MWO 'E (Save thefffb.. n). 1 lb. . DC. COFFEE (Save theo%4 Coupons), % lb.. 33 EWV CHEESE ee Mb. - - - . .2c TRY OUR MIEATS BOLOGNA........19c COOKED HAM . ..47c LB LB COTTAGE ROLLS 21c LB PICNIC HAMS,.. ..19c LB SLICED BACON..,29c LB FINEST BACK BACON 36c LB. FRY'S, BAXER'S oCOWAN'2< RO0MADE TOMATO 9)3cl HOMADE TOMATO l. KETCHUP, Pint -14C KELLOGG'S CORN FCLAKES, 3 for- C BRAN -.17c WHEAT, 2 for. -29c: lUE.2for - .- -35C: ROMAN W-XAL -33 MACARONI and SPAGHETTI, 25%m MAYPIELD 'BRAND BACON~, Machine ')9Ec Sliced, lM. - - RITEGOOD STOUT 1.7 CARNATION or ST. RARLEý3 MlLK, CARNATION< or ST. CHARLES MILX~, Bab ie3for - - --* -- ALE B RAND CONDREiSED MILK- WELSO, 0 . 25c 19c 2le We have a fulll une of DOMESTIC & IMPORTEDmI FRUITS This is the time of year when fresh lusejous We now have Strawberries Pinea-pples Bananas, New Oranges Juicy Lem.ons Apples In fresh vegetables we have Lettuce, Carrots, Onions, Tomatoes, Potatoes, etc. We like to see our customiers and appreciate their business. ARCHIE TAIT Bowmanville For îPresent INeed We have on sale a very large and choice assortment of SMOKED AND COOKED MEATS You will flnd them very deliejous and appetizing. HOME-IMADE JELLIED MEATS ONLY 15c LB Try a Pound and you'll be back for more. This is one of our biggest sellers. Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville ENTRïýâANCE RESULTS Tou Always Gt Tihe Deneffit tu Savlngs When It cornes tc> a question of mnathernatics% we're poýor at aditio, but wonderful at ubtacion. We never Iook iaround tQ sce what we can add to prices. On the contrary, out cornes the sharp pencil and we subtract a peiàny here and. a penny there--down, down, down-nevet up. Result-big values, Iower prices Look these ovçr. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Word has been received says Port Hope Guide ,of the 'death of John Me~tCurdy, in Kamloops, B. iC. He Iwas born in Port Hope 76 years ego. jFor twelve years fe worked in j'Chalk's Carniage Worka, Cavan St. iThat the country is acapital place by this Hamptoný note: A little city girl was sitting visiting her uncle. While showing his neice around the farm they came upon a hay f ork. She -wanted to know wha+ it was. He told her, then ahe asked, "Uncle do the cows eat hay with it?" Dr. J. J. Middfleton, the versaile witer on health topies and food re- forme saye: Disease is ever rnaking wnarfare egainst the human race and we mnust fight the enemny. It is the duty of every good citizen to enter the fight and help hie neighibor as well as hinself when healIth and even if e itself are at stake. Rend Edi- tor's Taîka in this issue. At the Downto'wn Kiwanis Club luncheon John Gibson, past presi- 'dent of Toronto Botary Club, said: "Something is wropng with business to-dIay. It is useless to deny it. For five years the energies of 25 million men were devoied to destruction in- stead of construction. There are diffi- culties in the way of gooid business yet we need niot be discouraged. "My message is work all of us." Prosper- ity in business will be prodluced by strict economy and well directed ener-gy. We must go to work with the faith that there is a future for us an'd Canada. Wednesday, J.uly 9th, was e fine day and when the Ontario Ferry left Cobourg pier for Rochester et 8.30 there were almoat 600 on board from ail parts of this district, coming, frona as fer west as Bowmanvlle, and as far east as Keene.* The voy- age %vas made without any trouble anid reached the farther shuore by 1.30. Customi authorities wvere sti7ict but they permiitted the folk to gro ashore. As the boat left at 6.30 the voyagera had five hours to travel about the city and see the sighte. At the midnight hour the Ferry boat docked in Cobourg. BOWMANVILLE Allin, Gertrude Alexanider, John (Honors) X Anderson, Keitha Argue,, Helen (Honora) Armstrong, Jas. Bagnell, Bernice (Hlonors). Bateman, Iee(Honora;) Bell, Arthur Blackburn, Farewell (Honore) Burgess, Leverne (Honore) Barton, Nelson (Honors) Brown, Erneât Bennett, Wilfred Callan, Viola Canuiler, Stuart (Honors) Caverley, Hester Clark, Allan Clark, -Robert Colla.cott, Robert Darch, Eva (Honora) Darcýh, Helen (H1onors) Devitt, Jas. (Honora) Farrell, Renia Gay, Sain (Honora-) Gibson, Wallace Greenaway, Thelma Hancock, Jas. (Honora) " Hatherly, Iran.k Hocken, Elleen Hlocken, Grace (Honora) Hopps, Boy'(HIonorq) Horni, Wallace (Honors) IeFlorence Jackmian, Eva Jacýkman, Fred (Honora) Jackii..an, Nelson (Honora) Jones, Frances (Honora) " Knight, Allan Lunney, -M\organ (Honioý, Luxton, Kenneth MeDonaldc, Archie McMann, Leola " MceCullough, Kathleenj McMullen, Clfford McMullen, Neil (Honore) Mollon, Greta (Honora) Moorcraft, Hester " Moore, Leon Moore, Marjorie (Honora) Muair, Sadie (Honora) Osborne, Gordon (Honora) Phair, Ruby (Honora) Pinch, Edward Pooley, Doris Potter, Alma Rice, Harold Richards, Arthur Riekard, Marion (Honore) Rickard, Stanley Seward, Mary Stevene, Ivan Stevens, Rowena Smale, Wlfred (Honora) Thickson, Heloi1se Thurston, Gould Turned, Pauline (Honora) Wade, Willie Ward, Elnuer Wilkins, Nelson Willaîms, Lorne Wood, Vera Wyatt, Willie SOLINA Ashton, Merle Avery, Mildred Balson, Allan (Honore) Brunt, Madeline Chant, Christopher Ferguson, Irene (Honore) Hall, Fluphemia Harris, Marjorie (Honora) 'Kerslake, Nora (Honore) Larnb, May McDwan, Bernard (Honora) Shortridge, Audrey (Honore) Slemon, John Smith, Ray (Honora). Stainton. Leonard Stai'nton,, Chas. Thompson, Earle Vivian, Lillian Wilbur Sholar Wright, Marguerite (Honore) SUMMER MARRIAGE Hircock-Usher Cobourg, July 13.-The mfarriage of Misa Zelia Usher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Usher of Cobourg, to Mr. Albert A. Hircock, son of the late John W. Hircock of Cobourg, took place on Tuesiday, July 8th, at the home of the bride's parents here. The ceremony was conducted by Rey. H. B. Kenny of Belleville. The bride was attended by Misa Wanna- mlaker of Chicago, and Mr. Harold Usher, brother of the bride,. was groomaman. Mr. and Mr.3. Hircock' left efter the ceremony for a trip to western pointa before taking up recidence in Bownanville. Special showing of Plleated Skirte, guaranteeld to hold their shape. Couch, Johnston& Cryderman. ASPIRN Say "Bayer Aspirin" INSIST! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not gettirig the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy- sicians for 24 years. Safe~ iccept only a Bayer package whi chcontains proven directions Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets .&lso botte of 24 and 100-Druggists sprin la the trade mark registered i Canada> cf Bayer Manufacture or mono. aceItIcacidester of Salîtylicacid r f BLACKSTOCK Argue, Mabel Beacock, Genev.ieve Bullock, Lena Dayes, Fred De.vitt, Evelyn Edgerton, Oriel Fallis, Hilda (Honora) Fallis, Chrystal Ferguson, Marion (Hoiuors) Hamilton, Cecil Hylanid, Clifford Johnston, Harry Mountjoy, Hazel (Honora) Nesbitt, Marjorie Nesbitt, Hrl Proutt, Dorothy Richardson, Wlfred Rutledge, John X Veale, Grace VanCamp, 'Olive Weatherup, Lenora Williamson, Em-ily Wilson, Isobel (Honora) Candidates marked (X) being in quarantine as certified by medicali oficer, were admitted on pertificate of Principal and approval 'of Publie School Inspector. NEWCASTLE Clark, Bay Clark, Bessie Cooke, Eileen Coucli, Berniice Garrodl, Nellie Grahamn, Stanley Gibson, Louise Jones, Ross Lake, Muriel Lake, Willie L.aking, Gordon McEaêhern, Gilbert Pearce, Ernest Rickard, Dorothy Thackray, Chas. (Honore) Wauchope, Madïeline ORONO Allen, Lawrence BaIl, Stanley Bairstow-ý, Norman Best, Horace Best, Edra (Honore) Bigelow, Wilfred Boslock, Erica (Honore) Btackley, John Cobbledick, Gladys (Honore) Co&per, Jack Dean, Harold Diekson, Margaret (Honors) Eduujeon, Dorothy (Honore) Falls, Ada Hallowell, Bessie Hogg, Edna Laing, George Lowden, Ruth Lunn, Lawrence MeRoberts, Hazel Neal, Marjorie (IHonors) Rowe, Dorothy (Honors) Saunders, Vernon Staýrk, Mary (Hontors) Tamiblyn, Ella (H.onors) Wannan, Dorothy JANETVILLE Cain, Norman Fisher, Aldah Fisher, Bruce (Honore) Gray, Olive Lawson, Lillian (Honors Hepburn, Elva McGill, Lorna (Honors) McGill, Marritt Paul, Hilda Porter, Tone Savinac, May Stacey, Owen Stinson, Carl Thompson, Laura Wilson, Norman R. R. 2 NewcAstle, Ont. Baiking by Mail SM ANY and 'varied are the types of men who conducet theiý banking with The Standard through the post. Sor Busy mn~ who live fat away fromr any banh find that sml.We pay interest at ciurrent rates on such accolant. Write or cali for full particulars. STAiýNDARD -ýrBANK' Bowmanivilfe Brc.h, 3Iackstock Biaiich, Newcastleàand Newto-nviie Brainchez * - - H. W. Lapp, 'vag E,4.A.Peov 1ji Now Read~ "T he Dunlop t1 r&d"l Sumnmer Resorts of Ontario in a Nutaheil for the Motoriat. "The Dunlop Trail" is the "new-idea" touring book, which rep- resents the first attempt to lay Ontario before the holiday-seeker in such a way that he çan motor over the Province systemritica11y. The whole story of Ontario is told in sequence-Ontario fromn Winn~ipeg to Cochrane, to Windsor, to Montreal-yet' the book only comprises forty pages, and is pocket size. - Not a reference page fromn cover to cover-in other words, you get the whole story of a district when you are at the two pages covering that particular district. No advertising of any kind in "The Dunlop Trail." Ail maps and illustrations specially drawn; all materia1tspecially compiled. Think of this feature: Ail your mileage figured out for you over the entire Province-the first time this has been at- tempted in the history of motoring. In "The Dunlop J'raii" you find every River and Lake trip in Ontario that has a schedule; also special Train trips; combination Auto, Boat and Train trips; the first complete list ever published of places in Ontario where Summer Hotels are located; every 2 Golf Club and Camp Site in the Province, and real information, * where yeu want it, about steamer and ferry services for takirig * autos aboard. In order to keep the circulation of "The Dunlop Trail" in the proper channel a nominal price of fifty cents hias been put on it. Any Garage or Tire Dealer in Ontario will take your order for -The Dunlop Trail" or you can procure it direct from this Com- pany at any of the Ontario Offices mentioned below. DIJNOP TIRE & UOBER BGOS U9.5 LIMITEO HEMD OFFICE AND FACTORIES: 870 Queen St. East, TORONTO. HAMMILTON BRANCH: 18-24 Park Street South. LONDON BRANCH: 571 Richmond Street. OTTAWA BRA£NCH: Dunlop Building, 306-312 Sparks St, Dunlop- Tire Makers to Canada for Thirty Years. DUNLOP BALLOON r"TRES Less Air, More Comfort Dunlop Tires Sold in Bowmanville byI MOFFATT MOTOR SALES CO. Royal Theatre Coupons Given Away Phone 248I Phone 65 F. H. BOUNSALL1 Proprietor of Bounsall's -Monu-ý mental Art Works, Bowmranville.i " Major" was one of the Judges andl a Direcètor of Ceremnonies at the Twelfth of July Oranigemien's Cele- bration held in Oshai,,wa on, Satur- day. He also gave one of the chief orations of the afternoon. F A 1RM ERS! Tile us cheaper than they have been for years. You can have the advantages of the use of a ditching machine. Your land neede draining, why wait until you are old to do it. Get it thia sumnmer and have it done. A. W.Pinich Drainage Contractor ý i

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