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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1924, p. 7

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TO-MORROW is on the way. If you knew to-day that to-morrow's fire would destroy your home, you would prepare to-day. But you cannot know what wiIl happen to-morrow.,, financial loss, You can protect yourself against however. Fire insurance is the only one of the many forms of dependable proper- ty protection we off er to those who would be pre- pared for to-morrow's eventualities. J.J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanville SEASON.ABLE SUGGESTIONS F111 your coal bin with Genuine D. Seranton Coal at SUMMER PRICES. L.&W Cover your roof with Artistie Ruberoid Octab ISiate Surfaced Shingles. Colors-Sage Green and jVenetian Red. Very best material and manu- Ifacture. Also roll roofing of various grades and prices to suit every purpose. Replace your unsanitary, dust-laden carpets with Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring. Cheaper, more wholesome, more durable and better in ap- pearance than other floor coverlng. Estimates cheerfully furnished on ail kinds of building material. McCIeIIan & Co., Limited King St East Office 'Phone 15 BowinanvIlle Houa. Phones 228, 274, 218 I. This la it-Darken the roomi n juu4h.aspossible, cloe the ,wizidows, rais. one of the blinds whor e?. u1i shin es in, about e4ht inches, place as wary Wilson' Fy Pacla as possible o plates (properly wetted with vater but znot floodel> on tJ*e 7 wridow ledge where the ight is strong, leave the zoom coo4d for two or three hours, then sweep up the. £içs and bura* thei. Se illustration below. Put the plates away on*lt f Mzresc of childrzauffl rie- qtd l inanothez zoom. The right WrnmoySe -. BOWMANVILLE, JULY 17, 1924. ENNISKILLEN HAMPTON (Crowýýed out of last issue) (Received too late for last issue) ORONO ITEMSA goodl programi was prepared by1 Since last report our Women's In- J 5th Vice-President Miss Mariorie! ,titute fias held seille interesting .Froin The News of July 1Oth. .Smith. nla ber absence the President rvleetings at the BungalwinEl9t Mrs. Frank Kniox at home on a, took'ý the chai*r. After devotional Membriai Park. At tÈhe May mieet-1 Viiperiod Miss Lillian Wallace ably gave ing Mrs. Ko gave an excellient pap- Vii.the topic on "Oibedience". A piano! *r on "Howl to'enitertaini and be en- Mrs. C. A. Chapmani is visiting solo1 was well rendered by Miss May tertained" w1hich was weil received frind a Lîdsy.Werry. Reading by Miss Alima Oke Iand contained good practical hints. 1'4ss Hilda McCutcheon, Toronto, adpaode yMse Luella IEeto of officers resuited: is home or, holidlays. Stevenis and Winnifred Oke was ap- President-Mrs. Sykes Mr. Frank Ardron,. Teller, Stanid-ipreciatedl. A recitation was given lst Vice-President--Mrs. BaVte ard Bank, la on holidays. "A Poor Role" by Master Willie ýWal- 2nd Vice-President-Mrs. C. W. Mr -AM 1elanty-, Kingston, made a lace in hlis usual goo~d style. Rev. Souch shor stpove intow reentl. .Geo. T. McKenzie gave his fareweil Se'y.-Treas.-Mrs. C. J. Kersiake I shot sopverin ow reenty. talk to the leaguers wheni he chai- Asst. Se'y.-MIrs. Jas. Burns. Orono Canning Factory began lenged them to be sincere in ail Aiso in May ant address was givenf seasoni's operations on Tuesday. things. 1t was, one of bis best dis- by Miss Siicter of Kitchener who Miss Kate Williamson, Toronto, is courses wbicb was full of helpful gave many useful and profitable at lier sister's, Mrs. H. N. Junker. things and many practical sugges- suggestions on "Saving Strength in' Miss Iva Linton, Toronto, is visit- tions, and we fail to find words1io' the Home" and "Co-operation be-1 iinglher brother, Mr. G. M. Lintoni.. express our appreciation for it and tween Home and School. This ad-i Corns are painful growtbs. Hollo- many similar onles. The large num- dress was well given and mnucb aàppre-' way's Corn Remnover wiîî remove ber of leaguers present proved that ciated. Miss Reynolds, District t1à eni. be had a large circie of friends who President, was ais opresent and ad- tie'.higbly respected him. He spoke of dressed the meeting briefly. Music Mrs. (Rev.) Wilkinson, Consecon, the pleasant time hie spent during his was furnished by comm.unity singing is istig hr roher M. . H sayhere. He bias be-en pastor here led by'Mrs. W. J. Ciemens. Kene .five years and bis sermons during thie June meeting was on "Balanced Mr. Geo. -Mitchiel visited bis whole of tlhat time neyer failed to Menus" and a splenidid paper on the' daughter, Mrs. J. E. Leishman, New- attrsct the ciosest attention of his su'bject was given by Mrs S. G. BaVe. market;. congregatioi,. His niew appoint- Mrs. Trenouth followed with sugges- Mrs. Wallace Jamieson, North Bay ment aliotted by conference is Yarker tions on ealads and both these sub- is with bier parents, Mr., and Mrs. C. in Addington Co.. jects Were well discussed and foliow*- G. Armstrong. This address was read by Mr. -Roy ed by a humorous reading by Mrs. - Misses Bell Allia, teacher, Osh- MoGilI. At the proper ime Mr. Henry Wilcox who was heartily ap- awa, and Clara Moffht, teacher, Tor- Gordon Werry presented Mr. Me- plauded. onto, are hom~e. Kenzie wîth a pair of gold cuif links July meeting Qfl Thursday week andçrldwath han.was aiso well attended. I en Mr. and Mrs. Addison Rickaby ndan ldwacbchin famîy, orotoareat is -and' Rev. G. T. McKenzie:- "Grandmotber's Day, tbe grand-l Mr. ohn -ýckby.Dear Friend :-We the mernbers offiotbers present gave tbe program' Mr. William E. Armstrong met bis*5 make this the occasion for an ex- several niemberS and music by Mrs. brother Jobn at Port Arthur and, pression of our regret tbat plans for W. J. Clemens assisted byr Eleanor spent a week fishing or the Nipigon. tbe immediate future will necessi- Sykes. While the meeting was on- Dr. George Gilfillan, Toronto, Mr%.1 tate your separation from US. We %vard, Rev. Dr. Daly of Port Hope, tilfillan and Miss Power, Bowman- 'are aroused Vo a sense of our loas called and was heartiiy welcomed. ville, yisited at Mr John J. Gilfil- and Vo an appreciaVion of your After thankinz our Institute for theirJ Ian's. 1 wortb during the pastfilve years. parcel of donations recently sent Vo Miss Mary Long, Vermilion, Mlta, We Leaguers will feei your bass as the shelter, hie gave a very interest-I is visiting hier aunt, Mrs. T. Smitb. imucb as any ther departmnent of the ing and elear account of the work la tbe fail she will go soutb te Cali- church. You bave been a faitbful donle by the Cildren's Aid Society f ornia. worker. We have always enjoyed in these United Counties of Durham Rev. Wmn. Limbert, 'Toronto, your presence on the bail field, skat- and Northumuberlan.d and expiaiaed preaching in King Street Mjetbodist ing or tobogganing wbich you se quite fuily tbe work of the Cildren's Church, Osbawa, visitèd bis daugbter, strenuously worked f or.' No ascii- Shelter' at PortHoeofwihela Mrs. . H. roxii fice seemied tee great fur tbe sake Superiatendent. Our menibers were Mrs R.H. row. f tbe youag people. much pleased Vo have Mr. Daiy pres.. Fifteen candidates wrote on Higb. We prized your sincerity and re- ent at tbe meeting and as a cernse- School Entrance exams bere. Mr- lied mucb upon the wisdlom of your quence of bis alk are more interest- C. F. Cannon, principal of Newcastle counsel in ail the work of the churcb. ed and better informed along the Public School presided., By your kindly Christian character lune of "Cbildren's Aid"l work and we Mr. Haro]ld Barwell. Oshawa, visit- yonr influence bias been sucb as to hope wili be able to do somiethingî ed bis mother, Mrs. Tbos.ý McComb. lead totbe tiplifting of Vbose with wortb while Vo help it along. He uaderwent an operation zecently wbom you came in contact. Sunday AfVer the meeting was over, Mrs. f or the removal of tonsils. 1 after Sunday you gave us rutbs that Sykes treated ail Vo delicious straw- MsKahenSaeB.Abssaak deep into our lives wbicb bave bernies and the Ladies' Park Commit- been appointed to staff of Port Hope fawýakened witbln us feelings which tee added ice crea i wbich witb tbeir High School. Miss Staples will Iuplift and glorify. You bave en- refreshments supplied by the prove a capable and efficient teach- deavored Vo improve our spiritual mothers of Institute bielped ail to er.j welfare by the wbolesome truths have a jolly tume ogether. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- Iwbicb you have pnesented to us in Mrs. Sykes wss given a bearty torwil rie wrrs ro th sstnian eloquent mannen wbich we.re -vote of tbanks for the generous treat twiontinejur Vo tbe chdecastewortby of adoption by every hearer. of bennies. its action, while fully effective, is You have ever been an inspiration On Tbursday, August 7, the Inst-' id, for that wbich is bigbest and best. tute intend holding its annual' iThe good that you bave done can- Cbilren's Day Picnic~ at the Park, Pieased Vo see Mr. Hoiward Mc-j noV be expnessed in dollars or any- when every cbild in tbe comimunity is Comlb, Oshawa, around so weli after) tbing purcbased witb imoney but as invited to be presenit to shane in 4be bis long illaess. He bad four a slight token of oun esteemi anid sports an'd general fun and treats. ii-ionthis' treatment inana American affection we ask you Vo accept this This is usually the best local pîenic of, Hospital. chain and these cuif links and may tbe season, so plan Vo come every-1 Miss Ettie Cooper, home at ber Vbey ever be a reminder of your as- body and brin- ail the children and: fatber's, Mr. George Cooper, on! sociations iwith tbe Enniskiflen of course your lunch basket, Voo. bolidays sang a very pleasiag solo!i Young People's League. Our village is a place of great at- Sunday 'evening in Metbodist We bcpe and trust that yoû mnay traction lately. Several large pic- SChurcb. Miss Cooper bias taken up' be abundantly blessed in your new nies bave been held recently at the, vocal music as a profession. field of work. park and a number of smallen orles. Quate Mate Srgt Afre Bal Sîga,,.ed on bebaîf of the Leag'ue. What better place for a picnic; aLnd Sergt. Arthur Saundiers receivedl Mr. McKenzie very ably respoaded party? officia! notification froin Miitary j saying bow much he had enjoyed bis Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Paseoe and Heaqurtrs t inetn, ha teywork axnong the young~ people. His daughter Grace, Brookla, visited were successfual in their recent exam- au waS Vo iuide the y'oung people. br eety mnations and are qualified instruct- Refreshments were served and a so- The Junior Boys who chose up' cial hiaif hour was spent. Meeting sides Vo play a frîendly game of foot- ors in Infantry Tra-inia. Icoe yMzphbndcin bail on July ist at the park appre- AV recent examinations aV Toron-ý Reserve date July 23rd for the ciated very miuch the treat of cold' Vo Conservatory of Music, Miss Ethel 1 League concert. . . Mr. MeKenzie's lemnonade given them by the Wom-î Winter passed bier Junior Piano withi successor is Rev. E. C. Belknap of en's Institute. The ladies of the In-! honors; Master Robert Junker Ele-1 Coe Hill, Hastings County. He can tuearalysniosVecu- mentary Piano with first class hion- assure hiniself and famtily of s bearty age the children. ors; Miss Mildred Davey, Introduct-weom VoE ikien. Mss Dr. J. H. EIliott and daughtrý ory Piano witb higb standing-pupils; Myrtle Jeffery and Grace Radcliff Miss Grace, Tor~onto, wene amongst of Mrs. Editb Allun. fScugog Island, wene guests of Messrs the holiday visitons Vo the old home. Orr and Gordon Jeff ery ...Miss I Mm. Henry Wilcox is under the Mr. and Mns. William R. Garscad- Ethel Vannatto visited many of ber j docton's eare. den, Duluth, Mina., are ot bis sis- friends here while staying with Miss' er's, Mrs. Thos. Patterson. Mn. Gladys Stainton. Miss Gladys, and yu ae not Carscadden wjas borpi at Kendal but~ Bernice accompanîed ber home ... ~f7 expenmenti- 62-7 yeans ago moved Vo Colliigwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Onrmiston,- Mr.~ .I ~li n g wliîein Mn. Canscadden for 30 years past bias, Milton Stainton and Mn. Lorne Lamnb .wu55u""ea Dr been living in Duluth. His father, mot6ned Vo Mr. D. Vannatto's, Ken- niment Ior Eczema and Skin Irrita- Jos. Carsýcadden, is still living in Col-I dal, on Sunday..., Mr. J. D. Brown, 1ti I,, hrelleves at once and gradu- allY hea13 the skin. Sample box Dr. lingwood, hale and bearty at 97 Orono, Rev. and Mms. C. C. Washing- Ohaýseâ's <)intment froe ijf yeti Dmention this years of age. ton and Mri. A. B. Werry, Courtice, paper and ,nd2. tm for postage. 6oc. a iv 'tdat Mrs. H. J. Werry's......bo; ltddea1ers or Edmanson, Bates &Co., Mn. R. E. 0. Coathani, D. D. G. Mrs. W. J. Staintonl and Bernice are iteTritu M., Ontario District, wvith Installa- vstn red tOoo... r tion Team of Orono Lodg-e 1. O. 0. Gordon Werry went Vo Toronto Vo F., maide an official visit Vo Cobourg see specialist and is staying witb bis Lodge and inîstalled the officers, ne- aunt, Miss E. M. Werny and unele, ceiving congratulations for the effi-1 Mn. J. A. Charlton ..Mr. Win. dýent manner la wb%,ich the work was Silversides, Mrs. Jos. Ferguson, Ux- done. Wednesday evenîng they vis-1 bridge, at Dr. H. Ferguson's. ited "FlorenceNghigl" oigRvH.tano adMsSato a large congregation was ont Vo wel- ail of ber num-bens heing enceored. comie new pastor, 11ev. S. T. Tucker, Mr. Swaiibnick, Kendal, contrib.uted B. ., . D, ho was listened Vo witb. well rendered vocal seleetions, and much intereçi, bis sermons being our own talent, Mrs. O. W. Rolph favora'bly commented upon and Mr. M. H. Staples -were also The Charley Knox Orchestra com-I heard wit-h very mucb pleasure. Rev. prising, besides the leader. Mesers. 71,J. W. Rae snd Rev. S. T. Tueker Frank Graham., Mult Morris, Peeyýoke briefly. Mr. H. j Soucb, Lunn, Ken Gamsby and Harold AI- Supeintendent, pre.sided,. Proeeeds lin, Mr. Madison)r Hall accompanying about $190.00. Stant preserving sow ani you w Ill h ave an abundanice of deliclous, health-giving vegetables for the inter months. For your cbildren they are Particularly desirable. As wholesomre as fresbi vegetables, they provide a' bbood- purifying elem-ent obtainable in no other forai. And apart froru the usual methods of serving theru, they nsay be ruade up into maaiy deli- cious dishies. Our bookiet will tel you ho!v. HaeN'Rut Send iu the coupon. av ewB t Ail AWinter DOMINION GLASS CO. LIMITED 1Blanch 1 to 10 mi- 6 MNTRÂLDEPT. D utes in boiling water.

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