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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1924, p. 8

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PRESENTATION TO MINISTER Rev. and Mes. H. Stainton KudIy Rom embered. Conigregattion8 Of SCugog Island Circuit met in Centre Church to bid fare-well to their minigter, Rev. H. Stainton, B. A. Mr,. Stanley Plo-ughman, President of Y. P. League was chairman, ýAfter coin- munity singing -and an address by the Pastor, Miss Edna Reader represent- inz the Head, Miss Allce Mark the Centre, and Mrs. Clarenice Hood the Foot, took charge of the meeting. Mrs. W. T. Samells readj the address while the young ladies presented gifts froin the yongregations to Rev. and Mrs. Stainton, a meat cas- serol and a s9ilver cake basket, and to their niece,,Miss Reta Ashton, live pieces of French Ivory. Dear Mr. and Mi'.. Stairîton and Miss Ashton :-ýWe a f ew of your many friends'of Scugog Island have met to-night to give yo.u a littie re- miembraince to show that we have appreciated your kindness to us dur- in your pastoral term. We regret very much your going, but we know that our bass will be others' gain; anid, if God wills 'it so, We. must abide by His will. Please acc.pt ilhese small tokens with Our hest wishes f or a prosperous and happy Ef e . May they often briniy te you kind thoughts of Seugog friends. Signed on behaîf of Scugog friends.1 Henmsfiiching H-emstitching left at W. T. Alien's Big 20. Bookstore, will receive promp and 3carefui attention. Work done by Mp E.H. Wayne, Queen's Block, OsJCw. RI BURKETON o ly 1- 't id r Tuesday eveniag, July 8, over 101 relatives and friends of Mr. an'd Mn. Arche Lunn (Rosella Dean formerli of Burketon, recently married) gath 1ered at the home of Mr. Wilber 1 Lunn and presented the bride an( -groom with a mniscellaneouts showei 7an'd a beautiful addrecss of welcom( to the bride to Millbrook- commirunity PORT GRANBY Report of promotion exams in S S. No. 1, names ii rder of mnent To Jr. IV Clas-Wininie Lancast- er (hon, Arthur Lockhart. To Sr. 111-Norma Elliott. To Jr III-Millie Honeywell, Alfred Brow.n, George Kimbaîl (rec), jack lver (nec.) To Sr. II-dJohn Elliott (nec), Kitty Honywvill (re c). To Jr. II-Iloward Bellamy, Isa- belle Camrpbell, Jack Kimbail. To I-David Lockhart, Lena Campbell * To Sr.' Pr.--J.ared Kimbaîl, Fran- ces- Elliott (neec). mis. Marjory IG. S. Powell, teaclier. Mrs. F. W. Wilson, daughten, Miss ýRuth M. Wilsonand son, Mr. R.* C. Wilson, have gonie to Guil Lake, On- tarie, to spend thein vacation. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Totten of Tottenham, are visiting their son, DrJý A. E. Totten, Barett Street. Miss Gladys Westaway, left this morning te visit Mn. and Mrs. D). Bewas, at their cottage, Rideau Ferry. Word was received in Port Hope that Jamies Bateman, representat#ve of General Motors, Oshawa, dropped dead on the street in Belleville. Mn. BatemaWn was well1-know#n in- Pot Hope-Guide. Y. S. Summer's Premier Dish. And yet a nourishing get when, food. you eat That's what you CORBETT'S ICE CREAM Eat aIl you, can.._ It's' an aid to your warm weather. health in BASE LINE DELIVERY We now have a 3-days-a-week delivery of bread and baking along the Base Uine and south of Kingston Road. Phone and have us caîl. Eat Corbett's High Loaf Bread We Specialize in Wedding Cakes W. P, (Success( Baker and Confectig .Corbett ,to Thomas Tod) oner Bowmanville Business Going On as Usual During Alterations You may wonder-what we're loing. Just put- ting in a modemn up-to-date store front. Then you'll want to keep your eyes on our windlows. C. M. CAWKER & SON, Phone 64 Bow-ianville A FINE LINE FRESH SUMMER FRUITS AND VEGIETABLES You will find many items ini our store jdst what the housewives want for preserving purposes- ready now for seletion-very reasonable irn price, too. Mind it doesn't cost any more to have your groceries delivered right to your kitchen table when you shop at this store. We are selling lots of sugar by the 100 lb. bag these days. IIARRY PHIONE .1 ALLIN DOWMÂNYitlL The, NewvcaetIe IiridlncfEýpendCerît THURISDAY, JULY l7th., 1924. The Misses Pascoe of Camp Cep- pur Beedi, neceived a visit aven the week-end of their, mother, Mns. Wes- ý loy Pascoo, and' other Tenante* trion ds. Mrs. N'ellie A. Neate, Mn. and Mrs. Janvîs A. Grant and Mrs. Margaret Grant, Torento, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mns. Rodonick L. Wright et Broadlawn. Messrs. Horace and Eric Walton- Baîl spensored a very lively and eui- tliusiastic game of base-ball onTues- day niglit by the boys of Bond Hlead un thle Harris LLodge and Broadlawni diiamend. Miss Elleanor Walton-Ball wh o haýs boni spendcing the earlien weeks of lien vacaýtion at Oshawa-on4-lie- Lake witl Mrs. Myens and tamiily, came down to Harris Lodlge withliberi tathen Sunday.1 Mn.Sand Mns. Will Symons, and Mns Saples, Welcome,' and Mn. and Mns. Carl, Symons, Chicago, recent- -ly called on Mn. and Mrs. Ge o. P. Rîckard and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rickard, The Grange. Dr. Alfred Farncomb's, cottages at- the lake are ail occupied, the, lat- est arrivals being Mn. and Mrs. Downs and family of Toronto at' Gate House and Mn. and Mns. Hew- itt 'and family at Méadow-Brook House, The Glen.s Newcastle MaIe Quatet has beenc in much demand et late at botli in- door and outdoor tunctiens. Tues-s day week they sang at the Pnshyter-0 ian Strawbenry Festival in' Orono and on Wednesday evening at New- tonville at a similan affain by the Presbyterians. Newcastle Methodist church-Rev.ý E. B. Cooke, Paester, il a. mi.-! "Thy will lie Done". Yeunig People's il Choir. 2.30 p. ii.-.Sundaty Schôol. n 7 p. m.-"Suplpasiîng". ReýgularX choir; anïthem; solo, Mrs. (Rev.-) E.w B. Cooke; Anthem, Choir; Maie ti Quartet, Meqss. Rickard, Cooke, E Allan and 'Bragg. , I Mns. Everard JolI and children,w Glidden, Sask., arrived in Newcastle W lest Fridîey, accompenied trnm Ton- ri anto down by Miss E dna Rick-and. H ,rs. Joîl and daugliters, Eunico and b i Mlargýaret are staying witbh ler par- t- enta, Mr. and Mns. Geo. P. Rickand, vi whýile the two sons, Stuart and Jack, are staying with their grandpanents, C Mn. and Mns. Geo. H. Joîl. se Newc.aatle folk wero shocked to Pý leern ef the ver>y sudden death of in fMns. W. J. Fowler at Oneno, widew ia fof the late W. J. Fowlen who was s Jwell and widely kniown by tarmers ýu and miany, othens. The auction in sale of the accumiulated implemnents, sO goods and sundries et the latte Mn. ul Fowler was te have taken pla~ce on a r Tuesday, the day on whicli Mrs. Fowler was buried. se The fir&t penty of girls bade a son- at rowtul tanewell te Camp Coppen w' Boechi on Fniday. Thursdiay was ate special day et fun and trolîc with Ri races ami othen sports, and -prizes ton IV neanly evory oe. In the evening Or the girls gave a prograin on the Ce spacious venandali, exhibiting much Jýa doen talent. Pnizes were giveni te siq the best ail-round camp girl, the 0Ef neatest and tidiest girl, and te the Of gnoup of girls et the best kept sleep- 'Cc ing bungalow. A nuniben of New- va castie-on-the-Lake residents and cet- tagers wene present and greatly on- joyed the entontainment et the girls and the liosptality et the camp leaders. Eviery on e presontwa tneated te ice cream and aIl day lat suckers. Tuesday this week by the on C. N. R. afternoon train, a party oft77] mothers and chldren arrived tram a: Toronto to spond two wveeks inheling id& tCie bÉacing air ef the camp. Miss of Feston accompanied the party et J. g rls back te Toronto o:n Friday, ne- vi- turning with the second panty on J. iTuesday. TE 1 NEWCASTLE ente. mnM Miss Betty McKenzîe, Toronto, is vïsiting lien'sister, Mrs. H. &. Britton Mr. and Mns. Reynolds,, Toronto, *were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Joil. Miss Edith Cowan, Toronto, is visiting Mn.. and. Mns. C. H. Hancock and other friends. Mn. and Mns. W. C. Gruhbe, West-. on, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. LeGresley. Mrs. Harold Toms and daughter Kathleen are with hon parents Mr. and Mns. Geo. P. Rickard. à Mr. George Wright motored some angbers to Rice Lake and some fine *fish stories are going the rounds. Mr. John Douglas has installed a complote and up-to-date system of wator and pluuihing in his home. M.and Mrs. E. T, Brittain and IM.Caells Brittain, Toronto, àpent '[the week-end with Mn. and Mrs. John Douglas. Mr. and Mns. E. M. Wynn, Niag- ara Falls, are liolidaving with lier parents, Mr. and Mns. T. M. Gibson, at "Tho Towers". Mr. Fred Anderson is home from Windsor where he lias been taking1 senior matriculation in the Collog- iate Institute of that city. Mr. Horace Walton-Ball went to Oshawa te. witness the Orange Walk, and celebration, and spent the week-' ,end with his aunt, Mrs. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Calow, daughter,1 and friend from Toronto, Sundayed1 with Mr. George Singer and Miss Janie Singer at tlie Renklezvous.f Mr. John Armstrong was in Belle-1 ville Un rolieving work as C. N. R. signal and gateman.* This week lie is at Cherrywood on similar duty. c Mr George Bnownhill, former nesi- dîent here, accompanied hy Mrs. Brownhill and thoir daugliten, are guests wîtli Mn. and Mrs. F. B. Love-, kirt.h NEWCASTLE Miss Gladys Jones lias rotunned Tononto. Mr. Frank Allin liad business 1Toronto !on Tutesday. Mrs. J. H. Thora, Toronto, is iting Mrs. J. W. McLaughlin Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Brown, Tor( te, are occupying their cottage the farm. Mn. and Miss Trembetli, Toron are visiting at Mn. J. Anders Smiti's. Mrs. Gardon Ash, Oshawa, is w. lien parents, Mn. and Mrs. H. Wotherall. Mn. and Mrs. David valloau, 01 awa, Suntiayod at lier father's, à~ T. M. Clibson. 1Mrs. andà Miss Mason left on TUE day te holiday at Lakevîew Ir Stungoon Point. Principal L. Might, M. A,,, w cliairman ef the Entrance Boa for this' disRtrict. Miss3 Dorethy Wright, Toronto, holidaying witli hon gnandmeth( Mns. Emma Benathan. Mr. and Mrs, Chas Cowan anriv home Monday fromi a pleasant mot, trip ta Western Ontario Mrs. J. S. Montgomery and'daug ter Betty leavo this week for the annual aïummier vacation ait Canain ton. Mn. David Shaw, Provincial H igi ,way Faremian, lias moved with ýh family te the Caswell lieuse, King-s East. ,Mn. John Mxel Chicago, former Newcastle boy, was in to'w Monday on is annual eouting te thi olId homne district. Mn. and Mrs. lanlon Parker moi Ored aven tram Rhode Island an spont the week witli his parents, Mi and Mrs. James Parken. Mn. and Mrs. John Calow an daugliten Alice, Toronto, motore heno and Sund-ayed at Mr. Geong Si'ngor's, Newcastle-on-the-Lake. Mrs. E. H1. Joli and four childner Glidden, Sask,, annived in- tawn o: Satuncay, for a visit with friend in the aild home town and at presen is stayinig with lhon father, Mr. G. ]p Rickard. In the nesults of Entranci Exams. appeaning on pa-g .e 3 Eileei Cooke won the J. Scott Montgom ry llistony Prize of $10.00 an( Chaiies Thackray was winnon of th Masonic Lodge Pnize for higli et standing. Principal C. F. Cannon of Publiî school, has again miade an enviabli rcord with bis Entrance Glass b> assing; 15 of the 16) candidates whoi vroto. Neanly haîf of the clas5 ,v taken tromn the Junior Fountn Las.s. Here's to Principal Cannon rewcastl1e is proud eOf yau. To-mqornow's Dollar Day ait Ives'.' vIETHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY The, finest of July 'weatlien favor- tI the. Methodist S. S. An-nivonsary in Sunday, July l3th. Rev. E. B. ,ooke conducted the morning ser- ce, assisted by the Supt., Mn. Fred îraha-,m. A lange numben of the nier boys and girls Were in the hoir loft and togethen with the reg- lan choir filled the,, space ta capac- Y. Those led the re.çt ,of the chool in singing heartily a number f fine choruses. Rev. Th.,s. Wal- 'ce, Newtoaville, gave the beys and iris of the school an exceedingly in- ,restîng and practical blackboand 1k. iMn. Wallace said hie was here Sa substîtute, a pinchlu btter as it ere with the bases aIl full and two 'n eut and that a substitute@'nus ver se good as the neal man. But r. Wallace bof one ho was through ith fris talk, had put the crnips in ie aId sarw "Bo-ware of imnitations."p veny one was pleasod and heopedi Mn. Wallace's- talk, on "Succes 1at it is, how te acquire it' and iat, it moans"; "Jesus first, otihersi axt, ourselves afterwards." Mr. arold Allin. and Mns. George Camp- L11 assisted in the musical part of is service with euplionîum and Olin. Rov. -C. C. Washington, B. A., of Durtice, conducted' the vening -vice and preached a thouglit cern- bing sermon on 'What am i 1Worth: MY homte, in nmycornmiunity,, in ychunchi?" It w'as a sermion that l is heanens ta doing seime serious nming up and porsonal ac count 9. The choir, although akg ne Of its imembens who lied gone INTERESTING LEGAL CASE Bowmanville Hospital Wins Againsti The Township of Clarke Mrs. Charlotte More, an Indigent per- %on. was brought don'y ber son, Sid- ney Moore from Saskatchewan' andi ùiaced with her daughter,. Mrs. San/uei White in the townsbip ef Ciarke,! on November 21, 1921. Shie stayeci in the township of Clarke with Mrs. White un- tii August 12. 1922. wheni becoming help- less andi an invaiid, her son Sidney Moore took hier ta the Bowmanville Hos- 6ital, agreeing ta pay expenses. On September 24. 1922, Mrs. Moore was deemedti t be better in health and was remaveti from the Hospital anti tali:ea back ta Mrs. Whjte's where she becamel Mi again. On October29 1922, Mrs. Moore was taken again ta the H1ospital where she remaixed until June 24, 1924, when she died. Sidney, whlo was a lab- orna man, paid the llokspital ber ex- censes from August to September, 1922. and paid $157.50 on the periad from Oct- aber, 1922, ta the date of her death in June. 1924. Tihis latter payment was aufficient ta pay expenses ta February 11. 1923. At this date Sidney bad dis- ai)1peareti and no one itnuew% of bis wbere- abouts -since. The Hospitai clalimed tbeý expoases aubsequenit ta Februatry, 1923, from the Township af Clarke, whiceh on the date of the deatb of Mrs. -Moare amauntedti t 8733.50. T.Lhe .Act relating te the mattens la- Volved, says "Tbe Corporation of the Municipality in whicb an indigent per- son "admitted ta a Hospital recelving aid under this Act le at tbe "time of bis admission resident shaîl be hiable ta pay- to tbe 'governiag body of the Hospital the charges for hie treatmfent". The Hospit.&l was compelled ta sue thie Township of Clarke ta -recover t~ $733.50. It'entered action o~n arch, 1924. and the action came on for trial at Cobourg hafore~ Hie Honour Judg, Huycke, sittlng for Judge Ward, on Junie 18, 1924. In Rts defeace the Township of Clarke etrepuoiisly dtefended tbe action, con- Lending (1) that tbe saiti Charlotte Moore was not a resident of tbe Town- sbip of Clarke-- (2) that tbe saiW Char- lotte Moore was not an indigent; (3) that tbe said Chariote Moore at tbe time of her admission ta tbe, Hospital was flot admitted as an indigent, but as a pay- ing- patient under a cont1ractual promise of Sidney Moore ta pay the, oxpenses; (4) tbat the Hospital did not give any notice ta the Township of its dlaim; (5) 1 rany other defences but founideti on tOOVe. At the trial the above defences imelteti hita thin air as the Hlospital p)rove d be-- Tond doubt that Mrs. Moore badI no other home butat Mrs. Wbiite's wbeýre she liv- ed. ate andi slept for, a perioti of aine tnonths: and the Statute says that tbree anontbis Is sufficient: thaýt the HaOspitali recelveti aid fromn the Government undler he Act; that thie saiid Charlotte Moore was an indigent witbiont mieans of aay, :ind .tbe oaily maineys sbe bad being 121 givea ta ber by one of ber sons about 20) years before; that na one, bad paid the 733.50 wbicb it \vas liable ta lose en- irely; that the Act waýs clear andi un- quivocal in making tlic Townshiip liable. on 'July q, -1924, Hlis Honour gave ]ud1gmneat, flnding ever -yfact eititJl1ing the tpital tp succeed as jpravet agaýIlst the Towaship, andtini a welCaiee Litigmeat wiich wats at Colis ,derable Žatb ound thec Towýnsbip of Clarkel li:ble ta tINHie ospiiial for $35,wt rll caüsta ofsut The Ilospital feels very muict Indet( ýoMr. D. B. Simplson. K.(C. for bis able ýresentation of tbeý case wýh!c7i terminat- Sd sa sucecessfully, bisagns belag uhIIowecIlanevery particuïar. The interests of theý Townisbip iwere bly taken care of by Mr. Frank M. Feld, K. C.. of Cabaui 'r_, wbo preseated he afIguments for the Township. Mrs., Pansons, the well-known Womnen's Institute lectuner has ne- irned from delivering overseas 10 lks on Canada. She prephesies - Siglit days ahead when Onitario will -ceive still more of tlie fine stock rom, the Mothenland whicli even an £monican. Ambassador concoded j tvo did greaten service te mnankind han when it acted as an ancestor for ýople of this New World. Shie says ne of the most heantening things 1 iet was the nealizatian by se many at it was the duty ef the family ftlie British Empire te get together id te go where tliey were most ëeded! It was splendid to he-an thom lking as if it were a duty te think fmignating! ARTICLES CROWOED OUT Rteports of Cryderman-Ruse and TruIl amily Picolcs andi other articles beldjI 7er ta next issue. Warm Days Are Here Picnics, Fishing Parties, Camping is the Order of the Day. And, of course, that basket will be filied with the "Good Things to Eat". Our stock. offeil many a sugges- tion as to "1What Will 1 Take"? The re are Olives, Biscuits, Pickles, Canned Goeds, Fish' Pastes,- Fruits, etc. In fact evenything you will nee'd to make your table neal appe tizing, tempting- and neurish- ing. H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer, Newcastle Fresh Fruits, and Vegetables Now on sale in abundance Agents for Brown's Community Bread Gi-ocer RWALTON, Nqewca8tle Mc Clary -s Florence Oil Cook Stoves TOAST-BROIL-BAKE..RQJç Anything that can ýbe idone Wi'th a' wood, or coal fire is done better, icheapen and quicker on a McClary Florence Oil Cook Stove Heat is net diffused abott -thie house. There is no omeil, soot or dlanger. The excpeilse of operating is siuall. Cal and leara more about "The Florence". MASO'-"N & DALE The Popular Hardware -Quality and Right Prices< Phone 145 Bowmanville MOFFATT MOTOR SALES LIMITED Oshawa Bowmanville 1 1 - 1Y. Olde Jewelry Shoppe >Ve Irresistible China at Elliot's Jewelry Shop This is how one lady expressed hers eif -re- garding our China: You, too, will acknowledge this after having seen our latest additions, which have just arrived from England. Unlike' former days, present prices are not prohibitive from buy- ing English China. Amongst this exquisite as- sortment will be found innumerable pieces'beauti- ,fully suited as wedding, birthday or presentation gifts, or as prizes. ALE ELLIOTý Il MIVUAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M.DC.M Graduate et Trinity Univers'itao et Royal College Physicians, !Edin.- burg. Specialty-Diseases et wexn- on and chidren. Office-Panker'm Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. Mi. Honon graduate et Trinity Universitý Fellow et ;Trinity Medical College- Licentiate ef the State University of New York, Matniculaýte et the Post Graduate Medical School and Hos pital et New York and Fellow et the Toronto Academy et Medicine. Offie. -Mns. McNaughton's Residence. Newcastle. Heurs-S to 10 a. m.. 1 te 3 p. m., and by appeintment J. W. Bradley General Insurance Avuct Clerk of 2nd DiviS/Ion Courm, C07 inisiioner, etc. GOOD COKE is cheaper than wood' and is the equal to the best Coal. I have a suuply of the best Coke obtainable. Highest grade of Anthra- cite always on hand. Geo. Jamieson Newcastle Bowmauvale

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