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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1924, p. 3

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Shop Where Your Money Will Go The Farthest A Million and more thrifty housewives are proving for them- selves that there is real econoniy in shopping regularly at DOMINION STORES. The quickest way to prove where your money will buy the most ini Oroceries is ta shop at your near DOMINION STORE, MAZOLA COOKING QIL 2 1-lb. Tins for the a Price of One Limited Supply 1.0 TEA (Ceylon and Assamn). Try this -it is delicious for hot weather. Lb. 'o COFE (Our Specialty), 1-lb. tin ,0 COFFEE (our specialty), 1/24b. tin DOMINION BRAND BAKING POWDER (no alutu), i lb. - -19 (Fully Guaranteed) CI4ARK'S PORK and BEANS (in Chili l Sauce), No. 2 t%, -14 CLARK'S PORK and BEANS (ia Chili -3 Sauce), NO. 3 tin -3 STERLING BRAND ~SUMVMER CORDIALS ade, Rasp. Vinegar) LmndOag- 29c 79c 6 c 3 3c POST '11 TOASTIES- - - i SHIRRIFF'S or McLAREN'S JELLY POWDERS. 3 for -25C KRAFT or ROYAL CROWN LOAF-ie CHEESE, lb. e -3 COOKED HAM lb.---------47c ALL LAUTNDRY SQAPS (except Fels Napthia), 10 Bars - C SOAP CHIPS 2 lbs. - - - -25 Shirrif f's Marmalade, 4-lb. tin S'hirriff's Marmnaad, 1.lb. jar Glassco Marmalade, 3-Ilb. tin rEl- ALE, Pt.3e AEsmall 90C ,GES. large 1.60 DSTOUT 17 -- - - 15C RISP CORN" 29c ýS, 3 for- - C BABITrS. CL1EANSER - 74e .lOç LUX PIe.- 11l&26C SIfORTENINO -.' 3 PEANUT BUTTER -23C CURRANTS lb. - - -15e Mayfielid Brand Bacon, Machine sliced, lb 2. Promotion Examinations UNION DARLINGTON 1 Report of Promotion Examninationi in S. S. No. 17, Darlington, naines in order of merit: Entrance-Irene Ferg-uson (h), Mildre~d Avery. Form IV-Jean Bentham (h),j Barbara Wotten (h), Verna Griffinj (h), Roy Avery, Mabel Webber. Fonni lîl-Clarence Avery. Form II-Harold Webuber (h), Donald Simipson (h), Gladys Wot- ten (h), Vera Griffin (b). Form 1 -Norm-an Avery. Primer-Clara Grifflin, Leslie Wot- ten, John Watchorni. Douglas D. Barton, teacher.J EBENEZER Report of Promotion Examina- tions in S. S. No. 4, Darlington. Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Orvall Grills (hon), Irene Grills. Sr. .1I1to Jr. IV-Kenaeth- Os- berne (hion), Nelson Osborne, My rtl p Montgomery, Charles WVade (Rec) . Jr. 111 to Sr. III-Louise Courtice (hion), Gordlon Vinson, Normna Wade Byron Worden. Sr. Il to Jr. III-Lelia Sabuliak, Aninie Sabuliak Jr. Il to Sr. Il-Ada Annis (hon), lHarold Osborne (hon), Evelyn Wadle. Sr. I to, Jr. il--Glenn Pickell (hon), Jean Vinson, Harry Worden, Kenneth Flint. Jessie MaclÇenzie, teacher. HAYDON Promotion report of S. S. No. 21, Darlington for June 1924, namies in order of merit: Jr. IV to Sr. 1V-Babel Beech (hion), Roy Thompson (pass). Sr. 111 to Jr. IV-Harold Greer (hon), Gordon Greer (Rec), Car- lyle Ashton (Rec.) JIr. 11I to SI 1--ouis Ashton (pass), Annie Tre-wilI (pass). S. II to Jr 11-Fred Beech (hon) Rema Bradley (hon), Lloyd Thomp- son (pass), Bert Ashton (pass), Myrtie Cowling (Rec), Deibert Martin (Rec.) Sr. I to Jr. fl-Pes-lMuriel Thonipson, Roland Thompson, Ruby Greer. Sr. Pr. to Jr. 1-Pass--Freda Bradley, Gladys Martin, Ruby Ad-I amis, Evelyn Greer, Sulas Trewin' Jr. Pr.-Lorna Thonipson, Pereyl Miss Edna E. Coulson, teacher. SLAKE SHORE SCHOOL, CLARKE Report of Promotion Examina- tions S. 5. No. 2, Clarke, names ia Sr. IV-Marjorie Clark Jr. 1V--Robe-rt Hen'dry, ch (Rec). )S,. llîI-Jobi i idry, ýnd, Jack Homies. Jr. III-Ruby Shaw (h), SELL, We have a fulli une of DOd-%M'lESTJC & IMPORTED FRUITS bis is the time of year when fresh luscious are enjoyed by every member of the family. ýw have Strawberries Pineapples Bananas New Oranges Juicy Lemons Apples In fresh vegetables we have Lettuce, Carrots, Onîons, Tomatoes, Potatoes, etc. We like to see our customers and appre>ciate their business. ARCHIEITAIT 11 Phone 65 Bownianville orPresent Need We have on gale a very large and choice assortmerit of SMOKED AND COOKED MEATS You will find them very delhcious and appetizing. HOME-MADE JELLIED MEATS QNLY 15c LB Try a pound and you'll be back1 for more. This is one of our biggest sellers. ilbert Jl'Dudley ck Phione 2925, Hcume 272 Bowmanville lie Reid, Willie Eddy. RiWl Jr. II-Ruth _Holmes' Olive Jaynes. Jr. I-Myrtle Allia. Prnimer-Alex. Hendry, Neta Al- lia, Marlon Eddy. RReconimeaded for Jr. IV-Leonand Russell. For Sr. III-jeslie Reid. For Jr. III-Charlie Roots. A. A. Martin, teacher. - OAKÇ SCHOOL S. S. No, 18, Clarke, Oak ;Sehool. Promiotions duing the year: Pr. to Jr. I-M-Nabel Harris, Law-' rence Harris. Sr. I to Jr. II-Kenneth Hender- son, Keith Hendlerson Jr. Il to Sr. II-Jack Hilîl, Sr, Il to Jr. III-Fnank Harris, Al- bert Naylor passed, Harry Hil rec. Jr. III to Sr. 11-Le oaa Tcble. Edith M. Ferguson, teacheri S. S. NO. 19, CLARKE Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Gordon Moffatt., Jr. 111 to Sr. Ill-(-on.) Oren MaIley, (pass) Leslie Hopper. Sr. Il to Jr. III-(;Pass) Gladysý Ard, Doris Moffatt, Jean Ransberry. Sr. Pr.-Kenneth Ransberry. Jr. Prinier- *-abei Ransberry. Hazel R. Brown, teacher. LESKARD SCHOOL Leskard Sehool S. S. No. 15- Promoted. To Sr. IV-Eva Cornish (hon), ~,Wilfredi Ha-wke (hon), Mliton Corn- ish. To Jr. 1V-Douglas Dent (hon), Bessie Bairstow, Ross Robbins, Eva Maunder. To Jr. IlIl-lia Cornishi (hon), Lloyd Hawke (hon), Mildred Davey, a wke, Lloyd Bail, Jack Stap)le- ton. To Sr. II-Ralph Thionip)soni, Aliceb Bairstow, Bessie Maunder. To Jr. II-Edith Dent (hon), Dor- othy MDnl (hon), Charles Stap- leton (hion). To I-Edith Truli (hôn), Noreen Hawke (hon), Gertrude Dewvell (hon>, Gerald Shackleton, Elmer Patterson Robert Chater. To Sr. Pr.-Roy Ternant. Gladys C. Paul, t eac herv. S. S. NO. 16, CLARKE No. 16, Cla-rke, arranged aI-ý ýically: o Sr. I-Fredl Andrews, Hlazel S'Inpson, syton. ice An- Milîson. eLay- 2t Mill- Moore, teacher. SOLINA LReport of Promnotion Exminationis: Entrance Class-Allan Balsoi (lion), Nora Kerslake (hion), Ber- nard M-\cEwan (bon), Audrey Shiort-1 ridge (hion), Marguerite Wright (hon.) Sr. 111 to Jr. IV-Arnott Van- Nest (hon), Heleni Bakel (hion), Tom W_\estlake (hon), !M.uriel Bak- er (o) Margaret Scott (hon), Ileen, Balson (hion), Ed'gar Wrighit (,honi), Norma WrýigLt, (hon), Geo. Kerslake (hon), Evelyn Tink (hon), Madeline Trull, Fra~nk Westlake. Sr. Il to Jr. ILI-MIauricýe Baker (hon), Bruce Tink (hon), George ýWerry (hion), May Westlake. Jr. Il to Sr. Il-Vera Kerslake, Jean Hogarth, Ralplh Wilbur. Sr. I to Jr. Il-Fred Wright, Stuart Hogarth, Ruby Parker. Jr. I-Russel Balson, Pýercy We .st- lake, Jimmie Parker. Sr. Primier-Roscoe Baker, Gon- don Wilbur. Jr. Primer-Hazel McEwan, Aud- rey Ayre, Allan Wil.bur, R. J. McKessock, teacher., ENNISKILLEN Report of Promotion Examns of S. S. 16, Darlington, namnes in order of mernt: Sr. 1V-Aima Oke, Orville Ashton. Sr. 111 to Jr. IV-Audrey Dor- land (hon), Ellis Griffi (rec.) Jr. 111 to Sr. ]iII-Muriel M'voore, Jini Stainton, Frank Stevens.. Sr. Il to Jr. 1II-Doris Griffin (hbon), Harold .Stevenson, Henry Stainton,, Annie Oke. Jr. Il to Sr. II-Naomi Virtue (hon), Willhie Wallace (hon), Grace Werry, Elsie Moore, Howard Oke, Alice Asto, May Strong (rec), Gord'on Stevens (rec. ) Sr. I to Jr. II-J'oe Stetvenson (hbon), Lloyd Brunit, Eari Trewin (rec), Audrey Brunt (rec). Jr. 1 to Sr. I-Helen Brunt, Jean Stainton. Sr. Pr. to Jr I--Ruby Virtue, Marie Oke, Bruce Ashton. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.-Bertha Spry, Marion Griffin, Fred Trewln Jr .A ta Jr Pr.-Bernice Stainton., Clifford flavidson, Ruth Stevenson Annie Stai'nton. Jean Armnstrong, Laura Andrew, teachers. COURTICE Mrs. Morrow, Winni'peg, is visiIt- la; old friends here. Miss Edaa Johnson 18 guest of Mrs. Herbert Nichols. Congratulat ions to Cyril Weyrich upon gettiag honors la music. Miss Anaie Gardiner, Tyrone, is guest of Miss Annie Wilkinss.j Mr. Wallace Pickeil enjoyecj a Ifishinz tn,-p et Rice LU receatly. Mr. Raymnond Cole, Bowmanville, is at his nce's' Mn. A. B. Werry. Mrs. James Shortt is with ber daughter, Mrs. Jack CluelI, AMuskoka. Mrs. S. G. Pickell is home fromi Oshawa accompanied by Mrs. Col- "Messrs. lÇenneth and Blake Court-1 ice have filledl silos with sweet choyer.' Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnnt n children, Taunton, visited Mrs. E. Osb orne. Mrs. Charlie Welsh is very ili at hier dlaughter'.s, MNrs. Prout in Boýw- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Found and Mrs. J. Found, Sundnyed at Braund-l port, Otonabee. Mr. Edgar Smith drowned at Lake Simcoe,ýwas recent guest of Rev. C. C. Washington. Mr. and Trs. Fioyd Willoughby> Winnipeg, are with her parents, Mr. anid Mrs. George VanDyke. Mrs. Charlie Wight, Providence, and children attended Mission Band picnic in W. E. Courtice's Grove. Miss Aura Rundle, Assistant Superintendent, Bowmiànville Hoes- pital, is enjoying holidays at home. TO MARGARET MURCHISON Here has a maiden -won a deathl!es namie That dark oblivion shal flot dimi nor hide; Not won where thousands cheer a uselesfe gaine And fill the winner's breast with foolish pride. 'But out 'upon the maddened deep, alone, She fought and won a strife with What agoines of soul she nmust have known, Yet kept the hope of life undylng,, there! Nor did she fight for self alone, but brave She battled long- for conirades sore distressed, Not once nor twice she dared the mountain wave And rocked and snioothed one (y ing- on her breast, Fier deed forgect not. Write hier shining name In Iletters broad upon the seroll of fame. I Oslhawa -Lyman C. -S----l Miller's Wormn Po-wders act an thoroughily that stoiîmchic and la- j testinal wonms pass from the cu' withut bil-,noticed anid withott incavnieceto The sufleer * They are painiless anid perfect in actioni, and at aN tin-es will be found aI healthy mnedicine, strengthening the infantile stom--acli and maianin it ln vig-orous operation, so that, be- sides being an effective vermifuge, they are tonical an!d health-giving in thein effeets. ODDFELLOWS INSTALLED Douglas Moore Noble Grand Newîy elected officers of Floreniceý Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, I. 0. O. F., were duly iastalled on July 9th. District Deputy Grand Master Otto Coathain and his degree team of Orono, conducted the impressive in- stallation ceremonies in a very cred- itable manner, m-any words of praise being extended to the team for their splendid work. Office'rs installe'd for last haîf year of terni are: Noble Grand-Bro. Douglas Moore. Vice Grand~-Bro. A. M. Hardy. Warden-Bro. W. J. Jeffery, P.G. Conductor-Bro. F. Bennett, P.G. Ontside Gup.rd-Bro. Jas Johnston. Inside Guard-Bro. W. Evans, P.G. R.,S.N.G.-Bro. Sidney Little, P.G. L S.N.G--Bro. R. Poster,. R.S.V.G.-Bro. J. E. Elliott. L.S.V.G.-Bro. Rev. G. S. Postle-1 thwaite. Fin. Se'y.-Bro. Frank Burden, P.G. Rec. Sec'y.-Bro. F. C. Pethick, P.G. Treasu~rer-Bro. Wm. Edgar. Chaplain-Bro. E. Anderson, P.G. Rt. SS.-Bro. Milton J. Elliott. Lt. S.S.-.Bro. W. iWarsden. Ater transacting regular business a social hour was enjoyed when luscious stramýberries anîd cream were served followed by speeches. Thoseý giving addresses included: Bro. C. P. Israel, P.G.P. of N. Y., Rochester: Bro. S. J. Hooper, Toronto; Bro. E. J. Osborne, P. D.D. G.M., Orono; Bro,,.,Dr* T. W. Bedell, Rev. G. S, Postlethwvaite, A. _M. Hardy, Fred Bennett, P.G.,- Frank C. Pethick, P.D.D.G.M., P.G., P.D.D.G.P., and ot1hers. D.D.G.M. Coathani also gave an interesting account of the proceedings of Grand Lodgý,e recent-ý ly held la Guelph. Mrs. J. L. Westaway, Port Hope, 18 on a visit to Montreal and St. Adolphe-de-Howard, Luurentian Hilîs, Quebec, guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wood.-Daily Guide. Weork on Provincial Highway be- tw\,een Bowmianville and Oshawa has been held up owing to inability of contractors to get material on the lo- cation. Il FARMERS! Tile is cheaper thian they have been for ycars. You can have the advanitages of the use of a ditchiag machine. Your land needs draining, why waft untii you are old to dio it. Get. it this summer and have it done. A-W. Pinch Drainage Contractor, R. 2 Newcastle, Ont. R McClary>'s Florence Oil Cook Stoves TOAST-BROIL-BAKE-IRON Ànything that can be 'done with a wood or coal fire is done hetter, cheaper and quicker on a -McClary Florence Oil Cook Stove Heat is flot diffused about t-he house. There 15 1no emeil, soot ýor danger. The expense of operating is sniali. Oeil and learni more about "The Florence". MASOIN 8&LDALE The Popular Hardware -Quality and Right Pricea Phone 145 Bowmanville e MI LJiP5I AIELIEV TREERESTLESCONDITiON BROUGH-r on BY THE PRESENCE OF WORIS- AND RESTORE THE CHIL.D TOýNORMOAI HEAI.TH, N NARCOTriCS -PLEASANT AS UA F. J. Mitchell DISTRIBUTOR Dominioin Upright, Grand and Player Pianos Highest Awards The Name has DOMINION"Jý bsbeen a synonyni for excellence la musical instruments In this district, instruments mfay be seen, by appointment, at the factory. Many puruliasers take advantage of the dleferred paynients which are willingly arranged ta suitthe convenience of customers. For~ information write Box 353 or telephone Nos. 86, 92 or 105 Bowmauville fîc -A ,j -, CHURCH SOFT BALL LEAGUE Five Church Teams -Entered The popular wave for soft bail Iwhich is creating such interest andi, enithusiasmi in the cities lbas at laFtj yeached Bowmanville, and has bud-J ded f orth in the Church Soft Ball League. Five teams compose the league consisting of Methodists,ý Presbyterians, Roman Catholics (St. Joseph's) ; Anglicans, and the Tuxis,, the latter teani being'""Colm-1 pose-d of players from Tuxi, boys under the direction of Wreforýd Souch. Games are being played on the Public Sehool Campus, which start at 6.45 p. m., and last 7 innings. Teams occupying- first and second positions when scheidule is completed will play off for the league chamipion- ship and cup which will be awarded to th\e winners. Schedule 1924 July 18-Methodist vs. St. Joselis. July2-rebtrn vs. Tuxis July 23-St. Josep his vs. Aniglia n j July 25-Tuxis vs. Methodist. July 28-Anglican vs. Presbyterian July 3-St. Josephs vs. Tuxis Aug. 1--Melthocdist vs. Anglican Au.5-IIresbytýerlan vs. St. 1Josephis A'ýug. 8-Anglican vs. Methotlist Aug. 5-Tuxis vs. Presbyterian Au.i-Anglican vs. St. Josephis A ug. l-thdstvs. -Presbyterlans ,Aug. l-Tuxis vs. Anglican Asug. 15--St. Josephis vs. Method10(is't A-ýug. 20-Anglican vs. Tuxis Aug. 22-St. Josephs vs. Pre-sIbyterlan 'Aug. 2-ehds vs. Tuxis Au. 7-Prersbyýteriain vs. Anglican Aug. 29-Tuxis vs. St. JosepJis Sept. l-rsb-yterian vs. Methocdist. A FI "NE LI1NE FREýSH SUMMER FRUITS AND VEGETABLES You wiIl!flnd many items in our store just what the housewivves want for preserving purposes- ready now for selection-very reasonable in priefc, too. Mmnd it doesn't cost any more to have your groceries delivered right tq your kitcheri table when you shop at this store. We are selling lots of sugar by thé 100 lb. bag these days.1'>YL I B3usiness UGoing. On as Usual I During rAlterations You may wonder what we're doing. Just put- ting in a modern up-to-date store front. Then you'il want to keep your eyes on our windows. C. M. CAWKER Sn SON Phone 64 Bowmanville

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