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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1924, p. 5

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iXTITIP TTTT.V24. iw BIRTHS CALE-4t Di011 as.,onJ1mne30, ta -Mr. adl Mrs. WV. 11-Cale Èe if t of a daughter. LANGMAID-In WityToýiijp, on J'uly 17, tuA Mr. ainti iSrs. Gord1 hLantlg- 11n1aid, a son. FERGUSON-lin ,wmanLiýiville JIfos:ptai, on July 2nd., tu Dr. and -Mrs. llariFer- guson, rlnniski1lln, a eril. DEATHS SOMERS-At Po1,rt Hlope, July 2t Jameus Somners, in bis 48ti year. McMILLAN-In D-arlington, Juiy 20, 1924, James -Me-Milian, ageti 83 years. PETERS-In Toront , July 16, Biake Farey etesPort Hope, aýged 61 yeýarsi BLETCHER-At Port Hope, Juiy2, Jane Sophia Furby, belaoved wif e of WmTn. S. Bltcher, C2oliector of Custorme. NOTICE Dr. C. W. Siemion, Churcli treet, Bowmanville, will close hiie olfce fim July 22nd1 to August ,7t-h., whule on vacation. -99-2 DENTAL OFFICE TO CLOSE Dr. J. C. Devitt wisbes to an- rounce that bis dental parlors wiil be closed during the month of Autust whul.e on his vacation. 29-t Teacher Wanted Property By Tender "Tenders wiii be received by the un- d ersigned ,l p to noon on the 26th day of Juiy for the purchase of the property on the snhes corner of Lowe andi Temperance Streets, -Bowmianvilie, wicit property is describeti as foliows: Lot No. 1 and Gare ia the rd 'range of lots in the town of Bowmanville. Brected an the propeîty is an eigbt îoomed de- tacbed brick dweling witb ail1 modern eonve»lences. The blghest fo ay tender not neeesarily acceptei. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, 25,1 Bay Street, Toronto. 29-2wv FREE Buy a package of Prin- cess Soap Flakesat regu- lar price of 25c and you will receive one cake of Palmolive Soap FREE Buy a pound of West- on's Biscuits and mreeive a rubber bal FREE Fly-Tox with Sprayer -sure death to ail insects -large bottle 50c. Paris Green f or bugs. potato1 E. F. Weekes The Communîty Grocer Oorner King and Ontario St.. Phone 226 ring 4'- .éLIN v A 4j-jýj zlf nd nepbew Mi. M. Scott. They wvere n a motai auting and went as foi E'E ast as Newcastle to see the splendid W Community Hall given ýto that village ar, y Mi. Ch"ester D. Massey, Toronto., to, Mi. Scott called on Mr. D. B. Sinlp- Ge an, K. C., who was boîn a f ew yards or from the Scott bomne in S. S . No. il Darlington. i Mi. and Mis. A. 5. McLain, (nee niily Fieeland) of the Leake & Vatts Orpban Home, Yonkers, N. Y., ncd Mis. Fieeland, Toronito, weîe in own ast week-end; also Mr and Mis. so. P. Freeland and 'daugliter, Toi- nto, at Cheif o-nd Mis. R. Jarvis'. Vhite Shoes 15 % disecount ut Ives"~ 1 LOCAL AND) OTHERWISE Miss E. E. Haycraft is visiting Toronto relatives tbis week. Miss Muriel Deck is visiting lierý aunt, Mrs. W. J, Ward, Owen Sound. Misses Greta and Beatrice MJo]4on are 'holictaying with Hamilton rela- ~tives. Miss W~ilean Freeburn, Wilnnipeg, Man., is uest of Mis. MeCready, sil ver4st. Mlis. James G. Rickard attended the fulneral of MrS. E. J. Syýmornse Welc ore. Have you ordered Jersey MUI- coast_ no more tha nordinary milk. Phone 205r4.1 ehis Rev. J. U. Robins, newMehds mnster, will enter upon bis pastoral duties August 3rd. Mr. Robert Symions of Rochester,I N. Y., visited his aunt, Mrs. Jameas G. Riekard, this wýeek. Mis. F. B. Lyle and son Donald, Chilliçwack, B. .C., have been visiting. Mr. and Mrs. John Lyle. Mr. and Mis. J. D. Keachie, Tor- onto, were guests of Mr. and Mirs. D. MU. Tod, sa'wa, on' Sunday Mr. anld Mrs. W. H. Brock anidi daugiter May, To-ronto, vîsited at his uncle's, Mr. Harry Brock, Manversi Road. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastie and Dorothy are spending their holi- days at boon Lake, North of Peter- àbore. Mr. and Mrs. James Staples, Wel- corne, visited at hier aunt's, Mrs. Jamnes G. Rickard. Centrre-st., on Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. Ed. Jolinston, Tor- onto, were Su'nday guests of bis par- enits, MUr and Mis. James Jolinston, Church-st. Mi. and Ms Fred Osborne, Tor- onito, are holidaying with his parent, Mr. and Mfis. Wm. H. Osborne, King1 Street, East. Mr. and Mis. Jas. McDougall and family are enjoying, holidyas at their summer cottage at Petit's Point, Scugog Island. Mi. T. Wesley Cawkeris agieatly improving the appearance ,of Fis stores by having modern window fronts installed. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. R. Walsh and daughter Audrey, rniotored fîorn Cal-' gary and called on Mrs. H. Biock, Manvers Road, on Satunîday. Mi. and Mrs. Roy Warren and daughter and Miss Iva Haie, St. Catharines, have been g-uests of Mi. and Mrs. G. A. Edmiondstone. 1 Mis. H. S. Freernan an'd daught6r Miss Chrissie G. Freeman have re- turnedl home afteî ýholidays with fîiends in Toronto and Whitby. Mi. and Mrs-, W. Hl. Lyon, Toi- ointo, were week-end guests ôf lier mother, Mis. J. Brimacombe and brother Mr. Hariy Brimacomnbe. Mis. Levi W. Tole, Bowýmanville, her nephew, Mi. Aithur Annis, and son Roy, Tyrone, visited her brother, Mr. W. H. C1emens..-obourg WorMi. Mi. and Mis. Carl Picks.rd and son Biily, Windsor, are visiting bis brother A. W. Pickard at their cot- tjage (Days' Off), Williams Point, V Scugog Lake. Mi. and Mis. W. C. Feiguson, Blaekstock, Mi. and MTs. A. W.a Pickaîd, Bowmanville, attended thee Beacock-Prescott wedding in Toron-F to, on July 42th. i 1W. Claude Ives reports recori business fromi his Dollar Day Salea .-dVertised in The Statesman lastd wveek. He offers special values i11n1 Wihite Shoes this week, Congratulations to Miss Lillian Dearboîn, pupil of Miss Marion E.« I Orchard on passing lier Primaiy 1, Rudiments Examination in Musical t, Theory with first-class honoîs. j Misses Marion Morris, Gertrude Hamley, Minnie Webber, Vilda Sy- mons, Laveine Griffin and Mi. Greg- ory Col'mer are atteniding League rn Sumi-mer School at Bobcaygen.t Mi. and l MiIs. C. W. Souch, H-amnp-1 ton, announce. the eng-agemient of d their eldest daugliter, Mary Dorothy, ' to J. Albert Cole, only s on of Mr. 'V and Mis. J. E. L. Cole, Bowmanville, l'T early in August. i Mis. J. B. Mitchell îeceived word t recently that ber uncle Melancthon t Odeil, died July 2nd., at Baltimore, ci Md., in bis 7Oibh year. Mr. Odell lived in Bowinanville yeaîs ago andld -was well and favorably kýnown ,iiby miany of oui older residents. a: LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Ruth Martin, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Miss Ina,\Pethick, Toronto, spent the wý\eek-end at home. Miss Fairlbairn is hoiidaying et Milford Bay, Muskoka. Misa Marg-raet Kerr, TorontG,, ï8 hiolidaying witb relatives bore. Mi. nnd Mis. Lawrie Cryderm-an )ire spending bholi'days in Mvontreal. Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Sau'na, spent the week-end with bier aunt ut Laine Villa. Great Sumimer Clearance Sale now on at Couc, 1Johnston & Cryder- m-ap 's. Miss Ruth Avery, Ing-ersoîl, is guest of bier cousin, Miss Greta Wickett. Miss Viola Callan la 4isiting ber aunt, MVrs. Fred T. Myles, Toronto, and other relatives. Miss Constance Henderson, Ca- bour,,bas been visiting Mis. H. W.ý Poster, Wellington-6t. Misses Elsie and Daisy Cuiiey re- centiy visited Mi. and Mrs. J.*C. MNcCuiiough, Port Hope, 34th Regt. Banld af Oshawa, will give an open air concert in Bowman-j Ville this Saturday niglit. Miss Celia Lw bas accepted aý position ,witb the Western Union As-ý surance Co. at M1ýontieai.1 Mis. M. D. Williîams bas îeturnedi fromn a pleasant visit -%ith frienda in Peterboro and Port Hope.1 Miss Harmiett O. Buîk is guest of! ber sister, Lady Hughes at lier sum- mer residence, Haliburton. Mr. and Mis. Walter Little of Saskatcbewan, recently visited thejir niece, Mis. Leo. J. Greenaway. Mr. M. A. Cadwallider, Los Angeles, Calif., la visiting lis father- in-la-w, Mi. D. B. Si*mpson, K. C. A big crowd fîom Bowmanville district took in the S. O. E. excur- hsio n to Niagara Falls on Wedniesday. MnU. and Mia, H. F. Hutcheson, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mn and Mis. P. C. Treb- ;ilock. Special cale of Neilaon's Choco- lates Fiiday a.nd Satuîday only, 49c lb. R. -M. Mitchiell &Ca., Druggist's & Optometrista. Any bat in the store, including al] of this yeaî's stock, reduced to balf prude for quick selling. Dingman & Edimondýseoe. Owýing to the sudden increase in price of floui of $1.80 a bairel bread ;s now ýbeinL, sald in Bowmiian- ville at l8, alo. Mi. and Mis. Wm. Myles and daughter Reta, Toronto, bave been. «holidaying at ber brothei's, Mi. Geo. Callan, Ontaîio-st. Mirs. Tbos. Tod, Miss Olga Tod ,and Mi. and Mns. Geo. Wright and family, Hâmiliton, are bolidaylng at the Royal Muskoka. Mr. and Mis. D. Cbhlmers, Duns- !ord, Mn. and 'Mis. G. A. Be-gs Poihtypool, spent the wveek-end wZitbf, Dr. and Mis. R. E. Dinniwell. 1 Mr. James Girven bas ieturned ta' Peterboro after a two weeks,' visiti gvith bis daugliters, Miss Mýaiga-'iet Giiven and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Mis. Walter Coucli, Miss Barrie and Mi. Thos. Barrie, Newcastle,' re-, cently vhsited Mi. and Mis. Robert Flolmies at their casy home,. Welling-1 ton-st, Mir. and Mis. Norman S. B. Jamesi and sons Stuart and! John weîe Sun-1 lay guests of Mvi. and Mis. A. W.' Picliard at their cottage, Lake Scugog. Miss Martha Jarvis, town, accani- panied lier sister, Mis. Geo. P. Fiee- and and Mi. Tom Fîeeland, Toron- o, on a visit ta Gananoque and Alex- andria Bay. Mi. and Mis. D. B. Simpson, Miss vIolly Simpson, Miss Janet Black, and Mi M. A. Cadwallideî left Wed- nesday for a -two weeks' vacation at lie Royal Muakoka. Mi. and Mis. Herian Owens, caughiteî Jean, sons Sidney and JackI ind Mi. Will Wels, alI of Cambray, ý,ere Sunday guests of Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Washington Place. Dr. J, C. DeviVt, Mis. Devitt and [augIrter Reatrice, are off on a trip o. the Coast wbere Dr. is ta attend- te big Dental Convention ia Van-1 couver~, and výisit relatives. Misses Elleen and Mýanjorie Brown, daugliteis of Rev. S. G. Brown of f ontreal, have gone on ta Toronto fteî a pleasant ten days' visit withi their uncle and aunt, Miý. and Mis. F. R. Brown, Division-st. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Special showing of Pleated Skirts, ,guaranteed ta hold their shape. Coucll, Jolinston & Crydenisan. 1Special sale of Neilson's Chaca- lates Fîîday and Saturday only, 49e IL R. Mý. Mýitchell &-,Ca.,Drgit & Optomietîlats. What an oppoitunity for the Ild- lies Your choice of any bat in Our, store reduced ta exactly balH the or-1 iginal price. Diagnian & Edmond- atonie. Ciiescan see tbe most beautiful roses at home. Mi. Harîy Brima - comibe bas aur thanks for a very lovely bouquet Sent ta Mis. Jams, borne Villa. The Werry-Pbilp Family Picic was held at Cannington on Wednes- day and the Coutice-EVerson pic- nlic is ta be heid at Osýhawa-on-the- Lake thia Friday afternoon. See reports next week. Mi. A. C. Batte-n, Toronto, and son Bî.ock Batten, Montreal, visited bis aunt Mrs. Richard Bailey, wha celebrated ber 92nd biîthday on Thuîsday, July 17, wben many fîiends called and miesasges of con- giatulatons were îeceived from dis- tant relatives and frienda. New shipment of Sweaters juat in. Coucb, Johanston & Cryderman. Jerusalem baodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 11, was nrepresented ut Masonic Grand Lodge beld in Toronto at week by Messrs. Alex Elliot, W. J. BiaggÏ , M. P. P., Dr. G. C. Bonny- castle, F. F. Morris, Frank Williams Col L. T. Mcbaughilin -and Thos. A-,n - nison. Mi. W. Frank Rickard, Newcastle, was elected District Deputy Grand Mdaster of Ontario District, No. 12. Bey. J. T. Daley,. Supt. of tbe Childien's Aid Society, Part Hope, wishes ta thank, the members of Bowmanville Rotary Club for theirý generous contribution wbidh was given ta two unfoitunae it.p childien froni this district wowî îecenitly taken in charge by this! Society. The thanks of the Society is also due the manag-ement of tbe Bawman House for countesies ex-l tenided these briglit littie kiddies. Niglit Constable Walter Hall is to be commnended for bis- alertness in capturing two suspiciaus charactersi wlio v.ere loiter.ing in the, rear of Rice & Co's store early Saturday able dope was found on their cloth- ing. Tbey appeaîed before Police Magistrate Horsey and w r emand- edwhe their records wili be invesi gated. Wmn. Bagneil assisted in mnaking the arrest. Laidies' Coats and Suite clearing out at wondenful bargains. Coudh, Johnsto.n & Cryderinan's,. FOR SALE Modemi 6-roomed bouse bardwood fl9oors, cemet d ar, neariy new, McClary's Sunshine furnace witb coul for bot watem, 3-piece bath, wireti for electric lights and range, gooti1,L with fruit trees anti bernies. For par- ticulars apply ta Mrs. S. A. Lamontagne, Duke anti Argyle Streets, Dowmianvîlie. FOR SALE-Brick Veneeýr Bungalow in Bo)wniville-, gooti location, about ý4 acre; oak, floor ln livingroom, tiiningroom and hàll, British Columbia tir in twqo betiroome,. pire in kitcben: town water, eleétric ligbits, pi!peless furnace, 3-piee bathiroom: lectrice bgbt fixt,,res inc'lutiet. Possession September lst. Owner lea-v- lng tawnm. Apply to Mi's Ediitb V. Scobeli. Insurance .Agertt, Bowmanville. ONLY 8 MORE, jo (' vLa ISTC O,%& P ONLY 8 MORE SELLING DAYS U 4 iN 31' i N 3 SELLUNG DAYS Johnstons Leave Bomi 4Augu'si Posi*ti*vely mrianvilIle t l stol' !Whether al goods are sold or flot. We don't want to move an article, if possible. Hence, for the next 8 days you can buy Men's and Boys' Clothing and Ftirnishings at lower prices than ever. Don't wai t. Buy now. Bargains for ail for the next 8 days. ¶MEN'S CAPS Any Boys' or Man's Cap in our store, $1.75, $2.00, ,$2.25, $2,50, $3, For Only 95c Each MEN'S RUBBER BELTS On Sale ...........27c BOYS' SUITS I Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, also Serges. A big variety to choose from at At 25%I Discount MEN'S, SLJITS A real bargain, ail shades and patterns, best quality Tweeds &v Worsteds . $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $30.00 $32.00 For For For For For $15.00 $16.88 $18.75 $22.50 $24.00 WINTER UN DERWEAR MEN~S ODD PANTS Sepa 'rate pieces, pure all Wool1, also fleece lin- ed '/2 Price OVERAILLS Blue Stripe and Plain Blue and Black, with I bib. Best quality, also lleadlight Brand at 20%/eDiscount MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS At 3%Reduction Every Article in the Store at Big Reduction Positively No Al Tweed tweedQ sizes, Serges, Ls and Cotton $5.00 For $3.,75 $4.00 For $3.00 -$3.00 For $2.25 $2.50 For $1.88 MEN'S HATS' Felt Hats, Reg. $6.00 For $3.75 Reg. $4.00 For $2.75' Straw Sailors At 25% Reduction\' MEN'S FINE WORK SHIRTS AT BARGAIN PRICES Goods On Approval Reg. $2.00 1J Reg. $2,50 Any Article Exchanged at, Reg. $3.00 Our Oshawa Store if Not Reg. $3.50. Satisfactoryj Reg. $5.00 ý 3 IDOORS EAST 'hs STANDARD BANK Jhnsâ 1 ,s For For For For For $1 .50 $1.88 $2.25 $2.63 '$3.75 PHONE I For Sale or Exchange St-ee roomid brick cottage on Ring- aio irind wjth t tes anti smalii fruits for. sâle or wi e Xchanlge for, LaiLrger ouise tiiBwavie AppP1 '. O.Box, 4, ' Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Soton ul eit- (ei 2 yelars OIdI, quiet and JSur e.LaSon -C ANOE -F OR SA LE-C eda r Canoe, cjlose ribbedl, Uuet2 yea'rs, ats good as new. Great bargain. F., W.Goda, Bowmanville.2-t Bees; are alilsolo,, Two framie boney extractor, ives se(Tct.o css.qce x cluders and e maker f0 close ou1t. W.H. lirby, P~ark Roati, Oshiawa, Ont. 3-w WALNUT WARDROBE FOR SALE-ý Witb hif and long drawer, lu g0o11 condition. No fuither use for saine. Will seil for hiaif origirnal cost. F. W. Gotidard, Bowmanville.2-t FOR SALE-Cbeusut -Mare. L-',yearts, sotxnd. attractive driver; also ruilbber tir. eti buggy, wire wbieels; singleha-es one Steel tireti top ugy.A reai snrlppý, Iriving ufit and ifs yours, at a ra bargaIin. Apply Lyall Cotien, ing-st.,1 Property For Sale FOR SALE-Brick cottage, ba, oomn for 4 cr,1/4 acelnti, a %Vy . Hall1,1 Brown St., South of Rn-tBowmnan- ORCHARD FOR SALE-SiOSO nbeys 2 acres of orchard in one of the beet local- ies ln Bowmay ýnville." witb about 125 trees just ni cely into bearing, n7ostly winter fruit. Three excellent building lots on s;ame. Appjly to Norman S. B. James at Statesmnan Office. WANTrED TO EXCHANGE-I bave a six-rýoometci brick bourse in Osbawa on nice lot 3U by 104 on paved street, vemy close ta centre of city, gas and stool, wbich is ail clear. 1ý%i ilexobange it for small borne witb somne grounti anti ;8iUO in cash. Write nie fully D .L., Drawem B, Bowmranville. el 29-2 Ii,~. j - 1 The Balance of Summer Dresses To Clear at ,Reduced Prices For $9075 We have pretty shades in Plain Voiles and Normandy Voiles in good variety of styles and sizes. Ratines in plain and fancy stripes, in green, copen, sky. Just the dress for cool days. For $5095" There are linens and beach cloth in copen, sky, canary, rose, green and fawn, braid trim- ming and sizes from 16 to 42. We are clearing the balance of our Canton Crep'e and Fancy Sili Dresses at greatly reduced prices. We have all sizes and the assortment îs good. S.W. Mason & Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-To-Wear Phone 106 Bpwinanville --- Help Wan-ted HELP WANTED-Glml wanted forl generai housework. Apply to Mrs. GeCa. Gray, box . ,Newcastle. 27-tf. Lost or Fc>und LOST-Two 5-gallon cans be tween En- nisýkiiien anti Bowmanville , Rewa7md fif lef t at Statesmian Office. -2 Articles Wanted WANTED-A local represeýntative for Canadas only net cost Lif e Insurac Company. Aigly in the first instaýnce ta Geor ge GibÏ)ons. District Mianager, Mlutual L'Tif e of Caniada, Brre Id,1 Peteroro. 0-3. To Let TO RENT-25 acres goad pasture landi,j wat ered and weil fenceti. lent forI balance of sum mer. Apply T. Warti, Rt. R.3, B-cawninville. 2- WANTED-To rent. two cnsani acso iesilugood condition, for wekof Augut 3r.. t Port Bowmanviile. F. S. Vanlstone. 69 Armatiale Aeu.Toronto. 30-1 WANTED TO BUY-A real good re- Ihable Mileh Cow, mest reneweti or about, to enew. Apply ta S. Etigar Werry, Saujna, phone 167r6. 30 -1w Delivered Fresh Daily BETTER VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY, DRINK JERSEY MILK IT COSTS NO MORE THAN ORDINARY MILK TRY A QUART AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE. Phone 205r4 and have us cal, H.M. Foster Mauvers Rd Bowmanville

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