I I RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN NATIONALRAWA GOING EAST GOING WES7T 8.42 a. nii. D 4.22 a. mn. F 10.36 a. ni. D 7.06 a. mi.* 1.26P. nm. F 2.02 P. nM. 3.09 p. u.*7.18 P, .n. 6.49 p. .* 8.24 p. m.D 7.21 p. ni. 1.2*.M 9.58 p.u.DW0a. m. 11.21 P. rm- F F-Fliag D-Daily 1-Dajly excepit Sunday. CANADIAN GOING EAST 10.18 a. nm. 2.08 p i 9.16 p u 11.28 P. nM. 12.26 a. mn. PACIFiC RAÉLWAY GOING WEST 5.51 a. rn. 6.25 a. mi. 8.20 a. in. 431 p. m, 70 0 p. ni. BOWA-N VILLE, JULY 24, 1924.1 BLACKSTOCK Mu. and is. James Hall, Toronto, recently visited their son Robert. Mr. Hiram Lambe, Manchester. visited his niece Mis. Thos. Smith.' Murs.MI. Smith is on an extendedi trip to St. Joseph'ls Island and Mlich-1 igan. W. A. of St. John's Churc eta home of Mis. P. Edg-erton on Fridlay' eveaing. Mr. and is. Arthur Bailey and -son Ross motouedl to Woodstock to visit fîiends. 21r. and Mrs. Ho'ward Bailey, and MsAnnie Hamilton are visiting Toronto fîiends. Scugog Lake muet be a popular resout from the numnber of motors passing ýdaily thither bound. Master Moîre-y and Helen Waldon, Toronto, and Master Donald Lanibe, Lindsay, are enj'oying holidays at the home of Smi:th Buos. At the meeting of Victorian Wom-I en's Institute at home df Mus. Roibt. Crozier, menibers presented Mr-s. Margaret and -Mrs R. G, Carruthers wvith a beautiful silver hot water ipitcher engraved with V. W. I., and an address. Blackstock is becomniug an imfrport- ant centre, the latest venturýe is ta ereçt an $8000 Continuation Sc-hool. The woîk will likely pioceed imme'd- intely. Students mp-v take the full Iigh School Course up ta Matricula- tion, quite an educational -prestige foi oui township. m- &"Tired and Worried Nervous and J)espondent"l MM,- ât Chevalier, BelleRiver, Ont., writes: *'For eiglt years 1 suffered from despondency ansd nervousness. Sometimes I could not sleep at IFIII R nigt fowom > gotand theatmy udigb foworxy s inr ad the ncx WIwork was a brdeji to me. 1Ibe- I gan USMg Di. Cliase's Nerve Food and can say 1 arn now en- tirely relieved of the nervousness from which 1 used ta suffer, and things do not worry me as they userd ta. "Dr. Clmse's Ointmnent aise re- lieverd me of eczema on my arms. ~ which had bothered me for three years. My bouse îs neyer with- out Dr. Chases M =di -s. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 60 CU.. a box of 60 piUsEn3, Bate@ & CoJo., I , Toronto I OGRONO ITEMS (Frooi The News of July 17th) IMiss Ollie Richards, Toronto, î home. Rev J. W. Rae is with his famil, at Kawartha Park. 1 Mr. J. M. Kilîmaster, Toonto, waý recent g-uest at Mr. H. N. Junker's. Mr. Art. Allia, Trenton, formerl3 of' Orono Canninig Factoîy, is ih town. Mi. Robert White, M.ceCrea's, i, reported in a serious condition o' heaIlh. Miss Elda Rainey, Maikhamn, i. guest of her cousins, the Misse, Ra a ey. Miss Agatha Staples, New York, iý visitingl at heu father's, Mr. Wmli Staqples. Dr. W. R. Godard, giaduate of Dental Colleg-e, Toronto, was heit this week. Mr. and Mus. C. W. Vinson and son, Toronto, motored here Fridlay f or a visit. Mi. and Mrs. George Stanton, Tor- onto, visited Mvis. T. Stanton and otiier friends. IMris. E. T. Symons, siister of Mr. Richard Hill, passed away at Wel- corne Tuesday morning. Methodist lawn has been fittedi as a tennis court and 'young people of the village are elljoying it. Mr. Lavernie Cooper who was in- jured in a motor accident at North Bay is home at his father's, Mi. Geo. Cooper. Mr. Frank, A. Knox, ani Orono boy, succeeds Dean 0. D. Skeltoný as Dean ini Depatmient of Political Science at Sumnier School at Queen's Ui- veîsity, Kingston. Mr. John Thompson had a serions loss when one of his boises dropped dlead and the same night poultîyý thieves gat away with his flock of ducks, some eoîty in number. Mr. Thos. Andrews also had 25 ducks stolen. Mr. R. T'. Hodgs'on, Winnipeg, vis- ited with A. J. Knox. H1e -was one time a popular principal of Orono Public School ad left just 30 years ago. For 15 years hie has been prin- cipal of Kelvin Techuical Institute, Winnipeg, with a staff of 42 teach- ers. Mr. Ballard and Mu. A. R. Scott, an h Lde' i eta hehàs B. A., Bowmianville, are takiag a 'of Mis. W. Stewart on Wedne'sday, High School Course for teachers at JUly l16th, it beisng "Gîandm-iother's Toronto. Day". After the regular business Congratulations ta Miss Lran session in which a big supper and Love and Master Kenneth Hedboa, concert were aiiang-ed foi Civic IPeueman's Sehiool, on taking honors Holiday, this progiasu was given: at Entrance. piano duet by the Misses HL Hodg son Mus. McCall and son Norman of and Lola Richards; içading by Mýis. Peterboro, and Mus. Will Pascoe and D. Fraser; vocal duet Mus. Fletchier daughter Iva, Saskatchewan, are vis- anid Mrs. Nettieton of Woodstock; iting at Mu. F. W. Lee's. report of Branch m ieeting of Womi- Mr.Ala Balar, B A. Mi. Bl-en s Institute by Mis. Viola Smlith; Mi.Ma BaladB. .,Mus Bl-piano solo Mu. Fred Goodman; lard and daughters, Marg-aret and readiag by Miss -Mabel Wight after Ruth, aie with lier parents, Mi . and wýhîcb lunch wý%as seîved and a very Mus. F. W. Lee, Taunton. enjoyable haif boui spent... .Mtucl Mi. and Mus. E. Phillips and sons, credit is due ta the ladies of th e Mus. Grilla, Toronto, aad Mu. and comimuaity w'ho hielped dlean and re- Mis. T. Shoîtridge, olumbus, were decouate the Methodist Sunday recent visitais at -Msj. A. D. Van- School and classroo-nis. Dyke's. Mr. anid Mrs. H. L Pascoe and Miss Rosie Ml. Short, Tyrone,. who famnily were at Orono on July 129 as- wîll teach the Long Sault School aext sisting ta celebiate ths 7 Ï1.ýh birth- year was kindly remiem-bered by the day of Mus. Pascoe's t Moh rMs. pupins of Devitt's School,_ Bobeay- James Heatlie. ge.on. The Independent says: The Mr. and Mus. A. Rý. Scott, two' pupils of Devitt School had a fare- well enteutainnient on Fri'day after- childien, Aurora; and Mis. Slin- aaon for their teacher, Miss Short mon, Drayton, Misses McIntosh and and presented ber a beautiful serv- Hislop, Whitby, were receat visitors ing tray and ebany c'amb and biush. at Mi. W. Hepburn's. The address was îead by Miss Stella Sunday evening, July 27, service Richmond, and the presentatiion will be in the interest of W. M. S. made by Miss Dorothy Mlýlnsield. Miss Jessie Panton, B. A., Oshawa, Miss Short although taken camplete- will deliver an address and Misses, ly by surprise, made a very thought- Vida and Sybil Laagmaid, Oshawa, fuI, suitable reply, and thanked the wuijl provide special music. scholars for their kindly thiought as It was a very happy evening attheyhad remembered lier at Xmas home of Mr. andI Mis. S. A. North- witb a beautiful puise, and expressed cott, July 9th., whea Zion, ladies ber regret at leaviag them afteu be- entertained Redron Ladies' Aid -hus- iag, associated with theni for two bands and other friendIs. Kedron years;, and hoped they woultd be fav- ladeè uesuM~l ~good pi' g1ram r.jaed with a teachertatha they w-ý,oultd Mis. A. R. Scott, Bowmiîan ville, Mus. like as well. We are all sorry tea Wallace Scott, Enfield, aaid Miss lose Miss Short froin oui Sunday* Frankie Wood, Qiana), rmade a splen- School, as well as the day school, as didaditontaloal talntise has been the Bible Class teacher for two years, but hope owr ioss will be otheus' gain. AUN'T TALKS TO MOTHERS Oui dear swveet Auntie must either be a wise mother or a ., coaceited spicîster of the kind who can, ia theirl iown opinion, tell parents hüow theyi >should bring up their childien. Any way, Aunt's opinion about child-1 ien's hobbies are sound, practicali and sane. Ia heu letter this week she says several sensible and triteý things. We were glad ta beau fions a young mis3 last week that she ueads Auat's articles. I bave said before, says Auntie,1 that it is flot a waste of time ta ia- dulge in a hobby, and 1 do not think1 that you should cbeck the childven's, tendency to adopt one, piaviding, of course, that such an interest does J not interfere witb, their neeessauy J studies. There is a time for eveiythi'ng. Many' a falaaus man or womaaha wonbisorheu laurels tbroughhob- bies and not by the caree& hc they had plaaned and studied, Aý hobby taken Up by a child is oftea a natural gift, and if opportunities give thesu a ehance ta cultivate it, joften. it might gîow into great thiags. It is not wise to deride ou taunt theni by laughs and saeers. Apaît frosu their chance ta make good by it, this inclination ta, do something beeides that whiclh will give tbem their livelihood is a great thiag. A man is known better la the way 'he esnploys bis leisure bours than by bis wvoik. To know how ta 111la spare bours, ta be bappy and _contented ia long days of enforced idlenress is ta real- ize what real living means, To dîead bolidays, or hours takea from eafoîced employrnent, means an un- happy mind. Encourage the littie ones ia their peculiar pastimes, ai-.. thoug-h they seemn useless and fool- ish ta yau. The boy who whitties at pieces of wood., scuibibles poetry, au draws caricatures, ou the girl wbho searches, for raie plants or bugs-niaking messcds and "wasting time" in youî eyes-may be bluilidirng a foituess against the iaroads of mbrbid mel- ancholy, or the depressing state of inertia, sucbh ittle hobbies -May pue- pare. theni for later if e and prevent them fions being disbeaitened whea tbey are up against the kieks of the worid; may perbaps bc the means of briaging thesu a few rays of bappi- ness in drab suriouadings. Even if you are sure there is no mnonetaîy gain in their simple past- time, let them be, for often these -itte- beak froni the ordinary routine aie Goç-given gifts and the thougbt of gain is slsîangely antag- oaistic ta the cbild, aad the laugh or cutting aneer will shuivel or kilI the! CARD 0F THANKS Mu. and Mis. Harvey Curtis, Ty- rone, desire ta express their g-rati- tude ta the Matuon and Nuises of the Bowmianvile Hospital foi, their kind attention and ta the miany friends who s-ent flowers ,letters and cards duîing Mis. Cufsis' stay there. budding creative power. We may not be able ta give ou4 chilidren ahl the aclvantages we would wish, but we eanaencourage thens ta fill up every preciaus min- ute so that tbey may be continually contented and happy-which, after- a]], la what we all long for and find it s0 difficulir ta obtain. S y s y n f s s KEDRON NOTES Bruce McIGregoer visited Belleville sover the hol-Iday. Miss Frankie Wood, Orono, visited yher aunt, Mrs. W. N. Hoskjin. Mr. J. E. L. Cole, Bo-wmaniville, ,svis ited relatives here recei-tlyI. Mi S(Gussie Luke visýi.dreatve at st. Catharines and Toronto.0 Miss Mae Currie i.- vjisiig Mis, E. M,ýounitjoy and other friends. M-s. Warren of Toronto, is vis- itigMs.E'dwardC oie, Geneva. Miss Lila Osborne, Ebener, vis- sited hler sister, Mrs. Jesse Arnott. Earl VanDyke and Everett Short- ridge visited relatves at Rochester, N. Y. Mr. an'd Mis. _M. Pereman and childien visited at Mr. J. Mount- joys. Miss Edith Peardon visited Osh- awa and BowmanviIle friends re- cently. Miss Mabel Harton, Oshuawa, guest of Miss Bernice Werry, favoîed withl t-wo splendid solos at chiurch. Misses Mary and Esther, Mr. Charlie Elford, Woodville, visited at Mr. H. F. Werry's and Mr. R. J. Luke's. Mr Albert Luke is home £rom a trip to New Onarlo, visited MIvontieth, Iroquois Falls, Cobalt and other points. HE-l year 1867, when the foundations of modem Can- ada wer laid by Confederaton, was the year iwhich the Bank cf Montreal celebrated the 5oth anniversary of its founidation. ha tme the Bank was already a strong and sule istitution, with JBranches well dis'- tributerd rhroughour Upper and Lower Canada. Estab1ished i MontreaIin 1 817, the Bank opened an Office i Oubmc ithe same year, inYork (now Toron~to) i188, iOtawa i Y42, in Halifax in x868in 'Wnnipeg in x878, i Regina'in 1882, imVictoei. i 2892, niFredericton ini 89, jfinEdmlonitonin i I93,,and-in Char- Iottetowvn ini1907. Today the Bank h&as more than 550 Branches i Canada and offices i New York, Chiicago, San Francisco, Spo. kane, Locndon, Paris and M'exico,~ BANK OF MONTiRE""'AL Established over 100 years Total Assets in excess of SGo.oooooo Now and Then T EE wilI be an added zest to your enjoyment todyif at the samne tiîme you are sacihn financial bacing for to-moruow lby gradýu;lîy ac- cumulating sa-vings. Youth can sp.are whaî l agoeý wiII need. Open a savings &acccý:unt ith this Ba ri! now. Bowmanvilile Braic.h, H .Lapp, -Managev ~laccst~k Bsnch - - - - A.Preaton. M&nagev Ne s ýtend Ncwto-nviie Branchies J, Scatt Mantgmery, Marags.ei This way clever women resist the yea The simplest beauty secret known- b ut the most effective Every day you see womea weil aloag ia years, -who stiil retain te charsu of youthful, lovely skin, They arecflot unusuially for- tunate -just clever enlough to resist the yearsl They kaQov and follow a simple method, whicb you mnay emnploy as successfully as they do. This tells you hovv. Authories alvLe this Cleanse the skia regiularly, au- thorities say, ta keep your comn- plexion lavely, radiant, youthful. Buit beware of harsh clcansing mnethods. They injure skinî. Wash thorougl-ly with Palmnolive Soap-each niighit be- fore retiring. Rub the cueamy, foamny lather well into thec tiny pores. Rinse - and repeat the washing. Then nairse agai. Thea-if skin is dry-apply a klitle cakd creamn. That is all. Skin so caredl for is not injured by cosmectics, by wind and sua, or by dirt. Tite simple, corr-ect way Youi cartaot find a mare effec- tive beauty treatmneat. Because Palirnolive Soap is blended ai,ý rare palm and olive oiîs-famrous, for niild but th)orauigh- cleansing qualiticds since the days af Cîec- patra. And it is inexpensive. Be sure ydu get Palmolive Soaap -whichi is neveu soldunape. Ail dealers have it. Then try t'fhîiý mecthad. Watch the improve- ment in yaur skia. jIt is very econamica!. Sa leti Palmolive do far your who1ot b~ody whiat it does for the face, NESTLETON A jolly pýcnic was held at Mr. J. Watson's Landiîig on Thursday, July 17tlx-, by imnbers. of the Wromen's Inistitute and their families. The day was cool anud delightful which made(l, it exýcellent for ail kinds of sports. The conmmittee provided puizes for the winners-thin ladies and fat ladies, marîied men, girl s, boys and kiddies weîe seen thiorough,-j ly enjoying their alI day suckeis -won 'ýps secot(nd prizes. Ba-sebaîl and swimingil weue also amino ng- th e pastimles. A sumrtuous and abun- dant spread of eats on the grass sward surely received full justice, while goodfýellowship and heaîty laughiteî mnarked the day. Those unlable to attend have the sincere sympathy of ailJ whvo ere present. Keep the bail rollinz ladies. Youi ha p tyv provision for the day's pleas- ure, accomipaniedl by your' cheerful spirits, are amiong the good things which make if e warth living-. TYRONE MNir. and Mus. Fletcher and little son Jack and Mr. and Miýs. H. Net- tleton motored fîom Woodstock and spent last -week with Mi. and Mis. L. J. Goodmnan .Regular moaVhly meet- CANADIAN NATION~AL RAlLWAY TYROE SATION Going East GigWa del. 0432 Volume and THE PALMOLIVE COMPANY OF elliciescy CANADA, LIMITED prcàduce 25c Winnipeg Toronto Montrea) ,juality for Palm and olive oils.-nothissg else-give i U' Nature 's green color to Falmolive seap. gi Town of Leaside, Ont. 51/2% cBonds Due junie l5th, l945-1946-194,7-1948-19491,9591. DENOMINATIONS: $1000 The Town of Iteaside adjoins the City of T'oronto on the north-eastern houndary at 1inton Avenue. This district is steadily growing and it is expected that some day Ileaside will be annexed! to the City of Toronto. PRICE: 100 FIat-Yield Over 51/2%/ Investois wltose orders are received prier to August Ist wifl receive accrued interest front 3une l5th but wi1I flot be charged for sanie. TORNvlTO BOND Eml LXCHANGE of the serïes deahnft with the establishmxent of the BAN4K OF M0N'nRZAL at representative points ini C&ADA. and elsewhere, IN THE CAPITALND LIMITED Dominion Bank Building, Toronto A Orders ntay be placzed 4srough your local dealer or telegraphed or telephon.ed diiect to the Toronto Bond Eýxehange Limited.