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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1924, p. 8

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MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB. .D, .M Gradu-ate of Trinity University,also of Royal College Physicians, E'din-ý burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom-1 en and children. Office-Parker'a Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Hlonor graduate of Trinity University Fellow of Trinity Medical College Licentiate of the State University ol New York, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate Medical School and Hos-. pital of New York and Fellow of the Toronto Academy of Medficine. Offic& -MIrs. McINaughton's Resilence. Newcastle. 1'Hours--8 te 10 a. m., 1 te 3 p. m., and by appointment J. W. Bradley Newcastl. General hInurance Agent Cleýrk of 2nd Division Court, GIor t-,isioner, etc. GOOD COKE is cheaper than wood and lm the equal to the best Coal. I have a suuply of the best Coke obtainable. Highest grade of Anthra- cite always on hand. Geo. Jamieson Newcastle, * a -~ I -i. NEWCASTLE CHURCHES Newçcasle Presbyteriun Church. Subjec "For in Him, -we live and move mnd have our B'einig". Methodist Chureh. 11.00 a. ml. -Morning Worshiip).2.3)0 < .- Sunday Schooi. 7.00 p. mý.-tveningË Service. The music of the evening- will cosste anthemis by the choir, orchestral selections by the Cam--pbel amyvocal solo by Master Bruce Camrpbell and iuet by Messrs 'Marký Allin and W. J. S. ickard. Notice of Registrtation of By-Law No. 526 of the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle. NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN 11hat1a vyLa as passed by the Municipal Counli for, the oprainof theVil- lae f ewcastl, Mondaiýy the .eleventh dlayý of Allgust, A". D' 94 providiug for the issue Of debentures to tire amouuît of $2000,.for tie pur'pose of Coi tructing cernent sidewalks sud repairing a biridge lu thle said Village of Newcatstie, and tha1su1 u-Law was rgiteedi ithe Registry Office of thre Registry Division (>f the West Riding of the ( COunity eof flurhiam, on tire 26th daiy OF August, A. D. 1924, as Numnber 6.- Auny motion to qoashi or set aside thre sanie or any part therof, must bie made Withiu three rnothis atter the dfrst publication of this notice, andi caninot be ma-,de thiereafter. Pated the 26tlh day, of August, A. j 1924. 85-3w Hl. C. onathan, Cleir. CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Durwin E. Steckley of Bow- manville wiII make residential calîs in Newcastle, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For an appointmnent phone 141J, Bowmanville. 32-t Newcastle Comnmunity Hall Presents the Famous Orpeus Maie Quartette MONDAY,.SEPTEMBER 8th., 1924 Fresh from such Play Houses as The Toronto Hippodrome, and The Keith Theatres of New York City. Costumed from A to Z. Comedy Abound- ing. Musically worth while and without a single~ offensive joke or suggestion in the whole two hours show. PROGRAMME Consists of sensational costumed comedy lasting twenty-three minutes. Maie quartettes in costume, real singing by the best maie quartette in Canada. Straiglit solos by Arthur Davies, Welsh Tenor, and A. Fisher, Baritone; Comedy duets and popular songs in costume by Bobby Powner-a truly great Comedian. This is good, do not miss ît. Prices: Aduits 50c; Children 25c. Seats at Mitchell's Drug Store, Bowmanviiie. COMMUNITY DANCE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3rd., 1924 AI. Linton needs No Advertisement Corne and enjoy a reai floor, refreshments, in a reai hall witb every convenience. Tickets $1.00 Cormpetiion Lif e of Trade That's the old sayting. And we're not a bit afraid of competition from qther towns or cities. V/e take second place to none when -it cornes to givîng best quality, value and service in Groceries., Confectionery, Fruits, Vegetables, Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pastry. H. S, BRITTON, Baker & Grocer 24 Newcastle BARS SOAP 24 Choice Castile Soap for $&o V/e are off ering other ternpting grocery bargains this week. R. WALTON Groce Newcastle ~51 The N eý - NEWCASTLE Moise spent Mer Mr. H. S. Britton visîti e nte. Mr. Fran Gibsont is ho Toreonto. JMr. Fred Lake speut1 Niagara. Mr. Melvin le spending in Toronto. is-s Grace Smiith speut the Exhibition. Mr. sud Mrs. Coulter s day lu Toronto. M-ýr. Frank Aluin is spent daýys lu Toronto. Mr. George Houey spor at t5,e Exhibition. Miss Janie Sing-er hs friends in Toronto. Miss Laura Waltou sper of dais in Toronto. Miss Eli'zabeth Haucock week-end 'in Newtonville. Mr. sud Mrs. George speut Tuesday in Toronto. Mr. J. Anderson Smith mness lu Toronto this weel Banker Hug-hes visite, riends over the week-euc Mr. G. Dsvidsou, Roch( visiting Mr. F. W. Riekarc Mr. Aif. Grahani speut end with friends in Toror Master Lawnie Gibson i with Buddie Hay lu Tord Miss Wiuuie Robinson, visited lier sister, Mrs. Es: Mr. Robt. Crowtheis haýý after s week's holidiays in Miss Eduia Cowan is..vis lier parents, Mr. sud Mis.' Master Johin Ricliard si week with his uncle, Mi Wight. M-r. and Mis. L. McLaug awa, spent Mouday at M Rickard's. Mr. Jack Anderson les s fewý days with his miother, Anderson. Congratulations te MIr. Walter' Deline on the'biri daugliter. Mr. sud Mis. J. A. Fol] Ottawa, are guests of Mr. Frank Benuett. Mr. sud Mis. Brown, spent Suuday with Mr.a Frank Bîsuton. Mise Ruth Haucock home ou Friday afteî 5pO] week in Montreal. Mansd Misý. J. A. Smithc sud -Mis. Jimi Smith, Jr,, sr day- at the Exhibition. Mr. sud Mrs. Griffith re St. Catharines after a pleaý mer spent at the Lake. Bauker M-ýon-tgomeiy is eý well-earued iholiday iluthe town, Victoria Harbour. Mr. aud Mis. Cecil Cai turued homie freni Kiugst, Niagara- F,11, on Moirday. Mr. sud Mrs. James Swar son of Kendal, were Sund, of Mr. sud Mis. W. J. S. R Mis. A. E. Walton ai George spent last week daughter, Mis. L. Nichols, vlle. Miss Boyd of Toronto,v cent guest of her aunt ani _Mis. S. sud Miss H. Mason Street. Mr. J. W. Bradley m<i Meaford ou Suuday with M1 Gibson îetuîniug home o>n niglit. Mrs. George C. Wright an tor Anus, Rochester, are Mis. George Stapies an. friends. Mis. H. S. Britton lias frei Toronto afteî a wee with her parents, Dr. and N' Keuzie. - Messis. F. Brauton, G. Gray, W. MýeNeil sud Geerg enjoyed a trip te the Exhil Tuesdsy. Postmaster Jamieson si Jamieson took s dlay off ani ed the big Exhibition at Tc ruesday. Mr. Johin Douglas is theE IongÏ distance bowlei'. IH five gamnes ou Lahor Day on the wiuuiug îink in ovei Mr. sud Mis. Browu moto [rom Unionville, bîinglung wi Rev. Arthur Barner sud Muý R. F. Chapin, the whmole par guests of Rev. sud Mrs. Co Mr. sud Mis. Perey Rai -oite, who have been spenc of their vacation at lier-, M'rs. Wm. Hlunter, retuiued oer Part of the week froni Sehool opened on Tuesda mug with an attendance.of al pupils in the Public and Hig, ,ýepartmeuts. Mis;s Pheb)e Brock, the new H. S. Asst. wa- receîved and introduced cipai -Might and Chairman CI opeued the school with apr ad'dresses. Trustees W. H. and HI. E. Hancock aise addre sehuol ,h School s solo by Miss- Hattie Mason "O, M. L.1 dry those Tears", suug lu a voice of New September Bond List Teacher, exceptional calm sud sweetness, andi by Prin- a solo by Mr. James Swarbrick, lead- Oh i rquest, !ark who or of the choir of t'he United Church, Government and Municipal Bonds prepiate Keudal. -Mr. Swsrbrick has s power- ýDudley with volumes of melody as lie ýan, at special prices. essed the 'ful base voice sud fillei tLhe church _____________________ "Auchoîed, ou the Rock of Ages".1 Mr.in1E., APPLE CGRQWEI NICa~t e K~ ~ Friday, Septerri IMr. F. C. Paters( THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th., 1924 for, Durhani Ceuni pie Growers' Field in this county on 1 E NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE FLOWER SHOW 5t'hat which ail far nda ists are inivited. îy at the Mr. an'd rs Wesley Pascoe, Tor- Seeding DahliasTh Derte ente, spent the we-n with thieir Dahlia, Cacetus-_Misýs Warren, Mrs diret sprin op bed in Tor- daughters at Camp Copper Beeeh. E. C. Uemnan, Mr. Douglas. oirc ard yuing tpe Mrs W. . inage i1 panin Dahlia, decorative-Mr. Douglas, they wouid like te lidlaying il, te spend the-~ winter in Englind at _Mrs. J. E. M1ýatche(-tt 2 and 3. '1 of the county soin thelhomie of hier faither, _Mr. Abrahami Dahlia, shbw-Mrs. Chi L aw. Soine orchards sir Mlonday at Wilianmsý. Dahlia, en-r.Chýris Lawxv sistanceý fromi the Mrs. Carlton Green of Alhury, Mrs. Moffat, Mr1s. Moisze. as avstd a few days Vt.,spent the week-end with Mr. Dhisni-s.J .Mt Professer Caesar and Mrs. McLachlan on her wýay chett, Mýrs. Moffat, Mrs. -MathewGep, nvr Monayathomne fromi a visit te the C. N. Ex. BonBrgonwill be pi Toronto. 1Dahilia, Collarette-Miss MWarren, -tof'he prayii _Miss Annie Atkinson, ciaughter of Mrs. E. C. Bellian, Mr . John Douglas. these places', and t Speut Mon- the late Fredericýk and Mrs. Atkinsoni, Bulbs management. Bruce Mines, Aigom-a, is visitn her D ahlia, Pompomi-Mrs. J. C. Han- Iu the meorning t] dlng a few aunts, Mrs. W. H. Pearce and Mrs. cock. several orchards in S. Scuithorpe. Dahlia, show--MIrs. Matt. Brown, County, take dinnE Mrs. Brown AMiss Blackburn. anluteaero nt Monday Mrs, A. E. Garner and Mýlabel have DhiC ts- s. ronMsaces in uhaeph returned after a very pleasaut viýit Hbrar hiacks ctMss MItown,31 2.00cesinp. rm.-.C vistiu wth riedsat ia~raFaisPor IDahlia, decorative-Miss Black-. castie.ý itry acr couleindthr Bowmanvillej buru, Mrs. Horricks 2 and ., 2.45 . im-W. B( 'it a Mr.pe sud Mhrse. P F1aro adDahlia, Collarette-Mrs. Brown, ~3.30 p. m.-R. Jý ' r.an _rs P F Hrmn ndMiss Warren, Mrs. Hancock. ville. spent the Mfisses Alice and Mabel Molini of, Dahlia, best collection, 4 bloemis, 4.15 p. mi.-Geral Toronto, who have been spendiug a 4 varieties diff.-Mrs. Horrocks, Mrs mauville. week at Newcastle-oni-the-Lake as 'Brownx, Mrs. Chris Lâ v. .o P. ni.-R Lunisden guests of _Mr. and Mrs. Donald Me- Asters, H1eart of France-Mrs, . Jnianville. Lachian, have returned te the city. R. Fisher, Mrs. Ejlbeck, Miss Wàr-- ihad bus- -t Rev. Roy H. Rickard, on his re-turu ren. L to Northport iast Suncxay afternoon, Asters, white-M-rs. Eilbeck, Miss d Picton wss acocmipanied as far as Belleville Warren,. Mrs. J. C. Hancock. NEWCi ci. by _Mrs. E. H. Joli and daughiter Asters, mauve-Mrs. Butler, nr, essr leMargaret who are visiting at her sis- Mrs. Geo. Eîlbeek, Mrs. J. C. Han ecateoute (I ter's, Mrs. A. H. Fisher snd Mrs. H. cock. ý, prominence in a nE the week- Toms. Asters, purple-Miss Warren, Mrs Canadiin-Nation-al to. Mr. sud Mrs. Lander sud children Chris Law, Mrs. Ben Moise. ente, through theE of Toronto, who are motoriug around Asters, light pink-Miss Mlntosh, and Mrs. Cecil Het >n sto. th ae sopn here aud tere Miss Warren, ivrs. E. C. Benian. ters who are -sh'ewir DEto. for a meal or night, reached Cotter'sM Gladiolus, white-Mrs. Brown, lection of flowers a Toto, Point, Ne wcastle-on-the- Lake, îast r.Mîe rw u esn ,r Waltou. Sunday week and liked the place se Giadiolus, yellow-Mjýrs. E. C. Be- their beautiful litti( . eturned weli thiat they stayed eîght days, at mian, Mrs. Moise, Mrs. Moffat. i. Two first r Gladiolus, pink-Miss Drummod ndfrtsuseond ,i the city. least seven days longer thôn. they in- 1 sud 3, Mrs. Brown 2. have already been sitiug with tendied. Gladiolus, red-Mrs. Beman, Mrs. Horreekas' exhibits, W. Cowau Iu a recent circular issid by Post Moise, Mrs. Moff at. peu îat Ofic Deartpen, atenion is Gladiolus, blue-Mrs. Moise 2nd. r. Milton drawn te the practice of some Rural Gladiolus, mauve, best pk Mr Box Holders of putting nmoney lu theMis, r.Fly Buer gllin, Osh box te pay for postage of mail mat- Gladiolus, purplo-Mrs. Mfa, r. P W. ter placed therein. This practice Mrs. Moise.Moat net only works a hardship ou the Sweet Peas-Mrs. Moffat, Mrs. ri Courier, but is contrary te the reqgu- Moffat, Mrs. Matchett. j a i 3pending a lations of the department. -Ail mail Stocks-Miss Warren, Mrs. Hemnan Vrs. (Dr.) mnatter must be stamnped before be- Ziuuas-lVtIrs. F. Fligg, Mrs. ing placed in the R. M. Box, other-BrnMs rmod bh o a oube te aoun ofreglarpes- Wrrn, Ms rs.Bmn. sud Ms wise it will be forwarded surcharged Petunias-Mrs. J .R. Fisher, Miss age regardless of the fsct that meney Phlox, Drummondil-Miss Mcmn- kinghorne, was left in the box te psy the post- tosh, Mrs. Bemiai, Mrs. laneck. sud Mms. ae udteintutinPe h hlox, poreunial-Mrs. Matchett, IN CHOOSII 1Courier is te leave the money and Mrs .Fisher, Miss Mclutosh. Ohwcolleet the mnail ouIy. The Courier Balsam-Mrs. Floyd Butler, Mrs. DA.HL and Mr. s supplied with books of stainps 2.5e Mtht, rsBeau. each sud will supply ahl who ask for Verbena-Miss Drummoud, Mrs. returued them. If your frîends have te psy Floyd Butler, Mrs. Chris Law. Visit Our fiel r~ig ajdouble postage on your letters it wil Snapdragon-Mrs. Floyd Butler, ndn lbe your fault. Mrs. Law, Miss /Warren select yu Floral Design, cross-Mrs. Floyd yu suad 7ýMr. METHODIST CHURCH Butler, Mrs. F. Butler, Ms. iHoriickýs bu eont Mou- NEWCASTLE Floral Design, wreth-Mrs Floydbls ýturnoed te Services lu the Methodist church Fisher. MsHack, rsJ.R isautn - on Suuday were of a very special sud Floral Design, spray-Mrs. Hr Order yçour iuspiriug cha±acter, both meorning ricks, Mrs. J'. A. Butler, Mrs. Mat-- ujoying a' and evening. Rev. E. B. Cooke, chett. flOW. old homne Mrs. Cooke sud daughter roturned Special prize -iven Mrs. Matchett from their holiday at Unieuville on for spray. J nnon te-Weduesday sud Mr. Cooke eccupied Miss Warren won the miost pelis S.QJ Ja( to su-d his pulpit at the morning service. iu flowers, the prize beiug a wick<el Through the thoughtfulness snd feru stand, made by the bliud sold-, rbrckan( 1kindness of Mrs. (FDr.) McLaughliu lors. & S brc .u it had been arrauged for her grand- Vegetables & ~ ux getsnece, Ms Muriel Anderson, talent- Bet-is Warn HebHn-Foi ickard. ed soloiet of eue of New York's etz'lisWrnHb.a- Fos nd son pprmineut churches, te siug at this ceck, MJýrs. lMatt..Browu.i with hier service, sud mauy nmeml*,rs of our Beaus, butter-Mis. Brown, Miss! Phone 80 Bi Bowman- sister chuîçhes iu this village as weUi Warren, Mrs. Floyd- Butler. as a number from Bowmauville, were , Benne, green-Miss Warren, Mis was a re- present te hear Miss Anderson who Geo Eilbeek, Mis. J. R. Fisher. ,d cousin, h;as a pure rich mezzo-soprano voice C'srrots---Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. F'ish-! ,Gereof faultless toue sud great range, er, Mrs. Moise. suGoread above ail, which eue yearns for- Cahbbage, best- head-Mr. Herb._____ atord tomeet lu a church soloîst, she sïngs Haucock, Mr. Moffat, Mixe Hancoek. [r, . w.LH.with true-hearted sincerity. Miss Moie.ev-or ogaMs e 1Mondsy Andersen's solos, "There is neoCMoise e-r.Cri ,Ms Desth" by Jeffrey O'Hars and the Walfoe-r. hi aMs id daugh- well known "Ninety aud Nine were arrexi, M.lois gee. MssWr iiigof the puîest of vocal worship sud renuMbeiBong Mr. en-Mis Wa- iviitiug were listened te with rapt attention. ion, Mrs. Brow n M r. e. EHabe- Newcastle by Dr. sud Mis. John cock, M1rs. Thomas, H. Haucoek. L rd ther is neso asacmpnedt uc erpckig-eb Hn reuudSpencer of Bowmiauville and her etue-r.s. Moffat, Mrs. Chrîs ek's vi-sit mother Mrs. M. R. And(erson 'whe islLaw, Mrs. F 0oyd Butler. Irs. Me-l a niece of -Mrs. McLsughlin sud a Oniens, yellow-Herb. Hancock, ac cousin of Mrs. Wm. T. Leckhart. The1 Mrs. Chas. Hancock, Miss Warren.ýWae Gray, R. youug people's~ intermediste choir Onions, white-Mrs. Chîris Law, e Bowen greatly appreciated the presence of Mrs. _Moise Srd. seilvl ýbition ou Miss Anderson sud her assistance lu Ouxons, red-M-ýrs. -Moise, Mârs. seilvl the moîning anthemsiý. Mrs. E. C. Moffat, Mies Warren. ,nd Mr,. Fisher, church ergsuist, accompsuie.d Pepperer sweet-Mrs. Moise, -Miss This is dl attend- the anthemesudý Miss Andierson's Warren. renite on soles. Peppers, hot-Mrs. Moise, Mis. ma il I-n the evening Rev. Arthur Bain- Floyd Butler, etbh champi o r, Supt. of Indian Missions lu the Potatees, white-Miss Warren 1 7-~ West, assisted Rev. E. B. Cooke lu sud 2, Mrs. Thomas. pýU anid inspect our fui display of New Fali Ties New Fali Suits New Fali tap. New Fail Hats New Fail Shirts New Fail Overcoats New Fali Underwear The best stock we have ever shown at such reas- onable ;prices. Hann's H aberdashery Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanvilie )O-',KOU T! iour windows this Saturday for extra Les in choice Meat. a granid chance to save money on your ve the BEST supply of cooked meats Il home made. otto: "Quallty First."ý CA WK ER&05LS O'N I3ownianville P' ONTARIO,, SEPT. lst, 1944 ito, New York or London, Eng. YIELDING 4.75% GA Stimison & Co. Limiited Est. 1888 1The Oldest Bond House in Canamda 36-38 King St. East- Toronto Opposite King Edward Hotel ýRS' FIELD DAY ROTARIANS VISIT PORT HOPE riber 5th., 1924 Friday evening mnem-bers of Bo-w- :y,~~~ nersnttv anville Rotary Club were guests on, Rersnaieo otHope Rotary Club at the itDepartmnent o Queený's, Hotel when a mLost enjoyable unces that an Ap-, inter city meeting -was held, 'Thle 7Day will be held visiting, Rotarians had the natives of Friday, September the hiilside town crainin'g their necks *mers and orchard- as they entered Myo George Smith's stronghold and paraded nt undertook te W alton Street to the tune of the bag- irations in certain pipes piped by Mahil(olmi Mathieson of epast season. Now Port Bowmnirvîlle. show thle growers After dloing full jus;tice to an ap- ýe of the resuits. petizing supper the inter-city meet- )rayed without as- ing te be held at Newcastle Commnun- Depairtmi-ent wýVil ity Hall early in October was discus- S ed. It isý expected clubs from Co- r, O. A. College, bourg, Port Hope, Bowmianville and Harry Sirett, Osha9wa will attend this mneeting. A ecpared to give de- prominent Intern'ational Rotary will ig done at some of be present te address the meeting. to discuss orchard Presidlent Tomi Holgate and Mr. D) B. Simpson, K. C., mnade short ad- the party wiIl visit dresses on behaîf of. the visitors. nNorthumberland While the niusic consisted of comi- ir at Port H-!ope,, munity sing-ing, selections by Whit- )on will visit th ese fiLd's Orchestra and solos by Ro- Iounty: ta-rians Bey. George, Geo. E. Chase F. Rickard's, New-ý and T. S. Holgate. ema'sNewaste A the Rotary luncheon at Bow- Gila'sBowantle man House this Friday Dr. Jim Dev- J illS, Bw în t t is goi ng to give an account of his id alot's B -trip to the Pacifie Coast. Frank âld Tlcot's, ýW- orris is going te celebrate a birth- day and tell f ellow Rotarians when RStevene', Bow- he came and what he has done since comningýto this planet. ASTLE Lake has gained iew way at theý Exhibition, Tor- enterprise of Mr. )rrock and daugh- Ig a splendid col- at the great fair, lly cared foi on le estate '"Half-a-. prizes for dahlias Is on other flowers awarded te thel six prizes in ail. ýn. NG YOUR AAS dds now and next yearl eut flowers1 :kman o ns its ownianville, HANN'S HABERDASHERY COME wonder-1

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