RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMANVILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY GOING EAST GOING WEST 8.42 a. m. 1) 4.22 a. m Ir 10.36 a. m. D ?.Oa.m.A 1.26 P. n.P 102p. ni. 3.09 P. m *7.18 p.,. 6.491p.). 8.24 p. im. D 7.21 p. . 10.08 a. m. 9.58-p, nm. D 1. 21 p.n. F--Flag D-Daily 0-Daily except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFiO GOING EAST 10.18 a. ni. 2.0 8 P. nt, 9.16 p. mi. 11.28 P. Pl, 12.26 a. m. RAIL WAY GOINÙ WESJ, 5.51 a. m 8.20 a i 4.31 p i 7.00 p.n. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY- TYRONE STATION Going E-,st Golng West 8.34 p. n. .1 am Daily Excetit Sunday It is the food-tonie wdll ztdapte>d to help over- corne imnperfect nutriion. Scot & BOWIt, Toronto, nt. 23-S4 JUlS 5U .& 6Oc-TUBES SO.-At i Drmg Stors ODSPHOSPMODINE.,1 T ones and avgorates the whle pervouIs systemi. rmakes new Blood ;n od Veins. Used for Nervous unDebiity, Mental and Brain Wlorry Depndeny Losa of EnceLy.PalrÎtationO heHeart Yailing Memor.PrieS2bpe1bOx,3.ý; for Z5.1e SoId by al druggists, or miailed in Plain pgonript of priçe. New paiphiit mailed To ewe.eWOOD MEDICINE COJTORONTO.ONT. Cook's Regulating Comnpound ,4 aa.P. reliable regulief * jedicine. lolirnr three de- grees of strengtl-No. 1, SI; No. 2, 33;Ne 3,8$5 per bio. SSold b y ail driggista, or sent prepaidonbeceipt of price. Free p amplet. Address M ISERABLE AND ALWAYS I'N PAIN Lydia L Pïnkharn's Vegeta- bis Compund a Depe8ldable Help for Mothens Port Grevlle, Nova Soia.-"I took your medicine fior a terrible pain in mny Oide and for weaknessansd headaches. 1 seemed to bloat al over, too, and my feet and hands were the worst. 1 arn the mother of four children and 1 arn nursing my baby-the fitst one of four 1 could nurse. 1 took Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound before the laby's birth, soy ou can see how mnuch It helped nie. 1 cannot praise it'too higtily for what it bas doue for me. 1 took ail kinds of medicine, but the Veg.. etable Comnpound is the only one that bas helped me for any length of tinte. 1 recommend it to any one with troubles like mine and you rnay use my letter for a testimonial." - MrS.ROBERT MCUILLEY,, Port Greville, Nova Scotia. Before and afterchild-birththe mother will find Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comnpound a blessing. Many, majiy letters are received giv- Ing the sanie sort of experience as is- given in this letter. Not only is the mother beuefited, but thege good resuits pass on -to the chIld. No harmnful drugs are used in the preparation of this medicine-just roots gsnd herbs-and it eari be taken in safety by the nursing mother. 98 out of every 100 worften reported benefit front Ita use in a recent canvass arnong women usqra of thz modiciue. C BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 11, 1924. WEST DURHAM FAIR Children's Day next Weduesday at Bowmianville's Big Fair. Top qualîty wil bo soon found at Bewntanvillo Fair next week. A dav at the Faîl Fair is wortb a week at school for the children. We-st Durbamt le noted for extra fine herses, cattlo, sboop, swine and poultry. West Durhant Exhibition cornes but once a year. Don't miss it The Great Family Reunion--tho West Durhamt Faîl Fair takes place next woek. British. sicontists will miss mucb if tbey go 'orne before seoing West Durbhar's Groat Exhibition. Happy day for children at the Fair next Wednosday. Be sure yours are on tne Fair Grounds oarly. Do you love fiowors? Don't fail te see the magnificent display at Bowrnanville Fair Wodaoaday. Bring your Youug folk to the Fair Wednosday and lot theni catch the inspiration froni seeing fine ]ive stock. CANADA'S GLORIOUS AUTUMN Canada's 'winter rnay be long qanti cold; Canada's sprîng may deceive with its brigbt amile and biting winds; Cauada's sumnier rnay be short an~d bot, but Cauada's auturnu is altogether glorieus. Fabied cbarnis of California and far off Hawaii have nothing on the reality of the charms anid tbe spleudors of tho aut- umnal nionths in this latitude- Telogrant. M You arc net e Xp e riment- In~g whcen CZEM A ou use Dr. EGZECbase s Oint- mnit fo(r Eezenia and S5km Irrita- tin irelieves artoneand gradu- ally tho ialn. Sanile 'box Dr. Cha&s )ir~inntfree ifl yen mentio(n thie paper ' "ld1s;,nd 2c. etamp for postage. 60c. a box; ah dealer or -Edm1auson, Bates & Ceo, Limited. Torouito. Would not be Without Zutoo Tablets At Any Cost 1Mr. A. G. Norton, the millionaire j ackc Manufacturer, of Boston, who re- cently died, was a great "booster" for 'Zutoo Tablets, He suifferet f rom headaches fromt childt- hood and when lie fouud Zuteo Tablets stoppeti these headaches in afew minutes and left no bad eflect, lie began recorâ- imendiug theni te bis farnuly and friends. lu an unsolicited letter, Mr. Norton maya la c1osin,: "My fammly use them when. ever needed wihequally gooti resuits. 1 have fre- quently given thern to fieuds Who were suiferiug froin Headache and they neyer failed to give quick relief. I always carry Zutoo Tabletsa in niy grip on the roaçi andi WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT, THEM AT ANY COST.>» .25 centýs per box-at all dealers -BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and enly the beat grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE I emplOY no cernetery caretakers as agents preferring l'o seirny own go.ods thus aaving the purchaser the agent's commission. A eall aolicited. F. H. BOUNS-ALL Proprietor Bowmanville Phone 326W Box 94 "',Liver Trouble so Severe 1 Had to Quit Work" Mr. ThMaSnflHoiey, Brantford Ont., writes: -1 was a great sufferer froni enlargement of the liver for ten months, and finally 1 haci to quit work.1Iwould wake upin the mornmngs with a bitter taste int My mouffh, had frequent bead- aches, yeu<>w Complexion, aiid 4 ~painin my rght sde, and be- tween the sboulder bLade-s. Ih was almost imbearable, and terribly nght and my heart aLso bothertd me Buat the whole trouble bas n0w left me, thanks to àtat wonderful medicine, Dr. Chases Kidny-LverPdus."* Dr. Vhase's Ktduey-Livef PUS M ct a box of 3M plUls, Edmaneon, Bates & (Jo., Lid., Tosonnto cess.-J. Lockie Wilson, Supt. et Agicîstural Association. Beýtor7e you e au have rui gootic hoge of aniy breeti you muet havIe a geeti hog mother anti a gooti hog sire. The idea is to raise big litions that will gnow rapidly anti large andi maltetChe Inoat Pork for tise leasit eed.. AG1IFUÀTUR L FAIS The Genesis of -Agricutturai Societies Ini Ontarp The Ftrst Association Iiu Upper Can-. adla-Blir-th cf OteIse Povincial FVair -Oreation 0f the Departient of Agr-iclturte-Laýieis Extension ut lVork. (Contributed by- Ontario Department ofi Agriculture, Terenito.)le Thse houeor et holding ts ia Agricultura l'Pair in Canada talle te Windsor, N.S., lu. 1765, about 159) years age, and ceea other Agricul- tural Societies fell inte lilne in Nova1 Setia, including one at Halitax la 1789 and atiother in King's Counity. Thsis latter je tise onily oaeetftise old secietieýs lu tise Maritimie Provinces1 tisatihas survivedthtie present day. The prises offered at Windsor ýwere ln gootis and ti meals. Te thse persons brlnging thegeaei nmber ot cat- tle w-ere awarde(i(d three yadse Eng- ILh bine superiiiue broadcloths and aý cliver moedal. Fer horses, iacddie, brie, wi, spurs andi a moda(Iïl were the rewards, and a churn ifer t iseý best cow, whilîe for tise best twelîe pouis et butter or cheese tise prise was six yards ef ribben anti amdl The progress of organiizing Agri- Cultural Societie's in a netwly ttd country was niaturally slow at flrst;, but it is wertby 0 f mni(ition thiat the,ý frct Pro.vincýe te introt1i(ce împortedi stock was New BDruniswick, wý-iCb breught ever, iin1 82-16, fou r Siohor uj1 bulîs, which were recorded in tbe lrs volume of the Eniglisb deord Beois. A provincial exhiibition wacliseld uli Frede-rictoni, N.B., in October, 1852. An Agricultural Society was orgai- tzet inl Montreal lu 1788 ant iiother, in Queb-e in 1789, Thbe Piret SexAet.y Iii r ata~ Sttiement lun Ontarie omec' In 1783, and n 1791 had pro-grescei sufflictetly along the Niagara river and peninsula te juctify tbefrm- tioff of au Agricutural Society (n October 28 eft tiat year. Tfitis plo-neer Ontario socie-ty hati lis heaci- quarters ut Naaao-h-ae then kneýwni at Newark. G overnor( Simoioe took a great interest n i' anti wm itirst president. Thse flrst efforts ofet ls ieeiwrs were dir--ecteti to tise hlinpg et inonthly meeftings to diseuoe arclua quesqtions, antrid an agrieultural library eas al'0 os- tablisheti. Thse holdîing of an exhibi- t1in naturaly foliowod. Âgrictkltural Sociotie:s gradually hoý- came organlzeti aIl over Ontario, pië settiemnent in thse province progrtossedi In 18,30, the Legislature passed roglu- latioens soverniing same anti Sot apart gra.nts. Eight isundroti dollars wacz appori'onedti t eacis District Socîetý te eniable iit t o ld an exhibition in addition to thse ws-rk it huid peiu undentakoni. .An .&grculturaI ýocipty fer the County ot Yonk was erganizeti'1i1 1830. Seetis and imiplemen,,its wereý procuretifri the üld Ceuutry for miembens. Aporsi memberwa sont te N--\-,Yerk State w ne pu,- chaseti four wulîs for, tise useet(ise1 Society. soon aiter an i hibt(ot wac hield, andi prizes weneaare for essaya onugiclurlsujeýCts. Birth o~f tbe Pov Fcauir.. lu 1845 a Provincial Asseciation) was tommned, anld in 1846 thse ti Provincial Fair was lield lu Toronto, eut et which bave ý;owu tise worldi- wide,-knewn .i Caniadian N 2ationial Ex- hibitioni, the Wstrn Pin and lise 1Central Canada Exhibjitioni. Tise Proinda Aocitiengratin- ally became better eorgauiizea anti doveloeetiloto t! e Agriculture anti Arts Association, whicis titi se mlucis for the imprevemient of agriicu1lture lu thse province in ts earller aiays. Among the, imany useful linos of'w-ork inauiguruteti wero the establishsment et tise Vétgriniary Cellege, tise regis- toring et pure breti stock, tise au lng et priztes fer tise best kept farina anti buildings anti well cultivateti fiolda, antindlnec-tly, tise Agricul- tural College aut Guelphs. Creâtloes of Departiment o1 Agrieul- Agriculture eo' becanie sucb an important feature ila Qatarie tisat a Commnissioner of Agriculture waa ap- Dolnted; and evéntually tise Provin- cial Gove-rninient createti a Depart- mient ef Agriculture; tisus re-cogiingl this bs-t4le induBtny as of equal in- porta.nce wlth tisose wisici Camle iun- der tlie supervision of tise otiser de- par-ients of tise Goveriimenýit. Tisus BUTTE, MONTANA This original poeenion the City of Butte, MLontana, was conmposed by MisMamlie Crydermnan, a Bowntan- ville girl, sïster of Mrs. C. N. Ruse, antd won first place in a prize-win- ning contest: Let's make YBuitlte mre eatiu Itfans al ea) ýsilybeoc If you and 1 wilil help lon The, work that's wellbun YMe daiim that Btesa barren plýace, "Won't nothing go",yuwhine, If j-ý1,tteý is flot a gardinilspot, That fault is yours- ad minue We grumble at the Climate, WVhen it doesni't suit our notions, Lets reaize, it is the l'est B'etweefl ithe two bigoeas L.et's prizeè Butte,7s scnic grandeur, When .ail we need to do0 Is te loclize 01ur visii, So's te appreciate the view. Let's nlot be always ieoking Where the far-off fields seeni green, And teliing how Butte me(asures up To the pacsthat we have seen. Let's quit this folish ha,-bit 0 f painting Butte se black, Lets' snlear on pretty colors, Even on, the worst old shack, Stead of kniockýing, iet's try bOoestng, If it's wrong, let'Erniake it riglit, NOthing's gained bY idie talkiiig, Let's do soemethjng w-ith Our might. Let's tear down our Ol.d board fenees, So that people frein outaide Cease te say were antiquatiedi, And bereft of civie pride. Letre get out the spade and shevel, .And in every inch of soul Scatter seeda oà grass and f1owers,. Seeing visions as we toil. 0 f a Butte that k..,,, un slander Frorn the olitside, or within; We canuanake it what la shouid be-- One best place worth living il). -Net a desolated dlooryardi Nor a street not fair to see, Will be fournd if w:e but tackle Wbat is Up te you and M e. Whlle we're doilg just our dluty, As ai people reajIy shouid, We'll be mnuch too giad and busy Even te hint that "Butte'o neo gond," Let'i3 make Butte so beautiful Our hearts will isweli with pride, Let's have ne darkened corners Wherein evil loves te biide. Butte je where we niake our llvlng And it's where we choome to be, Let us help make true the s flogan, "Butte is gond enough for me". AU&4T'S PRACTICAL ADVICE Our dear old Auntie, it will bel recognized on reading_ her advice ini this week's letter, possesses Sound business ideas which every aduit per-j son, maie or female, scl observe. Rer reasons for advice given are sound and practical. A1 life in- surance agent will advise the kind of policy to take out in consideration of your financial ability to pay the prenijuns. Aunt writes: That is an exceedingly good idea~ of yours, rny dear niece, te take up a life~ insurauce policy. Do not have any qualms or hesitation in doing so, for 1 arn sure you will not regret it ini the long run. t is not a gamble 'or a, ).ottery; neither is it a fortune niak- ing scheme, or a get-rich-quick yen-1 ture. Most of those sort of sehemlesi are rank frauds, and[ you had betteri leave theni alene. For a sure and"' safe investmaent you cannot beat a 11f e insnranceL policy.* You frankly ewn that you are un- able te save anythingl- wortb while, and those who cannot save miust ex- pect te be poer one tue or another.] 1You must nmake provision aant poverty. Death je a certaityeai of us, 'and the insurance provides ycu against absolute poverty for yeurself if you live long enough, and a protection for your loved ones if you do net. There are very few of us who can Save to any extent in these bard tintes, so this is when the insurance steps in and helps. With the best of intet*tionis we put awaiy a suin for a rainy day, or for our old a ge; then something cornes along wýhich we want very badly; we know there is our littiel savings which we can get--the temp-1 tation is tee great te resist. So we1 draw on our tiny hoard, and thon presto! It is seon gene. Still w'e soothe ourselves that we can seonl replace it-or that someting ori other will turn Up andi give us a good baul which we will at once put away. But when does that time corne? It~ is like the ntuch discussed "daylight saving" bill, we will not help our- [ selves, 80 we have to reiy uponi others to help us--even in econontising the light. Insurance is an~ unseifisb proposi- tion, and it is a strictly home and farnuly affair. t is for ourselves and for our dear ones, a matter of comlfort, ea6e of mind, aud ense of! conscience. For to know we have no provision, that we mnay have to depend upon charity, a sale, or a breaking up of the home in the event1 instal SECT OSAI. FIRS POT FURNACE CAST IRON AsmpiT SOLIO Id 1AS EýoN EXTRA LARGE P.Apieýos. SAVESrFUEi. ~LA RÜE W ATER PANI DV ST DAMPIR . -----.--- ---- and 1be prepared Shbu m either liard or 7IE EXCLLTSIVE80F ...... ! .BLAST RING SF introduces warmed air 0 VER the tieln sufficient volume Io consume the volatile COALI. (burnable) carbon gases released bjp heat from soit coal. Consuit MeClarp's dealer and pour foresight wtll be rewarded 4ip t.he fuel pou save and -the comnfortable uarmth of pour home 1___ Fo SleByGREENAWAY & ELLIOTT, BOWMANVILLE TO COINTRACTORS Notice To Creditors' Seaie5l Teýnders marked "Tender for Boys Training Seheol, Bownianviiie, ad- diressed te the undersigned, wili bc re- ceived at this Departnient ntThu- day, Septeniber 18th. for Main.iin Rooni BuildJing and pormiltory Building No. 1, te be erected at Bowntanviile, for 'àI) worlk. P ,lans and specificatiens niay be seen at the, offlice of the Sheriff at BeIlevilIe. and at this Iepartntent. Each.tender ntust be accoinpanied by an ace pted bank cheque payable te the Honourabie Lincoln toldlie, Provincial Sceay.Ontario, for tive per cent of the tender anid the bena fide t-ignaturea3 and addresses ci two sureties~ or the nain e ef a Guarantee C'ompany, apJi- proved by theDeatinwiiiing te provide a bond for the due fulfminenit ef thie centract. The Departinenit le net bound te accept ti(e lowest or any tendicer. By erder, 1Secretary, A. E. SEMPLE, Departinont ef Secretary Frevicial 37-1 Notice To Creditors ESTATE OF JAMES McMILLAN DECEASED NOTICE taisbereby given that ail per- sons baving any clamen or demands agaiilst JamesMcian late ef the Townshbip of et Dariington in the C2oun- ty ef Durbin, wbe died on or about the 2th day et Jnly 1924, at the saidI Town- ship etf Parlington, are roguired te senoi by post prepaid or deliver te Che u1nder- signe,- Execuitor under the. Wil of the said James AMcM'lain, their nines anal aressand tu'Il particulars in writ- ing et their clamei and stateinente oi their a1ccounlts and thse nature eft the sbecuritfies if any, b101d by thent AND TAKE NOTICE that after the SiILth day 0of October 1924, the under- signed wiih preceed te dîstribute, the as- sets of the 'said deceaed among the persons entitied thereto, havlng regard onlty te the claime et whlch he shah ltt en have had notice, and that the under.- sîgned will net be hiable fer Ethe satd assets or any part thereet te auy per- son) ef whose .cilimlie shah net tho n have received lnotice. DATED at the City et Toronto in thse Ceu1nty etf York, this Second day er Sepl- tember 1924. D. G. M. GALBRAITH, 811 Lnnsden BdgToronto. Executor under thse Wil ef the abovo named Jamels Mo-Milian, dec,-iease. 36-;;w Say "Bayer Aspirin". INSIST I Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuixae Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy- sicians for 2-4 years. SAccept only a '1Bayr package whichcontains proven directions Hlandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tableta AIso botties of 24 and 100-Druggists Aspirirt le the trade m~ark (registered in Osulada) of Bayer Manufacture- of Mdono?. aeeticracdeater cf salicyllcacid IN THE MATTER 0OF the estate ef Richard Henry Seuch, late eof the town of Bowianviiie, in the County ef Dur- ham, a retired fariner, dleceaeed. .NOTICE is hereby given pursuant te sec. 56 of Chap). 121. R. S. 0., t hat all persons having laims or demande agaïnet the estate .f he said Richard Henry Souch. deceased, who dieec on or about ,the seventis day of Noveniber 1923, are required to send by post, prepaid or deliver te the undersigned executor Th(e Trusts and Guarantee Comnpany, Limnited, Toronto, or to the undersignied W. E.--N. Sinclair, its Solicitor. on or ]jeferet first day et October, 192'4, their christian and surnamnes and add(resses, with fuit particulars, in writing 0f their dis and saeet et their acceunts and the nature et the securities (ifany) ldby thein duiyvriled'y statutory declara- tien. ANI) TAKE NOTICE that alter the said first oayet cteber, 1924, the saîd eýxecuor wiil proceed te distribute thie aseet t tl he said deceased among the parties entitled thereto lbaving regard only te the claime ef which t shahl thoýn have notiUe, and thse said executor wil n11et be able for assets, or any part thereof, te any pecrsen or persons ef whose taim notice shah naet bave been receivedi by it or its said Solicito)r at th,, time ef sncb distribution. Dated September 2n l 924. THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, LIMITED 302 Bay Street, Toront. Jarne J. Warren, resideýrt. E. B. Stockdaie , Gene3ral %Manager. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, 2(j Simcoe St., Norths, Oshawa, Ontarle, Solicitor. for the aaid exzeciter. Notice To Creditors IN TIIE MATTER 0F the estate et WallaýIce Bruice Souch ,oe the town of Bowmnanvîhl1e, in thse Ceunity ef Durbain. a retîred fariner, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant te Stc. 56 et Chap. 121L R. S. O., Ilia i persone having dlaimis or dlemand. againet the eetate ot the, said Waflace Bruce Soucis deceased, Whso died on or' about the touirteentis da yoet A ugut 1924, aire required to senid by post, preptdo deli ver te the underslgned executor, Thse Tru sts a nd Guarantee Cemp)any ,Iriiit - efi, Toronto, or to tish e rsine W E. N. si nclair, its Solcitor, on or befere the fi rst cday oet ctober, I1924, their christian and suirnameýs and addreeesI. wvitb tull partic ulara in writing eftltheir clairis, and statemnent eft tieir acceunts1 and the nature efthtie securities ii any) held by tisern duiy venufed by stat- -NE) TAXE NOTICE ta te h said tiret day ef October, 1924f the said1 oxlecer Wil proceed te distribuite th-e a"ssets ef tis)e said cdeceased among the prisentitled thereto living regard 0111y te the cilame etfwhich it shail then -baveý notice, and tise said executor, wil net be able- >for assets, or any part )tlreýot f. te any person or persons et wýhese laim notice shiah net bave beenq rece>ived by it or its said Selicitor- at thie ture ef sncb distribution. Date Setombr 2d.,1924. THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, LIMITED, 302 Day SreToronto. James J. Warren, President. E. S. Steckdalec, GýenerilManager. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, 20SîmesStNOrt, lOshawa , Otarie, Solicitor, for th3e said exct. The Canadian Statesman is $2.00 a year -and worth ît. Subseribe To-day PRIEE BABY BOOKS Write to The Borden Co. Limited, Moittreal, for two Plaby Weliaae Books. w, Kil them ail, and the germs too. 10e a paeket at Druggists, Grocers and General Stores. "APound of fore sîgýlit is worth a ton of anthiracite POULTRY WANTED- Highest prices paie for any quantity of liens and chiekens, Write oir phone- H. Neskel, Phone 2 Box ý96 Whitby, 35-4w t 'l