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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1924, p. 1

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tate* With Which is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXX. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPT. l8th., 1924 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy N.3 COUCH , JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN ANNOUNCES THE Firs Shwing of Farmli Coats and Dresses -.4e 1 ~,r-_dam There is great interest in store for those selecting their new wraps early. Already fail assortnient for Fail and Winter are here, and seeing them you will agree that they off er endless var- iety in style and mnaterial that mark them as distinctly new. 'We will be pleased to have you cone in .and see these. Prices are lower than those of other seasons. Consider this an invitation to corne to our store and inspect our magnificent display of New Fail Coats and Dresses. An inspection places you under no obligation to buy unless you see the garment which suits you. NEW SILKS AND FABRICS Here you will see aIl the new materials from which the Aut- umn Fashions will be made. This attractive display of New Dress Goods includes the season's pet weaves. FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR MEN AND BOYS In our Men's and Boys' Clothing Dept. you will find- alI the needed requirements in clothing and furnishings for Fali and W'inter wear.- Style combined with comfqrt and reasonably priced makes it most desirable for you to patronize this store. 1! _________________________________________________________ f _________________________________________________________ Direct fromý Bowmanville to Toronto I arn giving a daily motor truck service be- tween the above places. Pick up and deliver both ways. You will save time and money by using this ser- vice. Orders may be left at J. J.' Mason & Son's Office Phone 50, Bowmanville. H.Conners 195 Lisgar-st. Toronto Ph-one Lakeside 6980 Just Arrived Paper White Narcissi 10c each;, 90c Dozen; $g.50 per 100. Fragrant white flower clusters sure to bloom, can be grown in full light from start. Try a few, now and have extra early flowers. S5. J. Jackman & Sons Florists Phone 80 BowmanvIlle mm 'iL -. CL<uch, Johnston & Crydermlan. bowmnanvllie Phone 104 LImitec THE, BUSINESS SITUATION EXPORT SLICING MACHINES 1 TOWN BUSINESS MAN PASSES JOHN HENRY DEVITT, EX-M.P.P., TO UNITED STATES!I AS RETURNING OFFICER. Commercial Letter Is;sued by Bank _____Mr.P. C. Trebulcock Dies at Ripel of Commerce. Did you know that Bowmanville Age. The returning officer for the rid.. Hleavy rains duringbas the only manufacturiers of meat Iigo etDrhmi h oeo Hev an uigthe greater slicing machines in Canada? Its neoBwmnles mothgh the Plebiscite to take place O tober part of August, followed by warm right. We read thiis fact ina recent1 ly respected citizens and oldest bus-i 23rd will likely by Mr. John Henry dry weather towards the close of tihe issue of the "Canadian Grocer" pub- i mess men, in the person of Mr. Paul Devitt of Cartwright, althougb the month, have materially improved lished in Toronto. Just to furtheri Coueh Trebilcock, passed from he appointment has flot been officially crop prospects in western Canada1 verify this etatement we visited this activities of this 11f e early on Tues- announced. Mr. Devitt is a well and have discounted the pessimistielweek the factory of the Canada day mornîng, September 9th., in bskowhosevtvehvngrpe reports that were current a nwnth Slicer Corporation Lim-ited of Bow- 7 6th- year, snted thisr i aing nte Orlor or so ago. In certain drouht. anville, which is located ia the lie was bora at Truro, Cornwall, Legisiative for a numiber of' years. stricken areas the rains .ame too building formerly known as TrinitYI England, and came with his parents, lie has always been a strong advo- late to bring any great relief, but, Cengregational Churclh. the late Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trebîl- cate for temperance. His past this does not apply tao the West as a Our interview had hardly started cock, to Canada in 1855, settling in 'municipal and- political experience whole, and indeed it is teported from when our informant toli us that for tbe town of Cobourg, t1i- journey should fit hlm to satisf actorily fill the many districts,, especially in south- nearly two years the company had being made in a saîling vessel and duties of returning officer. ern Saskatchewan, that the yield been exporting slicing machines tu occupying some two months. in shows every promise of being above1 the United States and Australia. that town hie Iearned the printing the average. Now they are comimencing tu ship trade and abiout fifty years ago STIG FRVSN FIE It is gratifying to note that slucera to England. came to Bowmanville where he held i_____ the total dam age clone so far this Thereý only being a limited market the position of foreman in the Bible The attention of voters interested season by insects, rust andlhall bas lin Canada for licers snd business h ta bevrPtng adith mngPbsceiscledt been almost negIigible. Cutting is 1being quiet, it ment closing th Publishing Office, the late Rev.Ce-hentcinaohroum ofhs now general on the praires the factory or going into new fields for has Barker being then the-editor and paper relating to the sittings of the fistgrino tissesn's r, three business. The latter course was l!nanagr adRe.Paul Robbins was j1 Revising Officer, Judge M. G. Camer- cars of rye from south-eastern Mani-J chosen. Jobbers were> circularized in charge of Bookstore. When "The, tb, ehigWinnipeg on 15th bhroughout the United_ States and ai- Merchant" was started as -a local Ths1itnatk lc nec Augst.most immediately inquiries came newspaper Mr.-Treoilcock was the micipaleity ingste ridanefrom ept. jDu ring the month, under t%,e in- iback folîowed by orders for 'Red editor. After some years The Mer-I 2a1 t Spt -1t for tiepups Ifluence of local crop reports and the1 Bird' and 'Blue Bird' Suicera, chantwasr.srbied by The ettin-~ of hearing complaints-andý appeals of movement on the Chicago nmarket, lThese Canadian imachines are now mbunesMr.oTrhilco c thn wet, 'uy- vtera. the price of wheat at Winnipeg rose used in many of the States of the tefbusiness on siseown accountabne ing the stationery business of the .fyuaefo ueta ornm to a higis point, but receded dluringj!Union across thse border, includîng lt oetadler 'Hr i- oV Vs oer'ls e us toc tise latter part of the month to a virginia, Tennessee and as far westj uatedj then in the' Old Town Hall by communicating withthe cierk ýof point slîghtly in 'sdvance of tise Julyl as California. To reach tise latter I figures., As a result of the improve-1 sunny state Vhey are shipped via the'Block on the site whaere our_ present YOur munic'palit Y- aanCaa.fine Post Office building was erected________ ment in thse crop situation, a better'Panaa ana. aJ904, hie moving to the Nead.s feeling la now evident, and public 1kI hardly seems possible tisat al building on King Street where hie MINISTERS AND CHURCHES opinion is against anything in thejsm.ail factory, in our midst could conducted business untîl about six way of a moratorium or otiser device create a demand for its producta in a onths g hnh odott r 1 wichwoldaffrdtenporryrelief1 large and wealthy industrial country Mora .o whe resen ottoprB. St. Paul's churc.h, Rev. D. W, Best, atvheis eoued afodtemponral ry t1lk h ntd.ttswt t FakR rw h r1eetpo .A., minrister. Sunday services at at heexene f hegeerl reit lketh Uitd taeswih tsprietor. il a. m. and. 7 P. m.- Services ia of the West.j tarif! walls. It's like, shipping ceai 1Mr.Teick aammbrochgefRv G .Msnadte In eastern Canada field crops are; to Newcastle, you say. , But thei Teicc a ebro hag fie.Go ao n h giving a yield that is, generally speak- Suicer Co. is doing it and bave been1 the Durham Military Regiment withi minister. Sunday School at 1'2 I în, aovetis avr~g. Tse j- fr narî tw yer ~1 rank of Lieutenant and was a Fenian o'clock. tato cropboof thearitiePrvies. Therlcarly atoy as begigRaid veteran. In. public lîfe- ise Methodist cisurch, Rev. J. U. Rob- isat clrl o goheodthe Potiate frsTe oal yeorywih actically 'n served as a town councillor, Reeve inspastor,,in charge of tise Sunday ïspriualygoteetmt orsed l erwt rcIal 1 and county councillor being once a services at il a. m. and 7 p. m. New Brunswick, for. exam-ple, being interruptions. Prospects look very candidate for thse wardenship. lI Sunday Schovol at 2.301,p. m. Every 250,000 barrels, the largest on re- enceuragîng for a continuance in served later on High School Board. member of the scisool be in his and cord. Large cunsigirments of Caa- f oreign trade wi'th thle domestic inar- In politica hie was a staunch Conser- hb lcpes. Rly5n yo adian potatoes and of poùtato seed are ket about normal. vative 'holding the position o rs- September 28th. fsent regularly to Cubàasnd the Unit- Ail parts of the slcers are manu-1 dent an'd Secretary of the local or- ed States, and Vhis article is more factured in tise local factory with the ganization an huhsfctda HretFsia evcso t andt moe digng fl avouramog te exception of castings most of which number of tîmes refused to accept1 John's Church will bc held on Sun- Wet nde gnealy Pstraeare procured locâily through t he nomination as the Conservative j- day, Septemiber 2lsqt. Rev. scott- lai easternCanada has been excellent, Bowmanville Foundry Co. ,standard bearer for tisis riding. ieý Howardl,1M. A., Newcastle, will and in consequence the flow of -milk hasbee havy ad tse roucton We are -not famiiliar with the seli- was a miemlber for 50 yesrs of tise preach at the morning service-- and ofa buter heas i ndete. îc11ýjng points of these machines but Bible Christian and Metisodiat Rev. Canon W. L. Baynea.-Reed, L. î of utte bas ncresedfrom tise company'a literature w\e Cisurches beîing a miember in tura of I Thý R. D.1, Toronto, will be tise spe- jWhile the agricultural outlook lias notice they give twelve reasons why, the OffficiaI Boards of each denoniîna- cial preacher at thse evenirng service. imiproved, buaine iý; 'general î os1la1te nn Ic h nono hs I makin tie, n~vy edeaourevey grocer and butcher wboslato an ic ieuino hs: Msin~ypor~atgei rnakin tïe, ndeý7_,r eneavurbacon and boneleas meats s'hould churches, over 35 years ago he 1-a'-,-1rypora t ezuýi is being made to keep stocks of mer- have one. held tire position of Secretary of the [l Methodist Churcis on 3M1nday e en- püartiulaytcabwlevl. Th isumb If you want to see one of these Trustee Board, resigning las t April ing was ins charge -of Miss' Helen partiBowmanvilie-madee snuceealtisernext on ac-ount of failing health w hen he iCrydermian. Community siging I idusrywhre areulscrtin ~time you go kfopping, cal at aniy of was succeeded by Dr. J. C. Devitt. was led bY MissRt R oe. Rev. the market lias fortunately prevent- tise followirxg stores wlý1iere tisey use lie was' exceedinglIy faitbful to bisj W. A. Bunner gave bis second talk d ay erins lt ase.-Collnecins tem exclusively: 'Harry Allia, G. ch-urc7h in al its activities and per- on tise Life of Christ. MisEz- vay ro sowt fir Cmmrca1 A. Edmoadstone, T. H. Knigbt, haps in ne way did hie serve it more beth Painton sang a solo and Miss failures, however, are on a lower NomnPDl.i efficently thain as teacher of tise Velma E. Staples rendered a -piano every idc tistat business, al- The efficers of tise Company aire:j Adult Bible Clasa in tise Sunday solo. Miss Laven rfarpre thui uei odn t w. President-Joha A. Holgate; Vice-1 colapsto he filled mest on- Susumer Scisool at Bobcaygeon. thoPresident,-TisomasngFerguson; 1Sec' aitisfuily and, acceptably for over A social half heur was enjoyeti at Tise amount of wiseat required byl Treaa.---W. Paul Wilson;, Factory 1f ortYyea.tise close. Next Monday is Rally tise, fifteen principal w'ieat-importingSprnedn--.C omrTise funeral on Tisursday after-' nigit. Special progiiam including countries of the world bas been es- Sprnedn- .C omr noua from tise family residence, Div-I a pageant by several young people. timated at 720,000,000 busela, as j1 Sien Street, was very iargély attend-,rAlcm n ecie against 693,000,000 buahels a -yeari ed, service bei'ng conducteld by hisI Temperance workers and others, hga - tis fee f mainang prIl REV. >S. J. ALLIN'S 1'pastor, Rev. J. U. Roboins, wiso spoke who need inspiration for tise ta.sk hvth feto aitiigp ice from tise words "Perfect Love Cast- that is before' tbem received very at a fairly bigis level. On tise otherI FINE TRIDUTE etis Out Fear", paying splenidrb helpful, suggestions on SunC ay in otiser band, it must be. recegaizedj ute te tise streng f aitis of ts e oýsPebyein ad Mtsd~ that tise price at Winnipeg is higher Editor of Stateeman:-As I was departed. Rev. E.A.Tekn ffre hre Rev. Jn. 3. Robins e- than at Chicago, -and tusat aitisougus unable te attend tise funeral of our avryfrEpAy. TnknR evsW. ua in se later cJ.Urci on "le in -certain markets there la compar- muci s eteesned friend, tise late Paul~ C. Washington, M. A., W. H. Spargo tee k hlm by tise hand and- lift-ei bim atively lîttle competitien betweea C. Trebicock, wfli The Statesman j and W. A. Bunner were also present. up" shouid be a stimulus te a l who Canadian and American wiseat, there please permit, me te say a brief trijb- jTise paîl-bearers were six membera heard it.- Carda were distr'buted will be always tise tendency- for ute te tise memery of one wisom itief tise Officiai Board of tise Cisurcis, te these desiring tei sign up asz help- prices to find-tise samne level. Tis e was m'y privilege te know se weli for Iail Oddfellows-Messrs. C. M. -'Caw- ers la botis ohuÉches. At tise mora- îow pricea, however, at ,wbicis îast more tisa fifty years. ker, J. J. Mason, F. A. Haddy, JohnI ing servicela tise Metisodiat churcis yesr's crop was sold abroad opened 1 remember hisu as lie came te Grigg, John Hellyar and Dr. J. C.j Miss Durotby Stanley ef, Toron!to als- up a wi'der market for our wlieat Bowmanville te aet as foreman and Devitt. sisted tise choir anid aang splendidiy tisa ever before, and lias prepared manager of Tise Observer priating Tise floral tributes were very'"Tise- Lord is .my Sisepherd" by Van- tise way for furtiser development. office. Ia those days lie manifested beautîful and numerous and were derwater. Sie possesses a fine tise unfailing intereat in tise werk of carried by tise lady members of bis voice and ber enunciation ia very tise Suaday Scisool and Churcis tiat bible casas who were present in al clear. iIn tise evening Pastor Robins bas been sucis an outstanding feat- body and formied in two uines each gave a splendid sermon on '-iree SILVER WEDDING ure of bhis long and useful life. A aide of tise pavement wbile tiecrùayheme sr" ain1i e and Mrs, rankeA.iCleo325 l witb Themas tege passed eut. Membera of Fier-j marks on Christ, Judas and Peter. Mr. eilwlee, TomasJ. as4 John ence Nigistingale Lodge, No. 66, Mr. Robt. Walton ef Newcaste s Willard Ave., Toronte, were pleas- W. liiggin'bothani, Wesley McClung I. O. O0. F., of wisich deceased was s'ethcoiansngnfnt r- antly surprised on Friday evening, and many otisers, lie entered just as one of ita oldeat members aise at-I ted tiseceirna sl Ltng infineban- September 12, when a number of. earnestiy and bieartily inte tise or- tended la regalia. Tise service at to oied a soieft nTyoheacnt relatives and-s few city friends ganization of a Young Men's Christ- tise grave at tise cemetery waa con- i begteublpebciefft he ci1son- gathered te celebrate with -bheu tise ian Aseciatien and was une- of tise ducted by Rev. Mn. Robins and for greea tenapeite ise kvinntesso twenty-fiftis ainniveraary ef tiseir most devoted workers in connectien tise Oddfellows by Rev. G . wtisesetexvisitern fol intse marriage. By previeus arrange- witb that institution as long as it Pustlethwaite, tise chaplain.j mient Mr. and Mrs. Cole were at s existed in tise tewn. 1 Deceased was twice married, isi neighhor's home>and on being called He was a metisodiczianail c onstant 1 firat wife be-iagMiss Emmna BaIl and 1 home 'were greeted by tise fnienda student of tise Scriptures and even bis second wif e MisasCGhristina Sin- METHODIST DISTRICT MEETING and tise Wedding Marcis played by at that time excelled as a Bible Clasa clair wiso survives him; aise, three iBwavieDstitMeile their nie ce, Mrs, Frank Cryderman teaclser. Those who knew hlm tisea, sens: Dr. Frank 'C. Trebilcock, eye' tis Mehia Cisurcis wili leeino of Bewmsnvilie.- After cungratu- and are stili living, have always> re- speceahast, -and Mr. Artisur J. Trebil-,,teMehdstCuchwa le i lations tise company -ast down te a mernfbered iim as a, fine type of cock, banrister, Toronto; and Mr. i Hmpton Cisurcis, on Tuesdav. Sep- aicely prepared supper served by tbe tise Christian gentleman. Paul Trebilcock of Tnebilcock Brus.' temnber 23rd. ladies. His li e was in many respects an stationery aind bookstore, Peterbore; i Sessions wiil be beid at 10 a., m. iAfter alisad idone justice te tiselideal one, and tise cemmuaity ia and f our daugliters: Mns. H. F. aut- and 8 p. m. good tisinga, Mr. Fairbairn Cole, tish ucsie a e e saiaf~ cissn, Toronto, Mrs. (Dr.) J. Discipiinary business and D tri't elldeat son, called on Mr. H. Ellis te century exercised 'ha splendid gifts Geikie Adam, Great Barrngton,, plans will be conaidered at tise :o propose a toast te tise bride and as a Christian citizen lias been made Mass,' Mrs. Normian Hamley, Peter- jing session. groom te wisich Mr. Cole made a tise icher and better. bore, and -Miss Margaret Trebilcucki Representatives of several dl>rt Most appropriate reply. A letter at home, sl of wbem were present1 ments wil be present and addre-ý - tise

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