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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1924, p. 3

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Mason & Dale Now Offer You Ploughi Points at 55e. Arms and Ammunition, Old Relilable Brantford Rooflng. -and lots of other things you want and w7e have in our large stock of hardware. Quality Hardware at Lowest Prices MASOWîN & DALE The Popular H-ardware-Quality and Riglit Prices Phone 145 Bowmanville Cr.ANNEnL CO"AL Ebony Cube-the best cannel coal mixed. WAe have just uniloadled, a car f or use in tire- pla ce or grates. NowT that the cool evenings are here let us supply your wants for a nice cosy war-m grate fire. J. A. HO'""LG ATE &SO Phione 153 Bowmanville Select Your ~FURNACE Be comfortable when winter cornes. We want to jshow you -whyMay Sunshiine Furniaces are t1he finest heating system At any price. They burn al fuels equally well. Ever-y Sunishine Furnace in- stallation is guaranteed by the makers to give ideal heat distribution at minimum fuel cos'-. De- cide now to be comfortable next winter, Estimates GladIy Furnished Free Greenaway & Elliott Heating Experts, and ConâuIting Engineers Phone 18a BowmanviIIe LOOK OUT! Watch our windows this Saturday for extra special values in choice ïMeat. This is a grand chance to save money on your mneat bill. We have 'Che BEST supply of cooked m-eats in ona11 home made. Our motto: "Quality First." C. M. CAWKTE,"R & SON P ne64 Bowmanville- LOWMAN'VILLE, SEPT. 18, 1924.i LOCAL AND OFHERWISE Statsma advrtiingpays. Must of us can be gladi we don't îget evecrything omiiing to lus., Oshawa emiploysý two school nurses Schlooi has 163 teachers. Our hine,il( s depenids0on th-e de- gree of satisfacýtion anmd enjoym11ent wýe get out Of our work. Commlercial1 Hotel, ýOshwa, own- ed by Elgýin auhy has been soIld to 1;eorge MTggrToronto. Gregory Clark writes thiat Toizon- to is the only city of its size inAmr ica that has no downtown nlighit life. Mý1r. and Mrs. A. D. Leonard, Yr ker, -were recent guests of their cousin, Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Washin- ton Place. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Garfield and sons, Detroit, were recent guests of his sister, Mr. Williami Quick, jr., Liberty Place Jail is the penialty for trea;pass- ing in gardens or orchards. Chief Jarvis should be told oif thiefts -of floýwers or fr-uit. Lieut.-Col. F. D. Boggs, K. Cý,,Co- bourg, lias been promi-ot.ed to com- mand the 9th Infantry Brig-ade with rank of Colonel. Jack and Jill went up the hill, To fetch a pail of water, Then with a will they drank their flîl A s healthy children oughter. Port H-ope has more cild(renj of school age than ever and an overflow class fromi the Central School meetsi ln the town hall1 an extra teacher be'- ing engaged'. A large representation from thbis town Ind district usýuaIllyatn r ono Fair -wIhhwill bce hel this year on Fidëy, September 26, sea" fur- ther particulars in another column., Mr. W. M. Clarke of Londan, Eng-j land, College of _Music in Osha-wa, has accepted aL position as organist and choir miaster of the Christianý Church. Cobourg Collegiate Instftute Pas ordered fifty miovnble Moulthorp desks for extra roomis in Baptist Sun- day School, to take care of incereas- ed numiber of pup)iLs this terni. Coîborne Fair, Tuesday and Wled- nesday, September 23 and 24. Bigi1 dipa f exhibits, sevTeral new at- tractions, free acts, horse races, good, band, grand concert in the evening-. 1 Mr. T. C. Batty, Standard Bank Manager, Flesherton, spent the week- end and holiday at Oshawa and Whit- by and ,vas accomipanied hom-e by his wif e and daughter who visited for several week&ýý Dr. and Mrs. Chas, W. Becker an- nounce the engagemnent of their niece, GIadys Georginfa Bond and Dr Ross 'Moore Jewell, son of Rev. John . Jevell of Toronto, the miarriage to tdke place quietly the end 'of Sp tember. Mr- W. Haýro'd Trick, son of Ma- or W. J. Trick, hous-e surgeon, Oh awa General Hospital for some mn ths, hias gone to Toronto to comr- m-1ence his last year's study in a sevený year medical course at University of Toronto. Mr, Samnuel Black, one ofWa- worth's best known citîzens, was honored on his 9lfst birhdy hen about sixty members of thefail adfr-inds gatheredi to cnrtlt himi. Mrs. O. M. Alger, Oshawa, is,; 1a aughbter. Mr, Jerold Talcott, on the Jamies Stanley farmi got high praise frona the aIPPI(e orchlard inspectors lan oui, last ise We should lk ti r Talc ott ;vill tell our readers how!h -cares for hiar orchard to head ail theý others in this county. Mlrs. Edwin Worden and Miss i Helen Adair have returned from a! very pleasant visit with Mr. Gordon Worden and Mrs. Dunlop of Ottawva.ý While in the Dom-iniion Capital Ivrs.ý Worden enjoyed a trip to D'igby, N.1 S., which is a very attractive suIm-1 mer rea;ort for tourists. Lucille Hairdressing Parilors,23V Simncoe St. North, Oshawva, Shampoo- ing, Scalp Treatments, Hair Bobbing, Curling, Marcel Waving, Massaging and Manicurin.g. ~For pýpointment phonle 815. Business hýou'rs 9 to 6,30. Openl Monlday, Wýedniesdayý and Friday evenings". 35-tff Jamnes Parr, Cosarea, ple2ided guilty to having liquor in a place other than bis pivate residence be- f ore P. MN. FHorsey and was fintd $200 an'd costs. Bis place was searcie'd by License InspectorGod The Canadiani Statesrmank îs $2.00 a year -and worth it. Subscribe To-day BOWMANVILLE GENERAL HOSPITAL NURSES GRADUATE FROM HOSPITAL Dr. J. J. Midclleton Delivered the Address. Fri.day evening th-e Opera Hlouse was g-aily; decorated with an abunid- ance Of purpie and yellow flowers, it being tho graduation exercises for the four, young ladies who hadI coni- pleted the three ýyears in thýe training sehool for nurses at Bowmnaniiille Hospital. The large auditorium- was packed to the doors with a very interested audience, interested nrot onily la the, young lad(ies graduatîng but in the1 splendid work being done in the lai- teresýt of humanity la our hospital. ý Rer. 1D. W. Besýt, B. A., President,' mn opening the program, said lie was a reucent gra duate imsielf, having ne- ,enýtly beeýn a patient there. H expressed appreciation of the pl1en-e 1did service g-iven hlm, of the lovely fiowers, which hne received while there' and of the good work being, done by th1is institu.tioa in the past twelve years of its existence and called on Rer. G. S. Postlethwaite to off er prayer. The position of chairînn as -lat- ter handed over to the Vice-Presi- dent, Dr. John Spencer, who presid1edý diuring the balance of thte eveninig. 'Mrs. Hi.-M. Foster and Miss Reta R. Cole sang a very pretty duet andý responded to the v gorous encore. Mn. R. M.L Mitchell sanýig a fineiý_ solo and received an encýore to which ýhe also acceded. Mrs.M.A. Neal was thie accomrpaniitfr h sinigers. The speaker of the eveningwa Dr. J. J. Middleton, Toronto, of the Provincial Board eof Healtba, who spoke on Publicellealth which is of interest to ahi He sumimeid it up ln two words-RIGHT LIVING. Hle referred te the rumrber of in- fants and mothers whose lires were. sacrificed e-very year fromn lack of night-liring. Speaking of the in- fanits he said one of the greatest as-_ sýets to good health was to be breast- fed, if possible, and examlined reg- ularly by the f amily phs lin e empbý1asize1d the oodý done by a schiool nurse. Other things reqluiring careful attention was the exaination of the teeýth, use of pure water, haring a pure mîilk supply, the files and co- municaýbledsees Expectant mothiers and others de- sirîng good health should drink Pl e- ty of good mnil-k anid get a phenty of sleep. He concluded bis addressi b-- congratulating thýe graduates -on entering the noble profession. Alrs. Florence Smyrýth-, the Superin-ý tenldent, led the grad,,uates while they recited thie "Florence Nighiting-ale Pledge". Dr. A. S. Tilley presented the ýdiplom-as to the grad 'ua tes :- Misses Gladys May Lo-we, Leta Althea Pe-,:irl HaccFrances Amianda Cryder- macn ani 1Eliza Mý,ildredl Coolidge. Dr. Tilley sai they h1adj worked hard lnatthe hospital and -,rorked bard- oni their exi-lnations and much of the sucess of the patients wiasde to theis'ý éreful and faithful work. He thought Mrs. Smiyth had soinej hypnotizing power over the nurses an rd patients a~nd cited several cases to prove bis statenients. In closing he announced that Ms Tilley would give a prize ,et yer. to the nurse obtaining the hiigher-st agregate marks. Mrs. John Spencer, President of the Woûman's Auxillary, presented the Glass Pins inchuding witb eeaa tinly rose-bud as she fatndthemi on the g-raduates. S-he inrited ahi Th--e ladiles to join tbe Auxiliary- andi thusý help along,Ï the good work1_ Mns. A\. L. Nichohîs madeprst- thon Of the instrumrent Cases to theý graduates. Beautiful bouquets of fiowe-rs werýebrut to Mrs. Smnyth, tfie Supenintendent, and Miss AUra Runidle, the Assista-nt Superinten- dýent, and the grad(Iuatiîes by litle MVisses Ma-rlon Slemion, Helen Mason, Ileen Wighýýt and Joey Carerly. A reepi n ws ]eld jin the oun- cil Room atfte1rwar'ds for the gradu- ates- anl others, refreshmients being serred by the ladies of the Auxîhiary, PROBLEMAS !N RA8-ISING POULTRY and pouigeg erery m)onýtb in 'he year are a"'lorercme b the practicai methods tauýgh.t in Sa~ coldbelt Pouitr'y course. Hlundredsý -f testimoýnials poethis. Wiefor them to-day aind learn hovw to myake 2lenlty of eaisy mon01ey. Adidre-ss- sbaw SbolPouhtry ep.,Section 0 , 463 Bloor West, Toronto. AUCTJON SALEh Music Teachers MARGARET I.ABERNETHY A. T. C. M. Teacher iof Piano. Puipils peae o Toronto u~raoy xm. Sui at J. il. A nthConce-ssion St., Bowmanville. Ph1one 153ýr13. 35- 3 MISS VIOLA BROWN Teactier of Piano Will ak a f ew puipils at her home on Centre, Street, Bowm-anville. 36-w, RETA R. COLE A. T. C. M., L. C. C. M., F. C. C. M. Teche(r Voice p)roducotion, placing ana intprtatonsight migting, piano and theory. Studtio KingStWet om- vill-. lass roesSetme th. Phone 57. 3- MURS. J; ALBERT COLE A. T. C. M., A. 0. C. M. Hoinor Graduate of On1tarlo Lades College, Whitby, pupji of Geo. D. Akn son. Teýaclier of Piaino and Theýory. Studio (Centre St., EBowmaýnville.Phonel' 107. Classes wjll be resumed in jamp-1ý ton beginniing Spt th. 3ý5-3w MISS LEPHA N. DONCASTER 1 A. 7. C. M.* Teacýher of Piano, Theory, aaia Guitar, and Uuee Class re-opens Sept, . S PFupil S prepared for ah grades of examninationis. 33 T. W.STANLEY Carlisle Ave., Bowmrivlie Is preparedc to accept puipils for Piano, Voice, Organ. Fail termn commences now. Box, 481. 5w School Opening We Have a Full Stock of School Supplies Consisting of Text Books for High and Public Schools. Scribblers, Exercise, Note Books, Pencils, Pens, etc. Secuire your wants early. W. T.,Allen Bookâs and Stationer* E'owmanvill, Thý Art of Pa-ris, the Ingtenuity of Newicsan str,comiand rY and athe wcrs h Collr; C.ot in 1Desigu nd WJVorkr-anship-at -)U alanumn L9 HaIIam Building,Toronto Corbtt' 11gh Loaf BlEread Is Stil the. Cheapest Food@ Br:imful of Health! Nourishing and appetiz- A ing! Makes children Happy and Healthy! You can't feed the famiily too much of Corbett's Popu- lar High Loaf Bread. Owing to the adv ance in price of flour, we are now compelled to sell this wholesome bread at 20e the large loa.f. We. P.Corbett (Successor to Thomas Tod) Baker and~ Confectioner Bowmanville TAS rTY MEATS!1 The kind of Meat that you can eat three times a day and be the better for it. Every fibre of it is rich in substance and appeallng to the taste. H-ave you,. tried our lVome-Made Jellied Meats at 15e lb? It's deliejous. Choice Srnoked and Cooked Meats always on hand, Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block< Phonie 225, H-ouse 272 Bowrn'nville Thrifty Housewives Use Quality Grocreries The prudent hou sewif e knows that it's f aise eco-nomy to 'use Groceries not of the best. Her table carnpes food of quality which she can obtain at the lowest mnanket prices at our store. ~.Il costs no more. to have your groceries de- ]PHONE 1lu ALLIN The Good Coolk .Buys Good Groceries The thorough housewife knows that good cooking does not start in the kitchen. Shne realizes that one mr-ust have good Groceries bef ore one can create toothsome and wholesomne dishes. That's why she buys here whiere quality is high. and prices ARCHIIE TAITl" Phone 65 BowTmanville WORM POWDERlîS BiLivaTBERESLE$ CODITONBROUGHT On BY THE pnrsUENCSOr WORuï t AND ROETEORE TE HID N ORMAL HEALYH. au

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