î r The Personal r"J Element in Banking Affairs Between the curtness and coldness of pîinted bank f ormsand the hum- an element for whose use they aie designed, are vast oppoitunities for the banker to give valuable personal assistance., The Standard Bank, through the members of its staff, is anxious to use any oppoîtunity that arises to demonstrate its value in offering personal advice on financial matters. The local managerof the Standard Bank wi11 he glad to give intimate counsel upon money mat- ters pertaining to your business. FFTYI [j,--j ~STAN DARD BAN KIj ~1I BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-H. W. Lapp, Manager Branches also at Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Oshawa j STiYLE AND QUALITY are, in these SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT $22.50 An Example Where Good Clothes Cost Less Men who are particular in the choice of their Clothes. Men who like to know that what they wear is, absolutely riglit from point of fashion and price rightness. Men who Lke to select from a wide range of patterns and shadings. Men who are liard to fit. These are the men that are coming to Chartran's because they know that here thue, get complete and lasting satisfac- tion at a lower price. Other Prices $18.00, $20.00, $25.00, and $30. 20th Century Brand Clothing Made-to-Measuye S. G. -CHARTRAN CLOTHIER AND HABERDASHER 1 door west -of Bell' Telephone Office Bewmanyiîle ONTARIO ELECTION ACT 1922, & AMENDMENTS Form of Notice of Sittings of Revising Officer Electoral District of the West Riding of theCounty of Durham. To Wit TAKE NOTICE that the list -of voters of all of the poling sub-divisions in the MYunlicipalities of Town of Bowmanville, Village of Newcastle, To.0wnlships o alntn Cartwright and Clarke hiave been piepareil by the Ceiks of the dlifferent-imunicipalities and deliveîed to the Clerk of the Peace, and that H-is Honouî Judge _M. G. Camieuon or His Honour Judge H. A. Ward of Port Hope, has been appointed Revising Officer, for the purpose of hearing complants and appeals as to the said ists. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the sittings of the said Re-vising Office. will be held: - At the Town Hall, Bowmanville, for the Town of Bowmanville, on Tuesday, 24th day of September, 1924, at the hour of 10.30 o'clock ha the forenoon. At the Town Hall, Blackstock, for the Township of Cartwright, onWed- nesday, 2.5th day of September, 1924, at the hour of il o'clock in the f oie- Doon. At the Town Hall, Hampton, for the Township of flaîlington, on Fri- day 26th day of Septemnber, 1924, at the hour of il o'clock in fouenooA. At thie Town Hall, Orono, for the 'Township of Clarke, on Monda-y 27th day f Septemiben, 1924, at the houî of 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon. At the Town Hall, Newcastle, for, the Village of Newcastle, on Mon- djay, 27th day of Septemïber, 1924, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the after- AND FURTRER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires to eom- plain that tIhe names of any persons entithed to be enteied on the said list have been omnitted fîomi the>same or that the Dames of pensons who, are not entitled te be votens have been enitered on the lists For thie Town of Bowmianville, may on or before the 221nd day of Sep- tenmber, 1924. For the Township of Cartwright, may on or befone the 22nd day of Sep- tonmber, 1924. For the Township of Darlington, ma-y on or before the 28nd dayof Septemben, 1924. For the Township of Clanke, miay on or before the 24th day of Sep- tember, 1924. For the Village of Newcastle, may on or befoîe the 24th day of Sep- tember, 1924. apply, complain or appeal to have his own Dame or the name of any other person, correctedl in, enteued on, or removed froin the said lista. FURTRER TAKE NOTICE that suchi appeals must be by notice in -writing in the pîescîibed fonm, signed bythe complainant and given or left for hin-i at his rescidence or place of business-, on or before the sýaid date, to the Cleiks of the Revis ing Officer, as follows, viz: for the Town of Bowmianville, John Lyle,_ Bowmanville, P. O. Township of ~atrgt W.m. Beacock, lackistock, P. O. Township of Da-îinIgton, W. R. Allin, Hamipton, P. O. Township of Claîke, A. J. Staples, Orono, P. O. Village of Newcastle, Hl. C. Bonathan, Newcastle, P. 0. Informnation iegardirg lists can be obtained from the clerks of each Mfunicipality, the ceik, of the Votera' Regitra1tion Board, and Post- Masters. M. G. CAMERON, Ch-1airman Votera' Registration Board, United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Cobourg, Septemiber th., 1924. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPEAL Ai appeals mnut be fihed IN DIUPLICATE anad;must be signed by the person appeahang ON THE PRESCRIBED FORMv. These forma may b. obtained fîomi the M'ýunicipal Ceik or froni any Postmaster. Afte.i being filhed 6ut the appeals anad duplicates must be given to the Clenk or left for himi at his a'ddress asstated above, on or bef oie the hast day for filing appeals as above in dicated. W. H. SMITH, Victoria Hall, Cobourg, Ont, Ceik of the Election Boa.rd 38-1 Il Alex. Elliot Il J.Weler Bowinanville BO WMAN VILLE, SEPT. 18, 1924.1 ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradley, Ennis- killen, recently visîted at Mr. Bert Ferguson's..Mr. and Mrs. Thos. West andMis. C. West, Mrs. F. Thompson, Woodstock, have been vis- iting with relatives here.. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall, Buiketon, vîsited at Mr. J. Par'...... Messys. W. J. Ormisto.n,, Jas. Starks and Geo. Cochrane were successful exhýibitors at Oshawa Fair .Mr. W. J. Orniistonwa alsol suc- cessfui at Peterboro. SOL INA Mrs. Mlerryfield, Cannington, is vis- iting- at Mr. B. G. Stevens'; Mrs. J. A Lane, Port Perry, and Mrs. Emmer-1 son, Port Perry, are guess't Con cillor Williams'; RallSs'yawill'be observed on Septeniber 28th in El- dad Sehool ... . Mr. T. Baker deliver- ed an address on the evils of drink- ing and drinking customs in the past at the Sabbath School on Sunday last . . .. Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedron, visit-1 ed hier sister, Mrs. A. L__ascoe on Sunday ...Miss Marion( net Mr. Herbert A. VanNest and. two fîiends visited at Mr. N. E. Wright's *.... Mr. Elias Ashton's big thîeshing engine went through the bridge norbh -of the Tamarac Swamp corn- ers on Saturday. Mr. B. G. Stev- ens and a gang of men jacked it Up and got it out.., . Mr. and Mrs. Olip- hant, Toronto, visited at Mr. A. J. Reynolds' ...Mr. John and Miss Mary Reynolds and Mr. B.- Whitnel, Toronto, visited at Mrs.-John Rey- nolds'. .. .,Mr. and Mis. Geo. Awde, Drayton, Mrs. W. J. Langmaid and Miss Florence, Oshawa,_vîtd a Mr. H. G. Pascoe's. HAMPTONî Visitoîs: Rev. and Mrs. Roadhouse, Dr. and Mrs. Glass are v Nisiting a the Parsonage; Miss Beatrice Leach, Oshawa, with hier sister, Miss Wilmaý Leach; Mr. Forsythe and-sister atl Mr. A. E. Jennings'; Mrs. D. Yellow-J lees visited at Ke!dron; Mr. and *Mrs. J. Gowling and son Jack, and Mis. Henry Wilcox at Cobourg; Mi. and Mrs. George Whiteý and Miss Ruth White at Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs LaThange and childien and Mrs. Gaynoî, Manvers, at Mr,. C. Hast- ings'; Miss Lena White, Mr. andl Mis. Craig, Toronto, at Mrs. R.j Kateîson's; Mrs. Strutt, Rochester,I with lier sister, -Mis. Levi Robbins, Mis. Rees Johns and son, Orono, Mrs Clarence Reid and son Ross and Mr. Leland Keat, Toronto, at Mis. C. Jýohiis'; Mr. Harold Salter with. friends in Whitby; Miss Bateman, Port Peiry, with hier sister, Mrs. E. S. Williamson; Mr.- and Mrs. Win. Bunt and 'daughter, Owen Sound, Mir and Mrs. J. Bunt and childien. Tor-I onto, at Mis. J. Colw-ell's and otheri friends in the village; Miss ,Naoi Horn, Peterboro, at Mrs. C.( or's We welcome to our villageMiad Mrs. Derward and famîly of Prest-1 on, successoîs to Mr. and Mrsý. A. E. Jennings in the corner store.. Everyone is invited to come- to League Thursday evening and to bring some flowers, which will af- terwaîds be packed and sent to the Sick, Children's Hospital,-T oronto. League meeting at Hampton wasl heki Fîiday night as usual with Mis. Hilton' Peters, 2nd Vice-President, presiding. Scripture lesson 1 was read by Mr. Inilton Peters followeld by the topic ably taken by Mr. F. J. Groat. Miss Ruhy Clatworthy fav- ored with a piano solo. Miss Helen Johns gave a short reading followed by a vocal selection-by Miss Ruth Johns. FAI&R DAY SPECIAL ter John Slemion and Ray Smith- are attending Bowmanvilhe High School ...* Misses Luella Stevens and Win- nifred Ok. are tak-ing a business Col- lege Couise' in Osha/wa. Mis. John Orchard and Miss Mai- ion spent the week-end with Colum- bus fîiends and visited the Kent Gardens at Port Perry. DARLINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Langstonel and son Jack,' Mr. and Mis. Harold Langstone,-Mi. John Langstone spent Sunday with their cousins, Mrs. W. H. Wood.,.. .Mis. Albert Langstone and baby Eleanor -spent f ew days with her cousin, Mr. and Mrz * W. H. Wood . ... Mi. andl Mis. Roy Meteaif1 and children, and Mr. and is. Blake Short and childien spent Sun- day with Mis. Sydney Morîis!i, Dun- barton ....... Mi. and Mis. George Corish, Salem, visited Mrs. E. J. jB3Uî.. COURTICE Mi. and Mrs. Pipher, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, A.- E. Rundle over Sunday, and at bhe, morn ing service on Sunday Mis. Pip- hier siang two solos, . Mis. Pipheî hasq a wonderTvoice and her sing- ing weas a rare.treat. We shahl be pleased to hear Mrs. Pipher at any future time.... N~edding belîs -are ringing, . ..At the Pars onage on Sat- i uiday at 8 p. m. the marriage took place of Miss Agnes Shortt and Mr. IMeNamara of Buffalo, They spent [Sunclay with her parents, Mr. and Mis. James Shortt, and îeturned to Buffélo w'here they will niake thei home...Services were especially well attended Sunday .... Look out for Chicken Pie Supper onOcoe lst. NESTLETON i. and Mis. C. H. Porteous and family, Mi. and Mis. T. George Wil- son and family, Miss Ruby 'Veale and Miss Reta MeLean have îeturned from an enjoyable trip north of Min- den. . . . Miss Emma Jackson of Har- riston, Mr. Ralph Jackson, Toionto, have been visitinig Mi. and Mis. A. H * Veale...Miss Mabel Jackson has joined the teaching staff of Toronto Public Schools and reported there after the holiday...School opened September 2nd with Miss Lamb at CoSgarea; Mi. Hairy Thorn- ton Number 9; (ýCedar- Dale); Miss Ross, Cadmus;, and 1Miss Evans at Mahood's Scbools. ...... Miss Sarah Armstrong visited friends near Sea-1 grave ove r week-end and Miss Normia Armstrong pîesided at the organ on. Sunday. . .. Last week evening meet- ing had President George Maîlow in chair, and Mrs. J. W.* Emerson, pianist. Rev. J. E. Griffith sang very acceptably a hymn new to the mem- bers, orchestra furnished mnusic with Miss AIma Williams at piano. Mi. R. W. Philp took the topic giving a good address on The Shepherd Psalm, ...Mrs. John W. Emerson has gone to Toronto to spend a couple of weeks, taking her mother, Mrs. S. Washington *ho had been visiting here with h.. .... Rev. J. E. Giiffith's sermorn Sunday on "Be of goodý Cheer" was very interesting and en- couraging not to worry. . . Mr. and Mis. John Veale attended Toronto Exhibition... Mi. and Mis. John Bedford andfnly have returned to Toronto after spending their holiday I with Mi. and Mis. James Gordon. .1 .Mi. Frank Joblin has taken charge of a school and does some pîeaching at Gibson's Reserve north of Graven- huyst .... Mi. Murray Emerson has returned from a visit with his daughteî Mrs. W. Cîead, Griaven- hurst, having accompanied Mr. F. Joblin that far on his way to Gib- son's Reserve. ENNISKILLEN Ail meiubeîs of the c;hoi«r are re- quested to be at practice this (Thurs- day) night at eight o'clock-shýarp. Recent visitors: Mu. and Mis. Herb.' Slemon and daughteî Greta, Toronto, at Mi. John Slemion's; Miss Gertie Oke has been holidaying at home ;Miss Laverne Gîiffin ,Town, Mu. and Mrs. Lorne Griffin, Cart- wright, at Mi. Wm. Griffin's; Mi. and Mis. Peters and ibabe,- Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Richard Griffin and-family at Mi. D. i3urgmaster's; Mi. and Mis Kenneth Mason and Babe, Toronto, at Mi. Jothn McGill's; Mi. and Mis. W. Smith, Mi. and Mis. W. Stainton and Charlie and Messrs. Roy and Harvey MeGRi attended the Exhibi- tion; Mi. and, Mis. Heîb. Argue and daughter Helen, Town, spent Sunday at Mi. Theo. Slemon's; Mrs. George Preston and Mis. Scott and Mr, Rob- ert Preston, Oshawa, weîe visiting i Mr. Fred Ellis; Mis. S. Hoskin is visý- iting iher dlaughter, Mis. N. Sihi Enifield. ."Miss Lena Mo oie, Wie vale, and Mi. Julian Goodwin. Toi- I onto, weîe recent visitoîs at Mi. W.* H. Moore's .... .A Bowmanville party DURHAM PRIZEWINNERS AT OSHAWA'S BIG FAIR Rain Reduced Attendance Lowest Ever. Over 2, 300 entiies were m--a'de at the big»Fall Exhibition at Oshawa the first- three days of hast week, but ramn on ail thîee days caused at- tendance to be the lowest ever. Exhibitors fîom Durhami County won a goodly share of prizes. Amiong the awaîds obtained -were thes-e as repoîted in Oshawa Telegrani: Ladies' Work-Mîs. Thos. Perey and Miss Regina Percy and MiJ.s. Wil- lard Caldwell won several prizes. 'Dining Room Furn.ishin)gs-Mrs Thos. Percy won three pîizes-2 firsts and a 2nd, and in Crochet Trimmed Mis. Percy and Mis. Cald- Iwell won prizes. Bedroom Furinishings-Mrs. Per- cy two prizes suid six othier pîizers, also prizes on Chili Sauce and Pick- led Onions.' Fruits-Over 50 pnizes camne to West Durham, the chief winners b.- ing F. W. L. Tamibyln, Oîono, F. B. Lovekin, Newcastle, Thomas Bottrel " Son, Town, and Samuel Snowden " Son, Maple Giove, on apples, pears and plums. Mis. F. B. Love- kmn also won. prizes on mustard pick- les, first on collection of cannedi fruit correctly named and 3id oni crab apple jelly, andu 2nd o collcec tion of native fruits of ail kinds. West Durham is a leader in fruit as well as in high class live stock and pretty babies. Canadian bred Chydesdale Stalhion -W. J. Orniiston, Enfield. Geo. Cochrane, Enfeld-H. D. jFilly 1 yr Srd; 1 yi old do 3rd; aged filly 1 yr 3rd; Roadster mare 3rd, foal 3rd. Har ry T. James, Columbus-H. D. 1 Bîood mare and foal, lst., Colt 1923, lst; Gelding- 2 ýyis, Ist and 2nd; Span 2nd. T. Baker & Sons, Soina-Ponies, brood mare and foal, 2nid, foal 1924, lst; Shoithoin bull 2 yrs, lst; cow in calf 3rd, heifdrfT yr, 3rd; herd 3rd; best calf 2n'd. Copeland Shoe Store-Lady rideri lst $20. J. A. Melvin, Newcastle-S. H. heifer caîf, 3iid; bulîl yi, 2nd. Ray McLaughlin, Oshawa-W. D. Dyer, an Enfleld oki boy, and H. F. Werry & Son, Kedion, won many prîzes on catthe. W. Glaspeli & Son, Taunton, won ahI prizes on Cotswohd Sheep. Mark W. Blackburn, Bowmanvihle, R. R. 2, won ail prizes on Leicester1 Sheep. J. W. Balson, Taunton, won al prizes on Lîncoînis and soin. on Ox- f ords. S. Snowden & Son, Bowmnanville, R.R. 3, won several prizes on Berk- shire and Tamworth Pigs. Mis. C ..F. Werry, R. R. 2, Osh- awa, won six first prizes on butter- a record seldom if ever equahhed. Mrs. F. B. Lovekin won 2nd on, best 5 lbs. butter, lst on brown bread and other prizes in dome stic science. Men's Brown and Blacek Grain Caîf Leather Oxfords with he.avy soles, a real faîl Shoe. Specially Pricedl $6.75 Pr Men's Plain Toe Brown Caif Oxford with double welt sole and R. H. $8.00 pair Men's Fine Patent Oxford, foIr dress wear on Paîkway last $7.50 pair Men's Fine Black Caîf Boot, on new wide, round toe last, $7.50 pair Men's Strong Leather Boots in Black and Brown, $4.50 to $6.00 per pair Many othier lines could be mentioned but eall in and see for yourselves that the valnes we are off ering are of the best. Women's Brown Suede Ox- ford welted soles, ahl sizes $7.50 pair Women's Bro'wn Caif Ox- f oïds and Strap Shoes, $4.25 to $7.00 pair Women's Black Gaîf and Black kid Leather Oxfords, $4.25 to $7.00 païr Misses' Black Patent and Brown Caîf Oxfords, extension soles, $3.00 to $3.25 pair Childîen's Bunny Foot Shoes sizes 1 to 51/, in Black, Brown and Patent, lace or button $1.50 pair W. CLAUDE IVES, PHONE 241 BOWMANVILLE S. W. MASON & SON PRESENT Women's and Misses' Coats For Autumn Wear Chiefly Concerning, High Grade Merchandise at R ~Reasonlable Prices "How Smnart", "Just Wonderful", "Awfully Reason- Me 2 able" these are a few of the miany comments we have been delighted to hear the last week or so about the New Coats that have arrived at our store for Fali. Qî ~ We'honestly believe w'e are. offering the finest se- lection of garments we have ever been able to collect to- gether at prices that are truly remarkably reasonable- prlices that make it possible for every woman or girl to purchase a stylish coat for autumn wear. May we have the pleasure of your inspection of these mnodels? 'We are only too glad to have any lady or young lady corne to our Coat Dept. and try on, inspect and examine any or ail of our merchandise without feelinig undler any obligation to buy. Our salespeople are always at your service. S, W.o Mason & Soà%n Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-To-Wear Phone 106'Bwaniî L g [ail Shoes You Like They fit the feet, wear well, look well. They are real shoes, made of good stock and honestly constructed and the price is fair. They are worn the year round by those who want comfort and foot ease combined with style and service,