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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1924, p. 7

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Ir Find he Mst Uj mct in h ire Startîog witb the Letter 'S' Easyto sive.Try It. %W*itbaut nnay trouble w hatever, you eau readlïy see suiha, etlaiSu, ",Saw," etc. W'ell, thle athers are just as easy to see, but the Idea is %wha can filld the most. Fifty big rash prizeýs iUil be given for the tftiy besi ils ts of "S-Wor>ds"sbmte in answer ta this puizzle. The persan sendfrg in the neai-est correct Miýt of n anus wilI be awarded tirst, prize; second nea.reat co-rrct l lst, scn rvetc. Sep holv mar Von cvan find., tf Tl r mail and EoepimVs OPEN Tc ALL Everybodly 10111 la COSIS NOTHING 70 TRY It cffets nOtht 'ng ta takeparThe -%bo d Puzzle Gamin eà campaign ta nrase the pope. larity loi The Mail & Emipire- lit la not a ,.ub. acription eontest and you do flot hauve ta sendi a single sebffrIption te Win a prize.if your answer le awarded flrst prizq Sy tjie judges, you will wi$25.00,- but if you wyadlajke te -wln more than 825.00, we are gotng Ue maie the foliowlng speejl oUa, wereby you ean Win blgg"er ah .-VU AN WIN $1i,OOO,oo.- Here's how Ifý the judgeùs award yer ans3wer FIrst Prive, and you hav snt la nai yearly snb- cripticn ta The Mail & Empire at $5.00 a ye-ar, you _will re_ýcelve $500 instea i85 eodPie 20 l'hlrl Prive, $150, (ýSec second columu f ffigur« E iprive liat.) alo"bSendPz,$2 OBSERVE THESE RU LES 1. .Any an. woman or chilid who le flot a reident of Toronto or Htamtn and who is nf l n the employ of TLe Mil andi Empire or a mieMber of an el 1oy', famulyý, ma-y subm!ît an answOer. It ctsnothing to try. r _ A JL NSER M CST BE JMAJLED -MV 1 I lste Of namies aboula ho wrItten on' one Bie ýof the pa peron 1Y, and numnbered cbnsecutively 1, , . ec.Write your full name and- address on eah page in the upper'riglit hand corner. If you idasire to write anything eise, use a separate dheet. L4. Only such words as appear ln th. English De- , onary wiii be counted. Do flot use obaolete words. Wbare the plural la used, týhe singular cannot be countad and vice versa. 5. Words of the saine spelling cen be used only once, aven tog used to, dezignate different ob- jectao or a-rticles, or parts of objecte or articles An' objact orarie can be named ooly once. . Do ntuse bypheuated or comnpound*words. or any ods formied by the combination of two or monrs complete wor-dz, where eacb' word la itsif la anobject. 7. The zaner naving tha neareet correct list or. nmaof isible objecte a"d articles sbo'sn in the picture that begifn, wth the lt t ert S" 'i l ba aw.rded Fl-nlrt Pis t.Neatuas. tyle or band- writing havaexno bearing uporn daclding tho wl.nnOrs. &-yAn>-mnmbýle f PeOplma11y co-OPrate in an- sarng tha Puxzzl, but only ona priza nl hae awardJed to ZnY oMe houssbod; sor wili prias. ha award1ed Co more than One of any grou1x wbere tW'o or more hava been worlduig together. i. In the avent of a tîs fOr an>- prlze offared. thefu!ameunt of such Ïprias wili be Swardod to.aaCh tied participant. ile, bcipin (both new or renswal>. psy- able, ln adiýane e t 0 a year by maIl wliI be accepted. Hwvslu Quailifyiug for the $i.tr BoenlsRenar, et ea0 ne new subscripition muet beo sent in. -1.. A non cUb8orlber la an> ne ýwboaihe l basa rciing The Mail eand Empi'ra b> mail 81,Ca 1ILAfebeI thnswe îî ro -ecelva the saame conldratlon rT arle O f whether or flt9a ubcription to lie Malk and Epie ,suetin I.AIl e ucîton e whillbha carefully ver- fied )by thaePuzle anageýr. Oandidates 3markc- lng id uheripioneas ew lllpoitlvely for- fat he C1ýi-dt ,f euch sbsriti squallfying for the Maximnum Bonus Reward,. 14. Three rmîetToronto c1izen,havil n connoc-tion wiih The a M al andEmpire. will ai eolcted to0 set as udgss to deciCie the wînnere. ,an(] particiPanits a gre- tn aocopt tha ecisofothe Ju1dgease flinalanid concluRiveý. 15. ThV- udg Ilnl Meet on Oçiober 1lth, andj announcemonnt o Ë tha Prias Wlnr and correct Piet of w 7i nl haepublished iu 'X'ha Mail and Empir Jue as ulcky thoreaftarý as hif osltl3 Or, if you are awarded a r Prize and yen have sent i two) yearIr esv4qrîptams <ather one niew a4id one renewai. or two nuew snbscrlptlons) ta The Mal & Empire.at $5.00 a year each, you wMi recelve $ 1,000 lnstead of $25; Second Prive, $500; Third Prive, $300. (Se-cbr column af flguîre-- li prize list.) - It taites but tv4o suabec,'rfptions te quaity zfor the big $ 1,000 reward. Absolutely twe uacitiu Is the maximum, an ncbwilesta b. a new sb scrl ber. ýYou ecau do tbis wlth little effGort. yeeur Own subscription wlll ceunI as- one and Nwe ea>ýu laite sebscx-piîon ta start at any future date, lc aend. Ing lh yoer subsriptîion give full Instructonsl on a separate sheet frorm that au which yen send yoar answer. FFTY BIGCAHPZE WINNING ANs-wEx IL EGIE A PRIZES ACJOORDING TOTH TABLE BEIjOw PrInizeilTw, PreIif me Pria If Ont y9ely sebxîptlsai iubrig isarptos 'r", ft. IsgLx 55MIi t. ist Prize .$2,0 800.00 810.0 2nd Prize . .200 .00 5ýD 1fl00 3 rd Prive .15.00 Î50.00 800-00 «Il Prize .1, 0.00 100.0(-I% 200.0 51h PrIze ...8.0 5.00 150.01) GUI Prize .........00 50.00 100.00 71hPrize . ;. . 5.0&G 80.00 60.00 Sth Prize........00 25."0 50.00 9111 prize......00 20.00 40.00 101th Prize.... .(e 1,8 0.00 1lIth to 201h P'rizes inclsive 1.50 10.00 20.00 2 1s1tau 50t h P'rIz(esinclusive 1.00.0 150 IN THIE EVENT 0F A TIE F op ANTpRIZE 0F-_ VER.EX TI F ULL AMOVNT 0r suOH PEiuZE WILL1 BE PAIX) T F) ACITTIE!) PAR ICIPA-Nr. C. A. MONTGOMERY rrXzELE MANAGER. - h olil m Epr DenL n. - "HOME ON THE ROAD" z None Wil Satisfy 1111e pure, d êlic joue F. J. Mitchell DISTRIBUTOR Dominion Upright, Grand and Player Pianos Highest Awards London Paris Philadeiphia Chicago GUARANTIEED FOR 10 YEARS The Namne "DOMINIONI> bas beenl a synoniym for excellence in miusical instruments &Ince 1870 In this 'district, instrumenta may be seen, Dy sppointmrent, at ther factory, Bowmanville. Many purchasers ta1ke advantage of the' deferred paynts1 which are willingly arranged to suit 'the'convenience of customiers. For information write Box 353 or telephone Nos. 86, 92 or 105 The Canadjan States man is $2.00 a year -and worth it. Subscribe To-day Balmora! Hotel, Bowmanville HISTORY 0F BALMORAJJ. HOTEL r NEWCASTLE BULL It was often heard whýn the ca -N R M P E paign was on for Local Option that Oshawa Telegramn say's: Th if this vote carriedi Bowmianville *ounjg daughter of Mr, Erni would be -without suitable hlotel ac- Marks, ownier of the N,ýew Martil comminoclation for thje travelling pb Theatre, was Tuesday badly injure, lic. That was more than teon years iwh en a 1lfull becamie frightened an( ago. But what are the actual facts I ran through the Mary Street Scboo to-dlay? Bowmanville neyer had in yard w-hile the children were at re its history a better hastelry tban tbe cess, and trampel)lledl the young-ste Balmoral Hotel offers ta-da-iy. under its hoofs. Uler head and on( MIr. A. J. Wadhams purchased the hand -were injured. above property about a year ago, Mr. J. A. Melvin, New(castle, own having sold tbe Royal Hotel, Whiit- the animal and broughit it hiere foi by, wbicb he had operate'd for two the Fair. Býecoming frighltenedý( years. He was no stranger to thîs the animal broke away from J town as he managed very, successf ul - Broadibent, 170 Groomie Street, arnc ly the Bowmnan 11Quse here fjom, Lyell Wood, 102 Nassau Street, whc 1918 to 1921. had it in charge, and ran through thc Since returning to B owm-aniiville scuhool g-rounds wb-ere several hun- Mr. Wadhlams- has had feiý idle mim dred childiren were at play. 1It i s ents. It isn't bisý nature ta sit stijli.i'ee-amavlhtmreoit H1ebas to be doing somiethfing and, youngsters were not inijured. that, somietinlg was imiprovinig the in- LIEUT...COL. EDWY WHITE terior and exterior of the Balmorail I EA Hotel. Fromi bascement ta garret te The Daily Times-Herald, Dallas, botel was gi Ven a complete and T~~ fSpebr6hcnar thorogh clneaniand enainhaîf-tont, portraits of Lieut.-Col. beîg pîntd ad apered on everyId fIat Ol furitue ad hose ur- wy Wihite and Mrs. White, recent- niishings were replaced witb new and trab cnerrersof MilwaueeWs. mnodemn equipm-ent for the comfort taibesommnr of the S outhesiv aind Convenence of its patrons. TbeDvion ftbSaainAmy botel rotundla was remodelled, the- "We're happy ta be bere and every ,dinng ein nlaed nd mcleindication is that we will like Dallas dinig rom enarge and madefine ,W said~ Lieut.-Col. Edwy White. more attractive, pool rooms werel1 replaced with travellers' j ffe This is miy first visit ta Texas and rodri.ýý Bwlig lles ei: sp w as astounded ta view such a met- room. Bwlig aîcy wee aso opolitan City, althougb 1 have beard put in first-class conditýion and a gre at stoies about Dallas", hie sagid. refreshment bootb installed in thiis1ConeWhtcaelr fm departmient. Tbere are now 30 w'ell, Milwaukee, where lhewa commiand- appointed bedrooinis and diningroomi er of the lake division of th.- armyv. accommodation for 75 persans at a: 1n that City the Salvation Arm'y hias'a sitt heing.ilut aEenitwil$150,00 Ol communýity anýd division Fromtheaboe ilusraton t wll eadquartem-s buildinig. Hee declared be Iseen that ail the improvenentsjlit his intention ta or for even a w e re n ot c o nf n ed t o h e ý 11i r 0 la rg er a n d b ette r co m im u n ity b u ild - the building. A very ha1dmei ng bere. Col. White bais been an two-storey brick vemandab was ectafficer in the Salvation Arm-y tbirty- ed this summer at the front entrances six earS. facing King St. and the Provincial hene dviioycmmndr i« Higbway. This new addition basi be ofiicýially7 installed Wednleýsday been tbe means of attracting many nob t ryctaebËCl lx weary and bungry motor tourists ta Damion af Chicago. At this serviée stop aLnd enjoy tbe comforts of this greetnso \ecmwiIbexnd "H o m o n th e oad . A oat of è, d b y M ay or L ou is B la ylo ck , T . M . paint on the outside hias also brigbt- Cullum, President Chamber of Coin- ened the appearance of the hotel. mehce, 'a representative fmomr the Witb tbe increased use of motorý Pators' Association, an'd A. C. Big- cars by commercial travellersand the ePsintDla Com iy tourist îrafficgMr Wabasms ie,, 1 residnals omnt erectedalremtlgrgwhierel Commandant and Mrs. H. G Jamies formerly stood sbeds and borse stab- arrived here from Shreveport Satur- les, wbîeh will bouse 12 automobiles. day ta assume command of Dallas The grounds at the -rear have aloo corps of the Armiy. They will be been levelled and impmoved ta b e in intîe1 Sudyugt I keeping with the rest of the property. Col. Edwy White is a Bowmnanville 1The history of the Bali'oral Boyan s e afw-ve-'ag Hotel takes one back ta the middle, ,arde rid a eîeafe eks g S0's of the past century wben Mr. lyrlinthesom e r oeatefm John Darch, who still resddes in Bow: l- lti h eeey mianville ,had.,it built. Wmn. West- SEPTEMBER WEDDINGS laite, Was the contractor, and A. A._____ Post, the arcitect-,both of Wbitby. Vey pretty was the wedding Mr. Westlake sublet the carpntywhich tookpaea h oeo r work ta Tbos.'Osborne and bis cous- I and Mrs. John Hislop, Whitb3t, on in Robt. Osborne. The botel costl Sept6mbey 3rd,, wben their $U,00 to 'rect awbich is Iesýs than1 daughter, Janet Marguerite, became one quarter the present value of t1119 the bride of Dr, Stanley AfQnt propeo lerty.gamemy, son ot Mr. and Ms R. C. Sani ofauroldr ctizns illMontgomery, Woolfrey Avenue, Tor- remeamber that about the timie ther onto. Rev. E. Turkington of Whit- Balmoral was; erected there was con-iy efre h crnoy sýt Our resntndoe bi Hii_ igh n on Scho, e4 by Rev. A. G. Hudson of Toronto. O ur rese t H gh S h ee M r. R . N icholson played the w ed- wvas under construction. The Meth- 1 ing mnusic. In white crepe -was tbe odist Cbu1rcb was also rebuilt aboutide that time- Withbthese tbree large coronegofned, heviarngdia undetakings gaîng on in the town ~e foag lsos h the etpresincie.t mnne carrield a shower of bridaI roses. s"owna i ws oaig eîr Miss Amy Hîslop, as ber sister's that bridesmaid, wore yellow crepe wit after its education, salvation and blcvevtituehttcedwt aMn. ation dýep, te !ýtI -ia yellow and she earried Sun- Mr.Dach onuced he ho e rose heary awas supparcted hîmself for about four years z;wbenIby hbis hr M.Ginu qn Ile leased itta Mm. Wnmrren for a few gmr. At M.Ge C. on-i years tben lhe again assumied the0 a b.Aferiiuffet luncheon, management. MD.To.Jcsn r. and Mrs. Montgomery left for a pucased the property later butwasi eDmtr. ont ometrp ts léat- uinabnie 1ta make a success of tbe ýn points. D.1 otgmeyis1 ~ v vlenture, the mortgage was foreci î, ng sbortly ta comiplete bis post-grad,- ed and the property sold ta a -syn- uate 'course at Staten Island Hos- dicae o loal usiessmen whopital, New York, wbile the bride leased it ta John Connors. will enter the Kennedy School of Shartly after tis Local OptionMissions, Ha tfor Cnni e came in force anîd the Bialmoal the y oung couple's pumpose ta tak ýanl Bnntt bue wre ra Hoelup mission work at Old Uial and ennet Hose ere ath ur-Soutbern Rhodesia.Umal chlased by maoney suhscribed b.y tenii_______________ pemance supporters in Bowmnanville and the immediate dfistrict. The company -was incorporated as The- Bowman HlOuse Liited. A few years later the Balmaral a pr chased by the Goodyear Tire & Rub- ber Ca., and was convemted intdo a Club House and boarding 'place for the employees. It was evenly opened ta tbe public as a botel by the Rubber Comnpvny and w-as continued a as such until pumebased by Mr, Wad-- bamns in June 1926. to-ay.Butou cannpot kwht wirsll hapn to-mei orrow Youee. can ret youreagist j innlo, howevefr ,.ofireeinuanceis te ty protection we offer to those who would be pre- p"ared for to-morrow's eventualities, J. J. MASON &SON, -Real Estate and Insurance Brokers SUGGESTIONS Fi y ol bin vith Genuine D. L. &W.1 Scranton Coal at SIJMMER PRICES. ~Cover y(yuri roof with Artistic Ruberoid Octab Slate Sur-faeed Shingles. Colors-Sage Green and Venetian iRed. Verýy best maiterial and manu- facture. Also roll ro-ofin-g of various grades and prices to suit every p'urpose. Replace your unsanitary, dust-laden carpets with Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring. Cheaper,r more wholesome, more durable and better in ap- pearance thani other floor covering. Estimates cheerfully furished on ail kinds of bulding material.j MClelIaii & CO*, Limited King St, Est Office Phono 15 Houa. Phono, 228, 274, 218 Bowmanvfll GREEN TE.A H47C3 The ~nest green tea produced a - As1~ for a trial p~cRa~ s F~!FE S4~~LE d ~REFN TEA UPON REQUESI. ~SALAUA:' TOR8N~1) More and more the experienced farmer realizes the importance of accurate book-keeping. The farmer who openis a Chequing Account with the Bank of Montreal is enabled to keep an exact record of receipts and expenditure and to have the helpful advice of an experi- enced banker whenever lie needs it, We shal! be pleased te çipply >ou -with a Farmer~s Accourt Bookfree of charge. I J. A. McClellan, Manager Bo wmanville Branch BANKOFMONTREAL EstLablIIhed over 100yeûr-4 jis on the way. If you knew to-day that to-morrow's fire would destroy your home, you would prepare M Tue Mail & Empire announcas lta-day a Mnost (uter-e--tîng and arnesing gamne. All eau participate ln luis grea~tin gatme-fr<sn a seho>ol boy or girl to Dad, Mother. and aven Grandpa snd «randma. t holds no prefereýnce -to age. It le a% test of your kIdl lu ferreting out '"S-Wordî" in thue Puzzle Pie- tire. It's a jlm dandy puzzle gina. We now you will enjoy lt, for everyone loves a puzzle, aud we venture to say you91 nover hiave more 'fun, to-morrow. 1 1 Dept. 1

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