tati Witli Which is Incorporated The Bowmanville News A n *xT Vol. LXX. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THUItSDAY, S5IPF1MBER '25, 19z'. t2.üC a -ear ln, iAdvance ,c a Copy, -I 1~ 4 s AI y A -r~ f -4 .11~' A' SA' COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDEIRMAN ANNOUNCES THE Fi"rst ôShowing of' Fal C,,oats and Dresses! rwr There is great interest in store for those selecting their new wraps early. Already fail assortment for Fail and Winter are here, and seeing them you will agree that they off er endless var- iety in style and material that mark them as distiinctly new. We \w,11 be pleased to have you corne in and see these., Prices are lower than those of other seasons. Consider this an invitation tlo corne to, our store and inspýect our magnificent display of New Fail Coats and Dresses. An inspection places you under no obligation to buy unless you see the garment which suits you. NEW SILKS AND FABRICS Here you will see ail the new materiails from which the Aut-, urnn Fashions wiIl be made. This attractive display of I\ew Dress Goods includes the season's pet weaves. FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR MEN AND BOYS In our M en's and Boys' Clothing Dept. you will find ail the needed requirements in ciothing and furnishings for Fail and Win-ter wear. Style combined with comfort and reasonably priced makes it, most desirable for you to patronize this store. JusE Arrived Paper White Narcîssi 10e each; 90c Dozen; , $.50per 100. Fragrant white clusters sure to bloom, can be grown in ful ligt from start. Try a few- now and have extra early flowers. S., J. Jackman &,Sons 1Florists Phone 80 Bowmanville Royal Theatre ]BOWMAN VILLE 1Friday-Saturday, Septemiier 26-27 Shirley Mason in "South Sea Love" Monday-Tuesday, September 29-30 "Trifling With, Honior" A comnedy drama with an- ail star cast. Wednesday-Thuraday, October 1-2 foot' Gibson in "The Rming id" Friday-Saturday, October 3-4 "The Plund9rer" With Frank Mayo, 1om Santschî, .Evelyn Brent and" Peggy Shaw. A gripping story oGold Mining and Human Hearts. MOnday-Tuesday, Oct-ber 6.7 "Emüpty Hands" With Jack Hoît and.Norma Shearer. A wonderful story of the great Can, adian Outdoors by Author Stiinger, WedniesdaY-Thursday, October 8-9 Harold Lloyd in "Girl Shry" Friday-Saturday, October 10-11 Tom Mix -in "ILdies To Board" flower ON A M0TOR- TRIP NE YRK 1874 GOLDEN WEDDING 1924 WEST DURHAM 'EXHIBITION LOCAL AND OTHERW1S__E ______Relatives and Friends Meet to Gel- Ideal weather favored West Dur- Mr. Ross Hearn, Toronto, was in Mr. anld Mrs. Norman S. . ams bate the Jubilee of Mr. and Mrs. ham Agribultural Soî'ety for Its an- town Fair Day. and niece 'Miss JMosetta ontac James Hodgson, Tyrone. ni fair on Tues3day and Wednes- Mr. Clemens Perey, Athen, spent Wh7(itec left Bowmranville on Wednes-, da.y, Septembef 16-17. Most of the the week-end at home. dîay' evening, after the Fair on a mot- ý A happy gatheiring , was held in the iniîîý the v-arious departments Mis arre Cîme -York. In Tor- afternoon of Tuesdlay, Septemiber1, ptoth uulhaasidad onto they wýere entertained by ,Mr-. at homie of Mr. Robert J. Hlodg-son, Floral dislpay wa-s neyer better.spnSudyito . ,and _Mrs. Laverne Hlof in their new in Tyrone, to tender congratulationsl Fruit and vege(tab-les aithough flot Mr. Norman Bottreil, Toronto, home in North Toronto at a corn toeMr Jas. Hodgson and 1M/rs. Hodg- large, were of a good quality con- spent Sunday at horne. roast attended by several memibers son (-Miss Margaret Noble) on the sidering the unfavorable season. Miss Dori.s Kelly, Toronto, spent of the Van Nest famiiy and' other -occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of1 Ladies' Departmients including fancy Sunday with friends here. cousins. Leaving, Toronto at 7 a.uin. their wedding dfay. Groom and the1 work, dlomestic science nnd.fine arts Mr. and Mrs. Fred Myles, To3ronto, on Thursday they niotored through, bride were borni and have constantly w %ere among- the hest displnys lever visited her sister, Mrs. Geo. i allan. to Niagara Fails and after viewing resided in the vicinity of Tyrone.1 shown at this popular f air. Miss Reta R. Cole spent the week- the Canadian Falls for a short timie,1 Several speakers bore tes:timiony to1 In the live stock c:lasseýs iight and end with Miss Leone Wallace-, Osh- they crossed tle International, the unfaltering truc worth of the vet- heav.,y horses ýWere not ns numeepus~ awa. Bridige, signed thene.S. Cust om eran couple ail through tl*ir lives.Ia sa hl ate hesie Ms .Cl a eundfo and had passed C touch.ed one to the heart to hear and poultry were splendidly repres- vrpsantviol wih reltvsa Officers by il1:15 o'clock. By nielht thle many Ile long associates test-etd'Daon they reaehed Weedsport, 15 lsj figto their i' i ekindness izn'nihrttateahylr- ton west of Syracuseý IN. Y*. Fridiay and constant beniefactions to ail whoescrwintehtoyftescey Miss C. Lundy, Toronto, is spend- mornîng they were ag-aini on their happened to be in drstress. No0 one wiestcod the ednsdary af tenont' ing a- few weeks wîth bier sister, Mrs way to Albany- by 6, o'clock. Here ever asked of themi but received good- tedane suWed as ater's ahî L. Quinn. they crossed to the east side of the' ness in full nesradi in eod Miss Florence Belîmnan, Toronto, Hudson River and turnied souÏlh, cases asking was not necessary but reod pent thie week-end with her mother, reachngtioecie Dr. Wi1hl a însgvn popi The _merchants' dis;plays were cut Mrs. E. Belîman. 'iiam A. White's, 461 W. 43rd St.1 There is scarcely a family in the vici I _orn this yePrreyorderotoogwe mor New York City, at 9:40 p. ma., thus1 nity but can bear witness to this pre rooni, to competitive exhibits.Mr. arley h pr oosents,-r n completing the journey from Bow-- dominating attribute of Mr. and Mrs, With the enlar e ruds more Ms hsMr1n manville to Gotham in two days, 1 No.rom aigvn ge.ronThos. Percy. ý 1Hogo. omI a ie to Midway booths, hor, h Odmoie' etrshw Aot n-bnre ndteny and attractions whicb drew a steady! Miss Thelmaz. Gilders left Sunday ing that 615 miles had been covered Ifive relaives ang friends asseiublicd crowd. Fakers were ,more numer- for Toronto where she wiii aittend and he ar ad imade an average of ontepet 'anand while Miss ous than usual. the Normal Scbool. 30 miles per gallon of gasoline con- veima Staples played the 'Wedding Orono Citizens' Band preseipted a. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williams, sumed, thîs wonderful record being March the erstwihile bride and grooin, pleasing programi of music both days. Toronto, have been visiting _Mr. and made possible by the high rate of 1teddb hercide ndgad h hippet dog races which was a Ms.W. R. Williains. travel and very excellent ronds. No chldren, crossing the lawn, took seats new innovation by waiy of gra ndc Miss Elsie M. Bragg, To)ron-to, misapsof nykin ocured o te nde anarh o evrgeen trm-stand entertainnient interested some, spent Sunday with hier parent,,s, Mr. car. After luncheon on Saturdny mied with white and yeloôw dahlias. !but dfid not appeai to the popular and Mrs. W. J. Bragg. the Canadians ieft with Dr. and ýMrs. Bey, J. W. Downs acted .as Master I masses. Trial of speed an7l farm-ý Miss S. E, Tigbe, B. A., Wood- usutalweend gtnp t a theirvt of the proceedings, and after a Weili ers' trot brought out four starters in stock Collegînte, spent the wee-k-end usul wek-ndtri tothir rivtechosen ad dress ealed on Miss Hazel eachi event. The- first race was1 withý Mr. and Mrs. Jos. O'Neilj, sanitarium at Pîne Crest, Newý Jer- Iogo who rend feeling messages closely contested while ni dark, horse ý Mr. H. A. McCrea, D. D. S., Sher- We, hien r wthhJ sstes A PMrs. Ïcngatltions froni m1any: hadl a walk-away in the latter trot. brooke, Que'bec, gave us a friendly wie adMs ae .Pii friends f ar away who while thy1 List of prize winners3 in thic var- cl atwe not oTrno they are spending thiis -week inhnling Icudntatedepesd them- îoýs idepartmnents ap)pears on <age M. ndMr. . Sharpe aoue o .,nd the wholesomie aronia of the fnniois selves as present in, spirit. Miss Haz-' 6 and 7 of this paper. A ny errors daghr.adeline,.A. Hato,eant 200,000 acres of pirne forest and vis- el then rendl the foliowing adrs- "or oissions should be reported at ic iting well-kow earby Alantic once to, Secretary, R. F. iio, a few dnys of last week at W. Ding- towns and seas-ide resonts. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgson Bwavle.ia 5 tNorman may write soine notes of the Dean Friends: To some of us you _______________ M ins. adMs hs iroTn ttipfr urnxtisu' f hs ou~are parents and grandpanents, but 1.-gueMr of Mrs. W. .Pero!,Tr. tri fr or extisue f hisJor-to the most of us you are, aind hav DISTRICT GOVERNOR J. SYIMES onto w ere get fMs .R ________fr mnou d jCawker lnst week and attende.! Bow- I a.beenfo very y years, u good VISITS LOCAL ROTARIANS. mnii ar nieighbors and friends. We are vr MINSTRSANDCHRCES glad, indeed, dean fniends, to 'ae Members of Bowmanville otry Misses Florence and Alîe 1Verny __ " __ -this opportunity of celebratinig with! Club were in attendance aimrosýt 100 attended Lindsay Fair and vite Metbodist Church, Rev. J. U. Rob- you the fiftieth anniversary of your' per cent on Thiursday evenling at relatives there and at Cannîng,ýtoni mns, pastor. Services on, Sunday at wedding day. Looking forward, a1 Bownan bouse to welcome District'i over the week-end. - 1l and 7 p. m. Sunday School Rially haif century seems an immense1 Gov7ernor John Synies of Lockport,1 Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock and Ms Day nt 2.30 p. mi. Make a grand space, but wben spent in bonest lai- N. Y., on bis official visit here. Margaret Tnebilcock are visitirg Mrs rnlly for al services.' dlustry, genial hospitality, unselfish A business session was held in the Normaý1_ Hamley and Mr. Paul fnenshp ndurihtliinit "lues ý afternoon when the echairmen of the Tr-ebilcock, Peterboro. BeSt. PausCrch,e. D. W.aan away, and r-ooking back it seems like committees were present. At the Rev. and Mrs. John W. Wilkýinson, I esmiise. la.mFesnta littie span. But like ail whoi evenîing meeti-ng Governor John gave! Carnarvon, Ont., visitedi ber parents, areTh Courts". The Holy Comn- view life as Çom :44p eal and ean- one of the most inspiring and force-! Jý,1 1,a ndc Mrs. Wesley Couch I ast p . n-'u souls hiave est, it bas had c ...tbotb its 8tera fui adresses yet presentedl to thewe and attended the Fair. li fthe 1mno,Ésl 1Sea-". 2.830 naiiS. and su(cce"ss camne to you ClU.Y i.-m-Sundalýy Sebool and Bible through youn steady, patient indust- "Rotary", thie speaker said, "nd Mîs Sms CowiHto Clases. RnIy Da *srvies.ry and the blessing-s of a kind Provi- nide hlm better acquainted with adL à oordt Bi'to. o Thursdny, Septemiber 25tih., 8 p. ni. dence. Canada and itspel, and he h.na cfSnturday and were guests cf the -Preparatory Service. tYusbsee ennra oefudte polMse Samis at their home. Yous las eve ben rel 'one, fond hesanie spirit of brother-, ________a resting place after the toil of thei hood, good-will an dfrien dship as on, Mrs. Roger Fishleigh, Toronto, and day, n happy meeting place for 1 the othen, side of that shadowýy lune dnugbhter Mrs. Hlunter Early, Sas- EBENEZER friends an'd neig-hbors, and a readyljthat separates Canada froni the _L. ktovsie 1 oh n n haven for any la need or affliction. S. Rotary stands for International called on other friends here oný Fair On Wednesdlay, Oct. lst, at 4 p. We nejoice with you that its cir- 1 pence, Rotary is a school, ai philos-i Day. tni., the ladies of Ebenezer Churchecie is stili ulibroken and that youn. ophy of Ilile, it knows no boundaries, !, Mi'r. and Mrs. Clark Monnison ni nd wil serve a chiek-en pie supper. Af- have the joy of aliniost daiiy ns- but seeks to spread the philisophyj1 son Raymond and Miss Eva Burk and ter ail are served a first-class concert socintion wt orei&e n of service everywbere. The real' Mr. Paris, Toronto, motored down willbe ive. Mss dyth Pamer grndeildrn. ourintres inwealth of a people is character The1 and spent Sunday at Mr. W. Ding- Toronto, the little violinist wbo toolk this annivensnry is added to byt ow po&iantroblecauete caa sctnaofmrn'.EdF.W thrtofBr- first prize for plnying at the Toronto tact that your only gnnndson c theo ontbcue h hratro Exhibition, wili be pr1esent; niso Mis brates his bitbday on'the sanie day. jteBssa epe n ereitd ede Fnrm, Ciankson, wns in town Thel.ma Squire and Miss Lyla Os- Tbey ail apprecinte and are grateful Botanînas are nepresentatîve business last week and took in the Pain and borne, neaders; Miss Amny McLaren, for the good influiences with which and profesionai men ,who collective- 1 received a benrty handshak.o froni contralto, and Miss Merle McTng- you have surrounded theni from ily seek to study the phiiosophy of. i any old friends. gant, pinnist, Toronto. Aduits 65c; childhood, and the example in up-j service ns tbe true bnsis o! success Mn. and Mns. Richard Srowden children 25e. nîghitness that you have kept 'bel ore and happiness. and Mn. and Mns. Poster Snowden tbem. 1 The six spokies of the Rotany. and Joseph, Oshawa, attende, Bow- DARLINC.TON Your neiglibors and friends are Whethlmben ifte 'ÇIPbib anvilie Pair and wene guests of the _____happy in joining wth your fainiuly in stands for f ellowsbip-inspirtin- Misses Brimaconibe. Mr.an Ms. ams beretycelebrating- this happy event, and we service to one's own business-ser- Mn. and Mns. Oswald Hunt, Lon- Mr adMr.Jaie benthasj o oacp teegfsa vice to one's cnnft --- service to the Town, spent the wveek-end witb berl yut cetteegfsa homie---service to the commnunîty. don, are guests of Mn. and Mi,. Will cousin, Mns. Çre SmnC. Ms slight token of our appreciation and Tehoeiteuntfscey Hamblyn, IDuke St., also Mn. G. Cun- Annie Reddon, nurse in training, love, and we fervently hope thntnd civilization nests upon the char- ningbani, C. N. R. Express Agent, Oshawa Hospital, was a Mond'ay vis- you nay live many years to enjoy oftehoe e isnol n Ms ucigai htn itor with Miss Mary Wood. ... thnMadtatyu dciing yeans acter J. . benebynn dugte Mn-may be free frouî cane, filled with high'i standards of the home. Dr. James L. Hughes, Tor-ionto, ganet was necent visitons a en pence and n joyous hope for thel Ten fRtn sitrainlwobsncnl eundfo vn boro and Tononto. Mn. Aberh future. pence, buiit up)on a better mutuel un- ssens, was guest of Mn. and Mrs. J. wnsoneoft Merudesa crne (Sigae),.H utn .F esadn mn h business Perey over Pair Day and caib d on 0Gardiner, C. P. Awde, D. G. Hooper men of nil countnies ,brought abouteta numbeofthrfinabe Fair.... Rally Day wili be heid Oct. and F. A. Wenny, Comm-ittee. b etter business methods and a The meeting of the White S-hield bI5th et Base Line Sundny Sehool. MatnDen odsnieth proper c~ode of ethics". 'Cluib will be heid on Tuesd >ay, Sept. prsntto tothverridd awelcooem Later in the evening Rotanian 30 ,1924, in St. Paui's Lecture R'ooni ofpreseftion to e bideand aroom- John Spencer entertnined bis fellow a, t 8 p. m. sharp. A good i-,tin- -'celient -Radio Set, and Miss Nina Botanians at bis beauttiful home whea ance is boped for. .New mre.-mbers SALEM H1odgson preseated to each a pair of1 a plecasan thour was spent in, music cordinlly invîted. gold trimniiied tortoise sheli spectacles and short addresses by Governon i A happy gatheving took place on Mn. and Mrs. Bobt. McWiiiiams and ns indicative of the personai John and Botarian D. B. Simipson. Saturday, September 13,j at Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. Arnolîd McWiliiams characteristies of each, gave to the Cake and ice cream were served by Allex. Pnout's, it being the occa.sion and famiiy, Peterbono, spent Sundny grom a gilded pipe and asb traylMs Sece-h wsasite yof bis uncle's, Mn. R. Everson, 7Otb with their cousin, Mn. Alex. Wilkins adt h bieagled a okMs.A Hrman.bithday celebration. The atften- ..Mn. Geo. A. Stepheas has ne- and miniature mat'fraie which________i noon -was spent in gaies and v ous turaed froni visiting his daugbter, were duiy appreeiated. A pair ofïl amusements nften whic~h a sump,' uous Mrs. C. F. Seboîl at Charleston, Vin- deposit-ware candlesticks in yeliow ý Mrs. Geo. W. McLaughlin,, Oshnwa; t chieken pie supper was served. Wlhen rginia .... Mn and Mrs. Wilbent Fiee and gold, with candies, were neeeived Bey. nnd Mrs. W. Higgs, Port Per- i~ ail bad donc justice to the r 'past Land Ms Fiee, Janetville, spent the froiniMn. annd Mrs. Ray MiýcLnugh- ry; Mrs. Butterwick, and Mnnn'd Couticillqn .W. H. Yeo cnlled the com- -week-end at Mn. and Mrs. George lin.\ Mrs. O. S. Poliardi, Toronto; Mr. Day-, pnny to orden and presented Mn. Cornis's .... Miss Ethel Moilon D Mn. Hodgson mnde a eharactenistie id Noble, Dr. and Mns. F. McElroyi Evenson witb a. bandsom.e pipe in a Bowmanviile, Sundayed witb Mn. and n otaponae el hc a o Kih n n .F wde,1 case. Mr. Evenson made e fiting Mrs. F. L. Squair . .. . Mrs. Gordon was redolent with tlh buor wbicb Onono;-,Mn. and Mrs. Peter Lcaskj reply ,and the company joincé la Pollard, Tinimins-, New Onta 1o, is bas al-iways beca a part ot bum. end Miss Jennie Leask. Taunton;I singi-ng 'For he's a joily good fellow'. . viitngMn 1 ha. o-ar.1 Msrs By.W.Higs-Msss.i1. . m iThs.Wo__ ey Perboro;Miss . Amon the uestswereIn.-a-_ViS._ £ No. 3), Couch, Johnston & Crydermani. tlowmanville Phone 104 Limitea Dàivý'red Fresh, Q Daily U!L- Mil ily