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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1924, p. 2

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OPTOMETRY R. M. MITCHELL Registered Optoietrist by examnina- tion. Eyes examined by the latest wethods and most modei instru- ments. R. M. MITCHELL & CO. Druggists & optometrists Bo'wmanviile (Phone 92) Ont.1 Peter Martin & Son Building Contractors Plastering and concrete work aý specialty. Blocking Machine and large square timbers suitable for rais- ing houses. Now is the time to get your chimneys repaired and ashes re-, moved and other small jobs at- tended to. We are now prepared to build' concrete silos. Gel. our prices. We are also open to do Team- ing. Phone Thos. Martin 206-r5. VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se Hionor G-aduate of University of Toronto AUl case,- given prompt and care- fui attention. OFFICE MAIN-ST. HAMPTON Phone 129-15 Everything Electrical Buibs Ranges Heaters Fixtures Washing Machines Wiring and Repairing Free estimates given. Distance no object, Lacombe's Electric Shop Two Doors East of Atandard Banki Phones: Day 63; Night 358w King St. East, Bo wxanvilo POULTRY WANTED I amn prepared to buy your fowl at a good-high price for them. Don't seil your poultry until you have'first got my prices. I can make you real money for your fowl. Send me a card -or phone colleet and I will cail f or them. I. STIEN Phone 81. Whitby 23-3m Arrer zver.y Meat IS the longest-lastlug confection you cau, bur -and ifS a Iielp t, dl- gestion and a cleanaei for the moutb and teeth. bemelil ne wen ae #î- iae. BOWIMANVILLE, SEPT. 25, 1 924. DENTAL THE EDITO1R TALKS DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE ___ Hionor graduaite in Dentistry Toronto A rather strange coincidence has University. Graduate of the Royal occurred. Our.talks on the value of College of Dental Surgeons of'Ofl- hrown bread in the daily diet pub- tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville. lished in our last week's paper were Office phone,40., House Dhone 22. written the latter part of the pre- vious week, as we had ýdecided te U)R. J.,C. DEVITT print The Statesmnan a day earlier Graduate of Royal Dental College, than usual on account of the Fl Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- Fair. On Wednesday-Fair Day-- manville.' Office hours 9a. nm. to 6 wve received this article sent us on p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone Septemnber 1lth, from Vancouver,' 90. House phone 90b. British Clumbia, the article to which reference was made Ilast week having DR. R. E. DINNIWELL been seYnt by a relative in Liverpool, Hionor Graduate' of Toronito Uni- Engl,,Iand. Note the unanimity of versity and meniber of Royalý College opinion expressed in these two ar- of Dental 'Surgeons. Liceftsed te ti.cles: Making Teeth Strong-Md practice in Ontario and the Dominion. 'yuou ever 1bear of a caîf or a pig hav- Dentistry in ah 'its branches. Office ing the toothache? Or requiring -King-st., Bowmanville. Opposite dental attention because of idecayed 3ank of Montreal, Phone 301- or bad teeth? No, you neyer have. The reason is because of the food. S~The caîf and the pig are fed milk, thýen grass and the rough portions of grains--and they grow strong, PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' h-ard teeth that last as long as the TAILORS aiinmal lives.. They eat coarse pro- 1 1u(ý,s, also, thus nece3sitating hard (FormerlY in Bowmianviiie,) ~now at 1262 ceheing- and grinding. This severe yong'e-ýst., stop at summerhill Ave., a-wr exercises the mouth re- Toronto, Phone Randolph 5197. jawon n rk n, osatsra we cari stii give you aur ba evcs in,~dbig osatsra Guaranteed ta fit and -arkmanslllp ats of fresh blood to the jaws, thus keep-1 pre-war prIces ing them supplied with teeth-building food. LEGALb M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., L- D. b BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY money ta boan on Farm an'd Town Property Royal Bank Building, ti Bowmanville. Phone 351. I ti W. F. WARD, B. A. BARLiSTER, SOLICITOR, NOTAj a Money ta boan. Bonds for eqile. t] Offices: Bleakley Block, King' Street, Bowmanville Ontario. i 4 Phones: Offie, 102. House 279J. CONANT & ANNISf Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries b Public, Etc.k Conveyancing and General Practice t' of Lawd Offices 7% Simeoe St. South h Phone 63 Oshawa k G. D.. CONANT, B.A., LL.B. c A. F. ANNIS, B.A.,,LL.B. f 32-ly v -d FUNERAL DIRECTORS u F. F. MORRIS CO. P Complete Motor or, Horse Equipment Ail calîs promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmanville phones 10 and 34 a ranc Stors-Orono -& Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. C Calîs given prompt- and personal at-! u tention. No extra charge for dis- v tance. Pho5nes 58 or 159, Bo- I mianville, Ont. 3t~ MEDICAL l B. J. HAZLEWOOD), M. D., C. M. it Gold Medalist of Trinityr Universityý Toronto. Four years attending Phy-ý sican and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel0 Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks., Office and" Residence, Wellington Street, Bow-b manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON,, M. D., C. M. L Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, f ormerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t CHIROPRACTIC DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY r Honor graduate of Toronto Ciro- practic College will be in office on ITemperance Street, Bownianville Tuesday, Thursday an Studa afternoon and evening. Phones;: Office 141J; Residence 141W. VETERINARY Dr. F. T. TIGHE1 VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or1 Night Caîls Promptly Attended to.t Office' King.rst. W., Statesman Block,t Wlowmanville. Phone 243. AUCTIONEERS THEO. M. 'SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. 1Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197-r3. 1-tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 10 years' experlence in fan, furni-1 ture and house auction^ sales. Ad- dress Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- -hant, King-st., Bawmanville, phone 131, box 33. JOSEPH COULSON Liéensed Auctioneer Valuator & Real Estate, Newcastle, Ontario. 22-tf SHORTHAND,- TYPEWRITING BOOKEEPING Complete Commercial and General Improvement Courses. Students accepted,,at any time. Good posi- tions for ail graduates. ,CANADA B5,SINESS COLLEGE Oshawa and Toronto M. A. JAMES St.amship Ticketcs -To Eürope--Canadian Pacific, Whit Star Dominion, Cunard, Ameicin. A.sk fer 'information. plhone 53,! Bowmaivîlfl.. We quote this part of the article because of its great value in the up- ringing of chiidren, as pre&ervation of teeth in youth is of veny greatest importance which. we have learned to aur very great sorrow, this know- edge liavingcame ta us when it was aao late, for we were natfed as aur calves and pigs, were fed. Our daily food was denaturized, demineralized and so made ta bie largely devoid of thein bone-forming matenials. Soft food gives the jaw bones littie ta do. Aind the blood, supported an food from which the minerai constituents have been removed has no supply from which ta buîld up stronger and )etter teeth. Our live stock get the kind of food necessary for bone and tooth structure, but aur chiîdren la not. If the humân family ia ta have better teeth a change in the kind of food must follow. The pro-, cedure is simple. Plenty of mulk !or, bone and protein structure and v itamlines for heaIth stimulation; whole wheat bnead for minerais; gar- den vegetables' for bulk and Iran, calcium and the phosphates. This is the basis of good health, good :eeth and long life-aillmightily im- portant. What f ollows las the part of the article that confirasaur statements about the value of coarse or who.le- wheat bread and ta wh71ich we earn- estly invite the thoughbtful attent~ion af ur readers, young and aid alike, Of course, every intelligent individ- ual knows te value of >bath'f'ruit an.d vegetable diets-we shouid ail be fruitarians and vegetanians if we vishý ta enjay good health. But here la what the author of the article says an the bread question: White bre3ad, cansisting largeiy of starchi and very littie of minerais, is. one of ;he worst foods that may be given ta Lhild or aduit. Whole whe-at breaàd or bran bread should have first place on every dining table. After this strang dîenunciation of white bread be adds: Use spaningly of sugar and candies. Brown sugar, maple sugar andçnhoney cantain. minerais, but refinedl, which sugar does not. roo much sugar and candy give an acîd condition not aniy in the mouth, but throughout the body. If this acid condition is avaided and min- erais are ava7ila.ble in abundance, the beeth will not decay and tooth troub- le will be avoided. May we add that wve believe every statemnent herein made. Well may Reddie Mallett of The Anchorage, Teignmauth, Devon,1 Enigland, .say in lis boak on Nature's Way that "man la made on ýunniade at the, table". *** Last week we quoted lenrgthily I fri "A Little Colonel" book on..the choice of a husband. In aur n ead- ing since we came acrasa soie in- formation that indicates very cleanlyý how ta train up a boy so tbhat he -will make a good hiusband for some wor- thy young womian W' len the pYIopQY tinje arrives in his 11f e. We cannot quote the author's namie but lie iâ a man of sound ideas and might very properly fathered his article on "4A Boy and His Chuni". He starts out by saying that every farn boy needs a good chumn and then par- ticula.rizes la this very sane way that all parents of young chiidren îay weil heed: Aý% good dog las a good chum, and every farmn boy should have one of ,these.' But lie needa also a human chum. A good father is a good chum and lucky la the boy who has such a f ather. But most boys need stili other companionships -and îast of them have theni. I know 1 wiii not be thought nmeddle- some if I say that if the f arm boy is ta become the goodl anýd true man that lis father and mother hope he will be, lie must choose carefully the other boy lie confides in and chums with. WVe andtently wish that every par- ent and teacher renlized the vital importance ta every young boy and girl of nmaking nriglit dhoice af coin- panions-it makes or mars the fut- ure of the greater number of the rising generation, whidh belief is aur reason for quotîng mlore fuily C. W B's. sensible article: There are neal- iy three thinga that ar necessary for the ri ght developmen-t of a boy: first, a do-; second, a chum, and third- in time-a best girl. It la of the second essentiai that 1 wnnt ta say, a fewv words about at this time. In choosýing- a chum choose the boy who býas- good biood in him; who camnes fromi the best stock of- people in the neighborhood. It matters littIe whethen bis fatlier be nich o)r paon., Wealth should cut no figure lnaa boy's co.mpanionships. I said choose a boy who has good blood in hini. this pairagraph over and over and When you, miy boy reader, are old trust that its publication in this col- as 1 am, you wh understand miore umn wil be productive of much fully what good blood means, for fruitage for the good of hundreds of there is far mnore importance attacli- Canadian boys: Furthermiore, the ed to this wise choice t'han mnost author says, in choosing a chum.-, youths may, uinstructed, imagine. choose the boy who respects his father, loves his sister, fights for is, littIt hrother and adres ~his, mother,ý the boy who is clean in bis speech and instinctîvely shuns the vulgar and profane; the boy who will not quar- rel nor yet be insulted; the boy who is inidustrious, economnical and who has a profound respect for thinigs Dated October l5th, 1924 sacred, This is the boy you want for your chum, and when he la"'o"d enough he is the one you will. want to inarry your sisten. This sort of chuni will be true and loyal ta you and you can be the same ta hlm. Mn. Geo. Pollard, Toronto, was down f or the Fair on Wednesday. Mr. Harry Johnston, Millibr'ook, has been appointed Returning Officer for East Durham in the coming plebiscite vote. SHORT STORIES WANTED Earn money -and fame writing short stories. Learn by miail from a mias:- ter critic, J. . Mallory-the mnan who helped Jack London. His course is endorsed by Arthur String'- er and many other successful writ~- ens Thorough personal help anrd criticiani. Shows how ta 'develop plots, write and' seil. Write for FREE BOOK, Shaw Schools, Ltd., 46 Bloor West, Toronto. Dept. O. I I i ---I Due October l5th, 1944 Priincipa1 payable at the office of the Receiver- General at O)ttawa or that of the Assistanit Rece-iver-Generaýl ,at H-alifax, St. Johin, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, WÙ'innp>g, Regina, Calgary or Victoria. Semni-annual interest (lSth 'April and lSth October) payable at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. AIl bonds may be registered as to principal only, and bonds in denominations of, $500 and authorized muiltiples thiereof may be fully registered. These bonds are authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and botti principal and interest are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Price: 97 ai-d accrued interest, yieIding 4.73% Privilege of ConLversion Purchasers of new bonds mray nak-e paymnent an October l5th next with Victory Bonds matur- ing Novemiber lst, 1'24 (after d!etachiing- interest coupons due Novemben lst). Such puithas- ers will receive in caLsh thie difference between the face value of niaturing Victory Bonds and the price of the niew bonds, namely, $3 per $100. As new bonds wll1 be dated October lSth, such purchasers -%il] thus receive a bonus of one-haîf month's Enterest (.21), thereby reducing the cost of new, bonids from 97 to 96.79, or a yield rate of 4.75%. As the amount of this issue lim iiited to $Î)0,000,000, as compared withmaturing bonds of approximately 107,0a,000, holders desiring to conivert should mhake immediate application. Pminion of Canada bonds are the m"st attractive investment available ini Canadla. This off ering is made subj eet to prior sale and advance in-riean d the rig ht is reser-ved to allot a less amount of bonds than applied for. Bonds are offered for delivery in interim f orm a bout October 15th, 1924, when, as and if Lssued and accepted by us. Orders may be telephoned or telegraplied (colleet) to any of the undersigned, or may be Submaitted through yoW- usual bond dealer, stock exchange broker or through any bank in Canada. A. E. Ames & Company, Wood, Gundy & Comipany Banik of Montreal The Royal Bank of Canada Il Public Smubscription is znvited for $5090009000 Domminion of Canada Ref urding Loan 1924 41'2% Bonds The National City Company The Canadian Bank;of Commerce Limited The Dominion Securities, Corporation, Lîmited Wle have had an extensive exper- ience with. boys in aur peniod of young- manhood. and can very heart- ijyenos the euthor's suggestions and clear presentationsz of what con- stitutes a desirable chum. But I ,want every boy-rea-der ta try ta, (2atch fully my m--eaining of "a good failyl-". 1I mean a boy whose in- stincts are- right and who naturally likes things thiat *are honest, pure, lovely and who honars wom-anhood, whether his father has money or noet. If, you chuim with a boy of bhls cass there is not niuch danger 'f you falling into bâd habit&. If you cultivate thiese higlier instincts, regardless of how poor yau may be, the best people of the comniunity in which you reside wvill be glad ta welcome you aîs a chumi of their boys and ta their homes. Possibly very few yaung boys ever think how very accûrately the people within miles of their hoire size theni up and give them the exact statua in a social way that their conduct and companian-1 ships properly menit. We have. of- ten had concrete proof Of, this fact. Truly, a boy la known by the cam- pany lie keeps. The-closing paragraph of this splendid. article is so clear, Qanipre- hensive 'and s0 much ta the point an the qualities that caunt in a young man's, life that we could wish that every aduit persan wha renlds it; and especiaiiy every parent of boys, would asIc sons and 4il boy acqusint-' ances taO read it nieditatively for their guidance while passing along the more or less dangerous pathway of adolescent *boyhood. We have read DOMINION 0F CANADA LOAN -1924 'T21E BANK 0F MONTREAL at ail its Branches will accept- applications for the new Dominion Qovernment Bonds either from new subscribers or from holders of -Victory Loan'Bonds maturing ist November, 1924, who wish to exchangc for the new issue. Full particulars wlll be gladly furnished at any brandi ofJthe, BANK 0F MONTREAL

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