-'w' Mason & Date Now Offer You Piough Points at 55c. Arms and Ammunition. Old Reliable Brantford Roofing. -and lots of other things you want and, we have in our large stock-of hardware. Quality HardvWare. at Lowest Prices MASO & DALE The Popular Hard'war --Quality and Right Prices Phone 145 e Bowmanville CANNEL- COAL Ebony Cube-the best cannel coal mixed. We have just unloaded a car for use in fine-, place or grates. Now that the cool. eve4ings are here let us supply your wants for a nice cosy warm grate fire. J. A. HO LGATE & SON Phone 153 Bowmanville, f. Watch Our M Saturday NigI For Real Bars In Meat. C., M. C AWKE Phone 64 Vindows fit galins & KSON Bowmanville inter-nai and te*ra1 Pai are proinptty relieved by De TH-oMîAS' ECLECTRIC O TIIAT IT MAS BEEN SOLD OFÇR I'EARLY FIFTY YEARS AND is TO-DAY A 0 REATER SELLER THAR £VERt BEFORE 13 A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR~ IT§ NUMEROUa CURATIVE QUALITIES.: BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 25, 1924. )POLICE MAGISTRATE HORSEY! ITZNGETOHSRWD fThe Canadian Statesman is $2.00 a year -and worth it. Subscribe To-dayj IT'S A GREAT LIFE It was the Psalmist David whi said that ahl men are liars, but thE editor of the Trial News seems to want to tuke pride of peae for thE newz.piipermaf. "If tbe average newspuperman isa lier he generully lies to protect hi community. If a boy goes out into the world and gets into trouble, the home newspaper says hoe was a good boy until be got away into bad comn pany. If the town's tightwad wbo hugged bis pennies to bis ýbosom in life, dlies, the newspuper throws a m-antle over him and says he hated wastefulness and tbat bis hate for useless spending made him, ver-care- ful for bis investmWents and bis char! ties. If the tow,,n's gossip, dies hie carefully avoids referring to'ber out7 standing weakness, and tells haw she visiteýd the sick and afflicted, and winds up by saying she was a gooc nieîghbor. If the home tea1. goes away from home and gets tfe, day- lights Wbvippýedi out of them, the paper never tells- the unsuspecting worlc that the team was made of second string' players. Tbe edit(or isn'tls liar from choice. The trutb strug- gles in bis f anily breast the samne as it does in the village preacher, but -the prîde of bis community makes -hlm a trembiing rahbit-ýand he lies ta save the loeal pride of the tawn. Stll-it's a great life if you don'i weaken". AUNT'S IDEAS ON CRITICISM We like this bit of our Auntie's philosophy. Don't youlike it, too? Friendly and kindly criticism Iýs a great belp, no matter wbether it is regarding our borne, our selves, or any special work wbicb we under- take. We soon tire and take for grunted a person wbo continuully praises wbat we' do, who gushes in rapture over anything,, whutsoever that we chance to show tbem. In- wardly we think this person in-n cere; forwe know thut everytbîng we do cannot ba perfect, and if we, do not know where our faults lie bow can we improve? To ho contin. ually picking out the f aults and, say- ing notbing ln favor is ànathor ithing. But thoro is another kind of cnit- îcism which we should avoid as we shouid a poison ns 'serpent; that ig whon we hoar of the praiso-of others when they are absent. It bas been said that if a woman hears anoth-er boing praised or spoken bighly of she at once points ont some- discrepancy if the absent womh7n's character, and paurs cold wter upon the words of commendution. A sure -way ta becomo unpopular is ta unkindly criticize another in ber is uncalled for it is better ta keep a ;till tangue thun ta auggest some- thing detrimiental ta that person. We gaini not!1ing by drawing attent"ion. to some in-sigunircant fault, or repeat a tale ta ber disadvantago, or by uis- '1inig that can't phbrase, "I bave no use for siicb and sucb a persan". Sucb unkind remuarks are neyer Worth wbiîle. We also draw a lighi Iupon ourselves, for aur bearors won- der wbther such like remarks will be *passod npan them, thiat ifwe deliglîl in throwing splashes of mud wo may tfavor no one.. Your remarks may fat have beeii hurtf ul, but you would, fat 1ike te jknow that your idiosyncrasies and appeuranco were laughed at and made a common joke, woul'd you? None of us is perfect, and wtýh'at we doand suy may aIso appoar ridieu- bous ta others. Better, try ta look< at things fromr the point of view of the persan discussed and think hoiw you -should like ta bespoken aof be- hind yaur back. Often it is a mean, petty jealousy that causes us ta dislike ta lîear oth- ers commended. It doos not showç a suporior knowledge ether, aithaugli very aften this is the cause of con- tradicting prise-rathor it shows s small, ill-natured spirit. Back upi words of commendation by contribu- ting somotbing equaily good youîr- self. MY WISH If a littie wiord of mine M'y make a life the brighter. If any little sang of mine May mako a heurt the ligbter, God belp nme speak the little word And tuke my biït of singing And drop it in soi-e lonely vale, To set the ochoos sringingl Rýý- Dean of Ontario Am ong The 1Magistrates i Our venlerable and still active 1 Police Magistrate, Mr. Williami Mor- %timer Horsey, native of Exeter dis-' *trict, Devon, England, celebrated bis a93rd birtbday on Tuesday, Sep- ttember 9tb. He bas occupied tbe sresponsible office for twenty-three s years and continuesto, dispense just- * ice to, each and every person who ap- tpears before bis throne of administra- tion. The Statesman unites witb bis host of frieivds in sincere congratula- tions. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Very Valuabie Fair Exbibit of * ,Schools. Some good friend bias sent the Editor a copy of the Publie Service Montbly for August containing ac- count of the SasK-atchewani GoveiÉn- ment Exhibîts at Regina and Saska- toon Pairs, and we have been so much interested îa the description of the -exhibit by the Department of Education that we take, pleasure in publishing abrief surnmary of the tdescription for our reaàers to enjoy. The phase of education givren prominence in the departmental ex- >hibit this year found in the School of Agriculture section was the improve-1 ment of school grounds. The need for this wa- er strik- ingly sbown by means of two m iodels, the first lalbelled "As It Too Often Is", sbowing, the little red scbool bhouse percbed on a bleak, gravelly knoll in the midst of bare prairie with no attempt at making the building or surroundings in any vway a beauty spot la the district or a source of attraction to the boys and girls at- teriding. The second model sbowed what can be-and is being-done to miake the rural schools attractive isteRd of re- pulsive. The entire grounds wereý surrounded by trees witbin wbich there were playgrounds, lawn, veget- Sable and flower gardens and adequate driveways and sidewalks. t The buildings in eacb model were practically the-saiie and the notice- able feature was the wonýderful imi- provement possible witbout the ex- penditure of much mnoney if only the ,department's offer of free trees, for school plianting is taken advantage of. A desirable f orm of rural or one- room secool building was shown by a large model, tbe'roof of whicb was raised to give a full vi*ew ofthe in- terior. Special attention had been paid to ligbting, arrangements of seats, blackboards, cloakrooms and' alùl interior fittings. dMany pictures, photographs, *dawings and cbarts set f orth grap- hically the work of the depaxtment in connection with scbool exhibitions, boys' and girls' clubs, distribution of text-books, enirollmnent of pupils, teachers employed, schaol district or- gýnztion, scbool attendance, and oteamza ite The Scirool Hygiene and House- hold Science Branches combined to emphasize the impôrtance of' child nutritionr. A background of artis- 1,ticaliy colored and well arranged Icbarts and1 drawings pointed out spe- Icîfic ifa&tances of the Value of proper food, fresh air and cleanfliness, and' showed definitely htow These mi-ight be >'obtained. 1 AlI the children visiting tbis sec- tion1 of theý exhibition were carefully wvighed and their beigbt measured. Eâch child was given a card onwbich wvas entered by the attendant nurse the standard weigbt for a ïcbild of that particular age, their actual weight and the amjount that they were above or 'below normual. Bath children and parents were advised as to the best meansý of cor- recting âny physical defects the' children possessed. The widespread value of this work may be judged from tbe fact that at Regina and tSaskatoon exhibitions 38,86 c2o d ren were treuteid in this way. HOLD A VANITY FAIR Lady members of Port Hlope bra1nch1 of the Imperial Order of Daucghters of the Empire hiel*d an aid fa,ý1ed VanitY Fair thut won high praise from the public. Among the ladies wbo took a more or less prom- mlent part we notice namres of Mes- d ames J. L. Westaway,, E.- E. Saider, H. Mitchell, M. S. Huwkins. One feature of the Fair wa baby cantest, the winnirn baby bein George Arnold, son of Mr. and M1rs. George Ward. Ednu Arksey won $2 foi mnst bet-ýq1ifuil girls' oste,11 Mr. Thomas Brown, Centre Street, We are again called upon to repovt the passing of another res-pectedi resi- dent of Bowm',anville who passed peacefully to bis reward early oný Monday morning, September i 5th, in the person of Thomnas Brown in his 69th year. A severe attack ofý rheumatismn some years ago was the primary cause of bis last illness of three or four years' diuration. For the past fifteen hionths he bas been confined to his home and during his later weeks had periods of great suff ering. Deceased was born in Clarke township some three miles north of Leskard and was the you.n-es--o of the late James and Elizabeth Brown. He lived in that nieiglibor- hood up to 21 years ago wben he and bis family moved to Bowmnan- ville, living for a timie in the hoirse next south of bis late residence on Centre Street which lie purchased somne years ago and bas sînce very greatly improved it. Besides bis widow, who was Sarah Brooks, daughter of the late Robertl Brooks of Manvers, he leaves two sons, Lorne of Windsor, and Russýel of Johnsonburg, Pa., and one daugh- ter Viola at home. Two brothers also stirvive, Mr. James Brown' Rip-ý ley, Ont, and Major W. J.* Brown, Amberly, Ont., ail of whom were present at the funeral. One sister, Mrs J. Prouse, Sarnia, visited herý brother a few weeks ago. The funeral service on Wednes- dey was con'ducted by bis pastor, Rev. J. U. Robins, at the fanrily resi- dence, where a goodly number of neighbors and friends gathered to pay their last tribute of respect to a woôrthy citizen. The bearers were: Messrs. C. M., Cawker, R. R. Hoskin, H. A. Farrow, J. A. McClellan, J. H. Needhami and Dr. John- Spencer. Many beautiful floral offerings ex- pressed sincere sympathy for the ber- eaved ones. Besi'des the relatives already men- tioned, there were present at the- funeral Mr. Leslie Tordiff, nepbew, Windsor, Mrs. Annie Widdiss and ýson Stanley, Garden Hill, Mr. Robert Brooks, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown and Miss Lucy Brown, So- lina. BOWMANVILLE BOYS' FARM Building Operations to Begin Soon. (From The Toronto Daily Globe.) Despite the lateness of the season, Provincial Secretary Goldie lias de- cided to caîl for tenders for cottages and community buildings on the new Bowmranville Boys' Detention Farm and have the work started by Oct. 1. Tenders will be closed ten days be- fore that. -~The Bowm-anville Boys' Farm yven- ture is one of thep Ferg-usoni Admin- istrationr's brand-new schemes and is' 'a Project which was announced in the Legislature last winter. It is pro- posed to construct a dozen or more cottages in which to bouse wýaywvard boys, build a community hall, a cen- tral kitchen-, andl barns, and place in the institution, under 'properspr vision, lads w)vIo are deemed worthy objects of instruction and assistance. .Eventually, Mr. Goldie bas si sînce, the Mimico industrial School, which is the chief Place of detention for boys, is to be abandoned in favor of the farmn cottage commuilnity plan. Mimico, bowever, probably will rv the Province for some years yet, as it is the intention to build up the Bowran icl ea slowly. In con- nection witb the plan, an'd to secure the latest ideas, Mr. Goldie and Pre- mier Fprýuson have visited MWon- treal's similar institution and other detention farms outside of Ontario. In connection with the disposai of the MVimico institution, the Govern-i ment hopes to profit bandsomeiy in the sale of the land, whicb, from the farm area, it was in the days of !ts purchase,, is now located on the edge of a'rapidly growing municipality. Wbile the Governmnent's scheme is qut a pretentious one, involving ultmtely -the expenditure of about $350,000, present plans are for an immediate start on just two of the buildings, a d,*inin-room and kitchen, and a dormaitory for 30 or 40 boys. S ol Supplie Cooked Meats always on hand. Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, flouee 272,BowmranvJille- Thrifty Housewives Use Quality Oroceries The prudent housewife knows that its f aise economy to use Groceries flot of the best. Ser table carrnes food of quality which she can obtaini at the lowest market prices at our store. Lt costs no'more to have your groceries de- livered. HnARRY ALLIN PHONE 1 S DOWMAN VILLE Î1 The Good Cook ;-Buys Goodi Groceries The thorough housewife kno-ws that good cooking does not start in the kitchen. She realizes jthat one must have good Grocez'ies bef ore one can create toothisome and whoiesome dishies. That's why she buys here where quality is high and prices low. ARCHIE ,TAITr Phone 65 Bowmanvilie gtI~ n=-A CORET'SCRUMPETS Try a dozen and you'Il want more. 30c Dozen- Willard's Chocolates, Forkdipt chocolates, assorted centres, special for Friday and Saturday, Regular' 60e lb for 34e IL LAT CORBETT'S HIGH LOAF BREAD We Specialize in Wedding Cakes W. P . Corbett (Successor to Thomas Tod) Ba7ker and, Confectioner Bowmanville TASTY MfEATS! The kind of Meat that you can eat three times a day and be the better for it. Every fibre of it is ricli in substance and appeaiing to the taste. Rave you tried our 1Mome-Made Jelied Meats W, T. Allen i Books and Stationery I at 15e lb? It s deliclous. mmomfflmn% Choice Smoked and Select Your :U FRNC NOW! .Be comf ortable when winter cornes. We want to show you why McCiary Sunshine Furnaces are the finest heating system at any price.. They burn .al fuels equaliy well. Every Sunshine Furnace in- stallation is' guaranteed by the makers to give ideal heat distribution at minimum fuel cost. De- cide now to'be comfortabie next winter. Estimates GIadly Furnished Free Greenaway & Elliott HIeating Experts and C6nauItiIlig Engineer8 Phone 18 Bowmaavill»