BOWMANvILLE, SEPT.' 25, 1924. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. (Drý.) King, Waterville, Que., îs guestt of Mr. aind Mrs. H. W. Fost- ei. Mrs. Wmi. Richards s etth ek- end with her niece, Mis. John Balson, Zion, ~Mr. Bert Jewell, Oshawa, SPent lnst week at his mnother's, Mrs. W. E. Jlewell. Mi. and Mis. ýChatterson, Roches- ter, N. Y., visited Mr. and- Mrs. Jos. Rogers. Mrs. L. A. Tole has gone te Tor- onto to visit her sister-in-lnw, Mrîs. W. R . Clemlens. Mirs. F. Titmnan, Foret Hill, LOn- don, Englandl, spent the week-end with her cousin, Mis. C. T. Herring. Miss Gtadys Bunner has returned to Boston to complete her course in, Arts, specializing in Relligious Educa- tien.1 Memnbers of 136th Durhaml Over- seas Battalion, C. E. F., will hold a reunion banquet at the Balmoral Hotel, Saturday evening, September 27th. Miss Buik-e, Supt. of the Chiid-1 ren's Shelteî1 Port Hope, who is "'s iting Mrs. T.'ÇC. Jewell, will address the Womien's Institute meetinlg at Mrs. F. G. Byam's, this (Thursday) afternoon.1 Mr. John Oke, London, and hlis sister, Mrs. Robert Cross, St. Thoi-1 ns, retuîned home on Sunday-afteri spending a week with the f ormer.,'- daughter, Mrs. Sid IMorris, and other relatives here. We were pleased to receive a cal] on Moniday froni Mr. Geo. H. Wil- son, Editor and Proprietor" of The Dily Post, Lindsay. He was ac-, compa-nied by his ister,ý Miss _lor- ence Wilson, Port Hlope. Mis. E. A. Wýight, Tyrone, Ont., announces the engagement of ler daughteî Mabel Loretta, and Mr. Charles Russell Wright, son of Mr. and Mis. W. A. Wrighlt, thé mar linage to take place early .in Otober. Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Moris Beacî Ave., were calied away qtite uný expectedly on Sunday merning,, owý ing te the very sudden denth of Mr Morris' brother-in-law, Mr,. ,Milan Mýcltntosh of Toronto., Mi. Chas. Haggith and son, Rec chester, N-. Y., aind Mis. Goodman, Torqnto, visited their sister Mns Donald McDonald, and other reis tives here last week. They took; in the FaCr and met many of their old friends. Mis. W. E. Jewell, Mr. Bert Jew- ell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wight and Dorothy recently mnotored te Clark. son and visited Mr. and Mis. E. F. weatheîilt. Mi. Weatheîilt retur4- ed with them and attepded the Fait while here. Bowmnanville Womnen's lnstituit wvil ilmeet at the home of Mis. F. G BYami, Chuîch St., on Thursday a:. ternoon,, Sept. 25th. Ail memben attend. Arrangements will be en pieted foi visiting ,Solina Institut( on October 9th. Mi. and Mis. L.. K. Farn an( daughter Doris, Aýurora, Mr. anc Mis.,Byron Haddy and Betty, Mr and MrIs. Chas. Haddy and Jack an( Miss Agnes K. , Hatldy, Toronto spent the week-end with Mi. an( Mis. F. A. Haddy. Mi. John Crumb, Toronto, was a s interested visiter at Bowmanvili Fair on Wednesday. He le now i bis 89th yeaî and is quite active ai( interesÏed la hie old fiiends in Dar l ington. When, he lived in Mapl Grove ,section hie turnip. seed wa very pepular with farmers. The firet meeting of the Women' Canadian Club for the sea.son 1924 25 wiil be held in St. Paui's Lectu:, Rooni on Monday, Sept. 29 at 3.3 o'clock. A very attractive progînr to begie by, Miss Gertrude Pet:. of Port Hope, and a number eof Bo- manvmille vocliets bas been -arrangec Mies Ednn Jeweil was pleasant] surprised on Fridny evening whe she was piesented with a numbero pieces of beautiful white ivoîy froi the officers and teachers, her Sunda Schooi Clase and the Junior Missioi ary Society of St. Pau's Church pri v7ious to e a'sng for Toronto whei ehe wiil attend Normai Schooi. Home and Scbool Club wililbhl its frest meeting for the Autumin Wednesdny, October j., at 8 p. rn in the Piincipai's 'rooi, Publ Schooi,. Miss Wickett will give paper on hier tnp to Noîthein Ontai Did you notice the real haîgainsi ml-ent inl C. M. Cawk-er & Sol'e w: dow Satuîday niglit? eavep you sufficient life i5r~ protection? See W. B. McMartr; Agent, Excelsior Life. ,,57illard's Chocointes, asesorted CEi tres, regular 60e for 34e lb, Fîidî and Satuidny onily at W. P. Co bett's. o f -bargains at Ives' She Store. ~.1a.t.i.o iwavupln 1Reserve, Tbursday October 16 for Companions of Forest Bazaar. Al__________________ kinde of useful articles for sale. FulÉ lne of mnanufactured fuie' now in stock. Conte, chokers, toiesi Roorns W'anted at wholesale prices. Thuiston's Furi Shop. WANTEO--Tweo rooins down staîrsi Shop.with board; we-lieae wif h al modemii -Large impoýtation of Limoges convenienceùs, -for lady and gentlemian, China ln thie'most popular patterne Muetit be central, northý part preferred. Would prefer te be middle aged, couple now on dispiay. As an extra in- -eth ne children. Apply fo box 225, Bow- ducement'to buy now prices nreie n- maville. 39-1w* duced 25% below regular prices for- ,oweek only. Alex. Elliot, Jew- Poet FrSl FALL FAIR DATES Orono................Sept. 2,1--26 Campbelf oid .......... Sept. 25-261 port Hope ......... Sept. 30-Oct. 11 Markhnm .............Oct. 2-4 Milbrook .............. Oct. 2-31 Royal Winter Feir....... Nov. 18-26 ESTATE OF JAMES McMILLAN, DECEASED PRIVATE SALýE of 'teaniý of regieter- ed mares, flve and six years, ln fin.e.con dition, quantity cf -hay, farn imple- mente and houeehold fumniture FOR SALE OR RENT-93 acreso Base Line being part lot nme 20, Broken Front,, Darlington, known as the James McMitian fanm, on which le situated a brick dwelin1g 0f nine roome With necessary outbuildings, barn a36 x 80 Nwith good stable and peultry atccomimodation. P roperty within thiree miles of three Ranilway Stations and fown of Bowmianviile, and one-quarterý mile froni echool. Apply on prmiesf Mies M. L. Amebu-,ry, or Box 212, 130nw-1 manville, Ont.39w Position Wanted WANTED-A,' position as cor'patnni lpi or general. Referenesý. Appiy te Box , Ga ,,zette Office, -Witby. 39-w Music Teachers MISS LEPHA N. DONCASTER A. -r. C. M. Teaicher cf Pia-no, Thieory, Hawaii-an Gutar, and Ukuiele. Clas eopn Sept, S. Pupr-ilS peardfor ilrae of examinafions. -5 HOUSE FOR SALE-Good 6 r oomed1 brick bouse, furnace, electriclilgbts andi town water. Good garden. Good location. Apply ýA E. Luke, corner Centre and Concession Ste., Bowinanville, phone .-~J, 8-tf Farrn Wanted WANTED-To rent for terni with op- tion cf buying a small fanr suitable fer poultry and fruit. Apply giving par- ticulars re buildings, scehool, etc., to- R. B . Brooks, box 831, Peterboro. 39-1 Farrns to Rent FARM ITO RENT-250 acres, lot 31,l con. 10, Darlington. Apply Chas. M Dean, Burketon. 39-3 TO RENT--425 acres goed pasture land, watered an d well fenced. R(ent fer balance cf suniner. Apply 'T. Ward, R. R. 3, Bowmnanville. 2-t FARM TO RENT-126 acres, lot 3, B. F., Daý'rlington. Plowing possession at, onoü, fu]!l possession April 1, 1925., 4.p- ply te Mrs. James MacConnachie, King St., E., Bowmanville. 34-tf FARM TO RENT-1QO acres, lots 2 and 3, con. 5, Darlington, on wbich are fnrme bouse, good barn and other out- bildings, well watered, 7 acres orchard. Plowing possession at once. Full pos- seýssion Mareh let, 1925. For ternis %P- ply f0 Garnet Mahood, Bewnianvllle, 39-tf l' FARM TO RENT-110 acres, composed of ým acres N. P. lot 16, con. 5, 60 acres S. P. lot 17, con. 6, Darlington. Good daîiry fan; god buildings; well water- 1 d; runinmg trough at barn. Ploughlng prnivleges at once. Full possession March sf, 19_25. ~4pply te W. R, Green- av'a-, Hanipteai, R. R. 1. 38-3w'b LOCAL AND OTHERWISE _Mr. Normian Neali, Wiipileg,l Man., le, visting hie aunt, Mirs. W. Hl. Dustan.1 Mi. Joseph Biyant, Toronto, wasi la town calling on old friends, on Fair Day. Miss~ Nora Weîîy, St. Cath-erines, wns guest of her aunt, Mie. M. A. James on Saturday. Mie. W. Wallace, Oshawa, attend- ed the Fair nund calied on friende bere on Wednesday. MiseDoîtbyBeIman left Sundny afteînioon for Toronto where she wili attend Normal.School. Mis. W. E, Tilley le visiting hier son, Mi. W. N. Tiliey,_ K. C., and other friends in Toronto. Mis. J. Rogers and daugfiter Thel- mn, Trenton., were gueste of her sis- ter.-in-law, Mvis. Jos. Rogers. Mîs. Dlavid Grigg, Toronto, spent Wedniecday witbh er sister, Mis. J. J. Mutton ýand attended the Pair. Mr. and Mis. F. A. Cole and Mi. and Mrs. H. Ellis, Toronto, - were il ti8wn Wednesdny ttending the Fair. Mie. Thos. Bottrieil spent Sunday with her family in Toronto at the 1homne of ber daughteî, Mie. Eugene Dopp. Mr. James Milligan, North Bey, 3îecently visited bis wif e and babe who are visiting bier mother, Mis. 1Dumas. ý Mi. Johnson, New Toronto, Mi. 3Tacknbeîy, Norhani, Mr. Penester, -Brighton, visited Mi. and Mis. Jos. Rogers. Mis. -James Deyman, Toronto, wns guest of bier sister, Mis. N. E. Gould, Iand visited other old friends here on LFair Day. IMis. Aibeit A. Ainot, Toronto, attended the Fair on Wednesday and viited hier niece Mis. James Counties' Children'e Sheter An- niversary meeting will be held Thurs- 7day, October 2 at 3 p. ni., at Port Hope. Ail inteîested invited. Mis. . F. Hl as returned froîr a pleasant visit in Ottawa. Her grand-dnughter, Miss Je2sie Brown haccoinpnnied hier home. Mi. and Mrs.iWm. Lingard, Port Hope, and, Mis. Frank Bone, N-,ew« ,n JatlwrFair Day guests of Mis Chartran nand Mrs. Dumans. -Mi. Asa Huycke is piesenting.-thE ligbt opera, "The Bluebird", in St. ,'Mary's this week under the auspice. Sof the Rumsey Chapter I. 0. D. E. à Miss Leta Turner, Bowninanvilie, ýd Misses Hattie and Loulise OsbornE nnd Mi. Chas. Osborne, Ebenezer, visited Rev. anid Mi's. J. H. Oke a d Grimsby over Sundny. Owing to the dentb of Dr. W . Honeywell, Mis. W. Honeyweil anc n- Mi. Bruce Honeyweli ieft Toronto or ir Sunday for Charlottetown, Prinef Edward Island, to attend the funeral e Her mnny old friends will b. , serry to learn that Mis. S. F. Hi] ,f. who lives with Mis., Hirami Buili rs fell on Tuesday while in the garder n-. and fînctured her right arn near thg e wriet. Jack Dalmier of Montreai died ii d Oshawa Hospital Sept. l3th, as thi d resuitof a faîl froixi the top of thi r. 500,000 imperial gallon tower beiný d erected there by the Dominloi o, Bridge Co. d IMi. R. W. Copeland-of the Cope land Shoe 9tore,1 Bownianviile,i Inýgathering in his 'share of prizes a ýj thc".Fni1 Pairs with bis pair of car in riae hoîsese, At Oshawa Fair wit, Id five entries hie won 3 seconds, on ýr third and a, silver cup; at Wes le Duihami Fair with nine entries: asfret and 6 seconde. He will als b e an exhibitor -at Biackstock, Oron and Port Hope. L' ý1imiogoes China 25% off. A. Ellol re Mn's Feu O0vercoate $17.50n un [Giihrift' sh lonners -will find a. feaý Artiçies For Sale FOR SALE-CoOk Stove in good con- dition, will seiU cheap. Apply Mrs. Cros- sey. Ontario-ýst., Bowmanville. 39-tf RANGE FOR SALE-Souvenir Range andi Fire GraËte. E. Emberley, Duke-st., nerG. T. Station,Bowmaflville. 39-1t* POýULTRY FOR SALE-Some fine O, A C. CockereLs and Pullets. $1.50 each for quiekle. H. Pawson, Bowmanville, phone 2-r.39-tf FOR SALE-A 1im!ited ciuantity of pur'e bred blac1 iniorcas, ýociterels. Ap- ply -H. A. Galbraith, Burketon, Ont., TEAM 0OF HORSES FOR SALE- Clde, and 8 ye ars, weigbt about 30t(0 lbs. Ajp1ýily J,J. uggins, R. R. 3, Bowmianville. 36-t FOýR SALE-"The Be-ach", Sanitary Closetoes, perfectly new, will s'cil cleap. Enquire of E. WVilliams, Brad- shaw-st., fi;o w;maniville. 39-tf, COWS FOR SALE-Two good niuîcl cowýs, one, with calf at foot, one t0re nwsoon1. A. H. Clemens, RI. 4. Bown,,ianville, -phone 237r3. 36-tf PIGS FOR SALE-Six weeks' old. best bacon typec. $8 per pair. Mrs. Olsen, 1Wiltshire Fan, Manvers Road, R. R. 5, BeWiavilephone 181-r5. 37-tf FOR SALE-Large size Mcçl9ry Art Souven1ir Parlor Cook Stove, in good con- dition, bargaîn. Apply to MTs. Albert Colwell, Centre-st., llowmanviile. 39-3* FOR SA LE-Two Boston Females and four pups. Registered. fermaes preven good blood lines. Apply to Johni J. Sul-' livan, 473 Rogers St., Peterýýoro, Ont. STOVE FOR SALE-'Steel range, Happy Thought, with water front, In good condition. Reason for selling Jiave an eIectric stove. Apply te, Mrs.!Jas. Courtice, Scugog-st., Bowmanville, phione 147w. 37-tf STrOVE FOR SALE-Annex to att ach to a Moffat Electrie Range, including 'pipes for heaing water. Good as new, no further use to owner. Sell haif price. Geo. W. James, Bowmnanville. 39-t PURE BRED YORKSHIRE"FOR SALE -Aselection 0of pigs of weaniW, age, both sizes; aise six months' boars and *sowsý bred. Ail the above stock are eligible for registration and from a pro- leicstraiîn. T. J olBowmanvllle R. R. .J.., Colew CARS FOR SALE-One Baby- Grand Chevrelet Truck, 1/2 ton capacity, iodel T. Aise one 85-4 Overland. Both in 1good condition. Bargain for quick sle. No reasoable off er wlll be refus- ed. Apply te Irwin & Cole's Garage, tBow;manville. 31-tf QUILT PATCHES 50 CENTS-Large pacýkage cotton and fancy cllppings for Patch Quilts, Rag -Rugs and Fancy le Work. Postage 10e extra. Five pound size $1.00. Eleven pounds e2.00. Add 5 cents postage for ec pound. Money 5back unless pleased. M. J. Teller Co-, Dept. "B. S.", 442 KiCng St. West, Tor- tet. 91 Lost or Found AýDOG FOUND- Owner may have sanie )n by proving preperty and paying expen- ses. Party net oalling for sanie after eSeptember 28 will bekept for expenaes. I. Box 268 Bowmanville. 39-1w* eDOG ESTRAY-Canie on lot 2, con. 8, IDarlington, about a week. ago, a collie dog. Owner may have sanie by prov- ing property and paying expenses. Milton ne Virtue, Tyrone, phone 194r6. 39-1w STRAYED-Heifer came on lot 8, con 6, Darlington, (Tyrone, latter part In of August. Owner may have sanie heby provlng property and paying expen- h ses.1 James Storey, Tyrone. 39-3 lg STRAVED-From lot 11, con. 7, Dar, n lgoabout ten days ago, two youn ShosleEwes. Reward for ngfrm I ion leading te their recovery. L. T. l- IMcLaughlin, TyiMone, phioI)e 320-3. 37-tf at GLASSES LOST-ýIn Bowmanville, on Lt Monday, September 22, a pair of golfi r- rjimmed glasses. Reward for return te t1h Bartlett's Garage, or Theý_ Statesman ne Office. 39-tf st CALF STRAVED-Fromi lot 28, con. 9, i Datrlington, on or about July 15, oi1ýe s0roan heifer caîf, 7 months' old. Anyone knowing of its whereabouts inforni no Walter Ferguson, Burketon, R. R. 2,' or phone 199r6., 39-1w t. STRAYED-From lot 10, con. 6, Dar- it lington, on Saturday, Sept. 12, a niulch cow light red with white markings, 'one b ent hemn. Information leading te re-j ýst > cvey will tbc thankfully rieC%ived. Sid 50 Pair 5' to and Button 100 Pair Ladies' Highi Grade Patent Leather Slippers, regularly $8,00 to $9.50 pair,,$¾ PI 100 Pair Ladies' Black and Brown Oxfords and Straps, regular $7.00 to $8.75. Extra special value $4.45 PAIR 200 Pair Women's Patent Leather, Black and Brown Leather, Slippers and Oxfords, regular $4.50 to $5.50, $.5PAIR ~150 Pair Misses' Boots, in Brown Caîf, Black Caîf and Dongola Kid, with P'atent Tips, regularly $4.00 and $4.50 $2.95 PAIR 150 PAIR MENS BOOTS At the last miînute we have decidedc to give. the men a chance to save on fine shoes in Regail Makte. 'flÙese'shoe§ are excellent values at $ 8.00 and $8.50 per pair but we are going to cltear themto you at $5.45 per pair-.. Ask any man who ever wore a Regal and he will tell you the wear was there with the value. SEE THE TABLE FULL 0F SHOES AT $1.00 PAIR High Class dependable footwear was neyer offered in Bowmanville before at values equal to tFese sale prices. Corne in and see for yourself. PHONE 241 Tenders Wanted For sale by tender in village cf Ennie- killen, iot 18, con. 7, Methodist Parsojiage coss igc frame house, size 45 x 40 ft; bar sie 3 x23 ft; n4 are land, bard and seft water. Tenderswill be, received by Secretal-y until october 10, 1924, check with 20% cf tender te accoipan,,iy tender. Balance when possession gve. Check will be returned If tender not aiccepted. Righlest ort any t ender not necessarily accepted5. For further informnation appli)y to T. 21. Slemon, or W. F. Moore, Se'y. -Treas. Enniskillen, Ont. 3- Farms For Sale FARM- FOR SALE OR RENT-In Dur- han county, 100, acres more or less being so)uth pqjrt of lot 2.,B. F., Darlington township, good buidin)gs, and nice stone bouse, well Watr- la nd in a gocd state of cultivation. F or ternis and particu- lars apply te D.ý J. Gibison, R. R. 4, Bow- Manville. 38-tf. FARM FOR SALE-li are ,oo land be-ing lots 1U and 20, Con. 8, Darlington, onj which are goo0fd frame boeuse, good barns, stabling, shieds, etc. Hlard anId sof t water, running streain of water, or- chard, sm;all fruits. 80 rod, frorn sehool, church and store, two mPésC from ra,,Ilway staition, 8 miles freni Bow- manville . Teýrnisý to suit purchaser. Ap- ply to Wesley Oke, Exeçutor for estate of late Williamn Oke. Ennlskillen. 36-tf For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-Ani 8- roomied brj,1 ick bouse withi frame attached 24 x 36 ft,, one ace of land whIib fruit trees, corner of Liberty ;and Concession St., Bownianville, for a 6-ome ouse in t0vwn or Toronto. W. Bl. Fnc y ox 97, Bownianville. 31i-tf To Let HOUSE TO RENT-6 roonis, bathbroorn, lectrie lights, furrnacýe, on brc-t Apply Joýhn McMuýirtry, Bovnianville,. 39-t HOUSE TO RN-unse 7 reeni- cd biouse, ail çconvenie-nces, ga-rage-. Pos- seýssion Nov. 1sf. Apply- to G. A. Gil- lispie, Liberty-st., Bownianville. ?8-lw'b HOUSE TO RENT-Bnick residene eon Eýlgin-st. containiing 5 roonis with ,al modemn conveniep>ces. P(ssseqson -Nov. lst. Appfly te MiRss Ev'a 1Burk, Elgin-st., Bownianvilep, phione 42. 3-tf- HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT- Frame rsdec, containing 8 roonis, electric ligbt, town walter, etc. Aise typewriter ami ether articles& fer sale. Apply te Mrs. Gee. -Key, Hunt Stree.t, box 163, Bowman.rvilleý, phone 360J. 39-3* 1' Exclusive Woen's Ready-to-Weaî 1 I.8,I i3Misses' Shoppe Children'a NEW LOCATION-NEXT DOOR TO F. F. MORRIS CO. YoJ'u Are Invited TOI INSPECT OUR FALL DISPLAY 0F New Coats and' Dresses 'You will find a happy combination of 'style' and 'uti!ity' as the dominant chaîncteristics of this season's conte we are now showing which will so ndrmirabiy mneet your, needs t his Feul. You find at this Shoppe no two garnients alike, yet they embrace aitbe newest miateis and shae.Cnaaepie froni $.16.00 up. This week1 we are fentuîiing n big range of Conte at $25. Oui nssortment of New Dresses empliagizes this store's aoility to meet eveîy drese requirenient, be it for street wenr, nfteinoon or dress occasions. The very modest puices make theni doubiy attractive. We also have dýhildien's Coats ani Dresses et sensible c. S. Mason, Phone 161, Exclusive Women's Shoppe Bowmanvil1e Wbere the selection is large-.Wbere you neyer sea two gar- ments alike-Wiere you are neyer urged ta buy. 100 Pair Children's 8 to 101/2, Blacek and Bro w n Laceý Boots, regular $3.50, $2.4 5 PAIR 71/½, Infants Black Lace $1.25 PAIR Ives' Shoe Store Announces a Stock-Reducing Sale of $>5000 Wqà%rth ofàl Shoes At Tremendous Reductions SALE STARTS THURSDAY AFTERNOON We have decided to reIduce our stock one haif. This will give the people of this district one grand chance to save money ,on Fali Footwear. Genuine Bar- gains in Women's, Misses', and Children's Footwear only. Qur stock is too large in these lines, Shoes will be cleared regard less of cost. Here are some of the great money-savlflg values, to you: 50 Pair Misses' Slippers, in Patent Leather, anid Brown or Black Calf, regular $3.50 pair for $2.45 PAIR 400 Pairs La dies' Black, Brown and Patent Leather Oxfords ,and Strap Slippers. Regûàlarly priced and con- sidered good'value at $7.50, $8 pair, e$5.45 PAIR BOWMA14VILLE