RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY GOING EAST . GOING WEST 8.42 a. mn. D 4.22 a. DL F 10.36 a m. D) 7.06 a. m. 1.26 p 2.02 p. m. 8.09 p r.7.13 p .* .4$ .m 8.24 p. m 7.2M . u 10.02 a. DL 9.68 p .D 11.21 p. m. F F-Flag D-Daily *-.Dafiy except Sunday. c ANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY GOING EAST GOINO WES«r 10.18 a. in. 5.51 a. m. 2.08 P. r. 6.25 a. m. 9.16 p. m. 8.20 a. m. 11.28 P. r. 4.31 p. m. 12.26 a. r. 7.00 p. in.j CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE -STATION Going East Going West 8.34 p. rn. 8.15 a m. Daily Except Suuday JARS Sc. h Oc.-TIJBES SOc-At &Il rg Stores ODSPMOSPMODINE.1 OThe Great English Preparation. 0Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system. makes ne-w Blood in od Ve4ms. Used forNervous Debllty. Mental and Brain Woriy, llesponden . Loss of Energy, Palpitation of te Heart, ailinghMemory. Price $2 petbox, 3. for $5.1,1 Sold by ail druggists. or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of prke. New paî4phWt mailedl *rec. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO.,TÇROIoONT. Cook's Regulating Compound mezdicinê. Sold in three de. gres of àtrength-No. 1, 811 No. 2, 33; No. 3,-35 per box. k Sold b y al druggiste, or set w ea don receipt Of price. Frepamphlet. Addrees: Zs--,ý. - " - ~n ~ FOR JOY OF GOODHEAITH Manitoba Woman Tbanks Lydia E. Pikham's V.,go- tableo Compound Crandall,Mntba- When I was a yeung girl at home and workingz I had terrible pains, amait more than If could, bear, sud 1 was not regular. These troubles kept me so tired all the timne that 1 had ne trength and no amb4tien te join in wlth my friendesud hàave a good time. I was just tlred and miser- able always and life just seemned as if it wasn't Worth living. 1 saw 80 much in the papers about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, aud theu I had a friend who had taken it sud told me about it, se I gt smre. Every mouth after taking iti1 gt stronger and I soon did net suffer every mouth. It stopped the pains sud helped me other ways. Then wheu my bables were coming 1 was tired sud woru eut the first three mouths and acbed badly. I1 took'the Vegetable Cozupounight alan g sud must say it made a new womnan of me snd able te do my work, and it hielpeed me through confienent. Yen see I am a faruier's wif with. a big house te look after, sud three babies now. I have told ever se many women about youn mnedicine. Jut Iast week Igt a fetter from ruy old chum in the aset. Fi.er baby wasboru fifteen daym before mne sud she told me she was nt feeling very well, her back aches se mr, sud that she in ging te take the smre medicine I took. Ye n muse iny Ietteand I hopeme onie wIllI ho hepbe) h1 t'm-Mn;s.o.H. KIDD, Box 64XS, Manitoba. C* PORT PERRY FAIR Lieut-Governor Cockshutt opened Port Penny Faîl Faîn in pnesence of a lange attendance. A street dance in the evening was a poplar feature. Among thýe successful exhibitors from WestDurham wene Geo. Coch- rane, on horses,, alsike seed and grain; Geo. Forder on horses, sheep and swine; CarlWight, B3lackstock, carried off m~ost of the prizes on Lei- cester sheep, as did Glaspell & Son on Cotswolds. Mrs. James Par won on butter. Our blrother Editor, S. Parmer of The Star, whom we have long knoiwn to be an esthetic individual, won a fine string of awands on flowers. Bujt our English fniend, Mn. Samuel Jeffery, won the award opi collection of Roses-the-King of FlIowens. As a venmcide an excellent prepan- ation is Mothen Graves' Worm Exter- minaton. It bas saved the lives of countless children. It Will Relieve a Cold.-Colds are the commonest ailments of mankind and if neglected may lea't, srlu condition S. Dr. Thomas' ceti Oil will relieve the bronch.ial pass- ages of inflammiration speedily and thorougbly and will strengthen them against subsequent attack. And as lit eases the inflammation it will us- ually stop the cough because it al- lays the irritation in the thnoat. Try it and prove it. Cunard line Mauitania reaëhed Plymiouth from New York in 4 days, 21 hours and 57 minutes. MA ou are flot à~e x p e riment- lu g when EOZEM youuse Dr. ,a.-e's Oint- mient for Erzema axl4 8 kmInrrita- tîoî s. It reheiver at once %nud gradu allhea se ki-.sampfle box Dr Cbae'sOlitoent free if youi mention this paperaud sndlo. stanip for postage. G0c, a bo; ileaer or Edmauson, Bates Ç4G., Lintd oronto. 1Say "Bay'er Aspirin" INSIST ! Unless you see the "B ayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the ýgenuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy-j sicians for 24 years. ,~Accept only a sLs4f~Bayer packag which contains proven directions Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tabletd .Als bottles of 24 and 10O-Druggista Asplrin Io the trade mark regstered I Canada) of Baer zManufacture Of UMo- Aceticacideter of salcyllcaeld BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISI-ED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the hast grades cf VERMONT B LUE MARBLE I employ ne cemetery caretakers as. agents preferring ee sel1 My own goods thus saving the purchaser the ageat's commission. A cail solicited., Proprietc Phone M~ F, H. BOUNSALL or ~ Bowmanville1 ý26W Box 94 "',Nerves 'in Bad State Could Not Sleep" mm. Ha N. Twr& , % ~ wsih Ont, writes: "My nerves were in a very had state, and for nearly six montbs 1 did flot know what it was to have a good night's rest. 1 could not eat. and neyer feit weII. 1 heard about Dr. Chase-'s Nerve Fcod, -and thoughtl1would txyit Aiter taking it for a few days 1 began to feel better, and soon was able a ~~to sleep wellm night. My appe- * tite also returned, and 1 feit Stronger and better, and after taking three boxes of Dr. Chase's S Nerve Food 1 was quite welL I fhave also given the Nerve Food to my lite girl, with guod re- Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 60 ta abox or 60 plUs, EdansmOMBatffl <o., 14<.- ùoto Shrapshiredowna Ag-ed Ram-Levi Skinner 1 and'2 J. Baker. Shearling Ram-Levi, Skinner 1 and 2, J. Baker. Rani1 Lamb-Levi Skinner 1, ý2 an'd,' a. Aged EeLv Skinner 1, 2 and,3. Shearlinig Ewe-Levi Skinner 1, 21 and r 3 Ewe Lamb-Levi Skinner 1, 2 and 3.1 Southdowns Aged Ram1-A. Ayre, G. H. Mark BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 25, 1924. WEST DURHAM TFAlR PRIZE LIST HORSES Heavy Drauglit 'Brood, Mare-Arthur Welsh. 2 yr. Fi1ly or Gelding-Geo. Boyd, W. C. Ashton. 1 yr. FiI1y or Gelding- Arthur Welsh, Geo. Cochrane, H. . Glenny. Su.cking Foa1-Arthui Welsh. Span in Harness--Nornian Down, Harry James, 'J. F.* Osborne & Sons. Dray Horse in harness- Jno. A. Guann, Harry James. 3 yr. Filly or Gelding on rein-C. A., Chapman. Agricultural Horses l3rood Mare-Arthur Welsh, W. F. Riekard. 2 yr. Fil1y or Geldingi- Walter Vice & Sons. 1 yr. Filly or Gelding-Wesley Werry. Sucling Foal, 1924-Arthur Welph, W. F. Rickard. Span iin harness-W. J. flendersoni & Son. 3 yr. FiIly or Gelding on reîný-Walter Vice & Son, A. A. Colwill. General Purpose Hori- Single Horse in harness-W. B.1I Ferguson, F. C. Bradburn, F. C, Bradburn. Span in'harness--F. C. Biradburn, W. B. Ferguson. Carriage Horses Brood Mare-O. J. Luxton, Foal 1924-0. J. Luxton. Span in har- ness-A. E. Fitchett, O. J. Luxton. Single Horse--A. E. Fitchett, P. Cowan, R. C.-Symons. '3 yr. in bar- [ness--A. E. Fitchett, R. W. Cope. land.' Brood Maýre-,Oswald & Cowan. 2 yn. Filly or Gelding-Robert Lunn, Oswald & Cowan. 1 yn. Puly or Gelding-H. S. Glenney, R. White, eOswald & Cowan.s Foal, 1924-Os- wald & Cowan. Span in harnesa- W. J. *Beatty, E. Cowan, Caldwell Evans. Single Horse in harnes- Caldwell Evans, E. Cowan, W. G. Beatty., Combinatfon Class-W. E. Lewis, R. W. Copeland. Saddle Horse-W. E. Lewis, R. W. Cope- Iland. Best Lady Driver-M. J.. Tamiblyn, R. W. Copelandý, W. E.1I Lewis. Best Lady Driver who ha% not won finst pieprvosto A) 2 _-R. W. C op e a0ànd. B est Lady Rid.. er--W. E. Lewis. Best Lady Rider who bas not won first prize previous to 1923-W. E. Lewis. Besf Turn-I out--A. E. Fitehett, 'P. Cowan. 3 yr. i n harness, under 15 11/ handsi high-E. Cowan. Best single driv- ing horse in harness-A. E. Fitchiett, E. Cowan, W. G. Beatty.) Single pony in harness, under 12i hands--Wm. J. Challis, Ileen lYavy.1 Single pony in harness oven 121 bands, under 14 hands-Stanton & -Hawis Ileen Davy, F. C. Brad- .burn. Span of ponies in harness flot over 14 hands-Stanton & Hawkins. Singlejpony in saddle not over 14 hands, rider to be under 14 yearis-Stanton & Hawkins, Win, J. CATTLE ul,3ysSherthorns Bul 'sand upwrds-Jà. F. Os- borne &a Sons. Bull, 2 yrs. old- W. J. S. Riekard. Bull caif under 1 ye-car-RPay McLaug4lin, J. F. Os- borne & Sons, W. J. S. Rickard. Bull caif,, 1924-Ray McLaughlin, W. P. Rickard. Milch Cow, 4 yrs. and over-J. F. Osborne &'Sons, W. J. S. Rickard, J. F. Osborne & Sons. Heifer, 2 yrs. old-J. F. Osborne ý& Sons, T. H. Clemence, H. E. Tink. H1-eifer under.2 yrs. old--J. F. Os-, borne & Sons, T. H. Clemnenceý, J. F. Oshoûrne & Sons. Heifen calf under ' yr. old-Ray McLaughilin, J. F. Oshorne & Son, H. E. Tinik. Heifer oaif, 1924-W. F. Rickard, S. C. AI-] lin, W. F. Rickand. Herd, bull and four female--J. F. Osborne & Sons. 2 Offsprings from samne, sire-Rayý McLaughlin, J. F. Osborne & Sons. Gradles Cow in milk or calf--J. F. Obsorne & Sons. Heifer, 3 yns. oldf-H. E. Tin>. Herefords Bull, any age--Harold Macklin. Bull, one yr. old-Theron S. Mount- joy. Bull caîf, 19924--Harold Mac k-1 lin 1 and 2. Milch Cow-Haro'd Mackli n 1 and 2. Heif er, 2 yrs. old 1 .-Harold Macklin, Theron S. Mount..f joy. Ileifer, 1 year old-Harold Macklin, Theron S. 'Mountjoy.' Heif- er caîf, 1924-Theron S. Mountjoy.i Herd, bull and 4 females--Harold Macklin, Theron S. Mýountjoy. Beef Cattie Steer, 1 yr. old-E. *F. Russell Osborne 1 and 2. Steer cal"-.F Osborne & Sons, H. E. Tink. Swnep- stakes, be-st beef animal on grounds, male-Ray MeLaughlin; Female- Ray MeLaughlin. & Son. Shearling Ram-A. Ayne, G . H. Mark & Son. Ram Lamb- A. Ayre 1 and 2.. Aged Ewe-A. Ayne 1 and 2. Shearling Ewe---A. Ayre 1 and 2. Ewe Lamb-A. Ayne 1 and 2. Flock-A. Ayre. Leîcesters AgedRam-H. and N. Allin 1 and 3, W. C. Blackburn & Son 2nd. Shearling Ram-W. C. Blackburn & Son, H. and N. Allun 2 and 3. Ram Lamb-H. and N. Allun, W. C. Black- burn & Son 2 andý 3. Aged, Ewe- H. and N. Aluin 1- and 3, W. C. Black- burn & Son 2nd. Sheanling Ewe- H. and N. Allun 1 and 3, W. C. B'lack- bura & Son 2nd. Ewe Lamb-H1. aud N. Allin 1, 2 and 3. Flock- H. and N. Allun. .Cotswold Aged Ram-F. B., Glaspell. Shearl- ing Ram-F. B. GlaspeIl 1 and 2. Ram Lamb-P. B. GlaspeIl 1 and 2. Aged Ewe-F. B. GlaspeIl 1 and 2. Shearling Ewe-F. B.,Glaspeil 1 and 2. Ewe Lamb-P. B. Glaspeil 1 and 2, Oxford Down and Hampshire Down Ageld Ram-J. W. Balson & Sons 1 and 2. Sheanling Ram--J. W. Balson & Sons 1 and 2. Ram Lamnb---- J. W. Balson & Sons 1 and 2. Ag-ed Ewe-J. W. Balson' & Sons 1 ani 2. Sbearling Ewe-J. W. Balson & Sons 1 and 2. Ewe Lanifo---- J. W. Balson & Son 1 and 2. Cheviots' Aged Ram-A .. Ayre 1 and 2. Sbearling Ram-?A. Ayne 1 and 2. Ram Lamb-A. A1yre. Aged Ewe- A. Ayre 1 and 2. Shearling Ewe _-A. Ayre 1 and 2. Ewe Lamb- A. Ayre 1 and 2. Lincoins Aged Ram-. W. Balson & Sons 1 and 2. Shearling Ram-J. W. Bal- son & Sons 1 and 2. Ram LanMb ---J. W. Balson & Sons 1 and 2. Shearling Ewe-J. W Balson & Sons 1 and 2. Ewe Lanib-J. W. Bal- son & Sons 1 and 2. SWINE Berkshires Boar-Thos. Andrus, S. Snowden & Son. Sow that naised pigs'this seýason-Thos. Andrus 1 and 2p G.l and over Omonths--hos. Andrus, G. H. Mark & Son. SDw under 12 and over 6 months-Th os. Andrus 11, and 2, G. H. Mark & Son. Boar un- der 6 months-Thos. Anrus, S. une ots-ShsAdu ,nowden & Son, G. H. Mark. Sow and 3.- Large White Ba-'V. R. Bail, Cawker '& Jones. Sow that raised pigs this season-W. R. Bahl, Cawker & Jones 2 and 3. Boar under 6 mos -Cawker & Joues, C. A. Chapman, W. R. Bail. Sow unden 6 months -W. R. Bail, Cawker & Jones, T. H. Clemence. Tamworths Boar-S. Snowden. & Son, H 1Gibson, A. A. Colwill. Sow-A. A. Colwill, FI. Gibson, Sow under 1 year -H. Gibson 1 and 2. Roar, under 6 moths-H. Gibson land ?,.. A. AI Colw#ill., Sow unden 6 mub-A A. Colwifl1 and 2, H- Gibson. Special -Best Pen 3 bacon hogs from 170i to 225- R. Bail, Cawker & Jones. POULTRY Asiatics Cochin CocA-C. A. Chapman. Laugshan Cocl<-A. V. Dilling 1 and 2. Langshan Hen-A. V. Dilliug 1 aud 2. Langshan Cockerel-A. V. Dilliug 1 and 2. Langshan Pullet -A. V. Dilling,1 and 2. Americans Barned Rock, Cock--C. A. Chap- man. Hen-C. A. Chapman. Cock- erel-C., A. Chspman, H .M. Poster. ~uletC.A. Chiapman. A. O. V. Rock, Cock-S Little. HIen-F. W. Tamblyn, F. W. L. Tamblyn. ;Cock- erel-S. Little, F. W. Tamblyn. Fui- let-F. W. Tamb-ilyn, 1 and 2. S. C. Rhode Isle Red, Cock-Jas. Nokes,1 Thos. Wright. Hen--Jas. Nokes 1i11 and 2. Cockýerel----Thos. Wnight il and 2. Pullet-Thos., Wright,_Jas. Nokes. R. C. Rhode Isle Red, Cock ---Jas. Nokes, S. Snowden & Son. Hen--Jas. Nokes 1 and 2. -Pullet- Jas. Nokes 1 and *2. Wyandotte White, Cock-G. C. Bonnycastle 1 and 2. Hen--G. C. Bonnyc-astle 1 and 2, . Cçkerel-G. C. Bonnyeastie 1 and 2. Pullet--G. C. Bonnycastle 1 an~d 2. Wyandotte Silver Laced 1Cock-F. W. L. Tamnblyn 1 and 2. Hený-F. W. L. Tamblyn 1 and 2.1 Cockerel-F.- W. L. Tanmblyn, Cou- vien & MscKay. Pullet--F. W. L. Tamblyn, Couvier & MacKay. Wysni- dotte, A. O. V. Cock---C .A. Chap- man. Heu-C. A. Chpman. 1English Dorking, Hen-C. A. Chapmian.j Onpington, BuiffH -CA. Chap- man. rpintoIU. O. .e -C. -E .Russl Oborne, Wesley Werry, Richard Fooley. Duchess Apples-H. Gibson, P. Ib. Squair & Sons, W. H. Carruthers & Sou. St. Lawreuice--45. Chas. Allii, W. F. Tamablyn, P. b. Squsir & Sons. (Coutinuý-ed ou page 7)J For Flavor insist on I., Mediterranean Leghorn, S. C. White, Cock-T. fBottreîl & Son. Hen-T. Bottrell I& Son, Ca.wkel & Jones. Cockere- Cawker & Jouies 1 aud 2. Pullet- Cawker & Jones 1 and 2. Leghorn R. C. White Cock-S. Little. Hen-S. Little 1 and 2. Cockerel--S. Little, F. W. L. Tamiblyn. Leghorn S. C. Brown Cockerel-Couvier & Mýac. Kay. Ancona, Cock-Mrs Tomn Perey, ,C. A. Chapman. Hleu-7Mns. Tom Percy, C. A. Chapmian. Leghýlorni R. C Brown, Cock-Victor Jeffery. Hen -Victor Jefi'ery. Cockerel-Couvier & MacKay, Victor Jeffery. Fullet- Couvier & MacKay, Victor Jeffery. Leghorn, Buif, Cock-C. F. Rice. Heu-C. F. Rice. Cockerel-C. P. yRice 1 and 2 Fullet--C. F. Rice 1 and 2.,Leghoru, Black, Cock-C. A. Chapman, M. Nokes. Hen-M. -Nokes, ,C. A. Chapman.-Cockerel--Mý. Nokes 1 and 2. Fullet-M. Nokes 1 and 2. Andalusion, Cock-Thos. Gouldi. Heu -Thos. Gould. Cockerel-T.ho:s. Gould. Pullet-Thos. Gould. Min- orca, Cock-Couvier & MacKay 1 sud 2. Hen-Couvien & MacKay 1 and 2. Cockerel-Couvier & Mac- Kay 1 and 2. Pullet-Couvier & MacKay 1 and 2. Black Spanish, Cock-C. P. Rice. Hen-C. F. Rice 1 and 2. Cockerel-C. P. Rice 1 and 2. Pu1let-C. F .Rice. Polands -4ýPullet-C. A, Chapinan. A. O. V. Cock-Couvier & MacKay. Heu- Couver & MacKay, Jas. Nokes. Special 5 Cockerels, auy variety--Thois. Wright, Jas. Nokes. Gaâme Bantains (Black or Red), ,Cock-T. Bottrell & Son, M. Nokes. Heu-M. Nokes 1 and 2. Cockerel- T. Bottrell & Son 1 sud 2. Fullet- T. Bottrell & Sou, M. Nokes. Game Bantamns A. O. V., Cock-T. Bottrell & Son. Heni---T. Bottrell & Son 1 sud 2. Cochin Bantâms, Bla1tk, Cock -T. Bottrell & Son. Heu-T., Bot- trell & Son 1 and 2. Cochin'Bantams, A. O. V., Cock-_Thos. Bottrelli.& Son 1 and 2. Neui-T. Bottreil & Son 1 and 2. Cockerel-Thos. Bot- trell & Son, 1 and 2. Pullet-T. Bot- trell & Son. Bantams, Black Rose' Comb, Cock-C. F. Rice,. Thomas Wright. Hen-Thos. Wright, C. F Rice. Cockerel-Thios. Wright 1 andý 2. Pullet-Thos. Wrighit 1 and 2. Bantams, A. O. V. Cock, Thos. Bot-, trell & Sou. Hen-Thos. Bottreil & Son 1 sud 2. Breediýg Pens Peu Heavy Birds, 1 Cock, 3 heus --A. V. Dilling, Jas. Nokes. Pen Light Birdsi1 coeck, 3 hens-C. P. Rice. Turkeys Bronze Cock, . oven one year- Cawker & Jones. Bronze Hen overl one year-Cawker à Jones. Geese Grey Maie over oheyear-Cawkerl & Joues 1 sud 2. Grey Female over1 one :iear-Cawker & Joues 1 and 2.J Grey Maie under oue yýear-Cawlkeri & Joues. Grey femarle under ' yearj -Cawker & Joues. White MgaIe over' ene year-F. W. L. Tam-rblyn, C. A. Chapman. White Pemiale over one year-F. W. L. Tamiblyn, C. A Chap- man. White Maie unden one year -F. W. b. Taniblyn, C. A. Chapmau. ,White Female under one year--F. W. L. Tamblyn 1 and 2. Ducirs Rouen Drake-C. A. Chap man, A. Campbell. Duck-C. A.' Chapman, A. Campbell. Fekin, Drake-F. W. L. Tamblyn 1 sud -2 Duck--F. W. L. Tamblyn 1 su d 2. Drake undlen i year-.F. W. L. Tan1bly-n. Duck un- der 1 year-F. W. L Tam-blyn 1 aud 2. Indian Runner Drake-F. W. L. Tamblyn. Duck-F. W. L. Tamn- blyn. Drake under one y ea r -F. W. L. Tamblyn 1 sud 2. -Duck, under 1 yeas-F. W. L. Tamblyn 1 aud 2. Yellow on green canary plumnage -Mrs J. E. Anderson. Mottled Can- ary Flumageas. Nokes. Pain White-Fan Tail Pigeons-A. Fletcher R. Pooley. Pair Homer Pigeons- r. Bottrell & Son, Victor Jeffeny 2ý and 3. Pair 'Tumblers-A. Plet- ,her 1 sud 2. Pair Pouter Pigeons -Victor Jeffery 1. aud 2. Pair Jacobins Pigeons.-A. Fletcher, M. Sokes. Pair Nun Pigeons-T. Bot- trell & Son 1 sud 2. DAIRY AND APIARY PRODUCE Cnock Butter, 10 ihs.-Mrs. Lorne MOcCOY, M. J. Elliott. Croc-k But- ter, 5 lbs.-Mrs. Lorne McCoy M. J. Elliott, Mrs. J. Rl. Bel Butter, 5 lbs. in one' lb. prints- M'rs. borne McCoy, F. B. Lovekin,1 Richard Fooley. Doz. heu's eggs, whfte-Arthur Annis, H. adN A 11_i 1 Doz. 1e'segs, bow- -1 Alwa77,ys fresh an-rýd pure.- SoId onl in sealed ftiuminum pa.chets. The skilled buyers of DOMINION STORES have a standard source of supply of quality nierchandise. AIl guessworlc as ta 1uality is removed. Every article sold ils guaranteedwithu h aaifcin i um e money-back" guarantee by DOMINION STORES.' Thus with guaraneed quality groceries at consistent low prices y our satisfaction is also guaranteedever timet you visit a DOMINION STORE.11 PURE BULK LARD 2 LBS.ý FOR 39-c IClark'& Pork ~ Beans (No. 2 quart) 2 for 25ç Mayfield Brand Bacon (Machine Sliced) 29e PATERSON'S SHORTBREAD BISCUITS, lb. - -1 H. P. SAUCE- - - -25 LAUNDRY SOAP <except Feis Napta 10 bars- - pý63c SHIRRIFF'S ORANGE MARMALADE -JO ORANGE MARMALADE -.7 SINGAPORE 'LI I:2 PINEAPPLE- BRUNSWICK 2c SARDINES, 4 for -25 C. & B. FISH and MEATPASTES .7 CROSSE & BLACIC- WELL'S MARMA-29 LADE, IP-lb. jar - _ 9 FOR YOUR GROUND 25 MUSTARD, lb. -ý-5 PICKLI'NG VINE- GAR <Blended Cider or Blended Spirit),3 g.-------- -- ---5C AYLMER SOUPS q96 (Tom. & Veg.) 3 for &d~F 15-oz. F<t. SEEDED or SEEDLESS -.2c- CALIFORNIA SEEDED or SEED- 9 1LESS RAISINS, 2 lb. sl CALIFORNIA SEEDED or SEED- LESS RAISINS, 25-lIb, box $,9 SOAP CHIPS25 ROLLED )OAT lb. - - - 9 1-lb. Tiri DOMINION BAKINO POWDER19 (No Alum) 9 KELLOGG'S CORN ' 9C FRY'S or WILLARD'S CHOCOLATE 4 BARS, 3 for - - -4 KIPPER SNACKS 95 PICKLING WHOLE MIXED PICKLING SPICE,, 23 lb.- - - - - &J PAROWAX25 2 form 5 White Satin Pastry Flour, 24 lb. Bag95c SPECIAL BLEND 65 TEA, lb. - - -, -Us LIIrBBY' PO R .&5e OUR LEADER ' M'9 BROOMS-- RICHMELLO COF 65 FEE, 11.tn -5 V2 -lb. tin- - - -33C <Sold only by Dominion Stores) 39 LONG SEARCH FOR BODIES Draggiýng For Bodies of Boys Lost ini Riçe.Lake. For thlirtee-n heurs Tuesday Offi- cens bnansd Kelly of Toonot Lif e- Saiug Service, Provincial, Police Offiçer Cousins sud R. C. Wood, fathen of eue of the, boys, dragged Rice Lake in a vain jsearch for the bodies of Gerald S. Wood andI Alfred Davies, who perished Saturday when their canoe 'capsized. After their arduous seareh the party went te a hotel 'in a nearby village where the proprKeten refused to give the m any- thing toeaet, ou the grouud that the diuiug-noom was closëd. They were forced te motor te Cobourg, 15 miles away.-Fort Hope Guide. .The twe bodies have since been f und and were given a double fuan- oral in Toronto- where they lived. ,No matter how deep-rooted the corn may be, it mnust yield te Hello- way's Corn Remover if used as dir- ected. Babies thriuie On it! FREE BABY BOOKS Write to The Borden Co. Limited, Montreal. for, two Baby Wellare Bookis. Zutoo Tablets Do Three Things ---stop Monthlypmi ns .Clean to handie. SoId by aU. 110hn uO= %dZ.ydB »MniDruggists, Grocers and de-bywSmt t___ik General Stores 17i 1*,