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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1924, p. 5

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Articles For Sale FOR SALE-A Reed Baby Carniage, lu good condition. Appiy A. R. Seott Odel-st. Bowanvile.41-tf BýED FOR SALE-Double Iron Bed, white enamelýled, sud springs, also two trunkp. Mrs. U. W. Bui-k, Centre St.,1 Bewmanville, phone 115. 41-t! QUANT17Y SWEET CIDER FOR SALE--Grlnding firn 7 te 10 p. mn. Ap- ply Wrn. Luxten., Pi-spect-st., -Bowrnau- vill e. 40- 4w' FRSALE-10 Yorkbhi-e Pigs, 7 Cees' ld; goo dreliable rilcb cow, just renew-1 esecond cal!. Apply te Rlobt. B. Bat- tIe, Manvers Road, BowrnauviLl. 41-1 SOW FOR SALE-Regis5tered York-, sbire Sow, due te farrow Octeber 10tb. 4. Apply te H, M Foster', Manvers lioad, Bownanvllle, phonqý 205r4. 40-t FOR SA t.E-L-argeTeulouse Geese, white pekin ducks sud Barred Rock Ceekerels3, Poultry- ail pure bred sud extra goed stock. Richard Sandersen, Tyrene . ]11. 1, phone 320-13. 40-3' FOR SALE-Large size McClary Art Souvenir Parler Cook Stove, lu geod con- dition, bai-gain. Apply te Mrs. .Abert CowlCenitre-st., Bowrnuville. 39-3' CANARI ES,' ROLLERS FOR, SALE- Nicely rnarked birds, tweuty to, choose frem.. Guaranteed te sing, aise cages sud bens. Cail sud see tbern. Prices reasouable. Mi-, B. Bennett. Elgiu-st. N., B1owmnvýille. 40-3w* STO;VES -FOR SALE-Art Souven.ir P'arler Cook Steve, mediumn size,,aIse ]Belle Stove-betb lu excellent condition, reason for selling haviug furnace intal- led. Apply Eýdwiu Reynolds, Bowrnan- ville, phone 312J. 41-tf PURE BRED YORKSHIRE FOR SALE -A selection of pigs o! wvtaning age, betb ýsexes; also six rnentbs' boars sud eowes bred.- 'All the above stock are eligible for reistratien asud freni s pro- Ilie strain. T . J. Cole, Bowrnanville R., R.- 3. 39-3w' POUILTRY FOR SALE-Selling eut my entire stock of S. C. W. Leghorns, Yearling H-eus $150 eachl; Puflets $250, $20(0, $1.501 each; cockerels $3.00 aud $500; 2 year old cocks at $500; 1 at $15. Good ressens for selling, phone 360W,1 J. P. Smith, Ontario St., Bowinauville,i Ont. 41-2w* CARS FOR SALE-Que Baby Grand Chevrolet Truck, 1%A ton capacity, rnodel T. Also eue 85 -4 Overland. Botbh i- goed condition. --Bai-gain for quîclk sale. No reasoable offer will be refus- ed. Apply te Irwiu & ýCole's Garage, Bowinanville. 31-tf Articles Wanted- EGGS WANTED-100 dozen per week, strickly fresb. Apply te e.Ean,5 1 Cuimrings St., Toi-ente, (Ont., phone Gei-- rard 3837. 41-3w1 Lost or Found KEYS LOST--On Ontario or Duke Street; Bowmanville, key ring with 5 keys snd name plate. Reward if returru- ed te R. Greenfield, phone 12w, Bowman ville. 40-ti PI N LOST-On Frlday, September 26,1 Gold Bar Pin with diamond and peari setting, on queen or Temperance Sts., Bowmianvifle. Reward for return te Statesman Office. 41 -w* STRAVED-H.Ielfer came on lot 8, con, (, Darlington, (Tyrone), latter parti of August. Owner mîay bave saynie by proving property and paying expeni- ses. James Storey, Tyrone. 38-3 H-elp Wanted GIRL. WANTED-For ligt bouseworkl and te take, care of ebjîdren.ý Apply U. S., cýare Drawer e., Bowmsnville. 40-t WANTE r rFD-Experîenced girl o wo- an wanted to de plain coeklng and gen- era hou§ework. Apply te Mrs. D. B. Simnpson,iSilver-st., Bownianville, phone 84. 40-tf WANTED MIDDLE.AGED WOMAN-1 To keep bouse and look after two cild- ren. Good wages. -Apply te Davidi Galloway, (Providence), P. R. 4, Bow- ville, phone 186-r4. 41-2w For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-An 8- roomed brick bouse with framne attacbed 24 x 36 fit, one acre of land, with fruit trees, corner of Liberty %n(, Concession St., Bowmanvllle, for a 6-roomed house in town or Toronto. W.%7 B. Pinch. boxl 97, Bowmanville. 3-14w' Notice Orders for cement blocks or cernenti 'work o! any kind given prompt attent-I ion and at reasonable rates. We are ai- se prepared te de teaming. Phone 170. Mrs. A. Turner, Sculgog St., Bowxnan- villç.35-tf Agents Wanted WANTED-Men snd women who wisbi to start in business for theniselv7es.i WVrite for particulars. No capital ne-, quireod.' R. H-. Murray. 210 ,Adelaide W.,1 Toronto. 41-11 SALESMEN-We effer stesdy erUple-y- ment and pay weekly te BellI our e- plete and exclusive lines of guaranteed cuality, wbcte root, freab-dug-to-.IrdeI1 trees and plants. Attractive illustrae sarrples sud fuil co-eperation, a meny rnakîng opportunity. Luke, Brothers( Nurseries, Mentreal. 41-901 AGENTS-Get in a profitable all-year I comimission business of your ewn.-Every property ewner is a customer or pros- pect. Nine hundred varleties cf hardy Red Tag Nursery prodlucts. Cash every, ~weck. Complete equipmnent and instrue- tiens free. Write DOMINION NUR- SÈRIES, MONTREAL 40191 ART IN COMMERCE 's lu vogue to-day. Dernad is growingi d4aily. Artists are busy. Graduates1 are wanted. We teaeh you te convert talent into.cash. g9haw's fichool, 46,Bloori ,Wes.t, ol te. Giff Baker, Chief Dir- ector-a-ddress Dept. 0, fer free particu- 1ars. Send sample of work for criticism. B-AZ tAR Companions et the Forest will hold a Bazsar in Foresters' Hall THURSDAY, OCTOBER i16th at 8 p. m. Useful and Fancy Arti cles for sale. Home-m--ade Cooking and Candy, Brani Pie and Atternoon Tea. Everythiug mraked at reasonable pices. Everybody wel- corne. 40-2 CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Alexander Mfiliine And tam- ily desire to t-hank the Lô6dgem ýnd other frienda for the sympatby shGwn dfuring their recent bereavement, and for the beautiful flowers. Mrs. A. L. Milmine and family wish to thank their friends for the. many kindnesses extended during Mr. Miliine's illness, and for the expres-. sions of sympaýthy and itebea-'utiful flowers in theïr bereavement. Miss, Eleanor Wood wishes to take this opportuannity of thanking b er mauny kind friends and neigbbors-, for the lovely flowers and fruit se't her during her recent illwess. She aiso'¶ wishes to extend bier thanks te t 2 Siïperintendent and nurses oftïhe' Hospital for their kind attention shown te ber *hile undç^r their cale. Rev. J. W. Downand family, Ty- rone, ýhereby express their sincere thankS to ail who evidenced their practical synipathy to them during Mrs. Down's serious iliness and ex.- tended term in, the Bowmanvifle' Hospital. The deep , ympathy voiced in words and deeds, wishes and prayers, letters and flowers, reached our hearts and gave us ern- fort and courage. We cannot speak too bighly of thekindness and devotion, efficiency and skill of the hospital staff and doctors in attend- ance. -, Mrs. Dowrn in particular, wishes to convýey ber personal? thanks in this bebaif, and is gladte Say she is getting better and better every day in every way. MASO N-lu Bôwmanville, on Tuesday, October 7, 1924, Rosa Lutia Wright, - loved wife of Mr. J. J. Mason. Funeral froni the family resideuce, Centre St., on Thursday, October 9tbh.,l at 2.30 p. m-. te BownianvilJe Cemetery. HILL-On Oct. 3, 1924, in Qi-eue, Rich- ard Hill, in bis. Sth year. SM ERWOOD-At Cobourg, September 29, C. W. Sherwood, in is 57tb year. VEALE-In Darlington, October 4th., Eizabeth Anti Thomais, beloved wif e of James Veale aged 81 ýears. DEACON-At 28 Linden St., Toroénte, Oct. 3, George Prier Deacon, barrister, lu bis 62nd year. Iuterred at Cosarea Cemetery. - LEE-On Sunday, Octeber 6, 1924, at the residence of ber sen-In-laSw Mr. re H. Ellis, Enulskillen, Mary Ann, Ww of the late Richard Lee, aged 7yas Iuterred at, Fenelo)n Fails. To -Let HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT- ramne residence, contalning F, roomis, electricc hght, town water, etc. Ase typewriter and other articles for sale. Apply te Mrs. e. Key, Hunt Street, box 163, Bowmanvilfle, phone 360J. 39-3* Property For'Sale HOUSÉ FOR SALE OR RENT-Bng- alow on Churcb St., alnmoderncoen ienees, possession Novernber îst. For1 flrtber information apply to Mrs. Edlgar Butaon, corner Concession and C'entre Sts., Bowmanlville, phone 372w. 41-tf HýOUSE FOR SALE--GoOd Ï6 oe brick bouse, furnace, electnie ll ight5 and tow;n water. Good garden. Goed location. Apply A, E. Luke, corner Centre and Concession Sts.. Bewrnanville, phone HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT- 3ramne house on Iü2gin Street, Bowman- ýville, containing 8 romei, tuwn water, e1lectrio lights, 3, acres land, with ap- pie and small fruits, stabi". .Appily te Johin R. Biei ainpton R. R. L, phone 238-32. 41-tf ORCHARD FOR SALE-$lOGO buys 2 acres of orchard in one of the best local- ities ln Bowmanville. wlth about 125 trees just nicely inte beariug, mostly winter fruit. Three excellent building lots on saine. Apply to Normnan S. -B. Jame-s at StatesmnanOfce Farms to Rent FARM 'TO RENT-250 acres, lot 31, con. 10, Darlingten. A-ppIy Cbas. M Dean, Burketon. 39-3 FARM TO RENT-126,acres, lot 4, B. P., Darlington. ýPlowink ,possession at once, full possession April 1, 1925. Ap- ply to Mrs. James -MacConnachie, King St., B., Bowmanville. 4t Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-lin Dur- h am county, 100 acres more or less being jsoutb part of lot 2, B. F., Darlingtoxi township, good buildings, and nice stone b ouse, wel watered and In a good state of cultîvation. For ternis and particu- J ars applyto D. T. Gibson, -. R. 4. Bow- jmanville. 38 -t!. FARM FOR SALE-21 acrees of lard iu village of Slina on wbicb are gced frarne bouse, goed bai-n with cernent stabling, driving shed, heu bouse 'and eJgughter bouse, bard and sof t water, aise runuing strearninlupasture. Good garden andorchard, with great variety of srnall fruits. Plowing pessession ai once, F'uJl possession Nov. lst. -Par- ticuiàrs may be bad firn R. J. Mc- Kessaelk or frein the owner, Mrs. John- Reynolds, Hampton R. R. 1. 41-ti FARM FOR SL-l ce odln beiug lots 19 and 20. con. 8, Darliugton, ou wicb are geod frame bouse, good barns, stabling, sheds, etc. Hard aud soft water, runnlng streani of water, or- chard, small fruits. 80 rods fi-on scëbool, cbui-ch and store, twe mises frein rallway station, 8 miles froni Bew- mnanville, Terrnis te suit purchaser. Ap- ply te W.sly Oe. Executor for.estate of late William Oke. Enuiskilleu. 36-tf PAINTING AND PAPER HÂNGING Now is the time to have thatd uli rooni pspered. Msk» it, cheerýful for the duli nights that are comiug. 1 have over 200 patterns to choose from. I1 will paper any room up te 12 x 14 for $4.00. Aise quote lowest prices before doing that nexti job et painting or decorsting. Out eut cf town work given prompt at- tention. Estimates free. '.-G Pritchard. Corner Silver and Eing St, Bowmsnvifle. 40- Order Storm Windows NOW Get our mioney savîng price llst sbeüwing freight paid cost ef storni windowsgl1 ed complete, any size. The HaeillMay C., Ltd., Hailiton, Ontarie. 4-7 SMeuibers et the Ancient Onde-r et Fore-ste-ns are requested te meet in the Lodge Rqom ou Sunday, October 12 at 10.30 a. m. te attend service in St. Paui's Cbunch.' Every meuiber is expected te attend as thîs is the- Sth annivensary of the Order. 'On Weauesday, Octeber 15, a suppen sund entertainme-nt will be- held. The Conclave et Toronto sud High Court officers are expected te be preseut. Public Sebeol, Aupual Spo rts were beld Friday. K. n competitionf wss manife-st, in which Raymond Way csrrîed off the Senior Boys' Medal, Alan Osborne the Junior Beys', Mabel Curran the Senior Girls', sud Iazel Curran won the Junior Girls', but it gees by neversisu to Dontby Rowe. Alan Osborne aise esnied off the sweepstake rned- ai pnesented by Mn. J. F, Horne for the girl on boy takiug the bigbest nuurber ot points. Don't miss the Bazaar on Thurs- day, Oct. 16. 5e-e advt. -1- - LCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. John Allun is visiting nelati-1 ves in Peterbono. ýý Hôme-made Cooking Sale Thurs-ý lay, October l6th. Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Miss Mildred Lawnie, Tenante, speut the weekend at home. Useful and fancy articles for sale, rbuirsday, October l6th. See advt. Mayor T. S. Holgate- spent Sun- day at "Roycrott Inn", East Aunera, N. Y., Speciai tbis week-Ponk Tender- Loins sud Spare Ribs at Alex. Ed- mondstoue's. Mms. R. Blight, Whitby, visited Mrs. John Rundie sund other tniends here ou Mouday. Hali9ween Social in St. Paul's Lecture Roorn on Weduesday, Oct- ober 29th. Corne aud'be, youthful. Attend the Bazaan Thursday, Oct. l16th. Home-miade Cookîug, Candy, Useful and Faucy Articles for sale. Mr. sud Mrs. ,Lou Rowe, Toronto, spent Suudsy with hen sisters, Mis. H. Humpbnies and Mns. W. Denseni, Miss Yvonne Haziewo-ed has gone te Toronto sud, is studying aud ne- sîdiug at the Hanmbourg Conserva- tory. .The ladies et St. John's Church Guild wiil hoid their annual bazaar and supper on Thursday, Nevember 27thb. Mis. Annie Bnimacombe, Oshawa, spent Monday with Mns. W. H. Os- borne. She was the latter's brides. maid over 50 years aga. ýCorne to the Methodist S. S. Roonr on Tuesday, October 28, snd besi the play "The Three Pegs", put or by the Mission Circie girls. Mn. sud Mns. Samuel Elliott, Mr aud Mrs. James, Ewart, Bolton, Misi Edith Moore, Toronto, speut Sundai wvith Mr. sud Mns. W. L. Eiliott, Car lisie Ave. Mr. sud Mrs. S. J. Hughson an( Glenn, Mn. sud Mrs. Clark Taylor daughtens Gweu and Dorothy, Tor onto, spent Sunday at their mothen': Mrs. Alex. Taylor. Mn. sud Mrs. F. Chas. Hill, Buff alo, N. Y., visited bis mothen, Mn S. F.> Hill. ,Mifs. M. D. William wbo has be-eu visiting tniends ber returned home with :them. 'Ladies' Pur Coats--pecial show iug this week--Hudson 5e-aI, Frene' Sesi, Persian Larnb sud Muskri Coats at exceptionai. close price Coucb, Jebuston & Cryderman. Rev. E. T. Cotton and Mr. Howsr, Bradley, -Oshawa, were in EBowniar ville ou Wedne-sday in interest a Rev. Dr. Mongan's meetings, Octobe Z6th, te October 3lst in that towr 1Mn. sud Mns. W. J. Bragg, Mn N. C. Wilisou and Mn. Irwin1 Bragg ýspent I Suuday with Mr. Bragg's sisters, Mns. C.. Hugbai Lindsay, sud Mrs. John Fee, Omà The mneeting eft the Wh"ite Shiel Club wili be hèld in St. Paul's Lee 1une, Room ou Tuesday, October 1 1at 8 p. mi. sharp. Ail menibers ei jde-aven to bepreseut. New men ebers specially invited. . Mn. and Mm. W. L. Law have ng -tu.ruedhome atter celebnating the: 71f Orty-fiftb auuiversaxy et their we. ding at Niagara. Mn. snd Mrs. La- -were'aise visitons at St. Cathanine Grimsby sud Niaga:ra Falls. Mn. Robert Morrison, Des Moine 1 Iowa, is visitiug bis brother, M 5 David' Mornison and other relativ4 ybere after an absence of) 13 year ? Re sees many improvents lunih old tewn sud tbinks Bowmauville Ivery nice town. jMn. Walter T. Pbillips, Ne York, la visiting bis grandpaient Mn. sud Mrs. M. A. James for a f 1days prierte leaving for Vermilio Alberta, te see wbat oppert uniti, -tbe West bas for a young man w Lbas a desîre te go into farrng s -ý stock-naising ' 9 Rev. G. Campbell Morgan, D, 1 :fof England, will addness meetinj in Oshawa on Sunday, Octo-ber' te Friday, 1October ,31si ISunday at 4 and 7 p. m. sud we. 1days at 3 sud 8 p. m., atternoon se 9vices in Preshyterian Cburch ai neveui inlu Sineoe St. Methodi ýe hurch. * Mrs. Elizabeth Crossey ar E- daujghter Miss Margaret left Moud. .night for an exteuded trip tbroug 'l1the States, visiting fnleuds; in DJ Étroit, Micb., sud Morrison, Ill., eý (route te Les Angeles, Calif., whe: rthey will spend the wintei. H4 olnf'ten dsughten, Mrs. Victor L. Jon, BROOMS Conu, Broonis, good weight, 5 istrings, 90e and $1.00. Mediumn weight, 4 strings, Maxwell Hbuse Coffee A delicions blend of higb grade Coff ee in sealed tins -7elb. GOOD TEA Salada Te-a 75e and 85celb Red Rose Tea 75e IL Red Rose Orange Peko g0c 'lb. Minito Tes in 'h lb. pack- ages with coupon f-or free silverware at 38e package. Mitito Tes in pound pack- ages with free silver spoon at 75e Ib' Our own Bulk Tes 65e lb. E. F. Weekes Thse Çonsmunity Grocer Corner King and Ontario Ste.. Phone 226 ring 4 SI 1 CARTWRIGHT FAIR ATTRACTS RECORD ATTENDANÇE Cartwright Fair bas always rsnked among the best township exhibitions' iu this part et the Province. This reputaioù was well maiutsiued lu the annuai event bield at Blackeck on Wednesday, September 24th.1 Fav- orable weather prevsiied whieh ne doubt helped te bring eut the re- cord crowd which was in attendance. Entries were well filied in ueariy al classe-s making competition very keen sud interesting. The live stock ext- bibited was particuianiy good, llgbt sud besvy herses et ceunse, being the big attraction. 1The displays ot handy work by the ladies, including ,needle work, fine arts, ,domestic science sud dsiry preduce were the best ever sbewn at this populan tain., The officers wish teO take thîs op- pertuuity et 'thauking ail those, whe cooperated in any wsy in making the 1924, show such, an unqualified sue- gces$. Pificers et Cartwright Agicuittirai Society for 1924 are: Houorary Diectors--J. H. Devitt, Ex-M. P. P., R. .Philp, W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., F. W. Bowen, M. P., John Wright. President-Weir Swain, Burketou. lst Vice-Pnesldeut---R. Hamilton, Nestleton. 2ud Vice-President--N. H. Msnlow, Burketou. Se-retary-Jas. Byers, Blsckstoek. Treasurer-Edward Montgomery, Blsekstock. Diectors-W. C. Ferguson, Isaac Whitfield, W. A. VanCamp, R.1 R. Byers, Jas. Marlow, Carl 'Wright, Fred Taylor, C. Devitt, R. J. Parr, Wes. Campbell, J. . McLaugbliu, J. J. Jobb. Lady Dire etes-Mesdauies W. C. Ferguson, S. Jeffery, Jas. Byers,, R. J. Crezier, John J. Jobb, -I. Whitfieid, Miss Aggie Swaiu, Miss Elva Wright. Auditos-ýS. Jeffery sud E. A. Preston. CORRESPONDENTS WANTED Tlie Statesman is desirous et hav. ing people nepresent this papen in every part et West Durharn by, send- ing iu the happenings sud news of youn particulan commnunity, if not al- i eady nepnesented. Cornespondents b are wanted ton Biackstock, Cadinus, 1Nestieton, Cosarea sud Burketon, 1amoug othen places. Coopenste with à us by sending tbe news yourselt, or send us the namies et pensons you fthink will be capable ot doiug ti r literary work . I wiil be appreciat i. ed. Finest Breakfast Bacon, machine' sliced 28c lb. Alex. Edmnondstone. St. John's Woman's Auxiliary will hold a Rummage Sale in the Parish Hall on Friday, October 17th at 2 P. m.% At the close of the first session of the 1924 convention hiel in the Cen- frai School on a miotion of Air. W. E.i Elvidge, seconded by Inspector Jen- nings, tr.'e Victoria County Tec' s Institute endorsed the Ontario ITem- perance Act as against Government Control in the coming jýlebiscite.- Lindsay Post.t 21,309 Canadians kept eut of goal by the 0. T. A. There were 21,051 goal commituients for, drunkennes in Ontario during the asat , three licende years. There were 22,473 gaol commtments for 4runkennes in Ontario during the six years un- der Ontario Temnperance Act, instead of 43,782, the ratio for the license years. A three-fold benefit tothe Province. Avoiding 'immense ex- penditure for their maintenance in gaol, saving 21,309 citizens f or home life, keepin.g 21,039 'çitizens for useful occupations. Help keep the Ontario Temperance Adt. M.BOYLAN Chu rch St. i owmanville Begs te annou-nce that slke bas taken up the sale of The Cali- f ornian Perfumie Co. Goofis. Former customers of C. P. C. in- vited to cail and see stock and price lists. Face Powders, Creains, Talcumns, Rolling and Massage Creams, Compacts, Lipstick, etc., Perfum- es, Toilet Waters, Hair Tonic, ai. 80 Pinee nd Nets, Pure Complex- ion and Skin Soapa, Silver Cream Furniture Polisis, aiso a Spot Çieazser. Gif t Boxes of Perf ume, ri Sachet Pcswder and Toilet Water, Len Den Tai. Tootis Paste, with a fragrance, amo>kers, Tooth Powder andi Shavin-g Requisites. Aise Pure Vegetabie Essences uin al l avors. r Cail in and if wbat you require isl not in st'uck it will bc ordererl e for you. 4-w A World of En'tertainment and Education The joys aild pleasures of having ~a Rgdio are innumerable. Now selling good Radio Sets as low as $35. Radios Repaired / Aerials Erected Burgess 'B' Batteries for sale. HRARRY C. ALLIN Division St., opposite- Balmonal Hotel,,Bowmanvîlle, phone 337 Radio Supplie-s, Motorcycle sud Bîcycle Accessories. ~.,jIII - il Big aving on Foot'wear at Ives"' Shoe Store, It Will Pay You to Buy Winter Fôotwear During This Great Price Reducing Sale We have, decided to, reduce our stock one half., l This will give the people of this district one grand chance to save money on Faîl Footwear. ý Genuinie Bar- gains in Women's, Misses", and Children's Footwear only. Our stock is too large in these limes.- Shoes will becleared regard less of 'cost. Here 'are somie of the great money-saving values to you: ___________________ 400 Pairs Ladie's' Black, Brown and patent Leather Oxfords and Strap Slippers. Regularly priced and.con- sidered good value at $7.50, $8 pair, $5,45 PAIR lof) Pair Ladies' Jiigh Grade Patent., Leather Slippers, regularly $8.00 to $9.50 pair, $6,45 PAIR 100 Pair Ladies' Black and Brown .Oxfords and Straps, regular $7.00 to $8.75. Extra special value $4.45 PAIR 200 Pair, Women's Patent Leather, Black and Browrn Leather,, Slippers and Oxfords, regular $4.50 to $5.50, $3.95 PAIR 150 Pair Misses' Boots, in Brown Calf, Black Calf and Dbnhgola, Kid, with Patent Tips, regularly $4.00 and $4.50 $2.95 PAIR, 50 Pair Misses' Slippers, in Patent Leather, and Brw or Black Caif,' regular $3.60 pair for $2.45 PAIR 100 Pair Chfldren's 8 to 1%, Blacký and Brown Lace Boots, regilar $ 3.50, $2.45 PAIR 50 Pair 5 to 7½/, Infants Black Lace, and Button, $1.25 PAIR 1150 PAIR MEN'S BOOTS At the last minuté we have decidedc to give the men a chance to save on #ine shoesin Regal Make, These shoes "are excellent values at $8.00 and $8.50 perý pair but we are going to clear them to you at $5.45 per pair.. Ask amy, mahx who-ever wore a Regal and he will tell you the wearwas there with the value. SEE THE TABLE FULL 0F &SHOES AT $1100 PAIR H4igh Class dependable footwear was never offered in Bowrnanville before at' values equal to these sale pri.ees. Corne in and see for yourself. IVS'S OEST R Byzanta Ware The newest thing out-high, grade, crockery-just received direct from the potteries of England. Vases Salad Bowls Flower Bowls Candle, Sticks Prices range from $1.25. You will Byzanta Ware most suitàble for ALEX. ELLIOT gift le- Furs Remodelled ild ct Ge yoUr fu-m remodeiled by, ad 14 practicai turrner, pnices îoweËt. n- Fullllne of Manufactured Fuis always in stock at wholesale eý- prices. Sir THIS IS THE FUR CHOKER Bd- ýSEASON es, We bave 3in stock ail the new- est shades, prices frin $7.50 up., Ér. Bring in2 your old furs and iesl h*ye thdEm made ever. F. ur trimuiings by t'he Yard. aThurston's fur Shop1 _______________________________ - 1 HONF. 241 BOWMANVILLE ,

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