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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1924, p. 2

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Peter Martin & Son ' Building Contractors Plastering and con-crete *ork a specialty. Blocking Machine and large square timibers suitable for rais- Mng houses. Now is the time to get your chimneys repaired and ashes re- moved and other smail jobs at- tended to. We are now prepared to build concrete silos., Get our prices. We are also open to do Team- ing. Phone Thos. Martin 206-r5. VETERJNARY E. G. KERSLAKE,,v. S., B. V. Sce Honor Graduate of University of Toronto Ail cases, given prompt and care- fui attention. OFFICE MAIN-ST. HAMPTON Phone 129-15 POU LTRY WANTED I amn prepared to buy your fowl at a good high price for them. Don't seli your poutry until you have first got my prices. I can make you real money for your fowl. Send me a card or phone collect and I wI cail for them. 1. STIEN Phone 81 Whitby 23-3m MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and ouly the best grades of 'VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 employ nio cenietery caretakers as agents preferring tu sell my own gfoods thus saving the purchaser the ugent's commission. A cali solicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor Boji'mnviIe liaone 326W Box 94 .Afier every m eal/ BOW1'MANVILLE, OCT. 30, 1924. DENTAL DR. G. C. BQNNYCASTLE Ilonor graduat e ini Dentistry Toronfo University. Graduate of the Rayai College of Dental Surgeons of On- taria. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office plane 40. Hanse 1)hone 22. aiR. J. C. DEVITT i_;auate of Rayai Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-sf. East, Bow- mnanvilie. Office liaurs 9a. m. ýta 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Plane 90a. House plane 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed ta pmctcein Ontario and fie Dominion. enityin aIl its branches. Office -King-sf., Bowmanville. Opposite '3ank of Montreal, Plane 301. PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS (Formerly in Bowmanville,) now at. 1262 Vonge-st. , stop at Summrerhil Ave., Toronto, Phone Randolph 5197. We can suisl give yau aur best services. Guaranteed ta fit and workmanship at, pre-war prices LEGAL' M. G. V. GOULD,, B. A-, LL. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARYý maoney ta boan on Farm and Town Property, Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvilie. Plane 351. W. F. WARD, B. A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Nloney ta boan. 1 Bonds for sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmnanviile Ontario. Planes: Offluse 102, Hanse 279J. CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc. C anveyancing and General Practice of Law Offices 7Y2 Simcoe St. Southi Plane 63 Oshawa G. D. CONANT, B.A., LL.B. A. F. ANNIS, BA., LL.B. 2l FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS Co. Complete Motor or Horse Equipment AIl calîs promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmanville phanes 10 and 34 Branch Stres-Oro.no & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Cails given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phanes 58 or 159, Bow- manville, Ont. 3-t MEDICAL B. J. HÂZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy- sican and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Triniity Medical iColege, Toronto, formerly of, Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- manville. Phone 259. 44-t CHIROPRACTIC DR. DURWIN E. STECKLEY Flonor graduate of Toronto Chiro- practie Coilege wili be in office on Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon and evening. Phones: Office 141J; Residence 141W. OPTOMETRY R. M. MITCHELL Registered' Optometrist by examina- tion. Eyes examined by the Iatest methods and most modern instru- ments. R. M. MITCHELL & CO. Druggiats & Optometrists Bowmanvil (Phone 92) Ont. VETERINARY Dr. F. T. TIGHE VETERNARYSURGEON. Day or Niglit Cails Promptly Attended to, Office King-st. W., Statesman Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. AUCTIONEERS TH EO. M. SLE MON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Eniniskillen P. 0. Phone 19'7r3. 1-tf JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 10 years' experience in farm, furni- ture and house auction sales. Ad- dresa Jas. Bennett, Hardware Mer- chant, King-st., Bownianville, phone 131, box 33. JOSEPH COULSOW' Licensed Auctioneer Valuator & Real Estate, Newcastle, Ontario. 22-tf SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING BOOKEEPING Complete Commercial and Oeneral Tmprovement Courses.. Stu<:ents accepted at any time. Good posi.. tionis for ail graduates. CANADA, BUSINESS COLLEGE Osb.wa and Toronto THE EDITOR TALKS During the recent plebiscite cam- paign much was said about thie O. T. A. being contributory ta improved home life and conditions in the home as mnoney that wns spent for intoxi- cating- iqXors under Government sale or license wouid under the On- tario Temperance Act be spent for home comforts and home improve- ments-a very naturai inference and one tînt cannot be successfully con- tradicted, for there have been too many evidences of it under prohibi- tion. Here let us ask wlint is there in thîs practical aid world compar- able ta happy home life? . The happy home and an ideal fnmily-a condition ta be fondly cherished. We recali a once happy lame and a very Sometime-fiay, oftenes f a al-it interesting yaung famiiy, and pros- is thpe hildren who alsorli fhe time. perous operation of a business at- attention, and- deference of their tended wifli a most encouraging parents ta a degree that develops outlook for future lappiness and tlemn into littie tyrants; reverses the praspemity. But the lead of that law of parental ule, and makes hiappy fnmily during an election everything and every persan about campaign was engaged ta drive the lame subservient ta their undis- around political speakers and wifl ciplined tempers and immature de- the purpose of getting him ta vote sires. These dangers beset the for fIe candidate, 'not on the ide lame and family in its enriier de- of politics on whidh le lad voted up velopment. ta that election, le was treated and*** codaled and by the time that Cam- paign was over le was started weîî on Passing on ta fhe period when tlie rond toan drunknrd's grave children are approachîng maturity, whici le soon aftem filled, for one other dangers and perplexities arise. day soon after tînt yeam le was t becomes a prollem with parents, found dend on the road. as their childmen approadli mature * * * yeara, low mudli estaint or surveil- Possîbly no persan wla iived lance -shahll e exemcised over their during the period of the licensed bar outgaings and incomingsannd con- and liquor stoe-there weme thir- duct genemaily. Happy they wlose teen places in Bowmanville wliere chiidren desire in ail tlese things spiituaus liquors were soid under ta have the approbation of fleir license in bar-rooms and, liquor parents, and who lave nathîng ta stores wîen the wmter came ta this conceal in conduct or associations. town-but who can ecaîl many a But, however this mny be,,one thing 1 liome from whicl ail the pleasant 'sf certain-tint a reasonable amount romance, bloom and freshness of n ofeedaom must be granted ta the once happy family life lad been young people in fIe home. Con,. driven by strong drink and thie stant surveillance is something mother and children forced into the wiich no intelligent persan, young duil routine of joyiess ýdudgery, or old, can endure witl equanimity. disgmace and poverty, for fIe drink- 1* * * ing habits of men under the liquor Nom can any lame le an ideal license- system produced tliausands home where tlie interests or eonven- of sudh instances. But we set out ience or preferences of any member ta talk about the ideal home and of the fnmily obtain an undue ns- family life, wondering haw per- cendency, orý selfishly contrai the sons who voted againat tlie O. T. A. actions of the rest. Who lias ýnot could ever imagine that they weme seen the home where everyfhing in by tînt act helping ta promote lnp- thie way of comfomt depended upon piness in homes and ideal' famiiy keeping tlie father or the mother in life. If haîf the terrible tales of good temper, and where the acci- fie resuits of Government sale of dental annoying or dîsplensing of lîquors in oflier provinces are true, eitlier developing the wlole bouse in those wlio voted ta have Govern- an afmosphere of' discomfort; where ment Sale of intoxicating lîquors in the disarrangement of the hours for Ontario were voting fa have infra- meals ly the unexpected arrivai of duced in aur fair province again fhe guests, or by some change ift buse- greateat curse tînt las ever been hld arrangement necessnry for legalized by act of parliament. their accommodation, la accampanied Tlank God tînt ail sudh persans lost by black looks, irrttating expres- their votes once more in this Pro- sions, and even-downrigit udeness? vince for fhe tempemance farces And who cannot recail that pitiable have lraveiy put the Ontario Tem- argit of a wifte or a husband strug- peance Acf again well "aver the giing ta maintain oufward compas- top" ly over 30,000 majority. ure and ta present n smiiing and, * * *welcomîng face while tryîng fa con- Helen Ekin Starrett wrote a very ceai or divert attention from the ir- interesting ýbo ok on The Ideal Fam- ritation anrd lad manners of the ily, which was published by_ the J. B1. other? Lippincott ýCompany. If is a practi-_______ cal illustration of home and f amily life. Some phases mny lie sum- M.J .Bci ersne I marized for the benefit of readers of Ca .W ike ersne h flua column: Prabably one of the Cbourg Curling Club at fhe an-. fundamental da1ifficulties, she as nuni meeting of the Ontario Ctml- in the way of realizing n high ideal ing Association held in Toronto. of home and family life lies in fhe, . Judge E . C. S. Huycke in open- fnct fiat fao much importance is ing Division Court at Part Hope on given în tiat ideal ta the happiness Mondny aftemnoon, paid a higl or pleasure ta le enjoyed, and to I trîlute fa Judge Ward and expressed littie to the <uties ta le perfommed. regret at fhe ltter's, retirement In imagination the young couple see from fie Bench. tiemseives seated nround the ideal __________________ table, partnking af the ideal food. They give lifflefhoughfta fIte labor and came for bath husland and wife fiat must precede fie regular- fumnishing forth of fiat table. To realize the ideal family board us-i uaily -means, for the husland, un- ending days of labor and business anxiefy; for the wif e constant atten- tian fa fie prosaic ýdef ails of kitchen and pantmy and inundry. That ideal lread wili not make itsélf, and very few of those ýwlo propose fa serve us in aur kitchens can make if. Tint ambrosial coffee, fiat nicely broiled steak, tînt delicate dessert, are al fie product of work.__ Thaf siining-smoofi fable-latI and those satin-smooti, napkins wiil nof came ouf of any unsuperinfended laundry. Let no ana expecf fa real- ize fie ideal who is not willing famJ accept the conditions necessary fa ifs realizafion. God lafI set the one aver againaf fhe other, and fiey are inseparalle. The firaf essentials of fie ideal home and fie idéal family are con- stant love, confidence, devotion, un- selfisiness, willingness fa spend and le spent in fie service of one an- other. 'The' ideal home is one wheme fie children shail say: "When we mnrmy andt have liomes af aur awn, we wish fa love and le loved ns faflier and mather lovéeaeci ofier". If is wieme fie sans are taugif re- spect for ail women by the déference and kindness of fleir father fa their mofier; if la where daugîfers leamn fmom their mothem's patient example how beautiful a fhing wifely andl m»tlierly aff ection is--learn fhe beauty of daiiy unselfial devotion ta fie good of nl. If is one wheme fie afmosplere of lave and kindness ia soaial-pervading fiat if soffensi every privtién, ennolles evemy humble duty, and sfimuiafes con- sfantly ail noble and unselfial aimas. This ideal can neyer le atfained wheme there is nof; a fairly equal m.e- ciprocity in devotion, labor,,and self- denini, letween fie different mem- bers of fIe family. Heme la fhe rock on whici many a faiiy is wecked affer if as lad a prapifiaous iaunching. If is possible for devotion on the part of one ta breed selfisih- ness on the part of anofier. Burgiars and snenk fhieves are busy in Port Hope. ,Sometfime le- tween Safurday nigit and Sunday morning the office of G. N. Patter- son,,coal and waod merhant,., was entered, and the cash box. cantaining some revenue stamps was faken, THE EDITOR TALKS Sometimes it is the wife whosel every wi sh and need is anticipated by the devotedl husband, whýo learns ta take for granted ail this attention and love, without re-alizing any par- ticular need for, reciprocity of duty and affection on lier part, and who, in consequence, develops a selfish- ness and helplessness that will in- evitably , in future years, mar the best home life. Sometimes it is the husband, taking for granted the affectionate attentions and labors of his wife, accepting at hier hands ser-l vices and sacrifices entirely oufof proportion ta lier share of marmon- ial duties who becomes in the end exacting, imperious ,and tyrannical. Nowhere are beautiful manners so .beautiful as in the home, especially whenthiey are flot put on merely for company, but are an integral part of every-day conduct. The conser- 1vators of manners in the home are -usuaily the mothers and daugliters; rfor men and boys, in their rough- and-tumible -contact with business if e, are apt to acquire brusque, im- 8perious. ways, and a harshness of rspeech .that often pains and wounds. DRougI talk, if un-checked , will ultim- ately spoîl the fine bloom-of family affectionateness. Sa, too often on >the part o f growing boys an in- Sdifference and disregard of those Bminor mules, of behavior at table and elsewhere that tend to -mar the fine Y ideal of home life. To eliminate 7ail these "little foxes that spoil the vines" is especially the task and care of the mother, in whi ch, haw- 1ever, she should be assisted bath by -the rcp and the example of the r faher. It is a work that' requimes -inifinite patience. It is not accom- aplîshed in a month, or in a year, or tin ten years. It is not campleted itili every chuld has con4e to the full imeasure and stature of manliood and iwomaniood, after the model of -Christ and lis teachings. But no Ehiglier aim ýcan be set bef are, any iyoung couple starting out in if e than the noble one of fearing an ideal rfamily. HUNTING MOOSE AND DEER For many years lunters from On- tario have reahized that the very best hunting grounds are located in the vicinity of the Canadian Pacific Raiiway. Hunting clubs, as well as smail parties, appreciate the neces- sity of arrangements made in ad- vance. Canadian Pacific agents are qualified ta give yohl accurate in- formation as ta where deer, moose and big game can lie found. Tley are plentîful in the French Ri ver district ta Sudbury from Frenchi River; along tlie main line of the Canadian Pacific, Railway from Sudbury ta Cliapleair and also in the Ma ritime Provinc~es, as weii as in the district around Sharbot Lake. Ask any ýCanadian Pacific agent for a copy o~f the Hunters' Pamphlet or write W. Fulton Passenger Agent, C. P. R. Building, Toronto. 42-7w THE EDITOR TALKS In many a family one persan may have the power ta mi-ake ail the rest 50 uncamifortable by irrifabiiity andý croýssness, if l)is or hiem wishes are' not abey-ed, that, niierely ta escape this discomnfort, the rest wilil asteni ta accede ta anything demanded.1 This is a temper which, if if la seen' developing in, chiîdren, shouid be re-! sisted witli the greatest firmness by fhe parents. (AMas, if it is one of the parents in wliom it develops!) Sometimes it ie an eider son who, because le is in college, is looked up ta by the other -chidrAn, wvvho will demnnd fromtliem a subservience ta his wishes tînt is hlumiliating ta! them and hurtfui ta him. Sometimes . it is the daughter just beginning ta, go into sociefy, who suddenly be-I cames selflshly important and isi tempted ta domineer ýover the: younger and other members of the famiiy. Sudh a disposition must be checked in its incipiency with al strong hand, or it may become an element of permanent discord and unhnppiness in the home. Phone 18 Bowmanville There is economy in numbers as well as strength and, in order to fittingly celebrate the opening of our three h undred and thirty-third store, a special list of real bargaîns for thirty-three cents is listed below. Remember, too, that ail orders of $%00 or more wUll be delive'red free Fin est Malaga GRAPES 2 lb. for 29c MIXED NUTS GINGER CRISP #b BISCUITS, 3 lbs. MJc LIBBY'S PORýK & »9 BEANS, 3 tins - Ji TRISCUIT 3 for - - - BULK COCQA 3 Ibs. -- - - Large Ripe BANANAS 39c Dozen, BRAZIL NUTS AND WALNUTS 21c LB MAGIC BAKING POWDER- FANCY BISCUITS, lb. 33C TILLSON'S OATS - -3 3c !/-1b. Tin RICHMELLOW COFFEE - 3C AUNT DINAH 9 MOLASSES, 3 for 33C !/2-1b. PINK 33 SALMON, 3 for3C ROLLED QATS, 6 Ibs, POTTED MEATS, 4 for -33C -33C .33C -33C -33C JUTLAND SAR -9 DINES, 4 for -33JC SHIRRIFF'S JELLY POW- DERS, 4 for - -33C1 milleu Spei PUMPK IN MARSH- >MALLOWS ýcial for Hallowe'en - 15c --29c FIG JAM BISCUITS, lb. VALENCIA CAKE lb. - - - - BREAD 9cRICHMELLOW Small, Loaf - - - 9 TEA, lb. - - - RASN ib.---PINEAPPLE, Sna RAISNS-25c pare, Sliced Sna BACON29 TIGER CATSUP lb. - - -29 (Quart) - - - -.23c -.21c ,-79c -.20C - 25c "'44C WESLL.TOSfIF Victory Bond Interest Wheu your interest coupons become du, or when you receive cheques for interest on regîstered bonds, deposit them ini a Sav- îngs Account I the Bank Of MontreaL The money you receive on your investment In bonds wili then earn interest foryou. BOWMANVJLLE BRANCH J. A., MOCLELLAN - Managet., BANK OF MONTREAL EstablishBed over IOOyears THE BEST IN MEATS They have quality, they are tender, they are fresh, but not too fresh, they are properly prepar- ed, they are cut and sold in a cleanly manner, they are deliejous, wholesome and pleasant to serve.. Do you want a roast that will be juicy and tend- er when hot, that will slice up nicely when cold? Veal, Lamb, Beef, Pork-the best of each. An experience of some years in the business of sup- plying meat is ours-and the benefit of what we have learned is yours when you order here. We know ail about the meat we'seil, and we won't seil it unless its the best on the makret. Whnen You Deal at Dudley's You Get The Choicest Meat Served" Right Wilblert J. Djudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanyi110b' Geét ReadylpNQ Ww For CoId Weather Have that odd job for the Plumber, Tinsmith, or Steam Fitter done xiow by one of our expert mechanies. Ùon't put off tili weather is too col& and the rush is on. We can give prompt service now. Greenaway & Elliott Heatiug.Experts and Consulting Engineers à ý --..i )l

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