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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1924, p. 1

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auab Ian t With Which is Incorporated The Bowmanvî1le News Vol. LXX. M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BQWMANVILLE, ONT., THUIRSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1924. $2.00 a Year In Advanee 5c a Copy N. 4 _________________________________________OLDER BOYS' PARLIAMENT GOLDEN WEDDING SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE TEMPERANCE CONET Ontario is in the mlidst of a stir- Mr. and Mrs. Riclard Hamilyn Special Addresses and Fine Music hy AT O MIVLE Couch, Jhnston &Cryderma Limitedring and vital ei'ection campaign theý Celebrate C .1 T. Girls and S. S.ACovtinfthTerrnc Cuh Jontn&CyemnLmtdlike of which its young participants Orchestra. Atore onet orhmwilu claim, takes second place flot even Bright sunshine and charming aut- Sudyeln the Town Hall, hi 'I e ~~to the recent British elections or the umnl weather favored the happy jub- Sna evening service in the Saturday Novemlber 9ha .m * J~, J Unitedl States presidential po-w-wow.i ilee event whioh was fittingly cele- Methodist Church was in charge Of A special invitation sgvnt i lob. It is the General Election for th\e brated on Tuesday, Novemiber11, the Sunday Schooi when declegatesý teachers, clergymen ad Sna pose f elctingreprsentatives 19294, when Mr. and Mrs. Richard! to the Ontario Religious Council held! School -wokers tobepeet 'el j, F Il ~ i'ue AT'S e ofte legting esemby S edHmy n a aebTrSn~ ~ ~ ~~d pae rmTrno~ep~e : oteFourth Ontario Older Boy7s' Ham-Ilyn, DTuk:e SIreet, attaîned thei in the Evangelicai Church, Kitchener, l as everyone interetdi uhn Parliament which sessions will b1eý fiftieth annivrsaryoa th h iu lar- Otgv1re ntrsîgrprs ahead the Temiperac ca . A %m'O, ffÀM o% âlilQueens~ Park, Toronto, fromn Decei-' Slute, diaught'er of the late John andi service and conitrîbuted in-.pir2-ng, KENMiORE GIRL QiC ber 26th to 3s., 1924. The elec- Mary Ann Sute of Bowmnanvile, selections during the evening. A ____ vember 29t1i by secret ballot. Rev. W. S. Pascoe, then pastor ofI C. G. 1. T. led the service of _song entetirsiîaparnthOea Mr. B. E. nhm M.A., Bowinian- the Bibile Christian Churchi, offici. and rendered a number of suitaible osBwàvl p94ville, is Returning Offilcer for Dur-, ing. choruses under direction of, Mr. T.daNvme2th.udrhea- ham1 County. He reports theseI A reinarkable circumstance about W. Stanley, Choir Director w1ith es ,of teWen'rHspt0tAr condidates as having qualified for thfs wedding occasion is that Rev. ee .Mri tteogn îayin tii-eir popuarseis f ntr T u &Ju u Ithis riding and are al1ready entering' Dr. Pascoe is stili living and at pres.. Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor, offered tainents. T o A d B s u e sthe contest with rea~t earnestess 1ent residing in his town. QMiS uperntenetH. L. r and The Kenmore Sitr a nd e nt usi s m :i A oth r i tp resid edat u e andh t o f V io lin , JIish H P ao1o o With plenty of cold wintry days just around the corner you will appre-, Stanford Symnons, Bowm-anville i they buit and have continuously liv- in Opening the program gave a gen- and ensemble nu er sia ciate these fine bight days to do your shopping for cold weather needs. reat adiil d nte ae os o ue tealotln f h onetonb edamtic eaîga ec JmsLreMlbokn orth of G. 1'. R. Station,foth facts concerning the city of Kitchen- edn butflcsuese lArchibald Stinson, Janetville j past rift3Vý years, and it was taierp er iscurhs n rifysme Reserved seat pia o pna This store is full of new and seas onable things bouglit for ca§h in the Gordon Lapp of The Brighton1 that the celebration was held on uIàtw,,o addresses given by Dr. Hu-hMthl' rgSoe bestmarkt, tus eablig yu tobuy t loest rice. ,Ensign and the youngest editor of a, Tuesday under such delightful S.,ailGnriertr f.< ______ weekly newspaper in Canada, is a pleasing auspices.-vec. EARLY CHRISTMSBYN Shop through the store at your leisure. See the new things. Com- candidate for the Premiership. The roomis were tastefuily decor-Lwene par th pice. xamne hevalesandyouwil fndthi a oo streRead Election Cards of the two' ated in gold and white, yeliow M Aiss Marguerite Joness sang veryi Bomrlecandidates on the last chrysanthemums takingthe leading ncl:" er h oieo eu ay pie eerddthi inowmie #nlleyour songie Say" i Christmas gftshoppn oerya in which to doyour shopping.page. part in the floral decorations. Ms hs .Wgh eotdfrthey ar', doing it isye. friends, neighbors and other cit i G irs ot.g t e p og a o1e o e o w c s ~ r b t ___________A are umerofreat s, th Dptentefporm'T ere Aeheir oe'gtv BRIGHT YOUNG LIFE CLOSED1 zens called dring the afe o'byth C. G. L. T. About 40 girls of1 tendiag each evenin h eer 1 n vnn t e ogatelatoon: hj Auctin at Alex Ello'l tr.H ULian M. Bounsali ,Phrn. B. ond evingha toyofrcc atlaions Bowmanviile Church are banded to- Cas-ol fbs WTe hardly know where to start in Delightful display of Silk Scarfs _____ f hi apyocsin getiier in tiree groups and their, aim Cis1ooso bs-uiyar on to tell you about our new stock. Here'sý for ladies and men just received.ý Deeply regretted and greatly re-i The two daughter.s (Mabel )1 Mrs., is to develop the f our-f old 11f e. Dur- Way beIow regular rti1pie n spete ad elve, o Wdie-dg,!W. S. Camieron, Toronto, an'd (Car- ing the past terni they were f avored often les-s than cost. Hr' hr a few timely suggestions taken at ran- spetdabe loed5oWdn1d924 e, Mrs Frd Dwneyandefs. Iwtlfie lec!tures on First Aid given you bu.y at your onpie m domNovember s5re:1924,e atetQueenthAlexan-atIdJohn HamlIyn receiveci with the by Dr. A. S. Tilley and lectures on' money being saved utpt h do fom ou sor: vear aens 1.1 ieceeuaou ra Sanitarium, London, Ontalo, Lil-, bride and groom and helped make' Nursing y s.RselObri cow'd that packs t1 tr ngo ______________________-Kenwood Blankets. ian M. Bounsali Phma. B., daughjter e133' Mrs. Russeil Osborne. ýhumor. Some peopeaeatedn of Mr. and MHrs. F. H. Bounsali, hoe.ygetfelvr uh The girls are now planning- for altesl 0f course, coats are u-ppermost - -iB owmlan ville, passed away peaceful-hoe niother anti daughiter banquet and i a lenî't eight. Tere' jus no i th mndsofmos wone. If QU ee a ur ec picedont in sleep which knows no waking- A purse of gol'd and a number of nuiber of ýusefual themles in the life a certain fasc ,inationaottc ~Sl jus nw i te mnd ofmot wme. 1f Qu ee a urnec pecedo't in this life. What peace and re-st other suitable giftý were received' of the girls. She reported addres-' that you don t wantt isass Hiere you find the newest materials fi buy until you have seen our fur depart,- it must have been for lier af ter fighit- from members of the family and ses on this subject by Miss Jessie, sion. Mr. 1.Lnth ~cin in'g so bravely such dreaded sicknless other relatives,. MýcPherson and Miss Gemmeli. I eer, a certaînly uo h oriec the latest styles, and so reasonably mrent. vt anand sfeigI-I L vnn r A. M. adýSutQin read thec first osli f the people w¶lthhsfaidlig priced, too. two years! Yet with «,t ail she was called the cùmpany to order and ex- after whici) Mrs. W. H. Argue gave ,n hssl. Sl al t73 Does your husband have his shirts ever brigbt and hopeful, and when pressedl the kindly feeling and good- a short address on her- impressions pj. im. Saturday a :0ad73 NewDrsse ebrae h te ost mae t oder I so b sue o se ur at last the struggle ended there was will of those assenihled for the of the convention. p.n New Dresss embraceail the ost made o order.If soa smsure twhichourevealled thewhiuent yetleI worthylectvuplwoatd couplested MisssedMrisH.r. W.. W intontobreifly ooutlinede(I deirdmaeiassu s rpeBck stc o ur hitng, aboutl joyousý message of victory. Franlcie M. Jewell on behaif of the the Boys' Work, speaking miost fav- deie mtral uh sCep ak tc f ast olohrts.boltl Miss Bounsal wa of a. very bright, friends and neigbbors to read an' orably o h oo okcrido HUAQALCUE Satn, oolCreeCutVeletCaton guaantedcheerful disposition and wias alike a'ddress while Mrsý. Wmi. Richards here 'under leadership of Mdessrs.i TALKS T OAIN CreesandFlnne. - popular with ber school, social andl made the presentation of a gift of Wreford Souch, J. H, Winter andý ______________________________Then we corne to the Men's Cloth- busýiness associates. For a numnber gold. Ray Dlling-in the the thireb' -Mr. Donald H. Sih ersna Grea ineret i beng ake in ingandFurishngsDeprtm nt ith of years andi until she found it ,ec- The Address groups-the seniors under the tive of the 1Redpath huaqaba Gra ners sben ae i n ndFrihng eatmn ih essary to take a rest sbe occupied M.adMs ihr any namnes of Thýe Sioux and eae been in town thepatwe de- the new materials including ail wooi, new Hats, Caps, Gloves, Sweater Coats, a responsible positýor withi the loc-al Mr n Ms.RcadHmy f groupsanad the Juniors known as! oing toboku Bo aviefr silk anýd wool crepes, charm-euse satins, Ties, Underwear, Socks, etc. ' I irm g o Mpess Jt poi, De- e tsarrindsof yur hedsple fe iTalsoRages. e fourol d! mnt summer scoreo e'býta dres lanel i ai sade, rod- -j as amrong the first young ladies in acquaintances have on this evening meetings and splendid wr is being, ceumy bureau. Men's Overcoats in newest shadesbod Ontario to obtain the degree 'of Phm. withouit formai invitation from YOU done in boy training f or citizen1sbip.1 ttewel uceni h graduatingcont1920i froni thedCol- crowded your borene ust indicate Owing to the lateness of the hourj Rotary Club on Frida r irt e cltsfrsis t.and f abrics froin $17.00 to $35.00. lege1 of Pbarmacy, Toronto. ithie value of your friendship. And Rev. Mr. Robins proinisýed1 to give; lightedý, the mlembesb gvn Thenwe hve Ldie' Sik Uner-Tbe funeral service, which was i as a mnatter of fact, we understand his report on Dr. Sherýwood Eddy's hallf hour travel ta]ko npt t The w hve ades Sik ndr-private,, was heid at the fiiy resi- i it was flfty years ago, whien Mary!I two very excellent addresses on1 aly, Rome and Venie Hsecpt Wear, Silk Slips, Bloomers and Vests. Ready-to-wear Suits as low as 1 dence, King Street, on Fridlay, No-1 Jane Sînte becamre the wi of Ricb-1 Jesus Christ the hope of the World ionally pleasing persnlt 1450,ad pto$3.5.vemiber 7th. R ev. 1). W-BsetB. ard Hlamlyn. We are here tol on- a future occasion. ed with a happy prsoyi 'ý-450ad p o$3.5.A., Minister of St. paul'sChrc, congratulate you on the measure -of'I The large audience w\ýas dleligbited1 speaking ,gripped thecoetatn Splendid assortment of Brush- 1 had charge of the service auid spokýe success which has crweor with the services throughout' and tionI of his audliencea ec md If yo prefr a ade..o-meaure in fitting ternis of the higli ciýaratcter lives, and hope you wiîî 13e spared1 wiil h ave pleafiant anticipation of bis talk with observtos t ugs of deceased, lber activities i ongfrthe ext ten yeiwenc e also silk ýand wo yarn. suit we have agencies for Laily- peopîe's societies of the c1hurcla andl brate thsimn edn. w so ois irhrrpr. Iadpee ilce ws wthtip ame - ___ - Trebl, inbur & o. an1SLe- ier stirling qualities in the sphere; w7sh your lives to be filled with ive and impressive. Tebe ieug &ofobusiness.- 1sunshine, good bealth, and your I PRETTY HOUSE WEDDING 1One could not beipbtfe hti We are exclusive agents for the inson, Son & Co. We stand back of Interment took placýe in Bowmian-' ,e hp eanubokn syu this bri.lliant yrouÙgmna'i i famous Madame X Reducing Corsets. every suit to give satisfaction. ville Cernetery, the bearers b eingsiln ae on n ~aog Ashton--Werry unique address weretu anlso -Messrs. J. Ross Stutt, Ray J. Snow- IA îgttkno icrt eiApet fîb d the cornpany lhe repeetcdw denChares Bunsai an D, . Mo- aýsk you to accept this purse of gold.1 ding was the significant event in En,- hoanv esonto eiev t"ri rîson. 9Bwavlectieswl aen 1 The tributes of flowers were ex- "And when the sunset of life niskilien on Saturday, Novemiber 8, mistake in b-ringing huaLlat I cediglybeutiulshoin th loe1draws near and earthly fiiends be-I when Aima Mary, youngest (Iaughterý Bowmlanville next Iad steminwhib ecasd asCoirne scattered you may realize the j of Mrs. Henry J. Werry of Eninis- t hend. ey in cl de pillowbas continued presence of the DivineIkillen, and Lloyd Richard, son oj I II,l. e ie weths *alld sprbasFriend who neyer changes". IMrs. Richard Ashton of Haydon, HOME AND SCHOC LU R >tIy l j fronibl j rali rd ry Bowmanville, Ontario, Nov. 11, 1924 were united in marriage. FAVOR SHO US J F~amiily, Mrs. E. R. Bounisail andi Mr. W. S. Caneron, son-in-îaw, Tecrmn a efrndi b(o wman VIIIe l' n10ILimtea Caries, Mr. and Mrs. 1). Morrison, Sr., made a very bappy reply on behialf i the parlor of the homie under an' The Home and Seho lbmti Ner.e Bnd ali ,usr. nd Mris. GorndonoftMiriesnso hnk,-al erh of evergreen decoratively inter-" he Central Publicecol nWd ________________________________________________________Scott, Londion, M.amid Mrs. i"D. R'i'. Mo- f or their presence, gift and good W ioveri with large numlbers of white nýsday~ eveninig,Noebr lt rison. -miss MNargareýt McKay, Lindisay, wvishes. Mr. Hnamlyn aIlso biie and sheli pinik chrysanthemnumis At! with a very good atnac. L M.and Ms J. Hl. H. Jury,Womnseyte jIAssoiation of St. 1'aul's, Mr, and Mrs. expressed thainks on beýhalf of humi- apitdhut h tan fjwsFtes ih n br r AL. Ni oiJon A. Hioigate,, Hare-y; self aniiwife, stating that this dayLoegn' weddîng march, played igoodly numiber prsn. is IMingeaud, -Mr. aind Mrs, John Percy and wal just a fitting dimax to their yM',JR.Oistnsseroth!Wct' oiirc Mliss Beryl _ecMrs. J. Mcrgor and bride, the bnidlegioon t 'ook biis place j while Mr. Winiter'sanMisWlo' - £amiiy, Mr. and Mrs. 'J. b. rMarty-n, Jun- vrhapweddif.nerthe archIifoliowed shortlv y 3"roois ýtied for-secondpiefÇrhv ANY EMPTY FLOWER POTS? DARLINGTON i NEW INSURANCE AGENT iior Missionary Soc-iety of St. Plal, Bnief congratulatory addresses the bride who was presentedf by herlinig the miost fathersrpesn'I Perrin, Toronto, Alan Rnîghý1t, Mr. and Youn lstchance to fl thern at, Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Mr. 1Thos. (Tommnie) King of thisArG.ei, ayle l d,lLQue,-M. ,iiMiss hle aT.oC.adewb es rs.R.H bohe aro n h rg th e music uartett unse last Mrs G. Ale Edmo~dtone, M. and Mis Harniy, T. C Jeweli TrumanPow-1 the an ch stood the mother and (lsisterl h nscfrteeeigi hi 'bargain pices: jAlbert Cole, Miss Mildred Cole, twni, bas been appointed as Districtlyil D ingna, Mr. a Mrs. . kWBse, rardg uo, M .PF. C. Mansn, o h rdgonat ntelftuulpesn anr r.W Gnoup No. 1-2 Hyacinths (any Town, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truil Representative for The Crown Life j 1'fai?' idsy.Jutu Reigk .BrgM P . . Mri, of it, the mother anti brôther of the Challis gave a splenidaprcte color,> 2 DaFfodils, 2 Paper -White and chiltiren Gladys and Lewis insurance Company. wbose Head to, Miss Mr111.anMr.Prn To- A. M. Hardy and others. r ide "One HIundnoird Pei etFte" N!,arcissi. Regular value 60c fori Hampton, wîtb M-Srs. Roy Metcalf; Office is locsted at Toronto. l oule L. O). L. No. 1 oronýo. Misses Messag-es of congratulation froi The ceremony was perfommèid by i..M'n. . Berry' raîn n M '50e cash. AMn, and _Mrs. Russel Short ami fani- TbeCrown Life is one of the nmost Gladys Palmer and Elva B . BrgMs itn red eercie riev. Geo. T. McKenizie. B. A., of, Wife's ubn Wavey uhen Glradys Weese, Mr. and Mr\ls. Geoli J. I-,,i aieMse oteadYrewowstefre -gIy oe. Ms Group No. 2-1 Sacred Lily, 92 ily, Hamilton, witb Mr. Blake Short; nrosperous companies and is enjoy- ryTro no r.ad ra n Mn IrnHley, Mises Lotltie.sd rk:stee , s th form ier.hghi oed.a sswethture 2 Hscnta anycoon, Mss Mary Wood with Miýsa Gladys l ng a rapid growtb, issuing upto dateLawrie'0r. adMs FiandndBt-EnaHrne, e De , t.;M.esemd ato ftThrde ae a Hortetandk .3 Miniature Uyacintbb (any colon). -L 1ollon, Tw Ms Helena Cain, policies for every need.1 ville, L. O. L.No234 Misses Ann Condr.Rpr .Hï O-,Tecnrtltoswihfl .Regulan value 88e for 75e cash.I Markham, witb Miss Margaret Aber- _________ ors and Maud Otton, -mrs. orcçhard and 1tawa; Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McDon-j ed were sincere, proclaiming thîe es-. a resolution placingitefor od Group No. 3-4 Hyacinths (any' nethy. anly Ohw, Victor Tovell, St. aId, King.tton; Miss Ella Green- teeni in which tbe young couple is, as being greatiy infaoofhvg colr) 4 afodis,8 Tlis (or Hear the Enfieîd eonipny present DISTRICT LEAGUE CONVENTIONjiMrys Felw-Pier)nsat Sitarium, aay, Rochester, N. Y.; _Mn. sud heid. a School Nurse in Bomn1le f orcing). Regular value $1.15 ) their poplr Dranla "The Tîree No. 32 Linds'ay, Mr. and Mrs1F1 Rid $1.O0 cash. I Pega", and enjoy s good laugrh nt El- j Young people of the Methodist I st.- Pauls Y oung Poi' ulMs tes in a gown of white duchesse satin somle of the ladiessevdlnh

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