Auto Tops and Upholstering Furniture Upho1stering Repairs a Specialty J. A. FRY King St., Bowmanville Opp. West End Garage 47-4* PAEONIES PLANT THEM NOW ALBERT CROUSSE-rose flecked carm-ine, -ery large rose-type, late..... ...... 40e COURONNE-whîte with yel- low reflection, one of the best whîtes, late ......... 40c DUCHESSE DE NEMOURS-- sulphtir white, beautiful shape, extra good, early 35c LA~ TENDERE.SSE-milk white, free bloomier,- extra good, early . .............40c L'ECLAÀANTE-brilliant red very good, midseason .... 50e MADAM CALOT-pinkish white tinted flesh, early. . 40c MARIE-lilac white fading to' milit white, very late. ... 35C REINE- HORTENSE-hyldr- ange pink, salmon-tinted centre, good, midseason. . Oc RUERA TRIOMPHANS-very dark crimiison, semi-âouble, large, early .......... <... 35c SARAH BERNHARDT- mauive rose, silver-tipped, fragrant, extra good, late. 75c S. J. Jackman & Sons> Florists Phone 80 Bowmnanville jSuccessors to Christie's Bakery BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 20, 1924. PRETTY AUTUMN WEDDîNG.S Chester-Whittaker On Wednesdaýy, November 12, a pretty wedtiing was selemnnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WV. H. Whittaker, Newtonville, wý,hen their third daughter, Miss Lena Mande, was uniteti in marriage with Mr. William H. Chester, Oshawa. Thie ceremony was conducteti by Rev. T. Wallace. 'The was charming in a pearl grey 'flat silk crepe w,,ith suetie shees te match. She aiso wore a bandeau ef silver eaves anti carrieti a bouquet of sweetheart ros- es and baby's breath. She was un- attendei., Immediatehy after tbe wedding thle couple left for a short metor trip te peints west, the bride's travelling suit being black vellevt trimmed witb grey, grey coat and black panne vel- vet bat. On their return àMr. and Mrs. Chester will resid e in Oshawa. Harvey-Follick A pretty autumn wedding wac sol- emnized on Saturday, Ngv. 8, at the home 'of Principal antiMrs. Thomas H. Follick, Port, Perry, when their only daughter, Lillian Mary Beatrice, became the bride of Rev. Lintien Clar-ke Harvey, M. A., B. D., elder son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Joseph S. Har- vey of EýKeter. Rev, Prof . Mc- Laughlin, officiateti, assisteti by Bey. William Higgs of Port Perry.- >The bride, who was given away by ber father, was unattended, and was at- tireti in a gown of white satin. bro cade with long veil and 'orang;e blos)- soins, andi carried a àhower bouquet of Ophelia roses, Eily of the valey and maitien-bair fern. Mentiels- sobn's wedding march was playeti by Miss Gladys Harvey, sister of the bridegroin, anti during the signing of the register Mr. Gordon Scbreeier of Toronto sang. After a short motor trip the happy couple will re- sitie in the parsonage at West Loi-ne. Mr. T. H. Follick, M. A., was corne years ago on the staff of Bow- unanville High Sebool anti bis famnily lived here. Nothing as Good Fer Aatbma. As- thma remedies come anti go but every year the sales of the original Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Astbma Remedy growgreterand greater. No fui-- ther evitience couid be asked of its remarkable mierit. It relieves. It is 'always of the saine univaryingi quality which the suferer frein as- tins earna te know. Do net suffer another attack, but get this splendid remiedy to-day. Guaranteed for-1500 Iiours '-they atdfor 4220 hours! AliHydro Lamps are guaranteed to burn for 1,500 hours. They usually last much longer, as the lfydro Lamp Guessing Contest at the Exhibi- tion proved. In this contest 10 Hydro Lamps fromn stock were tested to see how long they would burn after the guaranteed 1,500 hours, Up to September 6th the ten lamps had burned for a total of 42,202 hours-or an average of 4,220 hours for each lamp-well over twice the guaranteed if e. And on that date eight of the ten lamps were stili burning. ilydro Long-Lif e Lamps.are specially made for use on Hydro Current, so thgt the utmost economy ln lamps and electricity wiIl result. J Prices reduced on ail sizes of lamps, 3 lamps 'ifor 95c. T H ErH Y D RO SHOûP Phone 1192 Bowmanville BowmanvilleI A receptien anti dance -Ma,-af terwa-rds helti at the Public Hall, Iwbicb was prettily tiecorateti. The presents xere botbi numerous and useful. Later the ýhappy couple eft for Bournemouth, where part of the honeymoon ia being spe'nt. Th bride travellet inl a navy blue cos- tumne anti blue hat.--Fzwhley Chron-I ic);e Eutgland.1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. andti Mrs. S. T. Dowson and family recently inade a "business trip te Toi-ente, Mr . George Dilling anti son Rance visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Rolson, Oshawa. Governor-Generai Lord Byng will offlcialhy visit Oshawa anti Port Hope on Wetinesday, November 26tb. Mr. anti Mr. Lawry Cryderman spent Sunday week witb ber parents, Mr. andi Mrs. John Dyer, Oshawa. Mrs. E. Williams anti daughter Theo, Bowmanvilhe, were guesta of Mr. anti Mrs. J. F. Goyne, Oshawa, over the weekenti. Corna cannot exist when Helle- way's Cern Remnover ie appliedtiet them, because it gees te the root anti kihis the growth. The fast younig man neyer stops te consider that there are more ex- press trains than accommodiations on the downward roati. Mr-. anti Mrs. Dowsoa andi family, aise Mrs. Jean 'Stinson, Janetvilhe, were visitera over the 'holiday ai their sister's, Misa Lythe, Victoria Roati. Mrs. Wm. Wilson anti Miss Myrtle -Wilson attentiet the,,f ortieth wed ding anniversàry of Mr. and Mra. H G. Calvert, Pickering, on Tuesday November îlth. Mr. anti Mra. J. K. Stout anti ittle daughter, Florence Margaret, Mr- Walter Bonser anti Miss Hasher, Tor- onto, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. anti Mrs. C. N . Ruse, Carlishe Ave. Oshawa Boardi of Educatien was granteti $80,000 te complete the new wing at the Oshawa'High Scool on Simece Street, NJorth., this totals $335,000 te be spent on the nýew ad- dition. Mr. C. T. Ross, Manager Reyal Theatre, wýas in Toronto Friday, No- vember lthanti attentiet a re- union banquet at the M ossop Hete] of the 1-l16th Battalion of, which he was a imember.f Mqrs. Irwin of Bowmanville, wbc, bas leaseti Mr. Gonant'a farin oni Simicee St. South, was a visiter in the city on Tuesday. Mr. Irwin has a man engageti toing the faîl worli anti expects te nove te Oshawa ini March.-Oshawa Telegran., Mr. andi Mrs. F., R. ýCrosaman ofl Taunton, announce the engagementý of their tiaughter, Misa Cladys Ida Irene, anti Mr. J. Harvey Pascoe, elder son of Mr, anti Mrs. . Pas- cee aIse of Taunton. Vewed-. ding will take place the latter part of this month. Miiher's Worm Powtiers are sweet anti pahatable to cbihdren -wbo showa ne hesitancy in taking thein. They will certainly bring worm'troubles te an enti. They are a 'strengthen. ing ani timulating miedicine, cor- recting the disortiers of digestion' that the woruns cause ant imifparting, a healthy tone te the system moat be-neficial te devehepment. KEDRON Holiday visitera: Mr. anti Mrs. Laver an ti famnilý, Toi-ento, at Mr. W. Hepburn's; Mr. anti Mrs. G.' West, Misses Elsie, Marie anti Dori West antiMi-. anti Mrs. Ruasel Rich- ardtson, Ashiburn, Misses E. Dundas, May Currie, Ethel anti Florence Van Nest, Toronto, Mr. anti Mrs.' A. L. Pascoe anti Mrs. Norman Wright, Soina, Mr. Gilbert Gibson, Oshawa,' at Mr. IR. J. Luke's; Miss Florence Luke, Ashburn, Misa Olive Luke anti Mr. Dudiley McGregor, Toronto, Mi-. Albert Luke, Oshawa, at their homes; Mr. anti Mrs, J. Mc- Greg-or, Miss Dorothy anti Mr. Bruce McGregor at Peterboro; Miss Nora Werry, St. Catharines, witb her brother anti sister; Mr. anti Mra. H. L. Pascoe visiteti relatives at Orono; Mi-. Walton Pascoe visiteti his cous- in, Mr. Wallace Pascee, Enfielti; Mr anti Mrs. W. N. Hoakin' vi sited friends at Orone; Mrs. Hunter, Broeklin, gave a report of Suntiay Scheol Convention at Kitchener here Suntiay. .Ladies' Aid met at homie*of Mrs. W. N. Hoakin Nevember 5th. Af. ternoen was spent quilting. PRETTY WEIDpING On Septemiber,20, (the 36tb anal- versary of tie brie's parents' weti. ding day);, Miss Gadys Gwendoline Wills, tiaughter of Mr. anti Mrs. J. Willa of Fawley, was miarrieti te Mr. Walter Greystone Delmage of the Royal Air Force,, anti only son, of Mrs. E. Delmage, Bowmanville. The 1 ATTENDED SHAW'S SCHOOL. dlMr. W. S. Bragg, Shaws, hande( p the editor, this etter frein Mrs. Wm Jackson, nee Mary Ann Hooper, 15' nj Athol St. E., Oshawa: h Dear Sir--J wish to cay how have enjoyed reading the history e: [j your achool. 1 was one of tii pupils 64 years ago and weil I re mnember those desks fastened to bhý niwall and the spelling matches wi h'ad every Friday afternoon. Ali the lovely apples that were given un froin Mr. Matthew Joness' and Mr rJohn Simapson's orchards when the: were packing thein in the Faîl. W( walked many a timre over sniov banks as high as the fences. 1 for -get our teacher's naine, but so man' 0 of those peophe's names I remembei t real well. I passed the old schoo housè a year ago and said to mysel' I would like te have gone in anL - seen the inside of it. We were kepi s ood and warm with thoEe wood firei in the big steve. No furnaces ir those days, I congratulate yen or being able te build sucih a grand nev, t chool. I ai sure it must be, need. ed by this time. We can net gel along without our scjuools. OLD BOWMANVILLE BOY Dear Statesman :-Probably goodly number of your readers, a ethey noticed in the city papers lasi week report of the death of Mr. Ed mund E. Sheppard in Calif ornia, ina3 be interested te know that be was .Bewmnanville boy-his fathier bein', S the respected minister of the Dis. lýstrte hi'busnem caecrwith i in the books, statienery and new5 business in VarietyHal Ed, a he was çalled in those early days, wa a great reader, and was alwaysî student, but in his taîl, very ungainl3 fgure, gave littie promfise then o' the namne and fame hie was te achiev( in later life. Hie founded the Tor. onto Saturday Night and -was con. nected with The Oid Mail, The Star the Daily Advertiser of London The Old Toronto vNening News ànc he becamne ene oý the most noteé sand frequently quoted journalists iî Canada anti beyond. A letter froin him te mue a lem years ago was full of thanks foi visita 1 had paid te his'daughtei twho was ill and later died !In a Tor. 1 onto Hospital. ,> l Thos. Yellowlees 676' Spadina Ave., Toronto., RESPECTED JOHN McMURTR,' StaffýCaptain Mark Ayre, 3011. Terry Place, Loz Angeles, Californ. *ia, known in Bowmnanville 50 year. ego as "Little Mark the Butichei J Bloy", writes the editor on Novèm, ber 6, as f ollows: My Dear Fi'fend James :-The Statesmna just te hand conveys thE sad news of the pa&sing away of Mr, Jolin McMurtry. 1 sutld like tc *pay a short tribute to bis raemory. 1 quite agree with every word ye-u have said about hum and whist therç are hundretis who looketi on him ae their friend,,lhe was aise iny friend, From the time my brother John and 1 landedi» Bowmeanville 52 year< age, lbe always took a kindly inter- est in ittie Mark the butcher boy and as years passed that lundi: fredhp grew. To mny brethei John as wel l ewýas a good man, nel as the world cails gooti but as Godi calls gooi. lHe was a kind man ti ail. ý He was my very true friené andi he was also one of our most loy- ah,- true anti generous friends thE Salvation Arnly has ever hati in Bowr manville. In our earhy days wlhihsl rI was Secretary of the Corps, 1 neyer approacheïd hum forany kind of help but it was readily and gener. :ously given with that hovet siie o: his. One of hicsinihes wilh ahway. stand eut very prominently with me At myr marriage 42 years ago I gol my first stock of groceries frein hinr ranti amongst the itemns was en( pound of ginger. lHe thought thai was some lump for two people tc start off on. 1He was net the onl3 one who smiled about that,> for i other tiear frîends-.I called then my Canadian father and mother, Mr and Mrs. M.'D iins did tee. Yes John McMurtry was a man amnj -men in every sense of the word. Ir -eve-ry miatter pertainfing te if e I ai. eways founti him se, andt- althougl now for niany years 1 have beer *away frein the dear ohýd home te-wt eyet on every viszit wheIci have be: fprivileg-ed te retura homne 1 ahwayi e1feun i hm, the saine-neyver tee bus3 IT'S NATURAL. FOR A' CUHILD TO GET HUNGRY The little one gets hungry between ineal-. tims nd it needa nour-' i-shmient. A gîass of Johnlsonils Pure Mlilk will - bring a il-e to chase Y awy he huniger frown. LET QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY HELP ýd By means of Extension Lectures a. Queen's University, Kingston, hias ý7 been endeavoring to render assist- ance to communiies in Oftario. If Sinterested send for the 1924-5 series )fof Extension Lectures and they may le be able to arrange a lecture for your society. Write Mr. A. H-. 'Carr, le C. A., Queen's University, King.-ton.I 's r.PAINTING AND DECORATING We have njow a fil une of Johnson's eWaxes, Polishes, Wood Dyes, Varnishes, andal wood linishes. Gemypce for polishing floors anfi furitur. Od furniture mnade like niew. Johnson's Ser- ýyviec e partinent. r' G. PRITCHARD 'l Cor. King and Silv-er Sts., PBowmianville 44-tf ýs Farms te Rent n FARM TO RÉNT-126 acres, lot 3, B. P ., Dariington. Piowýing piossession aý-t once, full possession April 1, 12.Ap- ply to Mrs. James MacCt(_onniachie, King tSt., E., Bowmanville. 34-tf Notice a Orders for cenment blocks or cernenti iswork of any kjnd given priompiit attent- !ion and at reasonable rates. We are ai- tse prepared te do teýaming. phone 170. -Mrs. A. Turneur, Scuigog St., Bomanm-ý nKEEPS HOUSE WARM sChamberlain Weatherstrip ,a Y Keeps eut cold, 'dust and] drafts. d Keeps down your coal bill. e Ask some of my customners: Lawry Cryderman, T. H. Knight, Geo. W. -James. , Will be in tewn next week. Leave word at Statesman Office or write J. H. VANCE n 77 Aylmer St., Peterboro. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F THIE ESTÂTE 0F MATTHEW C. ýROBP>NS, late of the Township, of Darlington, deceased. NOTICE 1S9}IEREBY GIVEN that afl ~persons having any cdaimis or demnanda against the kte Matthiew C. ltobbins, who died on or about the 2th daty of BApilil, 1924, at the, Townshipi of Darling- -ton,ý are required to sen I by post pre- pai ordeliver to the udrindsoli- citor for the Toronto General Trust Cor- rporation, the admninistrators of the es- -tate of the saiid Matthiew C. Rlobblns, or to the saidl Toronto GnrlTrust Cor- poration, Toronto, Ontario, thieir nameýs eand addresses and fou ipairticulars ini e writing of their daýims and staitemientsI of their aiccounts anid the nturiie of se- curities, if anyý, held by themn. AND TAKE rNOTTIGE that after the 8th day of iDecembe1)r, 1924, thie said Tor- u onto General Trust Corporation, wlll pro- e ceed to di$tribuLte- theý assets of the said Sdeceased 'amiong the persons e"ntite"1 thereto, having regard cloniy to the dlairns of whichthey shil the-) have )hafi not -I d ice. and that the said Tor-onto eea -S Trusts Corporat1omi will nlot be liable for I the said assets or ainy p)arttheýreýof duieI any person of whiose daimi they sahnot 'then have reeivefi notice. y DATED at BowmianvIld, this 3th day rel \Oeober, 1924. M. G. V. GOULD, Solicitor. for Toronto General Trust Corp. d 45-3w e VoWeis' list 194 IMunicipality of Town of -Bowmanville, County of rsi Durham Nice is here5ý,giv,-n thait the Voters;' ifor the Mncpaiyor the Tdwn of [iBowmanvilie for t.he year 1924 ade pur- e sua.'nt toe tai, rjro Francise Act of ail pe )ýrsonsapern by thie last revised As3essment Roll of thîe said Municipahity C I te becenitie,ý to vote in the said Munici- ypality for MncplElec.tions oniy;, and tbiat the si Lia as lrst posted up at YMy officeBwavie, on the llth day nof Nov. 19224, and remnains there for in- CIspection. se And'l hereby caîl upon ail voters to Stake immediate proceedinga to have er- 91rors or omissions corrected according te n aw. Dated thie l2th day of Nov. 1924. JOHN LYLE, ni46-2w Clerk of the Town of Bowmanville Ladies' Card Cases Card Table Markers Tea Strainers Ash Trays Pin Trays Ink Stands Colored Candles Egg Cups Paper Knives Brass Candies and many other aýtiel( Prizes and Christmas C able in price ranging window display. Key Ring Case Pepper and Sait Sets Napkin Rings Door Knockers Bag Tags Pencil Cases Scissors Cigarette Holders Vases Hat Hooks .es. So useful for Bridge 'ifts. They are very reason- from 50e upwards. See W.T.ALLEN BIG 20 BOOKSTORE BOWMAN VILLE I. Il Chartran' s Prkces Are Always The Lowest -ln Town Give us, a calil and you will be convinced that you éan buy Mens, and Boys' Clothing and Fur- nishings at this store eheaper-than elsewhere. 35 Only, Men's Overcoats left at $15.00 to $29.50 every coat reduced. 15 Only, Boys' Overcoats, Regular $15.00 for $10 Men's $2.00 All Wool Underwear, $1.50 garment Men's Fleece Lined Underwear 89e, garment, Men's Wool Con1binations, Reg. $3.50 for $2.95 $1.00 Boys' Ribbed- AI! Wool Stockings ....75e 50e Boys' Ribbed, Cotton Stoclkings..........39e Men's Khaki and Blue Chambray Work Shirts $1 J carry the largest range of working men's clothing !i towm. SS. G. CHARTRAN CLOTHIER AND HABERDASHER 1 door west of Bell Telephone Office Phone 26 Bowmauvile il n FOOT WEAR COMBINING STYLE AND WEAR Our stock of Fal and Winter Footwear is about complete and we invite you to inspeet our splendid display. It makes no difference if the Shoes are for the baby, growing ehildreni, or father and mother, we have something to suit every taste and at a prie you desire to pay. Copeland Shoe Store Phone 249J Bowmiianvlle P. 0. Box 443 îHeap Your Table With Good Food Your habit of p.urchasing quality Food is re- flected in the heaIlh and happiness of your f amily. Thne high character of our Baking shows that we keep that fact in mînd at ail times. JACOBS & HILLYER Warwick Red Suitably boxed separately in neat red boxes with a card ineach with appropriate verse. They contain: . 1Junior Deacon-M. Comistock TInsitie Guarti-W. L. Elliott Tyer-R. E. Logan A utitoss-R. F. 'Aitchison and C. B. Kent. No child ahoulti be allowed .te suffei an heur frein worms ,wlen. prempt relief can be got in a simple bu' strong remedy-Mothwr Graves' jWorm Extermnatcr.