West End Garag OFFERS MOTORISTS THE KIND 0F SERV. THEY WANT AN4D NEED First and up-permost is the 12 years practîcal exper- their meebanies have hiad\ýn ail mnakes'of cars. Tliey know hý and can generally tell what it will cost before tliey stait on car. Pr!ce-s on overýhaulingare based on a fat rate bss only fair way. They also speciahize in iepairs on gasoline engines ARE YOU NEEDINÇ? Anti Freeze, guaranteed pure, $1.50 gal; Premier GaE gai; Mobile and Polarine OiIs, Tires, Tubes, etc. Convenient storage for car-by hour, dIay or month. safety and protection leave your care here while you do shopping. Sales and Service Station for Chevroiet and Oaklandj Not tao early ta make arrangements for laving youz oveihauled this wintei. SHAW & YEO-* Phonie 188 Bowimai BuCy Winter Footwear Now Now that the weather has el be wanting warmer and more st And we have what you require. changed you sturdy footw For thé man who is working outdoors alli we can supply good sturdy Work Boots fi $3.49 to $5.00 per p Men's high eut brown elk, 14 in~. leg $6, Then we have Feit Goods, mnade in ail and in. feit leather trimmed $3.0ý to $4.50 p Menis Fine Shoes, $5.00 to $7.50, pair 'l-ý; Young Men's. Oxfords, $5.00 to $8.00 pair Melton Cloth English Spats for men $2.00 pr Men's Box Cloth Spats, A% leather bound and sup- erior in'quality $3.50 pr Ladies' Walking fords $5.75 to $8 Ladies' Boudoir S pers, $1.50 to $2 pair. Ladies' Spats, $1.50 to $2.25 iMany other fines that cannot be mentiorn Make our store your *headquarters for supplies and give footwear for-Christmas. Prep now-30 more shopping days. IES' bSHOE STOREy,ý PHONE 241 BOWMANVII BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 20; 1924. SHAMTON ENNISKILLEN - ~~Mr. and Mrs. Alan Parker visited RPecent vistr: 1. ui od TYRONE Mis. C. -,oodman and Mr. and Mis. 1man anda Miss Fr- nces Taylor, Tor- r Afak 1Fredl Crome, Oshawa, visited friends Mr. and Mrs. J. Richards and Ir- in the 'village. onto, at Mr. W. H. Moore's; -Mr. and ene, Mr. and Mis. Ev. Richards _ýnd Concert in the Church Mondayl Mrs. -HTE Johnston, Mis. A. Stainton ICE Miss Maîjorie Hoy, Oshawa, Sunday- evening under auspices of Young an'd ' er Clifford, Toronto, with, ed at Mr. Thos. Rîchard's; Mr. E.i People's League was mnuch appreciat- their parents, Mr. and Mis. John Sheekieton Sundayed at home; Mr. ed, the prograrn being g-iven byv the Pye; Miss Elsie Ferguson, Uxbridge, ieie Robt. McCuillough was in Toronto on Ari ie n Maie Q1uartettes with her brother, Dr. H. Fergusor;~ ow-~ ~ League wiil be in charge of Mis- tionist, of Ling St. M-ýethodist Mis. Fred Bailey and Misses Olive yor sionary Vice-Piesident, Miss Lola Church, Oshawa. and Laura, Blackstock, and! Mis T Ste tucartd. Jms H. W. Poinon, pasig nhaveti ktyNoem epr te jekiy Nestleton, at Mr~. Gordon -te ticardsR. Jmess . an ordSyon,1s, We hn avetis week ovrnepr 15, ie, y'Miss Ruby Smith with Miss Bowmnanville, will talk on O1lder of a muchi respected resident, in the Maijorie Campbell, Oshawa; Mi. anderoof-_.EwrHatnsAl Boys' Provinicial Pailiament and the persn o Ms. dadHstns i nd Mis. John~ Slenon with heri comirg lection to same. tho neatly ten years had been added Idaughteî, Mis. Hugh Annis, Solina; Hear the Enfile omnpany present to the alloted span, she always was se Mi. and Mis. N. A. Campbell, Osh- their popular bframna "The Thiee 1 youthful in spirit that no one could awa, Mr. Noble Metcalf, Mapie Pegs", and enjoy a good laugh at El- realize thiat age was claiming her. Grove, Miss E. Go;. Providence, Mi. s25c dad, Monday, November 24th. Ever îeady to lend the helping hand andMis. James H. Abernethy, Bow-j and supply the word of cheer or manville, at Mis. E. Hall's who con-' 'comfort, she wilI be greatly, missed tinues quite iii; Mi. Jack, Woodxnan *For HAYDON' from oui midst. The sympathy ofvsiig his sisteis in London;Ms yourthe whole community goes, out to the Mildred Benthami, Lakefield, spt Come and enjoy the concert and1bereaved sons, Mi. Frank Mas on of Thanksgiving at home; Dr. . G. drama "The Thîiee Pegs", at Eldad,lFriendship, N. Y., and Dr. ýLoine B entham and party, Toronto, hve Cas. Monday, November 24th. Hastings of Philadeiphia, and jMr. etuined home after spending a few Our town has been'veîy lively thislj Chas. Hastings of oui villa'ýe.' The weeks vacation moose hunting in x car past week with chiricarii. Congratula-I funeral on Monday-was ldîrgely at- NortJiern Ontario; Mi. and Mrs-. tions to Mr. J. Gilbank and Mr. tended by sympathizing fiiends and Sheldon Pethick and family attended Lloyd Ashton.- neighboîs., Among those from out-l the wedding of his niece in Newton- Mi. Thos. Mountjoy is at present side were: "Mi. and Mis. F. Mason ville ... . Oui League visited Black- in Bowmaniviile Hospital where lie'and son Malcolms, New York; Dr. sto'ck League Wednesday evening lias undlergone an operation and las Lorne Hastings, Phladelphia; and and ail report an enjoyable time, the repoited to be piogressing favoiably. Mr. Morley Hastings, Detroit, Mich; meeting being in charge of Miss Recent visitors: Mi. and Mi-. N. Mr. and Mis. Robert Taylor, Mr.I Maudieý Ashton. )Bible îeading was Welsh, Toronto, weîe recent g'uests1 Frank Taylor and Mis. Chas. Pea- taken by Mi. Harvey McGIll. Topic _____of Mr. C. Avery; Miss H. Brown 'ceock, Mr. and' Mis. S. Clemens, Mrs.. on 'The Methodist Missions" wa.s ah- - teacher, visited her home at New- Geo. Edgeî and Miss I4ottie Challis, ly taken by Mr. Frank Doîland. _____ctstie; Miss Dora Mountjoy, Oshawa, Oshawa; Mi. J. H. Cderman, Mi. Piano, solos weîe excellently îrendeî- at Mi, Elgin Mountjoy's; Mi. Eug-. Andrew Pennington, Mi. E. Gifford, ed by Miss Laura Andîew . Readingi ene Beech, Scugog, at home; Rev. Hl Mi. F., H. Mason and Mi. 0O. Mason' "The Train to Heaven", by Mi.-Royi Stainton and wife at Mr. William Bowmanville. ' McGill, and a piano duet by Misses! Trewin's; Dr. G. M. Trewin, wifei Çome and enjoy the concert'andEvaOcadndMyWiy ee *and son Bill, Oshapwa, Mi. and Mis dramna "The".Thiee Pegs" at Eldd pleasingly pîesented. A recitation W. A. Bain, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Monday, Novemnber 24th. "Yakob Strouse" was ,given byl Wmn. Trewin, Miss Grace and Miss i (MasterHmAtthur Syononage A vocal R*ilda Siemon, Bowmanville, Miss I(te amtnnw nIae6 oo "He is my Friend" was beaiut- Rose and Mr. Lorenzo Mount'joy, 1 fully given by Mis. Goîdon Jeffeiy. Nestieton, Mi.' and Mis. Chas.I A îeading on ",Success" was given Briggs, Toronto, at Mi. Thos. .Slem- SOLINA by Mr. Ernest Werry. Meeting, on's.closed by Mizpah Benediction, after Wil1 Monday evening "Thanksgiving" Miss L. Taylor visited at Peter- which ail joined in games and con-1 7ear. the church contained a capacity aud- lboro. tests which ended, in lunch served iec. Rev. J. W. Down, pastor,, Mi. 'J. W., Yellowlees lihas leased by the Blackstock Young People... led the devotions. After some jo- the Heatlie faim sior of Eldad. Sunday School and Churcli at the vial an'i!witty iemarks lie proceeded 1Mr. L loyd, and Mi - 4nnie Wil-. usual hours next Sunday.. The ser- dlay with the program., Our Orchestralim steCawr»_,1,fen. mon Sunday evening was presented, favoliams visited Cactlrentfriends. by Mi. Lawson, representative of the ýromn fa-orewihsear excealluet numbes Mr. and Mis. Frank Prydeimain, "Loîd's Day Alliance", taking for air alo te radigs ive byMis Ve aShaw's, visited at Mi. Waiter J. Cry- bis text the words "Seek ye flîst the Siemon. The humorous play "The dermnan's. Kingdoni of God and His tighte o us- 3.50. Community Sale" was most credit- Mis. W. T. Taylor a:i, J- Miss Lena ness and ail these shah be added un- ably put on and was intensely amus- recently visited at 3'ii', nd and [to you", his discouise being foir the felt ing. Eveiy character *as well Blackstock.1 1 Christian Sabýbath. He said that chosen, taking their partsin excel- -"Mi--s Edna Reynolds is atten ding it is the foundation of the nation, pair., lent style and deliveiy. A veir- the Prývincial Women's Institute along wiith the home and the Chuîch. teresting number was given between Conventionat Toronto.Thtcacerwsheonain acts by Mesdames Jeffery of Ennis- -Congratulations to Mi. and Mri of these three and without character killen, who favored with a duet and Alfred Ayre on the advent of twn the nation will fail. The music by being iecalled as bef oie, were veiy beys into their family. the choir was wel îendered. The plaigto everyone in their humnor- anthem, "Remember, the Sabbath ou.a numbers. Some selections fîomI Mis. Ettie MeDoutgali, Bo'wmýan_- Day", was in keeping with the sýer- te orchestra ended another excel-1 ville, is visiteing hier sister, Mis. F. mon.' .. . Oui buîg was visited Sun- lent piogram. Refreshments weîe iHFockaday Who continues indisposed. day by a very cold snap. Old Jaek seived. Proceedsabu$5.0 1 Thanksgiving. anniversary w-s .a gret 1o hear of ber sudden and ser- plants and flowes,. ..Miss E. M. decided success. Sunday afteî î ous iless and hope for a- speedy1 Werry, Toronto, was ,weekend guestj noon with the attendance of beauti-,recovery. of Mis. J. R. Ormiston and attended fui Autumin sunsbine, the chuichi We welcoie Mi. and Mis. A .the er-stnwdig veiy artistically decorated with var-IJennings to our village, who have Mrs. Albert Tam-blyn, Orono, visit- ions harvest bounties, eveiy one1 moved into the house vaca-,ted by ing er daugliteis, Mrs. Henry aJ.1 was fully preparedt no h e-Mi. Wilbur. Y er and Ma's.J. Stainto)nan vices. Rev. Harold Stainton. of -IMis. Robt. Veitch twho résides;'gadduheMs .R ritn O x- Waterloo, conducted both services.I near Parry Sound is visiting her' pr ls afteinoon text a "A ship and daughter, Mis. Chas. Parkeg and p. its Cargo". Tribute a paid to Paul, also visited Mis. T. Baker. and was brought f orth veîy earnest-ý Pip- iy and enthusiastically. The choir, Enlleld Ladies' Aid will piesent 2.25 too, deseives great credit for the' their popular draina "The Thîee 2.-25 service of song which was greatîy Pegs" at Eldad on Monday evening, Sýtaînton preached on "The Wrdsasie fteYugPol' Gîeatest Wrestling Match", wh ich League. Admission 25c and 15c.f proved very interesting ta Young -and Eveiybody welcome. 5pr aid, giving ani outliae of Jacob's and ' Mi. Rowland Coinford who has M ~ Esau's lives. The choir again furi- been with Mr. S. Edgar Weiiy, Rose-L ed. nished excellent music and wa s ac- landvale, for about one and a haif M s companied by the Enniskillen Màle years received a ca'legram callîngiL gift Quartette, who rendeîed a special hlm to lis home in England and 1 p nunier. Mi. Wallace Stainton, sails on S. S.' "Empress of Sctad tqjt n pare vioiniat Toronto, and Mi. A. Beech, this week. He lias won many,- violinist, and Mis. (Rev.) Stainton, friencis here who ail wish him. bon Waterloo, were speddadiin eo Oui choir. slni ddtost voyage nd will be g-lad to welcome -ID ernonstrëa uonI ____________him back again. At the Leagueý U. F. 0.MEETINGmeeting on Monday evenirig Mi. 1 U. . . METNGCornford was presenited with a nice of moracco-lound Bible and a'Tie Pin A meeting of the South Darlington as mementosz of kind remenibiance LLE U. F. O. will be held at Maple -Grove of lis friends in Canada. on Friday evening, 1November 2lst Io s tt at 8 . m.Rev. C. C, Washington, B. A., and I Win. C. Paesons, Truman Power, 'Mi. W. C. Paisons, Courtice, ad- Secietary. President. dressed Young People's League on Ail Day Mo nday evening on "The Ceitenary Movement", their addresses being instructive and interesting. Miss il y Nc .2 Lena Taylor sang- a solo and MissN v.2 Elva Orchaird îendeîed a violin se- lection. accompanied on the piano by OWMAINVILEMiss Velma Orchard. Mi. Stuart R. James, Bowmaunville, candidate, There is a new fashion in ~~Y, NOVEMBER 2fo-21-22 Boys' Parliament, aise ad-ICohs ale %ýY, N VEMBER20-21-2 dresep&afor mm. M i. îeford Souci "Per s nalied Wyu and st~u on GordonI who have moved -ta Taunton. Their friendsj could not permit tlem ta leave with- 1 ont in somne way showing their good- wili and appreciation, so on Friday, evening the housýe was filhed upstairs and down wi vitli neigîbors and friends who gatlered toexpress, their good-, wVin and wish thien success in theiri new home. Mis. A. J. Balsan rend ta them a nicely worded address af- ter Mr. Silas W ilIi-ams who ncted as chairmian had called'the company ta! aider, and Mis. Wiibnî was present- eid with a mal ogany serving tray ani haif (dozen silver landied stainles knives anid forks, ta iU. Wilbur ai slaving outfit and ta Gardon an Ever.sharp Pencil. Tihey thanked the coîpany for thýei kind words, good wishes and nice presents. Sev- eral speec.hes foliowed after which, gaies, etc., .were enjoyed. A few "trippe-d the ligîit fantastic-" and al ld a joily good time. 1 ai living in Solina and expect j next week ta openi a store in the vil- lage and will stock generai nier- chandise. Tell you more about it, later. A. E. Jennings. Bobbed hair la cîedited with the big reduction in niarriagef'. The special showing in our Corset Department by a style a-uthority froii the, Canadian H. W. Gossardi Co. Ltd., Toronto, will re- pay anty woman who real- ly cares about her person- al attractiveness. S. W. M a scn & Son 1Phone 106 Bowmanville 1I MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. PaUl'S Church, gev. D. W Best, minister. il1.a, .-AWom- an's Faitihfulness". 7 P. M.-"4p- peaiance and Reality". 2:3 0 P. m. -Sunýdny School and Bible Cîsses. Rev. D. N. _McCamus, London, conducted Thanksgiving services in Cavan Metlodîst Church, a former pastorate, pieadhing two excellent sermons. Monday's f owl supper was a capital succesa. Cambridge St. Methodist ChnîcI, Lindsay, celebrated the Eighty- Fouith Anniversary of that dhurcI. Services of the day were of a higi, outstanding, instructive, ipspiiing type. Rev. Walter E. Prescatt, B. A., of Kitchener, a class mate of the pastor, Rev. W. H. Bairaclough,ý 1was the special preacher for the day and delivered two splendid messages. Order your Christmas Cake nw at Corbett's. Bowmanville Higli Schooi Basket Bail girls played Oshawa Iigh School girls on Thursday la that town in an exhibition game and. wvere victois ta the tune of 35-25. Mr. and Mis. W. C. Allia and Mr. and Mis. W. C. Ashton an Fîiday last, attended the celebratian *of the tw%ýeiitieth anniveisary of the wed- ding of their cousins, Mi. and Mys, R. F. Ciemence, Whitby. Lucille Iairdessing Pailors, 23 K Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Shampoo- ing, Scalp Treatnients, EHai Bobbing, 'uling, Marcel Waving, Massaging: and Manicuring. For appointinent phone 815. Business hours 9 to 6.30. Open Monday, Wednesday and Fiiday evenings. 35-tf IMen's.,and Young Men 's' iNew Winter Overcoats ,l Specials Thurs., Fri. and Sat. 3 OUTSTANDING VALUES-3 BIG LEADERS MEN'S OVERCOATS Values up to $21.50 foronly...-............. $15.95 j Values up to $25.00 for only ........<.. . .$21.50 Values up to, $30.00 for only ............$24.75 Ail new styles, very heavy warm and eomfortable. BOYS' OVERCOATS Wonderful values, well lined, comfortable and best wearing, values from$7.95 to $1 5.00 each MEN'S SUIT VALUES AT BIG REDUCTIONSý Men's and Y .oung Men'a Fancy Tweed Suits, values up to $20.00 for........ ....... $14.M5 Men's and Young Men's Fny Tweed Suits,' vausup to $25.00 for only ..............$19.95 BOYS' SUITS AT 20% REDUCTION Thursday, Friday and Saturday we will. sel any Boys' Suit in.the store at a reduction of 20%. This will save you 20 cents on every dollar you spençl. These suits are all made from best mra- teriais and linings and guaranteed to, give best sat- isf action. Boys' SWEATERS AND SWEATER COATS Your- choice of any Boys' Sweater or Sweater Gant in the store at 20% redixetion Tlnisday, Fiiday and Saturday. FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Men's Ieavy Quality Flan- nelette P'yjamas, a new uine just in, ail sizes, On Sale at $2.39 endli HEATHER WORK SOX Made in England, ail wool 4 pair for $1,00 ALL WOOL7 FLANr<EL WORK SHIRTS Values up ta $2.50. On Sale for $1.98 each BLUS STRIPE OVERALLS WITH BIB A line worth $2.50. On Sale $1.95 pair HATS A lne of Men's Best Qnality Velour Hats, in, Grey and Fawn'nshades. .Reguluar $6.00 and $6.50. On Sale $4.69, each 1 WOOL WOR'K SOX Pure Ail Wool White W k S-ox,, worth 60e pair. (lui Puice 50c or 6 Pairs $2.75 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS A line of Men's fine Shirts in nice neat patterns, best quality and gaod wnshers. Regniar up to $2.50. On Sale $1.69 ench MEN'S LAUNDRIED LINEN COLLARS A line we are discontinuing. Regulai 25e each. On Sale 6 for $1.00. AIl sizes Visit aur store Thuîsday, Friday and Saturday. Get your slare of these bargains. Maniy other goad bargains in seasonable merchandise. T. B. GILCHRIST (Formerly Manager Johnsten's Clothing Store) Bowmanville Phone 271. 'Try T h is B ACOju àN We know' youi will enjoy it. The low price is no indicationi of its sýup)erior quality. You will -do w\ell to buy several pounds at these prices: PEAMEAL BACK BACON .......35 . l ;sc L B FINEST BREAKFAST BACON ....28e LB WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS G. A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bownianville ROYAL THEATRE, Bi