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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Nov 1924, p. 7

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ç T1he Personal > Element in Banking Affairs BETWEN1, the curtness ai-d cold- ness of prinited bank form-s and the human elemnent for whiose use they are designedl, are vast opportunities for the banker to give valuable per- sonal ass;.stance. The Standard BANKING Bank, throughtLhe memnbers of its FIFTY tunity that arises to demionstrate its Ei values in offering personal advice on, YERS finanicial niatters. The local mana- YEAIR11SI ger of the Standard Bank will be glad to give intimate counsel upon money m-atters pertaining to your business. STANDARD BANK i BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-H. W. Lapp, Ma'nager Branches also at Newcastle, Newtonville, Oron., O.hawa .,o You Endure, Winter? --or Do You' Enjol«y It ? with Radiol Fut an Alemnite Morradyne Set in your home, and with the greatest ease baing in the choicest programs that are in the air every night., Get market reports, sporting resuits, other news. Hear sermnons and speeches. You need no technicaF know1edge whatever, and if you would like the few simple instructions re- quired, wnite us for particulars. Folder free. Alemte rodi'cts of CanadIa Limited BELLEVILLE, ONT. SOLD IN TOWN BY W. J. BAGNELL AND W. P. CORBETT your MOJNEY BACK from your deale r. We wvill send y ou a copy of PRATT'S POULTRY 'The OidyRemedy" Says This Doctor, **«fl, tratnout of skidiseaou(eçema) an i~d4seasos of the scalp iâ kunnte ho Êimcuit," writes r .L adih Powever, thoe ue 4e.y that j kucwn to be entively degendable in this distressiig and troublesosme diseas. 1 refer ta D. D. D. Prscrption." îf You have nover tried D. D. 6. for skin dis- usez, whether a suail spot~ or whether one of the dreaded fors -the torme&t of eceus Or the hard scaIe -cof Psorlal-Wet a bottle at once, on Our guaran tee that if ît doemnt rehleve yoiu wr Inoney w il b. reftmded. $1.00 a bottie. D.D. D. Socip, tco. JURY & LOVELL, Dtisgiott On Thursday,, October 30, two of Oshawa's pinoers- celebrated tbeir Golden Wedding, lu the persons cf Mr. and Mrs. James Dunlop, 41 Burke St., Wez-tmount. Tbey were married at Brockville iu 1874. Mr. Duulop came from a military fain- ily,' his 'father being au artillerym.an under Queen Victoria, sud serving in the War cf 1812, and the Cimean War. He wpas bora lu Edinburgb, Seotland, cf a fainily cf four broth- ers. On Decemiber 24th., Mr. Dun- lop will celebrate bis ninety-first birthday. Mrs. Dunlop who will al- se shortly celebrate her uinetleth birt day, being boru near Almonte ou the Ottawa River. ONE HUNDRED YEARS 0F METHODISM IN NEWCASTLE RE-V. ANSON GREEN ASA FOBES WALLBRIDGE, B. A. REV. E. B.'COOKE Preacher in 1824 For many years a noteil Bible Class Pastor Methodist Church 1924 and Bible Study Leader in Newcastle. REV. ýJ. C. WILSON- REV. J. S. 1. WILSON Born in viciity of Newcastle. Pastor President of ]Bay of Quinte Confer-' at Newcastle 1903 to 1907 .... once and son of Rev. J. C. Wilson. J. HARRY JOSE Descendant of the Wallbridge fainily living, now on the origial Wall- bridge property and an active work- er for the Methodist Church in Newcastle MR. JOSEPH, E., ATKINSON of, the Toronto Daily Star, (life-Iongt f riead and student of Asa Fobes Walibridge.) HISTORICAL REVIIEW couununity, and looking backward we ca n truly say: The Lord bath (Coutiuued froni page 6) ý done great things for us, whereof we Conference of that year appointed, are glaýd".' Rev. E. B. Cooke, the preseut pastor. Methodism to-day, w.,eil-equigped, Under his wise and, able leadership, thoroughly 4rgaonized, cogrageously assisted by Jis admirable helpreet, led, faces the future with uubouuided Mrs. Cooke, the church in Newcastle gratitude for the blessiugs cf the is continuîng to fulfil thie great mis- past, prepared by the grace of God sien whereuuto God has called her. and our Lord Jesus Christ to labor ou1, trusting in the assuraucý s of Ris In the management of the finan- ricb promises for the upbailding of cial afl'airs of the church a decided Ris Kiugdom in Newcastle and vicin- forward step was taken last year,. ity. wvhen the Trustee Board and theji, - Quarteriy Officiai Board co-operated The material for the foregoing in iutroduciug and puttiu'g on a sketch has been gleaned from many sound basis the budget system Of sources, iucluding Saudersou's "First raîsing funds, and meeting ail the Century of Methodisni in Canada"; fnni obligations of the church. Prof. John Squair's articles relative Th ethodist Church in New- te the Newcastle churches; Rev. A. castle bas always hadl a good andi M. Irwin's former sk-etch; copies of tbrough the years bas continued tolbooks of the Trustee Board. We are perpetuate itself in unbroken con- greatly indebted to Rev. J. C. Wil- cord. The choir bas an unusual re- son for compiling a list, witb dates, cord iu one regard, with' only four of ail the ministers who have served leaders i n the îast sixty years- Newcastle in the past oe u udred Jos. Olford, William Hooper, Wil- years. This list -\as receuitly pub.. liain Pickard and now W. J. S. Rick- lished in The Statosman. ard along witb Mrs. Laura Fisher as, We are aise grateful for interest- organist. Under sucb devoted) ing information given by Mrs. S. leadership, the choir has been cf in- Jose, Mrs. B. moise, Mrs. John valuable help in the service'of song1 Douglas, Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard, Mr. and praise. Fred Ellsworth aud tQ Rev. Peter nsAddison, 'an eariy pioneer cf Metb- Amoug the laîty certain nai'es dsml, Who now, at the venerable stand eut in prominent relief as local aeo ieytrehsbe aig preachers and Bible teachers-Shep- aec ieytrela entkn pardWilon ~athr c Re. j C part in this One Hundreth Anniver Wilson), Charles Batten, 'Thomas - --- Ellison-eacb iu their day were earuest, faithful expounders of tbe WVord, and in accordance with the circuit plans conductced servýices and rpreached with mucb aceptance in Ltheir own and neighboring ehurches. Thomuas Ellison was a local preac-h- er in the church at Newcastle for. forty years. until his death some -eleven years age. Asa Fohes Wall- birýidgre,B. A., son cf Asa E. Wall-' bridge, was a noted Bible-clasI -teacher for mnauy years in tbe Sun- day Scbool. Ris Friday evening Eible-study meetings were very -largely atteuded. Methodism lu Newcastle bas con- tiuued for eehundred yarbyi Divine Providence and the joint'lab- Sorz cf miuistry and laity, to b. a po'werful leavening agent fer trutb 8, H i aud rigbteonaaness througheut thie CHESTER D.. MASSEY, 'Esq. Newcastle's Worthy Benefactor. WALTER J. S. RICKARD Choir Leader DR. JAMES L HUCHES AIMSl TO, ENCOURAGE THE ART 0F ORATORY Dr. James L. Hugheýs of Toronto, is doing a splendid thing, for the young people of this district. He has, donated four prizes for oratory to bie comnpeted for yearly. i The prizes will takze the forni of' shields to be comypeted for as fol- j lows: One by the younig people of Clarke Township; one by the younygi people of Darling1ton Township; oee by the County of ]uham as a whole and the fourth by the young people of Oghawa, Bowmanville, Cobourg and Port Hope. The last contest! will be un'der the auspices of the% Rotary Clubs of thie places named These contests should stir up ai lot of enthusiasm and wholesome rivalry and should prove of great benefit te ail who participate in par- ticular, and to the profit and in- terest of the entire district in gen- eral. The people generally -should get behind and encourage our young people to enter whole heartedly into these contesta. ALFRED F&RNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, aIse, of Royal College Physiciaus, Edin burg. Specalty-Diseases cf wom- en and children. Offie-Parker's Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D,, C. M. Hloilr graduate of Trinity University Fellow of Trinity Medical Collegec ,ientir4ie of the State University of New York, Matiiculate of the Post- Graduate Medical School and. Hos- pital of New York and Fellow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. ffic -Mrs. McNaughtoni's Residee. Neweastle. Hour-8 te 10 -a.im, 1. to 3 p. m-. and by appointment CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Durwin E. Steckley of Bow- manMIe wili make residential calli, in Newcastle, Monday, Wednesdayj and Friday. For an appointmenfl phone 141J, Bowmanville, 82-t Dominion Player Piano, regularly $1000 re- tail, used a f ew months only, in perfect condition, will be sold at great saving to purchaser. Easy ternis. Player Roils-will go with tliis instrument. Telephone or write F. J. MITCHELL <Distributor BOWMANVJLLE [Best In Groceries~ 1~ r Like everything else it always pays to buyv the best'quality of Groceries. That is one reasoni why -this store lias sucli a large steady trade. Customers know when they buy here they get the- highest grade of goods and at the lowest prices. Join the happy contented throng of shoppers that'patronize this store. PHONE 134 ALLIN Bowlt"V2uu1- C,,ANNEL COAL Ebony Cube-the best cannel coal mnixed. We have just unload ed, a car for use in tire- place or grates. Now that the cool evenings are here let us supply your wants for a nice cosy warm grate fire. J. A. Hl OGATE & SON'm Phone.153 Bowman'ville -j r SEASONABLE SU6GESII1ONS Fuli your coal bin with Genuine D. Scranton Coal at SUMMER PRICES. L. &W Cover your roof with'Artistie Ruberoid Octab S'Iate Surffaced Shingles., Colors-Sage Green and Venetiani Red. Very best material and manu- facture. Also roll roofing of varlous grades and prices to suit every purpose. Replace your unsanitary, dust-laden carpets with Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring. Cheaper, more wholeseme, more durable and better in ap- pearance than other floor covering. Estimates cheerfully furnished on ail kinds of building material. McClIIan& Ce., Limited King St. Eat oSce Phone 15 BewmaniUne Roug. Phonos 228, 274, 218

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