SOLD IN TOWN BY W. J. BAGNELL AND W. P. CORBETT GROCERIE"u1 S For the Christmas Cake We have just received our first consignment of groceries for Christmas needs. You will find them fresh and of the best quality and at sensible prices. Our stock includes choice Meaty Raisins, Currants, Peels, Dates, Nuts, etc. See Our China Department for gifts. ARCHIF TAIT Phone 65 Bowrmanville Make' This A Chrisi Buy Gifts, that, are P We have something of the family. You ar to inspect our stock ai prices: Electric Irons, guarauteed 1 ye Electric Vacuum Cleaners Electric Toasters ............ : Electrie Percolators........... Electric Heating Pads ....... Electric Curling Irons.,...... Eiectric Hot Plates.......... Electric Heaters, ail types.. Ebectric Floor and Chesterfield 1 Electric Table Desk aud Boudo: Electric Washing Machines, th( miarket ............... Electric, Ranges, we handle ail"; ing in price from. . . . .... 15%7cREDUCTION> SHADES AND PORT Our stock of Electri, plete. We have a fixtu in your house, and the When you buy a fixture it Free of Charge. We will' demnonstrat, afternoon the Baby Gran Machine., If you have e linen, or anything you-ý phone us and we will b( samne and return it to you All goods sold on Eai Our personal guarantee g ticle. Everything sold by isfaction or your money refunded. Hydro Irons Guarantee $5.50 e Buy your Electrical Good Shop. There's a Phone 192 and 229 BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 18th., 1924' TWENTY-FJVE YEARS AGO THE IMPORTANCE 0F___________ CHILDREN'S PLAY - Here are the pictures of two welI _____ WHITBY PRESBYTERY known Goodyearites. These phiotosi We are prone to thlink of the lit- were taken twentyL,-five years ago, tide childý lya us asno UNANIMOUS FOR UNION I ~~~or in other words. just about theee atn îe Truh hski Unaiiouly Itiir,e they starte. ini the rubber bus-I latcild is ne. Tantlygaining E ResoIution Endorsing Uni On Carried i T,-. av they chaniged duringknwldg. as the itenp ry _______ hattîm9 ng withl a bail is learning how toi The rebteryof Wiitly me in!catch ic,,e, so the littie tot laiborjous-, the Presbyterian Church, Oshawa, on Y inlg I Wt ,,iýii er- Tuesdlay, Deenriber 9th, at 10 a.nM.'in t..e Lcontrol of himiself. tSumi Memerspreent-Re. A Mc ioni cdoes, the cilid, thirough frhis play, A D. Hlaig, Moderator, and Messrs. D., larY1 how to miaster his boly and hisjse s ai W.Best, J. IR. Fraser, A. McLeIlan, enlvlir'Onment, but hie i d(eveliopinig a 1% J. F. CI ugston, J. W. Rae, F. J. Max: I vý,aluable mental, moral and socia wlAE.TonePF.Gardin- qualte.j ltO wel, A E.Thonle, P F.Thus w.e see if's "Up to" the par er, J. W. XfcLeod, E. Turkington,enst povd oprtnisan and G. Mason, ministers. tIi , rvd opruîîsad Messrs. J. C. Young, W. R. Smith, eil, suitable to ail thle stages1 Aç Dr. C. T. McGillivray, John Pallis-oftecidsevlp nt nth ter, A. J. Allison, Thos. Moffatt and homtýe the ch,.ild needs (1) play space, Gold, Dominion Notes, and Si Jamiies Waddell, Elders. ()play time and (3) plaything.s. 1 Deposit with Central GcId Re. Affter the devotional exercises [.a- crowded homes, wvhere nlo lursery Blne u b ak n were coniducteci by Mis. Haig, Rev. can, be llotted o the chldreniw J. R. Fraser of Columbus, was elect- W. H.Tir-CK SON ALFý RICHARDS sh1ould give theni sorne place they odnsesehr hni ancaîl their own, if it is onîlya Cail and Short loans on Bon, ed as Moderator of Presbytery. In these rlaays thecy were earning corner of al roomi. The- uh oadSok...... Rev A E Torle o PrtPe- roi 0cto$100 per day and they' have sone littie space in which to Doi;nion, and Provincial Gove ry, gave a very interesting and time- thought they were getting the high- keep their treasures, and where they ties .................. !y adddress on "The Unity of the est pay going. But when we con- can play unmlloles;ted. Ho heart- RiwyadohrBns Spirit in the Bord of Peace", which sider the difference la the prices of brekin tohav toaeardow a tock............ was much appreciated by ail present. other things, we see that they werej "castle" whein motier sets the table -anaia.M.ncipa .Seu.. Rev. E. Turkîngton was appointed not so bedly off. One of them fordinner. In fact, children should Cnda uiia euii te give theopening address at the paid $3 per month rent for a house bealwdt ep hi cetos Foreigna and Colonial Ptl meeting of Presbytery in March. that is now going for $45. The intact for days, if necessary, so that ohrta aain The clerk reported re Newcastle other paid $1.50 per rnonth for a' they can gaz pntei1 Ntsadceuso te and Newtonville vacancy and Rev place that cotcld not be rented to-! aze upt on their achiee- notesd chques nd other eg Gorge Mason Of Biwxanville, was day for less than $30. To thosemetwthjy Tey mysec1nteSaesndohroei apitda ttdspl.crude te us, but to theni they areLonadDscutnnoh apone ssae upy f u ho pid about twenty dollars t "works of art." onad î-utsndte Rev. Geo. C. Pidgeon, B. A., D. D a ton wfor c'eoal, the price of four Bank Premises............. of Toronto, was nominated as Med- gree n backs seemés pretty îýow. Need of Consid'eration Liabilitieste customers und, eraor f te Gnerl Asemly, Other necessities xvere sold at the Our sense of orderliness tells us creciz <as per contra) .. which meets in Toronto in June. folwing prices: potatoes 15c per that c'hildren must put their toys liso nd Wadd n axellwee pp Inted ) eg 8c a dozen, butter 12e perl away in their proper places, and this a commaittwee o stre Sanding Coni-lb., bread 4c per 2 lb. leaf, beef $4 ils right. Somnetimies, howýever, this m ee nd ret and mingCm per quarter, best maple ready for process seemis very difficult for mites n rpot tnet eefig testove $4 per cord. So we see, youngsýters, at the end of a long play LIABILITIE 1After a very frank discu5ion oflthat $1 per day was really a good Period. lsislt necessary to put thle the living situation as it affected telvn wage then, but of what use intricately-shaped 'blocks back iînto Notes in circulation ......... lcýaI itatin nd he hueh tlwould it be now?--Goodyear Wïng-1 the snmaîl box, each one fitted into its Deposits ......... ........ large, this resolution was carried foot clan. proper place, or could we not get ai etr fcei usadn unanimously: That the Presbytery larger box into which they could be etrofcdiousain of Whitby declare itself in favor of________ more quickly aid' easily placed?, Other liabilities ........... entering the United Church of When the small chýild feels that the Canlada. Milss Fanny' Hislop has resigned "'putting away" is quite an ordfeal, 1 Rev. Mr. Clugston presented the1 froni the teaching staff of Oshawa don't think we would be spoiling hini Budget Report and nliem-bers of Pres- Public Schools after 42 years' ser- if we helped hini a little. We mightExesoAses vr bytery reported the condition of the1 vice-a record whîch has no prece- even make a gaine of the process. cs fAst vrU funds in their individual co ngrega- dent in Canada. la There is another respect in which public.............». tions. 1 lIts Quality Seils It.-The fat parents are oftenl rather thoughitless. The Presbytery adjourned to meet that so niany thousands of intelligent lin our peremiptory wy ecal M in saaonte2d usayi eple continue to use Dr. Thoinas' "Mary, dinnier!""Jhtm to go, Marh.Eclectric Oil speaks volumnes for its t o bed !" and wýe expect the childrený healing efficiency. Ever since itl to iim-ediate-ly tear: theniselves -,wayl lwas introduced it has g-rown fron i their play and "do asý they are' Whithy Christmas Fair will be!steadilyr in public: favor, owîing en- toldl. Why not imake it easier for ______________ hield Wetlniesday, Deceniber 24th. itirely to its manifold usefulness in thei, by giving a warning, saying, There mnay be other corn removers relieving and healing sickniess. As "Mlary, dfinner will be ready la five but o ilntb opeeysts a specific for cuts, buras, scalds, and minutes?" fied until you have used Holloway's varions inflamimatory pains its re- What need to plead for play time, 0 Corn Reniýover. cord is beyond reproach. some of niy readers may ask? Whati >1 Chano e's'e has a child to do but play,, This' is" true'of most c'hildren for thie firsti hiffjX7 f ew years, but how many ambitious mothers begin to crowd their hild-1 In Bai ren's lives at a very early age, withll ing lessons at four, and French les- lanin the c< Ie', isons at five, so that seinie of them hbitnkint I __ Mc ry out with a little chap of myv ac-1 hits mahin q__t 1' Ciuaintance: "Don't 1 get any'ie that o sone of their tume justat yBNINnimtlyc paycn. I l these things How good it is for us to piay ~with tFFfYI dividual 'cha theni when we cari.fHere is anoth er' man in 1nia chance to strengthen thie bond be- YEAJ I tions. In( tm was Buyinus.o1,sII solîcit your t m ByingToys __j Standard BE Parents do not have to be begged 1 your own bi to give their children toys. We ail j 'rac ica an Us fullove to givee youngsters play- ra tca ndU ef Ientirely o many. But when we S \ýD reabize hew .big a factor play is in! T N A the develepment of the child, 1 amn' or, .A sure we shall pay more attention toý for every member the 8election of toys. Let us givel BOWMANVILLE BRANCI- ,,e ordallyinvtedtheni strong, simple playthiugs with Branches also at Newcastle, N e codialy initedwhich they can "do soniething." The Lt these attractive simpler they are, the More a chiid can use his imagination. Al Most anything will do; leaves and shelis,1 ar ..............$4.50 sik n tns oes andi Can, CRWIH CUN L 1 .... $45.00 and up anything that can serve as a peg fori ..... $ 5.00 and up the chibd's fancy. Mechanical toys i Council met on December 6th with .-.. $ 9.0and up are fun for a short while, but the ail members present. ...... $ 7.0anduàp childreu soon tire of them. They, Communications were received ..... $ 2.00 and up waut playthings that tbey eau "use.": from Secretary 'of "Shedy Acres" ......$ 5.0and UP Happy the child who ha-s a sandbox.[ requestiug a grant on their roads. ..... $ 5.0and up They are "miessy" and take up some On motion, council willing to meet Lamps. ..- .$18.00 and up rooni, but what joy they can give ! commttee re gamie. jr Lamps $ 5.00 and upTf they are out of the question, 'we From Clerk of Darli-ngtou toýwn- ýe best on shal have to provide substitutes, ship re dog guiity of damagiug sheep ..... $95.O0anid up such as plastercine, clay, or ordinary, in that township. Clerk was in- makes rang- dough. Ahl children love blocks. I structed to uotify parties to destroy ..... $50.00 andc up Large blocks are much more suitable1 dog. for the littlest orles. When theyl Mr. S. McLaughlin for daniages ON ALL SILK are older we can give theni the kindf to sheep, but as valuator could flot that interlock, and the smnaller, more. see his -way clear to allow damages FABLE LAMPS intricately shaped orles. Later stili, no action was taken. they will want mr coniplicated j The Clerk was instructeid to adver- c itue s o-building materials. DoUas, of all t ise for 30 pieces of cedar timber re fr eeryroo '-'.,.,..'-..J kinds, have always been the child's' for culverts. irfr____ oo delight. The little tots ought to i A by-lawýý was passed appoirlting prics ae riht.have plain "unibreakable ones," that: p. R. O's and PoilI Clerks for election froms ae .istî ç LSSETS 'ilver Coin .$..9 serve .. .. .. .. Bankîng Corres- Canada.. mds, Debentures . . . . . . . . . 1 . . i veraiment Securi. Dehentures and tes and l3ritish, . a~..... ...... ier letters of $74 .. . . . . . . 6 4 1 ,0 2 7 ,4 2 5 .4 3 11,003,562.70 ...... ..... 865,820.18 $692.203,71 6.31 94,99 6,723.58 14,000,000.00 69,517,496.89 18,188,540.98 91,612,453.73 65C),833.09 59,51 5,557.66 9,800000.00 11,003,562.70 labilities to $5.......... BAN K '-H. W. Lapp, Manager Newtonvlie, Orono, Oshawa À 8afa, reliable refgpdaHnl Medicine. Sold in th!",de grees of etrength-No. 1, 1 No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 pr box. SSold by ail druggists, op sent prepid on receipt of prîce. yrepamphlet., Addr,,,: THECOOKMEDICI C 4o. TORONTO, ONT. (F.rmerlyw -, dgoe , $%1 payed a part ini children's live. I Most of the new ones are siniply var -_______________ iations of the "old fasb ioned"' authors, checkers and pa'lcheesi. a We ought always to bear in mmmd, Bowmanville they are for the children aud not foriD H M S E ourselves, sud that children geoe TIIAT IT HA8 DEEN SOLO FOR1 jo uad eduation outo simple13TEIO IA L RAE E strong "do 'with" toys. j NU'T ROU A chiid's play i-3 very &erious aud TUEOýCRTV U .1 Y acter and Tiduality nks ourse of deveiopmieut of a isiness policies are fornied, ntained and methods prac- Sare peculiarly and iu- ýnnec-ted' with the institu- gave them birth. It is ,s that give a bank in- iaracter that influences a aking his financial affilia- offering eur services, we ur enquiries regarding ank- policies as affecting N,, ONTREAL -d Liabities -tober, 1924 $56,632,372.25