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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1924, p. 4

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Mechanical Toys At Brown 's Store (F'ýormneriy P. C. Trebiicock's Store) The dernands on yoiir pocket book at this seasonr are num- e-rous. Friends rmust be remnembered. Your dollar will go a long way in puarchl-ases at this store. The variety of our attractive stock will surprise you--and the iow prices are pleasing many Christmias shoppers. Children's Books 5c to $3.50 Tinkets and Games 25e up Books, reprints 85c to $1.00 B3ooks, Copyright $2.0 Eaton, Crane & Pike auality stationery in beautiful gift boxe$ 25e up Fountain Pens 50e to $10 Hand Painted China 50c to 60e Christmas Cards and Decorations, and lots of other gift suggestions for old and-young. Corne in and look around any time. A BARGAIN-The New Teachers' and Pupils' Cyclo- paedia, 5 volumes in set, absolutely new, original price $35, sacrifice for $15.00. FRAKR.BOWN King St. E. B owmlanville Looking Ahead For Christmas For some time we have been looking around for somnething extra choice in beef for our Christ-J mas trade. We have been very fortunate in~ t purchasing some very fine young well fed cattie which will make prime beef for the holiday fes- tivities. Our Christmas display will linclude the f ollowing: 8 Steers from W. H. Gibson 3 Steers from Fred Hill Baby Beef from Wm. Stainton Baby Beef from Thos. McNeil 50 Lamnbs from our own stables TONS 0F POULTRY WANTED Already orders are pouring in daily for Christmas Poultry. Send us your order early and thus avoid disappointment. Farmers, before disposing of your poultry get our prices. We want all vai providing it is first class quality. high cash prices. trieties of poultry, ,We are paying C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanvil c is on the way. If you knew to-day that to-morrow's fire would destroy your home, you would prepare to-day. But you cannot know what will happen to-morrow. You can proteet yourself against financial loss, however. Fire insurance is the only one of the many forins of dependable proper- ty protection we offer to those who would be pre- pared for to-morrow's eventualities. J.VJ. A SON & -SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, DEC. 18tbh., 19241 DARLINGTON NOMINATIONIS Notice is hereby given that a mneet- ORONO ing of the electors of the Tckwnship ________ of Dariington, wili take place at the (Fromn The Nw of December Iîth) Town Hall, in the village of Ham-p- Mrs Pecy orgn senttheton, on M-ýouday, December 29, 1924, -*vls. erc Yogaiispet te iat the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, for veekend ,vitýh friends in Port Hope.' the purpose of Nominating Candiid- MýAr. Harold G. Seymour, Ontario ates for the office of Reeve, First College of Pharn'acy, ToronIto, 15 Deputy Reeve and Coun' ilors te home. compose thie Towuvsh-,ip Councîýl for Mr .Harry Hooper 'is home from the ensuing year, pur. uant to the Toronto, apparently much improved provisions of the Statute_ in tFat h e- in health. hiaif; and should a liarg-er niumber of Mr. and Mirs. John Hall are down candidates he proposed than can hy from Toronto at his mother's, Mrs. iaw be elected, poIla will he opeued D. Hall, Who is iii« on Monday, January 5, 1925, at the Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Carscadden- hour of 9 o'clock lu the foreno;on, .continuing open until 5 o'clock in, the and Mr. Harold A-wde, Toronto, vis- aftern oon, and no longer. ited over the weekend with their1 people here.i W. R. Allin Township Clerk. Miss Wotherspoon, nurse, who re- sided here foir some monh, a married recently in TorontotoMr EQUITY AND JUSTICE~ Frank Tweedie.1 Dr. Cecil A. Rae,1, F. R . c.S.,l By Alfred F. Hind, Oshawa. London, England, is guest at thel Police -Magisýtrates- are appointed .Manse, with bis parents Rev. and to office in- Canada by the Lieut.- Mrs. J. W. Rae. Gover nor of the particular Province, Mr. John Henry is pyuttiug- up a under and in pursuance of "The building for a garage and staýble on Police Magistrates Act". Al Po- the property recentiy purchasedà lice Magistrates are ex-officio Jus-, from- Mr. F. j. Hall on ýConceession tices o f the Peace f orthe whiole of ,Street. ithie County in which their jurisdîc- Mr. nd Ms. RbertSher-wia, tion, as diefined and reguiated by who recently sold their fine f armi at tueislccd Roseneath, are at her sister's, Mrs. A police Mfagistrate has the power, Rl. Moon, aud may pernîanentiy re- Of two or more Justices of the Peace, aide here. sud cean try and determine any Mr.andMrs W.H. Walterar offence th-at mnay have been commit- Mr. ndaMseW ted, "with the conaent of the accus-1 leaving for New Ontario where th1ey ed" thtmyb reandtri- therposoa-ein-aw fidedaugterviMr. d b a Judge and Jury at the Court thei sonw-lw an dauhte, Mî ofQuarter or Genieral Session of the and Mrs. Mac Carlton.i Pece. - w e p Miss Mfargaret Walsh was cailed Police Magistrates hnapointed to Port Ho1pe, her brother Mr. Alex hl W'alsh returning from Sabbath i odofice duriug the pleasure of thel School missed his footing aud camne! reigniug Sovereigan, which. reaily inu-means durirg the pleasure o the dow\vn with coasiderabie force, nu- Lieut.-Gýoverîior of the Province, ing his back. w vho is the Sovereigu's representative, Mr. Harold Hooey's youug driver' of the Province. The Municipalityý hecamie excited hy a car toot-- pays the salary, and mnust under andi ineitsýhorn Saturday -night, raul in pursuance of The Municipal Act I Aan Street and upset the rig' provide a suitable office, a clerk,; throwing the youngman out. Te office furniture, stationery, etc. buggy w aa badly damaged. The office of the plice Magistrate MIr. Harry Mfilison, who heid a directly under t e direction and pror-nineunt position in the city postal suipervision of the A rney General service at Cleveland, Ohio, is mov- o fthe Province throu- the Inspect- ing thi wek o Bwmnvileor of Legal Offices. he record 1 Hary'sheath aa't eenof h~of fines and costs u- î: is se fa-r as' best of late'and he hopes the air of' the fetteMnc.iy(hc is native county wil prove a restora- lis greatly), are audite. ythe Aud-I tie.itors of the Muinici;pa i yearly. Ail fines and costs that i, posed. andý The bazaar by the Ladies Aid of! coliec:ted are paid n1i.~ilv by the the Methodist Church on Saturîdayý police Magi-strate to the ciy Treas- was a great suiccess. The various urer.1 booths were well patronized, and ai- A detailed report of ail businessi so the splendid 'hot. dinuer served that is transacted by the police Mag-j in the basemeut. The Ladies' Aid istrate muet be forwarded in dupli-1 are a live organization.. Proceedsi cate monthly to the' Inspector of. $500. Legal Offices, a copy to the Clerk of the Pe-ace for the County, and a; The Pure Bred Holstein Cattle J copy of the same mnust be kept on sale at Cedardale Stock Farin, bl file at the office of the Police Magis-ý Mr. A. J. Tamiblyn on Wednesday at-. trate. tracetixnay o th prminnt1 A yearly report must aiways bec breeders fromr various parts of theif nrle to the Departmnent at Ot- province. Thre(ý of the aumuher awwhc is a detailed statemnent were purchased for shiprnent to, Lit-' ofWe-,ery case du ring the year, and tle Britain, Ont., and among the a detailed statemenit of every indict- other purchasers were persons from a ble offence tried whether convicted' sh aBowmianvilie, Whitby and1 or othg h ,,er other points. A choice selection of eri drnthyar iWhite. Leghorns, bred to lay f owl,' The office of police Magistrate! went to Dr. John Spencer andicornes uuder the heading in the! Messrs. Neil Mutton and N. Metcaifi science of political econorny of "thei Bowmnvile.non-productive" mad7e uecessary andý requiaite owing te the fraîlty of Tuesday night the Tuxis Square maunkind. jBoys held a Basket Social in the The duties of a police Magistrate TownHall*henan ejoyable tîme are to reside iu the MunicipalCor was speut. Baskets auctioned byl known by the name of the Police Mr. Thos. Cowan, averaged about CGourt, to ýhear aud determine ail cuis- $1.25 each. A good programr wasj es, te attend to ail ministerial dut-! rendered by Miss M ary Smith, piano; le1thsofctosprietewr Muril Miiso, reitaion; Mr.of the office, aud is responsible, to Wyvanl Reid, solo; Helen Po-Wers, the "Sovereigui" (thie-people) for piano; A. J. Knox, saxaphione solo;, the efficieacy of the office. In Cit-ý Miss Buchanan, sýolo; aud several! iles he is aiso a mnember of the Board, selections by the Tuxis Boys Band j of Police Commr-issioners. uncer the leadership of Chariey Rt is an unwritteu law that the, Knox.police Magistrate miust uot lie oni A very interestiug progzam. wasa duty more thani twenty-four hoursi given at the Horticultural Society lunl any one day, when in the jurisdic-) the sch.ool romofS.Savior' tion and not absent on sick leave ori Church, Mondýay niglit, when the lad- I othlerwise he is, in other wordfs ai- ies of the Society eutertained the! wvays on duty and at the servicýes of gentlemen. Foilowing contributed1 the public.1 to t. e splendid program: piano The honor of being a Justice offi duet, Mrs. Colville and Miss Helen the Pea-ce is a rnuch coveted honor,' Powers; solo by Mr. Ren Foster; re- ail Judges and police Magistrates iu citation, Mrs. Hl. Rowe; solo, missI the British Empire are ex-officio,' Buchanan; recitation, Mrs. Gain ' usics of the Peace by vir-tue of Solo, M.r. Wyvan RZeid; Clarinet soloiteîr office as asuch, and the hoider Gipsy's Warniug, air Varie, Mr. A. of a Commission as a Justice of the J. Knox; Scotch son.-, Dr. CoivilIe; Peace lsan Esquire aud is said to vocal duet Mrs. Myles sud] Mr. Me-I be one of the highest 'honora lu the Kay. A couple of' coutests were1 gift of the Crown that eau be bestow- e.n1hus-iastically taken part iu, and ed uponi a laymnan. apple pie sud cream. served. Salaried Magistrates according te TI-edeah o Mr. Ed Osorn ouhistory seem te have been appointed Týe dath o Mrs.Ed. Obsine ce . the year--1 792)lu P-1a-1,.su The beautifu art caleuder for 1925 been, prior to bis appointrneut for a! with a large picture iu colors which cousi0erable time one of the Police goes with the Family Herald thîs Court Elerks of the city of Toronto. year, would belp to brighten the' A Police Court is not a Court of ome. We also hear that each sub-, record, suid is therefore, not a La-w scriber is to receive a free eutry toe Court, heuce the heading that 1 have a popular contest in which ten thous- adopted "Equity and Justice" whicb aud dollars iu cash will ho awarded. are the fuuc'amentaI prineiplea uponi That is surely extraordinary -falue whiehi the Municipal Court should be for the money. j un TALK TO MERCHANTS Before tlie Walkerton Weifare As- sociation, a business men's organiza- tion, Mr. E. Roy Sayles, spoke on the! lC ommunity Newvspapier." He open- ed by outliinig the situation as it is, to-day, with the larger centres' threatcn.,ing the extinction of the small town merchýant malking it niec- essary in order to succeed for the lo- cal merchant, to fight the departmnent store, with their own weapons ofi publicity. There are many good f orres of advertîsing, hie sa'ibut the cheapest of ail is the weekly ews paper through which the mierchýantý can reach miany hundreds of homnes I in town and district for a few cent s, the merest fraction of what it wouid cost to refch them in aniy other way. Mr. Sayles further appealed to tÈe1 merchants to mnake the best use of the space which they are payving for in the towvn- papers. -A good rule was to talk ln the ad jusýt aýs you talk to your ow-n customers.. Ads in the local papers are news. Make your advertisements just as newsy aud attractive ss- possible. Toget- her the merchant and the newspaperl may prove a strong combination. JOIN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY A membership ticket good for the remainder of 1924 an'd until Decem- ber 31st., 1925 costa only $1.00. Clear You nmay choose from these Tiesc -with assurance of pleas- ing him, for perfect taste is evident in aIl of them. Cut Silks or Kuitted, 500 at 69c, Regular $1.00 .500 at 89c, Regular $1.2,5 He mwiilapprecistt- Gioves, we 're sure, for y ou can ,choose the proper ones, for dress, driving or street wear, according to his needs. Suedes, Capes, Hogý, Mocha, Knitted, lined or unlined f rom 75c to $2.50 *Give FIN Wîth s0 mauy men wearîng wool hose now, tbey ta-ke an important place iu thýe lisit of things to give a man, 15 ranges to chose froin at 50c to $1.25 Winter Battery Service Mr. Motorist, don't let your battery down or f'reeze this winter. Store it with We will store it and keep it recharged for a nominal charge. Then you will have it in class condition for Spring,. When needing a new seil Prest-O-Lite and Exide Battery see us. Batteries. run. us.ý very first We Fisher's Battery Service ('Formerly F. W. Kirkendall's Shop) Moff att Garage Bldg. Phone 248 Bowmanville Theu Astonishment, pleasure ,won- der-want to see all these in the expression ou his face whea lie discovers wbat you gave him for Christmnas?7 You will, if you choose from the gift thiugs we have so abun- dantly iprovided. Astonishmnent that you choose "Just what he wanted" pleas- ,re hecause you "guessed" so -weil; wouder-"How ou eartb you did it"*. 500 Different Ties Ties he'll prefer-You rnay ,choose frorn these Ties witb as- surance of pleasing him, for perfect taste is evideut in al of them, whetber bright la color or subdued. 600 Likeable Shirts Busy Sauta Claus heada straight for our shirt section. Knows how to "play safe"I when in a hurry. Knows he/ can speud little or more aud be cer- tain of a "gift of quality". Gifts For Men Our -windows, counters sud shelves are bulgiug out with gîft suggestions for menansd boys wicmakes shopping excep- tionally easy here. There's Bathi Robes, Beits, Hlats, Caps, Braces, Arm Bauds sud Garters in gift boxes, too. Y's Men's Orchestra, Oshawa, wilI give a program ini my store Saturday Evening from 8 te Il p. M. Wayý A most acceptable gift. Choose such a well-kuown braud as "Forsyt"-it is a guarautee of quality sud fit. Featured at a-iny prices from $2.00 to $4.50 Moderate lu price yet net commouplace, the"e rich muffiers present rare oppor- tuaities for those seeking prî.ctical, plpasiug gifts. Bruished WooI, Silk Kuit, $1.25 to $5.() Oh lucky man. Just think hiow long lie wili eujoy th, biýz, warrn 'ail wool sweater that you pick for him bohre. For hikiug, skating, miotor- ing, driviug, everything, win- ter sud summer. $4.75 H ANN'S ABERDASHERY "The Youngest Met-chant in Canada" Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanville HANN'S HABERDASHERY SOLVES HIS GIFT To Successful Giving

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